Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, July 02, 1914, Image 1

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Them In »>6111-1111
Only One-cent a Word
Subscription, $1.00 a Year.
Vol. 12.
No. 27
Acerace Tracts Near Lents Show Old Timers and Descendents of Old
Good Returns When Well Man­
Timers Join in Yearly Gathering.
aged. Specializing gets the Re­
KeUys Numerous and Clan Grow­
ing Rapidly.
Plans are Mat .ing For Big All Day Bit Parade at Lents Now Sure
Picnic at Tremont
Fine Grove
Country Weil Posted.
and Local Patriotism Will Draw
Good Prizes For all Contests.
Races all Forenoon.
flow to make a living la the qu»»ti>m
that concerns each and «vary one o( us.
Tbi» la to toll tbe »lory ot bow one
family baa solved tba problem on a
alng.a a era of ground naar Lanta.
Hii year* ago Mr. and Mra. Daniel
Ragal who keep Regal'» Cultage at
Janna atatlon east of lento wara ratting
up tor tba autntuar. They ranted a
little furniahed bouse on tba billside
naar tbalr present home for which they
paid eight dollars a month. That little
houae has tinea been torn away.
Mr. and Mra. Regal had been on the
•tag» in a music-d comedy act. For
thirty yeara Daniel Regal had aung and
dauced behind tba footlights.
lie had
traveled the vaudeville routes ail over
tba United Htotae.
Twenty five yeara
agohewoiked for John Cordray hare
in Portland when that manager waa
running a abow in a little tont.
man can do the marry atunto on tba
ataga for thirty yeara witbout himself
beginning to feel a touch of melancholy.
Even though be a tar ted aa a boy thirty
yeara pula a man on the ahady aide ot
D. Regal, aa bo signs himself,
knew oven though Mra. Regal should
always remain young, age tome day
would mark him tor bar own.
How to spend the declining <laya of
tbalr livea waa the question that con­
fronted the actor». They knew they
could not alwaya keep up the terrific
pace that the vaudeville stags calle for.
And thua it waa they reflected upon
the future aa they apont their summer
vacation and rested up in that little
hillaido houae. Winter again found
the Regala traveling the vaudeville cir­
cuit. They visited Seattle and the
northwest and once more went wia«
round» of cheerless hotels. Spring »aw
them lack in Portland where they met
on the street Mr. M. Kronenlterg, who
also liver out near Jenne.
greeting» were exchnnged and Mr.
Kronenberg wanted to know what
brought the playera back to Portland.
Mr. Regal informed him bluntly that
he came back to buy that acre of land
that lie» between the creek ami Jenne
station. Kronenberg smiled an I ahook
hia head. The fact waa that Regal had
tried to drive a bargain for that acre
the summer before, but Kronenberg
waa not to be tempted. To cut off that
acre of bottom land would spoil hia
forty. Thia waa in the daya before the
division of large tract» waa considered
advieable. Then Regal added aa an in­
ducement that he would give Kronen­
berg the job of building the honee on
that acre. The bargain waa a truck.
The price waa four hundred dollara.
One hundred dollara waa paid down
and notea given for the feat.
Under Regal’s watchful eyee the
cottage aprang Into existence.
It coat
juat four hundred dollara.
In these
three room» Mr. Regal and hia wife
have made their home for five yeara
and the Regal Ootttage haa become well
celebrated among all joy riders for ita
chicken dinner». It la aeen from theee
figures that the actora were not
possessed of any too much capital for
their new venture.
An actor uaually
aaila cloae to the wind and apenda hia
money aa ha goes.
Mra. Regal han
even found it expedient to play a re­
turn engagement eince the cottage ex­
periment waa launched. Her laet pub­
lic appearance waa when ahe rang in
the Arcadian garden at the opening of
the Hotel Multnomah. The aignlflcant
thing in all thia ia that with the whole
world tmfore them Mr. and Mr». Regal
chore Oregon and this particular epot
in Oregon for their future abode. They
had vlaited every part of the United
State». They knew what Florida was
in the winter and they had felt the lure
and charm of Southern California. Mr.
Regal waa lorn in Buffalo, New York,
and Mr». Ri-g»l in Bandnaky, Ohio, and
■» Whittier eave tlioee liilla are deare»t
which our childhood’» feet have trod
the earlieat. But th- »e people did not
go back to the old home» when they re­
tired from the »tage. They settled jrere
in Oregon.
The vacation thev had had in that
little eight d-liar bouse was »till fresh
in their memory. They had seen the
cow* “palled" from the grren paetnre*
and thev had eaten the freshly laid
egg* from the het.». They had gathered
wild herrirs (r m the wood» »nd liven
supplied with freah v •friable» from tl a
farmers’ garden». And juat seroses the
creek from the little b<>n»e where it
purled up cool and ile»r w»» >n »«•■ -
(continued on page 4)
The annual meeting of the Kelley
Clan wm held last Saturday at the
Kelley homestead on th» Section Line
road, near Kelley*» Butte. The "clan”
haa been organiz'd »bout »lateen veara
ami Include» the descendents and rela­
tione by marriage of nearly a hundred
member». At the Saturday meeting
there were flfi adult» and 15 trabi»» pres-
ent. Tin» numerous menilierahip are
descendants of Clinton Kelley, Albert
Kelley, Gilmore Kelley ami Thom»» |
Kelley. The present '‘Chief'’ of the
clan is Penumbra Kelley, oldest living
»on of Clinton Kelley.
The Kelley homeatoad waa settle»!
over fifty yeara ago by Plympton
Kelley. Dinner waa eerved Saturday
under trrea planted by tbia pioneer.
Miss Nellie Fawcrtt of Woodmere
waa clan biatorian and bar chronicle»
disclosed the event» of the year in the
Kelley family. The record abow» three
death» in the elan within the year,
•even birth», one marriage and a gradu­
ate of the state University thia June.
Fitting memorial» were presented In
memory of thoee departed.
Rev. Par­
sons of the Clinton Kelley Memorial
Church, located on Powell atreet, gave
an addre»». Jae. G. Kelley made a
abort talk.
Memoriala were ordered
aent to relative» of deceased tnemlier».
The afternoon we» »pent in social re- ;
caption, ainging, and otheramoaemento. |
They adjourned to meet again next,
July 4th will be the biggest day in tbe
The final touches are being given tbe
history of Trsmont. A big committee Fourth of July preparations. A generous
of local citizen» have been planning a assistance ha« been offered in tbe way
rousing picnic for that place for several of financial »upport, and a general at-
weeks and they have secured the Fire­ I titude to a»si»t in preparations hM been
man's band and there will be "Music •hown. All persons intereeteu in tbe
all the Day.” No one will be given a tut cess of the celebration will be in­
chance to have a quiet thought all day. vited to meet at tbe park Thuisday
There will be sack races, fat men’s evening and begin tbe platform and
races, lean men’s races, a boys’ race, »eating arrangement. Plans will pro-
girls’ race, egg race, and nail driving j vide for seating 2500 people and tbe
contest. To cap it all a live pig will he natural slope ot the ground will make
turned loose snd tbe catcher will get it it convenient for others to hear tbe pro­
i to keep. All tbe Tremont and Arleta gram by standing in tbe rear.
boys and several of tbe "old” boys, too,
Tbe early morning »ports will be held
•re planning to csptare that pig. Then on Main street. C. J. Holway, assisted
later in tbe afternoon there will be a by A. D. Kenworthy and others will
public wedding, if some one gets up manage the sports. Tbe streets will be
Photo cjprright. 1S14. by Panama-Pacific International Exposition Co.
nerve enough to ask “her.” Of course roped off and tbe races will be run with
H. 8. Crocker Co., official photographer»___________________ _____
that ia a littledonbtfu.1. but big induce­ some show of satisfaction.
ment» will be made to secure thia at­
Tbe parade will form on Booth Main
traction. There will be appropriate street at 11 ^0 and will move north to
prizes for winners in all games and Hol wav’» »tore, and retrace to the park
best of all dinner in one of the fines t gate. Tbe following firme have already
HE "American Pioneer" la aa equeetrtaa statua which ia to stand
natural parka in tbe city. An able consented to take a place in tbe parade:
at tba »<itrance to tbs Court of Palma at the Panama-Pacific
committee hM tbe celebration in hand Roee City Van A Storage Co., 3w<toka
international Exposition at Ban Francisco in 1915. Tba sculptor
and they are out to make it a good Dairy, McKinley 4 Bundy, C. J. HeL
la Rolon H. Borglum. whose studies of western figures »nd wild
way, Copeland Lumber Co , Mt. Scott
animai» of tba Rockies have attracted attention throughout the world.
Drag Co., Mt. Scott Bakery, Portland
Broom Factory, Smith A Colgan, Eggi-
man Bros., Duke Broe., Chester’» Shop,
Modern Shoe Repair Co., Multnomah
State Bank, Dr. MeSloy, Mt. Scott
Cemetery, Bohna, Volunteer Firemen,
The famous Electric Parade of the Local Orders and Band, about 5000
About a half dozen Mt. Scott
Two hundred boys are to be provided Rose Festival of Portland is to be re­ citizens, visitors, and others.
Arriving at the park, the p>ugr»u>
Grocer» attended the Grocers Con­ a two week’s outing at a minemun cost
produced under the auspices of tile will begin at once. It will coneist of a
vention at LaQrande laat week. All by officers of the Recreation League. Portland Ad Club on the night of July
selection by tbe band, reading uf the
The League work will be extended
returned safely but it is reported that
4th. in the City of Portland. So many Declaration of Independence. Singing,
through eight weeks, beginning July
some of them had a very narrow escape. 6th. About 20 boys will be taken the people did not see the parade during Address by Hon. A. W. Lafferty, a
Social allurmenta were pretty strong first two week», and the number in­ the Rose Festival that this led to a quartette selection, and bend overture.
and one gentleman was in doubt for a creased later. An ideal spot has been general expression to have it reproduced. It will begin about 12 ;3J and last till
The Portland Ad Club took tlie matter 1:30.
Tire Young People’» Alliance, of Lenta j while whether to stay or bring a part found near the Columbia about five
of the £ as tern Oregon telephone system miles below Stevenson, Wash., on an up and hM succeeded in making the
After dinner the park managers will
Evangelical church, have reelected their
along with him. But through the kind arm of the river, and near two beauti­ j arrangements for staging this wonderful have some “stunt»” from tbe children
prvsrnt officer» for lire ensuing year. offices of hia neighbors who fraternally
and marvelous exhibition. The entire and young people to occupy the time
ful lakes. The boys will be given a
Ixtwell Bradford, who ia serving hie reminded him of attractions at home, fine outing, taken on numerous trips twenty-one floats will be reproduced. from 2 to 2:30.
About 2:30 tbe ball
third term as preaident. is making he waa lead to forget it, and they got into the woods and up the mountains, Queen Thelma and her maids, the park will be opened and a big gtme is
thousand red men and bands galore will to be called. After tbe ball game there
arrangement« for the Fourth of July him aboard and by their cheering in­ and will be taught to swim. Allen
all be part and parcel of tlie affair. A will be a fireman’s display. • Some­
Bradford is the Lents representativa of
excuraion to lie given by the Alliance
general invitation hae been extended to body’s house will be threatened. Lives
for ita W member» and friend». The well event After passing the summit the League and he will furnish further
' every one not only in Portland but in will be in danger, brave firemen will
young jreople will leave here in an
outlying districts to come to Portland rush to the rescue and all will be saved.
automobile truck and a numlier of appears entirely reconciled. For all
and witness this thrilling affair.
Sheriff Word will send a regular
touring car» for an al! day trip up tlie
officer to protect tbe safety of all per­
Sandy kiver. A picnic lunch will be
a very enjoyable time. They would do CAL CHURCH MUCH APPRECIATED
sons in tbe evening, at tbe ball at tbe
it again if they had a chance.
Junction rink. This will be open after
Last Sunday the services at the Evan­
i 5 o’clock and anti* 11:46.
Le Fever-Pniden Wedding
A program will be found elsewhere ia
Pioneer Resident Passes
gelical church were well attended both
A pretty wedding laat night waa cele­
this issue.
The futmral of Wilhelm Larson, morning and evening.
Nor was the
brated in the home of Dr. and Mr». W. pioneer rdkdent of the county was
Tbs Woodmere school closed lMt
appreciative and attentive audience
B. I’ruden when their daughter, Bert, held at Evening Star Grange hall laat
Tuesday with a fine exhibit from the
became the bride of Orland Le Fever. Sunday afternoon hia death having disappointed. The Pastor’s subject in various departments. In the manual
the morning was ‘‘The Christian.” The training department fourteen prises
Only relatives and a few intimate friende occurred on the 26th.
witneeaed the ceremony, which waa
Wilhelm Larson was born in Gotebcrg, object of nature tues wm the grape vine, were awarded to those excelling in tbe
preformed by Rev. Levi Jobneon. Miaa Sweden, April 20, 1839. He waa
irom which the lessons of and for the , various articles made in that depart­
Florence Klitxke sang before the cere­ married to Mathilda Anderson on Feb.,
ment. In the Domestic Science de­
Last Sunday's game at Ferte’u Ball
Christian were very ably drawn.
mony and also played the wedding 1, 1966, with whom he lived happily
partment five prises were awarded for
waa one of the nicest in the Park's
After a lively song service in the : tbe best cake, bread, pudding and
music from "Lohengrin.” At fi o’clock for nearly half a century, and until her
The American Laundry bays
the bridal party descended the staircase decease only a few months ago. About evening, for the basis of hi» sermon the candy exhibited by ths pupils of that
and took their placea at an improviaed five years after this marriage they Pastor used the subject ’*1» The Young department.
met the Giants and fell before their
altar arranged in the end of the living­ came to the United States, leaving old
Tbe horns garden« »hared in ths prise «kill. But the washers are a clean k>L
Man Safe?” As the subject indicate»
room, banked with roeea and Shasta friends and the acenes of their child­
' list. Twenty-one prises were given to Not a dirty thing said during the whole
daises. The bride, who waa met at the hood to make their home in thia distant this waa a young peoples service. I those who bad raised the best beets,
foot ot the ataira by her father, who land amidst people and customs strange Absalom wm the prominent character, cabbage, lettace, onions, peas, turnips, game. But Mat Boland was pitcher
gave her in marriage, war lovely in her to them. They moved to their late who was shown to have many beautiful radish and carrots. Ths pupils also for the Giants and Bill Boland and
wedding gown of ivory toned imported home on the Section Line Road in 1876 characteristics but lacked the one of placed on exhibit their pete, and the Freeman caught his pills, liat struck
silk crepe, with tunic of bandeome where they lived continuously there­ importance, a good heart. With forcfnll boy« basement wm used for this oui seven of the Laundrymen. Martin
Chantilly lace and tulle. Her veil waa after til! called to their Anal rest.
illustrations, convincing argument and exhibit. Al) the pets were nicely placed and Hoss pitched tor the washers but
wreatlied with orange blonsonis and »he
To thia union ten children were born, earnest appeal the »peaker plainly showed I and first and second prizes were award- they went to defeat without a murmur,
carried a »bower of bride» roses and lit- three of whom, Anna. Hilda and that the foundation of all true success i» ’ ed to the one: who scored the highest
winning the respect of ?very person
lies of the valley. Her only attendant Mathilda, departed their lives several a good heart; and that no calamity or ' pointe. Thirty prises were awarded
present. But their aquatic habit seem
wax little Mias Helen Inakee, daughter years ago. Those surviving are Gustaf, wreck of nature is to be compared to a for this exhibit.
to have handicapped them when faced
of Captain Inakee, who preceded the of McMinnville, John R., Henry W. lost soul. The responsibility of parents, ' The sewing department bad a fine
by a line-up of bunch grass bipeds.
bride and carried the ring in a banket of Chaa. E. of Bull Run, and Mrs. George church workers and Bunday School exhibit. This department carried off a
aweet pea» and roeea
Her frock wan of Pickard, Theodore and Emma M. Lar­ workers wm made very plain in that the number of fine prises. Twenty-eight
dainty white lace with butterfly »ash of son, of Portland. Six Grand-childrer. yonng should he cared fur and protect«! prizes were awarded for excellence in
pink »atin ribbon.
Roses and sweet alao blessed them and happified their before testing times come.
And last, the various articles made this year.
pea» were need in the decorative scheme declining yeara. Bro. Larson waa well the present day evils, abounding on
Tbe composition work of the 8ixth,
through the room and the table in the and favorably known by a very large every hand, causes each one with a con­ Seventh, Eight and Ninth grades had a
dining-room, where a buffet »upper was circle of frienda. Hi» chief character­ science to ask, "Is The Young Man fine exhibit and book prises were given
The Municipal band will give a con­
nerved, wan centered with a banket of istics, industry, honesty, contentment, Safe?”
to the ones making the highest average
cert in tbe Lente playgrounds, Follow-
Caroline Teutont roses with pink tulle love of home and family, a quiet even
Come and hear Rev. Hornschnch and of their class.
streamers. M rs. Le Fever is ¡»optilar! demeanor, a disposition to appreciate you will not he disappointed.
Over 120 prizes were given in the ing •» the program :
March —- National Spirit
among her large circle of friends anti ■ and enjoy the companionship of dear
various departments and the sports al-
was tnucli entertained before the wed- I ones at home, and to mourn over their
‘‘llow does it happen” said the
<« Maritana,’’ Wal-
ding. Mr. Le Fever ia an electrical en-1
taking away, far deeper and more teacher to the new pupil, ‘‘that yonr
Characteristic — "Cocoannt
gineer. He is a graduate of Iowa Stale ! keenly, than he could ever express.
name is Allen and yonr mother’s name er to the upper grades.
Dance,” Hermsn ; Selection from “The
University of the class of IWkl, and »inw I Mr. Larson united with the Lutherin
is Brown?”
that time lias Ireen associated with the I
Spring Maid,” Rheinbart; Intermission.
Church in Sweeden quiet early in life
"Well,” explained the small hoy, their garden in the class they were
.Vfrdiev of pipnlar Songs, "Bite of
Northwest Electrical Company. Aft< r and waa everafter an earnest Christian.
alter a moment's thought, “you see, entered
August 15 Mr. and Mr*. Le Fever will i Mr.
The prixe winners in the home pro­ Remickx Hit»." Lampe, (a) Reverie—
and Mra. Larson joinod the she married again and 1 didn’t.” — Ex­
"Tranmerie,” Schumamn ; (b) Minuet
be at home to their friend» at 4527 ( Evening Star Grange more than 25
ducts show were:
Seventy-third street Southeast.
years ago, and were always the moat
loyal and devoted members.
Bro. probably was more beloved than two hens; Albert Decrevel, second best from “The Firefly,'1 Frirnl; Character­
The friends ami relations of Mr. j Larson served as Gate Keeper for " Daddy" Larson as he was familiarly rooster an I two hen«; Sp'wmerchildren, istic— "The Mill in the Forest, "Eilen-
Nellie Woodworth, gave her a happy many yeara, and was custodian of the called,—a smile, —a kind word,— a best goose; Lettie Gibson, Silky Ban­ herg; Two-etep—'This ia the Life,”
birthday surprise Saturday evening. June ! Hall and property as long aa hia health cordial hand-shake, was always hi». tams; Julia Hecker, China pig; Mar- Berlin; Doxologv — "Star
Chas. L. Brown, Director.
27th. A large attendance showed due: and duties would permit, such long Rarely a meeting, after he jomed, that gurite Blair, cat, first,; Bertha Taylor, Banner.
appreciation of a Hindi eatoemed lady
in the community. The evening wa»
spent In music. gam«'», and all ri>j yed
the refreshment* which was no ¿mall
portion of the programe.
i service coming purely from his deep
interest in the order - th j good he was
: doing and the friendships he thus
! formed were to his ample compensation
for this service. No other member
he was not present, until his last illness,
some two months ago. The family has
the warmest sympathy of grange
friends and neighbors ia extended to
the family.
ca‘, second; Cunningham girls, dog,
first; (.»»car Hssenbmte, dog, second;
Helen Jarrett, five chicks; Phyllis
Taylor, rooster, first; Lant Woodyard,
(continued on page 5
‘‘I thought he was married?”
"So he is.”
"But I heard him say he wm hi» own