Has Your Child Worms? Doings of Our Neighbors Moat children do. A Coated. Furred Tongue, Strong Breath| Htomacli Pains; Circles umler Eye« ; Pale, Hallow Com­ BMEZY ITKMS CONTRIBUTED BY HERALD REPORTERS AT NEARBY POINTS plexion; Nervous Fretful; Grinding of Mias Audrey Purdin ia visiting her The Rebekahaa and Oddfellows will Teeth ; Towing In sleep ; Peculiar Dreams aunt in Vancouver, have a joint installation on Saturday of the MW station and from whom any indicate Child liax evening. GRESHAM Worms. Get a I m > x of Kicke|xx> Worm l>nox avenue is named, entertained Dick Allen of Woodmere has been ill Rcwu ’os tea Killer at onw It kills the Worms—the eing improved with a curbing and new barn, owned by G. M. Cox. handy al all tini«« for Burli», Morw, <,'nte, s|s-n«l the Fourth. Returning to school creek near Deerdoff road, are at pres­ concrete sidewalks. Wotimls. Prevalila Lockjaw. 2ix-.. at Monday morning. ent sick in the city. Mrs. Dickinson yuur Druggisi. < in-sham enjoyed a very pleasant 4th. Glen Duer of Seventy-second street Mr. Link of the Multnomah Sheet There In-ing no acchient* of any kind to has been under treatment over a and Foster road, and wile, spent last Metal Works is in Hillsboro on business month. Mr. Dickinson hat been sick mar the day. week at Seaside. They report it pretty i this week. Ph -ac Tabor IIM Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McDougal, of since the first of the month. On the 3rd chilly down there. (sKC.BUT Rc.ldroir 211 N. Mala St. Lasts, Ors. Mr. Meukenmier has returned to I cuts. wi-re kan<- to make i sympathy of the community goes out hour every Tuesday afternoon at three Baggage and General Hauling, their home. Upholstering Repairing, Finish­ * ' to them in their loss. Io*«. Their al»«ence o’clock at South Mount Tabor park. The Greeham Frail growers association and sickness touch all who hear of it. ing. New and Second Hand Trunks 50c Each completed its organization monday ; Miss Andrey Dozier wtio went to vieit Goods Bought and Sold. night by adopting a constitution and with her old chum, Mrs. A Blatchford, The Arleta library has an interesting DAILY SERVICE by laws. The members of the lx>ard of at Shelburn, Oregon, was taken violent­ exhibit of moths and butterflies from PHONE TABOR 920 directors are; M. (>. Nelson, Troutdale, ly ill and confine«! to her be«l two India, South America and the United States. l.-avr Bafgag«- Check nud AlrrsM II. E. Davis, tin-sham; Jas. Sterling. weeks. We are gla«l to report that she at Plummer Drug Store. Gresham; F If. lehman, Gresham; is convalescing. Her many friends Third and Madison St. Win. Peterson, Gresham. here will rejoice at her recovery and W. C. Nelson fell from i a house he Rev. M. B. Parouagian, of Salem, welcome her home again. was building at Fiftieth avenue and was a Sunday visitor at the M. E. Fifty-eight street for F. Mennater, It is with pleasure that we report Chun-h. Real Estate-Notary Public Tuesday, and was badly injured by the Mies Huber as recovering from her long Grandma Wr»-g«>n Main Street s & i Union Forever.” cousin trom Virginia, name«! Norman. Miss I.ily Blohm has gone to Seattle GILBERT He invited Norman to go up to Pendle­ s S for a well earned vacation. ton with him for a visit. Norman con­ Phone Tabor 644 Residents on l^nox avenue are sented. So Sam wired to Mrs. Jack- Ask for the Cleaner ■ Iilcas«-1 to have a waiting roon built at Do you know: son: . Ramapo. Mr. Wm. Riedy is the man That a bag of hot sand often relieves “Coming on the early morning train of honor as we understand he conferred neuralgia. —Norman with me.” will) the Portlami Railway Light A That warm boracic acid solution will They got to Pendleton about 3 a. in., Power Co., who furnished the material. remove dandruff. and went up to the Jackson home. The and Friends here unite«! in putting it up. That a little soda water will relieve bouse was lighted. Jackson was sur­ — Pittsburgh Presa. Mrs. John Lenox, who live* just north sick iieadaclie caused by indigestion? prised to find Mrs. Jackson waiting for That a cupful of strong coffee will re­ him, and was further surprised to ob­ CLEANING AND PRESSING move the odor of onions from ihe j serve a rather stern expression oti he? breath? Ths Garden Variety. face. Ladies nd Oeotiemin's clothing That well ventilate«! bedroom« will A slim chicken who was so thin that Cleaaed. Pressed and Repaired She met him at the door. “Where’s prevent morning headaches and lassi­ she nicked the counter where she lean- the women?” «he asked acidly. cd nimInst It, trickled up to the hosiery tude? “What woman?" spluttered Jackson. Wort Called lor and Delivered That a cupful of hot water before department of a Sixteenth street store “This woman you refer to in this meals will sometime« relieve nausea and and said: message," said Mrs. Jackson, handing “Cswn yon give me a pair of hose dyspepsia? her astonished husband the telegram he 5497 72ad St S. E. that won't bag at the knees?" Address That one in a faint should be laid had sent. Near Millard Ave. Marne shifted her chicle against her flat on Uie beck, with the head lower back molars, oozed a wise slant over It read: “Coming in the morning— Beaver State Herald tiian the rest ot the body if possible, the customer aDd replied listlessly-. woman with me!”—Pathfinder. Lents, Oregon the clothes loosened, cold water applied “Not unless yub take garden hosef" to the face; and otherwise let alone? —Judge. Funeral Directors That the best time to bathe is just be­ An Idle Boast. fore going to bed. as any danger of tak­ L 0. 0. F. BUILDING “I can reed your thoughts."* he said Phone Tabor 1280 ing cold is thus avoided and the com­ with a smll«* Talxir 5267 plexion is improve,! by keeping warm “And yet votf don't say good night for several hours after leaving the and go.“ she replied -Yonkers States­ We have the Lime, Brick, Cement, Plaster, Oregon Lents, man. bath? Gravel or Sand, all good as the beet at prices tojmit DR. JOHN FAWCETT Tremont, Kern Park and Arleta r f- Edward Mills LEÀBO'S FURNITURE HOSPITAL EXPRESS Chas. F. Parker J. P. Nordin QUEEN PRESSING PARLOR HERALD One Year $4.50 A. 0. Kenworthy and Company Spring Building PROFESSIONAL CAROS Diseases of Women and Children Grays Crossing Items a Specialty Pacific Talior 3214 Home Ixx'al2111 Tabor »14 I Home 8011 Dr. P. J. O’Donnell DENSIST Hour»: M to '2 A M ! to ft P M Hutiday and Evriitniro by appointment An»orUtr<1 with Dr. Fawcett Mnln, Oregon J. P. Finley<&Son Funeral Directors Montgomery'and Fifth St Phones: Main 430, Home A 4568 Dunning & McEnlee FUMERAI DIRECTORS Seventh and Ankeny Streets Portland Oregon Experienced Woman In Attendane* Miss Blanche Frynne of Sacramento, Mrs. Henry Hal), Mr. and Mrs. Cal., is visiting her cousin, Mrs. John Thomas Lyle and Owen Lewis were Howe at Grays Crossing. guests at a dinner party at the home of Miss Joseph Kurlander, on Tuesday L M. Rhoads of Clatskanie, Or«., evening. brother of C.E Rhoads, has returned. He was engaged in constructing a tele­ phone line through Clatskanie, Or*. You are just near Alvord Undertaking Company Lanta and Ker* Park Main Office Phone Main 9 G. E. GREENLEAF. Manager R m . 4510 70th Ht. H. E. Cor. 45th Ave Mrs. E. S. Simmon« .had a pleaaant l W. J. Rubli has rented the store at Grays Crossing in the Lent building birthday party on Saturday evening. ami will put in a compì- te line of hard­ Mrs. Simmons received some beautiful ware. presents, among them being some choice cut glass pi-ces. The home of Dr. Tidbali has taken up his residence Mrs. Simmons on Foster road was used at Grays Crossing in the Hillinan home. for dancing. The adjoining home of Mrs. J, T. Perkins for card playing Louis Biomart of 6307 Eighty-second The lawns “.nd houses were decorated street visited at Grays Crossing on July with Japanese lantern«. Refreshment« There were 4 and 5. He left for Multnomah Fal’e were served at midnight. Monday where he will make bis home. twenty two guests present. Funeral Directors and Embalmers Calls annwere«l «lay or night in any part nt the city. Quick Auto Service, Fine Equipment, fauly Asxistaut. Night Phone R 1IIW b»F Phone Tabor JSM Day Phone Ix»nt« 15'21 LODGE DIRECTORY Shiloh Circle No. 1», ladles ot O. A. R. meets 1st and Sd Haturrtay evenings In I.O. O.F. hall. Lents Llllah Mallet, Pres., Carrie Ingles. Bec'y. JONSRUD BROS. Home B-1888 Phone East 781 LERCH Undertaker Hawthore Ave. and liest IIth. St. BORING OREGON Phone Mi (Mill 1 1-4 miles southeast of Kelso Mrs. I.erch CEDAR POSTS SHINGLES MOULDINGS TURNED WORK Assistant LUMBER $6 AND UP I«r«e stocli of Dlmsnirton Lnmlier on hand Hough and Ilressetl kontier for all purposes ■and order to JONHRtlD RRO8. Rorlns RIH Branch Office Carters Building Kern Park Mrs. Nancy A. Newbill, mother of Elmer Newbill of Grays Crossing, ia ex­ pected on Saturday. our Store as to your Mr. Owen I^wis give« a launch party and picnic on Sunday next for a party of twenty-two. You are not compelled to make per­ sonal visit« to our store—you can PHONE Just call us up, tell us your wants and we deliver promptly. It costs no more to have your drug« delivered and may save you time and worry Mr. Pugh, ths constable at Grays Crossing has s<>l