I nerve enough to throw prece­ . of the young people and the great help dent aside and eliminate the im­ they are gi\ Ing in the Oregon Dry cam­ paign. Th« music for the occaaion waa practical features of the arith­ furnish,»! by a chorua of the local young metic. And so on down the list. campaigner«, the *<>1< mi lieiug snug by Enten d a« >e.x>nd Cl*«* Matter February 19, 1914. What we should be most inter­ Mta* Dora Dunbar. A great meeting <■( At poetoffiee. Lents. Omron. Utuleractof Marvil 3, 1879 ested in would be a plan that young cainimigtiers 1« to I«* held ill text book exchanges could be Taylor »tnvt chnreh nett Sunday alter- no one ol the H. A. DARN ALL, E dito a and M axaus *. ment whereby not more than «ong». two books for the eight grades The deli-gate» to attend the «tale con­ could be changed every year vention at the Dalle« from Ml. Scott Office Phone: Home R-8111-1111. Residence: Tabor‘¿*13 Uuion are: Mr« Scott, Mr». Ridutnl- would be an improvement. - — Wil. son, Mr». Sommerfeldt and The high school could be simi i kina and have written my friends. Gov. Geer, OMETIME ago a little argu­ larly changed, being in a divis There is to lie an open air meeting in ment was begun in these , and Mr. Brownell, a full explanation ion by itself. Above all let us Lent» on Friday evening ot thia week ; If tlie present dishonest and misleading columns when we charged Mrs. I Good speakers will he in attendance. be done with faddism, in text Duniway with alligning herself i prohibitory amendment has to depend book and pedagogic practices. The reghtration office is again oi>en at upon your slander, trickery and dishonor with the “booze element,” on 1 for adoption, it is indeed in poor busi­ The vertical writing system is the county court house. No matter how i account of her having participat­ ness ; and if I could afford it I would gone. It cost a lot. spoiled a lot ardent a "Dry” person may bo, 11 th«: litth Limine«« ot regrialration ha* not ed in the only booze protectors I spend a million dollars to defeat it by of good writers, and developed a been attended to the vote will tie loot. I meeting thus far held in Mt showing it up in its true light. I «hall hand that was inartistic and im­ I It is the vote that counts. Now It the j Scott. Mrs. Duniway denied be­ m«ke a copy of this letter, a* I have practical. It was a fad. and time to wake up and hustle Have you . found to my cost that prohibitionists registered? If you hove, well and good, • ing a supporter of the liquor and their secret allies of the saloon Inter­ other fads will follow it. i ! but your duty docs not end there Ila* business. We wish to call at­ est are pulling the same oar. i your neightMir registered'* Find out. tention to certain suppositions Yours for fundamental liberty. A Fellow over in Nebraska No vote can be east without registra­ Abigail Scott Duniway.” we advanced, to certain admis­ has invented a device that tion. A great question is liefore the After such a confession and may be attached to any tele­ |>eople to be settled. See that it is | sions that were made, to contra­ dictions that up to the present denial as this is it any wonder phone and which tells you when i settled right. have not been published, and that we are doubtful about the someone is evesdroppinRon your A song dedicated to tlie young cam­ paigners ol Oregon has l*eu written by leave it to the public to draw aims of Mrs. Duniwa>' and her line and that tells you who it is. tlie acting national preeident, Anna A. booze loving partners in the That is pretty good. Now if he Gordon. their own conclusions. The young people delight in In Mrs. Duniway's letter of Taxpayer’s and Wage Earner's will improve it to wake the tele­ singing it because it is their very own. the 27th of August, published in League. She says: phone girl up when you are in a Here it is: full in this column, she says: “After it is voted down we intend to hurry, to automatically switch Younq Cdmpdiqners' Jubilee Sonq “I have just discovered that the go Ix-fore the legislative a.««-mbly of every hog off the line who con­ Oh. we are volunteers in the Young ‘traffic' is equally guilty with yourself 1915 with a local option law, framed by Campaigners’ Band' sumes more than five minutes, in its efforts to misrepresent the new both men and women, which will pro­ Youthful volunteers, with a purpose vide for penalizing both buyer and : to yell right out loud the names | state wide Temperance Association of l grand; which I am the head, by trying to pla»e . «eller alike instead of upholding the of the young spooners who are We are happy volunteers, don't you present law. which, like a jug with one I my .secretary and my sell among tlie | always talking when you are know the reason why" handle, is ail on one side.” people a tiers such Prohibitionists as The WE undoubtedlv means waiting, so every one can hear We are helping bring the jul>|l>s> <>f yourreif would place us if you could. | who they are. and to develop a Oregon dry. All I can say now is, ••Watch Our Free the members of the league, and Chorus Temperance Movement Grow.” Then the members of the league, who short circuit and give every Rally, young campaigners, for Oregon you and the liquor traffic will alike die- !, are WE? The same people who gossip a jolt to remind them dry’ cover its real aniiuu« ” gave us the “Home Rule Bill,”' they are using the phones for Rally, young campaigners, victory is: illegitimate purposes, something nigh! To this in reply we said in four »ears ago. part: If you have any doubt about it really worth while will have Fierce will tie the battle 'gainst a giant “And slie .«ays »be has just discovered , sin. been produced. that the traffic is guilty in trying to i, read the following, too good to But with God to help u- we shall surely misrepresent the new state wide temper- : keep: • It will take some time to read win. Financial Statement S “Some weeks ago the so-called wet ance society of which she is the head. , all those 29 measures over and file Taxpayers and Wage i- We expected she would discover that I organization, ’ appeal fZr find out what they mean. Better It is ' A» w probable piuiwu« that ma, she ?■><: will «... discover a | Earner* League, sent out an ----- little later that “the traffic’ were really fund* with which to tight the dry begin at Once. Some of them instrumental in her being at the head of amendment. The letters were signe. 1 by were never intended to be read, the new temperance organization; in • 1 rubber-tamp wnh the name of Dr. They are the ones to search cut T.._, as ., fart we would not be disappointed if it Cora C. Talbott developed that ‘the traffic,’ were a>idrwwon the letterheads was, prompters of the entire movement, and ,930, Portland, Oregon,” but this box don’t overlook the $1500 tax that their agents dominate-i the forma- [ tarna out to he the private box of exemption. tion of the society and secured Mrs. Manager Eppetein of the liquor dealers’ The Telegram announces that Duniway'» selection as its head, thus organization, a former Denver liquor Delevan ’s comet is visible in hoping to split the suffragist vote iealer. throughout the state. Of course this is F)r. Talbott objected to thia pro­ Portland the first time in 100u0 just suppositional, but if it were sifted | red tire, and demanded an accounting of years. Portland has been ac­ • to the bottom and found to be so we (be funds received from the circular, cused of being slow or ancient When the liquor managers refused she would not be shocked.” before but it was generally a resigned a- secretary, and gave out a There was no denial of this -tatement to the Portland Evening Seattle paper that ventured the supposition, although we received Telegram exposing the whole works, al- ! assertion. a lengthy letter from Mrs. Duni­ leging. among other things, that the I way. dated August 29th, which “Taxpayer* and Wage Earn«-™ League” Don’t forget to register. was more in the nature of a i eo7i‘ed ol 1oniy two per*'ni'' Books open today. You will be Mr» Abigail Duniway. She personal statement of her posi­ and alleged that she was drawn into th« ‘ lf X00 W«V,. tk . and ,. fix tion. However, it did contain one admission upon which we commented. That admission was as follows: .. W h . le L inle ( hem correcti ) a strong drink's a deadly peril, and on November three, Oregou, dear Oregon, must be set free; We are happy volunteers, don't you know the reason why’ We are fielping bring tlie jubilee of Oregon dry. argument is not stated in the letter that followed and which we declined to notice, but owing to information which follows, we now quote in full and offer it as a further evidence of the un­ certainty of Mrs. Dunnrwaf’s position. It reads: I illustrated, phonetically devel­ oped text of the present. The more advanced readers have not made a proportional improve- ment. The histories are prob­ ably better illustrated, have better maps. The arithmetics “Sept 8, 1914. Editor Darns!! Sir— , are hardly more practical. There have received your gratnitious insult,' is still wanting an author with dent, Mrs. Julia Scott as recording secre­ tary and Mrs. Inez Richardson as treas­ urer were re-elected with various ex- pn-SKions of appreciation of the faithful work accomplished by the devoted women. Mrs. Soininerfelilt was chosen as vice president and Mrs. Additon as corresponding secretary. Mrs George,! •täte organizer of the Young Cam- I paigners was present and spoke with earnestness and enthusiasm of the work , on Time Deposits The Multnomah State Bank UNITED STATES POSTAL DEPOSITORY Lents, Sta., Portland. Oregon Hay, Feed and Grain Washed Gravel, Sand GET OUR PRICES Cement, Brick, Lime, Wall and Land Plaster MCKINLEY & BUNDY I Block of Muin M. on Farter Kuril Phoow Tntx»r (MH; Home .3112 The Herald $1.00 Per Year Po-Do-Lat Banishes Pimples B*.l Blood, Fimpire, Headache«, —..... ----------------------- ------------------- —- Biheuanea*. Torpid Liver. Conrtipation, “ Is it true that you stopped your eon's Kern Park Chrtstain Church etc., come from indigestion. Take Po- allowance when he married that pretty Do-I-ax, the pleaeant and alxiolutrly sure Corner 89th St. ami 4rtth Ave. 8. E. chorus girl?” lo a. m Bible School. Laxative, and you won’t suffer from a Ila mandiip m. preaching service. "Yen. I told him he needn't expect deranged Stomach or oilier trouble«. It 7 p. m Christain Endeavor. to get another dollar from me ” will tone up the IJver and purify the 8 p. tn. Thursday, mid week prayer "How does lie manage to live?" blood. Use it regularly and you will moating. "1 liave inc ream-1 his mother's allow­ 8:46 p.m. Thursday, Bible Study •Lay well, have dear complexion and ance about »10.000 a year.''—Chicago steady nerve«, (let a Me x ottle to-day Class. A cordial welcome to all who will at­ Racord-Herald. Money back if not «atistled. All Drug­ tend any all service*. gists. R. Tibbs Maxey, Minister, i At The Churches me. inadvertently, not knowing that -Mrs q Arteta Baptist Church the pnme reason for the work was to . x . .. :46 a. Bible School. fight for the saloons. statement of last week whenn it 11 a. in. tn. Preaching service. In reply to this Mrs. Duniway comes I wa8 3»« tary and Mrs. Duniway was ’ the lieads of departments made their Week day»: Meae at 8 a. ■>. truth in it. It is interesting to he able president, the whole works, who reports. Among others. Mrs. Sleeth to say that Mrs. Duniway was trapped got the benefit of money that delivered a maaterful address on the into making tbe ad/lrese at a pro-sabxin Seventh Day Adventist Church was collected? It looks like subject of Ute “Hop” and Mrs Addi- meeting in Lents. Being invite*! out for 10 a. tn. Batnrday Sabbath School. ton spoke, giving some telling facts. 11 a. m. Saturday preaching. a rid«, she accepted, and learned that there was ‘something rotten in Just where Mrs. H>e convention uovered two days of 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, Prayer meeting. her company were friends ot Mr. Jobel- I Demark.” enthumaatic meeting ot earnest worker«. 7:48 p. m. Sunday preaching. man, the speaker of tbe evening at Duniway will stand with the | The officers elected were: President, Lente. They wanted to hear Mr. Jobel- women of the stat» when this is Mrs. Mattie Sleetn, ot Central L'nicn; man speak, ^ud of course Mrs. Duni­ done will not be difficult to calcu­ Corresponding P «rotary, Mrs. Ines Genua Evaikrtcal Reformed Church way was congenial. As anticipated, ' 10 a. m. Hundav School. I Richardson of Mt. Hcott Uuion; Re- 10 a. m. Saturday, German school. Mrs. Duniway spoke. She couldn't re­ late. As to the men, they al­ ' cording Secretary Mr*. Lillian Down ­ 8 p. m. Wednesday. Y. P. 8. fuse an opportunity. She probably did ! ready endured her merely as a ing, of Central Union: Treasurer, Mrs. 11 a. m. Sunday worship not anticipate that that little meeting matter of policy, if they con­ Tb. Schildknecht, Pastor. Ada Jolley of Arleta Union. Mr*. Mal­ would brand her a» a co-worker with sidered her in any sense seriously. let ref use, 1 to longer serve as county the booze element of the state, for the president. Abe was chosen as vice Lents friend's Cnurch remainder of the year, and perhaps per­ /COMMENT is made in two president, which position she also de­ 9:46 a. m. Bible School, Clifford Bar­ petually. But her associate* did. This city papers relative to chang­ clined. It is presumed her name will be ker, Superintendent. I is another instance of ‘birds of a feath-! ing text books. Text books of presented to the state convention, soon I li a. m. Preaching. er,’ at least that was the implication de­ the present are no doubt many to be held, as a candidate for state ! .3 p. m. Junior C. E. sired.” 7 p. m. Chriatain Endeavor. I of them superior to those of president ot the W. C. T. U. 8 p. m. Preaching. Whether Mrs. Duniway was Dr. East, a medical missionary from forty years ago. No one will peeved because we did not quote will I^nts Friends The annual election of officers ,,dl“ w *11 speak at I-ents officer* of thc|I the i India ' her letter, or whether she felt doubt that the yellow back Mt. <-cott Woman's Christain Turner- i C,h-urc,h,’ S”n,i?7 *ve?i9«’ rT ... — , . y wnicorne. i ... , _ ’ . ail at 7 uciueb o clock. . Everybody welcome. This i on r»i»*«lay of thin wj]| he a treat you cannot afford to she was getting the worst of an primer of the 70’s is well dis­ anc»f Onion w a* held 4^. wv . placed by the elegant, colored, week. Mrs. Nettie Dunbar as presi . ­ njjgg NOTES OF THE W. C. T. 0. Piid We call your attention to our Re­ port of Condition made to Superintend­ ent of Banks as of September 12, pub­ lished in thia paper. We also ask you to examine our statement and note the substantial cash reserve carried by us which is far in ex­ cess of required by law, also the big in­ crease in deposits since our last report. We are always pleased to take care of our patrons needs and if you are not a customer we cordially invite you to be­ come one. 6 per cent MONEY 6 per cent Lxvans may be obtained for any purpose on acceptable Real Estate security, One block south ol Woodmere station. | liberal privileges, correspondence so­ Holy Communion the first Hunday of licited. A. C. AGENCY COMPANY each month at 8 p. ni. No other eer- vices that day. 768 Gas, Electric Bldg., Denver. Colo. Every other Sunday the regular ser­ 44o Phelan Bldg , San Francisco vices will be as usual. Evening Prayer and sermon at 4 p. m. Sunday School meets at 3 p|m. B. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boatwright, Hupt , I, .Maffett, Sec. Rev. 0. W. Taylor, Rector. St. Pauls Episcopal Church Lents Baptist Church Bible School, 9:16 a. tn. Morning worship, 11 a. m Elmo Height« Bunday School 2:30 p. m B. Y. P U. 7 ». m. Evening worship, 8 p. rn. __ The Sunday School will furnish an interesting tniseion-ry program at the evening service. All are welcome. • J. M. Nelson. pastor. MT. Scott Center of Truth. Masting teary Sunday evening at 8 :n Ht.