Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, November 26, 1914, Image 7

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Only One Queen Left Alive In Europe
Dutchmen everywhere celebrated re­
cently the thirty third birthday of their
beloved monarch, Wilhelmina, the
j world's only ruling queen.
mina jum born on August 31, 1880,
and ascended the throne on her elgh-
j teenth birthday, fifteen years ago. The
?wtW. Or
Dutch queen is very old fashioned In
her Ideas and opinions. She has in­
herited warlike instincts and doesnot
having The Hague made
iJava Hou «ton, Prop. H. 11. Thor« mm . M*r.
Thoroughly modern. 101 Room» of comfort. Mod­ the "peace capital” of the world. At
erate Prk-ea. Throw minutaa’ walk from Unkm the last peace conference in the Dutch
¡Mpot. Write for rates 72 I Soft k. fOfTLAJID. «
capital the queen remained sternly
aloof, and her openly unsympathetic
WEIKS’ BREAK UP-A-COLD TABLETS attitude, and especially her refusal to
A guaranteed remedy for Colds and lay tbe foundation stone of the peace
La Grippe. Price 25c of your druggist. temple, aroused much indignation
among the pacificists. It was only af­
It’s good. Take nothing else.—Adv.
ter long and earnest persuasion by her
ministers and other rulers that Wil­
helmina consented to give royal sanc­
tion to the ceremonies held recently
at the peace palace.
Rot only to user« of pipe and clear«, but tho
Queen Wilhelmina is bitterly oppos­
vlrloue cigarette habit Is overcome by usine ths ed to woman suffrage, partly because
"NITKITK” treatment. Price complete. prntage it runs counter to ¡»ar old-fashioned
paid. 11.00. Iwue-Davie Drug Co.. 3d and Yam­ notions about woman’s sphere, partly
hill. Portland, Or. (Whan wnung mantion thia
because in Holland suffrage and so-
i clalism are so closely associated.
Wilhelmina, like her mother. Queen
If McIntosh Red eloped with a Pip­ Regent Emma, before her, is a stern
pin would he be shadowed by a North­ and uncompromising teetotaler. She
has never touched a drop of liquor in
ern Spy?
If Wagener wedded a Grimes Gold­ any form or on any occasion, and nev­
er permitted wine or alcoholic bever­
en would they become Wealthy?
If the Winesap drank cider from a ages in the palace until after her mar­
Gravensteln would be call it Delicious? riage to Prince Henry of Mecklenburg-
If the Senator was wrecked on a Schwerin a dozen years ago. It is said
Spltzenburg would it Crabbe bls act? that many three-cornered quarrels be­ 1
If Arkansas Black kissed a Rome tween the prince and his royal wife
and mother-in-law disturbed the at­
Beauty would the Maiden Blush?
If the Duke of York made love to mosphere of the royal residence be­
the Duchess would it cause a Blue fore the queen finally submitted to
her husband’s wishes and permitted
If Ben Davis stepped on a Winter wine to be served to guests.
Tbe Dutch queen is one of the proud­
Banana would he swear, "By Jona­
est and fondest of royal mothers.
Upon little Princess Juliana, now In
The danger in sowing mines lies in her fifth year, the Queen lavishes a
the possibility that the grim reaper wealth of affection, and all the hopes
of Dutch monarchists are centred up­
will get the harvest.
on this healthy little mite of feminine
humanity. The wee princess is all
Ths startling discovery has been that stands between royalist Holland
made that college men are consider­ and one or the other of two fates
ably more ignorant of Biblical affairs equally horrible to the queen—tbe
than of bibulous matters.
. "gobbling up” of the country by Ger­
many or tbe establishment of a so­
cialistic republic.
Ms'* hi rum Bhippwf on
uni if .Mran
b/ Korn«
Wri’« for aampUs of
■ tat in*
p ra f vrr •!,
Kola Tablets
have many friends who use them as a general
tonic and for Kidney trouble. Price 25e per box,
S boxes for SI.00. For
by Ltje-Divu Drug
Co.. 3d and Yamhill Sts.. Portland. Ore.
Curtain Hints.
When "dolr.g up" lace curtains fold
them lengthways and starch the
edges only. In this way an economy
in starch is effected, the curtains look
better and they do not so quickly wear
into boles as when starched all over
When buying window shades get an
extra set of catches. Put one set at
the usual place, the other about a
foot lower. In cold weather hang the
shados on tbe lower catches and leave
the window down from the top This
gives perfect ventilation and prevents
the shade from blowring about.
Ilemarkabln photograph of the «Inking of four German destroyers in the North sea, taken by a British officer
on a boat that went to the reacue of the floating survivors.
Good Old Times.
AU De.lera. 25c.
Send four cents in stamps for a
Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Inc.
Dept. B.
Philadelphia, Pa.
British aircraft gun firing at a Ger­
man Taube aeroplane from an ar­
mored train in Belgiuth. The first pic­
ture to be shown of this gun.
Officer Makes Coward Brave.
Paris.—Nothing better illustrates
the relations between French officers
and privates than the following Inci­
dent related by a wounded soldier:
"One day under the peppering of
mil i'allleuse fire," he said, "a soldier
fighting in the first rank was over­
come by panic and turned to the rear.
The captain seized him by the arm,
led him back to his post and remained
beside him until he quieted. Shortly
after we charged bayonet, and do you
know who led? It was the very man
Madame Patti, the famous singer, visiting the wounded Belgians in the who wanted to fly. The captain had
Patti ward of the Swansea hospital. She sang at a concert in ixtndon in aid inoculated him with his own cour­
of the Belgian relief fund.
! She was my leading lady,
And she took me through the store
■ To go broke on Christmas shopping—
Her misleading made me sore!
War's Effect on Drug Markets.
Here’s Proof
Charlft Johmm. p. O. Ras IOS, Law
ten’ a Station, N. Y., wrttaa: "I «pnuned
my ankle and dislocated my left hip by
faUins out of a third story window six
months ago. I went on crutches for four
mouths, then I started to use some of
your Liniment, according to vour direc­
tions, and 1 must say that it is helping
me wonderfully’. I threw my crutches
away. Only used two bottles of your
Liniment and now I am walking quite
well with one cane. I never will be with­
out Sloaa’1 Liniment.'*
Thia photograph of Neldenburg, Haul Pruasla, was made just after tho
IliisalanH had left the city. Though unfortified and undefended, it was shelled
for two hours and tile hospital, the church and many other buildings were
Which would you sooner do, eat
Thanksgiving dinner with the Ger­
mans in Paris or partake of Yuletide
joy with the Cossacks in Berlin?
Try Murine Eye Remedy for Red, Weak, Watery
Even and Granulated Eyelids; No Smarting—
hit*. Eye Comfort Write for Book of vhe Eye
by mail F*rte. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago.
Sloan’s Liniment will save
hours of suffering. For bruise
or sprain it give« instant relief.
It arrests inflammation and thus
prevents more serious troubles
developing. No need to rub it
in—it acts at once, instantly
relieving the pain, however
severe it may be.
Stomach Bitters
It tones the stomach—
brings back the appetite­
assists digestion and as­
similation—promotes liv­
er and bowel activity—
prevents Bloating, Heart­
burn, Indigestion, Bili­
ousness and Malaria.
Get a bottle this very day
Majority Like New Rule.
Summarized reports from the twen-
ty-elgbt cities of the third class fa
Pennsylvania concerning their prog­
ress under commission government
during the first six months of 1914
were presented in an address recently
delivered by A. M. Fuller, president
of the Allied Civic Bodies. The in­
formation, received in the form of an­
swers to questions, includes reports
from nineteen banks and twenty Indi­
viduals, and. as reported in The Amer­
ican City, indicates general satisfac­
tion with the new form of government
The questions and answers were as
Has the new form of government, in
your opinion, proved a success? Twen­
ty-two cities reported, very briefly,
yes; three, no, and three, no opinion.
Are your citizens generally pleased
with the new system? Twenty-on»
cities reported yes; three, no, and
four, no opinion.
Has it tended to create more inter­
in city affairs on the part of citi­
Don't stand that itching skin humor est
zens? Twenty-three cities reported
one day longer. Go to the nearest lyes;
two, no, and three, no opinion.
druggist and get a jar of resinol oint­
Would not the "general manager
ment (50c) and a cake of resinol soap plan” in conection with the present
‘ (25c). Bathe the eczema patches with system render the government still
' resinol soap and hot water, dry and more efficient? Twenty-one cities re­
apply a little resinol ointment.
It’s almost too good to be true. The ported yes and seven cities reported
torturing, itching and burning stop in­ no.
stantly, you no longer have to dig and
Moving pictures seem to be all-im­
scratch, sleep becomes possible, and
i healing begins. Soon the ugly, tor- portant. They have them at the apple
■ turing eruptions disappear completely show and now the good roads conven­
tion is talking of them.
' and for good.—Adv.
"Father." said tbe small but pert
A Berlin paper was punished for
boy, “didn’t Esau sell his birthright
i calling the advance a retreat. Even
for a mess of pottage?"
the retreat was only a strategical ma­
"Yes. my son."
That was some high cost
of living, wasn't It?"
There may be nothing significant in
tbe tact that the kaiser is moving his
Otherwise Engaged.
troops from Lyck.
"Bllgglns’ boy doesn't say as many
Is It modesty on the part of the man­
bright things as he used to."
"No. Bllgglns has taken to tango agement that prompts them to import
dancing, and hasn't time to think 'em a baud to blow their horns for them.
The village cut-up wants to know if
velvet jumpers are persons who land
on soft jobs.
Stiff Muscles
NO "
Tobacco Habit Cured
Tbla ii one of tho latest Krupp guns, leverai of which, it la paid, have been mounted on the German battle-
ali I pa.
Persons suffer more from inexperienced truse
fitting than from hernia. Why not buy your
trusses from experts? Try Laue-Davis Drug Co.,
at 3d and Yamhill, Portland. Ore., who are ex­
perts and know how.
Europe's Highest Flowers.
Not less than eighty-six species of
flowering plants above the snow line
have been discovered by Herr von
Klebelsberg in the Tyrolese Alps. Of
these fifty-six species continued to ex­
ist up to 300 feet above the snow line,,
and six were still found at more than .
1,500 feet above, while one—the gla­
cial Ranunculus—reached 12,000 feet
above sea level on the Grossglockner
and nearly 13.900 on the Finsteraar-
horn. No other vascular plant in the
Alps is known at such a height.
Most Skin Trouble
Readily Over ►I ’ h
That the great war in Europe will
perhaps lead to the establishment in The Active Principle of a
the United States of one or more dis­
Famous Remedy Work*
tributing centers for the drug products
of the entire world, as well as it will
tend to encourage the manufacture in
this country of many of the drugs now
Imported, is the belief of Dr. Martin
I. Wilbert, of the Divtsion of Pharma­
cology of the United States Public
Health Service.
Virtually all of the great drug mar­
kets of the world are in the war zone,
and stocks on hand in the foreign
ports are not available for export ei­
ther because of blockade or because
the local governments have prohibited
the exporting of drugs. The depen-
| dence of the people of the United
Many people bare marveled th. way
States on Europe for most of the drugs S. 8. 8. overcomes skin troubles. The ex­
used in this country Is emphasized by planation Is tbe fact that 8. 8. S. works
tbe blood and tbe blood Is really a most
■ the unprecedented increase in the tn
intricate and extraordinary mass of arterica
price of some of the more widely used and veins.
drugs and the practical exhaustion for
When you come to realize that the skin
the time being of some of the more and the flesh beneath are composed of n.
important articles which are made or network of tiny blood vessels you solve tha
conrolled by the European countries mystery.
are wonderful medicinal properties
now at war. In a report on the situa­ In There
8. 8. 8. that follow the course of the
tion which Dr. Wilbert has made for blood streams just as naturally as the moat
Surgeon-General Rupert Blue, of tae I nourishing food elements.
Federal Public Health Service, he | It Is really a remarkable remedy. It
,-ontalns one ingredient, the active purpose
of which Is to stimulate the tissues to the
“There is an urgent need for estab- Healthy selection of Its own essential nutri­
I lishing for ourselves and for the Amer- ment. And the medicinal elements of this
matchless blood purltier are just as essen­
| lean continent generally a distributing tial
well balanced health as the nutrl-
center for the drug products of the :l<»is to elements
of the meats, grains, fata
world. Outside of the trade few peo­ ind sugars of our dally food.
Not one drop of minerals or drugs !s used
ple of this country are aware of the
Its preparation. Ask for 8. 8. 8. and
fact that by far the greater number of In
lust Insist upon having It. And If you de-
drugs sold in the different countries tire skillful advice and counsel upon any
of the world are marketed through matter concerning the blood and skin, writs
Medical I w-partrnszit. The Swift
London. Hamburg or Trieste. A few to the Co.,
52» Swift Bldg., Atlanta. Ga.
drugs like the products of the Dutch Specific
Do not allow some sealous clerk’s »to
colonies are marketed through Am­ Suence over something "Just as good" as
sterdam, and some of the drug pro­ , 8. 3. to fool you with the same old
drugs. Beware of all substitute»
ducts of Turkey and western Asia mineral
Insist upon 8. 8. 8.
come to this country directly from
Constantinople or Smyrna. ¿The bulk
of the drugs used in this country, how­
No. 48, 1814
P. N. U.
ever, even including those of Ameri­
can origin, are distributed from the
great drug markets of the world cen-
tered in the cities of HamburggTrieste WHEN writing to advertisers. please ss«n-
’ tioa this paper-
and London.”
Cates moee goods fast«, and bright« colors than any other dye. Every package guaranteed to color Silk. Wool. Cotton and Mined Goode at one bolltag. W cento
«ackage Write lor free booklet "How to Dye and Mia Caters.” calendar. ,tetters, etc.
MONBOB DBUG COMPANY. Drpartmant Z. Qutasv. lUtaoto