LOCAL AND PERSONAL AU church, «octety. personal and local new* not published lor protl, tree; no I Ice« ot an- tertalamenu. conducted tor prod, published alahc mlnlmun. of to words. •Announce­ ments and cant ol tbsnks. «ame rate. Adver­ tising rates quoted on request. Dr. Ogsbury and family have gone to Tillamook heacbea. C. C. Wiley, wife and daughter are spending two work« at the beach. Dr. Hess and family left for a two weeks visit at Rockaway Thursday. Edwin Norene is attending the Epworth league Institute at Albany. Mr. Wood is building an attracllv* Mr*. Bryant and llttl* grandson of Th* ladle* Ahi Society nt the M. E. naw home on the oornar of Third ' 1‘ark Avanue, have gon* to Fall* City, Church, will hold a T*a al the bom* ot Mr*. Frank Wallace of Utt pth. Avenue Avenue and Mt. Scott Street. Oregon, for a month'* vielt. on Wedneeday July 29. There will be • program tue and refreshment*. Markle and Cook ar* building a new Mi** Myrtle Muir, a school mate ol Member«, friend* and stranger*, in­ four room bungalow on North Main Mi** Carol Hogue from the State vited. Street, Cadwell Park. , Normal School, viaited with Mis* Carol thi* week. Rev. J. M Nsl*on of I an I* and Rev. Geo. Spring i* interested in a new A. B. Walt* of Portland are now in home beii g built for him on Main Mr. Rife'* family who have been Baker City after a hard trip. They left Street, Saginaw Height*. Lents. «(tending the peat few month* witq here last week traveling on Bicycle*. Mr*. Rife'* parent* at Carleton, have Before reaching Heppner, however, Mr*. Cruikshanx of 7th. Avenue, returned to their home on Fourth, they were oblidged to take ths train, Avenue. near Leaner Street, left yesterday to being very llr*d and ill from th* «fleet* visit her mother at Parkplace. of the rough traveling. C. E. Kennedy returned home Tues­ Mr. Hannant's family have moved day after a two week* visit in Eastern When cleauing an article with gaso­ from Milwaukee back to their home on Oregon. He didn't bring around any line thè resulta will I* twpeoially aatia- trout *o we auspect bad luck. Mt. Scott and Fifth Avenue. factory if a Utile «alt ia added lo thè Mr*. Mary Thoma* loet her valuable The new library building is pro­ gressing very rapidly and Mr. Hamilton cow last week. The cow wa* the main lawyer Ellis of The Dalles, spent the hope* to have it finished in about 30 support to her family, and her friend* know how she ha* struggled to make week end with Mr*. Hogue. day*. an honest living for herself and chil­ dren. Mr*. Howitt and little *on of Monto- Mr. Marshall ot the local telephone villa «pent Wednesday visiting her company is sporting with a Cadallac Ths Epworth league of the M. E. aunt, Mrs. Thomas. machine. Church, had an unusually interesting meeting last Sunday. Moet ot the The Isis Theatre boasts a new poster I a » c Carman, one time type »linger hour wa* taken by the Young ladie* of board, the finest in town. And it i* on the Herald, has just returned from the Society, representing the "Heroine* ■bowing some of the biggest attraction* a trip to Honolulu with the Oregon of Modern Progress.” on the road. ''Farthest Nortn” and Naval reserve*. He report* a tine time "Samson” do not go to all the show* while in Honolulu, but aavs some very Mr Wilson who lived on Park Avenue in the country. unkind things about the "hash" put for a long time and who moved from by the cruiser Milwaukee enroute. here to a ranch in the Scott'* Mill* FOR SALE or TRADE—35 8. C. Country has di*do*ed of hi* farm and White Leghorn pullets, 4 month* old. for Lou Boni, Frei Geisler and Mr. White Rock pullets or year old hens. moved back to Lent*. Tabor 55«8. 4M18, 72nd St. S. E. - Golden will leave this week for a mon'he outing in the Roaring River Mr*. Lettie Smith-Cone of 7028, »Kith Al’TO FOR HIRE—Day or night. County, above Estacada. Their camp avenue entertained a number of her Rates reasonable, special rates to will be located 38 mile* from the R. K. friend* at a birthday party Monday I Outing parties. Phone. Local 2921— in a most unacceesable part of the Cas­ evening The evening was *|>ent in Tabor 1141. Torn Cowing, 110 Johnson cade* where they hope to %ill bear, game* and music and a very pleasant1 deer, and other large game. Ave. Lents. time was reported. gasoline, mpecially if lite article Ita* •oiled spola on it. Use about a tabi*- spoonful of «alt to a gallon of gasoline. land lo a d*pth of tour luche* or more. You’re Bilious and Costive! Dretruy a* far a* itomibl« all wlki Hick Headache, Bad Breath, Hour muitard or «Indiar w*ed* about th* Stomach, Furred Tongue and In­ fi «1 reconimended a* re­ pellane MI* well and apply a «mali handlul to thè soli along ih* row. “White hellehore, no* pari, ami air •laked lime. 10 parte, applied a* a du*t lo th» »urtare soli giva* very *ood re­ QUICK SERVICE sulta a* a pr*v*ntativ*,” NewMethodLaundry Tabor 3614 FIRST CLASS WORK GREASE IS GOOD FOR KILLING NOTES Lents, City and Way Points It mav appear to many a reader that An easy way to remove fruit «lams from table linen i* to moisten the spot the «object of the beet method* ot rid­ thoroughly with pure glycerine before ding the lien house«ot mite«, when th* aeuding the article to the lauudry. premise* are allowed to get into that deplorable condition, or what Ernest E. Hatter measure Furniture and Piano Moving TO EXTERMINATE to take to prevent the advent ot the*» THE WHITE MAGGOT pret*. may tie one that ha* l>een loo long, too often, threshed out. Express and Baggage But It i* well to put th* carele** reader in mind a great deal id trouble from ths white ot th* fully of permitting thi* condition of thing* to exist, and reiteration will maggot found in turni pa and radishes, do no harm. We have auccewfully making them unfit for table use. The tried many preventative*, but the latest maggot i* hatched from the egg of a fly that ha* been brought to our notice i* much like the common house fly. the use of simple grease, well applied, ! A. L. Lovett, an entomologist, bat That longtime poultryman who ha* a | connt* to pick hop* on my farm near Sherwood —Write for full infor­ mation E. E. Roger*. RD 2. Hhwr- wood Ore. WANTED—-Boy* mav t>e had and ■ometime* girl*. Th* older one* at ordinary wage* and other* to b* schooled and cared for in return for slight »ervice* rendered. For particu­ lar* addrea* W. T. Gardner, superin­ tendent Boy* and Girl* Aid Society of Oregon, Portland, Or*. t( FOM Gray Cotton Sheet Blankets . 31c Ladies’ White Hemstitched Handkerchief S.1C Men’s 76c Dress Shirts 29c Foster Road Near Poet OHicF, A Considerate Wooer. "While you were standing in th* j Portlands Popular Trading Place STAND U Ftret St, Cor. Flee. with P»«t Special Dcihery. Pho**» Mala **2. A-l**2 General Machine Shop MAUK I FOR BALE—Gaod young horse. ) <|nire at Herald office. In- GasoUne Engines A Spebialty LUMBER—At our new mill llg mile* 1 *ontlie*«t of Kelso. We deliver lumber. I Jonsrud Bro* (. Lawn Mowers Sharpened, and Saws filed ana etc. Prices Reasonable I Alter head«, envelopes, card*, hill head*, auction notice* and poster*, dodger», announcement*, etc, at Mt. s.-oti I’ub. Co , office, lAnta. All Kinds Repairing On* Block East of Main on Foster Rd. HKN-1 ---------------------- ----------------------- for Ladies’ Hand Bags at 29c Tango Beads, String........... 16c Table 0U Cloth best quality yard............. 16c Sale Opens Friday at 9 A. M. And Continues Till Stock Is Closed Out - T. M. WALSH FOR RENT—4 room houee, |7. quire 3»2 8th Ave. N lent«. ______ Smith & Colgan Succeiwor* to Ç. E. Cleland General Blacksmithing, Horse Shoeing an* Plow Grinding t.owr In­ FottNn ano FOUND — Ladie« watch. J. N. Callin«, Fourth and Rose Ht. lent*. Call, describe, and pay charge* for watch. ^^^_MI**CKL,LANT>V** Herald and Daily loorml H.75. Herald and Daily Oregonian |«L0O. WAGON WORK A SPECIALTY Herald and Daily and Sunday Ore­ gonian 87.50 Special Attention Give to Interfering and Lame Horses Herald and Dally and Bunday Journal W60. Daily Ongonlan, Herald? M»gMineand Hunnel, Shop Third Ave. and Foater Roa<| McCall’« all for 87.50 If taken at ill* HeraM office.