A Test for Liver Complaint Mentally Unhappy—Physkafly. DuN The Liver, sluggish and Inactive, first »hows itaelf in a mental »late—unhappy and critical. Never is there joy in liv­ ing, as when the Stomach and Liver are doing their work. Keep your Liver ac­ tive and healthy by using Dr. King'» New Life Pill»; they empty tlie Bowel» freely, tone up your Stomach, cun- your Constipation and purify t>H* Blood. 25c at Druggist Bucklen'» Arnica Salve excellent for Pile». LOCAL AND PERSONAL If You are not one of our Custo- mers, You can be! All church, •oclely. veraonal »nd l<*r«> n»«a not i-ubiUhe-l tor proSt. tree; notice* ot *n- Urtatomelo*, conducted (or prodi, published •t a Jbc minlniun, ol »0 word*. Announce menu andvard ot thank*. Mme rat* Adver- tiling rate* gaoled on reguMl. The Master’s and lecturer's Associa­ tion wiU meet with lent» Grange, Saturday Dec. 19, at I p. m. Henry Westbrook and Dr. Stryker Dmly Oregonian. Herah. ||| 11’» spent Tuemiay iu lolite attending to Magatine and Sumet, al) for *7.50 if iHuinea* connected with the doctor'» aken at the Herald office. property on Elmo Height». Pk oc Tobor 2284 Re*M«ert* an unusually tine business prospect. He was a little doubtful at tirat whether Lent* would take care of an attorney, but he ha» already taken up work for a considerable number of client* and other» are coming in right along. Mr. Bariev ha* hail several years experience in law practice in this state. He was located at Roeeburg for several years ant people, cheerful, vigorous noises ot home Saturday. »now »tamped off. laughing slid tit* thump of baggage. M rs. Ball of Rolley Acres was called “And our mother was actually run to the funeral of her father A. H. Gould ning Into the ball, while my granrtfu of Gresham, Wednesday of this week. .ther. not minding th- noise, but look ' Ing all pleased, was standing up and R. Abram has bought tbe shoe shop bolding out tola hands to the biz mart on carline at tbe rear of Quinn's Gon- | , tn the snowed on clothes! For it wa» our father, our dear, loving father, fectionery and will make any kind of who had come to os for Christmas and shoe, or if you want your shoes repaired brought a big trunk full of Christmas mechanically better than the other fel­ gifts for everytiody low, he cando it for the same price, and “I can see It all so well. while you wait. "The opening of that trunk took place In tbe warm rooms that my grandfather, too. might see. We. Ilh Before getting on the car drop your ersted Imps, langhed and noised nil shoe« at Abrams repair »bop. They we wanted without rebuke over our will be ready when you retorn. Give two big wax dolls— ‘London dolls' -and me a trial job and you will be pleased there was a London clonk for my moth with the work and price. er. of block silk lined with fur "But tbe feature of the presents to us after our dolls wa» the oranges my father had brought, carefully wrapped and packed warmly In the trunk for our sick grandfather. “A smile that Is very close to tenrs ( rises as I remember our gathering in admiring silence about those oranges I can see my mother's beautiful hands as she carefully peeled and divided one Into slim little section», when we all solemnly took each one bit. the peel carefully saved to flavor things. "Thia Is what I see yet. But new feelings stirred in me even then and grew and went on growing as I learn­ ed later all that sudden, brief visit through the stormy winter weather meant” POPULÄR MECHANICS MAGAZINE We do not give Scrip or Green Stamps. Nm go.»! after Xmaa Saw litis eounon per pound 12 l-2c ... |>er pound 10c per pound 15c-18c ... per pound 18c ... per pound 17c PORK Coupon No. 1 Good for 15c Save thi» coupon Bank Examiner Simmons visited Lents last week, jutymg the Multnomah Mate Bank a call and inspecting it» business which lie found aatisiactory. Cashier Roetad re|»>rt» mon- new ac­ counts opened last week than for Mime time, also an excee* in deposits over any week for some time We ask your comparison. Shoulder Pot Roast Plate Boiling Beef.. Sirloin Steak......... Round Steak........... Rib Steak ............... THE LENTS EMPORIUM Matt Sandier is preparing to build a new house. Understanding that the Lents Fuel Company is about to re­ tire from business, I will sell Wood at the following Prices until April first 1915. the city. As an Xmas Gift and to help you save money on your Mr. Fred Frost was off duty a part of the week because ot illness. NOTICE! Eggiman’s Meat Market Christmas Tr«»s For Manila From Alp*. J 9 9 ! Cronolite Roofing A Good Roof A Low Price 1 Bought in Carloads direct from the Factory IMPORTANT EVENTS Get our prices on this Superior Brand of Roofing before you place your order. AT OREGON AGRICULIURAL COLLEGE WINTER SHORT COURSE—JAN. 4-JO Agriculture, including Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Horti­ culture, Poultry Husbandry, Insects. Plant ami Animal Diseases, Cream­ er v Management, Marketing, etc. Home Economics, Including Cook­ ing. Home Nursing, Sanitation, Sew­ ing. I iressmaking -and Millinery. Commerce, including Business Man­ agement, Hural Economics. Business Law. ( ittue I raining. Farm Account­ Engineering, ing, etc- ~ ' _ ' litdudlng ' _ Shopwork and Hoadbuildiiig. P ARMERS WEEK The Copeland Lumber Company Phone Tabor 1371 Foster Road and Campbell HUI, la-lit» Station, Portland, Oregon LOVETTS FURNITURE STORE FEBRUARY 14 A general clearing house session ot six days for the ex» hange of dynamic ideas on the most pressing problems of the times. Lectures by leading authorities. State conferences, EXTENSION SERVICE Offers lectures, movable schools, In­ stitutes and numerous correspondence courses on request. MUSIC: Piano. String, Band, Voice. No tuition. Reduced rates on all rail­ roads. For further int< rma ion address, Tbe Oregee Agricultural College, rtw-U-l-to-l-l) COUVAIXU. «MtHOON N pw and second hand household goods bought and sold. Wall Paper at prices that will surprise you. Window Glass. House painting and Paper Hanging figures. Lead and Linseed oil used. at close No Job too Large for us to handle 106 Main Street South, Lents Oregor CLASSIFIED “FOR HALE” and "WANT” reader» in classified column. 1 cent per word for first insertion; Jk cent «ubaeqnentlv. Watch the column for bargain«. WANTED—A good reliable man or woman to solicit mibsciptions. Enquire at Herald office. WANTED—Boy» inav be had »nd sometime» girl«. The older one« at ordinary wage» and other» to lx schooled and cared for in return for »light services rendered. For particu­ lars address W. T. Gardner, superin­ tendent Boy« ami Girls Aid Hocietv of Oregon. Portland. Ore. tf FOR Hay, Feed and Grain Washed Gravel, Sand GET OUR PRICES Cement, Brick, Lime, Wall and Land Plaster McKINLEY & BUNDY MAI.K FOR SALE-Modern two room bunga-! low type building, suitable for either residence or office. Call up owner at Tabor 1510. 1 Block East of Main St. on Foster Rord FOR HALE—Fine Boston Bull Pup. Call at Herald office. INSURE NOW FOR HK!W Herald and Daily and Sunday Journal $5.50* Phonon Tabor 06H ; Home 3112 In Oregon’s Most Reliable Association Oregon Fire Relief, Oregon Merchants Mutual Real Uhriattua» trees with all their Fire, American Life and Accident In­ pristine freahnes» and *lth the fra Herald and Daily and Sunday Ore­ grume of the Mlmim still clinging to surance of Portland them, as green as when they were cut gonian 87.60. in the Alps, arrive in Manila every PROTECTION AND BENEFITS MODERATE Christinas season Subscriptions to the Herald and the By a special scientific process the trees when they arrive to be placed on Evening Telegram «ill lie taken for a sale by tbe Manila merchants are still limited time at a combination offer of __ green and fresh, having been pre 14-00 per year. _________ " ’ served io all tbeir beauty and fra­ grance by a chemical bath which does not Impair the trees in any way and will preserve them for many years.— RATES John Brown, Oresham, Ore. Manila Tim.« snry: Tur uroAin ?1 fin dcd vcad “M‘ •nt ninftLU q I. u U rtn itAn