Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, July 16, 1914, Image 4

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    Hural rad with iuimrnac fl.iwering vinca kangaroo of the plain«, taller than a
covering everything with myriad hloa- man, down to th« llttl« bamticool, no
larger than a rat; the lyre blr«t with a
■onia ol every hue.
aha|Hxl like a large lyre, and with I
We vielted the ex queen, Maroliinio
Entered aa Second Ulva Matter February 19, 11)11.
(.Ma-ro-hee-no) and were most hoe- groat power» of mimicry; pit rota in
pliably received and serve»I with lemon* numeroiia varleliea; the great |>e lean;
At |K»t<»rtice, lx*nta, Oregon. Under act of March 3, IH79
»de, and freeh l«uanas from the stalk the flamingo with hia funnv long neck ;
and drank fresh milk from the c<a-a- and a hump on ita lH*ak . pangukn« of |
rnbliahot Every Thursday at lx«nta, Ore., by the M t . Stxvrr PrwtiaHiNO Co. nuts, gathered while we waited, Site exqni ite beauty with little "play I
gave ua flowers to carry awav and wmga" hut cannot flv, ami all manner I
Wr call your attention to our “Report
H A. DARNAl.L, E dito » and M anaucr .
Here |
aliowe»! us through her gardens and of fruita ati<l flowera and view»
” as made to Superintendent
home. She is a beautiful woman and we aaa our tirat purple Hyhiaeu». Thia
Office Phone: Home B-fllll-llU. Residence Tabor 2S13
dearly loved bv the people. Our riait
of Banks on June the 30th and published
wa» a moet pleasant one with nothing United State», The aeaiona are re- i
in this paper.
to mar, except our ignorance of French, veraed, »inter now Betting in ia like owr
HE time is ripe to begin the
which is the language of thia island. November. One thing a'xmt ita citiea j
We also ask you to examine our state­
study of direct legislative
The climate ia tropical and vegetation that is neither practi« al nor poetic ia
ment and note the substantial Cash Re­
measures a complete list of
I hills and rocks and crags with a actual ex|>erieiice we tlml if the place
which has been published in
carried by us which is far in excess
drapery of green in all its shades and one wauta ia not more than a block
most of the papers of the State.
tints. This garden of the southern seas away, one will by due diligence find it
of what is required by law.
Letter to Mr. and Mrs. S. B. ' aits alone in her superb beauty with no about the (oilowing Wednraday 3 p. m.
It would not be amiss to clip out
Friends See I rival to divide her claims to wondrous Then ttiere are many other tunny
Ca mpbeil of Lents.
We are always pleased to take care of
the list and place it handy. Then
Tahiti, Cook Island, New Zea- , charm. We do not wonder that t«eople thing» that make one laugh or cry •c-
patrons nerds and if not a customer
go wild over thia spot. It is as if all cording to one’a alate of tniml.
as we investigate the various
land, Sidney and Brisbane.
But we are here in Brialiane now, aix
the artists in all the world had spillesi
we cordially invite you to become one.
ones strike out those we have
their colors there amt nature had hundred mile» north of Sydney, one
The good
“ Yala"
Yale” brought us lorted them out at her own sweet will. third the way around the world. We
determined to vote “No.”
«IX>1 ,h,
P “
Under this decision we strike •“**’ to San Francis with no mishap The dream of It is still upon us and we tin«! oureelvea in a tropical climate ao
wish we could share it with you. Here inihl an«l pleasant that we almoat tear
out Nos. 321, 323 and 32b. This mon to
w^0 ¿rtW0 to the aaa in the lisping waves of the sleepy sea for­ the old California ennui may overtake
because we believe it is nobody’s ship». San Francisco we found to ire in ever kies the flower strewn shores and ua. The iron horae brought u« thua
business how long an employer *•«•«<»•» »‘«u “Fair" craze .nd could lull to sleep the childlike children of (ar from Sydney. Thia ia a verv I hiau -
Lents St«., Portland, Oregon
talk of nothing elae. We visited the this sea-girt land and bathes them in tiful city, divide«! by the Rriabane
and an employee mutually agree 1 “Diamond Palace” and several other its coral eu'fs. Here nature holds river, aeveral humlred feet wide and «o
upon as a day’s work. We have p 1*«*9 o (
»nd lastly the "Mint" sweet dominion unspoilt by art or the deep that the largeat ocean ateamera
come up here from the ocean, twelve
, ,
, .
- -
. ,
where besides seeing several millions in keen device of men.
had several pieces of freak legis-
cash we MW th„ ..CoiDi Klhi. Raratonga, the capital of the Cook mile» diatant. The valley« here are
lation in the past few years bit," two old spoons of pure gold, taken Islands, was onlv two days more sail to covere«! with green and the wtaxled
the southward. It ia not quite so beau­ billa give one a thought of the old home
along this line and it is an open ‘ from Solomon’s Temple, which inter­ tiful
as Tahiti as it is farther away from back East. The population i« 201),txt)
ested us very much. The government
question if they have not all , purchased them at a handsome price. the equator. Yet time spent here was and growing faat.
Beaches and Fishing Streams
Sailing the broa«l seas, touching many
The Aorangi (ow-rang-gi: took us on by no means lost. Here they build
been bad.
Tillamook County beaches have been aptly called
board April 1, 11 a m. and gave us a their houses of coral and make their lands, gathering riche« far more to t-e
“Nature’s Playground.’’ Resorts where the “Cail
For the third we are decidedly genuine “April Fool,” for we steamed roads of it. The surf is glinted with deaired than gobi or wealth that ia ao
of the Wild.” and th«* Life Outdoors can lx* fully en­
of the opinion that it is an indi­ awav out through the Golden Gate in evert hue of the rainbow from the coral easily snatched away, haa ma«le III
high glee and when the sun had set and beDeath. This group is under English doubly glad the opportunity haa been j
now open for the Summer visitor. New
rect way of foisting the single we were tucked away to sleep some­ 1 control and this made it much more given to ua to undertake the winding i
hote(s. new cottages, new camping grounds.
tax system upon the people of thing happened The steam pipes pleasant for us. From here we sent way that has brought ua safe thus far. i
Season and Week-End Fares
the state.
We have always went wrong. The next morning when our first mail. Our ship took on TOO It baa given us great expansion of mind :
we had dressed for b>eakfast we were tons of fruit here for Wellington. As an«l aoul. a wider range of vision, of
given its author. Mr. U’Ren. the amazed to find ourselves quietly anch- we had to anchor out some ■ ¡stance thought an<l effort, of love and faith,
Low round-trip season anil week-end fares from various
points on S. P. main line and branches.
credit of being on the square. loredin old San Francisco Bay. We from the shore liecause of the heavy knowl«*dge an«l usefulness, anil delight«
had been given our “April Fool” with* coral reels, the fruit bad to be brought fill acquaintance« with many people.
He has stated to the public that out knowing it. However the joke to the steamer in bargee, and we pas­ We are all now busy and happy and
if elected governor he will not : proved a good omen for she brought us sengers ha<l to go ashore in these same doing all we can to make others happy
Ix'aves Union Depot Daily
8:56 A. M.
promote the single tax move­ safely onward after only a day for re­ barge«. The water was very rough, for too. Here we shall remain for some
Leaves East Morrison daily
9:03 A. M.
pairs. We found that the steamer just before reaching Raratonga we ex­ time; and then in the next few years
1:30 P. M.
ment during his term of office, would not call at Honolulu much to our perienced our heaviest storm. Such a we will sail for other »bores ami sail
“Sea Shore Special.” East Morrison
1 :39 P. M
though he claims the right to disappointment, but we were favored storm raged as we had never dreamed again and again. an«l travel too, until
Parlor Oba-rvalien Car on "Sea-Shore Spacial"
with enough other tropical scenery to of. It was a terror. Our shoes played our weary wandering (e< t shall bring
Leaving at I:JO P. M.
promote the $1500 tax exemp­ even
up the loss Did you ever see the tag and our trunk» ran around the room ua liack again to our own dear southern
Should the $1500 tax end of a rainbow? We did. We were like a rat hunting for its bole. Great California. Affectionately,
Good Fishing m the Salmonbeny and Nehalem Rivers
exemption be successfully car­ nearing the equator when in the early mountains of water tossed us up ami
Dr. ami Mr» Underwood
Unsurpassed fishing in the Salmonberry and Neha­
ried single tax will be assured. afternoon a heavy thunderstorm broke down and whithersoever they would. It
lem rivers, as well as other Tillamook County HtreamH
Premiums Arrive
An exemption of $1500 to
The fine »lock of aluniium pretniutna
be forgotten, for the great ocean is so
Call for our brand new folder, ‘Tillamook County Beaches’*
EVERY PERSON means that rainbow, the end resting upon the water to
by tome of our a«ib«M-ritieni han :
not far from the ship. We could see wonderful and whimsical and majestic order««!
every family shall be exempt the ocean beyond right through the that it seems almoat a thing alive.
premiunia are requested to call at
$3000. and when every family is rainbow, and also the reflection into A few days more brought us on to the eerlieat convenience and take the
Fold<-r» ami full information from any
S’ P. Agent or from
exempt $3000, single tax will the quiet sea. It was a wonderful New Zealand. We stopped at Welling­ aame awav.
have won its way. Promising eight. The next day was showery and ton and found the climate very much
like San Francisco. The people here
J ohn M. S cott ,
not to do a thing that he is de­ what a beautiful picture was made on astonished
us at their quiet sail de
the smooth water by the millions of
General Passenger Agent
"SchowMog la youth «Would invariably b*
manding that he may do is any­ raindrops falling upon the ocean, each meanor. During our stay here we did
directed te prepare a person la the heat way
Portland, Oregon
thing but fair dealing and a lot with its little ring and white steeple. not see a smile nor bear a merry laugh. ; fr>r the beat prrmaaeat occupatlo« for «thick
be ia capable
Frraldeat C W Khol
of good prohibitionists may be We reached the line on the 11th, and But the city is beautiful from the Bay
This It th« Mitt Ion nf th«
deluded into supporting Mr. ■ what a glorious sunset. As the stars on which it stands with all red French
U’Ren. but we believe they will crept out that evening we bid farewell tile roofs and pale yellow undercolor
the hour of 9 IA o’clock, In the forenoon of
to our old friend the “Great Dipper" as giving it a strong suggestion of moorish-
In th«’ circuit Court of the Htatr of Oregon, for ••DI 'lay In the circuit Court Room Impart
see the snare he ha9 set and he flashed bis ardent love across the ness. It is built in terraces up the
tnmt No fl, tn the < <»url Hotter of Multnomah
P«rty*iiith School Year Ope««
Multnomah County
the Matt« r of Un* Ketal- of W illlatn I arson. l ounty. Oregon, at <he lime an<1 place for the
steer clear of it. The success of heavens to bis bride, the beautiful greenest of steep hillsides, forming a SEPTEMBER i8th. iqu In Dacrgaed
hearing of «ahi Final Account, together with
any «tbj«>rtlonfl there niav t*r tn the same »nd
Notice |a heirbv given that th»* under
their ambition does not depend “Southern Crose,” queen of the south crescent around the Bay and commands
the arttlement of «ah! relate
•igngtl, t’harlra K Laraon. baa tiern appointed
Writ« for illuttrated too-pax» Rook
Date«| »nd flr»t ¡mb I lab rd July 2 IBH
of th»’ • »tat« of William laraon. <1e
on the election of a governor. land, who timidly blushed her flame a» a wonderful sweep of marine views. It l«t. "T hs life C areer ." and for Cata <*» executor
G Cah in . Kxrcutor of the Kat ale of
••••*! by th«* « In uit Court of the Htat»* of
Oregon for the County of Multnomah, ami ha« Itnaa Mary Calvin, !>«*r«*aar<!
There are others who will en­ in her simple feminine slenderness she is not on the ocean proper. out called log containing full Information.
neon, lit HpaMlng Bl«1f , Attorney
All |M*r«oni ha\ Ing rialme
An island a little way
peeped over the horizon of the southern
Degrtt Courtet — AGRICULTIJRF • qiiaiifl«*«! «1 aurh
for aal<1 Ketal«
gainst said estate are h r« by notified to ¡.r.
force the proposed prohibitory sea in all her bejeweled beauty, to bid “Mast Head Island" is (amoua for ita Agronomy, Animal Husbandry,IlalrvHuv- ■ •ent
the sit no , verified a« provided b) lew to
•al«i .-gerutor attheoftlc» of hl« attorney, J J
amendment quite as satisfactory “fair evening” to her proud king of the great variety of water bi rd«, being bindry. Poultry Husbandry, Horticulture. Johnaon.
S14 Hniibllng Bldg Portland, Oregon
Agriculture for Teachert
In the < Irrult Court of th« Ntate of Oregon, for
within fl monthi from the lab- of Oral publira
as Mr. U’Rren and they are not north so string and invincible, But literally covered with them. Being L ogging E ngineering . H ome E co ­ tion
the County nt Multnomali
<«f thia notice
In the Mnit«r <>f the Katat of George If
listed and Oral publ ali« «l Inly V 1911
open to the accusation of double again those royal sunsets' What can protected by the government ; they nomics : DomettlcScience. Domestic Art. Charles
Calvin, D«*»*eaar«l
Notice 1« herebv given that «he underalgnrd,
rival them, or what paiuter lay them know no fear of man and will I often ENGINEERING: Electrical, Irrigation, WIIHnm Lamon. Dveraa«-1
Highway, Mechankal, Chemical. Mining
J. J Johfiaon. Attorney for ««al<1 Katate St I "llllam«» Calvin, the a«ltnlnlatrator of th«*
on canvass? They cannot be colored alight on one’s shoulder or arm and Ceramics.
Ovorgr II ( «Ivin deceaard. haa filed
In the above entitled Court and Fatate hia
peer curiosly into one’s face, permitting I ndustrial arts
'W’OW That Cannon. Foraker or described.
final account aa au< h a<lininl«tralor. ami that
Easter morning was particularly themselves to be stroked. Nesting room
th«’ Court baa art amt fl■•*«! Monday, Auguat
I'otatiofiai Courtfi- Agriculture, Dairy
and Penrose of blessed (?) beautiful and we consecrated
8. 1**14, at the hour <«f V 15 o'clock, In the for»*
our cabin is at a premium and in walking about
n<M«n of aald «lay, In the circuit Ceurt n.w.m,
In th«- Circuit < oiirt of the
of Oregon for Drimrtment No fl In the Court llotiae of
memory are up for office again to the “Resunection Morn." On aris­ it is necessary to exercise great care Arts, Forestry, Business Short Cours«.
the Count* of Multnom-ih.
Multnomah County. Oregon, aa the time and
Srhool of Afutir— Piano, String. Band.
In the Matter of th. Hatale of Koaa Marr blare for the hearing of aah! Final Account,
why not put up Aldrich of Rhode ing we looked toward the east through lest a nest be trampled npon. This is a Voice
Calvin. Oeceaaert.
together with any objection« there may l»e to
Notice Is hereby given that the un<1ersl(no<l. the aamr. ami for the settlement of aald eatata
He stated positively i our port windows and beheld the “Har­ living example that animals were
Farnwrx Bunn«« Court« by Mail Fro«
W llllam O. Calvin, the executor nt the ratal»
Dated and flrat publlahe«! July 1, IS14
Koaa Mary Calvin, decease«!, has tiled In the
that he did not have a dollar’s
Wllllarn «» Calvin. Administrator of the
above entitled Court and Katate, lila nnal ac­ Katate nt Oeorg«* II Calvin. Drrrasrd
' of sunlit clouds, as he buret through be- and began to chase and kill them in ftw-7-15 to
Corral Hi Oreyan
count as such executor, and that the Court
worth of International rubber I tween two pillarlike projections of what he in bis fiendish heart calls
J «1 Johnson. 114. Hpaldlng Bldg,. Attorney
has set and fixed Monday. August 1, 1(1«, at for said Katate
stock when accused of boosting clouds we saw the “Good Shepherd" “sport’" Six days more brought us
the tariff on rubber in his own crook in hand, standing there just to across the Tasmanian sea where Dale
interest and when the books the right of the risen sun and of the had hie fourteenth birthday in a storm.-
were examined he and his son same beignt, lasting but a few mo­ Port Jackson Bay and the city of Syd­
ments then melting away in the ney were then at hand. The one word
were the heaviest holders of that splendor in which he came. It was a to express the beauty of the babor is a
wonderful Easter to us.
We then ' "dream ” It has over 200 miles of deep
Ex Senator Aldrich of Rhode opened a little envelope that had been water shoreline entirely girt with sand­ I
Island made so much money handed to us to be opened Easter morn, stone bluffs covered with tropical ver­
when he was in the U. S. Senate and we read another Piaster message dure, and the city of Sydney which is
from home. (La Mesa, Thanks to the on both Bay and ocean. It is a fine
Widely scattered, have been built by
that he has 13 acres covered with Thornes.
i citv and a good infusion of modem
the Portland Railway, Light & Power
glass where he raises pine­ Tahiti (Tah-bee-tee) was reashed on energy would soon make it one of tho
Company for the purpose of pro­
apples, strawberries and bananas the 14th. We wanted to sing for joy beet cities of the world. Its inhabi-1
Portland (2)
in the winter time. By unload­ when we sighted land. The trees and tants are all white and count nearly a
ing a rotten trolley line on the grass never looked so beautiful as they million. It is the metropolis of Aus- •
Oregon City
that afternoon in the brilliant sun; tralia, containing about one sixth of
Boston Hartford & New Haven did
shine. We were then 1200 miles below the population of the whole continent. |
railroad he
made a cool the line and it seemed queer to look Here we spent ten delightful days. !
$10,000,000. A very able states­ north to find the sub. Tahiti is the The zoo is the third largest in the I
man and a good business man. largest of the society group of Islands world, the art gallery the second larg­
and Papeete is its capital. It is about est, and is very fine indeed, while
Stops Neuralgia-Kills Pain
90 miles in circumference. It has been music is as well represented, A trip
Bull Run
Sloan*» Liniment give» instant relief named the "Garden of Eden,’* or the around the Bay on an excursion ateani-
to its patrons. Through high tension
from Neuralgia or Sciatic». It go»-» “Isle of the Blest." If there is a place er took up one whole day. We had a
straight to the painful part—Soothes the on earth that dem-rves that name it is fine time with a fine turkey dinner at
transmission lines, each of these gen­
Nerve» and stop» the Pain. It i» al»o to be found here. Thera are no ser- the Corry Gardens, a beautiful spot.
9t. Johns
erating plants are inter-communica­
good for Rheumatism, Sore Throat, ' penta, wild animals, nor native birds of There was seven in our party and we !
Chest I’ain» and Sprain». Yon don't , any kind. Rats that have come in on were sorry when evening came.
tive, so that the service is insured
need to rub—it penetrates. Mr. J. R. ships, and ante that come in on lumber
We are as far south of the line as you '
against unforeseen interruptions.
Swinger, Louisville, Ky., writes: “I and one specie of bird that was brought are north of it. This is the country of
suffered with qu'te a severe Neuralgia here from Australia a few years ago queer things. We have the Platypus, a
Headache for four months without any are the only wild animals, and now the little four footed animal like a heaver,
relief. I used Sloan’s Liniment for two i government is trying to get rid of them. with web feet, bill like a duck, lays
or three nights and I haven’t suffered , We drove through miles and miles of soft shelled eggs, and lives mostly in
wiiTTmy head since.” Get a Ixittle to­ J coc >anut grove with wild flowers all the water; The Emu, or wingless
Broadway and Alder Streets
day Keep
it in the house all the time aroun»! in most lavish profusion, in ostrich; the great family of Marsupials,
for pains and all hurts. 25cts , oOcts.. wildest riot of color, hundreds of flow- that carry their young in a pouch.
PHONES: Marshall 5100; Home A-6131
arid |1.00, at your Druggist.
era we never see even in California. There are »dozen or more verities of
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve for all Sore«. i Great flower trees in perfect blaze of them in size from the "Old Man” i
The Multnomah State Bank
Tillamook County
ectric Generating Plants
Where Located
Portland Railway Light & Power Company