Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, December 03, 1914, Image 1

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    WANT "ADS”
á Them In B-6111-1111
Only One-cent a Word
Subscription, $1.00 a Year.
iHL Swrti Hrralù
New “War Tax" Effective Since
Monday. May Catch All of Us If
it Lasts Long. It Will Cost to
The new “War Tax” went Into effect
Monday evening. Severn) feature« of It
will reach out for even the smallert
capitalist« To liegin with, certificates
of marriage, issued by a clergyman, ure
subject to a ton cent tax. The working-
of the law are |M«*ullar and esquires
considerable study.
That it shall Mot 1» lawful to r»*cord or
register any instrument, |>a|« r or docu­
ment required by law to la> stamped mi­
le«* a slnnqi <>r *tmap* of th» proper
amount shall have lieen affixed and can­
celled i*i the manner peraerilMid by law.
Conveyance: Iteed, Instrument or
writing, wlwreby any lands, tenement*
or other really sold shall Is* granted,
assign«*«^ transferred or otherwise con­
veyed to, or vested in, tbe purchaser or
purchasers, or any other person or per­
sons, by hie. her, or their, direction
when the <*onsiderali»n of value of the
interest or property conveyed, exclusive
ot the value ol any lien or eucuuihrams*
thereon, exceeds one hundred dollar*
and doss not exc«*ed live hundred dol­
lar«, fifty cents; and for each additional
five hundred dollars or fractional part
thereof in excess of five hundred dollars
50 cents: Provided . That nothing con­
tained in thia paragraph shall lie so con­
strued as to inqioee a tax upon any in­
strument or writing given to secure a
This act taxes such instruments on
the value exclusive ol th«- value of any
lien or encumbrance thereon.
Referee’s deed.
A conveyance of realty by a master
commissioner must have necessary
stamps to I m * reivivable for record.
Taxation of conveyances of realty sold
subject to mortgage.
A contract tor d««d in*«! in selling
real estat«* is not subject to stamp tax.
Release« of mortgage* ami devils of
trust operating a* mortgages are not
subject t<> taxation, no matter in what
form they are executed.
Ihx-d* of master* in chancery are
quired to Is* *tain|M*d.
Photo by American Preaa Association
Warranty deed, with vendors
taxt*d a* s conveyance of land,
atlixed b«*fore the document is delivered.
mortgage tax imposed thereon.
When a partition «feed is operative in i Certificate« issued by an ntficer of the
defining boun iary lines, or in showing «tnte, in the interest of th«* state, are
by location, each tenant-in-coinmon’a not liable to the tax
interest no tax acctirea.
Any diM-ument, the stamping of which
A deed or mortgage executed and de­ would make it neces«ary that the state
livered prior to Nov. I, 1914, is suhj«*ct should furnish an I affix the stamp, are
to stamp tax wnen offered for registra­ exempt from the stamp tax.
tion after that date in states where, by
Return of birth, certificate of death,
state law, registration is neivMary to and certificate« of the registrar a* to the
pass title or establish valid lien.
facts dtvlareil concerning birth, marriage
Conveyance of a mine located on un­ and death are none ot them suhjt^t to
patented land is subject to taxation.
tla* stamp tax inipoaed upon certificates.
Deeds of conveyance executed by and
A stamp is require«I upon a certificat«
lietween tehants-in-«'ommon. not tax-1 of incorparation.
able. Deeds of conveyance executed by
The certificate of a clerk 07 court to
and let ween joint tenant« taxable.
the qualification of a notary public or
Conveyance of realty to trustees or jus tic»* of tlie peace is held to lie a
other persons without a valuable con­ certificate requiring a stamp.
sideration, not taxable.
A certificate of aknowledgment to a
A <fee«l of conveyance conveying real ■ deed, where the consideration of the
estate that lies in countries that are not 1 deed is S100 or less, or to a mortgage
United States territory, is not subject to where the consideration is gltrio or less,
taxation, though the grantor and grant«* doe« not require a stamp.
may lioth I m * citizens and residents of
Certificates i«sued at tax sale or cer
the tJnit«*d States.
I tillcates of redemption from tax sale do
Deeds that »re simply conflrmnatory | not require stamps.
and do not vest title not already vested,
Certificates reqtiire«l by law which are
are exempt from tax ; same as to dissis made by court officers utuier the direc­
of partition.
tion and authority of the court, and
If a deed does not grant, assign, ! which are neeeseary to give proper ef­
transfer or convey to the purchaser any fect to th»» court proceeding», are ex­
lands, tenements or other realty, but empt.
only the right to burial to erect monu­
Court processes*, such as ¿Umtnonses,
ments, etc., it does not require a stamp. writs of attachment, eubpena, warrants,
CJiiit claim deed taxable according to orders of court, etc., are not required to
value of the property interest conveyed. I mi stain[ssl.
Contracts for sale of land taxable if
Certificates of protest of every note,
they vest title; if provision is made for bill ot exchange, etc., whether j>rotest«*d
future delivery of deed, they an* not by a notary public or any other officer,
duly authorized by law, mn«t I m *
Ground-rent deed taxable ns to con stamped.
veyance and not as a lease.
A certificate of search showing that
th«» dockets or record« of the court have
l<etters of administration and other lM*«n ft-arehed, and »how either that
probate papers, certificates of the sale for liens exist or do not exist as to proper­
unpaid taxes, and certificates of re­ ty, or that judgments are recordetl or
not recorded, and also certificates of
demption, no stamp required.
search to ascertain whether or not titles
Certificates of authority issued to in­ are good, whether taxes have b«»*n paid,
surance agents by state officers an* aulx when such are needed for private use
ject to taxation, and the rate, imposed and private interests, they an* subject to
th«' tax.
is 10 «Mints on each certificate.
Certificates of ack now led me nts of
Certificates attach, d to depositions to «feeds and mortgage« are not require«! to
tie used in legal proceedings, not taxable. ' Is* stamp«'d. Th«* metnoradum on the
Certificates required by law, issued back of the dee«l or mortgage, mail«* by
the register or «Murder that the instru­
by any department or officer of the ment lias been placed upon record, 1«
government at tlie request of private not eubfect to taxation.
Certineat«« of birth, marriHg* and
persona, solely for private use, should be
stamped. The stamp should be fur­ death, when issued to private person«
for private uaeare subject to the 10 cent
nished by the person applying for tbe i ' slwtiip Mix.
instrument? and for whose use and bene­
Long distance telephone talks are to
fit the same is issued, and should be Is* assessed a cent each.
Maliel Zimmerman, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. George Zimmerman, died at
the Good Samaritan Hospital at I A. M.
Miss Zimmerman liecame ill Sunday
at her home «nd was not considered in
any danger until Tuesday, when she was
taken to the hospital and there operated
Miss Zimmerman was born at Fair­
view, Or.. 23 years ago anil was gradu­
ated from the University of Oregon in
the class of 1913.
Funeral services will lie held tomorrow
at 1 o'clock at Centenary Methodist
Episcopal Church. Pallbearer« will lie
Donald Hague, John Black. Earl Mur­
phy and Francis Curtis —Oregonian.
Dry Legislation Assured
The Committee of One Hundred,
under whose auspices the dry campaign
was conducted, is now engaged in draw­
ing upa measure to lx* presented to both
houses of the 1914 legislature that will,
the committee says, “represent both tlie
letter and spirit of the amendment to
the constitution.”
Despite rumors to the Contrary, there
will be no attempt in this measure to
prevent the distribution of liquor nor to
prevent its use in the home. The en­
forcement measure, as was the amend­
ment, is aimed merely at the open sa­
loon and public sale of liquor.
The Committee of One Hundred has
lieen asked tn take tlie reeponsibility of
drawing up such a measure by 18 mem­
bers of the legislature and it has now ad­
dressed a letter to the balance, asking
members what their attitude will be
toward such legislation.
Inasmuch as the state went dry by
3«l,000, it is felt that the sympathies of
the legislature will lie with the Com­
mittee of One Hundred's measure,
which is being worked on by the best
lawyers in the state. Before the final
draft is completed suggestions will lie
asked from representatives of every
leading temperance organization in
11. E. Bloyd, formerly with the
Multnomah State Rank, paid Lents a
visit Tueaday afternoon.
The Lents School poultry and pet
I show will I m * field this year on Itecember Bit Bond Issue Next Money Rais-
11th., about one hundred and twenty-
int Project for Multnomah Colum­
’ five pupils have over 300 specimen« to
bia Highway Exceeds Estimate
show, of their poultry growing« Par­
About Three Times.
ents may aim» bring and exhibit speci-
I mens of their valuable birds, or new
If yon have been watching tlie dailies
I varieties in order to encourage home j ot late you have noticed an unusual
culture of tlw-se fowls among the pupils »mount of «pare being devoted to the
at home.
' beauties of tlie Columbia River High­
Pet animals will also he shown, other
way. Every iswne lias a column or two
i than poultry, at this time. Dogs, cats,
the scenic wonder, tlie mag-
rshbits, or other small domestic animals
tlie visits of varions dig­
! may be brought.
All exhibits should be in place on nitaries, strangers, and what not, all
Thursday morning of tlie 10th, or very ■ ingenuously devised by some ardent pro­
j early on Friday morning. The exhibit moter of the new road, sme member of
i will b« seen by the public all day on the highway board, the G xid Roads
Association, or other person who is look­
I Friday up tiil five in tlie afternixni.
ing for a chance to buy county bonds.
| The need is being sown.
within the next three months a definite
¡opportunity will be given to the people
of the county to express their support on
Certainly Oregon has no reason to be a $1,000,000 bond ¡«sue to continue the
i dissatisfied with the progress being made highway work, particularly along tlie
Portland, Oregon, Nov. 30, 1914. Mr. I in pop'-’ating the state, since tbe report Columbia. That [»articular road must
H. A. Darnali, I.ents, Oregon. Dear i rei-ently issueil by die State Labor Com- tie built at the general expense,
Sir and Friend—The I.amts ‘Monthly 1 missioner at Salem indicates that there of more local, and essential need are to
< Meeting of Friends wishes to commend : are now 122,822 more residents in be built on an assessment plan if the
people will stand for it. So far, people
| you for your outspoken advocacy of the Oregon than wiien the 1910 census was
alone the Section Line and Base Line
Oregon Dry Amendment during the re­
compil«?d. Four years ago there were have refused to be “gulled” by any
cent campaign.
Bnt the
672,755 people in the state as compared such plan of construction.
For a newspaper to take each a stand
with 795,587 at this time. The report present r*»ad bo*»*** expect to force them
is beyond the ordinary and the on* that
was compiled from tlie enrollment and to it. By using available rmd fumls on
| does it should have the support of all
attendance figures of tbe school depart­ the Columbia road, the other ro^Is of
temperance people and organizations.
tbe county will altimately grow im­
ment in each county.
Also the advertisers in such papers
It is
The report indicates that tbe growth passible through want of repair.
should receive consideration by tnese
in population is somewhat “patchy” estimated that tbe people will eventually
throughout the state, some counties hav­ capitulate and that any old system will
But we as an organization mutt
ing made remarakable advances while be accepted that will get them to
differ from you on the question of a others have grown but little, while in market.
strong military system being a guaran­
several instances there appears to have
How long this will continue is mere
tee of peace to a nation.
On the other been a loss. Multnomah County shows speculation. As long as tbe cash holds
hand we contend that war is always
the largest gain, 50,922, while Hood I out or the Commissioners will stand for
wrong and that a great army and navy River, Josephine. Morrow and Sherman I tlie bills, tbe money available will l>e
furnish a temptation for war and we counties show k population slightly . spent on tbe highway, which has al­
cite Germany as an instance of this
smaller than four years ago.
ready cost, according to one prominent
munty official, about two time« the first
We are uecidedly apposed to a mili­
At tlie recent Fruit Growers conference intimate. Something near 129,000 of
tary organization
beyond what is
Spokane, a committee was appointed this iias gone for special engineering,
necessary for police duties, oppose mili­
the purpose ot working out the solu­ j special bosses, special advisers, etc.
tary training in ear school« and advo­
tion of the by-prodnris problem and, if There boeere have not al v-ays been pro­
cate a Supreme Court of Nations backed
|x*nible, effect a consolidation of the ficient men so their terms of advice ha«
by the police powers of all nations.
' in some instances proven expensive.
8igned by direction of Lents Monthly various selling agencies. A meeting of ' Gne of them was turned oft recently,
Meeting of Friends. Geo. L. Carr,
who didn’t even know what a “road
J, Allen Dunbar, Yakima on December 5. At that time
patrol system” m**ant.
The present plan of the “Highway­
out whereby an advisory board of can­
ning and evaporator experts, together men,” (which after all is not entirely a
with practical business men, can be pnn, for they are preparing to loot the
tlie services of this board to be public for a pleasure drive) is to get a
Miss Beatrice Williams of Woodmere
to all fruit districts calling for ♦1,000,000 bond issue through early in
end M. V. Newsee of South Damascus,
manner it is expected to fur­ tlie spring. This will afford plenty of
Clackamas County were married at the
funds to pave tbe Columbia road from
home of C. B. Ostinson 7703 5flth Ave., nish to each district, full and reliable the east line to Portland with high grade
8. E., Sunday, Nov. 22, Rev. W Boyd
Warrenite. royalty and all and maybe
Moore officiating. The wedding dinner funds which would otherwise be spent
have a small sum left over to grave)
was served at 3 p. m. end was enjoyed
some road borne*' private drive. When
by a number of guests. This young form inspection and a central selling
they get this road built they will poet
agency will be taken up later.
couple will make their home on the
'sisns on it to prevent narrow tired
farm in south Damascus. Their many
The farmers of Polk County are be­ wagons or horses with shoes being driven
friends wish them much happiness and
coming interested in a proposition to over it for fear of cutting up the surface.
raise sugar beets. A meeting was held As no unehodden or smooth shod horse
can stand upon a hard Warrenite sur­
at Independence a few days ago at
Advertised Letters
which the matter was discussed with face, horse drawn vehicles will be prac­
Advertised letters for week ending representatives of the beet sugar manu­ tically excluded from its use. If they
Nov. 28, 1914 : Bingham, Mrs. F. R.; facturers, and it is expected that a con- don’t prohibit them they will prohibit
Clark, Helen M. ; Haley, Henry H.; siiferabl» acreage will be devoted to themselves, for out» a farmer’s horse
Jones, Ralph N. ; I an tant, Mr. J.; beets the coming year. The bottom has fallen down on a grade covered
Miller, Ena ; Potter, R. W ; Patterson, lands are well adapted to this crop and with slick Warrenite tie will decide to
John; Puckett. Mrs. Edith; Ruby, the sugai men are convinced the indus­ stay off of it until he buys a machine.
Edward ; Taylor A Brooks.
try can be made profitable to the far­ I Thus do ‘ ‘good roads’ ’ promote the sale
: of machines.
Geo. W. Spring, Postmaster. mers.
The present aim of the Warrenite
is to get their surface adopted
The union Thanksgiving services at
Near Brownsvilk* a large deposit of
the Evangelical Church was a very en­ splendid building stone, of a rare buff before the first of the year. After the
joyable affair
The different |lents color, has been found, and tlie quarry 1 first of January there will be a change
pastors had some part in the program. will lx* opened as soon as the necessary in the County Commiseionerehip and
J. M. Nelson, pastor of the tanta Bap­ machinery can be installed. This par- J tlie new incumbent will not be favorable
tist Church preaching the sermon. tk’ular variety of stone is much sought to the high price«! Warrenite. He is
Special music was rendered by the choir after by architects, and the industry will well armed with figures to show that a
of the Evangelical Church and the undoubtedly reach large proportions. more economical surface can be laid and
it is the aim of tbe road promoters to
Beaver Male Chorus.
The machinery now on the way to the
»■e the thing settled before he gets a
quarry will give a capacity of three car­
I vote.
Wm. Fanson and daughter, Mrs. loads per day.
Shafer of Mason, Mich., and J. C.
Craft of Anaheim, Calif., are spending
Matthew Henry Loses Son
Lumbermen of the Pacific Northwest
the week at the home of C. H. Bateman have been asked to bill on railroad tie«
Eugene Frances Henry, son of
of Belrose. Mrs. Shafer and Mr. Craft for the Orient aggn»gnting 9.000,000 feet, I Matthew Henry and wife of Blunder
were school mates of Mrs. Bateman and and with orders for the name material and Agate streets, aged four years and
all were atone time pupils of Mr. Bate­ coming from Europe, it is expected the five months, died Tuesday night at two
millmen of this territory will lie right in o'clock of pneumonia. He had been ill
line for their share of tl>e anticipated 1 only a very short time. The funeral
Clyde Sager’s window display of good times.
was held Thursday at 10 a. m. at
Golden West Coffee has attracted a lot
house, Father Beutgen officiating,
of favorable comment this week. The
Kenworthy in charge. The banal was
Funeral of Thomas D. Wrinkle
I at Multnomah cemetery.
display will stand a chance of winning
Thomas D. Wrinkle, who lived alone
a prise in the Golden West display con­
Happy Hollow, near the Mt. Scott
test now being held.
cemetery was found dead in his cabin
Miss Bertha Elston and Douglas
Friday by neighbors. He had been sick
Daily Mails
with pneumonia.
He was 58 years of Gillies of Oswego were married at tbe
Mails at the Lents postoffice arrive age, He-i* survived by two brothers, Methodist parsonage Nov. 30, Rev. W.
Tbe young
and depart daily, except Sunday, as fol­ one living in Portland and one in St. ' Boyd Moor» officiating.
Johns. Funeral services were conducted I adv was a form r parishioner of the
lows :
Monday at St. Peter's Church in I«ente, pastor and the young man, recently
7:30 A.M. Rev. Father Ueutgen officiating, and from Onio, being acquainted with many
3 XX) A. M.
T2i30r.HI. the interment was made in tlie Ml of tbe friends of the minieter'e family in
12:50 P. M.
3:90 P. M.
5:90 P. M. Scott Cemetery.
the Rasf.