PARIS RECEIVES CAPTURED GERMAN STANDARDS to Levy NEWS NOTES OF Great H'ar Britain 7ax on Beer anti lea ’SAYS WAR MAY CURRENT WEEK Resume of World’s Important Events Told in Brief. Ixmdon—David Lloyd George, chan­ cellor of the «xchaquer In the bouse of commons, Wednesday estimated that the coat of the war for one year for thia country would be £450,000,000 («,<60,000,000), the largest amount England has ever spent on a war, and more than twice what was s|>enl in the four yeara* conflict in South Africa. To pay this enormous bill the gov­ ernment had decided, he said, to raise a loan of £360,000,000 (<1,750,000,- 000), which would be issued at 96, bear interest at the rate of 3) per cent, and tie redeemable at par March I. It The chancellor proposed and the house unanimously supported him, that the income tax should lie doubled, but only collected on one-third of the In­ come this year; that an extra half penny (one cent) [x-r half pint should be levied on beer, and an extra three l>enco (six cents) per pound on tea. He explained that the expenditure on the British troops would be higher in pro|>ortion than that of any other country in the world, aa the pay and the coat of the army and navy were greater; there were ae|>arate allow­ ances to the men and their families, and pensions were on a larger scale. Already 2,000,000 were serving and another 1,000,000 were in the course of enlistment. Mr. Lloyd George said the govern- ment also had decided for the present not to tax the wages of classes not paying the income tax. He said it scarcely was realized that 2,000,000 mon now were serving the country under arms, and he confidently expected this number would be In­ creased in the next few months to 3,- 000,000 men. which, he added, would entail the |>ayment of separation al­ lowances amounting to £76,000,000 a year. Incidentally the chancellor of the exchequer estimated that a full year of the war would coat at least £450.000,000. This is infinitely great­ er than the coat of any war In which Great Britain ever has been engaged. The largest amount ever before spent on war in a single year was £71,000,- 000. Premier Asquith Assures Par liament of Success. Ecuador is admonished by the allies AU Hut 100.000 Men ot I.IM.OOO maintain a strict neutrality. Authorisrd Art Under Arma Aid of Antwerp th fended. A wildcat which has slain 87 goats in Linn county, Oregon, has been killed. Ixmdon In a iqx’cch delivered in the Belgians abroad have subacribe«i a house of commons Thursday after the fund of <3,000,000 to aid their stricken o|>ening of parliament, Premier As brother». quith declare«! that he doubted whether It is rumored among shipping firms the war would last as long as some in Ixmdon that the German cruiser people oiginally predicted, but that it Karlsruhe has been cornered. would last long was certain. It is said 70,000 alien enemies are in "However, the longer II lasts," con­ the British empire and are causing tinued the premier, "the more the much trouble to that government. great resources and strength which the empire possesses will 1» available to Japan's ire is stirred by a demand of fill the gajw, to replace the losses and VnOrwMa China to evacuate Tsing Tau, just maintain our ¡xtsitlon. taken by the Japanese from the Ger­ "The empire ia on trial and the ex­ mans. periences of the last three months The official newspajier of Berlin pub­ have inspired us with the confident lishes a decree forbidding the export ho|H> that the lunger the trial lasts the of leather, horse skins anti calf skins, more clearly will we emerge from It as shoddy and tinplate. the champions of a just cause." Great ceremony attended the occasion of the conveying ot seven captured German »ar standards Mr. Asquith exproaao«! warm appre­ seum of the Invalides In Paris. The photograph shows th«» flags tx-fne carried across the courtyard. Members of the Investment Bank­ ciation of the aup|>ort which the gov­ ers' asMM-iation in session in Philadel­ ernment had receive«! from all parties. phia declare the era of depression in trailer of the currency for the 12 England is engage«! in an unprece­ the money market is past. banks. They are to be accepted by dented contest, he said, and regarding all member banks and for all customs. A storm of protest by women at- the Justice of her share in this there taxes or other dues. ' tending a council meeting in Taroma, la no difference of opinion in any part of the new Next to the elasticity ' arose when a dairyman declared that of the empire. The counrty has gone currency, officials value the '‘mobiliz­ ’ "babies are cheafier than cows." through much, has learn«-«! much, has ation** but not concentration of vast seen her troops hold a [Hie it ion of diffi­ Washington government has decide«! sums from country banks in reserve culty and danger, the premier con­ to hold Vera Crus for the present, and cities and central reserve cities as un­ tinued, and he added: a guarantee of guarantees is now de­ der the National banking act, but their "Today we see them in a [xisition in manded of the tangl«*d Mexican gov­ appearance in large part on the debit which, in conjunction with our allies. ernment. balances of the 12 reserve banks in Franc«« and Belgium, they have frus­ widely scattered parts of the country. Passengers who were on the British trate«! absolutely and defeated the first These reserves will be as near as pos­ ( steamship Vandyck when she was cap- designs of the German emperor.” Change la Pint in 50 Yean New sible to the door of the member banks Secretary Bryan Saya Guarantee . tured off the coast of Brazil October Regarding the sending of British of Safety la Obviated Nuns Notea Ordered — Evolution to which they belong in times of need ; 26 by the German cruiser Karlsruhe marines to Antwerp just lx'fore the and there can be no refusal from a re­ are being brought to New York. and Prieata Have Gone. Will Be Gradual. fall of that city, the premier intimate«! serve bank to return them in cases of The German authorities again rec­ that Winston 8|>en<-er Churchill, first exigency. ommend that all Eglish subjects— lord of the admiralty, subsequently A remnant of the present system Washington, D. C.-—Monday, No­ women, children and girls under 17, Washington, D. C.—With the open­ still remains in the provision by which would make a more detailed state­ ment, but he sai243,000,000. administration to withdraw the troops tion, the loss of the British cruisers of cattle from Chicago had been held approaching the region around Lake where an opening date was chosen. Another point not forgotten by ad­ ' Good Hope and Monmouth in the naval Notwithstanding careful deliberations mirers of the law is the fact that the of the United States from Vera Cruz engagement off the coast of Chile with up at Spokane because of the discovery Mazourie in East Prussia and that bat- tes raging in the vicinity of Golldap, which preceded every preliminary different reserve requirements will re­ on Monday, November 23. the Geman squadron on November 1, of foot and mouth disea-e. The repre­ step, the 12 banks will not for many lease about 1464,000,000 now tied up "All the persons there for whose < is now "officially presume«V sentatives of the bureau of animal in­ Mlawa and S< Idau and around Cracow and Przemysl are progressing favora­ weeks take up and exercise all the in reserves and will afford far greater personal safety this government has | Field Marshal Lord R»l>crtx, of Kan­ dustry at Spokane reported that thia bly for the Russians. functions bestowed upon them by con­ opportunity for a borrower to get a made itself responsible have left the dahar, is going to France. The official shipment had be<-n quarantined and The only claim of success in the gress. Such evolution as will result hearing and a loan. from the old national banking system The reserve banks are not to do a city. The priests and nuns who hail ’ | announcement making this fact public would be held under observation and ea tern war zone made in Berlin dis­ of necessity will in most respects be banking business except with member taken refuge there, and for whose says the famous general is going into that precautions hail been taken to patches is the rout of a Russian bat­ prevent spread of the disease. talion in Russian Poland by a detach­ slow. banks. safety fears were entertained, are fiow the war zone "to see the Indian In view of this announcement, the ment of German cavalry. troops. ” Lord Roberts was born in The new system is generally conced­ on their way to this country." department will not place a Federal Cawnfiore, India, 82 years ago. The Russian dispatches declare that ed to be a compromise between a cen­ This statement was given out after | quarantine on the State of Washington the invasion of Germany is now an act­ tral bank and the present system with Russians Fiercely Fighting Meyer Waldeck, who commanded unless it is discovered later that the uality, the German rejmrt of driving its thousands of units, scattered re­ Kaiser in East Germany a long conference between Mr. Bryan 1 the German forces at Tsing Tau, ac­ disease is spreading from Spokane. back the invaders notwithstanding. serves and fixed limits of currency. and President Wilson. It apparently cording to a dispatch from Tsing Tau London—German forces which were was received with surprise in some To date the Federal and state gov­ Th«< Russians re|x>rt capturing, dur­ Its chief attraction and value those to the Asahi, has sent a telegram to who interpret it find the elasticity it forced to retreat into East Prussia official quarters. The general under­ Emperor William saying he was com­ ernments have spent approximately ing the recent campaign in Poland, the will give to recognized paper currency. from Russian Poland have placed standing has been that the evacuation pelled to surrender on account of lack <750,000 in the campaign against the German Generals Von Makcnge, com­ Under the present law National heavy artillery in all defiles to the east might be delayed indefinitely pending J of ammunition and the heavy damage livestock foot and mouth epidemic. mander of the 17th Army Corp«, and Of this about <400,000 has been borne Liebert, commander at Ixalz during bank currency is almost a fixed quan­ of Mazurian lakes, where a new ter­ reports on the alignment of the var­ inflicted by the enemy on his forts. by the Federal government, almost ex­ the German occupation of that city. tity, based upon the National capital rific battle i.-> in progress along a front ' ious Mexican chiefs in the latest civil Advices from Constantinople say the hausting the available funds of the de­ Secretary bank, issued upon United States bonds of 150 miles forming a wide curve war now in progress. and unresponsive to the chili of hard from Stalluponen. in the Northwest, Bryan declined to add to the formal , Ottoman army still lacks 700 officers, partment of Agriculture. On rejsirtx Far Away Alaska Feels times or the exultation of boom days. through Goldap and Kruglaken to S«xl-1 [ announcement, saying details would be i and that the authorities at Berlin were from field inxfiectorx that an outbreak Effects ot European War Its use led, the experts say, to unre­ lau in the Southwest. j made public by the War department. i requested to supply them. Berlin re- of the disease had occurred in the state The Russians are vigorously carry- ■ Secretary Garrison had nothing to say, ! plied that it would be inqxaisible to of Washington and in the District of stricted loans and speculation, in the Proof that the war ravaging Europe days when money was easy, and to a ing out an enveloping movement. The and to just what authority the r-ort of send all Germans, but would supple­ Columbia, department officials have has an echo in remote parts of the Germans consider their position im ­ hoarding of resources and a tightening Vera Cruz would be delivere«! was not ment them with Austrians, who would prepare«! to place the affected areas woH ia shown in its effect upon travel to Constantinople individually under quarantine. Action was with­ N .,«•«■•, Alaska. of the purse strings of credit when pregnable and believe they will check made plain. In this far Northern held, however, pending receipt of more town the fur market is paralyze*! and they were hard. It is said to have the enemy’s advance, according to a It has been assumed, however, that aa civilians. dispatch from Petrograd by way of bred the panic of 1907, when solvent as the United States throughout the The "blue sky law" passes in Cali­ definite information. many residents have left to enlist in banks with large credits in reserve and Paris, which adds: i Mexican difficulties has dealt with the fornia, afier an early apparent defeat. the armies of their native countries. “Throughout all Prussia railway authorities actually in control of ter­ central reserve cities were helpless. University President Barn This is the report of affairs brought England repeats call to all voters to passenger traffic has been suspend d. Under the new system the Federal ritory involved, the city would be to Portlan«! by Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Belgian Benefit Effort declare their attitude on enlistment in The lines now are transporting only reserve notes, which in time, probably turned over to an agent of General Darling, of Nome. will entirely replace the National bank troops, apparently with a view to a Carranza, probably General Candido the army or navy. San Francisco Refusal of Benjamin Most prominent among the reserv­ notes, now so familiar, will be issued new concentration which is said to Aguilar, commanding the constitution­ A Portland, Or., banker predicts Ide Wheeler, president of the Univer­ ists who have gone from Nome ia Ix>ni have been decided upon by a recent on commercial paper arising out of alist forces in the state of Vera Cruz. better times by spring "In spite of sity of California, to permit the uae of William Percy, son of the duke of actual business transactions. It seems council of the Austro-German general I So far as is known, there has been handicaps caused by unwise and freak the Greek theater of that institution Northumberland. He wax in research This council is re- ' no final decision as to when and whom legislation.” plain that they will rise and fall in staff at Cracow. for a concert to be held for the benefit work in the Arctic region when word amount as the tides of businesss rise ported to have decided to change com- 1 the more than a million dollars of of the Belgian relief fund that is being reached him of the war. He immedi The idle of Belgium is told to go to and fall and that there will be no ffletely the plan of battle." Mexican customs moneys now held by raised in San Francisco, Oakland and at«dy made his way to Nome and there the United States shall be paid. Both work by the German governor under other bay cities, has caused much com­ offered the owners of small boats plethora of money to lie idle. They will be obligations of the United Carranza and the Aguas Calientes con­ penalty that all charitable organiza­ ment on the part of those who were <6000 to take him to Seattle. They re- California Gifts Go Soon. tions feeding them, will be dissolved. States government, which National interested in the Belgian relief fund, fuxe«i because of the risk, and Ix>rd San Francisco—December 1 is the vention have given guarantees that bank notes are not, and will have back customs duties collected at Vera Cruz The German cruiser Emden, forced and particularly on the part of some of Percy wax forced to wait until the reg­ of them a large reserve of gold in the day on which the California hip load­ will not be reimposed. In view of the to run ashore by an Australian war­ the regents of the university. ular boat arrived. To join the Gren­ regional banks. Through them the ed with supplies for starving Belgians complications which might arise, how­ ship, had destroyed 23 merchantmen Arrangements for the concert were adier Guards, of which regiment he is The cost o', chartering a ever, in the event Carranza were driv­ and other small vessels before she was well under way before the telegraphed reserve banks are expected to come to will sail. an officer, this nobleman made a jour­ the aid of any needy member bank suitable vessel and of the insurance en from power by Villa's army sup­ finally captured. refusal of the president of the univer­ ney of more than 12,000 miles. will be borne either by the London Re ­ which has plenty of go«d paper but porting General Gutierrez, the conven­ Though the gold output was greater Reports received in Berlin from Co­ sity to [>ermit the use of the theater lief commission or by the Rockefeller tion's new provisional president, it has needs cash. about Nome this year than it has been penhagen set forth that the Russian wax received. To insure the flow of money reserve Foundation. Thursday’s cash contri­ been suggested that payment of the The fact that the use of the theater for many years past, and business con­ banks themselves may be required to butions here amounted to <4375, mak­ money might be withheld pending a government is protesting to Pekin had been refused was mad«« public in a ditions are encouraging there for this Hgainst the concentration of troops on ing a total of <117,174 su bscribed thus rediscount paper of other reserve clarification of the situation. report made by Mrs. Mark L. Requa, reason, the market for furs, ivory and the Manchurian frontier. far. Great quantities of beans, flour, banks. chairman of the executive committee whale oil has dropped out of sight. General Villa in command of 15,000 of the Belgian relief fund. The re|>ort More than <250,000,000 of the new provisions and other commodities also French Pay $182,000,000. It is believed the men, is xaid to lie marching from the said President Wheeler's denial of the notes have been ordered by the con- were received. Bordeaux — The cost of war to Way to Holland Blocked. cargo will measure 5000 tons. north on Mexico City, ostensibly to France in October was <182,154,504, I, « oust Carranza who has an army of 40,- request wax received from the East. Sas Van Gent, Holland German en­ Family Wrecked by War. daily average of more than <6,000,000. 000 to resist the attack. gineers Thursday dynamited bridges Scott Will Head StafT. Grass Valley, Cal.—Four sons killed i Britain Accepta Germane. The daily average for the first three across the I,eo)>old canal at Dalger- Washington, D. C. — Brigadier Gen ­ London — Replying to a question in a battle, the mother a suicide and The Sheik-ul-Islam, head of the hier ­ in hoeke, Stroobridge, St. Laurent, St. eral Hugh Scott was selected by Presi- months of the war wax <7,000,000. The archy in Turkey, has prepared an an­ the house of commons, Reginald Mc­ Jean and Watervliet, all places in the the father insane, is the fate of the dent Wilson Saturday to be chief of government will disburse immediately nouncement to all Mohammedans in family of S. Neuberger, of this place, Htaff of the Unlted StateH army on the <13,000,000 for repairs to the railroad Kenna, the home secretary, said he northwestern part of East Flanders, according to a letter just received from : retirement next week of Major Gener- system. These probably have been which he declares that every Moham­ had granted certificates of naturaliza­ near the Dutch frontier. The Germans Germany. The young men answered aj Wotnernpoon made necessary by the wear and tear medan fighting on the aide of Great tion to Baron Bruno Schroeder and also threw a number of large trees the first call to arms and fell about the ‘ot major general ere- due to the transportation of troops. Britain, France and Russia is not a Julius Ritterxhaussen, of the firm of J. across the roads leading to the Holland The vacancy of same time in one of the early battles ated by General Wotherspoon’« retire- The sum of <1,314,000 has been set warrior but a murderer, and liable to H. Schroeder & Go., bankers, after frontier. religious punishment. of the European war. When the news ment will be fiHed by war had been declared and after satis­ men£will be filled by tbe the nomination nomination aside for the relief of the unemployed. In this way the flight of peasants, of their deaths reached home, the ot Brigadier General I Frederick Frederick F. F. Various sums will be used to relieve An Amsterdam dispatch to the Reu­ fying himself that it wax in the public which recommenced on November 8, mother committed suicide and the Funston, now in command at Vera localities invaded by the Germans. interest to do so. Mr. Schroeder has a is made impossible and West Flanders ter Telegram company in London, says father became insane, and now wan- Cruz son in the German army and the board is entirely cut off from the world. that the Dutch newspapers confirm the of aidermen of the city of Ixmdon had ders over the country, placing flowers Seafight Site Unmarked. statement that Germany is transfer­ on every hillock, thinking it a grave. Lumber Orden Pour In. German Officer Loss Big. Washington, I) C.— Eduardo Suarez, ring cavalry and artillery from the protested against the granting of natur­ alization to the father. Seattle, Wash.—Inquiries for 9,- Chilean ambassador here, is informed Paria—A Havas Agency dispatch western to the eastern frontier. German Submarine Sunk. 000,000 railroad ties and for 10,000,- by his government that Chilean ships from Petrograd says: "It ia estimat­ London — The Petit Calaisien says 000 feet of large timbers received dur­ sent out to search had not found the Belgian Relief Ship In. A heavy snow has fallen in the Vos­ ed here that during the recent fighting that a French torpedo boat entered ing the last 10 days have greatly stim­ slightest trace of the Monmouth or the ges mountains and the Black forest. The Hague — The steamer Tremor- in East Prussia the Germans lost 70 Dunkirk harbor Friday and reported ulated the Northwestern lumber situa­ Good Hope, the British cruisers report­ The Germans are said to have had vah, the first Belgian relief ship from per cent of their officers. From Octo­ that it had sunk a German submarine tion, and local exporters look for ed lost in the recent sea fight with a difficulty in removing their reserve the American continent has arrived at ber 23 to November 6 the total Rus­ in the Channel. The French boat was heavy cargo orders. German fleet off the coast of Chile. field artillery from defensive portions Rotterdam. The Tremorvah sailed sian captures amounted to 323 officers, attacked by the submarine off West­ The inquiries com? principally from On their return to Valparaiso the ves­ on the heights into the valleys. Their from Halifax October 28, carrying 21,750 soldiers, four mortars, 52 can­ ende. Th« French commander aighted the United Kingdom. The supply for sels reported that they had searched removal is considered in some quarters 3600 tons of flour, [«otatoex, cheese and non 52 quickfirers and a large amount the periscope and rammed and sank England has heretofore been furnished carefully over the zone of battle with­ to indicate that the army is preparing canned goods, the gift of the people of of munitions of war, including a quan­ the submarine. in the Baltic. out finding a bit of wreckage. for a retreat. Nova Scotia. tity ot provisions.” RESERVE BANKS NOW OPERATING WILL EVACUATE VERA CRUZ SOON Govemment’s Elastic Currency- System a Reality. American Forces to Leave Mex­ ico November 23rd.