Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, December 03, 1914, Image 4

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    A kst for Liver (-ompWnt
Mental!) Unhappy—Physically. I hi II
The IJver. -luggieii and inactive, first
shows itself in a mental state—unhappy
ail ehurrb. soclsly, prnonsl and local new.
and critical. Never is there joy in liv­ not published for profit, tree: not toe. ot *n
ing. as »hen tlie Stomach and Iarer an* tertalnmenls. conducted for profit, published
doing their work. Keep your Uver ac­ at a Vc mlnlmun. ot Sc words. Announce
me nt. and card ot thank», Mme rata. Adver­
tive ard healthy by using Dr. King's tising rales quoiett on rvgueal.
New Life Pills : they empty the Bowels
W. J. Marshall will build an $*50
freely, tone up your Stomach, cun* your
Constipation and purify the Blood. 25c resident* on fark street.
at Druggist.
Bucklen’* Arnica Salve
excellent lor Pile«.
Oscar Olson made a visit to Keine on
Saturday, viewing the atvne of the rob­
Daily Oregonian, Hera)«.
Ill II’» bery there last week.
Magazine and Sunset, all for $7.50 if
aken at the Herald office.
Harold Bradford bad hi* leg broken
Thanksgiving while playing at the play­
ground. He i» recovering nicely.
Herald and l*aily Journal $4 75.
Ph ne Tabor 2284
Resideace 211 N. Main St. Lenta, Ore.
Edward Mills
Mt. Scott. Leal» and Portland
Baggage and General Hauling,
Trunks 50c Each
Leave Baggage Check ami Address
at Plummer Drug Store.
Third and Madison St.
Wagon Repairing and General
Matt Greenslade, Foster Road
Tabor 3614
Watches, Jewelry
Repair Work
All Goods and Work
Near', Poet Office,
Foster Road
Understanding that the Lents
Fuel Company is about to re­
tire from business, I will sell
Wood at the following Prices
until April first 1915.
Best Live Wood
Dead Wood
Slab Wood ....
Lents Fuel Company
Phone Tabor 1688
Office cor Main and Foster Road
T a ilor
Suits to Order
$15.00 and up
Foster Road Next Door
to P. O.
Lents Sta., Portland, Oregon
Anythin« In the nuture of fortune
telling la always popular, and. not
withstanding denials Uteri- 1» a vein aovarnmant Aid Sought In Marketing
Cotton—Work of P«tar Radford
of Hti|>vi-Hiitiou In *v«ry out* a rtiarae
ter No gamv 1» mor»* heartily «■liter­
oil Into than one di*nllng oatetudhly
Fort Worth. Texas Th«* eleventh
with fat«* or the future It«* It Intrl annual meeting of the Farmers' KUu-
rete or simple. it la fully enjotod.
rational and Co-operativa Union ot
In lb«- Raiuo ot future« gtest fun 1» America rame to a cloae In thia ell/
sure to ensue. tanwuxv th«* future» can today. More than two thousand dele­
tte previously uriaouixl to suit th«- inn gate» were present, repreaeutlng the
ditto«!« of ivrtnin |x*opi«>. although gen various »late organ I zut Iona and cov­
«•ratty th«* on«- to charge of the web ot erlug an area from cosai to coeat sud
fate know» aa little of what will he from the great lakes to the gulf
reven le« I a» the Individual liliu»elt
President Chas. H Barrett, presid­
From a given center ennlx or all r*ol«>r» ed over the sessione sud Introdu« vd
and coodltiona. no two alike, extend in the various speakers. Th« keyuote
every direction upstair» downstairs of the convention was the action ot
and almost In my indy» i-hauitx-r the convention In asking government­
T. Y. Cadwell has just dnishevl hi» acrona inch other here and then- often al aid In financing the cotton crop ot
home on 57th Ave and SHth St. *'T. Y.” being knotted together at thexe IMitnts th«* South.
of Intentectlon. Each »earctier winds
"The gri'dtest crisis In years,
is getting to lx* quite a land Ioni
up hts corti na he procss-rt». »nd tua nt brought on by the European war,
dltficultle« In the way or knot» til lw ' faces the United State»,*' »aid Preai­
Mrs. John Seaborn of Loa Angles, untied and round and round wluMIttir» dent Barrett In hl» opening address.
Cal., has been the guest ot Mrs. Harry tn be unwound be en<*oiintera When 'There is only one thing to do and
Julian the j*art week.
he finally reaches his future It uniialn that is for the United States govern­
proves to be a ruin, a toy. a txsik of ment to buy thr«*e or four million
Mrs. Sidney Keller is improving and nursery tales or some article «v atw<> I bales of cotton nt not lese than ten
Mr. Keller will return to Eastern lute atisunllty. This be taken u.-ick to i cents a pound from the farmers of
tbe Individual who started him in pur ■ the South to be held until a higher
Oregon the last of the week.
■lilt of hl» fate, wbo must tn- «•lever I price way be obtained and. when sold,
enough to give him quite a little In I ’, he profit. minus the expense of hand-
Saturday evening will be annual elec­ formation as to what will or will not ling to be remitted to the farmers "
tion with Reuben Wilson Port and all happen, basing her reni.'trka on the
The convention went on record as
“future” be found at the end of the ‘favorlug the Henry bill Introduced
members are wanted out.
coni Each "future“ thus found is to before Congress recently, wiilclt
be consiuered »igniticaut of other .'avers the buying of cotton by tha
Tl>e Modern Woodmen annual elec­ things
gevarninent a» a relief of the pres­
tion of officers will be held next Thurs­
ent situation. Ibis bill w«ut drnft d
day evening The Royal Neighbor» also
THE FIRST CHRISTMAS TREE with the co-operntlon ot Prenident
have an election tlx* same evening.
Barrett, who believe» that It fully
Custom Originated With Northman. covets the situation.
Hanging the Stockings.
Carl Grim and Mis« Stella Jensen
Provi.« >n was made for the raising
Acres« the English channel, where of a fund of $200,000 fur the purpose
were married Thanksgiving at St
Peter’s church, Lente, Rev. Father the Gauls and the Franks and the ut maintaining a committee to devise
I northmeu observed the stern rites of plane for relieving the depressing
Beutgen officiating.
tbe severe religion of a strong b*-arted tesulta of the KurcqH-an war Till»
race, trees formed an in>|s>rtant |>»rt in committee will include a member
The meml>ers of the local Masonic and tbe festal observances of the feast from every organized state. together
Eastern Star Lodges gave an informal days Tbe pine tree—ever In all ages with the national officials and tbe na­
party at Seward's hall Thanksgiving. an object of deserved admiration—was tional executive committee. 1 he com-
There was a nice attendance. Dancing Irivatly revered by the northern folk ■tlttee will be In charge of Peter Rad­
and cards were tlx* diversions.
mWw1n‘er , rt<br“ ford of T«*xas, »ho wn» appointed
tion the nortbmen bung gift» upon the « hairman. and bi fore tbe adjournment
tree for their god» As la readily teen. of the seasion mure than $10,000 of
The Ladies Aid Society ot the M. E. when the early father» of tbe church the fund had already been pledged,
A resolution was passed condemn-
Church will hold their annual liazaar came to this fierce people with their
Dec. 17, 1014, at tlie I. O. O. F. Hall. 'nv«saga of iieaca It waa eaay to change lug the present war and recouimend-
a tbe Idea of gifts proffered to beatheu Ing the establishment of an Interna-
Don't forget the date as then- will
deities Into n custom where offerings ' tional parlismeut and an international
chicken pie dinner.
were made to tbe Christian God
ccurt, looking to universal peace and
Thus from snob humble beginnings good will between the nations of the
Th» Herald is renewed this week from began tbe cherished customs wbk b era world.
Loa Angles, Calif., for II. A. White, our heritage of today. Gift giving on
Child Labor Condemned.
formerly a Saginaw Heigths resident. tbe blrthduy of Cbrlat may be logically
A resolution »as paased endorsing
Mr. White says he hopes to reach ns traced to that observance prevalent in the bill providing for the elimination
•‘so we shall not miss a number.” With the middle ages of having Christmas of products from interstate commerce
boxes wherein offerings were placed which are manufactured In factories
all our subscribers were so thoughtful.
for the priests Christmas boxes grad employing children les« than fourteen
ually became an institution tn Chris years of age or those employing chil­
Mrs. D M. Simenson and Mias Nellie tian families a'a well
dren under sixteen years of age more
Hanging up tbe stockings on Christ­ - than eight hours.
Simenson of The Iialles were visiting
A marketing plan introduced by
with Mrs. Mary McDowell this week mas eve. as tbe Institution of good
8t Nicholas, old Santa Claus. Is of
They were surprised to see Ix-nts’ build­ purely Christian origin and started In Harry Tracy of Texas In which a
ing boom ami are sorry to leave for Germany many hundred »ears ago It practical rtjHtem of marketing farm
products wan outlined was heartily
home again.
has become one of the most cherished •indorsed by r<«olutlon.
of tbe Christinas customs of the civF
Union Officials Endorsed.
Members and friends of the fronts lized world. —National .Monthly.
Referring to the work of the offi­
Baptist Church to the number of fifty
cers ot the Farmers' Union. .Mr Bar­
ate their Thanksgiving dinner together
rett paid a high tribute to the manner
Herald ami Daily ami Sunday Ore- ' In which they have co-operated with
at the church. A goodly number re­
him. 'They have stood steadfastly
mained over for supper and the prayer gonian $7.50.
by me in every call to duty,” »aid
Mr. Barrett, "and in every endeuvor
tor the general good, They are true,
faithful and conscientious men.
The revival meeting at the Friends
want to pay especial tribute to on«
Church continues with increased inter­
Individual. Peter Radford. If I should
est, both in attendance and spiritual
be asked to name one man In the
life, and will continue indeffinetly.
i Union who has done more to lighten
Everybody invited. Meeting at 7:45 WINTER SHORT COURSE—JAN. 4-30
my own load, who stood ready day
Agriculture, including Agronomy,
every evening.
or night for service, who doesn't
Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Horti­
even wait for the distress signal, tbea
culture. Poultry Husbandry, Insect«,
Sidney Keller was again called i>ack
l‘d have to say Peter Radford. Men
Plant and Animal Diseases, Cream­
like Peter Radford keep one's faith
from Baker, Ore., last Sunday to be | ery Management, Marketing, etc.
Economics, including Cook­
sound, his courage high and renew
with his wife who was operated on the j Home
ing, Home Nursing, Sanitation, Sow­
belief In humanity."
second time last Tuesday. While Mrs.
ing. Dressmaking and Millinery.
Union Growing Rapidly.
Commerce, including Business Man­
Keller has been in a critical condition
President Barrett stated that the
agement, Rural Economics, Business
for the part few days she is now im­
Union waa fast growing In numbers
Law, Office 1 ra.ining. Farm Account­
Engineering, including
ing, etc.
and In strength. Twenty-seven states
Shopwork and Roadbuilding.
In the Union are Included In its mem­
If you can sing and you do not tielong FARMERS WEEK—FEBRUARY l-d bership and tbe total number of mem­
A general clearing house session of
bers aggregate more than eight mil-
to the Lente Choral Society you are
six days for the exchange of dynamic I lion. It Is the boast of the Union that
miming a good thing. The attendance
ideas on the most pressing problems
all Its members are men who are ac­
of lam week war double that of the week
of the times. Lectures by leading
tual fanners and that no one who does
authorities. State conferences.
before. Be »nre to come to tlie Lenta
not till the soil, is eligible for mem­
Baptist Church on Friday evening at
bership tn the organization.
8 o’clock and Ring.
The officials of the Union were
stitutes and numerous correspondence
courses on request.
unanimously re-elected for the coming
year as follows: C. 8. Barrett. Geor­
Prof. Cowan, who is directing the MUSIC: Piano, String, Band, Voice.
I>*nts Choral Society, has been chosen
No tuition. Reduced rates on all rail­ gia. president; A. V. Bwlft, vice pres­
ident, Oregon; A. C. Davis, secretary,
to have charge of the Rose Festival roads. For further infoi ma ion address,
The Oregon Agricultural College,
music. A large chorus of aeveral hun­
dred voices will have part in the pro-
gram, rt is expected that the Ijf-nte no­
ciety will form part of th!* larger
Fort Worth, Texan.—President Chas.
8. Barrett of the Farmers' Educational
The Mt. Scott Chapter of the KaMern
’•FOR HALE” and ‘‘WANT’’ readers and Co-operative Union of America
Star held annual election Wednesday in classified column, 1 cent per word has announced the reappointment of
cent sulMequently. Peter Bad ford aa lecturer of the Na­
night. Mrs. Jeanette Gesse 1 was chosen for first insertion;
Watch the column for bargain*.
tional Union during the coming year.
W. M : Win. York, W. P ; Mrs. F R.
Extensive plans have been outlined
Foster, A. M.; Maude Connell, Sec.;
WANTED—A good reliable man or
Della York, Treas. ; Mrs. McKenzie, woman to solicit subeciptions. Enquire for publicity work throughout the na­
tion to be carried on through Mr Rad­
Conductress; Nellie Homer, A. C. They at Herald office.
ford's department. This publicity
will hold a joint installation with the
work will be modeled on the lines of
Masons on Dec. 23.
WANTED—Boys may be had and the educational work done In Texas
sometimes girl*. The older ones at
ordinary wages and others to lie on the subject of farm problems.
The Woman’s Baptist Missionary schooled and cafed for in return for
Union of Portland and vicinity held its slight services rendered. For particu­
quarterly meeting with the Len% Bap­ lars address W. T. Gardner, superin­
tist Church. The ladies of the church tendent Boys and Girl» Aid Hociety of
Oregon, Portland. Ore.
served dinner to altont 130 persons. An
excellent program was arranged tor the
Candidate in the Journal Trade
day i>y the Grace (Montavilla) Baptist
FOR HALE—Modern two room bunga­ and Circulating Contest, from
Church. Among those who had part on
Mt. Scott District No. 3
the program were the following: Miss low type building, suitable for either
or office. Call up owner at Votes left with W E. Goggins, of D-nte,
Amy Purcell, recently added to the residence
missionary staff of the Italian Mission;
or mailed to Mi«» Alvord at 00211 Forty­
Mr. and Mrs. Ecvall, returned mission­
FOR BALK—Fine Bouton Bull Pup. sixth Avenue, 8. E., will be accepted
aries from Western China on tlie border Call at Herald office.
with thank».
of Thibet, and Dr. Hutchinson, pastor
Phone Tabor 2352
of the Third Preabyterian Church
First Class
Talling Far th*
Miss Maude Alvord
Eggiman’s Meal Market
Guarantees the best of Meats at prices as good as any in
the city.
We ask your comparison.
Shoulder Pot Roast
Plate Boiling Beef
Sirloin Steak
Round Steak
Rib Steak
per pound 12 I-2e
.... per pound 10c
per pound 15c- 18c
per pound 18c
per |>ound 17c
Shoulder Roust...
, per pound 15c
per pound 15c
Loin Chop».......................................................... per pound 18c
We do not give Scrip or Green Stamps.
We give you
Meat, and full weight, at Lowest Prices
“The Market with the big business and small profits”
Eggiman Bros. Meat Market
Best Patterns, Moderate
Prices, Neatest Styles
Cleaning and Pressing by
Skilled Workmen
John Manz, Lents, Ore
ooi o omm o
i <o oo om
o x
Cronolite Roofing
A Good Roof
A Low Price
Bought in Carloads direct from the
Get our prices on this Sujierior
Brand of Roofing iiefore you place
your order.
The Copeland Lumber Company
o o» o oo om o o o >o oo oio «3»
Phone Tabor 1371
Fiwti-r Road and <'ani|>lx*ll Sta. Is-nu< Station, Port'and, Orogou
New and sreond hand household goods bought and
Wall Paper at prices that will surprise you.
Window Glass.
House painting and Paper Hanging
figures. Lead and Linseed oil used
at close
No Job too Large lor us to handle
106 Main Street South, Lents Oregon
Hay, Feed and Grain
Washed Gravel, Sand
Cement, Brick, Lime, Wall and Land Plaster
M c K inley & bundy
1 Block East ol Main Hl. on Foster Rord
Phones Tabor
; Home 3112
In Oregon’s Most Reliable Association
Oregon Fire Relief, Oregon Merchants Mutual
Fire, American Life and Accident In­
surance of Portland
John Brown, Oresham, Ore.