Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, November 19, 1914, Image 7

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    POULTRY ...
and Dairy Produce
ef all hind« wan tad.
Writ« far our
Pearson-Page Co. %’KLo"’
Irairic« aaaortrnant. Hi*«
. ci al
muim nucí ns U»
Mat hhiaa ahippad on
approval ani guaran-
i«-««I i»y iionia aonvarn.
Write for aamplra of
YYKWinUI HOUKO. 351* W¿k St. r«tlaa4, Or
Dave Houston. Prop
II It Thoranea Mgr.
Thoroughly ftuaiam. 101 Rat*ma of comfort, M««l-
erat« l'rl< ra. I'hr**« nünut«*«' walk fmin Union
¡Miran. Write fur tales.
N Stai) Si. FOlíTUMO. DM
At four o'clock, when the sun begac
N EXPEDITION to Mt. Wilson
Is no »mall undertaking. The to throw lung shadows from the mag
mountain is 6,887 feet in nlflcent peaks across the dark can
height according to the geo­ yons below, one of the party ex­
le no more necreeery
detic survey. Th» altitude Is claimed: " Why, yonder la the towel
than Stria lip <» a, Amy
on the distant summit of
eaptrlrnr.e ha» d*ni>jt»eu «(«-<!
usually given in round numbers
th« aln»<at mitât uiouf afft-
6,000 feet, which Is u pardonable ex­ Mt. Wilson," and It waa still three
Cecy, end harmlM«nr«a,uf Antltyp)»o>4 VecciaaUaa.
Ma van I u a I «-d NOW by ymr piiytlrian. you end
aggeration The trip Involves a climb miles away. At last, after ten mile«
y< g faail »
Il M i «• vital than houra lu»ur»n< r.
of 4,000 foot vertical—which Is ac­ of strenuous biking, the camp wa*
Aak yuur phjfttr lan. diuggiat, or »«nd for i*llave
pent had Typh id/“ tailing of Typhoid Vaccine,
complished In a tramp of nine mile» reached, and though all felt well paid
from the terminus of the Blerra Madre by the fine scenery they had enjoyed,
cars of the Pacific Electric system they were dubious about recommend­
reueuctae vacuas» e s«awas •••«« u. ». eev. ucease
This Is called the Hlerra Madre trail ing the ridge trail to other pilgrims In­
and la usually taken by foot passen­ quiring about the route.
Interrupted Communication.
ger» or by thorn w ho choose to make
Glimpse of Delavan's Comet.
"You don't tnrnn to any that thia la i burros or mules do the fatlguo work.
At 3:30 a m young Ilaumgardt, who
the flrat you've heard of It?"
writes W. H. Kulght In the lx>s An Is an enthusiast, »ummoned the en­
geles Times.
terprising members to rise and get a
"Why, It'a I ho talk of the neighbor­
But there 1» beside» a »o-callod auto­ glimpse of Delavan's remarkable com
"Yen, but my wife la away on a mobile roadway, of greater length and et, which ha» now been visible to as
easier grade. It wa» built and la kept trononiers for many months. It Is mid
vlalt."—- Boat on Transcript.
In good repair by the Carnegie Inatitu- way between brilliant Capella and the
For destroying dirigible balloon» tion for the transportation of building Twin». Though but dimly visible tc
Italian army officers have Inveliteli malarial and also to bring up suppile» the naked eye it Is flashed out with
almila carrying oxygen and plulltiuni to the astronomers, for although the great beauty In Baumgardt’s powerful
apongo« In their beads, the latter be­ latter devote their time to the contem­ binocular telescope, and has a broad
coming red hot on entering the hydro­ plation of the heaven» and seem to be comb-llke tall, but had then developed
gen and exploding the mixture of the dwelling In far-off celestial spheres,
any long streamers.
two guaca.
yet they are actually human and have
Presently the comet began to fade
cravings that can only be satisfied by In the approaching dawn and then
terrestrial the party adjourned to Echo Rock to
I growth
witness the novelty of a sunrise over
Observatory Will Be Massive.
the Han Antonio range of mountains.
Up this Carnegie road 200 tons of A level stratum of cloud resembling
steel have been transported for the molten gold adorned the summit. Sud
construction of the new mammoth ob­ denly a rim of translucent silver and
servatory which la to house the great then a sphere of pure undazzling light
100 Inch reflecting telescope, and be- rose a» If It were a gigantic bubble
fore the obaervatory 1« completed that issuing from the cloud. Word» fail
gigantic building will consurau an ad- to express the exqulsito beauty of th<
ditlonal 600 tons of structural steel. scene. It well compensated for th<
This will Include the grand dome 100 toilsome climb of the previous day
feet in diameter, whose topmost point I and the broken stu.-n hereof the morn
will be 120 feet from tho ground. It ing.
will bo by far the most massive build-
From Echo Rock the party went
F«»r flI y* xi» W. !.. ¡knurl«« h >■ «u r»ul««d in«
VSli» by h«ving hla naitiu and the. rotali prb«
o-» tit« a«4* baforn th- «i ■ - • lorav« thr fax -
lol y I n i Iditet«'.lie wetfCI rgilll't h ,L|ilt'ii
Ls. InTwi
- «h«*« • of ulhrr inwh«S. U I Ihn,«’
alt-***« at- al**,i Worth vital |«>u |«J fur ll-'-tt
you citii.l •> « • w fwiwlully lV I. ih»t«s*laa aliar* ar»
•stati*, »Irl il r hltfli girasi» I« Mtlirt» U mm I, Y'itt would t rii
gihlrratara l why tiw» ItHsà tot irr, IH tra-curr. ht»M thru
Sl>apr* ah »
lora* ■ t tLau vthrf tiixli * for ih« pun­
ir Iba W. t . !»•■ .« «• »h«M*s «fr not fot arala iti y<-ut
Vt« lut y, o» d-r ■ '«•'t froto t««'t''»y. M um *» •« t rwtf-
t\ I . I . I . , . I I . ■
Uwlril • tti'tlo» »
* <stf b<- < lout ' i by un
W. L.
UI.AB. «Tv .‘»prarli ML. llru. khui. Mass.
How They Bathe In Vienna.
The First Transatlantic Liner.
The first transatlantic liner to be
Previous to the outbreak of the war
Representative Moore Explains What
Vienna was building a municipal bath operated by steam power was launch­
Lady Wai 8aylng to La­
which will be the largest in the world, ed at New York ninety-six years ago,
being 820 feet long by 197 feet wide. and was formally christened the Sa­
Representative Moore of Pennsyl-
▼anla during the visit of a party of
home friends to the capitol acted as
guide, for he knows the city of Wasb-
Ington better than tome of tie na­
tive», says the Pathfinder. As he led
them from the entrance of the White
House grounds the attention of the
party wa» attracted by a group of fig
ares that form one of the monuments
In Lafayette square. One of the fig-
iree that form one of the monuments
with cne hand appears to be fran­
tically grasping the garments loosely
Irapod abaut her while with the other
hr; 1« offering a sword to Lafayette.
. ho occupies a position above her.
Mr. Moore approached the group
nd In the regular sing-song mhnner
f the professional guide, said: "And
ow. ladle» and gentlemen, we come
o the far famed statue of the great
Idler and statesman, Marquis de La-
■yette. Below is a woman In sup-
llant attitude, holding a sword. Ap-
•irantly she is speaking to him—”
At this moment cne of the ladles In
'ie party Interrupted and wished to
now what the lady was supposed to
n cay'ng to the gre?.» I^fayette.
Mr. Moore studied the statue for a
opnent. tlen turning to the lady he
Hd: "That’s very plain, if you ob-
rve the poeition of her attire,
tadam. She's begging him, , 'Here,
eneral, take this quick, ’ while I
•tch my clothes.'”
Thirr after all questions asked were
! an entirely impersonal nature.
The Chilean government la giving
much attention to the development of
the coal mines of that country, v hlch
In time are expected to product
enough fuel to uup.dy the home de­
This year marks the twenty-fifth
anniversary of the first electric street­
car service In the United States, the
firn car being operated at Lynn.
Maas., In October, 1888.
Europe's largest stcnm-turblne Is
being built for the central power sta­
tion of a German city, and la expected
to develop 40,000 horsepower.
Flowers are regularly grown for the
dlnlngtnbles nnd for sale In a green­
house carried on the topmost deck of
one of the new transatlantic liners.
People from all naris of
Orwcon and Wiwhinr-
ton constantly visit our
ofllcv for dental treat­
ment. Our skill is ac­
knowledged. and our
promptness in finish­
ing work in one day
when required h appre­
ciated by out-of-town
Dr Wise la a false-
tooth expert. There is
in rviy calling, and
Dr. WI m »« lays claim to
thia dis'.motion in Ore­
gon. 27 Ytur»' rvpwirar».
What we can't guar-
antre we don’t do.
(■nod Red Rubber Pls'rs, each
The Best Red Rubber Plates, each
22-Karat Gold or Porrriain Crown
Phone« Main 2029. A 2029.
422’y Third Htr«ct. Palling Bldg., Portland, Oregon
R. E. Cor. Third and Washington.
P. N. U.
No. 47, 1914
To Arouse A
Lazy Liver
special attention rnust be
paid to the Stomach and
Bowels for they have a di­
rect influence on each other.
You will find it a good plan
to take
Arranging a Demonatration.
for a few days to help Na­
suppose.” said the candidate,
that I can depend on vour support?"
ture restore these organs tu
“I dunno," replied Farm-r Corntcs-
strength & healthy activ.ty.
el, in a low tone. "Mirandy an’ the
wo girls 'are hangtn’ out o' the win-
low, over the porch, tryln' fo hear
shat we're talkin' about. I want to
tupport you, but you'll make It easier
'er mo If you’ll sort o’ get agitated
is we walk toward the gate an' holler
Votes for women!’ a few- times.”
Greater Than Total Excavation for
Panama Canal.
A flexible wire window screen that
a Wlaconnln num hna Invented la at­
tached to the lower sn»h III auch a
manner that It unrolls and fills the
window to whatever extent the »usli
be ruined.
No matter how long you have been
tortured and disfigured by eczema or
other Itching, burning, raw or scaly
akin humor, juat |iut a little of thnt
wonderful realnol ointment on the
Korea and the Buffering stops right
there! Healing begins that very min­
ute, and your akin get« well so quickly
you feel tiahamed of the money you
threw away on tedious, uaeleaa treat-
inenta. Used by doctors for 19 years.
Resinol ointment and realnol soup
also clear away pimples, blackhead»,
and dandruff Hpecdily and at little
coat. Sold by all drugglats.—Adv.
Yet It la only quite recently that
Vienna has abandoned what was the
most primitive and curious bathing
custom. Instead of going to your
bath, the bath was brought to you by
agreement with one of the purveyors
of private baths.
Their huge wagons with tanks of
hot and cold water and heavy wooden
tubs used to be a familiar sight in the
streets of the Austrian capital down
to little more than a decade ago.
They went the round cf their cus­
tomers, delivering baths and hot wa­
ter at private residences and calling
for them again after the ablutions had
been performed.
j . jwr — —7w1 «Liti .lit
Ing ever planned for, and devoted to.
astronomical ubc .
The it -oibera of the Astronomy club
climbed the trail under the direction
of Secretary Thomas P. Smith. Mr.
Ilaumgardt, son of B. R. Ilaumgardt,
lectured, and his friend brought up
two fine portable telescopes which
proved of great service on the moun-
But there was another party whose
adventures are worth noting, It was
conducted by Vallette L. Benedict.
The members of thia little group ven­
tured over another trail which proved
to be lull of surprises. They went
up the Mt Ixiwe electric road to Al­
pine Tavern, 5,000 feet elevation, and
Irom th« re started for Mt. Wilson by
one of the standard forest trails along
tne dividing ridge
Long and Tiring Hike.
An optimistic signboard near the
tavern reads "six miles, but who could
suspect that it meant by air line, as
tho aeroplane files? After biking along
their serpentine course for two hours,
alternately climbing steep grades and
dropping to lower levels, they came
to nnother sign which read "five and
ono half miles." Overcome with the
humor of the situation, they settled
In a shady nook, opened out their
noon lunch, which was washed down
•vlth a bottle of Bryan beverage
thoughtfully provided by the presi­
dent, and doubly appreciated, for
there was not a trickle of water on
the whole route.
But the scenery was magnificently
grand. There were fascinating views
of Alpine peaks, some of them wooded
to the summit with giant pines and
spruces, others bautloned by granite
crags which pierced tho clear blue sky,
and on either hnnd deep verdure-clad
canyons leading off through Intermin­
able vistas to other lofty mountain
ranges. \nd a special charm of these
beautiful scenes was their endless
I over to the snow telescope, which lie*
prone, 100 feet in length, along the
edge of the cliff. The sun's rayB are
; directed into It by an Ingenious mech
' anism of two plane mirrors. The
Image of the Bun. projected on a screen
Robin—What kind of a paper
visible to all, is seven inches in di­ is that the canary birds are going to
ameter. The largest previous one was publish?
only five Inches. Near the eastern limb
Mr. Crow—A yellow journal, I aup-
(astronomical parlance for edge) a pose.
large spot was visible, the largest that
has appeared for several years.
Big Tower Telescope.
"I think I saw a Bea serpent thls
Next they visited the great tower morning," said the scared-looking
telescope near by. The massive double man.
tower—one within the other to pre­
' Let's go up and tell the people at
vent vibration of the Inner one—rises the hotel," replied hts friend.
150 feet from the ground where Its
"No. I’m not going to say a word,
four steel columns rest on piers which about it. If the hotel clerk finds out
reach down to the granite base of that I have had any experience so inJ
the mountain. Beneath the surface terestlng and exceptional, the extra
is a pit 78 feet in depth at the charge he will put In my bill will bo
bottom of which there is a chamber something terrific.”
where the temperature is practically
uniform, and tho results of observa­
Suspicious Person.
tions are accurately registered
"That man is very cautious In word­
Two exceedingly busy men. Dr. tng his
letters,” said the suspicious
Charles E. St. John and his efficient person. "He always uses the phrase
assistant were making and recording 'Yours truly.' * »»
spectroscopic observations of the sun.
"What of it?"
whoso Image, 16'* Inches in diameter,
"You must note the equivocation.
was projected down from a dome on He’s very careful to avoid saying
the top of the tower. Tho solar atmos­ 'Yours truthfully.’ ”
phere was boiling round a huge sun
spot 30,000 talles across. Astronomers
In other parts of tho world are anx­
"The English style of humor dif­
iously awaiting reports of Mt. Wilson fers from the American," said the man
observers in this tower telescope. who Is ever studious.
While the privileged party were watch­
ing the manipulation of the compli­ “Where we use chin whiskers to de­
cated mechanism Doctor^St. John pro­ note a politician, the English usually
duced a spectrum on glass about twen­ employ side whiskers."
ty inches in length. As It proved to
Be imperfect, he cut small sections
Slim Pickings.
off with n diamond and distributed
He—Yes. the governor cut off my
them among tho visitors, and they allowance, so I've had to cash my
will be kept as cherished mementoes brains for a living.
of the occasion.
She—I wondered why you were
looking so thin.—Boston Evening
Note carefully the man who own* Transcript.
a soft, persuasive voice.
vannah The vessel bore little resem­
blance to the ocean leviathans of the
present, for she was a tiny wooden
craft of 350 tons. The “crazy crank"
who thought it possible for a ship to
cross the Atlantic by steam power
was William Scarborough, of Savan­
nah, and the boat, although built in
New York, was named after the own­
er's home city. By the April follow­
ing her launching the Savannah was
ready for the sea, and on April 1»,
1819, she left New York for Savannah,
which was to be her American ter­
minus. On May 24th the little liner
steamed away from Savannah on her
maiden voyage, and on June 20th she
reached Liverpool, where she was giv­
en a rousing welcome as the first
steam vessel to cross the ocean. From
Liverpool the Savannah proceeded to
St. Petersburg, Russia, and In Decem­
ber, 1819, the Savannah was again
anchored In the harbor of the Geor­
gian city, fifty days out from the Rus­
sian capital.
Thus Scarborough—-
'crazy crank"—achieved for Georgia
the honor of revolutionizing the com­
merce of the world. Savannah will
cek brate the centenary of the sailing
of the Savannah five years hence.
A Wisconsin inventor's refrigerator
is equipped with a hydraulic scale on
the outside to show the weight of the
ice placed in it.
Crude oil in its tanks limited the
amount of water which could enter a
steamship when it struck rocks near
Ceylon and punctured large holes in
its hu’l, ar.d enabled it to reach port
five days later.
Try Murine Eye Kriiit-tiy lor Red, Weax. Watery
Ex r» and Gra:i alated Eyelid«; No Smarting—
inst-Eve Comfort. Write for Book of «he Eye
by maxi Free. Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago.
Juet One Ti ig After Another.
Hub—I ve given up drinking. >>mok-
ing and golf to please you, still you're
not satisfied. Now what else do yon
want me to give up?
Wife—Well, you might give up »50.
I need a new gown.—New York World.
Seme Swearer.
First Trooper, Imperial Yeomanry
(discussing a new officer)—Sweari a
bit, don't 'e sometimes?
Second Trooper—’E's a masterpiece,
'e is; just opens 'is mouth and lets it
It has been estimated that the say wot it likes.—Punch.
amount of coal which will be dug out
Sbaste Into Your SMo«3
of the ground in the United States Allen's Foot-Ease. * povdsr for the feet. It cuisa-
swollen, .martins, sweating feet. Makes
during the present year will be great­ jainfuL
new shoes eary. Sold by all Drugirists and Shos
er by far than the total excavation for Stores. I>..i't accept any •ubetitute. .‘lairpls,
FREE. Address A. S. Olmried. Le Roy. N . Y.
the Panama Canal.
Experts for the United States geo­
newest dirigible balloon
logical survey have estimated that '■ Germany's
been given a framework of steel
originally there was enough coal in has
this country to make a solid block 10 tubing that is expected to make it
miles long. 10 miles wide and 10 miles proof against damage by the most
high. A block of this size would severe storms.
weigh more than 3,500,000,000.000 tons,
Over a series of mountain peaks in
and up to the present time the coal France
there will be stretched anten-
that has teen removed amounts only
naes approximately fifteen milca long
to something like 15,000,000.000 tons. to
test wireless waves of extreme
The coal mined during 1914 will
amount to about 600,000,000 tons, con­ length.
taining about 300.000,000 cubic yards.
The coal mined in the United States
The total excavation for the Panama I last
would load a train of care
Canal from start to finish is computed long year
enough to reach four and one-
at some 262,000,000 cubic yards.
The comparison indicates in a strik-1 half times around the earth.
ing way the extent of the coal mining i
industry in the United States. The
output of coal is enormous, but it is
increasing year by year. The amount1
of coal so far taken out Is only a frac­
tion of what remains, according to the
estimates of the geologists. The peo­
ple of this country, however, are us­
ing more coal every year, and with , Should Be Treated in Blood
the exhaustion of some of the Euro­
pean coal fields already in sight, the
To Prevent Recurrence.
foreign demand for American coal
will Increase enormously.
The history’ of coal mining in the
United States covers only a period of
about a century. There was some
mining of anthracite in Pennsylvania
as far back as 1790, but the records of
the anthracite coal trade usually be­
gin with the year 1820. The first ac­
tual mining is believed to have been
in Virginia, though the records of pro­
duction in that state date from 1822.
The presence of coal in Ohio was dis­
There are successful gargles that stop
covered as far back as 1755, but the ■onniM
in the throat, but tu prevent tbetr
record of output begins with 1837. The Incessant return, the blood must be put In
heat remedy is 8. 8. 8., as It
history of coal mining in Kentucky
all the functions of ths body to
begins tn 1827, but In 1S40 the produc­ Influences
neutralise the Irritants or waste products
tion had reached only 23,527 tons.
nnd to stimulate their excretion through
Kentucky's coal Industry suffered the proper channels.
Rheumatic B< re throat Is a dangerous
greatly during the Civil War. In I860* Indication,
it means that the blood tn
the production had reached 285,760 'oaded with as more
uric acid than the kid-
tons, but in 1864 it was under 2000 icvs can excrete, and may thus lead to
tons, and in 1870 it was only 150,582 erlous general disturbance.
The action of 8. 8. 8. stimulates cellular
Ions. Since that time progress has ctlvlty.
It prerents t'as accumulation of
been continuous until last year a max
rltanta In local Bpots.
It enables tho
¡mum output of about 20,000,000 tons rterlrs to supply quickly ths new red
d to replace worn out tissue.
was reached.—Louisville Courier-Jour .l<« For
t! Is reason uric arid that flnds ths
hroat an easy prey to its breaking down
Rheumatic Throat
1$ Common Trouble
MOW ART) K RURTVhi - Ammyer »net tlm l«t
• • Lt'raiiv Ke, Coh’rurio. Hpet iineu price«: uoic
«liver. Leitl, 2z GoM. «liter. 75c; Gold jdr Zin<
or Copper 11. Milling envelope« a «1 full price Iir
•ent oa uj i'ilcration. Control and Umpire workao
licited. Ik’forence: CWrtonal« National Bank.
New French tops for touring-cars
have roofs that telescope and fold
down with the backs into recesses in
ihe bodies, while the sides slide down
into similar openings.
Speeds up to fifty miles an hour
over the Desert of Sahara have been
made by a French army automobile
driven by an aerial propeller.
liluence. Is scattered and eliminated.
•her words, 8. 8. 8. prevents chronic eon-
tlcns by enabling all the mucous linings
f the body to secrete healthy mucus.
nfluence Is shown In a marked Improro-
ient of the bronchial tubes, whereby the
uaklaese of voice with thick, grayish ex-
ectoratlons Is overcome.
8. 8. S„ well
tinted with water, means a blood bath.
Ince It Is welcome to sny stomach and at
nee gets into ths blood.
8. 8 8. Is free of sll minerals and eon-
alns Ineredlcn's wonderfully conducive to
cell-balanced health.
You can get It at any drug atore. bitt do
ot accept anything elae. There la danger
n substitutes. 8 8. 8. Is prepared only by
Idie Swift Specific Co., 52» »wlft Bldg..
Atlanta, tin
Our Medical Dept, will give
rou free Instruction bv mall on any subjec*
jf blood dlaurikra. Write today.