« Mr. Hoyto » m a moat indulgmit tlie»» time»," nay» Mr. Houaer, although (altar, but of late I m > had noninwncMl to tta Oregonian said last spring that the think that lila aim Arthur wk» taking "Democratic tariff had rained tbe sheep ---------- J r . _____ ___ __ ___ |______.......... .............................. advantage of hto generosity. industry of Oregon. HKKtiZY ITEMS CONTRIBUTED BY HERALD REPORTERS AT NEARBY POINTS "Why, whan I waa your ag» young We acknowledge the receipt of a copy Miss Nellie Horner ia on the sick list. man," ha said. ona morning attar a of tie- Congressional Record from Senator parlliularly urgent damand for morn winter, both »hie» remaining lieavily en­ Chamberlain, also the placing of the hinda, "I didn't have aa much money to Mr. Edwin Nagataff is enJoyiDg his trenched «nd that it would eventually writer’» name a» a regular subscriber on CHERRYVILLE vacation. ■|a-nto, on Wednesday, October 14. Mrs. not go backward. thia ia true—and we see no reason to p. m. There will also be local speaker» | Goodwin and Mrs. Gesell are the doubt it--this will make the road Mr Houser of Tygh valley drove hia ami the meeting will be free for al). hoeteanees. through this place a great thorougfare. herd of »beep from Wild Cat mountain Bring basket dinner. Free barn room thi» week and darted them on the road Thia road will 1» extended over to The will lie provided for your horsee. Every­ A fire at the home of Wm. Davis, Halle» and then tack on the north bank home acroM the Mt. Hood or Barlow body cordially invited. Sixtieth street and Forty-eecon I avenue, to Portland by another great acanic road He sold the lamta to a Portland The Kelso school was awarded the route. firm for S3.00 apiece and tliere waa over prize for the beat school number on the , temporarily vacant, ruined the house A Imainraa man from Portland wa» in 1100 of them from a flock of 1325. The ‘ Sandv Fair program given Friday. The j Tuesday evening. The fire broke out The Kern town Die first of tlie week and aaid in hi» wool »old for nearly 11 50 apiece, thus number consisted of a costume song, about one o’clock a. m. Park Fire Department pot it out but opinion the war had Nettled down to a yielding him a handsome profit. "A ! “Three Maida of Lee," by Eunice and i »orI of a aeige and would remain ao all man can’t help making money on sheep Dorothy Jonerud and Hazel Dunn. The the house waa ruined. prise was one dollar in cash and an in­ Many of the ladies ot Woodmere at­ Funeral Directors teresting collection of poetage stamps tended the Silver Tea Benefit of St. THE LICENSE SYSTEM IN ACTION ! donated by Fred Proctor—for which ac­ Montgomery and Fifth Ht Panto Mission at Mrs. Arthur Geisler’s cept the thanks of the Kelso school. Lenta. The ladiee report a moet enjoy­ A reading table has been added in the able time. Those in attendance were: principal’s room at school, with a good One Place oí Huaineae Only Meedamea Curtis, Allen, Morse, Nag­ supply of papers and magasinee, mak­ staff, Hottenrgth, Stomer, E. Curtis. ing an attractive work for recreation as Staughneesy, Doran, Lehman, Harris, well as use fulness. Tibbies, Hanscomb, and Misses Nina Experienced Woman Mrs.,Henn Eri and sons have gone to Johnson and Aileen Brong. in Attendane« Denver, Colo., for a month’s visit with relatives. HOTEL ARLETA R. Jonerud sold two colts and three Arleta Station Main Office Re modeled and Furntabed New and Clean head of y< ung stock last week. Room» Tinted and Painted. Geo Davl», Mgr Phone Main 9 Mrs. Barnum and Miss EricksoD Groaerie», Confectionery and School Snpplle», A-1MM» Cigar* and Tobacco spent the week-end in Portland. GIVK US A CALL Do Dot forget to register before 4X24 S6tb Pt 8 E Portland, Oregon 1 October 16. Doings of Our Neighbors Tremont, Kem Park and Arteta KLROSE A. D. Kenworthy and Company Funeral Directors J. P. Finley & Son Tlie congregation of St. I’auto Church look forward with pleasure to the com­ ing of Dean Summer as Bishop of Oregon. The fact that ail the tieat men in Chicago were using every influence to keep him there to enough to show Oregon what a power for God he will be to thia Ifiocese. J. P. Johnson and Howard Ramsey returned Tuesday night from Carry Coonty where they have been on a busi­ ness and pleasure trip. They report the death of foar floe deer, due to their skill as hunters. J. C. Michel tree, Charlie Osborn, and Philip Homes are still down there and will not return till next week. Sandy applied at the store for a job. The manager, after asking him to work, bidding him lift a heavy cask up on to a stand. Sandy straggled vainly with the job for a few moment», then stopped and said: "A told ye ma name, sir, did A noF’ "Yea," replied the manager. "You said it was Tamson. Why?” "Weel," said Samdy. mopping hto brow, "I waa just a-wunnerin’ if ye thoct A said Sampson." She was very romantic, and when site the scars on hto face she jumped at conclusions. "I think I have discovered your se­ cret,” she softly said. "You are a Heidelberg duelist and likewise a Ger­ man Baron." He shook hto head gloomily. "I am nota Baron,” he said, "and I never heard of Heidelberg. I’m only the fellow the students practice on at the barbers’ college." mw Stop That First Fall Cough Check your fall cough or cold at once —don’t wait—it may lead to serious lung trouble, weaken your vitality and develop a chronic lung ailment. Get a bottle of Dr. Bell’s Pine-Tar-Honev today; it to pure and harmless—use it freely for that fall cough or cold. If Baby or Children are sick give it to them, it will relieve quickly and permantly. It soothes the irritated throat, lungs and air pasvages. Loosens Phlegm, to antiseptic and fortifies the system against colds. It surely prevents cold germs from getting ahold. Guaranteed. Only 25c. at your Druggist. Daily Oregonian, Herald, McCall’s Magazine and Sunset, all for 67.50 if aken at the Herald office. Dr. C. W. Tldball PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office cor 82nd St. and 60th Ave. Res. 5906 82nd St. S. E. Phone Tabor 4256 Res. Tabor 3746 SUMMONS Phone Ea»t 7H1 Home B-188.8 LERCH Undertaker Hawthore Av«, and East 11 th. St. Mr», l.ervh Altai» tant Th« saloon gets th« money; the people get th« dranksaaeaa and th« taxpayers foot th« bill«. Branch Office Carters Building Kern Park PROFESSIONAL CAROS DR. JOHN FAWCETT Diseases tt Wtnuiiat outre» »Specialty Pacific Tabor 3314 Local 3011 C. LOUIS BARZEE Attorney at Law A GENERAL LAW PRACTICE 2nd floor Additon Bld’g., neat to Mult­ nomah State Bank Lento, Oregon Alvord Undertaking Company Lanta and Kara Park G. E. GREENLEAF. Manager Rea. 4610 70th St. S. E. Ctor. 46th Ave 1 Herald and Evening Telegra ■to ONE YEAR Funeral Directors and Embalmers IS Year« Experience Call« answered day or night in any part i of the city. Quick Anto Service, Fine I Equipment, Lady Aaaiatant. Night Phone B I IM Day Phone Tabor «M2 LODGE DIRECTORY. Shiloh Circle No. te, lentie» ot G. A. R. meet» tat and Id Saturday eveninn in I. O. O. F. hall, Unta. Llllah Maffei, Pre»., Carrie Ingle», Bee'y. $4.00 Subscribe Now tn lb* Circuit Court ot tbe State of Oregon for Multnomah County. J. H. Nath, Plaintiff, v». J Crick and Rachel Crick. nu»band and wife. Frank K. Mason and Ketacada Town»lght Company, a corpora­ tion. Defendenta. Number E lfiOB. J. H Naah. rialntllf V». J. Crick and Rachel Crick, huaband and wife, Frank K Mason and Eatacada Townaight Company, a corpora­ tion Defendenta. Number E 1606. J. H Naah. Plaintiff, va J. Crick and Rachel Crick, huiband and wild. Frank E Mason and Eataeada Townaight Company, a corpora­ tion, Defendant» Numher E 1606. To J Crick, Rachel Crick, hutband and wife, and Frank E. Maaon of the defendant» above named. In the name of the State of Oregon : you and each ot you are hereby notified .hat the above entitled aulì» have been conao t.lated by order ol tbe Hon H E McGinn, one of the )udgea of the above entitled Court, ordering that aaid ■ulta be conaolldated and proceed aa one tult and you and each of you are hereby required to appear and anawer th« complaint* filed therein, on or before the Slat day of October 1914, t«fo date being more than « weeka from the 17th day of September 1914, tbe date of the fir»t publication» of thi» summon» and M you fall to to appear and anawer for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the above entitled Court lor tbe relief demanded in the complainta in •aid »ulta aoconaolldated aa aforeeaid, to-wit: the relief demanded in the complaint in the above entitled anlt Number K ISOS, la that plaintiff have and recover of and from J. Crick, Rachel Crick, huaband and wife and Frank E. Maaon. the aum ot 11600 oo together with Interest thereon at the rate ot 7 per cent per annum, from the lath day of Auguat. 191S: lor the further aum of 926.00 with intereat thereon at tbe rate ot 6 per cent per annum, from th» Atot day of Aug wet, 1911. on »ooount of taxNpaid by plalntil:.for the further lum of 1160 MFattorney» fee» and for plaintiff» oo»U end disbursement» therein. The relief demanded In the coinplaint in the Bid above entitled »alt Number K 1606 it, that kintiff do have and recover ot and from de- ndant» J. Crick, Rachel Crick, huaband and wife and Frank E Maaon. the »urn of *3600 00, together with lntarvat thereon at the rate ot 7 per cent per annum from Auguat 18th. 1911: lor the further aum ol *41 80. with intereat thereonJtrom Auguat tilt 1914. at the rate of 6 Kr cent per annum, on account ot taxes paid plaintiff: for tae further aum ot *s--o oo aa attorney fee» therein and for plaintiff» coat» and disbursements therein The relief demanded In the above entitled suit Number K1606 is, that the plaintiff do have and recover of and from tbe defendant» J Crick, Rachel Crick, huaband and wife and Frank K. Mason, the sum of *10<0.00 together with Interest thereon at the rate ot 7 per cent ___ per anmim from Auguat IHth 1918: for the further sum of *15 87 with interest thereon from Auguat list 19t4, at the rate ot 6 per percent cent per annum on account of taxes paid by the plaintiff, for *100.00 attorney feva,-nd for the plaintiffs costa and disbursements therein. In each of the complainta In aaid suit so con­ solidated as aforesaid, additional relief lade mended against you aa follows: that the mortgages executed by defendants J. Crick, Rachel Crick, husband and wife, to the filslntlff. and afterwards assumed by the de­ endant Frank E. Maaon, be foreclosed and said property therein described be sold by the Sheriff of said County to satisfy plaintiffs aald notes and mortgages and that you and each of i on and all of the above named defendants be , urecloaed of all right, title and interest In1 and to said real properly and for such other and further relief as the Court may deem equitable In the premise», alt of which more fully appears and I» more fully set out In »aid complaint». Thia summon» is served upon you by publi­ cation thereof in the Mt. Scott Herald, pursu­ ant to an order from the Hon. W. N. Gatena, Judge of the above entitled Court, made on the 8th day of September 191«, ordering that said publication be made In said Mt Scott Herald once each week for »lx consecutive weeks, the first publication thereof to be made on the 17th day ot September 1914 and the laat publi­ cation thereof to be made on October 29tn.l9H. JOHN VAN XANTE. I Attorney tor Plaintiff. Wood and Coal We have them in Grades and Prices to suit you. —Delivered at your door. Phone your Orders Tabor 1280 6840 Foster Rd. Kem Park Feed and Fuel Co. A Smile of Satisfaction will come if you buy your interior finishing lumber from us. We furnish soft yellow fir of the kind that suits. Let us Show You Our Stock of Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash. Doors, Moul­ dings, Paper, Roofing and Builders Hardware Lowest Prices consistent with worth while qualities The Square Deal Dominates all Our Business Transactions Wilberg-Oppegard Inv. Co. Lumber Yard Real Estate Office 6924 Foster Road Broadway Building Phon« Taber 619 Phone Mata 6199