C. Q Wiley la enjoying a visit from hie daughter and family from Scio. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Thoa. Kerns and wife are j-arants All ekurrh. society, personal and locai news of a son born the first of the week. noi pnMIshed lor proSl. tre». notlcea of sn lertainwenu. condurteli lor prvSt. publlshed al a Me sslnlmun. ol SO «orda Annou acre Mia« Carol Hogue haa aecuied th« menu and eard ol thanks. asme rate Adver­ contract for th« next year aa teacher of tising rateo quoted on reqneet. the Riverside school, south of Portland. Mr. and Mr». Miller of Park Avenue are parents of a daughter born Saturday. Lente playgrounds have the promise of a number of good lights in th« near J. D. Lee left for St. Paul, Minn., a future. few days since to attend the wedding of bis »on. Mrs. Grace Chapman was taken to the hospital this week for an operation Mm. Ringlee of Bellroee. was the for appendicitis. subject of a serious operation on the Fourth of June. Mrs. J. O. Holt and his daughter Vesta, from Eugene. and Rev. J. Mr and Mm. Iwaceon of Tenth Avenue Stanford Moore from Willamina are and Iseeer Stress, are parents of a boy. visiting Rev. W. Boyd Moore of 9th. born Wednesday morning. Avenue this week. Mr». Alford of Dundee Oregon carne to Lenta for an operation for appendiciti» ai Dr. Fswcvtt’s office, on thè eight. Lents vaa represented at Wednesday afternoon’s panale by a finely docorated Auto-truck filled by one of the Evan­ gelical Church Classe«. The Mt. Scott Drug Company ha« offered its refreshment department to the “Philo Christie Class" of the Evan­ gelical Church for Friday the 19th. The Alvord Furniture Company at Lenta will discontinue it« buainew. the stock being consolidated with the 87th. Street house. A Piano Opportunity We find ourselves in a position where we are forced to raise a large sum of money in a short time. In order to accomplish this we have greatly reduced the price of every piano and player­ piano in our store. You can get a dandy little W’eber for $150, another for $125 and another for $65. If you are interested in a piano that anyone can plav you can find them here at prices from $335 and up. Terms tc suit your convenience. Soule Bros., Piano Co., 388 Morrison Street. Mise Flora and Mr. Isaac Gingrich had for their guests Sunday, their Packing ths Present. cousin. Miss Florence Miesse of Pasa­ Tissue paper, excelsior or finely cut dena, Cal., and Mise Marie Mix of paper wlU prove the best material to fill in all space, making it Impoealble Corvallis. for the Christinas gift to be broken. F. M. Campltell has sold his business at Lente Junction to P. A. Leipzig, Mr. Campbell and family have gone to live at Cantas, Washington, where he will engage in business. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE a 4 Rev. H. C. Baker and wife of the Sell­ wood N’azarine Church entertained at their home Tueeday evening at a six o'clock dinner. Mr. Isaac Gingrich of ' ente and hi» sister, Miss Flora, and their cousin, Miss Florence Mieese of paeadens. Cal., were preeent, who with i pas or and wife, were all formerally in Ohio. The evening was spent ery pletsar.tly at their borne, watching the fireworks at the Oaks. P atents T raoc M arks OisiGRa CoeVRIGHTS Ac. Anyone Modlnf a Dkotrb and dwertption may qutekly Mcertain our opinion free wbecber an invention ta probably patentable« Communloa- tk>nattrtctlyo>nOder:'.laJ HANDBOOK on Patent« •ent free. Oldest areney for ncunnf patenta. Patents taken tnrouah Munn A Co. receive tpeeto« nofte«« without charre. In the Bulletin No. 174. lately '«sued by the Vermont experiment station, telle of the prevention of eontagtoua abortion by the nee of methylene blue, 1 luring the (mat year the station baa fed thia preventive to ninety-two cows that were infected with the disease, amt only one atairted. Methylene bine la a strong antiseptic. which la absorbed by the blood aud la then given off through the kidneys While in the blood It kills the genua of abortion. It may he give* to the cows infected In their grain or allage or In capeulee. Front one third to one half ounce Is given night and morning for a week early In the pregnant period. Following thia at Intervals of every" four weeks this dosing Is npaatel imtll calving time A week-» medicine costa about 70 ■ ent«, the chemical costing *2.00 per laiiind. The medicinal grade of methylene blue to used In the treat ment. Cwgbt tad CsMt Vtakn ttw Spltm Continued Coughs, Colds and Bronchial trouble« are depressing and weaken the system. Loes of weight and appétit« gen­ erally follow. Get a 60 ct. bottle of Dr. King'« New Discovery to-day. It will stop your cough. The first dose helps. The best medicine for Stubborn Coughs. Colds and all Throat era! Lung Troubles. Mr. O. H. Brown, Muscatine, Ala., write«: “My wife was sick during the hot summer months and I honestly believe Dr. King's New Discovery saved her life." Good for children. 50 eta. *1.00, at your Druggists. General Machine Shop All Kinds Repairing Gasoline Engines A Spebialty Lawn Mowers Sharpened, and Saws filed and etc. Prices Reasonable AROUND Hit COUN IY Failure of the promoter» ol th» Mull- aonish Central to build a road Into Barn I y ha» led to a suit on the part of a numlwr ol farmer» of that part of the country to regain th» right-of-way they had donated for the road. The temiti of *.Vkk> has beaa retut ued. Multnomah County on llie Rejmldican Stale Central Ctanmittoo, The Gresham High Sehool graduating exercise were held Friday night iu the high school auditorium. John Honey, Emelie Andenton. Mary Cathey, Viola Dinger, Nellie Faris, Elsie Metzger. Evelyn Metzger, l «alte I Metzger, Olive Merrill and Addie Quensinl«*rry re- cetre,I high school diplomas Prufemor M H. Billman, of the Stale Normal Schoo), delivered the address to the class The general programme was: <« Morn, Arise," girls' chorus; invocation, Bev D. A. Cathey; selection, high Tailoring and Dressmaking, Childrens school orchestra; “laughter of May" sewing st reasonable prirss.—Tabor 4678, an1 all tin« n *-ek R N’eta-I h«“ nearly completed new barn. R. Jonsrnd is employ'- g Mr. Gil' «rt eon to slash and improve bis p«»liire. Mt. SceM, Lsela aed Porttaad EXPRESS Baggage and General Hauling, Trunks 50c Each DAILY SERVICE Leave Baggage Cheek and Address at Plummer Drug Store. .Third and Madison Ht. Quality Tailoring EveningTelegram T. M. WALSH Lents, City and Way Points Ernest E. Hatter Furniture and Piano Moving Cleaning Express and Baggage Pressing Repairing Main Street INSURE NOW Tabor 3614 In Oregon's Most Reliable Association QUICK SERVICE A. N. GARDNER JEWELER $4.50 Oregon Fire Relief, Oregon Merchants Mutu Fire, American Life and Accident In­ surance of Portland PROTECTION AND BENEFITS Address Beaver State Herald MODERATE RATES John Brown, Gresham, Ore. Watches, Jewelry Repair Work WANTKII W ANTED—A good reliable man or woman to solicit suluciptions. Enquire nt Herald olili,-. Fosti-r Roaartiru- Inrs address W. T. Gardner, superin­ tendent Bova and Girls Aid Hocietv of Oregon. Portland. Ore. tf KOI« MAI.K FORKALE— G» mm J young horse. quire »t Herald Office. LUMBER—At our lies mill miles southeast ol Kelso. We deliver lumter. tonarmi Bros (. letter heads, envelopes, carda, bill heads, auction notices end posters, dodgers, announcements, etc, at Mt. Hcott Puh C > , office, Lenta. FOR HALE—Home choice residence lots. Witter piped to all lots, electric lights mid telephone st car station. Terms to suit. 1V1 I tske go-si horse as part p'lvri-ent on a lot. Phone Btllll- 21)11 GIDw-rt H'atlon Lent., Ore. E. M Calkins. P< »I« IIICN1 3 of the largest loaves of hot bread for 10c Hundreds of thousands are enjoying the result of our baking, give us atrial and be convinced. Ml MC ICI I.ANICOI’K W|- a \'I: HI-.k’f: TO Si AY In­ DRY COUNTRY HI.AB WOOD—Kern Park Feed A Fuel Co. Tabor I2H0. !.< »M l Next to 1’ 0. «r Oregon "FOR HALE" and "WANT" readers in classified column, 1 cent |ier word for first inaertion ; cent »ulwequentlv. Watch the column for tmrgains. WHEN YOU WANT LIGHT GROCERIES, BAKING GOODS. CONFECTIONERY, CI­ GARS. FRUITS. VEGETABLES. ETC. First Class Lents, CLASSIFIED Remember the Name—BOHNA All Goods and Work Near Poet Office, LI N 18 One Year Lents, Oregon NewMethodLaundry Mies Abbie Stites of Portland is the guest of Mrs. Clara Smith this week. Mrs Henderson of Latourell Falls visited Mrs Patterson the last of the week. This section of the country was visited by a very severe hail storm last Thurs­ day afternoon. R. M. Dodson was in Portland on business Thursday. Mrs. Patterson returned Irom a Port­ land hospital Thursday and is slowly ' convelesciug. HERALD JOHN MANZ STAND 52 First St. Cer. Pto*. with Post Special Dcffiery. Pbones Mam H2. A-IH2 CORBETT and New Spring Styles and Latest Patterns MUNN Ko.’'""—’ New York Branch Office, 06 F Pt- Waehinrtun. D. C. ■ I «--------------------------------- ft Edward Mills s Scientific Bmerican. s----------------------------------- s ttowere. One Block East of Main on Foster Rd. ITEMS CONTRIBUTED BY HERALD REPORTERS AT NEARBY POINTS W-------------------------------------------------------------------S late sorrow In lite death of my wife, and fur the many beautiful ADVtmiStl) LEITERS Advertised letters fur week ending June tllh , Ivlt Brown, E. I , Carn- wark, Mr». M. F; Coeby, Waiter; Daring, K. E ; Geabv, Mr ; Gratton. C. J. Holt, W. H ; Jone», W ; Larson, Charley; Mann, T. Q; McIntosh, Mrs; Mills, Beasie I.; Mueller, Mr. O: Jones, Mrs. Win; Patterson, M. E; Perkin», H. A; Reml, Alpha; Hebub, Hgt. Mike (S); Stange. Mrs. Peter; Hargnson, Emma ; Quinn, W. H; Wilson, Mrs. Clara; -.leu. W. Spring, Postmaater. A handeomely illustrated weekly. lanreet dr- enlauon of any «dentlfic Journal. Term«. a year: four months, IL Sold by all newedealera. ■ Guild, and the IndlM ol the M. K. Church for their klndnes» to me In my On the North »ide of the Columbia Daniel M|pktoy, Jr. of Troutdale, go: a hand liadly damaged by an explmling the Government is pushing the North Net V m M mt I mm ud Health hilbtr allot gun Nltell last Friday. He and Jetty ever farther and farther out into Are you run down - Nervous—TiredT Harold Crawford »rere playing with the the ocean, hauling and dumping rock la everything you do an effort? You are •tieIla when one went off. not lasy—you are sick! Your Stomach. at the rate of 4.000 to 6,Olli) tous every Liver, Kidneys, and whole system needs Chairman George J. Cameron, of th« day. A giant pile driver occupies the a Tbnic. A Tonic and Health Builder Republican Cbunty IVntral (Yimmittee, seaward end ol the treetie, steadily to drive out the waste matter- build has announced the following memticr» hammering groat trees into the sand aa you up and renew your strength, of his executive committee Charlie a support for the rails over which the Nothing batter than Electric Hitter». Start to-day. H. Sigglin, J. C. Walsh, D. F. Haruman, Mr». James Duncan, miniature locomotives haul endless C R Hotehkim, <>. A. Neal. C. T. Evans, Haynwville, Mu., writ«: “Completely J. L. Day. J F. McAllister, Francis train loads of boulders which •re cured me after several doctor» gave Capell. J. L. Haniniersley, la>u Wagner. tumbled into the surf at an average rate me up.** 60 eta. and *1,00 at your Ihsii Power», all ol Portland; Fred W of nearly ten tons per minute, Th. Druggist. Valentine, of 84. Johns; F. R. IMtereon, rock is transported on bargee from th« Bucklen's Arnica Halve for Cute. of Lenta, ami Charles Cleveland, of quarries on the river bank above Van­ Gnwhain E. L. Ami.lon ta secretary of couver, Washington. Every carload Is the county commitoee and Harvey weighed between the receiving dock Wells has Iwvu re-elected to represent and the jetty. FIRST CLASS WORK ■ Cart of Thanks l wish to thank nty friends and neighbor» anti the ladle« ol Hl. Paula Chao. L. Taylor. Residence. Mh Ave. and Marie St. »th Ave. Station near Lents. Rhone r«to,r 277« Doings of Our Neighbors BREEZY aildrees, M H Pittman, piano solo, Mia» Fiorance Honey ; musical selections girls' chorus ; presentation ol class Miss Von Wliilaiiigvrode, presentation of d I plot tías, Arthur Ikiwsett, cliairiiian Board of Education. arlectioii, high aehool orchestra; »election, girls chorus After the programme a ban- quel was nerved ANI» FOUND