t Hmilù WANT “ADS” * Them In B-6111 1111 à ^Only One-cent a Word LENTS, MULTNOMAH CO., OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 9, fOURTH IN LENTS YEAGER HILAIRE BIG SUCCESS StIlltS DIJIKld IIFS I9M. Vol. 12. No. 28 LENTS CENTER OE EARM WEALTH The trouble« the Yeager Theatre has lawn having for some time hate Iss-n North, East, and South Abounds in abjii*b-d. < rffleers of the lalsir unions Fine Farm Lands. County De­ cari»« to la-nl* Thur.-lay morning and veloping Rapidly. Many Wealthy agreements were signed whereby all Fanners. U m - matters which heretofore have inter­ Despite many prognostications of rain fered in the SIICI esa of the work of the The "back to the country,” fever and a dark Fourth (or lent« celebra­ Tlu-atre were satisfactorily art tie. I and struck a Herald reporter Sunday and tions, the day dawned practically clear. tiie boycott that was «let la red several he proceeded to see the beauties ol na­ Early In the morning a thin cloud over­ weeks ago ^a- raised The theatre will ture at first hand. Ratner he started spread the sky and lasted tlnougli the theretofore la- ready Pi meet al) its on a tnp of investigation to ascertain day till near night. There was no rain, friends and patrons without further about the development of tb* country anil no heat, just a delightful tempera interference on account of the mis­ lying southeast and south of Mt. Scott. A trip of this sort requires about a half ture that kept everyone cool enough to understanding that have heretofore day to do it well for there are a lot of lie comfortable and warm enough to stmai in the way of its success. improvements to observe. Indeed one The result of the anticipated adjuet- satisfy the chilliest "mark” on til« is surprised io note the drvelopeuients | inent of dilficultiee had already been grounds. within a mile of the station for such h-lt The audience have grown for the The crowd lu-gsn to collect slaiut H changes are being made all the time and they came all the day. All the past week to more than double the that it is with difficulty that one can country lor tulles around was repre­ I size that have customarily ta-en in keep up with - r men's race, A. D. Kenworthy, Otie ensure the success oi this beautiful show Sycamore an-l other improvemn t* are Woodham, M. K. Hetlge, Jos. Getliing house, but the advantage» it offers for Not leas than three thousand people After months of consideration the in progress. Pleasant Valley Gringe Tiie following persona contributed to At the close of the races the parade *|>acc and conveniences will make it ••wrablel at Tremont on the Fourth to City’s New Marketing Ordinance is ready hall enjoys a new cost of paint. Ths re l-egan to form and about eleven thirty doubly attractive to all lover* of gK«i the Fourth of July celebration : Multno­ do reverence to “Old Glory.” The for application and it is hoped will be is a tendency to cut the Urge farms in­ service. mah Stale Bank. Co|»-!and Lumber Co , it started north, headed by the Mail Carrier'n l>an«L Nobody took a com­ Tlieckla Bright Co , McKinley A Bundy. program was carried out successfully. found satisfactory to ail. Arrangements to small acreages. Twenty acre or even five acre farms are quite common now plete list of all the entriea but the pro­ Matt Greenslode, Alla-rt Coop, Clyde The long string of sports took about are tieing made by Meat Inspector L. G. even out as far as Damascus. And it cession wa* a gf Lents, the II. S. Hashim, John Manx, A. W. it provided good amusement. The ball meat inspection ordinance which goes clearing has been aone within the past Volunteer Firemen, the I-adiee of the Gardner, F. A. Bohns. Mt. Scott Drug right on the ground proved a fine into effect next Saturday. He will Is- year. Most of this new land is now Relwksh l.-Mlgr, ami several Inde­ Co., Win. Sadler, Hobt. Hopkins <>. A. smrrfe of attraction. The music was assisted by two deputies and every being put into hay or potatoes, or pendents were represented. it was Another city market ha* l>een opened. Hess, Ja«. Snyder, Julian Bros., Otto 1 fine and the neighborhood generally orchards. good. Everylx*ly wa* delighted, sur­ Ea*t sixth, between Alder and Wash- WaletieM, Yeager Theatre, Thomas was well satisfied with the management. slaughter-house and market in the city The trip westward from Damascus is prised, sn-l enthusiastic. It would tie ington is the location of the latest ad- Bro* . Eggiman’s Market. Lents Hard­ The grea«ed pig race brought out a "*H I*1 forced to comply with the re­ one of the most interesting in the impossible to pick out one and com­ ditiop to the public markets. There I ware, Chesters Simp. H. E. Wilson. lot of fun. Rush Campbell was the | quirements. neighborhood. “Sunnyside" has long mend it without going down the entire seemed considerable doubt about A. D Kenworthy Co., Mr* Fern Huston. beat man in this race. The $17.00 brass It is not the purpose of Dr Stickney had a reputation that is the envy of list. White acted as Marshall whether producer* could be found to F. F. Ehrlich, New Method Laundry. . txrlstead was won in the cracker race I ! to arrest everyliody who does not im­ many other parts of Clackamas County. of the |>arade. The band furnished ex support it. But ail doubts were dis- Smith A Colgan, F. W Tuaeey, lamts I by Mrs. Tucker. There were fort.v-two It has numerous small ¡arms that are cellent music an-l everybody was happy polled Tues-lay morning when the new- liarage. L. E. Wiley, Henry Knapp. entries in this race and she ate the six mediately comply with the provisions kept in a tine state of cultivation and The Womiatock firemen completed market was opened for business with F. R. Ik-terson, lente Fuel Co., Wm. 1 crackers with time to spare. There of the ordinance. It is his intention to the hay and g'ain and potato fields are the home parade and joined the Mil's every stall filled. Business was good. Goggins, Montavilla Bakery. W. M. were twenty two features in the eports conduct a campaign of education among i the equal of any in the state, except, parade just on the move. Prizes were Customers came in streams, in bunches, Quinn, laivelt's Furniture Store, Emil the slaughter-house owners, and bring perhaps, they may not be quite so large. and all took good prizes. awarde«l In the |>aradt- to the Mi. Scott in couples and singly, afoot and in Otto, Duke Bros , Ients Electric works, About |200 were taken in. There was about a gradual compliance with the Nice bouses and barns are numerous. Drug Co., lor tiest decorated rig; to the carriages, Many of the producers were Frank Miley, J. Kana«, Katzky Bros., an abundanc« of funds to meet all the regulations. Several of the proprietors Several good schoolhouses dot tho Mnta Volunteers, for liest represents- I sold out by ten o'clock and all was done T. M. Walsh, Mt. Scott Bakery, N. N. expense and a neat sum to spare. This already have started to put their places landscape and one or two eburcbee are tion; to Julian's Fifteen Cent Store for by noon. Nygaard, Hodges A Williams, Scheuer- will be applied to the Volunteer Fire­ within the law. prominent features of the advance of moat comical entry ; to Chester's Rbop, One of the first thing, which he con­ the community. This new market should tie pertico- man Bros., Dr. Oggsbury, W. H. men fund. One of t e reasons for such second liest decorated rig. larly interesting to farmers and Boland, Nick Faler, H. V. Smith, Bert successful results was that the work on templates doing is to poet copies of the Just over a small bill to the north The attendance was all that cou.d he j gardiners in this part of the country. Wilberg, C. J. Holway, Miller A Mowrly the stands and grounds was donated. rules and regulations of the city gov­ "Happy Hollow" hides a little paradise. asked. A good many of those who' It is an East side institution and it is Lumlier Co. The lumber was loaned by the Morri­ erning such establishments in each It is one of the moet delightful little were on the street never went to the: handy to a large number of consumers. son Lumber Co., without charge. The slaughter-house which comes under the valleys in the state—just about three ground but there were probably i-VIO It ought to grow in importance and it dance platform will be kept and dances supervision of tiie city. These rules and miles and a half from Lents. The beet people on the ground. Home estimated would not be surprising to see it •ur­ will be held occasionally which will regulations are explicit and cannot be way to reach it is over Mt. Bcott, by it at AOOU ami one rash individual said pass anything else in the city. misunderstood swell the fund already started. way of the cemetery. It is worth see- he would swear there were lAjklO1 One of the requirements is abundance . ing. Then the trip over 'he bill is very people in the street. But the seating of pure water. No water which is con­ surprising to one who has never been Grange Meets Saturday arrangement« provided for alaiut 1A0U taminated will be allowed. Each I The Building Trades Council having over that wav. Along about sunset or and about half of them were standing, j Mnta Grange will meet Saturday and slaughter-house must also have cement a little later, the rivers near Portland reached an agreement with Mrs. R. M. The program went off smoothly. It the first and second degrees will tie put ' or tile th-ors and must be water-tight Yeager owner of the Yeager Theatte are all quite conspicuous, due to the war •' anything a little short, doe to the on. In the afternoon the usual hour ' and washed each day. No offal can be building which has lieen on the nnlair reflection from the water. The mount­ brevity of the leading atidress. Mr. will be devoted to the lecture program. washed into a stream, pond or well, but ains to the nortn and weet are very list since it was opened to the effect Wm. Anderson and wife were the Mrs. Nellie Katxay will give a piano I Lafferty was short and to the point in that all future buildings erected by her recipients of a pleasant surprise last must be disposed of in a sanitary nian- j distinctly outlined. St. Helene. Adams, his remarks. About five minutes were solo; the lente school orchestra will snd all repair work on this or any other Thursday evening when a large delega­ ner. The walla of the establishment and Rainier are all in view. The coast consumed in hie part ol the program render a selection ; Milton Katzky will building she owns or may own will lie tion of their friends from the Modern must be kept clean and if not painted range peeps up over the bills that sur­ and the regrets were general that he give a violin solo; Mrs. Dr. Kells a vocal done exclusively by union lalstr, and Woodmen, Royal Neighbors, and other must be lime-washed once every three round Portland in the rear. You seem did not continue hie talk for at least a solo; Esther Mitchell a piano solo; Mrs. also the new management agreeing that acquaintances came in and spent the months, Walls which are painted muât to be looking over into Clatsop County. halt hour. His address will be found Shoemaker will read a selection, Maliel la* repainted once each year. all unions represented in the theatrical evening. This is the last end of the trip and you It was their twenty-fifth Smith will recite, and the question, in full in another column. Rooms where animals are killed or industry will lie employed in this wedding anniversary and the event was will decide to go again in a short time The liand remlered some excellent "Homemaking a Practical Patriotism" theatre the Council at its last meeting in honor of that. Quite a number of wliere meat is handled must be screened ; if you go once. music. Mrs. Reynolds read briefly will be open for discussion. to keep out the dies, all tables, trucks, removed this house from the unfair presents were received. from the l*ecl«ration of Independence, trays, clothint for the workmen must list and wishes to thank the members Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Elsie Bright sang Star SJory Hour at Playground of organised lalsir and friends of Lente A. II. Nelson and family, Mrs. Nettie be kept clean and sanitary. No per­ Himngled Banner and America, the A story hour will lie given at li 0 for the support given them and recom­ I Loewer, Mrs. Mattie Williamson, Mr. son suffering from contagious or infec­ audience joining in the latter After l.ents playground hv the library next mend that thia theatre tie given its I and Mrs G. W. Bleything, Harcld tions diseases can be employed, ami the program a g->od many went home Tuesday at 3 p. m. when the carcass of an animal remains patronage in the future. ’ Bleything, 1 Kdna Bleything, Blanch in the slaughter-house for more than 24 to dinner while the remainder provided (Signed) | Allen, Francis Allen, Mr. an have la-gun at live That stand for a thousand tears. Mis. Alice Allen. lor a good portion of the audience. o'clock hut due to neglect of a Jcirtion A house though but a single cot Carts or other vehicles in which meat authorities. They are responsive to ap- About 3:30 a considerable part of the of tlm nitiaie c »tnmittee there wa* no Within its walls may hold is transported shall lie so constructed jieals and a good claim well presented fe, Mr. as to protect the meat from contamina­ might get results of which we are now crowd lead t>y the band, beaded piano in the had I’ took tw » hours to A home of priceless beaut), rich I M I ss tion from flies, dust or other extraneous doubtful. for the ball grounds ami they hud n ais-u-e s piano and th« profi's of the In love’s eternal gold. Wa Irrel matter, and ail such vehicles shall be very good time at that place. Besides dance faded a«av. Likewise h con- The men of earth build hoiist-s Mr. Irirh’s kept dean All carcass, s when trans- an interesting game. Following this si-lerahle portion of the comprnv. Then Halls ami chambers, r •■•(» and d> As usual, the Mnts Y. P. A. "pent a *« Mr.. Mile«, |sirted shall Is- covered with clean white most enjoyable Fourth. A jolly crowd came the greased pig stunt Hist brought again the committee's choice of music But the women <4 earili, God them 1 Tli-y had el ths, or other material impervious to of about forty young folks went out in a oil) a io’ ol tun. I lie e were plenty of pr -veil ba-l and tl oee who did dance The women build the home«. a very tine ■ Inst The room in which meat is cured large auto truck. They spent the day fell -w* readv to cai-tnre the prize but were **d v disappointed. The dance rr an