Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, November 19, 1914, Image 5

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    Don't Delay Irwtlnq Your Couqh
A slight cough often becomes serious,
Lungs gets congested, Brotichlal Tulws
fill with mucous. Your vitality 1« re­
duced. You need Dr. Bell's Pine Tar-
Honey. It s<s»tbss your irritated air
iswsage», loosens mucous and makes
your system resist Colds. Give the
Baby and Children Dr. Bell'» Pine-Tar-
Honey. It's guaranteed Io help them.
Only 25c. at your Druggist.
Washed Graded Gravel
Plastering Sand
82nd St. and 45th Ave
Phone Tabor 2063
J. F. Heyting*
General Machine Shop
All Kinds Repairing
Gasoline Engines A Spebialty
I .awn Mower« Sharpened, and
Sawn filed ana etc.
Prices Reasonable
Ona Block East of Main on Flatter ILL
A. D. Kenworthy
and Company
Funeral Directors
Talx>r 5267
J. P. Fin ley & Son
Funeral Directors
Montgomery ami Fifth St
One Place of Binine«« Only
Experienced Woman
in Attendance
Main Office
Phone Main 9
Phone East
Hawthore Ave. and liant It th. st.
Mrt. Lerch
Branch Office
Carters Building
Kern Park
Diseases of Women and Children
a Specialty
Local 2011
Pacific Tabor 8214
Attorney at Law
2nd floor Addlton Bld'g.. next to Mult­
nomah State Bank
Shiloh Circle No. I®, Ladle» of G. A. H meet»
*l>t and Rd Saturday evenins» In I. O. O. F.
hall, lent«. LI I In h Mattel, Pre»., Carrie
Ingle», Sec’y.
■------------------- •
Mian l-aura lleed wa» in Portland
Mr. A H, Kincaid returned from
llillalxiro Tuesday, where he went with
the Intention of buying real estate
could he find land suitable for a large
at«Mik (arm.
Mlm Olga Johnson, a cousin of Mra.
Frank Reed, who baa sjx*nt the past
«ix months in Oregon returned to her
home in Chicago luxt week.
Mrs. M. E IL mm I visited her daughter,
Mr». Alliert Fox, in Trout.* le,Tuwslay.
Minn lx-ns Bell visited tier sister, Mrs.
Cha« Latourell, in Gresham recently.
Prof Tulifson of the high school spent
the week-end i>i Portland.
Mr. C. V. McMonagle of Portland wa«
out Holiday and took several photo­
graph« of some of the beauty spots on
the land he recently purchased of Fred
U. K**«i
Th« social given by the high school
Fiiday evening was a succeM financially
and socially. The program by tlie pu­
pils whs very good and the «pelting con­
test was enjoyed by al) who would enter
Henry Bell, tbe efficient autloneer, «old
the shallow« of «bout sixteen young
ladie« at a fair price. The net proceeds,
amounting to $26 is to Im appro|>riatcd
for a piano (or the new high school.
Mr and Mrs. Hie Wert, the recent own­
er» of the McDonnal property, left for
Berkley, Calif., Monday, where they
ex|«-ct to spend the winter,
And Laid a Layer of Brioks For Evory
Lino Ho Composed.
Pvafanity In ths Early Centuries Was
a Capital Off»»»«.
ftelteylng one’s mind In a profane
Reveral years ago 1 wrote an eeaay
for tbe Atlantic Monthly on "The Hun- way lined to I m * a coatly proposition.
drwl Worst Books " For a place tn the In the ninth century Justinian pun­
list I aelei ted u txaik In my library en ished swearing by death By the stat­
titled “Poems on Reveral Occasions,” utes of Donald VI. and Kenneth II.
published in 1749 by one Jones, a poet the north Briton bad the offending
whom* name wns unknown to me till I member cut out when tbe tongue ran
perused bi» verse The pngen were so riot. Philip 11. of France ordered those
fresh that I cherished the belief that I guilty drowned In the Seine, and the
waa the only reader In a century and a
tiulf. I bad the pride of possession In council of Constantinople excommuni­
cated any one tiiat swore heathen
It was some time after that I came oaths
In I5.{1 a man could swear tn Scot­
acrons. In Wal|s>le's letters, an alia
slon to my esteemed |s>eL It seems land for 12 pennies per cuss Tbe
that Colley Clblier. when be thought he higher you were in rank tbs more you
was dying, wro.e to tbe prime minister bad to pay for the privilege of oaths
“recommending the bearer. Mr. Henry I'erharm It wss figured that tbe com­
Jones, for the vacant laurel. Ix>rd Chew mon people should tie given wholesale
tertleld will tell you more of him."
I wun never more astonl»bed In my
By an act of the sixth and seventh
life than when I visualized tbe situa­
tion and saw my friend Jones “the yesrs of the reign of William and
bearer" of a demand for the reversion Mary servant« day laborers, common
eoldlern and common sailors were fined
of tbe Inures tea hip.
It seemed that Walftole wan equally 1 «hilling n swear; others were taxed 2
surprised, und when be next met Lord shilling« The swearing schedule In
Chesterfield the enger quentiou was. the household of Henry I. waa 40 shll
Who Is Jone«, and why should tie be ling« fine for a swear word by a duke.
recommended for the |K>sltlon of |>oet 20 for a lord. 10 for a squire. 3s. 4d. for
laureate? Ixird Cbeaterfield answered. a yeoman and *'a page to 1>e whlpL”
The law that provided fines for
“A better port would not take the post,
and a worse ought not to have It” It »wearing led Jonathan Swift to hl«
spis-ars that Jones was an Irish brick­ prospectus of the "bank of swearing"
layer and hud made It bls cuntom to during the s|M*culative craze at the
work a certain nttmlwr of hours ac­ time of the nouth ««a bubble. Thia
cording to an undevlnting rule. He bank was to have a monopoly of col
would lay a layer of brick and then le< ting the fines of those who »wore,
cortqione a line of [sx-try. and so on and Swift «aid: "It Is «aid there are
until Ills day's task wan over. Thin ac­ 2,0(10.000 In the kingdom (Ireland), of
a counts for tbe marvelous evenne«« of which l.OOO.udO are swearing souls.
There sre an estimated 5.000 gentle­
bls verse.
This win but a «mali discovery, but men and every gentleman can afford
it guve a real plen«ure. for should I to «wear one oath a day. which will
Snow on the mountains.
meet tny Lord Chesterfield he and I produce 1.S25.000 oaths a year, or £91.
A little taate <»( On-gon winter
would nt once have a common lnter<*st 250"
In 1592 at Aberdeen the council
Snow ha« fallen an far down as We tx>th bud discovered Jones, and
told the head of the bonne to
quite independently.—Atlantic Monthly
Welches and Rowe.
have a box placed for the collection of
Tin* M<«>n- brothers of this place
tbe lines ltn|x>sed upon the household
ONE VIEW OF BISMARCK. for swearing.—Chicago Tribune.
shipped I2U0 pounds of Oregon Grape
not the Aral of the week to an eaate-rn |
Hi» Lovs of Music and His Dislike of
tlrm rft 5 cents a pound.
Wagner as ■ Man.
Mr. McCormack, th« ac I kxi I supervisor i
Talking of tbe arts Bismarck said: 9om« Very Common Practices It Would
of thi< perl ot the county, vi«itc*i our
“Of mualc I am very fond, but now 1
Be Well to Avoid.
arli<«il one day last week. He expretMed
have to abstain from hearing It be­
An English scientist. Interested tn the
himself well satisfied.
cause tears come only too readily into
It is well-nigh unconceivable and al­ my eyes, My heart 1« stronger than attempts to conquer cancer, suggests
most uiilx-lievable that in a land so j my bead Indeed. what «elf control I tbe following methods by which a can
atiiindmitly bleaa*-d a« thia, with such have has been 1>ought by experience." cer may be produced:
"It Is not easy to produce a cancer
bountiful cro|M «« were produced this I Many Instances occurred during our
artlfidally; nevertheless. If you try
year, that there should be such want conversations which gave the truth to enough you will succeed sometimes
anil distniM among so many of the poor this assertion.
Encourage your patients to smoke clay
The extreme mobility of hla counte pRies with tlie varnished ends broken
who an* in the great majority. Fifty
million dollars are spent to make a dis­
off or to retain sharp edged stumps of
play at Frisco to t>e lield next year and pression which passed over It told of a teeth In their jaws, and you may fair
sensitive. emotional temperament "But ly expect now and then to witnesa the
all to be torn down in another year.
I have a fire within me still which
Million« are spent for deadly weapons to bums at times with fury.”. Upon that do novo production of cancer. The
destroy human life, but anything that I asked. "Are you tn reality the iron same end may bo attained with yet
liMiks like assistance to the |>oor or of chancellor?" “No.” be »aid. "not nat­ more certainty should you have It in
your power to select cases for the ex­
benefit to tlie gel. *ral good of the urally; tbe Iron 1 have created to use periment In which there already exists
struggling tnasces is look«.I ii|«>n with when necessary ” And that I tielieve some local evidence of chronic irrita
dinfavor. Then* has got to be a great to be true
Cion. For Instance, you may tell a pa
1 asked him If be knew Wagner per tient wbo bas a little wart or an ir­
change wrought in our whole social
sonally. “Yes." he answered, “but It ritable crack In bis lip that be may go
A minister of a churvli at Portland was quite Impossible for me to care on smoking and amuse himself by
has resigned, «aying he cannot live upon j for him or to encourage bls society. I picking off tbv crust whenever be bas
had not time to submit to hla Insatia­ * little spare time and come to you
the salary his people can hardly scrape
ble vanity Before breakfast, at break ■gain in six months. This is a very
together. There are too many churches i fash before and after dinner. Wagner
certain method. In another Instance
fastened upontlie people. In the town demanded sympathy and admiration
you may assure a man with a little
mf Blair. Neb., of 2000 people there are His egotism was wearisome and
pimple near the angle of tbe eye that
13 churches and the highest salary paid tolerable, and bln demand for a listen­ It Is of no consequence, not worth an
in any of them is $7oo, while some of' er was so incessant that I was obliged operation, and advise him to apply cold
them are supplied by students at $5.00 tc avoid his company. I was too busy cream. In a year or two's time he will
per Sunday. In a town of 5000 in III , with tny affairs to be able to give him probably be able to show you a very
then-are 17 churches w here three at tlie all or even n portion of tbe demands Interesting example of rodent ulcer (a
1 outside would have l«*en plenty. Each he would have claimed ui>on my time form of so called skin cancer»
It is obvious that tbe Englishman
particular sect claim« tla*y are the only But I admire hl« music greatly, though
I have been compelled to give up go who suggests these methods does not
one that i« right and the only ones that
Ing to the opera t>ecnuse the beautiful offer them in the hope that they will be
twill eventnally la* saved. This is all and touching melodies I cannot get out followed, but quite the contrary He
| I..HIM-II«'. No men of the meiftal calibre of my head: they cling to me. and I V might have ailihsl that although "it is
of any of our great writers or statesmen find It difficult to release myself from not easy to produce cancer artificially.”
are narrov sectaries.
them, and now It tires me to be so it is still less easy to cure it, artificially
Dio National Tribune, an exceedingly much moved." - From "Conversations or otherwise. Indeed. the fight against
! radical Republican sheet, published at With Prince Bismarck." by W B cancer has been one of tbe least suc­
Washington. I>. C., says the Democratic Richmond. tbe English painter. tn cessful in the whole category of med
leal battles. It is also one of the oldest.
I party was completely over-thrown at the North American Review.
Los Angeles Times.
late elections. Now what are tbe facta
Wind Prtuur«.
in tie- ease? Acconiing to the clerk of
Amphibious Fore«».
A wind traveling at tbe rate of three
the house there will Is* 2:13 Democrats in
The use of naval forces on land Is. of
the Ixiwer House and 198 Republicans,
of about tbree-quartera of an ounce course, by no means novel, but not
and a majority of 13 in favor of the
upon every «quare foot of surface every one knows that it Is a direct re­
Democrats in the Senate. There are al­ which stands In its way. ■ A wind of versal of the policy adopted in the ear
so 1 Hocialist, 1 Independent and 7 Pro- eighteen miles an hour gives a pres ly days of the navy. Under Cromwell's
gn-nsive« in the House.
sure of one pound and a quarter to rule army officers were placed In* com
J. O. Botkin has gone on his wedding each aquare foot, a wind of thirty-five mand of war vessels, and tbe great
journey, his marriage to Mins Helen miles an hour given a pressure of six Admiral Rlake was a colonel In tbe
new model army before be went to sea
Hussis-k of Portland occurring thia week pounds on tbe square fooL a gale of Another notable soldier to be placed I d
at the home of her parents in the city: fifty miles an hour thirteen pound», command at sea was General Jlonk.
He is expected to return next week with a storm of seventy-five miles twenty­ first duke of Albemarle^ wbo justified
his and will give a reception at eight pounds and a hurricane of nine­ tbe transference by winning two great
the home of bin parents, half a mile east ty miles forty pounds on the square sea fights against tbe Dutch —Dundee
of the (Msit office.
Anybody got a full dinner pail since
A Lapse of Memory.
Why He Objected.
the elections or been ruined with a
The minister, who wns a reformed
"Now." »aid the principal to one of
deluge of China eggs?
policeman, said to the bridegroom, who the pupils at the close of tbe lesson tn
stood trembling, with bls pallbearer wbicb be bad touched on tbe horrors
The female whose family consists of gloves on:
of war. "do you object to war. my
“Do you. Algernon Smith, take this boy?"
a poodle and a fern .never forgets the
date of Mother's Day.
But about the young woman to be your lawful wed
"Yen. air; I do." was the fervent an
only date the mother of five or six d<nl wife In sickness Hnd In health, for «wer.
“Now tell us why."
children can remember is Wash Day.
part? Remember, anything you «ay
“Because." «aid the youth, "wars
will be used against you.”—Chicago make history, an' I jest hate bistory "
After a man take« a day off and trie« Post
to follow his own advice he isn’t sur-
prised tiiat other people never pay any
Hadn’t U«ed One.
“How i do you like your new music
attention to what he says.
Uncle Ezra-Eph riosklnn must have
had some time down In New York
“lie is a very nice, polite young man Uncle Eben— Yep Reckon he traveled
State of Ohio. City of Toledo. I
Lucas County.
f ’
When I made a mistake yesterday he a mighty swift pace Eph's wife said
Frank J. Cheney makes oath thnt fie to
senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney snid. Tray, mademoiselle, why do you thnt when Eph got back and went Into
A Co., doing business In the City of To­ tnke so much pains to Improve upon bis room he looked at the bed. kicked
ledo. County and State aforesaid, an I
thnt «aid firm will pay the num of ONE Beethoven?' "—Parle Figaro.
It and said. "What's that durn thing
HUNDRED DOLLARS for ench and ev­
ery case of Catarrh thnt cannot h- eu. I
The Oiffersnos.
by the use of HALL'S CAT\HR1T ( fill.
Sworn to before me and subscribed In
my presence, this Sth day of December.
A. D. 188*1.
There Is this difference between a
All at a Glance.
watch and hualne»« that you wind up
Mr Pester-That's a pretty woman
the first to make It go and thnt you that just passed us Mra Pester—H'm!
wind up the second to mnke It stop.- She's wearing her Ihst season's hat. her
Phlladelpbla I .edger
puffs don't match her hair, her waist
hikes up tn the hack, and her skirt
It's good to be gratified, but danger sags on one side Men never notice
anything.-Boston Globe.
ous to be satisfied Sheldon
Notary ruhllc.
Is taken Internally
Hall's Catarrh Cura _________________
■nd acts dlrsotly upon ths blood ana mu-
coun surfaces of the system Send for
testlmonlnl«. free.
F J. CHENEY A CO . Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists. 78».
Take Hall's Family nil« fnr constipation.
Tremont, Kern Park and Arleta
Chicken thieve« an* operating at Tre-
C. C. Show is putting up a new store
at 72nd and Luther Place.
Ben Bromwell is building anew hotiM
The Tremont Furniture Co., are pre­
at First and Rayburn avenue.
paring to resume operations.
The Bryant Tailoring Co., ha*
opened its shop on Foater road.
G. W. Buts is building at Woodstock
and <52 street.
G. W. Dobson of 39 and 5H street is
Mr. Rixlgers will open up a new
building an eight room bouse for him­
restaurant in the Helliwell building. self.
W. J. Lewellen and wife of Woodmere
A. Ipsen is putting up a five room
have gone to Moro for the winter.
bungalow at Millard avenne and 60th
I. M. Martin is building an eight room
house at Woodmere.
Florence Othot got her right arm
broken just below the elbow, at school
L. G. Parker is putting up a new five Wednesday morning.
room house at 75th and Foster Road.
R. C. Barter of 77th street and 46th
Mrs. Win. Woodham went to Chehalis avenue is building a five room bunga­
a couple of weeks ago ami while there low. .
became ill. An examination showed
she wua suffering from a severe attack
E. W. Guebeer of Tremont is visiting
of appendicitis and site was brought to his friends at Kalama. Ben Clement is
Portland last Tuesday week, wliere she attending to bis duties.
was given immediate attention. She is
much improved now.
Building operations are being re-
mimed in earnest, according to the Mor­
Revival meetings are to be held in the rison Lumber Co., who report the fol­
Laurel wood M. E. Church every night lowing new constructions:
next week except Saturday. The meet­
ings are being conducted by the regular
There will be a Thanksgiving story
pastor. Rev. V. E. Willings. The pub­
hour at the Arleta library at 3:30 Fri­
lic is cordially invited to attend.
day, Nov. 27. All little people are in­
Herald and Daily and Sunday Journal
Arleta people are much interested in
the location of the proposed Franklin
high sell x»l. It is feared that forces are
Ariel« Station
Re modeled «nd FurnUhed New and Clean at work to prevent it ever being built.
Kooma Tinted and Painted. Geo Davte, Mgr
Groceriea, Confectionery and School Supplies,
Cigars and Tobacco
A. A. Howe, and Ed. Farris and wife
4 km ar.tb St 8 E
Portland, Oregon and Mrs. Pounder of Coqueila are visit­
Dr. C. W. Tidball
ing F. H. Pounder of 7720,58 Ave., in
Noble’s confectionery, corner of 65th
Office cor 82nd St. and 60th Ave.
street and Foster road, was partially
Bee. 5905 s.'nd st. S. E.
destroyed by fire last Sunday evening.
Phone Tabor 4256
Res. Tabor 3746 It is thought the fire was caused by an
over heated stove.
Try This For Your Cough •
Thousands of people keep coughing
liecauee unable to get tbe right remedy.
Coughs are caused by Infiamation of
Throat and Bronchial Tubes. What
you need is to soothe this Infiamation.
Take Dr. King’s New Discovery, it
penetrates the delicate mucous lining,
raises the Phlegm and quickly relieves
the congested membranes. Get a 50c.
bottle from your druggist. “Dr. King’s
New Discovery quickly and completely
stopped my cough’’ writes J. R. Watte,
Floydale, Texas. Money back if not
satisfied, but it nearly always helps.
The Young Campaigners, feeling that
their work is d< le now that the Oregon
Dry amendment has passed have dis­
banded. However they have reorgan­
ized and will hereafter be known as the
Young People’s Betterment Club. They
will meet on Saturday evening with Mr.
Phil H. Fishburn 4620 71 street.
Letter beads, envelopes, cards, bill
beads, auction notices and posters,
dodgers, announcements, etc, at Mt.
Scott Pub. Co., office, Lents.
Herald and Daily Oregonian $*>.00.
We have them in Grades
and Prices to suit you.
—Delivered at your
Phone your Orders
Tabor 1280 6840 Foster Rd.
Kern Park Feed
and Fuel Co.
We Give S. & H. Stamps
CARBON BRIQUETS-Made by the Portland Gas Company
A Smile
of Satisfaction
will come if you buy your interior finishing
lumber from us. We furnish soft yellow fir
of the kina that suits.
Let us Show You Our Stock of
Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Moul­
dings, Paper, Roofing and Builders Hardware
Lowest Prices consistent with
worth while qualities
The Square Deal Dominates all Our
Business Transactions
Wilberg-Oppegard Inv. Co.
Lumber Yard
• •
Real Estate Office
6924 Foster Road
Phone Taber 619
Stock Exchange Building
Phone Marshall 609