Mrs. John Huntington left (or Baker a short addrrau on her work tlier«. LOCAL AND PERSONAL SPECIAL si a Jhc mlulmun, ut M> words. Aunounoe- menu and rani ol thank., rame rale Adver­ tising rales quoted on request. Mra. Bright was an early morning visitor before Judge Btopheuaou Mon­ While down town on« Mra. G. W. Jones ie home Iroui a day morning. evening last week her machine, stand­ summer’s visit at Rockavay. ing before one of the t heel res was -- * robbed and the lights turned off. She Mra. W. J. Darnell is visiting her wae asked to explain about the light daughter« at Moclipa, vva.b. and did so to the court's satisfaction. PAINTERS and HOUSE OWNERS MT. SCOTT DRUG CO. Near Car Line Headquarters For BUILT TO LAST is th«- l*rn or other out building constructed with our lumber. Every board will be thoroughly found sound and fully seasoned, it cute with lean waste and stands all kind» of weather. Give us your next order. Weeton, Mm. A. J. Barnett of Oregon, w visiting with her sun, 8. I.. Barnett on Forty-sixth avenue. A Must 0 0 5 8 0 9 8 6 8 Before having vour (all sewing done call and see Mrs. W. Card, or phone Tabor «otfT. First class work done, Satisfaction guaranteed. Fancy suits a epeeialty 19 year* eaaariMoe. 511'2, 72nd Bl. H. E. Firlaud Htalioi». ■M Mra. E. T. Best of Hobart, Okla , is visiting her sister, Mra. F. R. William- sou, of Eight avenue and Mari« street. HALF A LOAF may lie •• licitar than no bread' as the proverb gora, but halt a loaf of our bromi is otilv an aggrava­ tion. For it is so light and tooth­ some, so "tnoreieh" in flavor, that even a whole- loaf goc. a very short way in satisfying the wanta of those who try it. If you would know what perfect bread is try nome of ours. W. A. Hall came bom« from -Wapi- nitia Friday. He report« tine progress on hi« project« and good prospects ahead. Mt. Scott Bakery Mr« Ja«. Harvey and family of I Amboy, Washington, was a visitor at the home of I. F. Coffman this week, en route to Corvallis where .he will lo- cate ar.d place her children in school. AI TO FORT*H1RE—Day or night. Phonea, Tabor 5740, Home 3G2L Tom Cowing, 110 Jolinson, St., Lenta. QUICK SERVICE FIRST CLASS WORK The Rose City Laundry Free Collection and Delivery STAND U Flrat SI. Car. Ptoc. »Ilk Post Special DeHvcry. Phones Main Sbf. A-l**2 Phone us Your Orders, Tabor 4199 ttesMrme. klh Ave. and Marie M. «th Av«. Slstiee near teats. Pbaee Tabor J774 JOHN MANZ Mary's Academy. Conservatory of Music Main Street and Foster Road, i Gilbert Station, K. P. 1 Leips Understanding that the Lents Fuel Company is about to re­ tire from business, I will sell Wood at the following Prices until April first 1915. Best Live Wood Dead Wood ... Slab Wood____ Ties.................... $20,000.00 Offered in Premiums for Agricultural, Livestock, Poultry Textile and and other exhibits Horse races, Shooting Tournament, Band Concerts, Boys’ Camp, Moving Pictures, Children’s Play­ ground, Bee Demonstrations, Animal Circus, and other free attractions. $6.00 54.50 $4.60 $6.50 R. L. WHITCOMB, Prop. Phone Tabor 1688 Office cor Main and Foster Road No Job too Large ior us to handle FIFTY THIRD ANNUAL OREGON, STATE FAIR Salem, Sept. 28-Oct. 3, ’14 NOTICE! Lents Fuel Company at close Express and Baggage You are Invited, I Watches, Jewclrv Repair Work AU Goods and Work First Class NearJPrat Office, LENTS Foster Homi Lenta, Oregon Will receive pupils for Fall Term House painting and Paper Hanging figures. Lead and Linseed oil used. Ernest E. Hatter Furniture and Plano Moving Our Styles (jive General Satisfaction • Phone -li'-M New and second hand household goods bought and sold. Wall Paper at prices that will surprise you. Window Glass. Lents, City and Way Points An experienced Manager ensures satisfac­ tory service. Latest Patterns and Styles Graduate St LOVETTS FURNITURE STORE NewMethodLaundry 3 Large Loaves 10c SUITS MADE TO ORDER Instructor on Violin and Piano John Brown, Gresham; Ore. BLACKSMITHING Matt Greenslade, Foster Road JEWELER MISS MARIE M. CHAPMAN MODERATE RATES Wagon Repairing and General A. N. GARDNER Remember the Name—BOHNA PROTECTION AND BENEFITS HORSE-SHOEING Tabor 3614 51 ().( )( ) and tip Oregon Fire Relief, Oregon Merchants Mutual Fire, American Life and Accident In­ surance of Portland Footer Road Next I>oor to P. O. 1SD5 (59th St and Foster Road Foster Road and Campbell Sta. Ijenta Station, Port1 and, Oregon In Oregon’s Most Reliable Association Suits to Order $15.00 and up I0J Peeter Ros4 Urals. Oregon Wants Your Patronage A story hour for the children will be held at the Lents library on Friday at 3 o’clock. Mis« Entler from the main library will teli the stories. The li­ brary has also an interesting exhibit of dolls ot different lauds, diced in national costume, and displaying their country’s Hags. Phone Tabor 1371 INSURE NOW Tailor We Buy Bread of the ML Scott Bakery, Why Not Tout I The Copeland Lumber Company WHEN YOU WANT LIGHT GROCERIES, BAKING GOODS. CONFECTIONERY, CI­ GARS, FRUITS, VEGETABLES. ETC. F F. Lents Sta., Portland, Oregon Fay Rayburn and Geo. Kobinmm re­ turned yesterday from Wapiuitia. walk­ ing to Bull Run and coming down by car. Tliey report al>out three incluw of snow at Government Camp. Eastman Kodaks and Films. Sherwin - Williams Paints and Varnishes. A. D. S. Family Remedies. Is0*’ Ì lvmber ot Don't forget the Lent- Millinery store. Mrs. Gullivks carries a full line ol hat., children's caps, etc. Modish lists, lat­ Mm. Arthur Geialer and Mm. S J. est style«, right prices. Allen will entertain St l*aula Guild and their friends at the residence of Mm. Girl 1« wants place to hslp with Geialer on Main street, W.nine«.lay XI, hous« work or cars (or children on from 2 to 4. Mra. Erriewon. tonnerly Saturdays 903, Kth Av«. N. I«nts. with Biahop Row. in Alaska, will make Box 5. R D. I. Charlra Piereou was l-adly injured Tuesday afternoou by tailing from a hayrack. Pure raw Linseed Oil for a short time only, 70c a gal GEISLER BROS. in charge her eon, Sidnev Keller and family. Aileett Brong of Bi. Stephens choir will Mr. Huntington will join hie wife there be given afterward All Interested are All ehurch. society. perniisi amt local n«w. and reliable man or woman to solicit miteiciptiona. Enquire at Herald office. CANS and RUBBISH—Hauled away , for 10,' |>er sack. No o«tera, dodger«, announcement«, etc, at Mt. Scott Pub. Co., office, lente. Co-operation lietween practical farmers anil proficient imeinewi inen will elimin­ ate ignorance and prejudice.