American» Haul Down Tax Ratios Increased Hay; Soldier» Leave Far Above Last Year Salem liecaii«« of comparatively quiet real estate market the greater part of the year, the State tax com- mission ha« fixed ratio« somewhat higher than last year for virtually all counties. The higher ratio«, however, do not n»ce««arily mean higher taxe«, but mean that the valuation« for tax­ able pur|M»e« are nearer the actual value* than last year, when property value« were higher. The ratios are for the uac of the county assessors In determining the tax«« of public Nervier corpurs'ton« and f«.' its purpose of arriving at each county'« pro|>ortion of tax«« for use of the .tute. Under the law the commis­ sion find* the actual value of public corporation property and fixe« a valua­ tion for taxable purjio«e« in the same ratio of actual value a« the county aaaessors fix for the assessment of other property for taxation. The property of public aervice corpora­ tions 1« the only property actually valued by the commlaaion anil the ratio« are fixed for the benefit of the county auoMura in levying the taxe«. In Multnomah county, where there 1« a large part of public «ervice corpor- tion property, the ratio is increased from 60 to 63 pur cent, but In 1912 it wait 65 per cent. The biggest Increaac waa made in Tillamook county, where it waa advanced from 60 to HH per t>u ola«* Gilliam o W 74 Tillamook («rant ta 62 I Umatilla Karnwy u Cl Union. H< mm J Rlvar 71 71 Wallowa J ark non .... 74 74 Waaco. J « .77 70 to 76 .70 76 71 60 64 70 60 62 .60 New Willamette Valley Southern Soon to Operate Oregon City Willamette Valley the track is thoroughly ballasted with Southern track« will be laid Into Mount river gravel four miles past Molalla. Angel, Marion county, by Thanksgiv­ Six passenger cars and other equip­ ment are now in Portland waiting un­ ing, trains will be running on regular til the road ia completed. schedule« by December 15 and direct Dejaits and electrical substations at connection over a new electric railroad Beaver Creek and Monitor are well un­ Crew* now are working will lie established shortly afterwards der way. between Portland, Oregon City and the along the right of way on the larger cuts where there is danger of slides in terminus of the new line. It is understood generally that traffic the rainy season and piles will be driv­ agreement« will allow diiect connec­ en in several places to make tho safety tion between Mount Angel and Port­ of the track sure. Over the new line Mount Angel, the land. An early morning express aerv- ice will leave Mount Angel and gather terminus, i« 30 miles from Oregon Mo­ milk, cream and farm produce which i City, or 43 miles from Portland. will be delivered into Portland every lalla is 19 miles from Oregon City and morning and a daily freight «ervice 32 mmilea from Portland. The railroad officials are making will tie ma in tain«!. Freight in small quantities now is coming in on the tentative plans for the train service. road, but all of the company'« equip­ The passenger service will be equal to The ment is busy hauling gravel from thi« any electric road in the state. city to the end of the line for ballast. best equipped coaches have been ob­ Two and three trains of eight or 10 tained and the company'is planning to cars each carry ballast on the line each cut the time from Portland and Oregon i City to Molalla and Mount Angel under day. Raila are now laid on the line and present «team road schedule«. Kaleva lirotheru and Sister» Hold Convention Aatoria — The National convention of the United Kaleva Brothers and Slater«, formerly the Finnish Brother­ hood, closed ita session here thia week. The convention decided to meet once in four years, changed the name of the organization, voted to admit women to membership and doubled the salar­ ies of the national secretary and treas­ urer. The next convention will be held at Fort Bragg, Cal. The question of es­ tablishing an insurance branch of the order waa postponed until the next convention in order to allow the subor­ dinate lodge« further time to consider the innovation. Officer« to serve during the ensuing four years were elected as follow«: President, Gust L. Laine; first vice president, Andrew Johnson; second vice preaident, Mra. Aino Martin; sec­ retary, Sven Ixmberg; treasurer, Wai- deman Walkkinen; trustees, Walter Mork, Henry Niemi, John Peraonen, Samuel Burg and Arvid Moiaeio; aud­ itore, Samuel Aaikinen, John Wiina- miki and H. F. Toikka. Seatide Creamery I*ay». Seaside — Seaside's co-o[>erative creamery has made a satisfactory showing in the first 18 month« that it has operated. The capital stock is (5000 and in the year and a half since it started, the stockholders have re­ ceived approximately 12700 in divi­ dends, in the form of increased prices for butter fat, that being the manner in which the profit« aro distributed. At the last meeting of the board of directors Manager C. W. Brague re­ signed and F. H. Laighton waa ap­ pointed to fill the position of secretary and treasurer. Rig Lumber Cargo Sent South. St. Helens The St. Helens Mill company this week sent the Celilo, with a million feet of lumber, for San Pedro and the Multnomath for San Diego. The Multmonah left the dock 30 minutes after the Celilo had cleared. These two vessels had a race on their last trip down the coast. Each vessel with a full quota of passengers. The Willamette took a full load of lumber and passengers for San Pedro. The Yosemite, with 40 passengers and 600,- 000 feet of lumber, departed for San Francisco. Raker Grower» Refuse to Sell. Baker — Prices on grain slumped still further in the Baker market. Offerings for wheat were $i for blue­ stem and forty-fold and 98 cents for club, two cents below the top offerings of last week. Barley dropped from $20 a ton to $19 a ton, oats fell off 2} cents a hundred-weight, the offers be­ ing only $1.12}. Farmers refused to sell at the reduced prices, which were based on the reduction« in Portland. Florence Mayor Ousted. Florence — At a special election Thursday, George W. Evans waa re­ called from the office of mayor and C. W. Morey was elected by a vote of 104 to 78. Grounds for the recall were that the mayor directed destruction of a building which was being moved without permission from the council, and when judgment was obtained by the owners of the building, voted for the payment of the judgment and coat« from city funds. The mayor’s defense was that the improvement made by the destruction of the building was in ex­ cess of the amount of the judgment, and the fact that the city council in regular session authorized the pay­ ment of the judgment, the suit having been brought against George W. Evans aa mayor and against another city official. Railroad Sue» County. St. Helens - The Spokane, Portland A Seattle Railway company has brought suit in the United States court ■gainst the Consolidated Contract com­ pany and Columbia county for $21,- 303.30 damages aa a result of con­ struction on the Columbia highway in Columbia county. The railway com­ pany alleges poorly constructed em­ bankments and bulkheads in road work near Clatskanie, where the new high­ way runs close to the railroad tracks, thus endangering |>ersons traveling on the railroad. Trespassing, piling de­ bris and throwing atones from blasting are alleged also. An injunction re­ straining further defective construc­ tion is asked for. Mail Changes Planned. Marshfield—Coos Bay business men are trying to plan a scheme of changed mail service which will assure receipt of Lie daily mail at the cities of Marshfield and North Bend earlier than is now the rule. A plan is being worked out by Sujierintendent W. F. Miller, of the Coos Bay, Roseburg & Eastern railway, that will bring the mail from Myrtle Point so that it will arrive in Marshfield nt 10:15 o’clock in the morning, and the schedule for this train service has been submitted to tho Portland offices and if approved will go into effect in about a week. There ia another plan to carry the mail up and down the beach in autos, boats and stages, between Coos Bay and Mapleton. Coquille Cannery Active. Marshfield—The Coquille Rivet Co­ operative Canning company haa had a successful season. John Nielson, sec­ retary of the institution, states the cannery packed 9000 cases of salmon, which is 3000 cases short of the best output. A considerable proportion of the 1914 pack consisted of chtnook, which came into the river for the first time this year. The run of chinook was due to the work of the salmon hatchery on the north fork of the Co­ quille, which several years ago started hatching chinook. NORTHWEST MARKET REPORTS. Washington, D. C.— Brigadier Gen- I eral.Funston’s infantry and marines, Portland — Choice hops continue numbering 6000, under order« from steady in price, as is shown by the sale President Wilson, hauled down the of 240 bales by McKinley Mitchell to Stars and Stripes, Monday, which have T. A. Livesley A Co. at 11 cents. been flying over Vera Cruz since Rear Further business was reported in the Admiral Fletcher seized that port last Yakima section, Conrad Bros, selling April a« an 'act of reprisal in retalia­ 140 bales and William Morrison 130 tion for affronts to the American flag bale«. A California wire noted the sale of at Tampico, after General Huerta had the Bandy lot of 100 bales of Yolo« to refused to comply with a demand by Donovan at 8} cents and the Palms Rear Admiral Mayo for a salute of 21 crop of 300 bales of Consomnes to Uhl- guns. It is the determination of the : rnsn at the same price. United States government to withdraw Dealers «ultimate about 40,000 bales its forces and thereby remove a possi­ left unsold in this state and an equal ble cause of international friction, as quantity in California. Washington well aa a potential factor that might has about 17,000 bales, of which 9000 become a domestic issue aa between bales are in the Yakima valley. the two factions in Mexico. Mall advices from Europe state that Pains have been taken that in the but very little of the Belgian hop crop withdrawal no faction shall be recog­ waa harvested. nized. In France the crop of the 1-othvngen Ail elements in Mexico united in district was lost, and in Galicia, Aus­ asking the American forces to evacu­ tria, only a small portion of the crop ate and pledget! guarantees asked by was saved. Germany produced a good Washington. average crop. German and Austrian Genera) Funston had in«tructions brewers have bought heavily at cheap simply to pack up and withdraw his prices. rnen, bringing away any Mexicans who Hogs and lamb« are the strong feat­ fear to remain, as well as all customs ure« at the stockyard«. The former money collected during the American are 5c to 10c higher and the latter ad­ occupation, with copie« of the port and vanced 15c. Cattle trade is light and municipal record«. sales are made within the former The $1,000,000 or more collected range of quotations. will be held until a government is All the best hogs on the market sold formally recognised. at $7.50. Most of the trading during The American marines will be taken the session was in this division. to the League Island navy yard, Phil­ Three bunches of lambs were dis­ adelphia, and the troops to their camp posed of at $6.50. The best previous at Texas City. price was $6.35. Poultry receipts were small and the market waa firmer than for several Turkish Troops at Suez past. Hens and springs sold at Canal; Hritish Loss Heavy days 12 cents. Other kinds were unchanged. London — Reuter’s Constantinople Country dressed meats were also firm correspondent in a dispatch «ent by at last prices. Wheat—Bid: Bluestem, $1.15} per way of Berlin gives the following offi­ bushel; forty-fold, $1.14}; club, $1.12; cial Turkish statement: "The Turkish troops have reached red Russian $1.06}; red Fife, $1.08}, Millfeed—Spot prices : Bran, $240» the Suez Canal. In fighting near El Kantara the British Buffered heavy 24.50 per ton; shorts, $25.50@26; rolled barley, $27.500x28.50. losses and took flight." Corn—Whole, $36 per ton; cracked, El Kantara is a port on the right bank of the canal about 25 miles south $37. of Port Said. Hay—Eastern Oregon timothy, $15 The Amsterdam correspondent of 0415.50 per ton; grain hay, $10@ll; Reuter's Telegram company says: "A heavy battle lasting nine hours alfalfa, $13.5001.14; valley timothy, occurred on November 18 along the $130414. Vegetables—Cucumbers, 500475c per Shat el Arab river (this river empties into the Persian gulf and forms part of dozen; eggplant, 7c per pound; pep­ the boundary between the Persian and pers, 6@7}c; artichokes, 90c per doz­ Turkish dominions) between British en; tomatoes, 60c@$l per crate; cab­ and Turkish loops. The British losses bage, (Otic per pound; peas, 10c; were heavy. Captured British sol­ beans. 60i7c; celery, 500i75c per doz­ diers deciare that the wounded include en; cauliflower, 40@75c; sprouts, 8c per pound; head lettuce, $1.85042 per the British commander. "One shot from the Turkish gunboat crate; pumpkins, lc pound; squash, le. Potatoes— Oregon, 750485c per sack; Marmaria hit a British gunboat and caused an explosion. Details are net Idaho, 85c; Yakima, 90c@1.10; sweet potatoes, 2c per pound. yet available." Green Fruita — Apples, 65c0i$1.50 Berlin—The British authorities, af­ per box; casabas, l}c per pound; ter suppress!ng’a riot at Port Said, at pears, $1041.25 per box; grapes, 75c the entrance of the Suez Canal, flogged @$1.75 per crate; cranberries, $8@9 per barrel. the rebels. Onions—Yellow, 90c per sack. Eggs— Fresh Oregon ranch, case Cruiser» Are Free to Act. count, 37}0£40c; candled, 400t42}c; Washington, D. C.—Secretary Dan­ storage, 2701.30c; fresh Eastern, 35@ iels cabled to Captain Decker, of the 87}c. Cruiser Tennessee, and Captain Oman, Poultry—Hens, 12c; springs, 12c; of the cruiser North Carolina, in the turkeys, young, 160418c; dressed, Eastern Mediterranean, giving them choice, 20@21c; ducks, 10@14c; discretionary authority to deal with geese, 10@12c. emergencies that might arise in pro­ Butter — Creamery prints, extras, tecting American citizens and inte­ 34}c per pound in case lots; }c more rests in Turkey. Mr. Daniels’ order in less than case lots; cubes, 300431c. indicates that notwithstanding any ex­ Veal—Fancy, ll}@12c per pound. planation of the Turkish government, Pork—Block, 9@9}c per pound. the United States has no intention of Hope—1914 corp, 8@llc; 1913 crop, withdrawing its vessels and will keep nominal. them within easy reach of Americans Wool — Valley, 17@18c; Eastern in Turkish coast towns. Oregon, 15@20c; mohair, 1914 clip, 27}c per pound. Sacrifices Tire Relgians. Cattle — Prime steers, $7 @7.50; Berlin—The official press bureau has choice, $6.50046.75; medium, $6.25© given out the following: "Belgian 6.50; choice cows, $5.75@6.25; me­ fugitive officers interned in Holland dium, $5.25045.75; heifers, $5.5004 declare that they got sick of sacrific­ 6.25; calves, $6@8; bulls, $3044.75; ing poor Belgian soldiers to British stags, $4.50046. selfishness, so they persuaded the sol­ Hogs — Light, $6.75@7.50; heavy, diers to desert, telling them that the $5.7501.6.50. Belgian king did not agree with the Sheep — Wethers, $4@5.60; ewes, cruel sacrifice and that the king was a $3.50044.55; lambs, $5046.50. slave of the English and French. Ow­ ing to dissentions in the British cabi­ Seattle—The scarcest staple on the net and to differences between jKing street, and the one in greatest de­ Albert and General Pau, Belgium, offi­ mand, is the extra fancy Yakima Gem, cers say, is tied hand and foot by the for which $20 and even more will be French and English. paid. There are many potatoes of the second grade, and of commissaries, Rockefeller Ship in Port. which sell at $25, but the bulk moves London — The Rockefeller Founda­ on the quality basis at $17.50 ton lots tion food ship which left New York and $18 for less than ton lots. The shortage has been so continuous that November 3, with provisions for the jobbers are convinced farmers have starving Belgians, arrived at Rotter­ pitted their offerings and are holding dam late Monday. Her cargo was on for higher prices. Should the market the way to Belgium in canal boats next show as little of this stock for the day. The American Relief commission’s next week or ten days, growers will report shows that it has delivered in get what they are looking for. Only a Rotterdam to date 25.200 bibs of food­ few White rivers are being offered, stuffs, most of which has been actually and the street has long since become distributed in Belgium. Ships now reconciled to the fact that holders are loading or under charter with cargoes speculating. awaiting them will provide a further Apples—New, cooking, 50@60c box; 68,000 tons, and 70,000 more is assured. Jonathans, 75c@$l; Winter Bananas, $1.25 @ 1.50; Kings, 75c @ $1; Deli­ Russia Hants Steamship. cious, $1.25@1.50; Spitzenbergs, 75c Seattle, Wash. —’The Russian gov­ @$L25. ernment is reported to be negotiating Dressed beef—Prime beef steers, 12 for purchase of the Great Northern @ 12}c per pound; cows, 11} @ 12c; liner Minnesota, now laid up here, the heifers, 12}. largest vessel on the Pacific Ocean. Dressed veal—15c per pound. The first business of the Minnesota, if Dressed hogs — Whole, packing purchased by Russia, would be to carry house, 8}@10c per pound. reservists and supplies from the Pa­ Dressed spring lamb — 12@13c per cific Coast to Vladivostok. An ex­ pound. porter has sought to charter the Min­ Dressed mutton—10@10}c pound. nesota to carry a grain cargo to Eng­ Vegetables—Artichokes, 85c pound; land. Extensive repairs to the Min­ beans, new, 2l@23c per pound; bell nesota’s boilers must be made before peppers, 9-lb boxes, 650475c; beets, she can undertake any voyage. new, $1@1.25 sack; cabbage, local, 75c@l per 100 pounds; celery, 40@60c Pope Makes First Talk. per dozen; carrots, local, 75c@$1.25; Rome — For the first time since his cauliflower, local, 75c@$1.25 dozen; election Pope Benedict Tuesday de­ potatoes, White rivers, $14 @ 16 per livered an address in St. Peter’s. ton; Yakimas, $18@20; sweets. $2 Fifty thousand people heard his holi­ per cwt.; tomatoes, hothouse, 50@75c; ness speak on "Faith." Afterwards turnips, new, white, $1.25 sack; do. Yakima, yellow, $1.25@1.50 sack. the te '’eum was intoned. Gown Will Do Double Service E do not look to Paris to produce the best examples of tailored gowns. As in the making of shoes all the world concedes the American product to be the best, so in the pro­ duction of the tailored costume Ameri­ cans have set the standard for Europe, or for those Europeans who can grasp our conception of clothes made for utility and hard service but not devoid of beauty. A design by Paquin is pictured here developed in smooth-faced cloth. Par­ allel rows of machine stitching, show­ ing a perfection of workmanship in the most approved tailor-made style, appear wherever there is a logical position for them. Around the bot­ tom of the tonic, down the front edges of the coat and about the bot­ tom, at the edges of the belt and where the sleeves are set into the body, these rows of exquisitely regu­ lar sewing challenge the eye to find a fault. Small points, made of folds of the cloth, as exactly uniform as the machine stitching, are set in under the belt. These decorations are tests of good tailoring. Turned-back cuffs and a flaring turn­ over collar which is extended into » facing of the coat are made of a fig­ ured corduroy velvet, and buttons or the coat and skirt are covered with this material. These elaboration! hardly belong to the strictly tailor made according to our ideas of iti highest type. They suggest the visit ing gown and make this an excellen' model to follow where one desires a gown which will do service for both kinds of wear. The skirt is longer than is the rule In street dresses. The tunic is set or to a fitted yoke and shows scant full ness. The front of the coat is very like that of the last Poiret blouse and will be seen in the finest of blouses for the coming season. It is no re flection upon the ability of the wonder fui Paquin that she appropriates an idea occasionally—and makes ths most of it. JULIA BOTTOMLEY. HE school bag is a great conven­ bag should be bound in this way. A long, flat, oblong piece of cloth ience to school children and a conserver of books, papers, pencils stitched to one side of the front of and handkerchiefs as well. It is bet­ the bag makes a pocket for pencils, ter to carry the burden of books in etc. At the other side a small pocket a bag than in the arms. A bag leaves is placed, which will carry a drinking the arms free and does not interfere cup. A flap should be provided for with the stride nor the proper car­ this pocket. The flap on the bag and riage of the body in walking. those on the jiockets are fastened Bags are usually made of canvas, or down with snap fasteners. of canvas covered with cloth. Hard The bag of plush, shown in the pic­ twisted waterproof worsteds, craven- ture, is made of a single piece lined ettes or rubberized clothes will pro­ with Skinner's satin. A small pocket tect the canvas stiffening which holds is inserted at the front for the purse the bag In shape. Remnants of suit­ and handkerchief. The edges are dec­ ings or of cloths used for coats, in orated with a narrow plaiting of satin plain colors or dark plaids are select­ or satin ribbon. Three snap fasteners ed to make the most substantial kinds. across the top hold the front and back Fancier bags of plush, like that shown together. Silk cord and tassels pro­ In the picture, and bags of leather are vide the handle. This bag may be intended for older pupils. used for a shopping bag, but made to School bags are usually oblong In match a small neckpiece and muff, shape and measure about twelve inches will delight the older school girls or in length and ten in width. They are the young woman in college, and add cut in the form of an envelope, so that much to her comfort. Before undertaking to make a school extra width must be allowed on one side to fold over and form the flap. bag it is a good Idea to examine those The sides are joined by a straight strip shown in the shops. Only fairly sub­ of cloth from two and a half to three stantial ones are to be had from a dol­ Inches wide, which is stitched between lar and a halt up. The home-made them. Tho same are turned to the varieties are cheaper and will stand outside and finished with bindings of more wear than the cheap ready-made heavy woolen braid or strip of bag«. JULIA BOTTOMLEY. thin leather. All the edges of the -.... I ... , T