POULTRY - and Dairy Produce •f »11 bifida Writ» fur uur C4s// OFFER Peanon-Puge ( ’<>. ’LT h ..*,^’ hrhine V alleï Great, aren't they boy? Wade is doing a lot for us when he furnishes these free Blue Prints, made up just special for the size barn we figure on building. It shows ua how DAISY FLY KILLER “PORTER’S PERFECT” Bam Equipment WRITE FOR THESE FREE BLUE-PRINTS TODAY! SECRET SERVICE! II‘»W tu iiirsut Inti» th» Itetrr (Iva <■'*»»>«' with rc. Aaiall« l'ariür l'urllaHd. Orrgun. Portland, Ore. OPPORTUNITY IS HERE TO LEARN CHIROPRACTIC. <-' kt « M-s. »■fc Ue*«ia US*. Il* I............ IS Mg. r.SM Un Nam« SALESMEN WANTED l.ilaual Twine Writ» ftn «Kir Ffofwuaitton I «»ryth ng fur ti a> Or«ha<4. lai«. Gaidin T?HlNF PROMtNADt DU35LLDOKF •»d 1 • vaiima MBCOigaaiA iivie ivbiut BOHM UIIVA, WAIN. go , N all Europe there Is nothing more A century of peaceful development beautiful than th.- Itlilneland followed and a fresh life bloom» today YAKIMA CKO*A ■> th. BL.T UJUtAMH The old Princes Palatine used to In all three domains of art and Dus- point from the towers of their In­ seldorf maintains Its old rank in the comparable castle at Heidelberg intellectual and artistic life of the LOSSES SURELY »INVENTED Fatherland Not only Is It an art city, ! to th«’ glorious plains of the Rhine be l< Cattar'» ■ «••DU» Fili». Ixrt»« frweh twllahU t-rw/wirw«! •-» J good and say; "That Is where the Gar­ with splendid buildings, but it is a WaMlwit) at ait . I Uw«t»M «he» »• ® garden city, with world-wide reputa­ taal whava •«her *a*«ina» fall. den of Paradiso was; it could not have UilUi f«»r tisxuklct an<1 been elsewhere." To attempt to de- tion for Its splendid park». 10 4— »»»«. Nia Ila» Fillo fl Mi M »»»• Nlaaklaf Fillo 4 O'. ’ scribe the Rhine In a paragraph or Va» a>.» |n|aa*t«r. t« Ottpwrl H«ff of < Utt«? f .Iurta la 4>»a to «>■•» If two la Impossible, but one can have, BARRED BY INSECT PESTS y»a>a - f aivM-ui|«| tHalaa’ I« untar 4l»w< perhaps, the beat Idea of Its lovllness TMl CUÎTIH LABORATORY. BitteLy Cail far alt from the deck of one of the Rhine Settlement of Parte of South America steamer* Heated In your comfort­ Is Believed to Be Impossible able chair you can watch the pano- The Willing Worker. By Many Travelers. "A good story always Helps to keep finma of romance and history unfold an audlnncc interested," said Henatur Itself, and if you decide on stopping More than one traveler has serious­ Borghum here nnd there, you can land, see what ly asserted that the insect pests in "Yes." replied IhivcMperlenced cam la to be seen In thia or that city, and the valleys of the Orinoco and the palgm-r "But stories have been over­ then return to your boat. In tills way Amazon are enough to prevent for­ worked." "How a tatui a little song now and you can accomplish much In a fort- ever the settlement of that region by I night nnd congratulate yourself on civilized propio of northern races then?" Southern Brazil seems as badly off, "No They've liaook? Stout Gentleman Get out! You city as though they were miles re­ dug out. It causes pain that becomes moved from each other. Historically, can't sell me any book! more and more severe as the creature Book Agent (making for the door) It cannot, of course, compare with Co­ grows, until It becomes continuous and —I suppose the only thing you read logne. Aix-la-Chapelle and Frankfort, Intolerable. A bad sore follows, from 1» a bill of fare. Ixindon Opinion. which are recorded as the seats of which the insect Anally escapes. The emperors and archbishops. Neverthe­ pain is due to the fact that the mag­ Couldn't Find It. less. It has its own Impressive dates. got acquires, ns It grows, a belt of "Mary, why didn't you sound the Older than the city Itself are two of needle-like spines, that tear the flesh dinner gong?" Its suburbs. Bilk, which contains the as the creature moves in the inflamed "Please, 'm, I couldn't find It." to have old Martin's church, supposed wound. I\»gs suffer much from this "Why, there It is on the hall table!" been founded by the Apostle Sultber ! "Please, ’m, you said thl» morning pest; and where the insect abounds, that wns the breakfast gong.”—The tus and which was rated as a paro- it Is Impossible to raise cattle.— cblal village as early as 799. t and the Sketch, Youths' Companion. suburb. Gerreshelm, known as far back as 827. Boy Survives 22,000 Volts. Hlatory of Dusseldorf. Thirteen year-old George Kernstock, Dusseldorf is first mentioned by of West Mount Vernon, climbed one name In n deed of 1159, where It is «■< mln: but * Y«*. 28, Is. P. N. V. Si c <1 Chau ft ur Yes? Jake orter In 1816 the capital of th.- n< v |y ft t mril irttii.iii sells instead o’ administrative dl tilct P.. - I Lu i I » (’ tvlt \VHXN writing tn Mvertlssrs. please airs- Ci. !'■ anti in 1872 a ipecUI tewu JLtrict. The First Country Theater. I BLACK LEG fìHE SHORT 1 CUT TO HEALTH d I 0 I HOSTETER’S § I Stomach Bitters I Í tine thia paper. THE CALL OT THE MAHACER must be answered by office help trained ! to execute the command promptly. By placing yourself under the guid-1 ance of our expert teachers, you can be trai ed in all departmenta of office work—ready to respo. d to the man­ ager’s call instantly. Write for cata­ log today. A posivon guaranteed. BEUTEL BUSINESS COLLEGE Tacoma, Washington. The Agricultural College of Fargo, N. D., has opened what is said to be the first little country theater in the United States. The performances are to be given by students, former stu­ dents and neighbors. Interesting, sig­ nificant, short plays, American and European, are to be produced in this little theater and the successful pieces are to be taken "on the road" and given in other towns and villages in the state. That this will promote neighborli­ ness, true community life, social inter­ course and wholesome recreation, hardly needs emphasizing. Fargo may be proud of its idea, its % example. There are few rural communities in which a little enterprise and coopera­ tion, with perhaps a little aid from the extension department of the state university, could not make life pleas­ anter and give it zest, variety and new meaning.—Chicago Record-Herald. Why do the leading merchants of Portland and the North- w st call upon BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE for thor- oughly competent, well-trained help? 843 fit ms have ca led on us for one or m ire stenographers or bookkeep­ ers since Aug. 1, 1913. Over 2000 of our students are holding lucrati» positions in Portland alcn-. Let ua prepare you and fu ntsh you a po­ sition when competent. Write—no trouble to answer. BUSINESS COLLEGE. Portland, Oregon The Idaho bean crop covers 6500 acres, and there are prospects for * YOt R OWN nnLGGIST writ TF.LL YOU Try Murine Eye Remedy for Red. Weak, Watery good crop of pork to go with them. Eye» and Granulated Eyelids; No Smarting— lust «Eye Comfort. Write for Btnk of the Eye A millionaire rescued four people in by mail Free. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. Wisconsin, but the trust busters will declare they owed him money or some­ "Gentlemen. I can’t lie about the j Interested in the Study of Navigation. thing. Mrs. Brundage (so we are informed horse; he is blind in one eye,” said by Everybody's chestnut gatherer) the auctioneer. The horse was soon knocked down was crossing the ocean for the first RESINOL CLEARS to a citizen, who had been greatly | time. One morning, as the captain PIMPLY, BLOTCHY SKINS struck by the auctioneer's honesty. was standing near her, she said: "Pardon my ignorance, but how do After paying for the horse he said: Pimples and blackheads disappear, “You were honest enough to tell you manage to find your way across red. rough, ugly complexions become that this animal is blind In one eye. the trackless ocean?" "By means of the compass, madam." clean, clear, and velvety, and hair is there any other defect?" “The health and beauty are promoted by "Yes, sir; there is. He is also blind replied the gallant captain. the regular use of resinol soap and an in the other eye," was the prompt re­ needle invariably points north.” “But," queried the woman, "suppose occasional application of resinol oint­ ply.—New York Globe. ment. These soothing, healing prepa­ you wish to go south?” rations do their work easily, quickly Those suffragettes are successful In ' and at little cost, even when the most some things. One was a good shot ' expensive cosmetics and complicated and plugged the king's hat with a I "beauty treatments” fail. bundle of "literature." It wasn't light i Resinol soap and resinol ointment reading. It will do all the name implies. AGENTS heal eczema, tetter. Tingworm. psoria­ WANTED. Men and women to intro­ sis and other skin eruptions, stop itch­ ing instantly, and are most valuabl* The Niehl Niehl, a Japanese news­ paper, is violent toward Uncle Samuel. duce Youthelene products to consumers. for sunburn, insect bites, sores, bums, But then he'll probably only scratch Big money. Write for offer. Schwinge boils, piles, etc. Sold by all druggist*, —Adv. an Niehl Nichi attack. Bros., 229 Madison St., Portland, Or. Mental Reserve. YOUTHELENE OLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE The school that jreta you a gxMxi position. Thousands of Graduates NONB iih . e FREE INFORMATION Washington and 10th Sts. PORTLAND. ORE. OLDEST MOST MODERN "IIo everyone that thirsteth,” Is advice nobody takes. Just step inside a thirst shop And you'll find it full of rakes! According to the weather man those rare days in June this year were just a trifle rarer than ordinary. A policeman arrested a skeleton, but there were no bones in it for him. Suffragette aides were ducked lit London. No wonder, after the way royalty has been ducking the suffra. There was a young maiden of Lind, Who blushed and most frequently gettes. grinned. But she caught on, you knpw. .Modern Woodmen will get lower lr> With the big passing show, surance rates. You would naturally And quite quickly had everyone expect them to use the ax. skinned! A milkman in Paris shot a million­ An old gaffer lived at Nez Perce aire because he said the latter started Who never would drink, chew nor a creamery and took the cream of curse. his business. His passion he'd check. But he once said: "By Heck!” These soundproof pianola and Then drifted from bad unto worse! phonograph rooms are a great idea, but fame awaits the man who build* A matron with kids in Clealum Could never dope out what could ail a soundproof garage. ’em. She'd dose them with oil He bought a cannon cracker. 'Till their blood would fair boil. Filled with dynamite; Then quietly turn 'round and whale He looked to see if it was out— 'em! !!!;;??! Good night! Small Town Limericks. Putnam Fadeless Dyes guaran­ tee satisfaction. The man who goes to sleep In church wns scored by a minister. No excuse for him with so many shady parks all around. The way of the joyrider is hard on the man whose car they steal. As yet the aeroplane joyriders have not made their appearance, but some night they’ll break into that Parkwa­ ter hangar. Spring fever has nothing at all on the vacation bacillus as a promoter of lassitude. Blood Trouble Often A Puzzling Question The Searching Power of a Great Remedy Answers the Worst Riddle. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills put the stomach in good condition in a short time. Try them for Sick Stom- icli, Biliousness and Indigestion. Adv. Grouchy. Student—How tio you pronounce it. professor, "maxixe” or “macheech"? Old Dryasdust—Neither, sir. I pro­ nounce it rank foolishness and waste of time. A Sure Revenge. • Thousands Have Solved It With S. S. S. Tt Is now known that the grrms of blood fleorders arc found In the minute space, of the tissue fibres. They can be seen onlv through a powerful microscope. And it Is In these spaces that 8. 8. 8. goes to work rapidly, effectively and with wondertullj noticeable results. This famous blood purifier contains me­ dicinal components vital and essential to healthy blood. Forgot Mother. There Is one ingredient In 8. 8. S. which Johnny—You're the meanest, hat«»- serves the active purpose of stimulating each cellular part of the body to th« fulest, spitefuleat thing I know. healthy and judicious selection of Its own Tommy—And you're the crabbedest, essential nutriment. That la why It re­ ugliest------ generates the blood supply: whv It las a tremendous Influence In overe.un ng Father—Boys, boys! You forget that ■neb eczema, rash, pimples, all skin affeetl -ns, your mother is in the room. ( rheumatism, sore u.i.aL WMZ eve^ Usa uf Wife—Do you like this pudding.1 dear? Mrs. McBryde gave me the re-1 ripe for IL Hub—No; but I guess you can get i square with her by giving her your recipe for mince pies. weight, thin pale checks, and that weari­ ness of muscle and nerve that is generally experienced by all aulerers with poisoned blood. Get a bottle of 8. 9. 8. at any dru* store, and In a few days you will not only feel bright, and energetic, but you wilt b« the picture of new fife. 8. 8. 8. is prepared only In the labors- torv of the Swift Specific Co. 221 Swift Bldg.. Atlanta Go., who maintain a very efficient Medical Department, where all who have any blood d'sorder of a stubborn nature may write freely for advtce. 8. 8. 8. Is sold everywhere by all dm* ■ tores. Beware of all attempta to »etl yon noaa»- thing "Just aa rood." Insist upon * •