Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, June 18, 1914, Image 6

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plm W
talked of th* daring of th* American
woman; who but a Frenchwoman
would have dared »hat oho bad tbla
night? The taxicab! She laurhed.
And thia man was wax In the hands of
any pretty woman who came along!
So rumor bad It. But ahe knew that
rumor was only the attenuated ghost
of Ananias, doomed forever to remain
on earth for the propagation of Inac­
curate whispers Wax! Why. she
would have trusted herself In any sit­
uation with a man with those eyes and
that angle of Jaw. It was all very
mystifying. "Follow him; see where
he goes." The frank discussion, then,
and the calm dismissal were but a
woman's dissimulation. And be had
gone to Flora Desimone'«.
The carriage stopped before a hand­
some apartment house tn the Avenue
de Wagram. The unknown got out.
gave the driver his fare, and rang the
concierge's bell. The sleepy guardian
opened the door, touched his gold-
braided cap iu recognition, and led the
way to the small electric lift The
young woman entered and familiarly
pushed the buttou. The apartment in
which she lived was on the second
floor; and there was luxury every­
where, but luxury subdued and
charmed by taste.
She threw aside her hat and wraps
with that manner of inconsequence
1 Eleanor* de Toscana was singing tn which distinguishes the artistic tem­
g'aris. which, perhaps, accounted for Ed­
ward» ap;*earance there Mui- perament from the thrifty one, and
Itlanl the noire. he wandered about where passed on Into the coxy dining room
Fancy dictated. He might be In Paris one
S«i and Kamchatka the next. Following The maid had arranged some sand­
the opera he goes to a cafe and la sc- wiches and a bottle of light wine. She
ate and drank, while Intermittent
CHAPTER II—Continued.
There was a minute wrinkle above smiles played across her merry face.
the unknown’s nose; the shadow of a Having satislled her hunger, she
opened her purse and extracted the
grown "She is very beautiful."
“Bah! Did she send you after me? banknote. She smoothed It out and
Give me her address. 1 have come all laughed aloud.
"Oh. if only he had taken me for a
the wav from Burma to see Flora
ride in the taxicab!" She bubbled
• “To see her?” She unguardedly again with merriment.
Suddenly she sprang up. as If In­
iclothed the question with contempt,
but she instantly forced a smile to spired. and d.^hed Into another room,
neutralize the effect. Concerned with a study. She came back with pen and
her own defined conclusions, she lost ; ink, and »¡th a celerity that came of
the tine Ironic bitterness that was in long practice, drew five straight lines
across the faint violet face of the bank­
the man's voice.
“Aye. Indeed, to see her! Beautiful note. Within these lines she made lit­
as Venus, as alluring as I’hryne, I tle dots at the top and bottom of
want nothing so much as to see her. stubby perpendicular strokes, and
to look into her eyes, to hear her strange interlineal hieroglyphics, and
, sweeping curve«, all of which would
voice 1"
“Is It Jealousy? I hear the tragic ! have puzzled an Egyptologist if he
note." The certainty of her ground were unused to the ways of musicians.
became as morass again. In his turn : Carefully she dried the composition,
and then put the note away. Some
be was puzzling her.
“Tragedy? I am an American. We l day she would confound him by re­
do not kill opera singers. We turn turning It.
A little later her fingers were mov­
them over to the critics. I wish to see
the beautiful Flora, to ask her a few­ ing softly over the piano keys; melo­
questions. If she has sent you after dies in minor, sad and haunting and
me. her sddrees, my dear young lady elusive, melodies that had never been
put on paper and would always be her
her address." His eyes burned.
“I am afraid." And she was so. own; in them she might leap from
This wasn't the tone of a man madly comedy to tragedy, from laughter to
tears, and only she would know. The
in love. It was wild anger.
midnight adventure was forgotten, and
“Afraid of what?”
the hero of it. too. With her eyes
“I will give you a hundred francs." closed and her lithe body swaying
He produced a crisp note. "Do you gently, she let the old weary pain iu
her heart take hold again.
want It?"
She did not answer at once. Pres­
ently she opened her purse, found a
■tubby pencil and a slip of paper, and
The Beautiful Tigress.
wrote. "There It is. monsieur.” She
Flora Desimone had been born In a
held out her hand for the banknote
which, with a sense of bafflement, he I Calabrian peasant's hut. and she had
gave her. She folded the note and 1 rolled In the dust outside, yelling vlg-
i orously at all times. Specialists de-
•towed it away with the pencil.
“Thank you," said Courtlandt. “Odd : clare that the reason for all great
paper, though.” He turned it over. I singers coming from lowly origin Is
“Ah, I understand. You copy music." found in this early development of the
throat. Parents of m«-ans employ
"Yes, monsieur."
, This time the nervous flicker of her nurses or sedatives to suppress or at
eyes did not escape him. "You are least to smother three Infantile pro­
tests against being thrust inconsider­
studying for the opera, perhaps?”
ately Into the turmoil of human be­
"Yea, that is it.”
ings. Flora yelled or slept, as the
• "Good night." He rose.
case might be; her parents were
"Monsieur Is not gallant.”
"I was In my youth," he replied, put­ equally indifferent. They were too
busily concerned with the getting of
ting on his hat.
The bald rudeness of his departure bread and wine. Moreover. Flora was
<dld not disturb her. She laughed soft­ one among many. The gods are al­
ly and relievedly. Indeed, there was ways playing with the Calabrian pen­
In the laughter an essence of mischief. insula. heaving It up here or throwing
However, if he carried away a mys­ it down there; 11 terremoto, the earth­
tery. he left one behind.
quake, the terror. Here nature tink­
The young woman waited five or ten ers vicariously with souls; and she sel­
minutes, and. making sure that Court­ dom has time to complete her work.
landt had been driven off, left the Constant communion with death
restaurant Round the corner she en­ makes for callosity of feeling; and the
gaged a carriage. So that was Ed­ Calabrians and the Sicilians are the
ward Courtlandt? She liked his face; crudest among the civilized peoples.
there was not a weak line in it, unless Flora was ruthless.
Stubbornness could be called such. But
She lived amazingly well In the pre­
to stay away for two years! To hide mier of an apartment-hotel In the
himself in Jungles, to be heard of only Champs-Elysees. In England and
by his harebrained exploits! "Follow America she had amassed a fortune.
him; see where he goes," had been the Given the warm beauty of the south­
command. For a moment ehe had re­ ern Italian, the passion, the tempera­
belled, but her curiosity was not to ment, the love of mischief, the natural
be denied. Besides, of what use was cruelty, the Inordinate craving for at­
friendship If not to be tried? She tention and flattery, she enlivened the
knew nothing of the riddle, she had nations with her affairs. And she nev­
never asked a question openly. She er put a «ingle beat of her heart into
had accidentally seen a photograph any of them. That is why her voice Is
one day, In a trunk tray, with this still splendid and her beauty unchang
■nan's name scrawled across It, and Ing. She did not dissipate; calcula­
upon this flfmey base she had bullded tion always barred her Inclination;
a dozen romances, each of which she rather, Bhe loitered about the Forbid­
had ruthlessly torn down to make den Tree and played that she had
room for another; but still the riddle plucked the Apple. She had an ex­
lay unsolved. She had thrown the ample to follow; Eve had none.
name Into the conversation many a
Men scattered fortunes at her feet
time, as one might throw a bomb into as foolish Greeks scattered floral of­
* crowd which had no chance to es­ ferings at the feet of their marble
cape. Fizzles! The man had been gode—without provoking the sense of
calmly discussed and calmly dis reciprocity or generosity or mercy.
missed. At odd time« an article In She had worked; ah, no one would
he newspapers gave her an oppor- ever know how hard. She had been
unity; still the frank dlBcussloif, still crushed, beaten, cursed, starved. That
the calm dismissal. She had learned she had risen to the heights In spite of
that the man was rich, Irresponsible, these bruising verbs in no manner en­
vacillating, a picturesque sort of fool larged her pity, but dulled and vitiated
But two years? What had kept him the little there was of it. Her mental
■way that long? A weak man. in love, attitude toward humanity was child­
would not have made so tame a sur­ ish; as, when the parent strike«, the
render. Perhaps he had not sur­ child blindly strikes back. She was
rendered; perhaps neither of them determined to play, to enjoy life, to
give back blow for blow, nor caring
And yet, he sought the Calabrian where she struck. She waB going to
Here was another blind alley out of pre«« the Juice from every grape. A
which she had to retrace her steps thousand odd years gone, she would
Bother! That Puck of Shakespeare have led the cry in Rome—“Bread and
was right: What fools these mortal« the clrcuB!” or "To the Ilona!” She
be! She was very glad that she pos would have disturbed Nero’a compla
■eased a true sense of humor, spiced cency, and he would have played an
with harmless audacity. What a dreary obbligato Instead of a solo at the burn­
world It must be to those who did not ing. And she was malice Incarnate.
know bow and when to laugh! They They came from all climes—her lov­
Pictures ' ' ,,^
er«— with roubles and Hr« and franc«
and shtlltugs and dollars; and tho««
who finally »scaped her euchautuisut
Whitswash Imprevss Looks of Hous»
did so luvoluntarlly, fur lack of further
■nd Is Good Disinfectant—Give
funds. They called her villa« Circe's
Turkey« fest Rang«.
Isle«. She hated but two things in th«
Sotes and Instructions from Ayrüultund I'rdleyes and Experiment Stations
world; the man sh« could hav« loved
(By Mild A. J WILDER >
and the woiuau she could not surpass.
of Oregon and Vias/tington. Specially Suitable to t'urine Coast Conditions
IJmo Is n very good Ihlng to ua«
Some one was at the speaking tube.
about the poultry house*. An occa­
The singer crossed the rootu impa­
sional coal of whlte-waah on wall«
tiently. "What Is It?” she asked tn
By K. I.. l\»U«r. H*»l of Anima! Husbandry IX>- of which predominates will depend and ou the neat box»« greatly im­
partmant. O. A. C.
I very largely U|a>n condition* under prove* the look* of ill« house, beald«*
The voice below answered with a
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­ which the sheep aro managed.
being a good disinfectant and vertulu
query In English. "Is this the Signo
vallis T! e wool industry of the Unit­
rina Desimone?”
ed Stales is one of very great impor­ Vug Gmr Caulifloircr Out
Pullet« batched in April or th« first
"Yes. And now that my Identity la
We produce in this country
of May, make lute fall and winter
established, who are you and what do
about 326 million pounds of wool,
layer*, and they are the ones that pay
you waut at this time of night?"
which is worth to the farmers some­
Cauliflower that will grow out of Hatch all you can of them.
"I am Edward Courtlandt.”
If a sitting hen leaves the nest. do
"Well, what Is It you wish?” amiably. thing over tit) million dollars. Thia door« all the year ami that matures be­
enormoua amount of wool, however, fore the Christmas holiday M-ason, has not throw away the egg* unless they
"You once did me an 111 turn," cam«
does not meet the demands of the been grown by Professor John W. Ilot- are cold If you have another broody
up the tube. "1 desire that you make
American people. t>ur mill« consume son, of the department of Isitany in hen. put her on the nest. Shu will
some reparation."
approximately 500 million pounds. the University of Washington, after finish Ibu batching, and It will save
"Sainted Mother! But It has taken
her Just so much time. as well ns sav
you a long time to find out that I bar« This extra amount must be imported continued experiment*.
from some foreign country. Australia
Four varieties of the specie« have Ing the egg*.
Injured you," she mocked.
Give the little chick* skim milk lo
"Will you give me her addreaa, is the greatest wool producing country ; been found, all of them belonging to
in the world, producing about three i the family of broccoli.
The seed, drink It I* very good for them, «•
please? Your messenger gave me
your address. Inferring that you times as much wool as th» United ; which Professor Hotson got from Eng­ well ■• tor lhe old«» fowla. The morn
Stales. South America also produces land, is plant»! out of doors «bout May milk your poultry drink, the less meat
wished to i«1 me.”
"I?” There was no Impeaching her als>ut twice as much as is produced I, is transplant»! again the middle of It will bo uoceaanry to feed them
in the United States.
June, ami matures for the first time
Do not keep too many hen« In on««
The production of wool is so inti­ about December 15. The se»>nd dale flock
Much bettrr reaults are ob­
“Yes. madarne.”
of maturity is some time in January. tained from the smaller flocks. and It
"My dear Mr. Courtlandt, you ar«
The advantage in growing this vege­ la the results that count.
the last man In all the wide world I
If you want the pullets to mnturo
wish to see. And I do not quite like ated. In the raising of beef cattle table, according to Profeaaor Hoiaon,
the way you are making your request“ the production of milk is almost en­ is that the use of greenhouse or hotbed early, aud begin laying at llvo or all
"Do you not think, madam«, that tirely overlooked, while in the produc­ facilities is obviated, all the growth inonlhs old. feed thorn property and
tion of milk the beef end of the In­ taking place naturally under outdoor well from lhe start
you owe me something?"
Give them a
"No. What I owe I pay. Think, Mr dustry is of practically mi importance. condition*. Profeaaor Hutson says the properly balanced ration, and crowd
Courtlandt; think well.”
purpose animal, and in practically no Puget Sound climate.
”1 do not understand.” Impatiently.
"Ebbene. I owe you nothing. One«
I heard you eay—‘I do not like to see
you with the Calabrian; she Is—well,
you know.’ I stood behind you at an­
other time when you said that 1 was a
fool "
"Madame. I do not forget that, that
is pure invention. You are mistaken.”
"No You were I am no fool.” A
light laugh drifted down the tube.
"Madame, I begin to see.”
"You believe what ycu wish to be­
"I think not.”
"I never even noticed you,” care­
"It Is easy to forget." cried the diva,
furiously. "It Is easy for you to for­
get. but not for me.”
"Madame. I do not forget that you
entered my room that night. . .
"I shall give you her address," In­
Oregon farmers Judging irh ep at O. .4. (. Short (ourse,
terrupted the diva, hastily. The play
had gone far enough, much as she
would have liked to continue It. This case has it proven possible to raise f'rre (amp and School
was going deeper than she cared to I sheep for either mutton or wool ex-
For Prise-Winning Hogs
go. She gave the address and added: I clusively. According to the report of
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­
"Tonight she sings at the Austria am ! the tariff board for th« year 1910, the
All aboard for Salem. One
bassador s. I give you thia Information average receipts per head of sheep in vallis
gladly because I know that It will be the United States west of the Missouri whole week of camping, special les­
■ river was $2.44. Of this amount $1.05 sons, drills am! games at the State A Nice Sunny Yard for th* Chick*«««
of no use to you.”
1« Necessary.
"Then I shall dispense with the for­ ’ was derived from wool and $1.39 from Fair. Two boys from each county, f5M
mality of thanking you. I add that 1 I other sources; thus for all the sheep in all. who hnve excell»! in some form
wish you two-fold the misery you have : west of the Missouri river, which in­ of Imlsutrial club work will be invited them aa fast as you can There la
carelessly and gratuitously cost me. cludes approximately seventy per cent to take the train for this week’s work no need having to feed pulleta from
Good night!" Click! weut the llttl« 'of the sheep in the United States, the ami pleasure, which will be provided eight to ten months, before gcttb.g
income from wool amounts to forty- without expense to them.
any returns
covering of the tube.
three per cent of the total gross in­
There are no limitations as to what
Hasten the growth of )viing cock­
the projects shall be or who are eligi­ erels. by feeding then« all they will
With the same Inward bitterness come.
ble to compete, provided they are eat. Keep them fnt enough tor ll.«»
that attends the mental processes of a
performing tiger on being «ent back to when we compare different docks. It members of the Industrial club. All table all the time, and they will reach
its cage. Courtlandt returned to his perhaps varies -roe witk I hi- different ! that is required is that they shall ex­ the required weight for the market
taxicab. He wanted to roar and lash states of our Northwest, but in no case cel in some form of Industrial club much sooner. It Is the earlier mar­
and devour something. Instead, be do the receipts from wool exceed the work. The winner« will be given a kets (bat pay the beat prices.
In the week of camping and school work, ad-
Don't make the mistake of thinking
could only twist the ends of his mus­ receipts from other sources.
tache savagely. It did not seem pos­ 1 states east of the Missouri river the | mittance to the fair, mess and shelter, you can half feed your hens and mak<»
a success of the poultry business. Th.»
sible that any woman could be so full proportion of the income derived from absolutely free.
Railway fare to Salem at reduced want* of tho hen'« body comes first.
of malice. He simply could not under­ wool is somewhat less. At the same
stand. It was <«sentially the Italian time it is a large and important item. rate«, and an inexpensive, serviceable If there is any surplus It goes Into
spirit; doubtless, till she heard his In much of our Western country the uniform are the only necessary ex­ the eggs. Where them Is no surplus
voice, she had forgotten all about the ranchmen say that they are raising penses not covered by a special appro­ there are no egg«. It la your business
episode that had foundered his ship sheep for wool, while some farmers in priation of $500 made by the Oregon to provide enough food for tho body
the Eastern states say that they are State board of fair directors. It is and the eggs.
of happiness.
Her statement as to the primal cause raising sheeji for wool, while some expect«! that local ami county school
If you are keeping hens for egg pro­
was purely Inventive. There was not farmers) in the Eastern states will say and club officers will provide traveling duction only there Is no need for keep­
a grain of truth In It. He could not that they are raising sheep for mutton. i expenses, and possibly the funds for ing any males. It costa about II to
Such statements, of course, are not | purchasing cadet uniforms, costing feed each one, and their room might
possibly have been so rude. He had
It is ■bout $3.00.
been too Indifferent. Too indifferent! designed to be taken literally.
better bo given to that many more
Boys who enter the contest and try hens.
The repetition of the phrase made him true that many of our Western ranch­
alt straighter. Pshaw! It could not
Turkey« must have free rnngo tn
The very things neces­ order to do well. Do not keep them
be that. He possessed a little vanity; with the idea of the greatest possible trip or not.
If he had not. his history would not
closely confined. If you have fed
have been worth a scrawl. But he de­ come from other sources as they may 1 themacl..» worth most to the Isiys, so them regularly, they will continue to
there is no chance to lose. The free come up at that time for their feed,
nied the poss<«slon vehemently, as
their flocks and in the selection of camp and school were design»! to even If allowed to run free.
men are wont to do.
Too Indifferent! Was It possible their sheep, these men conisder the awaken so deep an interest in the use­
that he had roused her enmity simply quantity and quality of the wool the ful industries that great goes! will
because he had made it evident that prime factor, while on the farms of come to all who try for the camp and PRODUCTION OF GOOD EGGS
her charms did not Interest him? Be­ the eastern states the farmers manage school prixe.
yond lifting his hat to her, perhaps ex­ their sheep and select breeding stock
Wisconsin Expert Emphasises Im­
Nature Fakers.
changing a comment on the weather, almost entirely from the standpoint
portance of Clean, Whole Food—
his courtesies had not been extended. of mutton production.
“Bur-reds is intilligent,” Mrs.
Keep Nests Clean.
Courtlandt was peculiar In some re­
Brannigan observed, as ahe encounter«!
spects. A woman attracted him, or
Just becauso an egg Is freshly laid
I her friend Mrs. O’Brian. “Ye can
she did not. In the one case he was vantage. Sheep breeders have so far
tache ’em annyt'ing.
Me sister has by an apparently healthy hen It can
affable, winning, pleasant, full of those
' wan as lives in a clock, an* whin it’s not be assumed that It Is a good egg,
agreeable little surprises that In turn wool producing sheep which will pro­
toime to tell th’ toime it comes out according to James a. llalpln of tho
attract a woman. In the other case, duce enough more wool than the aver­
an* says cuckoo as manny toimes as College at Agriculture of tho Univer­
he passed on, for his Impressions were age sheep to make the cost of mutton I th’ toime is.”
sity of Wisconsin, who emphasises tho
instant and did not require the usual negligible, nor have they been able to
"Thot’s wondherful!” said Mrs. need of clean, wholesome food for tho
j produce a strain of mutton sheep of
production of tlrst-class eggs, liens
sufficient merit for that quality alone O’Brian.
“It is, indade,” said Mrs Branni­ that are forced lo obtain tho greater
that they can neglect the wool end of
Preaching That Uplifts.
the industry. A detailed study of the gan. "An’ th’ wondherful par-rt of portion of their living aa scavenger«
The world seems a pretty bad place i books of a very large number of north­ it al! is, it’s only a wooden bur-red at and given n poor rango to work on
cannot produce eggs of as good quality
to most of us at times. There are western sheep raisers by the Tariff thot!.' Judge.
as can a flock which regularly la fed
so many things which take the heart , board shows, however, that as an aver­
Erasing Robert.
a good ration.
out of our optimism, that seem to age those sheep men who derive the
make It a meaningless hope rather larger percentage of their income from
Eggs lacking In protein have a wa­
“S-s-s-s-aus-say, ma.” stammer«!
than any solid reassurance. But the other than wool are, on the whole, Bobby, through the suds, as his mother tery white and the shell Is apt to be
kind of preaching that comes from making a larger interest on their cap­ scrubbed and scrubbed him, “I guess thin owing to the partial absence of
somebody who Is better than we are. ital than those that do not derive so you want to get rid of me, don’t you?” lime. Such eggs, besides being of less
some life that lifts up the standard much of their income from these other
"Why, no, Bobby dear,” replied his value as food, aro more than llk«dy to
of human worth and reveals what It sources. This would indicate that our mother.
"Whatever put such an idea bring forth puny chickens of low vi­
may be made to stand for—such western sheep men are on the whole into four mind?" "Oh, nuthin,” «aid tality, subject to white diarrhea and
preaching is likely to answer the cry devoting rather too little attention to Bobby, “only it seems to me you’re an early death. With proper quanti­
within us for something that is true the production of mutton. This, of trying to rub me out.’’--Onward.
ties of wheat, bran, clover, oyster
and genuine and dependable.—Haver­ course, does not mean that the wool
shell and sound grains In tho ration
hill Gazette.
production must l>e forgotten, but both
fed to laying hens, eggs with firm
Convincing Evidence.
Mrs. Pester—Don’t you really think «hells, rich In protoIn and delicately
Failure of Artificial Food.
Easily Explained.
that women have more patience than flavored aro «uro to reault, providing
That It is possible to live on arti­
of course, that tho flock Is given clean
The return home of the truant men?
ficial food, or at least on the concen­
Mr. Pester—I’m sure of it.
I’ve nests and runs and Is kept free from
trated extracts of certain staple«, Is “Mona Lisa” recalls a good story. A
a common belief, and it has even second-hand picture dealer «yas trying been watching you play solitaire all
been predicted that some day our to selljvhat he described as a genuine
cards short.—Chicago Daily News.
No Use for Cholera.
diet will consist of tabloid food. One Raphael.
"The signature does not
If It wero not for hog cholera pork(
might live for a short time In that look like Raphael,” remarked the pros­
Helped Ilin Wardrobe.
rnlscrs would he living In tho lap of
unsociable way, but recent Investiga­ pective customer, after using his mag­
Ragged Rogers (with newspaper) — luxury. The time will cotne when
tion of diseases like beri beri, «curvy nifying glass. "It reads more like
Listen ter this. Happy. It’s been di«- there will bo no more excuse for hog
and pellagra which are almost cer­ •R-a-c-h-e-1.’ ”
tainly caused by a deficiency In the
"Ah,” said the dealer, "I will tell kivered dat silk is made er tin, ol’ cholera than for human cholera that
Until a century or so ngo periodically
diet, prove that such a life would be you the history of that. When Ra­ termater cans an' de like.
Happy Hooler Dat so!
Den I’ll devastated Europe and America. Both
one of disease and tould not last phael painted that picture he was in
low water, so he pit it in the wife’s wear me drinkin' cup for a silk hat an’ ■re essentially filth diseases.
name for safety.”—New York Globe. be in style. — Boston Transcript.
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