1-HL irriti WANT "ADS" Them In B-6111-1111 Only One-cent a Word Subscription, $1.00 a Year. , INITIATIVE BILLS NEED PRUNING LENTS, MULTNOMAH CO*. OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, i9U AMERICAN NURSES ON WAY TO TEE WAR PARENT-TEACHERS Offl ‘WffF PtATER HKS AND Lsute.^rctlT^BsUAoxiaUmK^ Wagnon Measures Bear Vigorous Investigation. Spite Work Al­ leged by State Corporation De­ 11 MF bi«« |Jgfl 5ft| jBd Ary5TJl, .IliH kin XI 0tniMMt ai.'Qwriam mivUng- C/a*I*cptariMttees !*ìnt»b 'idi uh It is hardly probable that the 11 MO. single tax measure will win its way through the coming elwUori. There prJlitetUiMm. I a U^ : , be *»»"*' * are too many people awake to its intent now, Between now and election a lot more information will be »rat tern I rela­ tive to it. Tiiere are several other measure* that dwa-rve attention. The bill proposed by prncmhngs came to an end last Friday H. I*. Wagnon and other«, proposing * alii?’tWe rd)vofce was granted on the class tax on all valuations exceeding g?r>6w*A*:of cruelty and non-support. 8Sfi,0t*l la ti<>t one of which tIn-re need MM MHfron was given tlie property at lie much fear. If such a measure were I^f^gnnction, ixineistrng of a small pi pa»> it would be immediately held up by the courts a* discriminating claie legislation Such a proposition u>ay rfirfrfeykvai'lnvei'ted in it. look good to a man like Wagnon. who rfljtii The same afternoon Oleson xecured probably is so busy promoting political tzkv. ' liisiwlea* from the dirtriii court and vagaries that lie doesn’t have time to be Lenta. He gave out the ea- pneperou*. Hut it also ought to appt ar cqeg returning home that he wanted Photo by American Frees Association. to a man of his intelligence that social to secure tome eye medicine, but be had A former Hamburg-A merit an liner renamed tbe Red Cross recently sailed from New Turk with 120 nurses and and business conditions and pros|irroua hardly reached his former home until thirty doctors wbo will csre for tbe wounded In Europe. times drficiid on wraith, more or less hé rtarted trouble. He ha*I made pre­ disposed among certain of our citizens vious threats so his conduct was not un­ who have U h * training or natural faculty expected. . oi using that wraith for their own. their I 8hortJy alter six, a neighbor and old employees, and the general public bene­ time acquaintance, Mr. Kelly, living at fit. Al) the Wagnon, I 'rrn, fridge tbe car tine and Agate street, called at crowd are promoting a revena condi­ the Oleson store to congratulate Mrs. tion If it is not neoscary for values to Mr. “leBon on securing her freedom. When Twelve hundred and seventy-five Miss Olga Brook man, sister of O. B The results of tbe Woodmere school accumulate in the hands of a relatively pop-i-om test was placed on exhibit this i ne entered the room he heard a peculiar small number of people Uiat important and G. B. Brookman of Mt. Scott, died t' rtuier cent. An interesting feature of theetxbibit. Mrs. Oleson, reviving escape,| in*,. u>r registration is the large number of 7th A., took first prize and Elsie Graves pression. No they are not doing that. duced her difficulty. yard. Shortly after this Oleson I. : -.e ol fith B .'took second. Tbe first prix»- Just U m - reverse, Uiey are opposing buei- grad naive of this and oUter institutions The funeral was hel I at the Evangeli­ house ' Kelléy wenf out the Ertou* *vk^ a trip, to Hie State I air v t Lant wÿl ner* activity by opposing Uie accumula­ cal Cburcb Thursday at two o’clock, of higher learning wbo have come to and aromul to- the rear InfiofegUuiMlei gq up to Salem Sat onlay. ,. tion of sufficient capital to conduct ex Rev. Ifornschoch officiating, and Ken­ study for tlie master's degree. t fnend otaoq tgying-to Kitt her. -JAn tensive Iiiisinessdevelopments They pro­ worthy in charge. The burial was at freed Mm. Oleson, again *ml then Hot U m * feature of greatest interest to »'J pose to levy a special tax on every hun­ Mt. Scott. and sppie neighbors took que' of. Ojf^qn Democrats Victory Oregon citizens in Ute number and’quM)£ Mn Maud Darnai Set Mrs --tt—“"-“' whU® com- dred dollars of a capital In excess of officer came. tBeeon Tbe *a»< ,, , '.. ’ victory ‘ tn until ,*n arrangement»* for divorce. The sweeping democrasic 825.1*10, and thus discourage aggrega­ ity of vocational stnilents ihere are Grew, Miss tehroyer. Mrs. Q- hnJfrRV/SHXli^s . ame to sn end tast ita Vri.1.« brought up toY>n& and ‘place# ; Df.1 Maine lari week on Sept. v-Jbh when tions of wealth. At the prewnt rate of 123 boys and girls,-arid men aud.-wonnu». Mrs. J. C. McGrew» • »- ttrtta .*!' 7' •-<<>> 1 j '« saourlM ’ : Maine elected * Democratic Governor. N’rfaon’a- office. -He Htoaped oOtc lhe» taxes a *2.'i,t*«i valuation pays about MembersfiipTommittee: Mt registered for vocational work. Moefak «.•«¿.j' yd ■ * i .u„ w21i* «nd a congnemuan. indi­ baok-w imlo* bat was siiertly taken by[ 8525 tax. Add 5n. this nnmlier would find the rcgjflar .Thesregular ns-etings et the Wpod«: cates pretty clearly that therein« Demo­ liave 8125 more, or 8750 or three percent. eight year»* of higher eilucation lieyonj? mere I'arcnt-Teorher Club- are -on the cratic tide M ill sweep the entire country to the ciW-. Op, Saturday morning ,hn A* large sum* of money regularly draw Dr. C H. Chapman will »peak next their reacli, bqf are.ljere able to «( j* tiW»Ti>tedaj and third Friday at 3:30 was confronted with wife lota. anil an.l his one former or two in Kindergarten the congressional elections , Mr*. io Novem a lower rate percent than small ones, commutes: S4r ­ Kelley And hers by rights nS^ghbors.** anyway « her othef^ Tuesday evening at the Friends Church, I one,-two or three years, tig* etwential Ik-aBirBt the school assemldydiaAk Th* ber. A»;:,*'Maine goes-so goes the the person with an exoew of 835,000 Evarts, Mrs. A. F. Hershner ? 11 Ofanh waaNiidfepiHNÿ *• - J J cMdiÜo«r. ‘WHi on topic* relative to the initiative meas- training requisite to high succcrh in iaee«mg *ek* Tneeday ■Will*'be eoSCT« Mies ....................... country’’ is«* old saying, and a true would proliably draw an income of Educational Program Comrnltlee ; : tArned-wrth a vmxbprokritni.-A'II phrenff nres to I m * considered at tlie coming elec­ their chosen careers. face WM- sbrag h.-.i.-sujjjjkffr •‘W -Np» One of the win* ’ one. Heretofor e when the Republican 2 percent a year above his tax levy. tion. Dr Chapman is one of the most dents in dairying is 40 years of ago. and an* nrgeC lÀn/méaGil 'kre wêF Mrs. Maud Darnall, Mn. O. Kat: in this rockribbed Republican black and blue, and she It would I m * evident at once that it t’.vd --Î-e; srft -*«« J-.eftm» majority Musical Program Committee/" Mfsk bnijteii^ popular -qieakero around Portland anti several others in different course»* have cdmé. stat* al­ ________ SW3k.™ would be more profltible to belong to rf! «;».■’ ~”i:i *■ a -- ‘:sidlv|'. drag I Shinn, Miss Hunt, Mie, Lednar'Gnfen The codr IjenU jieople should feel complimented paiss-d 30. ways indicated y democratic, v> torj,in »»•-<; U m * lie* aflliM-nt class, for incomes on -’ CLANNISH MANXMEN. -\' . Daniele. Ofeson fihuJJferit ibWM&WIMoi- 13£-' that he will meet them. In view of the fact that secoiidiry l»q the ensuing ejection, so when the .entire investment tiiere often run to 26 per- ty days- fUrb *>''.? )n*>] It Emergency Committee : Mn. A. F. work ha>* been eliminated at the College, f.!*.1 '»............. '« rr*-.- Republican ieipl wiped out, and a. cent. i Hervhner, Mrs. J: C. McGrew, Mrs. C. She. «afi They» Still l/M Thsir Own Tongue ht Democrat viejory. afi^tps Uie gtate.- OMtet f »tenon .W snpPRrinff. standards for admission to tbe freshman As to bill 888 and 331*. State Corpora- Moll-Kern Wedding ' Rremulgatine Their Laws. n — : L. Geeeel. IlWrttaj .morning and class raise, 1 one year, and business gener­ there can he bpt littlg doijht J^hiel» JW! tion t!ommus*ioner Watson makes II* Mr Henry Mol) and Miss Minnie ally depressed by Eurojieaui war, the in­ Plsygronnd Committee: Mrs. O. C. is rycqyering h« speech.. Sip* still bean The Isle of Mon la to tbe Irtab cta- the ‘ wind is blowing.’’..it had not following explanation. The bill it Kern were married Wednesday morning Lent, Mn. O. Katzky, Mn. Murray. UV*"iiiark''<'hmxmen three RepHWcank Were SleetoTby small the sale of 1100,000 of bonds. H. D. ley avenue, where Mr. Moll has receflt Mn. Chas. Ward, l*»*t 4oiir year*. 1 Nó --------- ohe* séetnwio think they bave tbeir own parUumem and Mn. McNeil, ffWMI tro ® Wagnon of Portland, Vice President of ly built a very neat bungalow. Tliey Eldred, Mn. Hollenbeck. .A FAMOUS OLD FLAG. he over sees a * sober ! momant. la fast ceert». Tbe boose of' key* and tbe Two years ago. Maine elected a Repub­ the company, made application for the are well known in this neighborhood, Garden Contest Committee: Mrs. J. “W 4*4^e BWRhtaN* senso to thiek he taraee of lords bold anneal sMstona in lican laeur w*- •»/• » — ' Governor and the one Democratic permit. The company hail no tangible since boUi grew up here and are happy Th« Star gpangied Banner of Fort Me- LKiuglaa, the capital, and tbe laws they E. Hawken, Mn. B. Hollenbeck, Mrs. is mentally unbalanced by hi* *MJB- i-ongreseman by 1200 and this year it property assets. The report of Paul L. in Die possession of a large acquaintance H.ney In 1314. pass are read aloud every year from Kslly, Mn. Harvey. Woolston, an expert actuary, sho4s that and numerous friends who wish them *if«uKing ftvni 0« walla of U h Na- eleete a Democrat Governor and in- tinued dissipation »»» Tynwald MIL TM'wtatutee are pro­ Hot Lunch Committee: Mrs. J. F., . Tbe Oleson« ««m married lour on October 31, 1913, tl>e total liabiliUes much Lappinew and prosjierity in their rtopal tnuggum Ip Washington Is 0 still verves in the election of members Fair minded voters of Oregon, friends lous villages perched high on tbe tops “Pa. bow ran guns kick when they microbe front. It is hoped by the shot away by a British shell. After the of steep bills Around them In all dl and well wishers of tlie Oregon system, of tbe bouse of keys. The bishopric Hooeien* that this first charge will not war tbe bauiier became tbe property of of tlie Isle of Man is declared to have nave no legs?” should not coutenance such a prostitu­ rectlons la a «one of trees, with pas only put the enemy to flight but result “Don't ask absurd questions'' Major Armistead and was left by him tun above, beginning at about 3.000 been founded by St. Patrick, wbo tion of U m * initiative for the gratifica­ “Q'.ne haven't any legs, bare they, in a complete route and a total destruc­ feet, and the oft conatuered open val­ to bis daughter. Mrs. Appleton. It was stopped off and «établi«bed tbe see par tion of all his fortresses and haunts, and tion of petty spite and jiersonal malice. leys below Here tor unknown age« from tbe sou of that lady. Mr. Eben while on bls way to Ireland.—New '•Certainly not’ so enthuse the victors that they will It is too sacred a weajion to tie used in tbe Berber bae lived among and from Appleton. that tbe museum received It Tort World ''Well. then.'what’s the use of their henceforth guard against any further so tiase a cause. To enact tlie bill hia trees. There are four staples of two years ago. The arrangement is having breeches?"- Boston Transcript mobilisation of the disease breeding would I* to say that a public official of life tn Kabylla—dried figs, olives, that the flag «ball remain permanently Seedy Boarder—Haw ! You—haw— In tbe custody of tbe museum and germs. Some of the battle cries are: the state, bound by hie oath to sustain bread and meat For miles there la may not believe it, don’t you know, ' Sunflowers. •'Swat the fly,” "Kill the rats,” “Clean the law. must do tbe bidding of the wild one unending succession of villages set must not be permitted to leave tbe Polly, but I was born with a—ha*— Tbe old name fur tne sunflower was building to be exhibited anywhere else up the filth,” “Bum the trash,” “Bury cattor and the floater of watered securi­ In this open forest of figs and oilvea- silvkh spoon in my mouth. «olaoece. tbe «un follower. The an­ Time has somewhat marred the beauty • tbe decaying vegetation" and ‘'Cover ties, contrary to his oath and his con­ Argouaut of the banner, but no American na Polly—Well, fancy! An’ me an* cient sundower or anti follower was science, or be removed from office by Tbe tall plants of the the compost heap with lime.” - Effie (finishing her .drvotjnn^fr-And look at tbe fading and worn fabric mother thought you spoke like that on the marigold the voters of the State. The presence please bless father and motlier and all w it bout a thrill That Is tbe ting that present day are of American origin purpose!—Sydney Bulletin. upon the liellot of a measure such as of us, anuulou. Wile—Doyou like thia pudding dewrf time. l.sUn Mails at the Lents postoffice arrive venom, is an affront to the dignity of what's good forthem.—The Sketch. Mn. MeBryde gave me the recipe for it. and depart as follows: the initiative ballot, an insult to the in­ Hub—No; bat I guess you can get The pew vjear was making pastoral Depart tegrity and fair mindednem of the anil Corporation Igwsi.wpr,^ | not I* ”S-t s-e-s sus-say. ma," stammered - Arrive calls ih hi« parish, and 4o0ped tó con­ •quare with her by giving her your «:» A. M. voters of the State. Inability to punish amended, harmonised or articulated, Bobby, through the suds, as his mother 8«) A. M. recipe for mince pies. % ÌKP. M. the perpetrator of such a fraud ought to and the State would see a ' ‘Consolidated verse with a small boy at the ganlen scrubled and scrubbed him, “I guess 12:40P. M. gate. 5 90 P. M. make doubly sure the defeat of the bill. Commission," with two sets of employ­ you want to get rid of me, don’t yon?” 8:10 P. M. “And where does yonr father ge on “To remove rust from • knife, plunge “Bill Noe. 33K and 389. if enacted, ees, two sets of books, two systems of “Why, no Bobby dear,” replied his Uie l»lade in an onion," says a house- mother. "Whatever put such an idqg would not consolidate tbe Corporation receipts and disbarsements, and two Sundays, my little man?” Willie—Paw, is truth stranger than " Well, on fine Sun*lags he roes golf­ hold hint, evidenUy written by a into yonr mind?” and Insurance Departments. its only funds into which theses* should go. It fiction? «fleet wirnlil be to sulistitute for the would be a fkqiartment partly sustained ing. and .on wet .Sundays he turns us *11 woman who has no proper appreciation “Oh, nuthin’,” said Bobby, "only it Paw—Wei), it is more of a stranger Oerporetion CommiaeioDer a Deputy In- by tog»aiativs appropriation of tM,«0 oat to vhuseb ■* he caa have a bit el of tha higher aaaAahteaa of the owia*.— seem Co me yos’re tryin to mb me than fiction, my «on.—CT bcuus ** K b » Ibnirvills Courier-Journal. per year, and partly by »see.collected.’’ paare in tbe hoots." out.”—Onward. quires > MISS OLGA BROOKMAN RE GISTRATION AT 0. AC. WOODMERE SCHOOL SUCCUMBS TO DISEASE BREAKS FORMER RECORD HAS POP-CORN CON TEST INITIATIVE MEASURES TO BE DISCUSSED WOODMERE PARENT- TEACHERS MEET TUESDAY