quatntances who cynically arraigned th* mtlk so peremptorily ordered, and 's UNIQUE TRAP FOR BURGLARS the siulle of (hanks that had beeu his him as the fool and his money. But, like the villain tn the play, hie reward! He had run away when ho Intrudsr Is Dropped Into Pit, Alight­ Income still pursued him. Certain should have hung on. He should have ing on Pneumatic Shock Absorb­ scandals inevitably followed, scandals fought every Inch of the way. . . . ers to Avoid Injury. "Monsieur Is lonelyT** he was the last to hoar about and the «Vota and InstnK'ttoni fnim .^rit-ullurul Colk'ÿi'i and F.i périmant Sfatto*! A pretty young woman sat down be last to deny when ho beard them. A burglar trap, consisting of a false Many persons, not being able to take tore him In tho vacant chair. of Orryon and WatMnyton, Spacially SuitaNo to Coast Conditions : floor constructed In front of th« ollie» into the mind and analyze a character I |»afs, a counter In a Jewelry »tore or like Courtlandt’», sought the line of CHAPTER II. elation depends In n large meaaur«llmllar places, has boon Invented by Handling of fruit and least resistance for their understand­ the nature of Ila contract with ,n English man. says Popular Median- ing. and built some precious exploits There Is a Woman? Vegetable Hy-Product* upon the grower. In selling the growers’ll The floor floor covers covers a a pit nit and and la Is sup sun ­ Ice. Tho which Included dusky Island prln Anger, curiosity. Interest; these sen OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL­ product the association must sign con ported by projecting pina, so adjusted cesses, diaphanous dancers, and comic rations blanketed one another quickly, tract» to supply certain amounts of , „ . , .... . LEGE. Corvallis.- With the purpose oi>era stars. leaving only Intervet, which was of finding «'in« wuy In which all the fr. li or manufactured >:<■■• 1 1t- , tiny: until oue day. Personally, he this one waa not quite In the picture. etable by-product» has been Issued by an make auch contracts. Further­ «o that he may not bo Injured. more the grower must bring all bls possessed graces of form and feature, Her cheeks were not red with that th.< Extension division of the Agrlcui produce to (lie association so that he and waa keener mentally than most redness which ha» a permanency of tural College. It Is pointed out In this shall not bo a competitor of tho organ­ that tho profits of orchard and young men who inherit great fortunes (one, neither waxing nor waning, bulletin garden business are often practically ization that Is trying to further hla abashed In daylight. Nor had her Ups wasted through failure to make a pro Interests, and equally tho association and distinguished names. • • • • • • • found their scarlet moisture from out per disposition of Interior grades and must give Its best service to tho grow­ Automobiles of all kinds panted th» depth« of certain little porcelain waste products. Tho Ideal purpose er In every possible way. An occasional boxes Decidedly she was out of placo for w hich It la Intended all fruit grow hither and thither, "Products marketed by the n»»<> I*- smart coupe went by as If to prove here, yet she evinced no embarrass­ era should strive is the selling of ns tlon are usually sold In pools. Each that prancing horses were still neces­ ment; she was cool, at ease. Court- much of the first grade fruit In a kind of fruit or vegetable has Its or/n fresh state us possible and then con­ pool. When Ibero la but little fluctu­ sary to the dignity of the old aristoc­ landt’s Interest strengthened. "Why do you think ! am lonely, verting tho remainder Into tho highest ation In price ns with canned poods, racy. Courtlaudt made up his mind prunes, etc., these pooh lived suddenly. He laughed with bitterness mademoiselle?** he miked, without by product form for which It In fitted dried In order to do this there should bo a bo formed but once during the sea-on. He knew now that to loiter near tho smiling. CHAPTER I, stage entrance had been his real pur­ "Oh, when one talks to one’s eelf, pose all along, and persistent lying to strikes (he table, wastes good wine, At the Stage Door. himself had not prevailed. In due the inference is but natural. So. mon­ Courtlandt sat perfectly straight; time he took his stand among the sieur is lonely." bis ample shoulders did not touch ibe gtlded youth who were not privileged Her lips and eyes, as grave and back of his chair; and his arm« were (like their more prosperous elders) to smileless as hie own. puzzled him An folded tightly across his chest. The wait outside the dressing rooms for adventure? He looked at some of the characteristic of hie attitude was their particular ballerina. By and by other women. Those ho could under­ Novel Floor Trip. tenseness. The nostrils were well de­ there was a little respectful commo- stand. but this one. no. At all times fined. as in one who sets the upper tlon. Courtlandt » hand went Instinct- he was willing to smile, yet to draw dropping of tho floor operate* a Imr Jaw hard upon the nether. Hi« brown ively to his collar, not to ascertain if her out he realized that he must pre­ which cuuari a sliding floor to rlaoe •yes—their gaze directed toward the it were properly adjusted, but rather serve his gravity unbroken. The situ­ over the mouth of the pit. stage whence came the voice of the to relieve tho sudden pressure, He ation was not usual. Hie gaze came prima donna—epitomized the tension, was enraged at bis weakness, He back to her. expressed the whole as in a word. FIND MAGNETIC SUN FIELDS wanted to turn away, but he could not. "Is the comparison favorable to A woman issued forth, muffled tn me?" she asked. Just now the voice was pathedcally Intsrpr.tatlon Suggested by Prof. "It Is. What Is loneliness?" he de­ subdued, yet reached every part of the silks and light furs. She was followed George E. Hale of Meaning of auditorium, kindling the car with Its by another, quite possibly her maid. manded cynically. "Ab. I could tell you.” she answered, Double Lines Confirmed. singularly mellowing sweetness. To One may observe very well at times Courtlandt It resembled, as no other from the corner of the eye; that is. "It is the longing to be with the one When the rapidly changing market de ­ series of by product plants established sound, the note of a muffled Burmese objects at which one Is not looking we love; It Is the hate of the wicked by each association or center of fruit mands It pools may bo declared week­ Professor Zeeman confirms the In­ Cong, struck In the dim Incensed cav­ come within the range of vision. The things we have done; It is remorse" growers and by-products Industries. ly or even dally. When the products terpretation suggested by Prof Georg» That echoes of the Amblgu-Com- ern of a temple A Burmese gong: woman paused, her foot upon the step This point Is illustrated In the use of the association are |>ooled, they E Hale of th« meaning of the doubled briefly and magically the stage, the of the modest limousine. She whis­ Ique.” of apples. It is comparatively easy have all the expenses of grading, prep­ lines seen In the photographs made at audience, the amazing gleam ind scin­ pered something hurriedly Into her "Would you spare me a glass of to sell the first grades In a fresh state, aration and marketing together with the Mount Wilson observatory of th» He companion's ear. something evidently wine? 1 am thirsty." since the demand ami high price for their share of the overhead charges spectra of suu spots, namely, that tillation of the Opera, fa ?d. heard only the voice and saw only to the puzzlement of the latter, who He struck his bands together, a bit them Justify the expenses of produc­ of Interest, Insurance and depredation sun spots are strong magnetic fields, The Inferior charged against them, and are credit­ (be direction of which Is mainly par She of orientalism he had brought back tion and marketing. the purple shadows in the temple at looked around irresolutely. Rangoon, the oriental sunset splash- obeyed, however, and retreated to the with him. The observant waiter in­ sorts of apples Instead of being put ed with the value of their product on pendlcular to the sun s surface, says upon the market greatly to tho detrl the mnrket. When produce Is brought lag the golden dome, the wavering stage entrance. A man. quite as tall stantly came forward with a glass. ment of the fruit growing business, from a grower that is not a member Youth’s ('oiupaulou The behavior of lights of the dripping candles, the dead as Courtlandt. his face shaded care- The young woman sipped the win», are converted either by canning, evap­ of the association, the grower Is given a spectral line emllt.-d t.y Iron vapor iwlij. Intentionally peibapa. by one of gazing Into tho glues as she did so. orating. or vinegar works Into the somewhat less per pound than II Is betw een the poles of an electromagnet, flowers, the kt yellowrobed priests, the tatters of those soft Bavarian hats that are "Perhaps a whim brought me here. form beat salted to tho character of estimated the produce will bring to says Professor Zeeman, cannot bo dla gold leaf, fresh and old. upon the rows worn successfully only by Germans, But I repeat, monsieur Is lone y." the fruit ami the nature of the market. members. The association then en tlngulshed from tho radiation of Iron of placid grinning Buddhas. The stepped out of the gathering to prof­ "So lonely that 1 am almost tempted Varieties of apples such as the Gano tors the pool with this produce nnd vapor Immersed In the Interior of th» French horns blared and the timpani fer his assistance. Courtlandt pushed to put you Into a taxicab and run and Ben Davis are known to be but the profits from the transaction go In­ solar vortices photographed by I’rofee- poorly suited to the making of vinegar to a reserve fund for use in permanent crashed The curtain sank slowly. him aside calmly, lifted his hat, and away with you.” but are said to bo excellent when improvements and for such other pur­ scr Hale, although (he la r are situ­ The audience rustled, stood up. sought smiling ironically, closed the door be­ She set dow n the glass. ated nearly ninety three million miles evaporated. Other varieties that do poses as the bylaws may Indicate." tta wraps, and passed toward the ex­ hind the singer. The step which the "But I sha n't." he added. It la pointed out that Oregon has a away. If this Interpretation la con not command good prices tn a fresh it» and the grand staircase, it was other man made toward Courtlandt The sjrark of eagerness In her eye» < state mako an excellent canning pro­ law that permits of the organization firmed. Professor Zeeman adds. It will was unequivocal In Ils meaning. But was Instantly curtained. "There it a duct. Stlirothcrs are especially adapt­ of cooperative associations. An ex all over. ; afford a Vera causa for tho perturba­ ed to the use of jell and butter mak­ planation of the conditions to be com tions of th» electric and magnetla Courtlandt took h1« leave in leisure. even as Courtlandt squared himself to woman?” tentatively. “Is there not always a woman?" ing. The whole Idea is to have a ser plied with nnd of the purposes and equilibrium of our earth and Its al- Here an J there be saw familiar faces, meet the coming outburst, the "Aud she bus disappointed mon­ lea of supplementary plants In each benefits of Joining the association, are ntoapbora. but these, after the finding glance, he stranger paused, shrugged bis shoul­ sieur?” There was no marked sym­ studiously avoided. He wanted to be ders, turned and made off. The lady in the limousine—very pathy in the tone. alone. Outside be lighted a cigar, not NOTE DISTANT EARTHQUAKES "Since Eve, has that not been wom­ because at that moment he possessed pale could any have looked closely In­ a craving for nicotine, but because like to her face—was whirled away Into the an’s part In the human comedy?" Hs Observations Made at tele of Wight all Inveterate smokers he believed that night. Courtlandt did not stir from was almost certain that her lips be­ and In Austria Confirmad Nest tobacco conduced to clarity of thought. the curb. The limousine dwindled, came firmer. "Smile, if you wish, once It flashed under a light, aud then Day by Telegraph. is not prohibitory here.” And mayhap it did. At least, there She lifted the wine-glass again, presently followed a mental calm that vanished. "It is the American." said one of then be noticed her hand. It An Interesting example of the way expelled al! this confusion. The goal large, white and strong; It was In which modern seismographs record waxed and waned as he gazed down the waiting dandies. "The icicle!" the hand of a woman who dallied. earthquakes occurring at a distance of the gTeat avenue with Its precise rows "The volcano, rather, which fools Idled in primrose paths many thousands of mile, la afforded of lamps. Far away he could discern believe extinct." "Tell me, what Is it you wish? by a recent occurrence. I*rob-aaor the outline of the brooding Louvre. "Probably sent back her maid for interest me, at a moment, too. when I Milne at the lale of Wight, Ung . no ' There was not the least hope In the her Bible. Ah. these Americans; they do not want to be interested. Are you (Iced »hock» whose point of origin was world for him to proceed toward bls are very amusing " really in trouble? Is there anything I about eighty degreer distant, corre­ goal this night. He realized this clear­ "She was in magnificent voice to­ sponding to th» distance of Japan. Han ly, now that he was face to face with night. I wonder why she never sings can do . . . barring the taxicab?" She twirled the glass, uneasily. "1 Francisco and Mexico. 11« thought It actualities. A wild desire seized him Carmen?" am not in actual need of assistance." probable that the true point was In tho to make a night of it—Maxim's, the "Have I not «aid that she Is too "But you spoke peculiarly regarding east At the same limo Professor Be- cabarets; riot and wine. Who cared? cold? What! Would you see frost lonelinecs." lar. at Laibach. Austria, noticed the But the desire burnt Itself out between grow upon the toreador's mustache? "Perhaps 1 like the melodrama. You shocks, and declared that tho center two puffs of his cigar. Ten years And what a name, what a name! spoke of the Ambigu-Comlque. of the disturbance must bo about three ago perhaps, this brand of amuse- Eleanora da Toscana!" “You are on the stage?" thousand seven hundred and fifty ment might have urged him success­ Courtlandt was not In the most "Perhaps." miles to tho east, Tho next day the fully But not now; he was done with amiable condition of mind, and a hint "The opera?” telegraph brought the news of n great tomfool nights. Indeed, his dissipa­ of the ribald would have instantly ’’Again perhaps ” earthquake, which had occurred at the tions had been whimsical rather than transformed a passive anger into a He laughed once more, and drew time of the observation» In Baluchis brutal; and retrospection never blind fury. Thus, a scene hung pre­ chair closer to the table. (an. Asia, tho town of Belput having aroused a furtive sense of shame. cariously; but its potentialities be­ "You followed mo here. Fl Buffered aevc.ely. He was young, but not so young as came as nothing on the appearance of made quite plain. Sample contracts where?" center so that the beat possible use an Idle glance might conjecture In another woman. "Followed you?" The effort to give shall be made of each grade of stuff are also presented so that a study of passing To such casual reckoning Thie woman was richly dressed, too a mocking accent to her voice was a and each variety of all kinds of fruit tho bulletin will give prospective asso­ he appeared to be in the early twen richly. She was followed by a Rus­ ciation members a very definite Idea and vegetables. ties; but scrutiny, more or less infal- sian, huge of body, Jovian of counte­ failure. The same process of sorting end of their privileges nnd obligations. "Yes. The Idea Just occurred to «tie. llble, noting a line here or an angle nance. An expensive car rolled up to A good deal of Information valuable conversion Into various by-products Is there, was disposed to add ten years : the curb. A liveried footman jumped There were other vacant chairs, and applicable to the materials that at the to growers Is given In tabular form. there was nothing Inviting in my facial to the score. There was in the nose ; down from beslje the chauffeur and present time are generally wasted. Table 1 gives tho namo of the fruit, and chin a certain decisiveness which | opened the door. The diva turned expression, Come, let me have the Cores and peelings go readily into varieties recommended for certain truth. ” jells and vinegar. l’eellnga can be use, date of harvesting, nvernge yield tn true youth is rarely developed. This j her head this way and that, a thin "I have a friend who knows Flora dried to excellent advantage and later per acre, and average price pnld. Ta­ characteristic arrives only with man­ 1 smile of satisfaction stirring her lips Ottawa (Ont.) observatory is to Desimone. ” worked into jams and Jells. Ry work­ ble 2 deals with vegetables for can­ hood, manhood that has been tried I For Flora Desimone loved the human "Ah!” As If this Information was a ing this combination waste I» prac­ ning, gives the names of the vegeta have a 73-lnch telescope. and perhaps buffeted and perchance | eye whenever it stared admiration Into e e e direct visitation of kindness from the tically eliminated, losses reduced to Idea recommended, tells when seeded, • little disillusioned. i her own; and she spent half her dayB gods. "Then you know where the a minimum, and profits are put' on gives cultural distance, date of har One of the principal by products of What was one to do who had both setting traps and lures, rather suc­ vesting, average yield per acre, nnd the national foreata of Japan la musb- Calabrian Ilves? Give me her ad substantial basis. money and leisure linked to an irre- cessfully. She and her formidable es­ dress.” Before establishing a factory for average price paid. With this defin­ rooms. eistlble desire to leave behind one cort got into the car which Immedi­ canning theso fruits and vegetables ite Information nt hand it Is possible • • • (TO BE CONTINUED.) place or thing in pursuit of another, ately went away with a soft purring several important things should be for the growers to estimate the rewinding reels for mo Automatic taken into consideration. Determln- amount, nnd value of their different Indeterminately? The Inherent ambi­ sound. There was breeding in the en­ Believed Him Honest, But— Ing factors are the kinds of produce kinds of crops and thus enter Intelli­ tlon picture films have boea Invented tlon was to make money; but recog- gine, anyhow, thought Courtlandt, who Mayor Hunt of Cincinnati said the nlzing the absurdity of adding to his I longed to put his strong fingers around other day of a notorious political boss that can bn raised, the amounts pro­ gently Into a contract with the handl­ by an Ohioan. • • e duced within service distance, the ing association. Other features of Income, which even in bis extrava­ 1 that luxurious throat which had, but a “They who call thia feUow honest amount of capital available, general Fish guano as a supplemental food gance be could not spend, be gave second gone, passed him so closely. have to stretch the truth a little. They conditions of manufacturing, water very general Interest to the growers poultry la coto* himself over into the hands of grasp­ He turned down the Rue Royale, on have to etretch It like the old colored supply, transportation facilities, nrd are the nmount of capital required to for cattle, hogs and use In Germany. ing railroad and steamship companies, ' the opposite side, and went Into the farmer of Paint Rock. character of the markets. Under the establish an association factory, the Ing Into general s o or their agencies, and became for a Taverne Royale, where the patrons "This old farmer sold to a young separate heads of the cannery, vine general nnd special officers necessnry The thumb print as a meani of time the slave of guide and dragoman were not over particular In regard to chap: gar manufacturing, and evaporation, to conduct it, the volume of business and carrier. And then the wanderlust, the laws of fashion, and where certain ** Lock, heah, Calhoun, Ah don’ mln’ the lequirements for each of those required for success, the location and Identification la used tn a new Eng llsh time recording machlno for work­ descended to him from the blood of ladles with light histories sought yore co’tln’ mah gal Lillian, but Abd his roving Dutch ancestors, which had I further adventures to add to their rather yo’ wouldn’t come round mah Industries are dealt with. A careful construction of tho plant. A full pnge men. ... study of these requirements will put photograph of the Henton County lain dormant In the several genera­ heptamerons. Now, Courtlandt thought house no mo’. With apparatus of hts own Inven tions following, sprang Into active life neither of the one nor of the other. He “ ’Time fo’ de las’ wot yo’ wuz heaii, the association i i a position to deter­ Growers' Association canning factory again. He became known In every desired Isolation, safety from intru­ Calhoun. Ah missed a watah bucket, mine the type of factory It had best and floor plans of the Eugene Fruit tlon an Indiana university scientist port of call. He became known also sion; and here, did he so signfy, he and de las’ time de bridle wuz gone, establish. Growers' Association by products has successfully photographed sound In the wildernesses. could find It. He sat down at a vacant and now as Ah has use fo’ de saddle, "The efficiency of a growers’ naso plant, make these explanations clear. waves. see Whatever bad for the moment ap­ table and ordered a pint of champagne, Ah’d rather yo’ wouldn’t come roun’ pealed to his fancy, that he had done. drinking hastily rather than thirstily. no mo’. A recently patented wood screw No Need for Esperanto. In Day» (lone Hy. He was alone, absolute master of bls carries a sharp blade under the head Would monsieur like anything to " ’Ah don’t say yo’ haln’t honest, fo’ “Oh, dear, Max, what a prosiac per­ Pat one day bought a sack of flour millions. Mammas with marriageable eat? to ream out a place to receive the Ah b’lleves yo’ Is; but slch cu’ls son you are; I ’ m afraid we shall never and was proceeding on his homeward daughters declared that be waa Impos­ No, the wine was sufficient thing« happens while yo’s In de neigh­ head. understand each other very well. ’ e e e sible; the marriageable daughters Courtlandt poured out »second glass borhood; so, jes’ ter please an ola journey with the flour on his back, “Don’t you worry; you understood never had a chance to decide one way slowly. The wine bubbled up to the man. wot ain’t enj’yln’ de beet er when he resolved to take a car. for outdoor sleepers have Shirts or the other; and men called him a brim and overflowed. -He had been health, please don* coma round die When he got up into the car he still my proposal all right, and that was in been patented with clasps on the fool. He had promoted elephant fights looking at the glass with unseeing house no mo’.’" retained the flour on his back, stand­ the baldest prose.” Fligende Blaetter. shoulders to hold blankets In the which had stirred the Indian princes eyes. He set the bottle down Imps- ing up all the while. A stout old proper position. out of their melancholy Indifference, I tlently. Fool! To have gone to Bur- see lady, being the only other occupant Mrs. Bryde I told my husband I As They Danced. and tiger hunts, which bad, by their ! ma, simply to stand In the golden "I believe In a girl having a mind of the car, asked: "Whiy don’t you was going to give him something of A gyroscope for stabilizing an aero duration and magnificence, threatened j temple once more. In vain, to recall of her own.” said she. "I, for one, put your flour down on the floor, Pat?” my own cooking and he said I’d rather plane has been designed so It also to disrupt the efficiency of the British I that other time; the starving kitten am not easily led.” "Well,” says Pat, "the poor old try it on the dog first. Wasn’t that a can be used for changing the dlrec military service—whimsical excesses, ] held tenderly In a woman's arms, his "So I perceive," he ventured gently horse has enough to pull will the likes cru< I suggestion? Her Friend Very! tlon of the machine should the motor not understandable by his Intimate sc- own scurry among the booth» to find between dips of you and me, so I’ll hold the flour Ami I thought your husband whs stop in midair. meself.”- Louisville Courier Journa1. fond of|dogs. - Boston Transcript.¡¡¡¡¡¡I PLACED MONEY MOON FARM ORCHARD y HAROLD / V MÀCGPÀ Pictures ' & NOTES ÖFm SCIENCE fâ INVENTION