Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, January 14, 1915, Image 1

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    WANT "ADS”
Them In 1Î-61111111
Only One-cent a Word
Subscription, $1.00 a Year.
ML ^rott Hrrîtlù
Tuesday eveutng was the ocrasiun fur
th« Installation of officers elect In Ixith
Oddfellows and Rslwkah lodge» In
l-ents It was an installation public
only to immediate relatives ol th« mem­
bers Owing to the very stormy even­
ing th« attendance was hardly normal.
Col»! or firi-h*»»» broolers are suciw«i«- The Oddfellows were handicappe»! by
two of their installing team living ab­
lully ustsl in a small way by many |>eo
sent ami some ol the others were in-
pie, and can be either purchased or built dlspoaeit. but they got through very
«uwirding to the I*. 8. l*-parinienl of nicely and shuwe»! a big improvement
Agriculture's sfiecialist. As their eon- over anything they ever did before.
But the Ilebckabas again ezcellwl In
etriielion is very simple, many |M*Opi«*
floor work and delivery of charges. The
prefer to l»ulld ratlier than buy them,
Itebekalias have stea'lily Improved
The Ixsly treat <>f th« chicken» is th.
last two year», until they now
source of warmth in thia system, which
' some of the nicest floor work in
requires that several chickens be placed
in » small receptwle to generate ami re­
Aftrr th« installati *n the con. pany
tain tlie lieat
Small tireless hovers
I was trialed *o<ake and co flee refresh-
with adjustable quilts or covers are need
in Ixith intloor ami outdoor br»i«xi<*rs . inents.
The officers installed in the subordi
and in colony lioitaee A box 1* incite* '
square ami 8 inches <l«wp is recommend­ na’e were Waiter Hush, N. G. : W. R.
I king las. V. <L; Ralph Stans, Secy.;
ed by the I'. 8. Department of Agrictil- 1
J McNeil, Fin. Secy.; F. ft. Peter-
ture as a go»»<l hover of thia ty|**
Tlie number and |»wition of the quills Min, Treas. ; Jos. Schweitzer, P. U.} J.
tiseii over the chickens in tide ls>x are U. Kennedy, Warden; O. A. Hess, Con­
regulated acconling to tlie weatls-r and ductor; Wm. Grieher, Chaplain; Geo.
tlie number uf the chickens in the W. Lota, R. 8 B.-; J no. Gartner, L. H.
brooder. In very <x>ld weatlwr lie* 8 ; II. W. Broughler, R. B. N.G.; W
quilts shoulil sag «o u In rest on the B. Sanders, 1. B. N. O.; M. F. Peters,
backs of tlie newly lialcbed chickens R.H. V. G;J. F Miller, L. fl. V. O.;
J. W. Hummel, I.G.; Jules Chard,
and there should I»» little or no empty
s|>ace iu the hover, while in wanner U. G.
Rebekah officers instalted were: N.
wwatber or with older chickens the
qnilta or cover» are raised or part of G., Mrs. Dilley; V. G., Mrs. McNeil;
litem removed.
From 12 to K) chicks Bee , Mrs. Cox; Fin. Sec , Mrs. Allen;
are usually placed in a llrehw brooder, Trass., Betwie lugbtfoot; Mrs. Benge,
25 l»»ing lite average number, while W’arden . Mrs. Dozier, Conductor . Mrs.
Ilamlberg, Chaplain ; Mrs. Darnall, R.
small Iota do belter titan larger oms un­
X I. . M m Blanfiis, L. B. H. ; Mrs.
der tins (method. Tlie litter ill 11 tee* ,
brootieni must lie change»! frequently, > Peterson. R. B. V. G.; Mr». Gardner,
and tin- chickens must la* wata-he»l care­ L. B. V. G.. Mrs. Simons, 1. G.; Mr.
fully and chse-ly tat see that they an-1 Douglas. O. G.
Incubators and Brooders Not Being
Price and Style,
Quality and Results Essential
Dr. Wiley Prepares an
Ideal Food TBo^ For
S*t arming 'Belgium
New Plan of Relief Suggested by Wash­
ington Woman—How You Can Aid the
Stricken Little Sister of the World «4
14. »015
Vol. 13.
No. 2
Losses Incurred by Former Cashier Banks of Johnson Creek Scene of
Fully Assured by Directors, and
Strange Home Adopted by Her­
Normal Business of Institution
mit Home Resembles Dec of a
Absolutely Safe.
Lents »lepoeiton» of die Multnomah
“Not half of the w or 1,1 knows how
Stau- Bank were allocked Thursday the other half lives,” is proved every
morning to liear that valueless note, time some one «tarts out to sell a new
aggregating around $20,000 ha* I been hook, start a newspaper route, collect
. taken in by ex-cashier Kostatl ami that ' over»lue bills, or locate new public ser­
I at least $12IA> af this was on forgeries. vice facilities Bit all the limits of ex­
It was pleasing to note, however that treme degradation were shown to have
the directors of the bank have been ac been exceeded a week ago wt eo the
■ qmunted with tbe circumstances for
deputy coroner was called to care for
' several weeks ami liave covered all
1 lose»-« w> tiie stability of the bank and the mortal remains of Thomas Devine,
: the safety of all ileposiiors -is assure,I. who for the put two years has made
There is absolutely no reason for wor- : his home on the hanks of Johnson
: tying on the part ol any depositor as Cr-ek abont , mil, ,n l , h,H
tbe men who have guaranteed th* se- ,
( entity of the lamk are well known, fl- '
nancially r«»[>onsible, an» I they io ten» I
to see tliat tbe busimws of the bank is
continue»I safely for all They include
F. It. Foster and Bert Wilberg, lx*th
! well and favorably known in Mt. Scott,
an»l C. F. Hendrickson and M. G. Thor-
I sen of Portland.
Mr. R»»ta»l has been given ample
' time to secure all losses but it appears i
! that be has been unable to meet full |
demands ami was put under arrest and '
I rek-astsl on bond. Hie own property ;
HIS 1» <*>ln< total pretty bard winter lo America. The war In Europe
bas disturbed business in every direction
We bave « few hungry ' and bank interest will practically cover <
people ourselves And y«t Belgium, a brave little, thrifty little nation the losses.
of 7.100.000 people. la going to starva to death tbia winter unIm« Amer ; The Bank's officials have done the,
ka feeds the Belgian« How are we going to take care both of our own an»l : proper thing in securing tlie return of ¡'
H. E. Bluyd until recently assistant |
of the “stricken little elater of thw world F*
A woman solved the problem. Mr«. Joseph Darling of Washington bad cashier, who has always been highly
been knitting stocking« snd sc»rf« for Kuropaau war sufferer» until It occurred satisfactory to tbe patrons of the bank,
to her that she might be using her brains as well as her Angers. She sat down to take the place of cashier. Business
forthwith and thought uut the idea of "fund box«» for Belgium" Mn Darling i will be continued under normal condi­
saw Dr Harvey Wiley, who laid out the Ideal food boxes for Belgian relief, tions and there will be no occasion for
comfortable and do not sweat. Firelees
and tbelr plan bas now been taken up by the woman s section of the commis­ | anyone to worry. The lueses, if any,
bossier» may Is" used in connection with
east of Lents. Deviue’s death w « re­
sion for relief lo Belgium, of which Mrs. Lindon Bates Is chairman.
heated bossier«, Using the latter for 7 tat
Dr Wiley's buz for Belgian adults, as slightly revised to get Its weight will be sustained by the stockholders, ported to tbe coroner by some Cuina-
10 »lays and reducing Ute heat, which
Inside the parcel post regulations. Is as follows: Three No. 8 tins of beans, i The promptness of tlie directors in se-
should 1st governed by the season ot Uie
Hood River is planning a new court­ three No. 1 tins of pink Alaska saltnou. one flvepouud sack of rolled oats, one , curing the safety of their patrons will be men wlto were acquainted wi n him
year and outaioor tenqieratiiree. before house.
flve-poiind sack of yellow cornmeal, one flve-pound sack of yellow split peas, appreciated by all and their evident and who, not having seen him lor a
transferring tlie chickens to Ute flrvhw
$1.30 |»er bushel fur club wlieal Im-aka one two-pound sack of granulated sugar, one three pound sack of California good faith will be assnreii by a friendly couple of days, investigated and found
bro»«let. Wt«-»» tires plerwt in tbe 8re 1,record
prune«, oae «evea-puunil Meli of wheat hour, ya« one-pound sac* of salt, uus . altitude.
. the old man tlaad.
can opener one box
lew bro»sier» tlie chickens may have to ■
Grading on the Willamette Pacific
The coroner so»o decuJed that Devine
be pul under the hovers frequently, un­
will be finished by Feb. 1.
It Is Intended mainly for such Americana as can afford to go nr order boro,
. came to his death from natural causes.
til tlicy learn wltrre to g»"t warm. Gootl
Building |a»rmit has Iss-n issued tor | from the grocer Belgium wants any kind of food which wl. tand ocean
results are also obtained with these
Appearances indicated that he may
tran«|Kirtatlon. whl- b excludes fresh fnitt and vegetables
brooder» when used in a heated room the new $37,388 armofy at Eugene.
have «lie«! from either of two cause«.
Bide have h«*vn taken for 450,bUb tons
Tlie I»"«t U»iup»-raturv at which to keep
He may h ve hail pneumonia, as his
pertinent to transmit all Belgian relief foodstuffs free of coat to the donor, ll
a brixsler <>r hover »h-pends upon tlie r»s k for tlie Columbia j«-tty next year. yon put your name and address on tbe package anti add the letter R“ the
I’eople of tbe Saginaw region partied- ( or*' discharges suggested, or he tnay
p»»itioli ol tlie thermometer, the style ol
From Jan. 30 to Sept. 30, 1914 the money expended for stamps will be refunded by the commission Tbe package
have died from inteslional etrangnla-
larly have been annoy«-»! this winter by
the hover, tlie age of tlie chickens, anil «»unties of tie- State* -pent $3,309,788 on ahould weigh not Ims than twenty pounds and not more than fifty.
| tion. He was a vietim of severe hernia
tiie weather conditions. Aim lo keep roads.
Packages mailed from OREGON should tie addressed to THEODORE B all sorts of thieving, wood, milk, har­ and tnuet have suffered desperately
tiie chickens comfortable As the oper­
56 horses were -shipped by express WILCOX, MUNICIPAL DOCK, PORTLAND, who la collecting agent for this ness, chickens, goes« an»! about every­ , from it. When found the body was all
ator learn» by the actions of the chick­ from Pendleton to louver, pr»»l»ably for district.
thing loose has tieen subject to seizure. drown up as if in pain. He had evi­
ens the amount of heat they require, he European armies.
On Monday F. H. Gates of Belltwe dently tried to undress himself and was
i-aut dia»-ar»l lite thermometer if lie de­
secured tlie Capture of Roy E. Neal of I eeizeil by deatli while io the attempt,
Englami is asking for bids from
sires. When U m » Cold they will crowd
St? ----
in ---
¡Oregon ami Washington mills for
48th Ave., ami
I---- 92nd
„____ He wa- removed to Kenworthy’s and
togvllter an»l try to gel nearer the h»»at.
Why th« ••Firtt Tuesday After the First Why Mor. I» Gained by Wounding Heights, and Frank Brightsell of Myr- »“ attempt was made to locate relatives,
20,0(10,Ot*» feet of railroad ties.
if it is found in the morning that the
Monday'' In November!
Than by Killing an Enemy
tie Park, ami Fred Nash of Firland, who »*»
loun’1 ,o »5» in Wisconsin,
Eugene and Grants Pass have E k )U1
droppings an* well wattereil under the
lo ■ letter to the Army and Nary have lx*en operating all around east of well to do people. It has al-o been
Nearly nil the Amerl an world known
hov« r it is an indication that the chick­ twen offered a $050,00 lieet sugar plant that tile nntioual election au<l nearly Journal a retired army officer aaya thal
Ijents. They were caught for the im­ found that Devine was himself at one
ens have had enough heat.
it the .11 if each town will raise $350.000.
nil of the ntnte elections occur on the uo Intelligent soldier will tire a du nt
offense of stealing fuel, harness time quite well off. Hi wm a banker
Fourteen cmloads of apples from fir*t TUcmlny after the tirat Monday in dum or an eiploelve bullet at th. eu
chicken« are comfortable at night they
Neal is a middle age,I at Port Townsend, Washington, prac­
will be spn-iul out under tlie hover with | H«*«i River went to New York by Noveinlier. but proliably not one In nil »■my for they both kill
man. Hie wife and nine children are at tically, owning the bank, ami enjoying
the Iteaula of some protruding from under steamer via Panama at 3N" a
mn toll ••why” thal date wan nHected kill an enemy, but lo wuund him "A home destitute. Nash also has a deati- the comforts of a horns. His wife is
tlie hover cloth. Too much heat will refrigeration.
From some reason
for the choice of electors. Tlle^wheu* deed man Is «imply one »oidler met tote family. Bnt the destitution is not buried at S«»attle
cause them tat pant and grasp ami sit
Plane anil estimates of cost of
„ irritfBt la easy of di scovery, but that I* anotb from Ids army lie ta nut a burden tu the cause ot the thieving, particularly not known here fortune proved fickle.
around with tbsir mouths ojien.
ing 200,<AM> acres of land in the l'p|»er er story It la al way* the rtr*t Tue* any une A wuuudeyl auldler in net re­ with Neal, who is known around Mt. He was thrown upon his physical re­
Il is inipoaaibl»* to «tale for each ear«* Deschutes River I sunn are being con- day nftor (he flrnt Monday, but any­ taken care of Font woimdeO eoliltatr»
Scott as a “l»ad actor." They lie in jail sources, came to Portland, where twen­
at what tetn|»eratiire U h * brooder« should -idered by the government, estimated body who look* nt the calendar* of moot bar« an amoulnutv wtth two
ty years ago be was known as one ot
unable to raise the bond.
ncA oral yenr» iu Novem!»er will nee florae« and an nbleixxlled «uldler driver
be kept to ratm* young chickens; how­ 'coat »2,0211,000.
tbe beet timber cruisers on tbe coast.
that the date varten almost every year.
"Thirty w<»uud«l -old er, must have
ever, it will run from 90 degrees up to
He became a slave tp liquor and for the
The Portland Railway Light ami
Yearn «<•» the writer Inquired of • Burgeon. « boapltal steward «nd ten
100 degre«*« in some cases, as some ! Power Co., prisiiets that with the de
Parent-Teachers Will Meet
past ten years has practically begged
ski«Ml« of ehickens svm to require mon* ¿¿7,
'„f ra»lh*al legislation at the
Lents Parent-Teacher Club meets hie wav.
In WnnliiuKton as to the “why" of the
beat than others, an average being 93 f last election and with the 5 percent ad­ myntery. Not one could answer ex­ the doctor snd wall upon slid nurse the
A little over two years ago he teok
wounded men The anibiilan»«« block Friday at 2:15 p. m. at the school. The
di-grees to95 degrees for tlie first we»»k vance in freight rata*. 1915 will he H cept to any. “Bless me, 1 don’t know."
the roads and delay ths intuita «*i»e
program will include a vocal solo by up his abode at the foot of a big cedar
or ten »lavs, when tlie teinjierature isf prosperous year in Oregon.
Ilnrry Smith, who for lou< yearn wan daily the artillery and th« supplì Dora Dunbar; recitations by Edith tree on the bank of Johnson Creek. He
grailually rviluced to 85 degrees (or tin» i
I Journal clerk of the house of repre wngons
Webber and Elsie Anderson; Paper on gradually developed a shelter as primi­
following 10 »lays, and then lowered to!
aentativea. wan almost a m.iixichin In
•When s mao is nun
tive and uncivilized in appearance as
discipline by Mrs. Mabel Smith.
70 ilcgrees or 75 degrees for as long as |
anxious to get mtn at once tu • <lo»*t««r
could be found anywhere in America,
tlie chickens need heat. This depends I Dec. 81 Mrs. Letty Humbree. a for- aaaoehited with the hlntory of the coun­ If the troop» oti the tlrtnx no« are □>><
with perhaps two exception«, Ha had
Daily Mails
somewhat on the season of the year itml mer and well known resident of Lenta. try. lie soimlit high ami low an to the • ell dl.eipliued ami a «»idler 1« wound
some tin cane for cooking and heating
••wliy" acimilly for month* and then etl there will tw three or tout aohlterw
the nunils'r,of the chickens, as it e„ . e
; of water. The eloping sides of his
passed i way at her home in Dixon. irave It up
w lio are willing aud anxious tu curry ami depart daily, except Sunday, as fol- :
readily seen that th«« heat generatasl by
shelter were partly tbstche»! with rag«
him to the rear
The news of her death was a
lows: ,
5<I chickens would raise tlie teni|»eratiir<* 1 Cal.
our mitlonal legislation
fix’ll. IL
and old sacks. But tbe structure was
"For every «»Idler wmmdeO tbe tlrin.
under the hover to a higher degre»- than shock to the community here, She was Meyer, chief bibliographer of the Cou- Ilia- Hw foot soldier» anti a Hundred
mostly compoe«Hi of pole«, bark and
7:30 A.M.
8:00 A. M.
the heat given off by n lesser number, a member of the Methodist Church anti Krenshmiil library, nayn:
| brush. It was hardly a shelter, as
uu n womeled means Him ««> uieu are
12:30P. M
“As to why the flrnt Tuesday after a »a I to the tiring Ilin- for they nevet re 12:50 P, .M.
onnsequently tlie amount of heat fur­ an earnest worker. She was also an
the north end was entirely open and
5:30 P. M
nished by the lamp or stove will have to ardent worker in the L of G. A. R. the first Monday In Novemln»r Instead Join their regiments until the batti« la 3:30 P. M.
fully exp- s-d His bed was a filthy mess
Is- regulated accordingly. As the chick­ being h past department president and
over '■
i of old cedar and fir twigs. There was
ens grow larger and need less heat, the the first president of Shiloh Circle No. fixed for the date of pre*identin1 elec­
C<ard of Thanks
M-arcely room to lie straight in it. He
tion*. we have to re|»ort that no satis
lamps may la« iinsl only at night, anil 19 of Lents, in which she still retain«*! factory answer can lie given.” —E. W
To the Brothers and Sisters of the : had a couple of good blankets. Hi«
Mrs. W. B. Emerson of Gilbert is re­
later only on cold nights. The heat is her membership at the time of her Lightner In Pittsburgh Dispatch
covering nicely from a recent illness ! Grang«* ami the many olher friends who I food on hand consisted of a couple of
usually ent off at the end of I or 5 death.
under the skillful <-ai! of Hr. Fawcett ¡have so kindly helped us during the | )Onves ot bread and some bwoa. Filth
weeks in March or April, while winter
sickness ami our bereavement in th. was
__ _ all
She leaves to mourn her loss, a hus­
around. _____
He was ____
in the
habit _ of
and his able assistants, Drs. McMurdo deatli of our l»elov«>d father an»l hue- leaving for town early each morning,
chickens have heat for 8 or 10 weeks, or band. three daughters and an infant
Advertised Letters
and Sharkey, coupled with efficient band, we extend our heartfelt thanks, where, by begging from acquaintance to
until they are well lenthereii. Care son, all of whom have the sympathy of
should lie taken to prevent chilling or their many friends.
Advertised letters for week ending nursing.
also for tbe floral pieces.
acquaintance be collecte»! enough for
overheating the chickens, which weak­
The funeral and interment took place Jan 9, 1915:
M js . T. E. Huxley.
the days n«»ed, drink ami scanty food.
Becker, Lizzie: Broad,
ens them and may result in bowel at Eugene, Oregon. Rev. W. Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Huxley.
Thomas Devine’s degradation was due
Harry II : Call. Sydney. Campbell,
William A. Whitney of 84th street
Mrs. lanra M. Smith.
Moore was called to conduct the funer­
to drink.
Acquaintances, he had
Teddk*; Curtis, Geo F.; Dawson, .lohn and 48th avenue, died Tuesday the
Chickens newi a cool place for scratch­ al service.
many; friends, there were none. What
ing and exercising in addition to h»»at.
S.; Eggiman, Bertha: Ilarvey, Al.; 12th as a result of pneumonia. Mr.
Mt. Scott Circle, Lents, W. 0. W . a lesson to those who scoff at the dan-
Indoor brooders and hovers can lie used
He is won first prize on attendance, $15 ger attending the occasional dram. Not
The Mt. Scott Union held its regular Hodge, Mrs. Evert; Hunter, Belle; W hitney was 44 years of age.
successfully in nnhesteil brooder houses meeting at the home of Mrs. Gessel on Livings, Mr. atul Mrs. I. I. ; Merrill. survived by his wife, and daughter cash; second prize on securing i new often does the full d«»generating infttt-
exiept during the coldest weather in Third avenue, Tuesday afternoon at 2
members. $10 cash; and second prize ence of the liquor habit exemplify its
most sections of the country
Outdoor o’clock. The topics for discussion were Blanch; McClure. J. A ; Schultz, s. M,; Joyce. The funeral was held Thursday
Pr’te f°r ritualistic and floor work, a ultimate limit as in this instance, and
brooders usually hav«« a cool compart­ “Purity in the Home,” Mrs. Kristine Smith, F. C.; Voight Freide; Mrs T. at 1:30 at Dunning's and he was I ’ " set of officer's badges with officers I yet such a termination awaits every
ment for exercising, where U h « chickens Summerfeldt, leader, and “Hygiene an»l K. 5132 Main Nt.; Dairyman I Blocks
names. The contest was between the tippler. More violent sgeaciee usually
are f««d in cohl, stormy weather. If Medical Temperance." Mrs Richard­ E. of I-ent a on Foster road
member of the W. 0. W. ard Foresters, Circles of Lenta. Arleta, Montavilla, St. close the tragedy before life’s pulse has
Johns and Oswego.
b»en exhausted.
Geo. W
ring," Postmaster. of Lenta.
son, leader.
(Oontiaued on Page F it «)