Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, June 18, 1914, Image 3

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    Peace Conference Counts
On Aid From Camuua
Peculiarly Daring Combination
Washington, D. C. - Every Indies-
| tion in Washington Wednesday night
I|K>int«d to participation by the consti­
tutionalists of Mexico In the media-
I tion conference at Niagara Falls.
While final word was awaited by his
agents here from General Carranza as
to the answer to 1« forward«! to the
South American mediators to their
Nothing in Agreement Atagoni*tic
Ignorant Cla**e* Are Told Home Eleven Democrat* Ughi to Laut
pro|sH*ala, delay waa accounted for by
to Hebel», and They May
Ha* Fallen 10,000 Troop*
Hecaune of Amendment*
telegraphic disturbances between the
Attach Signature».
to Quell Rioting.
President May Veto.
Unit«! States border and Saltillo, it
waa ex|ie<-t«l the definite position of
Niagara Falls Delegates from the the constitutionalists would be com­
An outstanding feature in
Washington, D. C. — Repeal of Pan­
United States and the Huerta govern­ municated to Niagara Fails before the general strike situation Sunday ama Canal tolls exemption for Ameri­
ment Saturday formally affixed their many hours.
waa the news received at the capital can coastwise shipping passed the sen­
signatures in the presence of the me­
Some of those in touch with the of the proclamation of an Italian re­ ate Friday night by a vote of 50 to 35.
diators to the first protocol of the
chief of the constitutionalists insisted public by the |«ople of several towns The measure now goes back to the
series through which it is hoped to
bordering on the Adriatic, in North­
that the revolutionary leaders would eastern Italy.
restore peace in Mexico.
house, which is expected to accept the
The agreement reached. In relatlon not consent to an armistice in the cam­
In some towns like Fabrino and Simmons-Norris amendment speci­
to the manner of transferring the cx- paign against the Huerta government, Rimini scenes similar to those of the
ecutive power from Huerta to the new but that he would express willingness French revolution were enacted. The fically reserving all rights the United
provisional government stood the acid
inhabitants, misled by rejx>rta issued States may have under the Hay­
test of reduction to writing,
It pro- to acquiesce in («ace proposals as they from the headquarters of the anar­ Paucefote treaty.
relate to establishment of a provision­ chistic committee at Ancona, an im­
vides that:
The iMtssage of the bill after a bit­
A government is to be constituted al government pending a general elec­ portant seaport on the Adriatic, to the
ter struggle that has lasted several
in Mexico of a character to be later tion, providod ample representation Is effect that a revolutionary movement
provided, which shall lie recognized by
had been successful in overthrowing | months was regarded as another vic­
the United Stales on (date to be fixed) given in the provisional government to the monarchy, proclaim«! a republic tory for President Wilson. Although
and which from that day forward shall the belligerents against Huerta.
and substituted for the national flag 13 Republicans went to the aid of the
Should Carranza refuse a cessation the black banner of the Peasants'
exorcise public functions until there
Democrats who votes! for the bill on
shall Iw inaugurated a constitutional of hostilities, it seemed improbable league.
passage, the President initiated
here that hla representatives would 1«
All the newspapers were burned the
This plank in the peace plan waa re­ received in the mediation conference, moment they reached those towns in ’ the movement in his party for repeal
duced to the form of a protocol after but thia contingency failtal to affect order to prevent the pt-ople from know­ and it was behind him that many of
more than three weeks of discussion, the optimism of President Wilson and ing the real condition of the country, ' the Democrats who voted “aye’’ lined
in the last three days of which so ser­ Secretary Bryan as to the outcome of as the revolutionary leaders had de­
up on the last tea..
ious a disagreement had arisen that the Mexican difficulties.
clared that King Victor Emmanuel had
This was accounted for in great escaped to Montenegro; that the revo- j There has been no certain promise
the success of mediation was threaten­
..... j from the White House that the Presi-
ed. The brief protocol waa significant measure by the suggestion from Niag­ _______
lution hail . ________
mastered the
entire penin-
ara Falls that, whatever Carranza's sula, ami that the troops had joined '*'nt w’“
J^e bilHrithjts qualify-
of two thirffes;
| ing amendment, but there has been no
It makes no mention of General Hu­ answer might be, the ¡«ace pro,«sals with the |>eople. *
___ ___ instances
________ __ the
___ soldiers
_ __________
erta as the provisional president, and living discussed between the Huerta
In __ some
were ' declaration that he will veto it, and
it omits the method of transfer which commissioners and those from the complétai to fire on the people before , J'nrt^ leadv'r» *n the senate were prac-
withthe result ti<-,1|y certain that its approval as
the Mexican delegates and mediators Unit«! States would be incorporated
suggested and to which the United into a protocol; that the mediation that several perrons were killed or in­ amended by the house will lead to the
last favorable action by the President.
States objected on the ground that its conference then would take a recess jured.
Eleven Democrats, led by Senator
retention would be tantamount to rec­ and that the United States govern­
At Ancona, where the first demon­
ognition of the existing regime. The ment would undertake negtoiations stration took place, which resulted in O'Gorman, fought consistently to the
Mexican plan provided that Huerta with the constitutionalists with a view the general strike, bluejackets from end and even an hour before the last
should name as minister of foreign to procuring their consent to the pro- ' th«* naval division, commanded by Ad­ vote was taken they did not abandon
sfl*airs the man agreed on here for pro­ visional government proposal.
miral Umberto Cagni, reinforced the their efforts to amend the bill to meet
While the mediators and Mexican ' garrison. Ancona has been a hotbed their view of the manner in which
visional president.
The omission of reference to the
of the revolutionary movement, as the . American rights in the canal and
methcsl of succession and the flat state­ («ace plan formulated by the Wash­ leaders have been spreading the report ' American nghts to exempt coastwise
ment that on a certain date a provis­ ington government. President Wilson that King Victor Emmanuel had been «l»Ppmg from toll payment should be
ional government shall arise in Mexico and Secretary Bryan and John Lind, forced to flee the country and that ^'ia^de^',11
u U1
The bill probably will be sent over
to which the United States will accord who represents the State department Premier Salandra was a prisoner.
recognition satisfied the insistence of <n negotiations with Carranza's repre- i The most serious situation exists in to the house immediately an ! can be
HE att "activeneea of this most dar­ forehead w ith hair below. Cap shaped
the American delegates that no steps sentativea here, were in conference, the province of Ravanna, where vil- la*<en up at once if the house leaders
ing evening gown, one of the re­ bands are of pearls, rhinestones or
lages and small towns are being ruled d“ire'“n“te a™?dnrlent
should bo taken that could be construed
cent triumphs of Paquin, is accentuat imitation
aigrettes in front. Gold and
as recognition of,Huerta.
by the local republican committee,
ful of |>articipation by the constitu­ which has armed the inhabitants, thus on the house side insist upon one, but ed by the Marie Antoinette albino wig. silver cords are the simplest of ban­
The wearing of colored wigs has not deaux.
tionalists in ultimate plans for pea ce giving the ignorant masses the impres­ it can be finally diposed of immediate­
Lorimer's Chicago Hanks
been taken up with any degree of fa­
Velvet bandeaux are overlaid with a
in Mexico.
sion that any kind of violence will be ly so far as congress is concerned if vor by the leaders of fashion In Paris, tiny band of rhinestones or iridescent
Are Closed by Examiner
permitted. Churches and clubs have the house accepts the senate amend­ but some undeniably beautiful effects jet. Bandeaux are also formed of
been sacked or burned, but the case ment and agrees to the bill as sent have been achieved in this direction spangles. A platinum band in three
Four state banks in Chi­ U. S. Cutter Ordered to
from the senate side.
cago, with ^aggregate deposits of $6.-
Go After Karluk’s Crew of private residences the revolutionists them
A conference would delay final ap­ inder the guidance of such modistes rows, set with jet and rhinestones, has
have asked the owners' permission to
411,977, and reported cash means of
a fluffy group of white feathers on the
Washington, D. C. .The American take possession of their belongings.
proval by congress, but it is expected t genius as Paquin.
$ 1. 1.31.692. were taken in charge of
Not for many seasons has such elab­ left. A band of jet sequins, closely
the measure would not be kept in
These have been sold for next to
Saturday by the state banking depart-
orate attention been paid to the coif­ overlapped, is clasped on the left with
ment, which cloned the bank doors and to proceed from St. Michaels, Alaska, nothing in order to give the poorer conference more than a few days. The fure as Is now In evidence. Most of an outspread jet butterfly of wire cov­
began examination ot the
banks' to Wrangell Island for the |>urpoee of people the impression that the "re­ evident temper of the senate to defeat the designs are ot real beauty, and ered with spangles, with three white
is amended
is expect-
win inniiiuMiii
lus pruiniB«:
vu , the
- bill
---- unless
----- . it —
. .
public" will
maintain its
promise to
rescuing the members of the crew of bring back the golden age and end for- *d to *lave weight with the house, and nothing seems too daring for the cos­ feathers above. A close turban cap of
The four were the La Salle Street |
net, embroidered in Chinese design
2— high
cost _ of
-- ".I..
1* Democrats, desiring to put an end tumer to attempt.
Trust 4 Savings Bank, the Broadway I the Canadian steamer Karluk, of the ever the
OJd shapes and brilliant colors in | and worn pulled down, shows only a
Ten thousands soldiers are gradually to U»« matter as soon as possible, are
Slate bank, the Illinois Slate bank | Stefansaon Arctic expedition, who are
long scarfs of gold or silver tissue are fringe of hair. Pink satin apple blos­
and the Ashland-Twelfth State bank, marooned on that island.
Captain being spread through the province and «’P^vted to demand early action,
wound once or twice around the head | soms form a bunch on the left ot the
known in financial circles as the Lori­ Bartlett, of the Karluk, is at St. it is expected that a few days will see
and caught in the most becoming way coiffure below soft feathers ot the
mer-Munday chain of (tanks.
Oil Indication# Strong in
with beads, rhinestones, pearls, etc., same pink hue.
The I .a Salle Street Trust A Savings Michaels and will accompany the Bear
Heart ot Washington Town and are worn low to the top of the
bank, the president of which is Wil­
Personal Factor Enters
liam latrimer, unseated from the Unit­
Raymond, Wash.—Natural gas, dis­
Into Mediation Problem covered in the heart of the business
Seattle—The revenuo cutter Bear,
ed Stat«« senate, was the main siimti-
tution, the three others being outlying ordered to Wrangell Island to take off
Niagara'Falls, Ont.—The crux of | section of this city «nd shown to be oi
banka whose balances and reserves the shipwreck«i people from Stefans» the Mexican problem—the selection of riceptionally good quality, has caused I________________________________________ ,
were carried to a great extent by the son's flagship Karluk, cannot enter the a man for provisional president accept- a-- °>1 excitement here which will cul-
I Arctic ocean for at least four weeks,
La Salle Street bank.
able to all factions in Mexico and fore- minate in the sinking of a well aS soon
until the ice shall have broken up.
ign governments generally — was as machinery can reach the ground,
The voyage to Wrangell Island is reached Monday in a conference be There are surface indications of oil
Defaulter Griffiths Admits
not more difficult than the one which tween the mediators and the American for miles around Raymond.
Dig Shortage in Lunds the Bear has made to Point Barrow for and Mexican delegates.
! months ago investors quietly secured
many years, carrying mails and sup-
For more than an hour names of var- leases on more than 2000 acres of land
San Francisco Captain Joseph H. |
plii-s. The Bear left Nome last surn- ious individuals were discussed, but on nearby and 10 days ago brought in an
Griffiths, of the Army Quartermaster mer for Puint Barrow on July 7.
corps, who is lie fore a court martial at j There are 1ft white men and four none was there a semblance of agree- oil expert.
j After making a test and investigat-
the Presidio on a charge of embezzl-!
Eskimos in the refugee camp on Wran­
General Caranza's note, transmitted >ng ttie prospects, he declared that the
ing more thsn $8000 of government '
gell Island. With the return of the by Rafael Zubaran, his representative chances were 10 to 1 that oil would be
funds whilo stationed in Seattle, testi-1
wild fowl to the island, food probably at Washington, arrived, advising the found in paying quantities. Corpora-
fled Saturday, and before Captain Den­ will become abundant.
mediators that constitutionalist dele- tion papers are being drawn and the
nis P. Quinlan, judge advocate of the
gates were on their way to the media- company will be formally organized,
court, had croas-examin«l him long ho
Rroken Rail to fílame.
tion conferences with full instructions.
The largest flow of gas, which comes
acknowledged he had taken govern­
Discussion has continued about the to the surface at the corner of Third
ment money. He testified, however,
Washington, D. C.— In a report to
that he had had no intention of keep­ the Interstate Commerce commission type of man for the provisional presi- and Duryea streets, will be confined in
ing the money long.
He said he ab­ on the cause of th* wreck on the of the dent. It practically has been resolved » tank and used to light the street at
stracted it merely as a "temporary New York, New Haven & Hartford to abandon generalities about types thia point. Predictions are made by
passenger train near Westerly, R. I., and search for a man whom all would experts that oil will be found at a
depth of 1500 feet though it is planned
Thia acknowledgment was mad«« af­ October 25, 1913, H. W. Belnap, chief accept.
It can be said on the highest author- (t0 drill at least 2500 feet.
ter Captain Quinlan had obtain«! from inspector of safety appliances, finds
the accuswl officer a virtual surrender that derailment of the train was due ity that the American delegates at no '
of his defense that ho was mentally to a broken rail. The wreck resulted time have suggested the name of T Gen-
Tuist less Dance* Due.
affected as a result of mental strain at in the injury of 74 passengers and oral Villa or General Carranza, »nd 1 Cleveland—The National Association
the time of the defalcation and not re­ three employes. Mr. Belnap deciareci that they do not purpose doing so.
of Masters of Dancing voted to hold
sponsible for his actions.
investigation had shown that the rail
; the 1915 convention in San Francisco.
He also abandoned his defense that fractured under the New Haven train
Long Hypnosis Is Rroken.
I Committees were appointed by Louis
his first confession in Senttle waa not by reason of the presence of transverse
Gary, Ind.—Arthur Tracey, the 18- Krettow, of Chicago, president, to
voluntary and that it was made prin­ fissures in its head, caused by “high
cipally becauae he did not have the wheel load” with their attending year-old boy put into a trance Thurs- submit to the convention 1 _______
' H3 hat worn at the much tilted pose | the brim with a second piping ot
day night and left so for more than 36 forms of the tango, hesitation wal'z,
services of an attorney at the time.
shown in the picture is not for ' velvet.
hours because the hypnotist had been , one-step and maxixe. The twists, dips
every one. It takes a woman whose The trimming consists of a flat clus­
Sire Vindicated in Duel.
Four Are Killed in Auto.
was awakened Saturdafy after the dances will be eliminated by the com- style is so finished and pronounced ter of lovely pink roses shading to a
Paris — Leon Daudet, a notorious
Goldfield, Nev. — Four prominent clubwomen had withdrawn the charge mittees, and the 300 delegates to the that she can carry off this smart and deep rose color at the heart of the
duelist, was wounded in the forearm Knights of Pythias, all of thia city, were against the hypnotist and promis«! not convention will next season teach only rakish angle without looking in the i flowers A half dozen half-blown roses
in a sword duel Saturday at Neuilly by killed early Wednesday in an automo­ to prosecute. The women had the hyp­ the forms of the dances that receive least bold. But when the wearer is I are circled round the base of a jet
equal to the emergency there is no 1 spike, which complete the garnishing
Jacques Roujon, son of Henry Roujon, bile accident, while returning from a notist held alleging his exhibition was the sanction of the convention.
getting away from the fact that she of a simple but striking effect of the
the late secretary of the Academy of meeting of the Goldfield lodge at Ton- inhumane, and the hypnotist retailated
has demonstrated that style Is a very millinery artist.
Fine Arts. Roujon was the challeng­ apath. Dr. E. A. Wheeler, one of the by refusing to undo his work, and the
Dakota Wind» Are Fatal.
The prettiest, or rather the most
er, and fought in defense of the name beat-known physicians of Nevada, who boy pedaled for 36 hours, under the
Sioux Falls, S. D.—Two Indian boys subtle thing. A means of expression,
of his father, whose memory he con­ was driving the car, turned out to illusion he was riding a bicycle.
were killed and five seriously injured It is to her. by which she conveys satisfactory hats In this shape, are
sidered to have l>een wronged by arti­ avoid another machine mired in the
at Pipestone, Minn., and three persons something of herself to those who be­ those made of black high luster straws
800 Acre» Are Flooded.
cles which appeared in Daudet’s paper, middle of the road, skirted the edge of
injured, one seriously, at Flandreau. hold her, even though they may or fabrics, trimmed with black ma­
the Action Française, a Royalist or­ an embankment too closely and
lines and a few compact high-colored
Calexico, Cal.—Eight hundred acres S. D.t as a result of a heavy wind­ never speak to her.
The encounter took place in plunged over. I)r. Wheeelr and Dan­ of cotton on the Abbott ranch in Ix>wer storm which swept that vicinity late
Many hats of all sorts of materials flowers, or else finished In all blaek.
private. Only the principals and sec­ iel Falvey were pinned under the car California are covered with water Thursday. The storm wrought great have been turned out In this shape, or substituting fruit or ornaments for
onds were present.
and killed outright.
from the overflow of the levee at Vol­ havoc with Indian schools at both shapes similar to it. They cover nearly the flowers. There is something in
cano lake, it is reported here. Ranch­ towns. Farm buildings were demol­ all of one side of the -ace and form a the brilliant black of lacquered or
Hypnotic Spell Goes On.
Pollen Shower Heautiful.
ers are fighting hard to save the rest ished and livestock killed by winds of background against which the other high-luster silk surfaces that goes
Gary, Ind.—Arthur Tracy, 18 years
Klamath Falla, Or. — The yellow of thia 5000-acre ranch. Volcano lake great velocity. Telephone «nd tele­ side Is sharply silhouetted.
with the pose for which this hat is
old, at midnight Saturday had spent 24 shower which visited several sections is said to be raising as the result of graph wires are down and reports are
The hat pictured this left side is trim made. And as a background for a
hours flat on his back, his wearied feet of Eastern Oregon, came to all parts the flooded condition of the Colorado meager.
trimmed with a very full niching of ma- well-modeled profile there Is nothing
moving in imitation of a bicycle rider. of Klamath valley, but not at the river.
llne plaited in tiny side plaits and sup­ like black velvet The side face is,
The Woman’s club of Gary, the police same time. At Bonanza, it came in
St. Ixtuis Unit Dig Fire.
porting an upstanding fan of plaited set in relief like a tinted cameo. I
Dolt Kilin 6 in London.
and a thousand or more indignant citi­ the shape of a cloud, drifting from the
St. Louis—Fire that started in the maline. There is a facing ot black
But it is wise to consider whether
zens gathered at the police station to south on the wind and covering every­
London —Lightning killed six per­ ether house of the Mallincordt Chemi­ velvet all about the underbrtm. It the style is suited to one, before in­
try to stop Tracy’s feet, whilo W. B. thing with what waa at the time re­ sons, four of them children, and in­ cal works here Friday morning de­ forms a piping which outlines the brim dulging In It So there Is no harm tn
Griffiths, an itinerant hypnotist, is in ported as sulphur, supposedly from jured several others on Wandsworth stroyed the plant, valued at more edge of straw. The combination of reiterating that this hat is not for
jail refusing to undo his work until Mount Lassen. It is considered gen- Common Sunday during a severe storm. than $1,000,000. It is reported one natural leghorn color with the deep every one, but for her who can carry
all chargee against him are with­ erally to be pollen, but it is more Many buildings in South London were man was ki'led in one of the 25 explos­ black of velvet is very fine.
The it off.
plentiful than usual.
struck by lightning.
ions that rent the building.
verv low crown In this hat la set Into
Mediators Make Decided Step
Toward Peace in Mexico.
New Republic Is Proclaimed by 13 Republicans Join Democrats
to Favor Measure.
Peasants’ League.
Tilted Hat for Those Who Can Wear It