Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, January 14, 1915, Image 4

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Health In The Suburbs
Entered a* Second Cías» Matter February I», I9U.
At |»»»t<Mbee, Lenta. Orvson, Under act of March T, 1ST»
“There ie no cute tor disease except the action ot the diaphragm
All cir
enlightenment," observes Dr. Tilden, acted and belt-wal.ted women are more:
H A. DARN ALL, Eneros atto M axaubb .
and that ie just aa true under the favor- or le»s deformed, and none of them I
i ing conditions of a city suburb in breathe well.
The waistline of the
salubrious Oregon ae anywhere elec. dreeamaker ia a fiction until her art
Office Phone: Home B-fllll-1111. Residence: Tabor 2x13
Climate ami water and hard work and makes it a reality
When women Ite­
plain fare, though all friendly, will not róme enl ightened, not only with respect
front time to time in the promo­ surtice to keep ua reasonably healthy to health, but to art and beauty aa well,
Two Religions
tion of pleasure drives and scenic down to the laat breath of old age un­ they will burn tlieir corarla and blueh
less we raise our health knowledge to to remeuilier they ever wore the ugly
highways. It is about time to the level of our knowledge of mechan­ thmga. Aa Raymond Duncan remarks.
A woman «at by a hearthstone place
Reading a book, with a pleasant face,
begin mending some of the prac­ ics, art and science generally. More “The body itself dictate. ita treat­
Till a child came up with a childish frown tical highways of the county. people today know how to run an auto­ ment, it we will but liatón.'* Where
And pushed the book, saving, “Put it
About five percent of the people mobile than how to run the machine the body ia eoft anil flowing in Hue and :
the county will ever use the they inhabit from birth to death. There action, the covering garmenta should lie
Then the mother, slapping his curly
ie certainly ignorance a-plenty, but loose and flowing.
if you mii.1 wear
highways that have consumed there ie perverseness too. Great num- stiffened tubes anywhere, put them on
Said, “Troublesome child go off to bed; available road money during the ban'would rather let the surgeon cut your aruw and lege tietween joints—they
A great deal of Christ’s life I must know past year.
If some of the neces­ out their organs than compel them- do not rxpand and contract to any ¡
To train you up as a child should go."
great extent.
leave your waist and1
sary roads were improved, at selves to cut out their errors.
And the child went oft to bed to cry.
least fifty percent of the people Well for humanity it ie that there is cheat f rvt. There la where you live.
And denounce religion—by-and-by.
another class, and a growing one
of the county would be directly these health magiainee are printed To
Kerolution adoptt'd at apecial tn«*el*
bene fitted.
, these I have talked, by word of mouth
Another woman l>ent o’er a book
it>g <»i th«* H«**hh DrfenM l.r«uue <*t I
and the printed page, for the past dos-
With a smile of joy and an intent look.
The proposal of the hotels to en years. They are people vho like Portland. Janunry ft. lOlft, and copy j
Till a child came up and jogged her knee.
mailed Io t lit* Mayor.
And said of the book, “Put it down— eliminate features of the liquor the idea of being their own doctor.
Whrreai*. Prior .to the Ute rrrall elec­
They do not (eel it presumption to
take me."
law, to permit their selling and
tion in Portl*nd * <n>rnmiit*B repr««»ent- j
Then the mother sighed as she stroked
serving liquors in the dining of the wild animals, nor do they doubt ing thi* LeMgue vhihrd Mnyor All»ev
his head,
¡»trd proteattd Mg»in«t the publication
Sayirg softly, “I never shall get It read; rooms or in private rooms would that they can attain it by the exercise
it« the monthly KuPttm of the city |
But I’ll try bv loving to learn His will,
be the worst failure ever pro­ not disturbed by the jeers of the ignor­ health dep.irinHiit of certain matter
And His love into your i eart instill.’’
relative 1» viccluHiion and di*»*a«c, and '
Hotels are bad enough, ant, save when ni ived to pity.
That child went to t>e<i w ithout a sigh, posed.
In Oregon’s Most Reliable Association
Where*«» The Mayor r«pli«d therein i
And will love religion—by-and-by.
morally, now. This plan would
h Idler pvohdring the «‘liiuination of
— Bernie Babcock (R.m’s Horn.) I
turn every licensed hotel into a Ie I have seen marvels of healing that the nbj«*cti«enable matter, and
Oregon Fire Relief. Oregon Merchants Mutual
would be reckoned proofs of high skill
degrading brothel.
Whereat», Tor Rulleiin contiiiue« to
Fire, American Life and Accident In­
if performed under the care of a doctor.
R. S. B. Huston, legislator
surance of Portland
And I say to every ailing reader, have print unwarranted statement« a* to the
elect, proposes to purify the
courage. If you can continue to live on protective quahtv of vaccination for
and suffer for years, you have the vi­ smallpox, and urge« teacher« to “en* ’
legislature by purging Salem of
tality to get well, and only need knowl­ C )Urage*‘ children to be varcineted dur*1
all lobbyists, just as though the
edge and perseverance to enable you to ing the visits to the schools of the in*
of Ancient Assyria
mental stability of the average The kill is a atyie »»t drew» that is m do it Find out wtiat ia wronr, Tnere apretars (See Bulletin No. 17), and
Wherea*. bnrb vaccinalfot> is unlaw* 4
legislator was incapable of mense i t old 1 The «ohilers Jf A mt H nd will be a score of things. Cause ie nev­ Jul and an as»auH. without the consent
I to nave w«»rn • sort jl er single in health and disease,
Kings arv
withstanding the influence of kilt wlUle. «• we an Know (he iduuii your habits in order, Learn Nature*« of parents and guardian«, therefore,
IJ ' »• I \ I l‘
T) ih (
I »ague
the man on the outside. That tatneern of the PfllkatMl regard It at ID wavs and follow them, Use her own
gentle agencies, light, air, water, f*»od, again proteet« agA*n«t the mi»«iae of
has not been our view of it but dispensable
public fund* in putting f*>rth the so
It «eefiì» to have been worn in M**u<
Mr. Huston is and has been a land from prehistoric (iin»*> «nd <e exercise. Insist, persist, resist! You called Health Bull tin and «'all« u|»on
can win, with "the will to t»e well*' as
legislator, and he ought to know cording to some ouf burifi«** wh > hi *n<* your keynote.
the Mavor tn order it discontinued or
kept witb»n I he bounds of I ruth and
what the moral tension is under
shoulders In coni «•»*.•« tn»*r if wil> twial
the law a of the city and State.
persuasive lobby influence. But ed around the «alai. or |*erhai»s »1
I have promised to discus« dis­
we believe he fails to consider would he more corre« I to aav lhai »»art pbrxgmatie or abdominal breathing io
The "donb'e breath" In an aid tn rnre
several points. If the average of if whn
Kilted rvirliitelite are compì«ratively relation to health and ah a cure of in pneumonia and lung congestion, In*
legislator is incapable of main­ QKMieni a« the nmi nighinnd troops, disease. We all know something of bale to capacity, then with a quick I
taining his moral integrity, if he Che Black " aioli *ere recrnited in what breathing does. It aerate* the gasp force in more air, hold the breath
is incapable of resisting the ar­ 172.’» and were eHlled by (heir now hl* blood and whole system, consumee a moment and exhale. Repeat until it
torti- name owing to the soinher colo«
guments of his lobbyist acquain­ of their tartan- bla< k. blue and green waste matter and expels the ashes car­ gives relief.
tances it is evidence that he is When thr> *ere oruduullj raised bon dioxide.) It generates warmth Automobile ridirne ha a l»een found
incapable of performing the du­ each •nmpniB wore che tartan of its and energy. When the system is beneficial in wboopiiig-cough. The
ium tiding riilu-er and when (Minded
rapid ruah causes condensation ol air ami
ties that have been submitted to com
I Block E mk I of Main st. on Fowler Rortl
together in ne 'egiiio-nt « *i»e« lai one starved for oxygen the blood grows an increase in lb. .mount taken mtn
Phone* Tabor HUM; Home 3112
him and he needs the strengthen­ I was designed Co pre» eui |ealousy I'be thick, the brain dull and the body cold. the lunge. The lesson ie, breathe more ;
ing influence of a stronger mind. Sea forth* «mi Che MarkPmcie tartan, Breathe vigorously for half an hour and in respiratory affections
the Argyll ami Sut beri s ml the ('amp all is changed; the fingers and toes
The whole question then de­ bell
Forced breathing is of great value in 1
and the Gordons and Cameron.« the tingle, the bead clears and warmth and
volves upon whether the legis­ same as their ns rue. Ix>nd<»o Saturday lightness return.
The diatreae of bteatliing
canoes the sufferer to Imai be as little J
lator elect is morally responsible. Review
This is the effect of the oxygen con­
sumed, and follows in some degree any as possible. The exact oppoaite will be |
If he is he will not permit him­
Putting the K In Kant
But found won lerlully helpful.
self to be guided into corrupt Kant, the A-uto Geruian oegao «II« sort of increased breathing
channels. Then the more infor­ name with an alleo *k on rne « níiic oxygen is not the only thing we get bv (Mrs. Little will answer questions of
principie inst remwHj Bl'IlMOCfl (flat breathing. Ao equally important use general interest pertaining tn health
mation he can have handed to Seutrl-b owl gm- 'liaioverei tu on ng is to impart motion. Breathing sets and cure. Name and addrea. of Inquir­
him freely the better able he tua tu su enti w-ith a *k if ÿuu turn the machinery going ami keep, it going. er must be sent but will i ot be pub­
will be to form judgments of to MurOia-ti a oiogrnptiere rmi fino Hence if the breething mechanism is lished. >
explaining that Mnto.«n wirn « not used an it is intended to tie, and
value to his constituency. The them
*k* ia the English forni oi iiur<i«w'ti with the strong action that gees with
lawmaker who is strong enough with an *ti
Hut the
gM» «UNII vigor, its full benefits arc not obtained.
of the financial condition <»l
to hear all sides in the develop­ nlmw--tf explained rriMf rir nuinv tn« The diaphragm is the greet breathing
in s|n-iiiiig «•• ««(»llge (lie r. fig
ment of his position is the safe •-bange
tali among a nom ne iivihi
rte I muscle—one of the strongest muscles in at Lenta, in theHtalc of opr <n,
,n, at the c 1< m » c
one to tie to. Mr. Huston ad­ round that ilici nad a littt- uni in eie a normal body. Correct diaphragmatic of business Dec. Bl, 1914.
mits that there are some people
Che last syllable and -o be made of abdomen and pelvis, keeping them
outside of Salem, during the ses­ tv
Loan* and <llM-ount«
1 Mf»i an
things easy I guidon i nrunicie
ac'ive and healthy. Failure to use the
« 18
sion of the legislature, who may
diaphragm and instead breathing with B ’ 4« and warrant«
14,100 no
have ideas of sufficient worth to
a rise and fall of the upper chest, caus­ Furniture and fixture«
Stop the Child’s Colds
• ■
es an inert sagging abdomen, with slug­ Other real eatate owned
influence legislative
They Often Result Seriously
That is decidedly a reason why | Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough gish bowels and circulation, and this
reserve Imnk«
1 «.MAS Ml
condition may be followed by any other Check« and other oath Item«
17« »
men outside of the legislature are children’s ailment, which need im­ disease
of the doctor's dictionary. Cash on hand
should have the privilege of con­ mediate attention The after-effects are Tumors, piles, rupture knd the ailments
LS.MJl (0
sidering questions of public in-' often moat serious. Don’t take the pecular to women are among the conse­
1 VM.WM 47
risk—you don't have to.
Dr. King's
terest with members of the legis­ New Discovery checks ttie Cold, soothes quences of failure to use the diaphragm
1 1.5,000 oo 1
stock paid in.............
lature. And judging from some the Cough, allays the Inflammation, Poor breathing is preeeent in all forme Capital
Surplus fund
........ ........
!,M4 (O
of the work that has been done kills the Germs and allows Nature to do of disease and there is no more effica­ Undivided profits................... ........
cious remedy in chronic cases than a Postal saving« deposit«........ 1 pj.iio uo
in the past we are inclined to tier healing work. -ide at your Drug­ regular drill in correct breathing.
Buy a Isittle to-day.
think that the more advice some gist.
to check..................
Here is the way to tako a correct
Fill the lower part of the Demand certificates. .
of the legislators get the better
of deposit
tjto 99
lung« first, by contracting and depres­ Certified checks ..........
it will be for the state.
-JI« Ou
sing the diaphragm. This causes the Cashier checks outstanding
791 40
M.Mi a»»
abdomen to protrude slightly
Then Time certificate« of deponil
A LARGE portion of the
1 61.649 41 1
expand the middle chest, then the up­
nf thp
people of
the county
«,7ro 00
Exhale, by contracting the ab­ .Notes and bills redi»coiinted
press disappointment in hearing
1 W,»M 47
domen and raising the diaphragm, thus
Xtate of Oregon,
that the members of the Board
pushing the air out of the lungs, as it County of Multnomah
H. K. Bloyil, Actins Cashier of the shovel
were. Inhalation and exhalation both
of County Commissioners voted
begin with abdominal action. An ac­ named bank , do solemnly awear that the above ■
solidly for the reappointment of
statement Is true to the beat of my know­
tive abdomen is the first thing to wr rk ledge and belief
J. B. Yeon for county road mas­
for in improving the health and power.
Il E. Hlojd, Acting Caahfer.
ter. There was some reason to ;
Correct—Attest :
Deep breathing of this kind tones up
<!. F. Hendrlcknen,
believe that one member at
the nervous system, increases brain
Bert v\ llberg,
power, improves digestion, stimulates
least was not favorable to the
eliminative action.
Kept up, it will
Subsc* ri >>«■ 1 hih I »worn lo before n»« thin 12tb
system as developed during the
transform a weakling into a man of day of I1 n., 1WL.
E. Kviihrdy,
year; that another had seen
NoUry Public.
power. Powerful emotions and power­
Published Every Thursday at Lenta, Ore., by the M t . S cott Pvananixu Co.
Perfectly Reliable
Banking Institution
John Brown, Gresham, Ore
Hay, Feed and Grain
Washed Gravel, Sand
Cement, Brick, Lime, Wall and Land Plaster
Do We Print!
TRY US-—we are ready to
supply you with all sorts of
Stationery and Printing
Try Us When Wanting
Letter Heads,
Bill Heads,
Wedding Stationery
and all sorts of
Prices Reasonable
enough of the excessive cost to
the county while acting as com­
missioner during the past year,
of Mr. Yeon’s work, and that
due consideration would be given
the large citizenship of the coun­
ty who have been saying nothing
but hoping all the time that
something would happen to the
commissioners that would open
their eyes to the fact that it is
only a very small portion of the
voters who have besieged them
For Father and Son
Two and a half million readers find it of
absorbing interest Everything in it is
Written So You Can Understand It
We m H 400.000 copie, every month without
mvin« premium, and have no aolicitorw. Any
newadealer will ehow you a copy; or write the
publisher for free cample a postal will do
15c A COPY
Popular Mochantes Magasin«
* S No. Michigan Ava., CHICAGO •
ful breathing go together.
It takes
more than the mere man of intellect to
move the world.
It takes the man »1
1 strong feeling.
Controlled breathing
j gives self-control and self-control added
to initial strength make* power of the
1 right kind.
It takes much practice to acquire [
j a good breathing habit. By practicing
frequently each day, and besides con­
stantly reminding oneself to use the
| diaphragm, the correct action can he re
covered In a month's time.
A corset, close fitting waist, bands, 1
I belts and the like, all interfere^ with |
Mt. Scott Pub. Co
How’s This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case of Catarrh
that cannot lie cured by Hall’s
Catarrh Cure.
F J CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, O.
We. the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 16 years, and believe
hl,:i perfectly honorable In all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obllgatlona made by hla firm.
Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mu­
cous surfaces of the system Testimonials
sent free. Price 78 cents per bottle Sold
by all Druggists.
Take H.l". r.mlly Pills for constipation.
The Mt. Sbott Herald
5810 Main St. Lents, Ore.