Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, June 25, 1914, Image 1

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    WANT •‘ADS'*
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Subscription, $1.00 a Year.
Utt. ^rntt Heralò
Mt. Scott Schools Close With Un­
usual Exhibits, Programs, and
Educational Features.
LUe Holds Attention.
The Direct Legislation Demands On
24 Amendments to the Constitu­
tion and 13 to the Statutes.
Under tire sub he» I, ''Abuse of
With ths clewing of the school year
Direct Legislation system,” a repre­
this spring the schools all over tbs city
sentative of the State Bureau of Indus­
have shown a newly developed interest
tries and Statistics gives us a list of
never before manlfeeted.
Instead of
bills so far proposed and suggeata there
the customary "graduation ' exercises
will be others. The inference m that
the term work of the children was
accentuated. Book work has lost none
I tire ‘dear people" are again about to be
of Its value but other work Las games!
worked to insensibility while developing
prominence that a lew years ago was
an intelligent nndervtanding of these
thought Impossible, ami indeed waa
tilings before acting on them, in the
impossible under the conditions then
I six montlis that preredes election. Why
existing. But gradually a change has
come about l'areula and pupils, ami
not show a relative sense of appreciation
taai-herv. too, have come to realize that
for the IM) legislators who in six weeks
education does not oonaisi only in so
must pass judgement on a 1000 or more
tn rich hook training, or that an inter*
of equally obscure propoMtions. Judging
set in industrial life la also an essential
from the public nature nt “that Burean
part of school work. Hence sll these
schools have Iweii encouraging an In
of Industries,” it would be supposed
tereat in the things of the home. The
they would retrain from meddling with
domestic animals, fruit, gardens and re­
legislative criticism.
lated matters have been objects of
The list of measures to tie ronmdered
study. Hence the closing exercises of
given below, This is a little early
the schools have been different from
tlioee usually held,
but it is not too early to rive thnn
lente schools held a "home products”
fair and awards were marie to a large
To grant to “every person ' a >151)0
number of entrants. The display room
exemption on aseesaed valuation Houae-
was filled with all sorts of garden pro­
hold goods are already exempt.
ducts snd the quality was surpiamgly
Two tax amendments to allow taxation
fine. Home of the vegetables raised in
of incomes, “proportional, gra luated or
tbs school gardens were shown and all
progressive taxation" whatever that may
left over vegetable« were sold to any
one who wanted such article«. The
A sur-tax amendment of 50 eta., per
prise winner. In the exhibit were as
»100 on all above $25,000 and graduated
to $3 per $100 on all above $100,000
Ralph Warmsely won the Mount
A tax on al) land not public pnqe-rty.
Kcott W. C. T. U. prize for best basket
This would tax churches, college.
ol vegetable« and Nora Dorwy wae
owned by the state, and is in line with
second. Cyril Fleming won first prise
single tax ideas.
offered by Principal A. F. Hershner for
■’*'> create the office of 1-H-utenant
lies I general vegetable exhibit. Charlee
Governor to be president of the Senate
Kearns second and George Warnisley
and get $10 a day when legislature sits.
third. Room 18, Mies Luiu George
To abolish tie senate. By the Htate
teacher, won prize tor class room. Ruth
Grange, State Federation of Labor, and
Reynolds, who won first prize for the
Th«* East Shle Bugine*» Men'» Club
The new 8 inch water main from
The following are names of those wbo
Peoples Power league, authors of nearly
l>eet cake last April, won first prize for ¡ have* begun the promotion of a local I Lents school >outl. to Mt. Scott Avenue J went to Tiilauiook to the G. A. R en­
Entire Mt. Scott District Will be all the freak legislation in Oregon.
the liesl lie»l of lettuce. Herbert Wise
market to lie held on «*a*t >iith between ia now tiring laid. This will tie a great campment from L»nts: Mrs Maffet,
To abolish the .leath penalty as a
Welcomed at Lents July 4th.
took the second prize.
Alder and Washington
Committee«* addition to the town comfort. It will Mrs. Franklin. Mr. and M s. Hunting­
punishment for capital crimes.
Sports Will Engage the Crowd all
The remainder of awards were : Best have la*en appointed to tak«* th«* matter
To prohibit manufacture or sale of
provide an ample supply of goo I water. ton, Mr. and Mrs. R issell, and Mr.
jeitatiHW. Oliver Botina, second, Richard
Morning alter 9:30.
up with the ConiiniMrtiotwrw ami to solicit
intoxicating liquors except for medical
MrGaw, twat loose leaf lettuce, Ade­ the patronage of th»* farmers. Several Hydrants are being installed on Pearl Walrod. All left Lents on Monday
purposes, or for scientific, sacramental
laide Auda, second, James Ixini; best farmer* have already a**ente«l to trying Street arid at he car line, and one or j morning, June 1 >, and bad a very pleas
Arrangements are rapidly taking form or mechanical purpose.
carrots, Willlard Dolton; lies! 24 pea the East Side market They will get
twu pop ta eolith of the track.
To increase salary of members of the
i ant time. Tillamook is a nice city. for the coming celebration. By ten
pods, Theodore Hauser; l>eat vine just a* good prir«*N a* they can on th«*
o'clock there will be lively racing of legislature to $5. per day and milage to
peas. Clara Koshey; brat vase sweet Weal Hide ami will probably have l,*w
various aorta. So far plans are complete 10 cents.
peas, Beatrice Hchuernian; second, competition. The new localion i* a very eleodelighted with the purposed laving ' the railroad runs nearly 12 miles ou the
To authorize state bonds for con­
: for a 100 yard men's race, a 50 yards
Kat erine Goodman ; lies! general dis­ handy on«*. It ia only a block off Grand of a 12-inch main along that street mean shore, pa-sing Manhattan Beach.
girls race, a sack race, a fat men's race, struction of irrigation and water power
play sweet (was, Helen Jone«; second Avenue, and <•!«»•<• to all th»* rar* that Thia mam connects with the 3l>-inch Rockawav Beach, Garibaldi and Bay
a three legged race, and a wheel borrow projects by the state to amount of 2 per­
Gordon McNeil; beet three heads cab­ paw on that street, at the name time main on 72nd. Street. Thu» the whole
City. Tillamook has tine churches. 'ace. Suitable prize* will be provided cent of state valuation.
ling«, Kyril Firming, erennd, James then* will la* no can* to interfere with South-eastern Mt Scott section will be
To prohibit paid circulation of
for each race and it ia probable that
Laird; lieet onions, Veronica 8hoe- the market.
pierced by a gool aeries of mains that The Christian Church cost twenty
other features will be added. Tobin iniative and referendum petitions.
■nacher; second Robert Jewell; best
It will not lie open to tin* objection* of will afford ample water supply for home thousand dol are. A three story hotel will show them how he has improved
For non-partisan judiciary on petition
long radieliM, Arnold Bernhardt; sec­ Hie Went Si<ie market for other use and for tire p'election in the most and bank building costing $75,000. The
in throwing, “Snicks” Geisler is trying [ of one penent of the voters,
ond, George Gilmau ; liest six turnip«, reaaona. Then* in lew* traffic on it and thickly settled sections.
town has over three miles of hard sur- to get up a skinnv men's race, and
Proportional representation by Grange,
Olivrr Reynolds; second, Virginia so it will n«»t inconvenience the public
faced streets, a fine sewer system, and Btanz and Oggebug will show us how to Peoples Power League and Federation
Endrizzl; Iwst six beets, Gertruds as the Weal Hide Market doe«, and the
many miles of cement walk. Also the throw bait to suckers, both being fish­ of Labor.
Kaskey, second, Clara Clark.
public will not interfere with lla* market
To authorize the Governor to remove
The judges ol the school garden con­ to much The date of open*ng ia vet
I Kidfellows hall costing $30,0U0, and the
The committee on grounds has already from office county officials wbo tail to
test swarded Ianta school gardens for July seventh. All producer» con­
Masonic hall costing $25,000 and a provided a considerable number of seats co-operate with him in enforcement ol
second place In gardens of it size and templating attendance at thia market
$30,000 high school.
and further seatine will provide for laws, and appoint others in their place.
class. Considering that this is the first should notify L M. Lep|n*r, Secretary
To revoke franchisee of Portland Gas
“You will find my Rudder in th«
Tillamook is a great dairying county about 2000 people and there will be
time that the«« schools took part in the of the Eaat Side Buaineae Men*a Club,
rirver,” wrote 10 year old Jimmie The county of Tillamook al ne pro standing room for at least 8000 more. A Coko Co., by Portland Central Labor
garden contesta the pupils and teachers at» the aaeurance of market patrune will
Erickson of 183 Morrison street last ducee $0-41,000 worth of cheese. There
The parade will form south of the car Council.
feel highly complimented.
give the Club encouragement in it» Saturday.
To take over channels of rivera and
He did iro to the river are two new industries which promise track about 11 o'clock and be ready to
On Tuesday
afternoon parents, efforts to start the Market
swimnVing, but concluded the water much for Tillamook City. These are move to the gronnds by 11:30. If ar- authorize leasing same to cities, and con­
teachers and pupila asee in bled at the
wai too cold for a grave so he started the brick yard and mi'k anil sugar fac­ rangements carry out there will be struction of public docks
playgrounds and after a big dinner vegetable show were as follows:
For eight hour day and ventilation of
eart war . lie got ar far ar Bel rose on torise. Taking everything into con­ parade enough to reach from Johnson
Heavy draught animals, Vie Grihold ;
there Wrre a number of games played,
the Et*ta<*ada line, living on berries ami sideration Tillamook makes a good creek to Kelly's Butte, or lees, and rooms for women workers.
a couple of hours of pure social enjoy­ pony, William MiCartei , st. Bernard
Stringent Sunday law against ail
free lun< h*r. He was found by deputv
other entries will lie welcome, Better
ment and fun that might have twen I ‘1<<. William Herrmann; Hhadml uiiver •heriff («alee and proved bit identity by record.
places of amusement for gain, by Wash­
The followi'g officers wsre elected: see Frank Rayburn about getting into
prolonged had not the rain s t in. That Angora <*at, Amelia H>rrmann; white •nelling “boddee and rivver** for bio
ington County Christian Endeavor
Department Commander, H S. Fargo, the He is working over honrs
cut things short. Refreshments had rabbit, Frftncie MqG« or *e; white 1» g captor. He war returned to the juve­
been sold ami the entertainment netted | horn hen, Airli»* Sr»x*h; Jereee rail, Al* nile court and assigned by them to the Portland; Senior Vice Commander,
Universal eight hour day in factory or
Frank Severance, Tillamook; Junior that may want to come io. There will
quite a little sum toward procuring a (red Wortmar»; fan tails, Mary W»$rt
detention home.
be some prizes for beet outfits.
phonograph for |>ark and school use man; guinea pigs, .Mil»lre«l llM««el;
Special tax for employment oí un-
The Band will arrive about 11 o’clock
Forest Gr-ve; Medical Director, Dr J
The Arlela schools had their closing Hock of chick«, Alfre • Biirlinghwm;
employed latxirers
I E. Hall, Portland; Chaplain, A. H
exercises the last of the week as White Leghorn emk, Leon f>'»ll»»«k, GRESHAM WOMAN INSRTUCT0R
Change election law retjuiring only
the air. lxfferty »ill be on hand at
Besides the exhibit of pair of chick«, Th**lma Jenrew ; Barre«!
IN UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA I Nichols, Portland; Council of Adminis­ the same time and when he is not speak- fifteen days resilience in precinct.
tration, W W. Morse, Portland; G. A
school garden products and the sale of Plymouth llockt», Alice Werlhof; her-
Registration certificate to vote any­
I H Harding, Oregon City; G. S. Baker, I ing the band will be eutertaining the
a Io' of their vegetables, they had a pet tarn hen and chick«, Herbert Burling
crowd. Shortly after one o’clock the where in the state.
Miss Mande Clevelaud, daughter of Astoria; B. Pike, N wberg;
stock show that attracted alnut as ham; Buff cochin **«»ck, Clyde Qtain;
para officials will have some athletic
1 Mr aml Mrs. Charles Cleveland, now Cooper, McMinnville.
much interest as the regular program. mother and chick«, William Morton;
sports from the children and following j
| on a vielt tu her parents at Grcaha ,
Kansas Society Will Meet
About forty dogs ot all sizes, Ineeds and l»antam flock, l ertiae Wideoer; Rhode
that one of the te-st ball games of the j The regular monthly meeting of the
Iras (e en app »int.-d director of fivgien*
conditions were shown and passed upon Island Red cock, Airlie Srwh; Rhode
season will tie pulled off at the txall
and phv-ical edin-ation of girls brr the
by the judges, There were chickens, Inland Re»l cockerel, Anna Springer l ntversity of California, and will leave Paciflc Exposition will be an extensive park and all those who like ball will at­ , Oregon Kansas Society will be held on
Saturday evening of this wee« at Man-
Children of all ages were selling the
rabbits, kittens and doves and guinea
tend that. A'ong about 4:30 there will j cheater hall. Fifth and Oak Rtreet,
(Or Berkeley, Cal., July 1, w bere ehe
pigs, pet birds, end even son e larger pr»Mluce they had rained in the school will have clrar^e of tl at de,rattment approximately 910,000. An acre 60x350 lie a tire somewhere in town and the
| Portland. Several matters of interest
garden, lettuce, t «r ip«. I eetn, ra<l-
j She will have für assitants. Mi s feet between the Oregon building and Volunteer firemen will I* given a | to the members will be taken up.
Friday afternoon and evening waa ishea, loganberrie«, currants, p peorn
chance to show some quick work put-!
( Cleveland has ta er, ein lying Ibis ruh
taken up with an outdoor program balls, home ma le « ake« and lemonade i iect in the East, having the Oregon Commission and contracts have ting out a fire. After that the trail at i I here will tie a short program and a
: social. Kansans generally are invited
which was very unusual for school pro­ were offered in abundance. Littie Mi««
Principal eol'eire- nil rnwluc itmnal ii - been let for the initial work. This the ska'ing rink will begin and there to attend.
It consisted of drills emi Vie Grih«»ld earn»*«! $2 80 during the«lav.
wi'l Ire live lorudird couples attend that.
| stitutuina of the l'nite I Sr ,t. «
songs and recitations and moving pic- I Ninth gr.d<* «lipbuna« w»*r«- «wanled
nothing of the sort being attempted by It will t>“ the biggest trail ever pulled
One of the prominent features of the
tores. lie cream was ae-vel by tbe to tt»«*y«4* pupil* last T ih ' m I h ) iin»niiiig:
any other state. One of the most off in Mt b.s>tt ami it will Ire worth the
Prohibition Issue to be Debated
Salem Cherry Fair, to be held June 25-
children to c stumers, a charge was
Petra Korn»**, Ev»ljn Em* r**«»n. liar
interest ng features will be a miniature money just to see the grand march.
It. I- Bregle srul Lawrence B grmsn reproduction of 2IK> miles of the Colum­
parade the
made at the ' gute'’ and a neat little old Shillwrt, G ive I*• w« II. Esther E
A complete program will be ready try 26-27, will be an electrical
last night of the show, There will
sum waa realli zed to meet ex|renaea of (’«-nipt<» ii , Grin*»' I Hilt, \ rr •! Palmer will dehste the question of Methods <4 bia River, showing fisheries. night next we- k
probably be ten floats in line, all
< Hga M U’* Dant, Tl.elma A i»»*rla<*h. rednvlug the liquor roneumptiou at the signals, rapids and waterfalls. This
the year.
g rgeously decorated and illuminated.
An Arlela Isiy, Eugene Ipsen, won \li<*»* M Ihdlh |<|, Parker Watki >«, Mil F>iernl'n Churrli, June :ki, at 8 p. m. realistic bit of scenery will extend ap­
The Secretary of the interior has Another interesting feature will be a
the first prize, $10, for the ls-st composi­ • lr*«l Z* lirung, Myrt'e Anna I’ «.'ll. I'he | u 'lie is ill' IteiL
proximately 80 feet. In addition, it is
designated a tract of 284.000 acres of street dance led by King Bing ami
tion on the life habits, dangerous in­ Git ih «I h H’ lv»*r>*on. Erauci* I •
announced that a reservation of 7.000
land in Oregon for en ry under the Queen Ann and which will be partici­
fluences, and method* of destraction of Gill' I. \f"«»r»*. R m * e| S’ i HI i *-»
for square fe-et has been m 'de for Oregon enlarged
____ _
homestead law.
Most of
k I . d
io in the palaces of horticulture, agri­ these lands lie in the Deschutes and pated in by the Cherriana am) the
the flv.
»•rick Ot»<> Hchw« itM«*r, Herein «• ll.p-
l Royal Rosarians of Portland.
The list of winners in the stock and < tothoinlt.
John Day river basins.
culture and food products.