82nd St. and 45th Ave. Phone Tabor 2063 Mr. and Mrs. C L. Ge«ell and family Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Collingwood from desire to express their most hearty j Meadow Grove, Neb., are visiting at the thanks to their many triends (or the' kind sympathy and assistance in their | home of Bert Hollenbeck. recent bereavement. Albert Rodlern is building a tine new residence at Fourth avenue and Foster Mrs Gulllks is prepared to take road. orders lor hat«. Repairing and trim- I ruing a »|>ecialty. Mr. and Mrs. F. Roeeman and daughters will pick hop« near Indepen- WVIKIISID LURKS dence this season. Advertised letters for week elidimi August 22, 1914. Mr«. Frank Cruikshank and children Allen. Ray; Beal, Harry; Bmher, «pent Thursday at the home of Mrs. Herrn Johann; Coffman, p !.. ; Con- Wallace Cruiksbank at Arieta. nein. Win. ; Ferris, Mrs. M A Marshall. W J ; Roy IV. R W . Mr. and Mrs. Keene and family have Webster, Mr- W E Wilqnet, Mr- gone to Oreville, Ore., to pick hops at I h-tawa . Jaliaia. Mr Felce! «uro. Geo. W. spring. P-wttnaater. the McCarthy yard. R. HEYTING Mrs. A. J. Dunn and daughter Mariette will spend two weeks with relatives near Stayton, Ore. Graded Gravel Coarse, Medium, Fine and Plastering Sand WASHED FREE OF DIRT At Our New Bunkers Remember the Name--BOHNA WHEN YOU WANT LIGHT GROCERIES. BAKING GOODS. CONFECTIONERY. CI­ GARS. FRUITS, VEGETABLES. ETC. In Oregon’s Most Reliable Association Oregon Fire Relief, Oregon Merchants Mutual Fire, American Life and Accident In­ surance of Portland PROTECTION AND BENEFITS MODERATE RATES John Brown, Gresham, Ore LOVETTS FURNITURE STORE New and second hand household goods bought and sold. Wall Paper at prices that will surprise you. Window Glass. House painting and Paper Hanging figures. Lead and Linseed oil used. at close No Job too Large for us to handle 106 Main Street South, Lents Oregon ^¿Greater Ore^on*^ With new buildings, better equip­ ment, enlarged grounds, and many ad­ ditions to its faculty, tbe University of Oregon will begin its thirty-ninth year Tuesday. September 15 Special training for Business, Jour- nahsrn l aw Medicine. Teaching. Li- brary Work. Music, Architecture. / Physical Training and Fine Arts / Largrst and strongest departments / of libera] education. f Library of more than M.906 volume«, •s. two I splendid fymnaiiuma eleven building« fully I equipped New fl «4 «99 Administration f Building in covrte of tontfrudion I Tuition Free Dormitories for men and I for women Expense« lowest f Write for catalog and illustrated booklet, I Addressing Registrar, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON tUOCNt OStCOh I ■w æ CALIFORNIA we ^ cvlabs Aliforai^c BUlLDlJKr LO? ANGELES FOR 4 CtJTJ IN STAMPS nloER w Company CALiroeniA FREE Best Live Wood Dead Wood Slab Wood Ties $6.00 $4.60 $4.60 $6.60 Lents Fuel Company R. L. WHITUOMB, Prop. Phone Tabor 1688 Perhaps you have accepted die­ comfort aa a necessary adjunct to eyeglass wearing. If so there is a big and pleas­ ant surprise for you in Mr». Lawrence of the Pisgah home baa recently made a short visit Seattle. Wagon Repairing and Geneaal BLACKSMITHING Matt Greenslade, Foster Road Farm and City Loans Made Titles Examined Abstracts Willamette Abstract Co. 44M» Railway Exchange Portland. Orc. Main 7'JSii NewMetbodLaundry labor 3614 QUICK SERVICE FIRST CLASS WORK Lents, City and Way Points Ernest E. Hatter Geo. Dilley has toe contract to build a new residence (or Spooner on bis acre« south of Gray'« Crowing. Furniture and Piano Moving Express and Baggage The dipt evenly distribute their alight pressure so that the AOCo Fita-U Eyeglasses remain steady under all conditions. Let us show you what Fits-U Eyeglass comfort really means. Rev. James Moore D. D. will hold quarterly communion service at the M. E. Church Sunday, August 3C, 11 a. in. Foster Road, Opposite Po«t Office Hours: STAND U First Si. Cer. Pte*. wHh P««t Spertel D«U«rry Pho««, Maia •»(, VI M2 IfriMreir. Mb A««, ««d «tart* M. »th Av«. Slalloa «car I rat., Phone I abut J774 A. N. GARDNER Dr. Ervin L. Sells Optometrist and Optician The United Artisans will hold open meeting Tuesday evening, September 8. Dancing and cards will be the diver­ sions of the evening. JEWELER V a. m. tn v p. in ... \\ a telles. Jewel rv The Rose City Laundry Mr«. H. E. Bradley of Third avenue and Luther street recently received word of the death of her mother in Hillsboro, North Dakota. Wants Your Patronage Mrs. Jensen and family of Sixth avenue end carline will pick bops near St. Paul. Marie Pederson will ac­ company them. An experienced Manager ensures satisfac­ tory service. J. C. Morri« of Harrisonville, Ohio, spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday with Dr. Hess. They were former ! neighbors. They spent a part of the | time on a fishing trip. H. G. Lipton and wife left Wednes­ day morning for Cripple Creek where be will find work on a daily paper. Mr. Lipton has been living in the Trust house and driving an auto truck for the county this summer. HORSESHOEING Office cor 'lam and Foster lb>ad Is Your ur Nose nose nncneu Pinche By" Your*G lasse® Ixte Carmen has been offered a job at Shoehone, Ida., and he leave« for that place today. Arthur Cambridge of the Multnomah Sheet Metal Work« ha« bought tbe Lents Sheet Metal Work» from M. 8. Haxen. INSURE NOW VnderHtanding that the I x* nt it Fuel Company is about to re­ tire from business, 1 will ««*11 Wood at the following Prices until April first 1915 I Mrs. E. B. Rutan and Mrs. W. Boyd Moore entertained the girls of the II. H. S. S. Class, at a lawn party on Tues­ day afternoon. There were games, con­ tests, refreshments, and a general good 1 time. Repair Work All Goods and Work First Class Near,Poet Office, LENTS CLASSIFIED Free Collection and Delivery Phone us Your Orders, Tabor 4199 •WO5 Bfith St. and Foster Road NEW LINE OF FIXE SAMPLES X I V SUITS MADE TO ORDER Sl().()() and up Latest Patterns and Styles Our Styles (jive General Satisfaction “FOR HAI.E” and “WANT" readers In classified column. 1 rent jier word for first insertion; \ cent sulsM-quentlv. Watch the column for tiargains. WANTED—A good reliable man or woman to solicit siitsription«. Ennuire at Herald office. CANN and RUBBIHH—Haulad away for Kl-per sack. No Garltage. Phone Talior 6367. WANTED- Koya may tie hail and sometimes girls. The older ones at ordinary wages and other» to be schooled and cared for in return for • light services rendered. For particu­ lar» address W. T. Gardner, superin­ tendent Bovs and Girls Aid Society of Oregon, Portland. Ore. tf KOI* Mi-s Lelia Lent is visiting friends at j Coo« Bay. She went by boat. She will return September 1 and make pre­ paration to enter Willamette University | where she will graduate this year. JOHN MANZ Main Street and Foster Road, Lents, Oregon H. jRoetad of the Multnomah State Bank has returned from a trip 4o Jose­ phine and .Jackson Counties. He re- [H,rts an interesting trip, plenty of game, and fish in abundance, but admits tlie rattlesnakes gave him tlie tremors. There were snakes of all sizes and ages and degree« of viciousneas. FIFTY-THIRD ANNUAL OREGON, STATE FAIR Salem, Sept. 28-Oct. 3, ’14 Mr and Mr». R. E. Thoma» of Gray« ■ ( roasing will l«-ave Saturday night for a trip to San Francisco, San J om -, lx»< Angele«, and Pomona and other place» of intere«t in California. Mr». Thomas will visit two »ister», one at Sawteile and tle- other at Pomona, one of which •he ha» not wen in 22 year». «he living in Pomona. for Agricultural, Livestock, Poultry Textile and and other exhibits Horse races, Shooting Tournament, Band Concerts, Boys’ Camp, Moving Pictures, Children’s Play- grotfhd, Bee Demonstrations, Animal Circus, and other free attractions. AUTO FOR HIRE—Day or night. Rates reasonable, special rates to Outing parties. Phone, Local 3921— Tabor 2074. Tom Cowing, 110 Johnson 1 Ave. Lente. $20,000.00 Offered in Premiums You are Invited, Boater Road Free Camp Grounds SEND FOR PREMIUM LIST AND ENTRY BLANKS Reduced Rat^p on All Rail Roads For Particulars Address FRANK MEREDITH, Secretary, Salem, Oregon MAI.it FOR SALE—Good young horse, quire at Herald office. In­ FOR HALB HW*in, LUMBER—At our new mill IW miles southeast of Kelso. We deliver lumber. | Jonsrud Bros (. KOI* HICNJ LOST Smooth chw Elgin g<,|,| ii||,-.| wafoli, F. W Ilopkih« engraved in liack of case Vi oo n-wnrd. return to Herald office, l^-ntei MIMCKI.I.ANKOtm Herald and Daily Journal «4.7Ô. Herald anti Daily Oregonian M (X). Herald ami Daily ami Hnnday Ore­ gonian >7 60. and Daily and Monday Journal I K! Hi-rald 60.