MT. SC( )TT HERALD Entered a* Second Ciana Matter February 19, 19:1. At |M»t<4tiee. Lent», Oregon. Under act of March 3, l»79 Office Phone: Home B 6111-1111. and M an ausa. Residence Tatar 2*13 ........r * tt . Publiebed Every Thnnday at l ents. Ore., by the Mr. S cott PvauaniNu Co. H. A. DARN ALL, K otto a If You’re Proud of Your Town Support Your Home Paper Money to Loan ■ r PATRONIZE THE HOME NEWSPAPER! Friends, this town is YOUR HOME. * You are PROUD of ik You were born here perhaps, or you have -pent tin wit of your life here. YOU WANT TO SEE THE OLD PLACE BOOM. YOU WANT TO SEE IT DEVELOP MORE ANO MORE INTO A LIVE WIRE COM MUNITY. YOU WANT TO SEE IT RECOGNIZED ALL OVER THi HE problem of the “Dry” 8TATE AS A TOWN WITH A PUNCH. YOU REALIZE THAT THE constituency is not nearly MORE CIVIC IMPROVEMENTS WE HAVE THE BETTER OUR all solved even when the Legis­ TOWN WILL BECOME. YOU ARE DEEPLY INTERESTED IN OUR lature has drafted a bill to pro­ The Farm Woman Needs Relief CIVIC WELFARE. YOU HAVE GIVEN AND YOU WILL CONTINUE vide for handling boot-leggers, TO GIVE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS YOUR EARNEST AND More Than Her City Sister. HEARTY SUPPORT. the club and the package. Friends, we hope thia is AIJ. TRUE of YOU. Another evasion of the law will By Peter Radford, It ia TRUE of US lecturer National Farmers’ Vaion be found in the government li­ THIS PAPER HAS WORKqp ANO FOUGHT WEEK IN ANO Much has been said and more writ­ cense. The national law will WEEK OUT FOR THE REAL, PRACTICAL BETTERMENT OF THIS ten about the woman tn the factory FINE OLD PLACE. EVERY WORTHY CIVIC IMPROVEMENT HAS need further amendment to and behind the counter, but how about HAO OUR ENTHUSIASTIC APPROVAL ANO OUR CONSTANT the held, properly safeguard the state the woman who works in 1 want to «ay a few words in her be HELP. THIS PAPER HA8 STOOD EMPHATICALLY FOR A BIG that favors a “dry” regime. half. T regret a necessity that coni GER ANO A BETTER COMMUNITY—FOR BETTER ROAO8. FOR There ¡9 no justice in the pels woman to work for a . ' « ■ h»x'«t BETTER SCHOOLS. FOR BETTER FIRE AND POLICE PROTEC­ present law that provides for an! I favor not only shortening her TION. FOR MANY OTHER BETTER PUBLIC NECESSITIES. hours, but freeing her from manual government licenses in a locality labor entirely I crave for society Thia paper thinks it has earned your RESl’KCT and deserve» that has expressed a preference that high standard of excellence where your SUPPORT. We ask you to read it. We ask you to enter unfavorable to the liquor busi­ the home is woman's throne and her into any fight it may undertake for your betterment. We ask you life is devoted to molding the char­ to interest your friends tn our undertakings for the public welfare. ness. Half the drug stores in acter and elevating the thought of We want your tacking, both MORALLY and MATERIALLY. the state have government li­ the rising generation Rut so long a» If you von are proud < of your home town, don’t you think you censes. even in local license ter-1 want greed and misfortune prevail tn should should ’ CORDIALLY CORDIALLY and CONSTANTLY support vour this world, women, through choice or ritory. The issuing of govern­ necessity, wtll work, and perhaps HOME PAPER? ment licenses in wet districts they will work at one task or another This paper supports YOU in your dtyn.inds for civic botter- men is. means that the legitimate license as many hours per day as they please. may pity the weak and admire You should support IT. resource of that district is divid­ the We strong in their struggle, but the ed, a portion of it going to out-. farm woman Is entitled to her share side uses. When issued to of ' sympathy and reward MT. Scott Center of Truth. druggists in dry sections it de­ All Must Toil. At The Churches p. Meeting every Sunday evening »1 H:<4) m. Three door» en-t of 8..’I feats the desire of the locality in The labor roblem as relates to Grays Crossing, Portland. Ore. Adda baptist Church its attempt to limit drunkeness. , i men. is a most vexatious one. and ! when we apply it to women It becomes :45 a. tn. Bible School. Thus the government license is i more seriously complicated. We will 11 a. m Pr.-achlug service. Lents Baptist Church bad for the locality either way ..uays j*iw‘ 7:3i>p. nt. Evening »••rvicee. have to work unless some po tard'« Day. Dec. 6, Bibb- Sehe» I 6:15 p tn B. Y. I ’ . U. meeting. and it offers an opportunity for uticai «»ntu» can put a law on the 9 4ft a. in. 45 Braver meeting some wide-awake promoter of ®,a,ute t>ook ,hat win «nabis us to 7 Everybody Morning worship, 11 n tn Sermon welcome to any and all of live without labor. So long as every itanie: "The Sinner’» Future.” statutary justice to see that the person must meet toil face to face, the these services. Filmo Heights Sun-lay School, 2;.i0 government liquor license law is best we can do Is to equitably dis­ p. tn B Y P. ü ,«:30p tn. amended to exclude all retailers, tribute the burdens and reward labor, Millar J Avenue Presbyterian Church Evening won hip, 7 .10 p. tn tarinoti and if there Is to be a revision of 10 a. tn. Sa bl -atb School. and aii wholesalers in dry terri- wages and a shortening of hours. I Theme: "The O-asK-a and ine Joy» of 11 a. tu. Morning worship. Christian Service.” tory. want the farm woman to get her 6:45 p. m -------------- Y. P. 8. C. ---- E. A confiai welcome to these services T I share. She has more reason to com 4 :30 p. m. Evening worship. J. M. Nelson, Pastor 4 Paid on Time Deposits We are in position to make liberal loans on Real Estate by first Mortgage when “good title” is shown by abstract or certificate of title, and at prevailing interest rates. Where a building is in course of construction we help you with necessary funds to complete same and it will pay you to call on us if you are going to build. We have financed several build­ ings in Lents and there is room for many more. The Multnomah State Bank UNITED STATES POSTAL DEPOSITORY Lents, Sta., Portland, Oregon T Do We Print! TRY US—-we are ready to supply you with all sorts of Stationery and Printing Try Us When Wanting Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Cards, Announcements Programs, Wedding Stationery Posters, Placards, and all sorts of Printing I :Si) p. m Thursday, midweek ««rvice. than any other class of toilers ATTENTION TTENTION is called to a plain R p. tn. Thursday, choir practice. She has. as a rule, fewer comforts, nnmmnninfltinn in ai communication in another fewer pleasures, less recreation and Rev. Win. H. Amos, Pastor. column in reference to the Her­ less opportunity for enjoyment than ald's position on certain matters her sister in the city. She has not St. Peter’s Catholic Church so many conveniences and fewer lux­ of recent interest We are pleas­ uries and less to be thankful for than Sundays: Though somewhat lab- in appearing I ed to have people appreciate our women who live in the town, but she 8 a. m. taw Mass. the annual calcrular of Mt. Scott Union I 10:30 a. m. High Mare. position in some things if not all. toils on. a mode! of consistency, pa 8:30 a. m. Sand v School. ha» been ireued. From this it appears' and womanly devotion, Csr- 12 M. Cbior rehearsal. However, we believe we are not tlence tainly she should be the first to be that the meeting* for the year will ta Week days: Mass at 8 a. m. so different in our “war views” rewarded full of interest. Mrs. Walah, whoa« re­ as our friends think. No sane The Real Labor Problem 1» on the turn from Southern Oregon wan bailed Seventh Day Adventist Church Farm. person wants or encourages war, with joy by Union worker», tian tieen I 10 a. tu. Saturday Sabbath School. The great dailies with flaming head or willingly provokes it The 11 a. m. Saturday preaching. amtiimeii the miperinteniiency of parlor, Ifnes deplore the lot of women who 7:30 p. m. Wedueaday. Pravor meeting. fact that a man is capable of de­ toll meeting» and re-1 letter; Mm. Somnier- In the cities, the city pulpit 7:45 p. m. Stindavapreaching. fending himself is no reason for thunders with sympathy for h«r, and feldt ta« been placed on the department believing that he is a man of the legislators orate in her behalf, of mother» meeting* and purity. Mr*. malicious intent. If that is so but not a line is written, a word said Orman Evdnqelkdl Reformed Church Richar-loon, health, tart-dily and niedi- or a speech delivered in the interest 10 a. m. Bunday School. j cal temperance; the president, Mr». let us do away with all schools of the million women who labor on 10 a. tn. Saturday, Gern. German an school. ' Dunbar, han literature; Mr* Hammer, and educational influences for the farm. Where one woman works 8 p. m. Wednesday. Y. P. 8. who«e notixe to house canva»» wax *> 11 a. m. Bunday worship. these advantages are afforded In the cities in this state there are a i splendidly ace<»mpliahe. Thursday, mid-week prayer the next meeting. Dec 8th. With maintained. But for the na­ until sun. They do their housework meeting. world power» growing daily more bloody ■■ nxD& xn Compmjy CA utobni A tional bully these peaceful and lull a half-mlllton babe« to sleep 8:45 p. m. Thursday, Bible Study and more gory; with the outlook for the after the chickens go to roost, and Claas. agencies are impossible, Armies they maintenance of the "Monroe Doctrine ” A cordial welcome to all who will at­ get breakfast and milk the cows !--------------------------------------- ---------------------- — being darkened by the htatd-HpaUered and navies are essential. Not before the lark sings, The city wo- tend any all services. R. Tibbs Maxey, Minister. conecience of European ruler», it will ta ! and feel to much tatter you want to go Unhappy Hindu Woman. because we want them, but be­ man frequently chafes under hard­ The Hindu holy books forbid a wo­ right out and tell other sufferer* ataut refreshing to hear some utterance« ships that the farm woman would cause we are forced to seif pro­ consider a blessing The city people worked out from a clear brain kept cool I man to ace dancing, hear music, wear Sloan’S, Get a l>ottle of Sioen’s Lini­ St. Pauls Episcopal Church and’«»«* by the” h^h b^t^'whirt blk,D wn. e«t dain tection. And being so confront­ are great talkers and ofttimes great­ One block south of Woodmere station. — . Li- T • food, sit at a window or view her- ment (or 25 cents of any druggist and ly magnify their troubles and enlarge ed, were it not better to be Holy Communion the flrat Bunday of sweep a peaceful nation. l *1.10 I •e,r ,n " w,rror «Inring the »tmence of have it in tlx« bourn—against Colds, Sore their accompllahments. This charac­ each month at 8 p. m, No other ser­ invited to attend this meeting which will ready? her hiiHhand and allow him to divorcs teristic permeates organized society A NOTES OF THE W. C. T. 0. •• Prices Reasonable Mt. Scott Pub. Co 5810 Main St. Lents, Ore r CALIFORNIA If you are interested in the social, political or commercial life of South America the De­ cember World’s Work will ap­ peal to you. The Number is supposed to be a “War Number,” but its motive is to point out the opportunities for commercial ex­ pansion in the countries of the South. It is full of good infor­ mation from cover to cover and will be a valuable addition to your “encyclopedia of general information.” There are articles on Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Argen- tine, American marine, Inter- national Democracy, Anglo American Relations, South America as Buyers, etc. There are a lot of fine illustrations. It Is an admitted economic fact that there can be no permanent prosperity without a permanent agriculture. as well as enters Into the Individual life of cities. There are orphan asy­ lums which are doing commendable work and should b* encouraged, that boast of their accomplishments, but I have seen widows in the country make a crop, drink branch water and eat corn-bread and molasses and raise more children and better chil­ dren than many of these city orphan asylums. The cities need to get back to the soil with their Ideals. They are hysterical, puny and feeble In their conception of life. Its require­ ments and ita opportunities. A Mean Holiday Spirit. Do not gauge vour Christmas giving. There Is nothing more despicable than to work off tbe back numbers or the shabby, useless gifts on the girl who "needs everything" and spend a small fortune on those who can spend or themselves Safety Match»». "Old yon know that there has been a ettgenle marriage art In forrr tn Rwe den for years and rears?" ’’1 don’t believe It " "Sure They are the pioneers In tbr safety match business in that coun try ” London Telegraph vice* that day. Every other Sunday the regular ser­ vice« will be as usual. Evening Prayer and sermon at 4 p. m. Sunday School meets at 3 p. m. B. Boatwright, Supt , L. Msffett, Sec. Rev. O. W. Taylor, Rector. be held at the home of Mrs. McKinley, on Main street. Those who have calender* will pleam* make a note of the place of this meel[ ing. ft was originally planned to meet with Mrs. Addition, but this lady now in homelesH. all of her good* being stored and the house occupied by the family to Lents M. L Church Preaching 10:45 and reception of whom it is leased. member*. Meeting Dec. 8 with Mrs. Lewis. Services at Bennett Chapel M. E. Church 3 p m. Sunday School 9:45. Yuletide Common 8»n»o. Epworth League 6:80. Cut out all preM-ntw given from cu» Prayei meeting Thursday 7:30 p m Preaching services Sunday evening tom Many a girl Is bankrupt or over­ worked because she has not laid "the 7:30 Bring your friends to these services ghosts of a Christmas past” There Ls arnl enjoy a great blessing. no sens* In giving a present tn a girl W. Boyd Moore, Pastor. because you started to exchange with ber ten year, back It you have drtf ed apart she will be as glad to top Lents triend’s Church the custom as yon ar« 9:45 a. tn. Bible School, Clifford Bar- ker Superintendent. Whan Expressing Gifts. 11 :00 a. m {'reaching services. For packing the gift that la to be 0:25 p. m. Christian Endeavor. 7:30 p. m. Preaching Services. expressed s good strong box Is abso 8:00 p. m. Thursday, mid-week Jutely neceasary. made of wood. If you prayer meeting. '•an po»«ll>ly get It; If not. heavy card­ Junior Christian F.ndeavcr meets board will have to d>> The box must Fri ay after school. A cordial welcome to all these ser­ be plenty large enough, giving ample vice«. Rev. John Riley, Pastor. room for narking and Swollen Joints, Lumbago, Sciatica her if she I uih no sons. Injures his prop­ erty. scold* him. quarrels with another and like ailments. Your money back if woman or presume« to ent before be not satisfied, hut it does give almost in- ha» tlnlahed bls meal- Liverpool Msr stant relief. Buy a tattle today. enry Prompt Action Will Stop Your Gouqh When you first calch a Gold (often in­ Btate of Ohio, City of Toledo, i Lucas County, f Frank J. Cheney mnkea oath thd i.r in senior partner of the firm of F J c><»n > A Co., doing bualnrsa In th<- City of To­ ledo. County and State a for- aa Id. r , I that said flrm will pav the sum nt O.‘ >■! HUNDRED DOLLAR« for - a«.,t (n a y thl * i , h <, ny of 1 dicated by a eneese or cough), break it up at once. The idea that “It does not matter” often leads to serious com­ plications. The remedy which immedi­ ately and easily penetrate« the lining of (Real) A. W GT BA . tON. the throat is the kind demanded. Dr. _ ... _ Notary Pub"» King’s New Discovery soothes the irrita­ Hall a Catarrh Cure la Ink i In1 •• n| - and acts directly upon th<- Idood n- i loo. tion, loosen* the phlegm. You feel coua »urfa- es of the a-/st. ,r tatter at once. “It seemed to reach the testimonials, free F J CHENEY A CO. T..Dd > A, very spot of my Cough” is one of many Hold by ail Driiggt*t*. < Take Hall*» Family rtlln f.n --nnaUnxtln-. honest testimonials. 50c. nt. your Druggist. ADMINISTRATOK’S NOTICE Keep It Handy tor Rheumatism Nolle» la hereby alven that the underalined haa been appointed Adniinlatrator of th’ re­ tate ol Richard M Htockton,de<-ea«ed, by the ( ountjr Court of th»» Ntiitr of Oregon for Mult- notnah < - - aty and haa .piallfled. All neraona navlni elaima asnlnat »aid »»tale are hereby No use to squirm an I wince and try to wear out your Rlieumatiam. It will wear you out instead. Apply Home ISSa’i.’M' ................... ....... Sloan’s Liniment. Need not rub it In— „ „ 1 11 Oevlln, Adinlniatrator. AUnr-y jiiat let it penetrate all through the tor AdVnlÄi',, i,a affected parts, relieve the sorent-H* and r*1 Pui’H«he