NEWS NOTES OF CURRENT WEEK 353 Hindus Give I p Fight to Be Landed in Canada Car Shortage Hoped to Be Avoided by Commission Train Robbers Captured; hull Confession Is Made Pendleton, Or. Allert Meador» and Vancouver, B. C.— British Columbia Clarence Stoner, two of the three finishes! with its vexing Hindu problem W ednesday, but it is possible that an­ train robbers who held up O W. It. C- bem ous than usual, ---- aid ----------------- the commission Salem Announcement has been other one was set up for the Italian N. train No. f» near Meacham the empire, when 353 Hindus, on board made by th« State Railroad commis will do everything po*sibl« to increase the steamer Komagata Maru. aban- 1 »ion that it would in a few days send efficiency by urging teamwork among morning of July 2. were arrested Mon- Iday night by Deputy Sheriff Batchelor, doned their fight for admission to j to shippers and railroad managements shippers, consignee* anti railroad*. The shipper* will !x> urged to load ' of La Graiale. Canada ami agreed to go back home, rules and suggestions designed to min- They have been here over a month, irnize the threatened car shortage the car» a* rapidly a* possible to full »ca­ The leader of the gang, who waa and the Komagata Maru was specially ' coming fall. A similar set of rules pacity, the railroad* to provide emp­ shot and killed by Deputy Sheriff Me ties anti take awav loaded car* without Ilartritinu Return» t'rom Early A Portland bark firm will erect a chartered to bring them from Ituiia and suggestions was issued by the com- delays and the consignee will unload Duffy at the lime of the holdup I* by way of Japan. Their stay has mission last year and. as a result, the Section» Point to Excellent $1,000,000 building. been marked by plots to assassinate crops were handled more expeditiously cant with the utmost dispatch. Charles Manning, a professional gam Quality of Grain. Three political parties in Idaho have the local immigration officers, not than in previous years. The rules ami regulation* originated bier and not Hugh Whitney, the notor­ adopted Prohibition planks. tract-able to anyone on the boat, and j Because of the immense grain crop by the Oregon commission last year in Eastern Oregon, the increasing ac- have lqua a short to fleas. There is a Clear Lake northwest of than 20 mile» from the acene of the thority in the Northwest. The gener by wealthy Hirams I... qnfavorable to distance above Ganiiner, the north emi Tsiltcoos, and there are st least a half holdup. Neither man »«" armed and nl estimate now is 65,1*00,000 buah- The chief justice of the Supreme English rule on the theory that if they 1 of the approach being just west of dozen lakes of that name in Oregon. they offend no resistance when placed ■ 1» for Oregon, Washington and Idaho court of Idaho has resigned to cam­ The crop in the»«- »tatea last year was got in it would open the door for Smith river, This bridge will have There is also much confusion in the under arrest. They had $385 in cash paign for U. S. senatorship. Earlier i> others, and if they were exc’uded. a draw span. The span and the steel names of creeks aral river*. There and the $700 diamond ring taken from alrri'—t 5*1.000,000 t>u»hola. * "Better pay for teachers'* is the what they would have to say on reach- ■ arches at each end will be only about are Willow creeks almost without end, II. B. Royce, the Walla Walla brewer, slogan of the National Education asso­ ing home would not make the path of 300 feet long. The trestle, approache: McKay creeks in several counties, and who was a passenger on the train, and : Northwest would produce 70,000,ooo ciation. in session in St. Paul. the government any smoother. One and fills will measure 1250 feet. even the names of rivers are dupli­ a »mailer diamond, but the diamond» 1 bushel* of wheat, but it is thought report was that the men on the boat Two mile* north of the Umiqua the cated. For instance there is a Calli- were thrown away when they were ar- ; ' they overestimated the crop, as is Captain Bcjarogio, a Russian army frequently done in Reasons of great aviator, was killed when his mono­ were picked purposely from districts road will swing to the west, leaving pooia river in Douglas county and an­ rested to prevent their lietng used to promise. connect them with the holdup. plane collapsed and fell from a great known for their loyalty to the British Smith river and following up Jack other in Linn county. in order to disaffect them. Franz „i___ Frans creek. The work of " Engineer Taking the string of lakes between In conjunction with other officers, I Close watch ha* height. Gurdit Singh, the wealthy leader, , F. D. Browne stops at the mouth of the Siuslaw and Coos bay and consid­ Batchelor hail been watching the rail growth and maturing of the plant Hi Mount Lassen, in California, for the instructed his counsel unconditionally that creek and that of Engineer M. H. ering the number of tourists they will road track in the vicinity of La Grande the leading wheat sections, and the fourteenth time is spouting smoke and to arrange for the return of the Koma- Bedolfe begins. From the creek the draw when the Willamette-Pacific is ever since the holdup. When he »aw exporters are »atisfled that their esti­ ashes, the latter being found 13 miles gata Maru. The ship's owners ordered road passes through a tunnel, desig- completed the conflict in names will these two men coming down the track mates are nearly correct, and they are distant. her back a week ago, but the captain nat«d as tunnel No. 6. over to a small cause much confusion. he »top|>ed them and not being satis- j preparing to do buslneaa on theae fig The railway officials are more deeply fled with their explanation» an to their urea. It is declared by a member of the dared not sail, fearing his passengers draw and down that a half mile or so Harvesting return» are beginning I to lake Takenitch. This tunnel is interested in this question than any­ presence there, took them into La mediation congress that war between would be unruly. to come in fmm the early »ection», and 1554 feet long, or will be when done. body else. John M. Scott, the general Graiale. Mexico and the United States has been j Work ia just under way. « passenger agent of the Southern Pa­ averted. Both men confessed to the robliery. not only bear out the eatimatea of the Banking Law» In Western yield, but for the moat part point to As the road strikes lake Takenitch cific line* in Oregon, most likely will Women suffragettes are determined an exceedingly good quality of grain. have to look to the advertising of the States Severely Criticised '» ero T ’ " n arni of u ,nd then P**« ” to wage their fight before congress. through a cut and then alternately over new line when done, the Willamette- Royalty Funeral Marked The barley crop of the Northwrat is in spite of President Wilson's refusal Atlantic City, N. J. — Montana, trestles and fills up to Lake Tsiltcoos. Pacific, and he has expressed himself By Irreverent Scenes also excellent and will. It i* l/elirved, to lend aid. fully equal the large outturn of last Utah, Washington and other Western , Hut >n thi* stretch there is one tunnel, as wishing to have somejegal action Vienna Now that the I mm I ic * of the year. The oat* crop ia excellent, but James T. Dubois, ex-minister to states must make radical changes in | No. 5, which is 750 feet long. Work taken in the matter. murdered Archduke Francis Ferdinand in the grain trade the yield I* not v* Colombia, denies that the pending their banking laws before the new cur- ————————————— treaty with that country contains any rency system can become generally Jackson County to Build Hood River District Ships ' and hi* wife, the Duches* of Hohen- timated up to last year'* total, aa the •ervaga i* »<>me of the important oat» “apology.” I effective, according to speakers who Highway by Contract fió Tons Choice Cherries | berg, re|*>se beneath the castle cha|>el district» ha» liee-n reduced. addressed the National association of I One thousand and thirty-six “Ore­ at z\rt»tettcn, a bitter controversy is <*|»-ning price» have not been e»tal> Medford — Members of the County Hood River — "Hood River has re­ gon dry” petitions bearing 35.032 j Supervisors of State banks at their raging over the manner in which the lished definitely In any of the cereal I annual convention here. court have tired of criticisms that the ceived the record price for its crop of names, have been filed with the secre­ It was pointed out that the banking I funeral was conducted, Moderate line». The wheat market haa licen tary of state. unsettled by the downward course of ■ laws of several Western common­ county is wasting money by construct- Royal Ann cherries this year,” said Masked robbers bold up eight auto­ wealths forbid the investment of the ■ ing the Central Point section of the Wilmer Sieg, sales manager of the opinion inclines to the belief that the values at Chicago and I.iver|>ool. The court officials made the ceremonial too mobiles near Marshfield, Ore., and | funds of state chartered banks in Pacific Highway by day labor, and North Pacific Fruit Distributers, who Eastern and foreign markets were secure several hundred dollars in I stocks of any description. In this ■after a conference with State High- has just returned from Spokane, where painfully correct, while the friends affected adversely by the promise of a money and jewelry. there is a conflict between federal and I way Engineer Bowlby, announced that he has la-en attending a meeting of the of the duchess are indignant at the 94*0,000,000 bushels wheat crop in the An autograph letter of Sir Walter state banking laws. United States, and in the Northwest, emphasis laid on her inferior birth. board of trustees. Scott's dated April 23, 1813, was found A feature of the session was an at­ the section of the highway between this weakness was reflected in the “Cherries form one of the mo:.i in­ According to r<-|M>rt* in the leading by a Seattle man in a book purchased tack on private bankers and the laws , Talent and Ashland will be let by con- definite factors we have to deal with lower bids put out by dealer» fur late Vienna pa|>ers, the reception of the delivery. at a second-hand store. which permit their existence by Ed- tract, More than half a million in Northwestern fruit circles. We bodies at Poechlarn, was attended by bushels, however, have lieen bought An Albany, Ore., calf ate a cloth ward H. Doyle, banking commissioner | Bid» will be called for the second find that we have got from three to scandalous proceedings. A violent tor early ahipment and price» avrr»g sign and died. The owner seeks $35 for Michigan, in which he was support­ week in July. No certain type of five times as many as we had figured thunder storm u|>*et all prearranged Mr. Dovle damages from the firm who put the ed by several others. ing «Isiut 80 cent» at tidewater have on, and instead of a short crop we are pleaded for direct co-operation be- ■ hard-surfaced pavement will be in- having an excess. Last year we mar­ ceremony and the coffins were hurried­ been paid. advertisement on his barn. tween the comptroller of the currency sisted upon. The contractor making keted from Hood River 50 tons of ly carried to the waiting room of the As s«M>n as the world'» market» »re According to reports Marconi, the and the state banking departments to ‘ the lowest bid on any standard type Royal Anns. This year the associa­ station, where they were placed on the adjusttd to the new crop situation, an wireless wizard, contemplates talking protect the public from worthless in­ stone-paved floor and remained there active buying movement can be ex­ tion shipped 65 tons. by wireless phone, from Wales to New vestments an«j banks of dubious credit. will be awarded the contract. two hours or more. pected in Northwest territory. Fig “ That there is good money in cher ­ York before the close of this year. Meanwhile the Volunteer firemen uring roughly on the present and prob “No one will deny that the days of I According to members of the County ries is shown by the report of J. R. who were sup|HMrtant officials strolled smoking ci­ total value of they were killed by lightning. long after the street pavement» of less extent. licans have been damaged in all sec­ gars in close proximity to the coffin cereals above $51,(100.0410. Announcing that the retrenchment “I am in favor of the supervision Medford, which cost two and three tions by weather conditions and rains. containing the laxly of the late heir to policy put into effect some months ago of the private banks only when it is as times as much a square yard, have The effect on the market has not yet the throne. had been terminated, the Santa Fe_________ ______ The torrential rain drove everybody far-reaching as that required of state J worn out. The first section of the been determined, but the bad fruit railroad has increased the working or __ national into the waiting-room and, says one ____ j "banks, Such supervision | will have a bad effect on the good hours of 1000 men in the shops at San would be tantamount to abolishing the road out of Central Point is in use. quality stuff.” account, “all the ordinary rules of be­ Bernardino, Cal., from 40 to 45 a week. business, which I strongly favor.” The road will be completed by July 15, Mr. Sieg says that excellent pros­ havior seemed to have been forgotten Mexico City Elections for presi and the last section will have to “set” pects for the Northwestern apple crop and the scene might be described as dent, vice president, deputies anti sen­ resembling the turmoil and noise of ators were held Sunday in that portion 30 days before the highway is entirely continue, provided there is the fullest PORT LAM) MARKETS. a country fair.” Anarchists and I. W. IF’« co-operation in marketing. of the republic controlled by the Huer­ thrown open to traffic. at government. Indifference was man­ Plan Big Demonstration Work in the Siskiyou» i» progressing “In protection to the apple industry, Wheat — Track prices: New club, ifested everywhere. the independent shipper must cease to Exploded Bomb Intended 776/78c per bushel; new forty-fold, New York — The ashes of three of rapidly and everything will be ready being competitive and must realize the General Huerta appeared to I mj the 786/79c; new bluestem, 82c; new red for Rockefeller, Is Belief the victims of last week’s dynamite for the surfacing of the scenic high­ necessity of affiliating with Borne re­ favorite caiMlidate for the presidency Russian, 76c; old club, 86c. New York In the ruins of the tene­ ami General Blanquet for the vice Millfeed — Bran. $23 per ton; shorts, explosion will be the object of public way in the spring of 1915, while the sponsible marketing agency.” mourning by anarchiBts, Industrial The strawberry season is nearly end ­ President Huerta, it is ment wrecked Sunday by the explosion presidency. $26; middlings, $30. . hard-surfaced road from Central Point Barley — Feed, $206/21 per ton; Workers of the World, and other sym­ through Medford, Phoenix, Talent to ed. The season has been a long one of a bomb, which it ia believed was rejmrted, received a virtually unani­ pathizers in Union Square Saturday, and a heavy crop has been harvested mous vote of confidence. The return» brewing. $21.506/22; rolled, $23.50. intended for use »gainst John D. indicate the re election of all present Hay — Choice timothy, $166/17 per according to an announcement by Alex­ Ashland will be opened before the win­ in all sections. Hood River growers Rockefeller or his son, the author I tie» members of the chamber and senate. have received a satisfactory return. ter rain» set in. ton; mixed, timothy, $126/15; valley ander Berkman, anarchist. The plan to hold public services for found evidence that Arthur Caron, The lightest vote in many year» was grain hay, $106/12; alfalfa. $11. Vegetables—Cucumbers, 566/90c per the three men who are dear!, Arthur who was killed with three others, had cast, both in the capital ami near-by Bobcat Pays lor Licinu. Polk County Complete» I towns. dozen; eggplant. 15c per pound; pep­ Caron, Charles Berg and Carl Hansen, used his apartment a» a center for the Eugene — James Frame, a six-foot- Oiling All Main Road» pers, 20c; radishes, 15 <'- , pitted last week. The road oiling be- press, revolutionary pamphlets and exchanged the bobcat for a marriage Skagway, Alaska Thirteen persons ach, 56/7c per pound; rhubarb. 2(6/3c; | Apparently the city authorities have . gan when the two and one-half mile circular», an electric dynamo, two cabbage, ljc; asparagus, $16/ 1 50 found no way to prevent a demonstra­ license and exchanged the marriage , stretch out of Monmouth was oiled last electric batteries, cartidges and bits were drowned July 4 in Lynn canal by They can forbid the license for a wife. He returned with the capsizing of the gasoline launch dozen; peas, 46/6c per pound; beans, tion being held. year. of steel were among the articles un Superb, which, while bound from 66/7c; corn, 306/35c per dozen; tur­ holding of a parade, but cannot, it was a wife to surprise his friends in Ixrn- Realizing the value of this work, covered, which tend, in the opinoin of don. The bounty on bobcats is only Skagway for Juneau, with 20 persons nips, new, $1.25 per sack; carrots, pointed out, prevent the agitators from taking the ashes into Union 12 and the cost of the marriage license the (kainty court offered to put up dot- the police, to show an anarchist plot. aboard, was struck by a heavy souther­ $1.50; beets, $1.50. , lar for dollar with any club, individual That the demonstration, halted by the ly gale. Onions — R«-d, $3.25 per sack; yel­ Square. There the friends of the men, is $3, so Frame had to throw in $1 “to ' or community to oil the roads of this bungling of some one who was prepar­ according to Berkman, purpose to set boot’’ to effect the exchange in the The Superb set out from Skagway low, $3.25; Walla Walla. $3.25, ' county. ing an infemeal machine for its mis­ Friday night, carrying passengers to county clerk ’ s office, but he will get up urns containing the ashes and pro ­ Green Fruits — Apples, old, $1.506/ The Dallas Commercial club took up sion, was planned against the Rocke­ attend the Fourth of July celebration 2 per box; new, $16/1.25; cherries, 36/ nounce the men martyrs while the po- that dollar back by filing a claim with the secretary of state for the special i the proposal and raised money to oil feller family in Tarrytown, is the nt Juneau. At Seduction Point, 15 8c per pound; apricots, $1.50 per box; lice are being denounced. , six miles east on the Salem road. theory on which the authorities are miles south of Haines, the storm state bounty. cantaloupes, $2 6/ 2.50 per crate ; working. . Independence oiled six miles north to f>ea«-hes, 40c6/$l per box; plums, 75c struck the launch full in the face. $75,000 Damages Allowed. ■ the point where the road meets the "Jump Off Joe ” Immune. I he little craft managed to turn al*>ut 6/ $1.25; watermeloi ms* 1 j fr/, 2c fier Chicago—A jury has awarded James Salem-Dallas road. A committea of Oregon ’ » Flag I» Raised. and run for Skagway. When the Su­ pound; loganberries, 75feen made to work three days an«l cipal feature of the Fourth of July cel­ Finnish miner who attacked Mayor oiled. nights, from August 19 to 22, 1913, United States or to Oregon. He said , geese, 10c. The oil makes them as level as a ebration on the exposition grounds. Duncan with a dirk in the latter'» offi­ He it was being plastered with ugly ad­ Butter — Creamery prints, extra, with only nine hours off for rest. vertisements, much to the disgust of water-bound macadam, The roads The flag was raised by Miss Lillian ce last Friday and was shot by the said that while switching a freight car 27 jc per pound; cubes, 226/23c, Newport resident». Mr. Crawford will probably be oiled, until the coun- Veatch, formerly of Oregon, and a* the mayor, died of the wound. The bullet to a sidetrack on the third day, he be­ Pork—Fancy, 106/lO^c per pound. vast expanse of stars and stripes flut­ searched musty tomes and found that ty hard-surfaces the roads. came exhauste«! and fell. His Lantala refused arrn Veal —Fancy, 106/11c per pound. tered from the top of the pole the Na­ penetrated the liver. Oregon owns one marine league from to make any statement. The constitu­ Hops —1913 crop, prime and choice, was crushed ard his spine injured. tional salute was fired and the colors shore, which takes in “Jump Off Joe." Cherry Trees Recover. tion profaned by the executive commit­ 146/16jc; 1914 contracts, 15c. were raised throughout the grounds. tee of the new miners’ union was made Monmouth Tree» in young cherry Wool — Valley, 186/20J«- yer pound; Wiliton Pleads for Maid. public and caused friction in the ranks Eastern Oregon, 16 6/ 2<)$c; mohair, i Trenton, N. J. Thr«>'jgh the per- [— Fish Violation» Alleged. orchards about this vicinity, which last Flag Wearers Criticised. of the insurgent miners. Those who 1914 clip, 27$c. sonal efforts of President Wilson a Astoria—The state fisheries depart­ year were believed to be dying, have Mexico City For the first time oppose it consider it too radical and al­ Cattle — Prime steers, $7 6/ 7.25; woman who was employed in his ment officials who have been checking regained their foliage and now promise choice, $6.756/7; medium, $6.506/6.75; ! Princeton home as a domestic ten up the licenses issued in the Columbia a rapid growth. In June and July last since the Spanish-American war no lege that it is modeled on principles of public celebration of the Fourth of the Industrial Workers of the World. choice cows, $6.256/6.50; medium, $6 years will be released from the Mercer river district have found a number of summer leaves on the trees in various 6/6.25; heifers, $6.256/6.75; calves, | county jail, to which she was com­ persons holding licenses who, under parts of Polk county began to wither, July was held in this city. The Amer­ ican residents spent the day quietly. Archduke Lett $400,000. $66/8.50; bulls, $36/5; stags, 15 (a mitted on a charge of habitual drunk­ the provisions of the state laws, are and finally fell off. The cause was at­ Several of them appeared the 5.50. Vienna It is said that Emperor enness. Her predicament was discov­ not eligible to fish for salmon. The tributed to the slugs which appeared, streets wearing American flags in Francis Joseph has granted an annual Hogs Light, $7.256/8.20; heavy, ered by a former Princteton school­ trackers employing these men have and borers were believed to have oper­ their coat lapels. They were ____ not allowance to the late Archduke's chil­ $6.256/7.25. teacher, Miss Katherin Welsh, who been allowed three days to get rid of ated in the ground. No pests are evi­ molested. but their action was ad­ dren of $80,000. It is estimated the Sheep— Wethers, $46/4.85; ewes, | wrote to the President. Governor them or complaints against the alleged dent this year, and the orchards have a versely criticised by a majority of the $3.256/4.25; yearling lambs, $4.506/ Fielder, of New Jersey, was asked by violators of the law will be filed in fine appearance. New grafts, placed American colony, who deemed it un- Archduke’s fortune was untier $400,- 4.85; spring lambs, $5.506/6. 000, insufficient for the up-keep of his the President to investigate the case. the courts. in early spring, are growing well. | wise and likely to precipitate trouble. castles, which therefore must l>e sold. i Yield in Pacific Northwest Is Estimated Resume of World’s Important Events Told in Brief. Work Is Being Pushed on New Willamette Railway Ill EHTA AGAIN “ELECTED” PRESIDENT (IE MEXICO