Don’t Delay I reatino Your (ouqh A «light cough often I scuiiim serious, Lifligs get« congested, Bronchial Tubes fill with mucous. Yonr vitality is re* du rod. You need Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar* lloney. It soothe« your Irritateti sir passage», l«nns mucous and make* your System resist Colds. Hive the Baby anr 52*17 ture of articles made of cedar as mil­ Oregon Lents, lions of feet extend in every direction, and here is au abundance of water pow­ er going to waste on any of these creeks. Transjxirtation will soon Ire here, either a railroad or a hard surface road lor auto trucks. Shingles, sash doors, cellar chest«, coffins, etc., can be made here cheaper than anywhere. Parties are complaining of the high | cost of fuel in Portland, and yet there are millions of cords extending in every direction If we bhd a railroad here we could give work to thousand« of Funeral Directors i men. John B. Hneedeu of Canada came Montgomery ami Fifth Ht here to join hi« wife, who is holding i down a tailroad claim two mile« south ‘ of town. Lota of former Americans, line Place of Business Only who ienounced their allegiance to get Washed Graded Gravel Plastering Sand H2nd St. and 45th Ave Phone Tabor 2063 J. F. Heytinjr General Machine Shop T. M. WALSH A. D. Kenworthy and Company Funeral Directors J. P. Finley & Son Experienced Woman in Attendance How Hs Freed His Mind to His Daugh- tsr’s English Governess. Phone Main V A-159B Home B-1888 Phone East 7HI LERCH Undertaker Hawthore Ava. and East 11 th st. Mrs. I.erch Asxistaut Branch Office Carters Building Kern Park PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. JOHN FAWCETT Diseases of Women and Children a Specialty Pacific Talior 3214 Local 2011 C. LOUIS BARZEE Attorney at Law A GENERAI. LAW PRACTICE 2nd floor Addlton Bld’g., next to Mult­ nomah State Bank Lents. Oregon LODGE DIRECTORY Shiloh Circle No. 1», Ladies of O. A. K. meet» lit »nd *1 Saturday evenlnas In I. O. O. F. hall, Lanta. UllAh Mattel, Pre«., Carrie Ingle», Sco'y. PULPIT WARNED AGAINST THE YELLOW PERIL OF POLITICS. A Consecrated Ministry Needed for the Rural Church««. By Peter Radfoid. Lecturer National Fanners' I’nlon. The farmera of thia nation bave on their payroll 95,000 preachers and thia uumber applying themselves diligent- ly and exiluslvely to the religious work at hand Is sadly Inadequate to properly serve their respective com­ munities. Those who put on eccle«issticsl robes are In a measure free to unlock every door to the human heart and enter the secret chambers of reason and every person should submit their conduct to review and seek the coun­ sel of those divinely appointed mes­ sengers of life, but the moment the minister closes the Bible and opena the law book, he becomes a menace to society. The difficulty of keeping the preach­ er in the pulpit Is as old as religion. Christ encountered It In the temple when he drove the priests from the bargain counter back to the pulpit. Our pilgrim fathers met it when, through the influence of the clergy, a witch court was established at Salem, Maes , in 161*2. that precipitated a legal holocaust threatening to reduce the population to ashes and which was ex­ tinguished by the laymen uniting and forcing the preachers back to the pul­ pit The greatest peril to the church to­ day Is politics. The temptation of the ministry to throw down the cross of ChrlBt and pick up the club of the policeman; to substitute the penalties of the law for the power of the altar and to legislate religion Into human hearts, never was greater. The world never needed a religious ministry more nor political preachers less than It does today. We need min Islers to leach us how to live; we know bow to vote. The religious preacher is the moat capable servant and the political piwacher the sorriest master the world has ever known. Wherever power is placed in the hands of the latter they Invariably become intolerant, bigoted and vicious and resort to the whip and the faggot to enforce their opinion. Civilization has many times been compelled to drive Incorrigible preach­ ers back to the pulpit at the point of the bayonet. Many of the pages of history are wet with blood shed at the hands of political preachers who wrote laws on the statute book« that com­ mitted arson upon mankind, maimed human beings with the hatchet and s«nt helpless women to the torture rack, all because they disagreed with their views. When in control of gov­ ernment, the pulpit politicians invari­ ably undertake to perform legislative miracles such ae casting out witches j homesteads in Canada are now held for with the flame of a torch, suborning ; milit ry duty in Europe. I conscience with shackles and enforc­ ing opinions with the guillotine. THE KAISER AT HOME. Main Office THE Many Interesting facts tx-erlng u|x>n the kiilser ax ii family iiihii and also 1 ax the proud niler of an empire lire given in “Memories of the Kaiser's Court." by Miss Anne Topbat». who «ua for Home time English teacher to the monarch's only do lighter, now the From this Duihcux of Brunswick, book we learn that the kaiser was wont to tnilke Jokes with bln family 1 nt the breakfast table and even to in- i dulge In punning Mias Topham and the kaiser fre quently held conversation« on the sub Ject of England, mid upon one occa­ sion her Imperial muster remarked: "You English people. you drink those nwful flery spirits— horrible «tuff —whisky, brandy, what not! How can you imbibe such quantities of poison ous liquid, mining your constitutions, simply mining them- whisky and soda everywhere? No, It's awful! I tasted Your it once—like liquid Are—ugh! drinking habits are fearful!" Though professing great admiration I of English everyday life, the kaiser had a profound contempt for English politics and politicians. “Not one of your ministers," he said to me on one occasion, "can tell bow many shl[>n of the 11ns you have in your navy. I can tell him—he can't tell me. And your minister for war can’t even ride. I offered him a mount and every opportunity to see tho ran neuvera. Thanks very much for yonr Sorry can't majesty's gracious offer accept It I'm no horseman, unfortu- nntely.* A minister of war, and can't ride! Unthinkable!" During his visits to England he evi­ dently took careful note of valuable relics and memento« of bygone ngen. and after one of them visits lie thus expressed ills thoughts: "Ah. you have never had a Napo­ leon to plunder and hum your country bouses! Your Reyuoldses and Gains­ boroughs, where would they have been If Napoleon's marshals or his soldiers bud seen them? Perhaps burnt or destroyed or sent to the Louvre. Think what It must mean to the children of u house to live with one of those pic­ tures. to absorb It unconsciously Into their mentalities! They must grow up with a love of beautiful things. They cannot help It. We have nothing of the kind. Our houses were stripped i and burnt.” Mixing Politics and Religion Politics and religion will not blend. No free government can long exist or the church perform Its mission to society when preachers and politicians temporarily exchange callings, and a civilization that will countenance such conduct will soon decay, Such a traffic in occupations ie as unsound in principle as the white slave trade is , Immoral in practice. The hand that passes tl.j sacrament should not collect slush funds for po­ litical purposes. The gentle voice that comforts us in sorrow and pronounces I the last sad rite« upon our departed loved ones should not rave and rant on \ the hustings. I do not believe a preacher can manipulate political ma­ chinery and be righteous any more than he could become a burglar and be honest. I think It as* immoral for a preacher to seek to lobby while he prays as it would be for him to gamble while he preaches. A preacher can no more preach a political sermon without converting his pulpit Into a political rostrum than he could sell Intoxicating liquor from the altar without converting the church into a bar-room. He can no more purify politics by playing the game than he can sanctify gambling by running a lottery. I Join in the oft-repeated suggeetion that a preacher has as much right in political brawls as a saloon keeper and we also admit that he has as much right to get drunk as anyone else, but we would rather he would not do so for the "greater the saint the great­ er the sin," I think a political bishop can turkey trot In the name of Chris­ tianity as consistently as he can enter into a mud slinging political contest to the disgrace of hiB church. It is my opinion that when thia world la saved ft will be through re­ ligious sermon« and not through poli­ tical speeches. Salvation must come to us from the Bible and not from the statute book; It will come through holy councils of consecrated ministers and not from caucuses of political preacher«. decoy the ministry Into the mesbex of i politics and make them carry banners ! AN OLD NOR....,! CUSTOM. In political procession«. They have taken the ministry to the mountain Ths -Cry For Just’C«" Still Survives In tne I Chen*i«l Islands. top of power and offered to make them An if, < -i ng mid unusual revival monarch of all they surveyed, and . i .Norman custom occurred while must of them have said, "get I of mi .. thee behind me Satan,” a few have ar Guti,.»r, -, not long ago when Daniel fallen with a crash that has shaken iJefilie. jural, Juaticier elect of Aider- ■:<>, h I ion.- rietiioii tbe royal court an. every pulpit In Christendom. The ministry, unsophisticated and nulled I h - i -« um * be bud been sentenced confiding. Is no match for the poli­ ' to ll term of iiuprlxonmeut some years tician versed in artful persuasion and •go. ralxed u clameur de haro. or a skilled in deceit, and it ia the duty of [ "cry for Justice." against a fresh elec- the laymen to protect the ministry tion by kueeling bareheaded at the en against the onslaught of these wolves trance of tbe courthouse and exclaim­ in sheep's clothing and drive the poll ing: "Haro! Haro! Haro, a I* aide, ticiana from the pulpit with the lash uiou prince, on me fait tort!" (Help of public «corn. It ia the laymen’« me. my prince! They do me wrong!) Tbe clameur de baro. ai» ancient problem to keep tbe ministry free from unholy alliances, for it Is said Norman custom, still survives in the on divine authority that we are our Channel Islands. The appellant must on his knees and before witnesses, brother’s keeper. raise the cry that acta as an injunc­ Political Prayer Meetings. tion until the alleged tort or trespass It la a sad day for Christianity when has been passed on by tbe court if the church bells call the communicants the trespasser continue« be is liable to together for a political prayer meet­ arrest and punishment Although the ing Such gatherings mark the high cluincur is «till legal In tbe Channel tide of religious political fanaticism, islands, recourse to it is very rare, and put bitterness Into the lives of men; there has been no instance of it in Al­ fan the flame of class hatred and de­ derney for two centuries It is, bow stroy Christian Influence in the com­ ever, a very effective procedure. munity. The spirit actuating such The derivation usually ascribed to meetings ia anarchic, un-Christlike the form of the plea is curious "Haro' and dangerous to both church and Is said to be an abbreviation of "Ha. state. Rollo!" a direct appeal to Rollo, tbe it must be said to the credit of tbe first Duke of Normandy, and the cry is Church that the political preacher I thus traced back to the days when fast disappearing and may his in­ there were no courts and justice was fluence ever wane and hl« shadow ever personally meted out by princes, it is. grow less is the prayer of tbe farmers however, more probable that "haro" ia of this nation. simply an exclamation to attract at­ tention A similar custom, applicable only In criminal cases, wan the Saxon clamor vlob-ntiae. which existed at the time of the Norman in vasion — Youth's Com panion. THE CALL OF JL DRAGON FLIES AT SEA. Ths Puzzle That Cams With Thsm and a Squall Later On. Rural life offers to young men days of toil and nights of study. It offers frugal fare and plain clothes, It of- fers lean bodies, hard muscles, horny hands and furrowed brows, It of- fers wholesale recreation to the ex­ tent necessary to maintain the high­ est efficiency. It offer« the burden of bringing up large families and train­ ing them in the productive life. It offers the obligations of using all wealth as tools and not as means of self gratification, it does not offer the insult of a life of ease, or aes­ thetic enjoyment, or graceful con­ sumption or emotional ecstasy. It offers, instead, the Joy of productive achievement, of participating in the building up of a higher rural civiliza* tion. To young women also it offers toll, study, frugal fare and plain clothes such as befit those who are honored with a great and difficult task. It offers also the pains, the burdens and responsibilities of sacred motherhood. It offers the obligation and perpetua­ tion in succeeding generations the principles of the productive life made manifest in themselves. It does not offer the insult of a life of pride and vanity. It offers the Joys of achieve­ ment, of self-expression not alone in dead marble and canvas, but also in the plas'ic lives of children to be shaped and moulded into those ideal forms of mind and heart which their dream« have pictured. Co-operative thinking is the biggest problem that confronts the farmer to­ day. No farmer can afford to buy a thing be car. raise, co matter how cheap it it. LOSING A GOLF MATCH. Just a Little Lack of Concentration Ones Defeated Travers. In describing a voyage from Hong­ kong to Shanghai some years ago Ad­ miral Fitzgerald relates in his book. "Memories of the Sea.” a peculiar ex­ perience: "One afternoon when we were lying nt anchor out of sight of land, the weather being very close and sultry, we saw a great cloud approaching the ship from tbe direction of the shore, which was about fifty miles off. Tbe cloud came slowly nearer and nearer. It did not look like rain, and presently, as it enveloped tbe ship, we found It was composed of dragon files, and very big ones. They evidently made for the ship to get a resting place, but many missed and fell exhausted In tbe calm sea I ! I . ; i ’ Old Tims Ordnance. I d olden times pines of ordnance were often Darned after birds and rep­ tiles Tims tbe x|>on of hawking gave ns tbe "falcon” mid "falconette.” which were resfiectively six (xiuud and three pound guns, tin- figures refer­ ring to tbe weight of the shot. Tbe "culvertn" and "demiculvertn" cannon were so called because tbe handle of tbe gun wax shaped like a serpent. "culverin” being derived from the French "couleuvre." a snake. Musket was derived from the old French "mousquet.” which meant a male sparrow hawk. —Liverpool Mer­ cury. 8ock and Buskin, Tbe expression "sock and buskin' (comedy and tragedy) bad Its origin in the hoccus . the Latin name of tbe low shoe worn by i—e ancient comic actors; and the buskin, a contraction of the French word brossequln. remotely de­ rived from the Greek bursa, a bide, or high soled shoe, worn by tbe ancient tragedians to increase their height Thp soccus reached only to tbe ankle, the buskin to tbe knee. Belated Discovery. "So you Anally proposed?” said his chum. "Well, to tell the troth." returned the thoughtful youth. “I really didn't know that 1 proposed, but she accepted me. so I guess that settles it I tell you this language of ours is not to be used lightly ” Fashionable Penmanship. "Looks like a futile transaction all round " "What are you kicking about now?" "This fad for large ba nd writing. My daughter got a box of expensive paper from a young man and used it all up writing him a note of thanks.”—Judge. Tremont, Kem Park and Arleta The Arleta Library lias put in a new Lee Huggins of 6439, Ave., and home phone. Mi« Larson of Oregon City, were mar- ried Saturday evening. Clint Chisholm hu opened up a new grocery on 67th St., Kern Park. Mrs John Law iron the Aral prize turkey at the Myrtle Park Masquerade Mrs. W. A. Wiseman of Brentwood Ball Tuesday night. will make additions to her home. Mi« Elizabeth French and Mr. C. G. Smith of 66th street, 8. E.. i« Barlow of Arleta were married Wednes­ making some additions to his reeidence. day at 7:30. Mr. Knowles and Mi« White of 65th Mr. Roberts will rebuild on the cor­ ner occupied by Noble Bros., recently and Rayburn Ave., were married last Saturday evening. burned. Herald and Daily and Sunday Journal $6.00 HOTEL ARLETA Some of the Arleta and Kern Park merchants rejxjrt exceptionally gcxxl business the past week., Arleta Station Re-m