« Arthut .Morrill waa recently married and has settled in a home in Liberty Heigh ty. LOCAL AND PERSONAL AH church, soclsly, personal and local new • Geo. Wrieley visited home folks on nor published fox proti, tree, notice« of en- Friday of last week, returning to Duiur* ■«naiamenu conducted tor proti, published in the well «tate minimua. ot to word«. Announce- »here he is engaged meats and card ot thank«. «ame rale Adver- drilling, on Sunday. tlitng rules quoted on request. B. 0. Dewey ol the Free Methodist A. A. Hall, formerly of Lents is re­ Church, will begin services in the ported on the sick list. tabernacle at Foster Road and second Mieees .Mamie and Helen Hoes were Avenue Saturday evening. calling on friend« at Firland Sunday. Leota will be given better water Dr. Hees and family epent Saturday service soon. The new eight inch main and Sunday with friends at Carlton will connect up with the inch main Oregon. on 72nd. Street and we will all lie able to wash our faces twice a day then. Mrs. Garnet left Sundav for a vint with her daagbter in Honolulu, who Min Mildred Allen was greatly sur- has been ill for some time. pnaed Monday evening, wlien a number of her friends met at the home of Mr Mr>. John Hall, now living at Car- and Mrs. Clarance Clark and lurprised eon Spring« Wash, visited friend, in her with a aliower. She received many lents the .as! of the week lieauUful gifts This is more than some of the young folks could stand and in I. F. Coffman is performing a public consequence they haw announced their service this month in the capacity as inteutions of getting married right away. juryman. He reports the jury business decidedly in need of reformation. E. L Rayburn waa called during the past week, to the funeral of hie sister, ( Miss Gertrude Unroe of Girard, Mrs. Ella J. Chamneee ol Portland, ! Kansas, is visiting her many friend, in who died the eight of this month. Mrs. Lents an I Portland. She may be in­ Chamnees was a native Oregonian, duced to make this her future home. having been born at Corvallia. She waa prominent in the Eastern Star and Mrs. Lora C. Little. Progressive can­ Women of Woodcraft, and was a didate for representative, was a Lents member of Taylor Street M. E. Church, [ visitor this week. While here she of Portland. visited the Herald and renewed her subscription. ALTO FOR HIRE—Day or night. to The members of the Lents M. E. Rates reasonable, special rates Church granted their pastor. Rev. W. Outing parties. Phone, Local 5921— Boyd Moore, a vacation of one month Tabor 1141. Tom Cowing, 110 Johnson last Sunday, to be taken at his own Ave. Lents. discretion. GRESHAM tLtGTS BOARD COLINI Y ORANGE HEARS AND EMPLOYS TEACHERS SIIMI GOOD ULKS Prof. French of the farm Demon­ stration. Department of the Agri­ cultural College and State was a visitor at the Editor s home Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning. Prof, French was acquainted with Lents twelve years ago and was surprised to see its remarkable growth. grand* Grandma Forsyth's little daughter Elsie Oliver, arrived June 14th on the steamer Alliance from Korbell, California. She traveled alone. She will make her home with her grand­ mother and go to school here. Mrs. C. W. Clark entertained the Philo Christo girls Monday evening at her home in honor of Mise Mildred Allen whose wedding will take place this month, A miscellaneous shower A very pleasant was given Mies Allen, evening was enjoyed. In order to stimulate interest among stock breeders in Oregon, tlie Oregon ! Exposition Commission announces that' »10,000 will be act aside as priree for the ! best stock from this state exhibited at San Francisco next year. It is hoped j that on competion of the budget it will be possible to increase thia sum to: »15, Oik) This will be in addition to the i »175,000 which will be distributed in , livestock prizes by the authorities of the exposition. The friends of Mrs. J. E. Hokins of Ninth avenue, gave her a happy birth­ day surprise Monday evening. The congratulations were many and the evening was spent in music and a social time. A lunch was served. She may not be able to remember her first Notice birthday but she certainly will remeto- This is to certify that I have severed j ber her last. my connection with the Multnomah Sheet Metal Works and will not be re- • Apologies are due certain persons for | sponsible for any debts contracted by i Peter the mislaying of certain information jcompany after this date. relative to ‘‘Cap,” Hazen, “Cap” was Larson, 6*25, 47 Ave. S. E. recently blessed with a nine pound ------------------------------------- daughter and tor several days thereafter An undertaker in Kalamazoo pulled his paternal pride fairly boiled. If * ‘Cap’ ’ a dead man’s leg and *s,50U dropped trill forgive us this time we will be more out of it. It wasn’t a wooden leg either. attentive next lime.—Ed. celebrated for this reason. The membership waa out and a I number of visitors were present, unusu lly fine time is reported. Gasoline Engines A Spebialty Lawn Mowers Sharpened, and Saws filed and etc. Prices Reasonable Premiums Arrive The fine stock ot alumiuin premiums ordered by some of our subacribeni lias arrived. All persons ordering three premiums are requeeled to call at tbe earlieet convenience and take the tame away. T. M. WALSH Lents, City and Way Points Emest E. Hatter Furniture and Piano Moving Express and Baggage STAND W Ftat St. Cor. Pte«, whh Post Special Delhery. Phone* Rate S»2. A-IHZ « CHERRYVILLE f a------------------------------ a Tbe longest days in the year. The real genuine Oregon summer has begun. Probably no state in the Union can boast of a finer summer climate than this part of Oregon. Misa Lola Herald is out from Lente on her summer vacation at the home of Mr and Mrs. W O Rugh. Mr. and Mrs B. F. Bauer ol Gresham , I are out on their claim soutn of town for tbe summer. last week at the home of hie grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Botkins. A homing pigeon stopped at Dr. Bot­ kins last Saturday on its way to Port­ land from the ballon that is thought landed around Bull Run. The bird had a band and message around one leg but could not be canght. After being fef her aunt, Mrs the guests of Mrs. Robert Jonarud, Shank, f r the pa-' two weeks, returned Wednesday. Miss Scholin is a cousin to ber home ii P rtland this week. of Mrs. Jonsrud’s. The scho- l cf.i dren of thi District Stella Jonsrud went to Portland, received an invi a>t II to attend a “traw- Tuesday for a two weeks stay berry festival -» tire fii.me *of M s Mrs. Robert Jonsrud and children Ma«k in Dvr ••• Tnesdxy <>t thi epent the week end in Portland. week. Mr R in an drove a tig loaded J Mr an-i Mrs Henry Eri and children with the happv tire'ens and anti R. E Jar) took in the el-ctric Ernest Grshani of Portland was mil parade Friday night. JA Piano Opportunity We find ourselves in it position where we are forced to raise a large sum of money in a short time. In order to accomplish this we have greatly reduced the price of every piano and player­ piano in our store. You can get a dandy little Weber for $160, another for $126 and another for $06. If you are interested in a piano that anyone can plav you can find them here at prices from $XI6 and up. Terms tc suit your convenience. ■Soule Bros., Piano Co., 1188 Morrison Street. “— EveningTelegram and HERALD Serious sicknoaa starts in diaorxlen of the stomach, liver ami kidneys. The beet corrective and preventive la Dr. King's New Life Pills. They Purify the Blood - l*revent Constipation, keep Liver, Kidneys and Bowels in healthy condition. Give you better health by ridding the system of fermenting and gassy foods. Effective and mild. 26 eta. at vour Druggist. Bucklen's Arnica Salve for All Hurts. WVtRIIttD LHTIKS Hints For Hot Days Advertised letters for week ending 1 June 13, 1914: Conners, Wm. E.; Frerrs, Mrs. F. | E.; Irish, Mrs. E. ¡Johnson, Mrs. IL; Ka mp, Henry ; Itoeke, Mrs. J.; McLane, Pamenter, Mrs. Geo.; Gondon Roloaton, Mr-. Fred. Geo. W. Spring. Postmaster. Ikm’t eat anything. Chew what you eat thoroughly, Boil yuur ice water. let your wife have her own way. Avoid strange d“ga and your wife's relatives. Don't talk about Mrxiro, balloon aacendseions. singletax.minimum wage, »I6tx> fa, exemption, compensation law Gov Weal or Geo. Chamberlain. One Year $4.50 Address Beaver State Herald Lents. NewMethodLaundry livrer "FOR HAI.E" and "WANT" readers in classified column, 1 cent per won! for first Insertion ; cent sidwequentlv. Watch the column for tiergaina. is the lam or other out SERVICE building constructed FIRST CLASS WORK our lumber. will be with Every lioard found Oregon CLASSIFIED BUILT TO LAST Tabor 3614 QUICK Are you run down Nervuua-TIrodT la everything you do an effort? You are not laiy you are aick I Your .Stomach, Liver. Kidney a, and whole system needs a Tonic, A Tonic and Health Builder to drive out the waste matter build you up and renew your strength, Nothing better than Electric Bitters. Start to-day. Mrs. Jatnea Duncan, Haynesville, Me., writes "Completely cured me after several doctors gave me up. ** 60 eta. ami 11,00 at your Druggist. Bucklen’s Arnica Balve for Cute. »•way* lead 1« Better Health Residence. Mb Ave. «nd Marie St »th Ave. Station scar Lest«. Phone Tabor 3774 thoroughly WANTKII sound and fully seasoned. A. N. GARDNER " ANTED—A gissi reliable man or woman to solicit aulatciptions. Enquire at Herald oilier. It cuts with leas waste anti stand« all kineeu duly recognised by ■letal exercises Instead of physical ex Grand Iuidge and granted full art Iona All Kinds Repairing peneation. Wednesday evening Smith & Colgan New Spring' Styles and Latest Patterns Successore to C. E. Cleland General Blacksmithing, Horse Shoeing and Plow Grinding Cleaning Pressing Repairing JOHN MANZ WAGON WORK A SPECIALTY Main Street Special Attention Give to Interfering and Lame Horses Lents, Oregon INSURE NOW Shop Third Ave. and Foster Road ron HAi.K FOR SALE—Good young horse. quire at Herald office. In­ DRY COUNTRY HLABWOOD—Kern Park Feed & Fuel Co. Talsir 12H0. LUMBER—At our new mill miles «ontheaat of Kelso. We deliver lumlær. Tlonsrnd Bros (. letter lieaxis, envelopes, cards, bill heads, auction notices ami |sMtsrs, dodgers, announcwients, etc, at Mt. Scott Pub Co , office, Lents. FDR SALE—Homo choir« residence lots. Waler pi|>ed to all lots, electro lights Slid telephone at car station. Terms to suit. Whl take go,M| borsosa part payment on a lot. Phone Bull I- 2914 Gilbert H ation. l^-nte, Oro. K. M. Calkins. f In Oregon’s Most Reliable Association F F. EHRLICH Tailor to Men and Women Oregon Fire Relief, Oregon Merchants Mutual Fire, American Life and Accident In­ surance of Portland PROTECTION AND BENEFITS FOR HEXT l room boss«, 87. In­ quire 302 Nth Ave. N. lent«. MODERATE RATES John Brown, (jreshc'im, Ore. We Give S. & H. Green Trad ing Stamps Remember the Name—BOHNA Foster Road Next Do >r to P. O. WHEN YOU WANT LIGHT GROCERIES, BAKING GOODS, .CONFECTIONERY, CI­ GARS. FRUITS. VEGETABLES. ETC. Lents Sta., Portia d, Oregon rol» WKN7 tl PERCENT FARM ANU CITY LOANS mav lie obtained to repay mortage». remove encumbrances, pur­ chase nr Improve reel estate, from one to ten years* time Special privileges; corresponds- , e invited A C General tgenev, 7«7 Ga- A F.lecltlc Bldg., Den­ ver Colo or 410 Phelan Bl