Your Gold ls Danqerous Break It up— Now KELSO •8-------------------------------------------------------- tt Christmas Menus Christmas Don’ts The Yuletide Gift A Colti la rvadlly t atching A run- down «ystem la susoepUbi* lo Henna. Yrni owe il lo yourw’lf an Home B-IKK» Phone East 781 LEPC Undertaker Hawthore Ave. and East III». St. Mr*. Lerch A twin tant Branch Office Carters Building Kern Park DR. JOHN FAWCETT Diseases of Women and Children Pacific TnlMjr 3214 The write up in last week’s Herald relative to the burglarising of the Jarl • tore was it* the main correct but u Ki'lxo correspondent offer» the story Don t leave th* cost mark oo pres­ A favorite poem mad* Into a booklet with some correction» and additions, <* m « m ********«***** w *«> m ent». makes a charming gift A PLAIN MEAL. ami we give it In full.—Ed. Don't let Christmas giving deterio­ Burglar* broke into Jarl’* A Erl’s A rate Into a trade. A fiat leather penwiper for his desk Celery Soup £ general merchandise store, Monday • Roast Pork, Tenderloin. « lion't let money dominate your makes an appropriate souvenir for the Apple Sauce J morning Nov. 23d, at 3 o’clock. Mr. jj business man or woman. Christinas giving. Turnips In Cream Haue*. J Jarl was asleep in hi* room at the back J Don't rmbarrsMS yourself by giving Mushed Potatoes. « A bodkin rta the wounded man « presents. If you do there Is always An Old Faehion*d Party For the Chil­ A That mirrore the spangled skies; j wliira- name is Peter, or “Dutch” TEMPTING VIANDS. A great cold star tn the heavens afar » tbe temptation to make Inappropriate dren. Htroff, is improving. It was at first » And a moon trail on the hills; gift» Tbe arrangement of a table at a Tbe earth instilled with an awe fulfllled Blue Pointe thought he would die. He refuse* to * And the night with music thrilled Cream of Chicken Yuletide party was quite unusual, in­ make any statement. Boiled Sheep’s Head. ■O asmuch as It was an old fashioned <> The carolers sing as the church bells ring. Julienne Potato Oscar Olstjn, a brother of Mrs. Rohert square one. lengthened to accommo­ Wbtle up In the organ loft Rice Croquettes With Curry. A CHRISTMA8 HYMN. Jonsrad, who lives at latnta, brought tlic » Rossi Duckling date twelve children. It was pushed The sage owls croon at the calm, sweat tune horse and buggy back that tlie robbers Msshed Browned Potatoes. back against the wall, and at the back No tramp ot marching arroiea. Comes swelling out ever soft Stewed Toms toes I took. The horse, when found, wa» No t*ann*-m (taming far; was the largest sized Yule log candy The message flies through the changing Mince Pie Biscuit Tortonl. A lamp within a stable. i roaming the streets in tbe vicinity of skies Roquefort Cheese and Crackers. box. resting on a bed of holly and mis­ And In the sky * star. By changing time and tor sue. Coffee j ert road and Buckley avenue, hav- tletoe But ever the same aa the tale that camo Î Their hymns of peace and gladneea I ing been unhitched from the buggy. t*»*t**»t***»****w*t**e*** On top of tbe log was a doll dressed The shepherd men among To earth the angels brought; I which was also found near by. as a Jester, called the “ Lord of Mis ­ Their "Gloria In Excelsls" tne mistletoe and the laurel bough rule." and attached to the front end Where A s|>elling-bee was held at th* school-" To earth the angels taught And the holly and bay are twined. THE HOLIDAY PARTY of the log by red ribbons were six Where the hearth Are gleams aa tn an­ ■ house Friday evening, under the auspices When in the lowly manger cient dreams dolls dressed to represent the first six ,l of the Kelso Students Self-Government A Few Suggestions For Enlivening Tbe holy mother maid is but tn mind months of the year. Following after As One In age In tender adoration Yuletide Evenings. Club, in which both old and young par- modern dreams the hearth tire Her lut» of Heaven laid. tbe log were six more figure* dressed gleams. in cities tuillooiis are almost always I took, followed by a »ale of hotne-umde So. under the casement still. like tbe last six months. At each plate Born lowly In the darkneaa, | candies which brought $2.(10. Games obtainable, so get bright red ones and The carolers «Ing as the tower tongues were a holly paper covered born and a And none so poor aa be. swing j were played and the evening thorouglily try thia novel scheme for a children's The little children of the poor wee tree lit with red wax tapers. ’ . party. Surround tbe cake with tiny Man's peace and God's good will. His very own shell be. ! enjoyed by all. Tbe children were to blow out tbe —Stephen Chalmers. candlesticks or candelabra bolding red A play will I»» given at the school tapers and sprinkle the cloth with hol­ candles, making a wish for each one. No rush of hoetile armies. But just the huddling aheep. houm* on Raturday evening December ly sprays and diamond dust (Christ­ The sngels singing of the Christ j IB. Furtla-r notice will be given later. mas snuw* Ana all the world asleep From tbe back of each chair tie a No flame of conquering banners. red rihtwn on tbe end. Boating gayly CORBETT No legions sent afar; In tbe air » re<1 balloon. Here la the A lamp within a stable.’ Mrs. Woodham is still in the hospital France Noel, married last Thursday, way tu give the favura (red snapping And In the sky a star. A Thanksgiving gathering of import-5 motto cap**; Tie one to the end of tbe and improving slowly. —Margaret £ gangster tn Collier s was given a surprise shower by young I ancr was given at tbe spacious home string of a red balloon and let It go Weekly people of the Methodist and Baptist ¡of Mr. anti Mrs. E D. Chamberlain, away up to the celling c> O Churches. A nice supply of tiousehold The young people of the Christian | wheu their children, grand-children and If the snapper la not heavy enough church will give a box social Saturday conveniences were received. a few friends gathered in happy festivity weight It with a chocolate cigarette or Sacrifice Is Spirit of Christmas. evening. I to partake of ths bounMooa dinner pre- one of the many bard, all chocolate A curious thing comes to my mind The Piper home at 66th St. and 65lh j pared by the hostera. Mr. and Mr». ahupee that children love Then let concerning which I have a word to aay. The Tremont Furniture Company has Ave., has been unfortunate this week 1 Chamberlain are pioneers of this sec- each little guest catch a balloon and and that 1» apropos of honesty. No one | tion and enjoy a wide circle of friend» bring It down to earth To make mor* has a right to give away anything ex­ moved to the Nash Building, between owing to an outbreak of diptheria. fun each balloon may have a card at­ Diptheria caused the death of a child on ‘ in this vicinity. May they see many tached lienring the name of a child, cept what may be In excess of tbe just Millard Ave., and 53 St. demands upon the income The butch­ 54th Ave., during the week. I happy returns of Uiis glad Thanksgiving and each must find his own er. the trnker. the dry goods man. needs i Day. The Ki-rn Park Electric Co. has pre­ bis money as surely ns does the enthu­ Mira Ethel Smith, who is teaching at Q- Mr. Grc-nleaf, who was formerly ■O siastic woman eager to make a pretty pared a fine pannei work of wood for T gift or the lover to bestow upon his tbe display of its fixtures. Trenholtn, Columbia County, came manager of the Alvord Furniture Store THE TREE. , Wethnralay evening and remained until in Lents last year has opened up a Fur­ sweetheart what he knows is her | Saturday evening the guest of lier heart's desire Successful Christmas niture Store at 6604 Foster Road. cor. Tbe Young Peoples Societies of the You don’t dig It lip. i mother at Ferndale Place. giving should mean self sacrifice, and 66 st near the Karn Park Station. They bew it down, Methodist and Christian church«» are to You don't it is often n greater sacrifice to deny Ruby Rnraniusen. a student at the will handle new and used furniture, ninni the forest. You don't oneself the privilege of exfiendlture hold a union tui eiing Sunday evening at make picture frames and repairing. IO. S. N. S. »pent the Thanksgiving va- ' You simply go forth »nd buy it. than to do just what one has in mind. the Methodist church. cation at home. A party was given in And that's an easy matter I believe that from the nursery days I her honor Friday evening A fire at Brentwood during the week nowaday*. this theory should be inculcated, and. Prof. Tolifson has rented the J. T. ’ The matron of the Salvation Army, was put out before the Tremont Volun­ There’s only one thing need­ as the coming to this world of our . Rea property and is moving his furniture ful. and that's cash. blessed Lord was one great act of sac­ Mrs Hudspeth, was out to the Wednes­ teers arrived owing tn the quick work I in this week. The tree may be purchased rifice. so in planning for our Christmas day afternoon meeting of the Arleta W. of the women of the house The fire Mrs. Geo. Chamlierlain visited at prosaically of one's grocer. gifts each child in the family should C. T. U. and made a short address. was due to some oily clothing that paint­ More venturesome souls trol be encouraged to something of self sac­ Eugene last week. ers had left in the basement of the house ley or motor to some freight rifice in rhe gathering together of the Roy Anderson went to Portland The pastor of the Methodist church is on a line. They spontaneously took yard, choosing from original money for his gifts I like to picture Saturday evening to receive instruc­ soon to be located in a bran new par­ fire. tbe old fashioned Virginia home, where packages tions in playing the violin. round tbe library table through the sonage. The work on tbe building is Yet others literally “shop" for A. A. Loeb of Portland was out on fall months tbe children of the house­ now under way. Miller Mowrey Lum­ Subscriptions to tbe Herald and tbe them and when at last their businesH Saturday. hold and the kinsfolk and acquaint­ ber Company of Lent3, is furnishing the Everting Telegram will be taken for a choice Is made bear them off tn Mr. and Mrs Sam Hulit from near ances who might be within tbe doors lumber. their motors or on their backs limited time at a combination offer of Troutdale s|>ent Thanksgiving at the. busied themselves In the preparation of or engage an expressman.—Phil­ $4.00 per year. latter's mother, Mrs. Lucy Kincaid. dainty nothings which should carry on adelphia Record Herald and Daily and Sunday Journal Floy Reed was at Mosier on business Christmas morn tbe sweet words of O W.50- Ô- loving remembrance. — Julia Holme* Wednesday. Beach’s Notion Store Smith, M D.. In Pilgrim. Lewis Benfield of Portland was the Their Christmas Presents. HOTEL ARLETA I 0041 72 8t. 8. E. I guest of his mother Wednesday. Arleta 8tatlon Little Penelnn* Socrates. Baskets of Dainties. General Notion Store Re-modeled and Furniihed New and Clean Mira Helen Coulter spent her Thanks­ A Boston maid of four. 8ave tbe grape basket* to till with Hmm» Tinted and Painted. Ge-> Davis. Mgr giving vacation in Portland. Wlds opened her eyes on Christmas morn Toys, Dry Goods, and School Supplies, Stationery, dainties and see what charming Christ­ drocerie». Confectioner« And looked the landscape o'er .Cigars and Tobacco| g*a Tinware and Crockery mas gifts can be made. Line th* bas­ OIVE|VS A CALL| _ r "What Is't Inflates my has de bleuF* GILBERT kets with dark green tissue paper and UV.MSt.th8t 8. K j Opened Dec. 1 Portland,Oregon asked, with dignity. ■a " Bhe fill them with oranges, red apples, -------------------------------- i----------------- - — 'Tie Ibsen In the original. nut», clusters of raisins, figs, dates, Oh, loy beyond degree I" Letter heads, envelopes, cards, bill Tliatiksgiving day passed in this vi­ Dr. C. W. Tidball grapes and candy. Small glasses of heads, auction notice* and posters, cinity without a cloud in the sky, or ap­ it jelly, homemade cookies. Individual PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON dodgers, announcements, etc, at Mt. parently in the sentiments of the people. Mies May Cadwellader Rittenhouse mince plea or plum puddings add to Of Philadelphia town Scott Pub. Co., office, Lenta. A party, composed of Hawsons, Valen­ Awoke Office cor 82nd St. anti 60th Ave. tbe value. aa much aa they ever do there And watched ttw> enow come down tines, Calkins, and two Johnson fami­ Res. 5W» 82nd St. 8. E. lies, met iti Calkins hall and tried to till "Well, I'm glad that Christmas has come To the Cynic*. Phone Tabor 4256 Res. Tabor 3746 Herald and Daily Oregonian $6.00. Christmas comes but once a year. the day with good will and thankfulness. again.' Do not make a lest of it You might nave heard her aay, They certainly filled themselves with ’Tie a season of good cheer. "For my family's one year older now Cynics spoil the seat of tt turkey, pumpkin pie and the usual Than It was last Christmas day." We have them in Grades Now a respite, brief repose. menu of the day. Songs, recitations, Let us make the best of it. and Prices to suit you. III and kodak snaps was the program. Drown our many weary woes. It was Christmas in giddy Gotham, — -Delivered at your Christmas, we are blest of it And Miss Irena de Jones Mrs. M. Smith, who lias been in lied Awoke at noon and yawned and yawned door. with tonsilitia is able to sit up. Christmas comes but once a year. And stretched her languid bones Children love the seat of It The young people of Bennett Chapel Now a message glad we hear. Phone your Orders "Well. I'm sorry that It’s Christmas. have organised an Epwurth league. Hearken to behest of It Papa at home will stay. Just good will and wishes kind Tabor 1280 6840 Foster Rd. Mrs. M. Bristlow has gone to ¡Port­ For 'change Is closed, and he won't make And >our love, the best of It. A single cent all day " land Height» to attend the wedding of If we're poor-well, never mind. her grandson. Laugh we will and 1eet of It IV. Mrs. E. Beach, who has lieen sick Oh. wlndlly dawned the Christmas Christmas comes but once a year. In the city tty the lake! with a cold is improving. Money e not ths teat of it And Miss Arabel Wabash Breezy Hearts alone can help and cheer. Was Instantly awake The new school house is progressing Christ has made the best of It splendidly. Every person s|s-aking of it "Ah. what's that In my stncklngT Whatsoever may befall. We Give S. 4 H. Stamps seems to think it will be a strong factor Sorrows or the rest of It Weil, In two litre I'll know!" Merry Christmas comes to all And she drew forth a grand piano in this place for good in every way. Even those Who lest of tt From away down In the toe Mon are even working in the rain to -New Vork Time* — Boston .Courier. push it to an early completion. ************************** ************************** : I I tt I, Tremont, Kem Park and Arleta I tt PROFESSIONAL CAROS a Specialty If they go out with tbe vary first puff th* wish will come true. A whit* and red Christmas ribbon goes to each plat*, fastened by a spray of holly. Then each child looks at the dolls and says which on* be or she think* rep­ resents tbe month In which they wer* born. If there should be two In tbe same month the on* who Is the oldest get* tbe doll fur that month As there is one for each guest, a satisfactory ad­ justment is easily made. Tbe Yule log also contains small favors for each guest . Local 2011 C. LOUIS BARZEE Attorney at Law A GENERAL LAW PRACTICE 2nd floor Additon Bid's., next to Mult­ nomah State Bank Lenta, Oregon LODGE DIRECTORY. hlloh Circle No. I®, ladle« o! (I. A. K. meet« 1st and 8«! Saturday evening« in I. O. O. F. hall, Lents. Llllah Maffei, Pres., Carrie Inglei, Bec’y. Wood and Coal Kem Park Feed and Fuel Co. CARBON BRIQUETS -Made by the Portland Gas Company