Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, June 11, 1914, Image 2

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    Conservation Rills to
Have Dre Recognition
Columbia Highway Halted
By Differences of Opinion
Washington, D. C. With the ap­
proval of the house leadership, a sup­
plementary legislative program of the
St. Helen* — With the contract for
present session, embracing five con­ the north half of th* Columbia High­
servation measures, was outliinxi in a way in Columbia county let ami the
resolution introduced by Representa­ work already under way. a halt has
lx-en called in the proceedings for the
tive Foster. of Illinois.
The rules
balance of the road.
committee will meet immediately and
The delay wa* made necessary by
probably will report a rule to provide the deliberations ami conferences in
Schurtiann-Heink. the famous »inger. for immediate consideration of the regard to the location of the road be­
is seeking a divorce from her husband
tween Scappooae, near the Multnomath
in Chicago.
county line, ami Columbia City, a few
Under the proposed rule each of the miles below St. Helen*.
At Placerville, Cal., wa* bom the
What x-tmel to be an impending
largest baby on record.
The child bills would be considered in the house
as in comniit’ee of 'he whole, where clash between the State highway com­
weighed 20 pound*.
»ft er gvi'eral debate it would be sub­ mission and the County court was
Carrapxa delays hi* answer to the ject to smeixlmeot under the "five- averted by a joint session of the two
request of the mediators at Niagara minute tule.” Then it would la» laid I bodies and a continued meeting of the
Fall», to join them.
aside for final sc»ion on completion of state engineer and the county court
President of Bryn Mawr college in consideration of all in “committee of ( from which an understanding wa*
practically effected resulting in the ap-
Philadelphia declares the present text the who'*.”
The program proposes’his order:
' parent approval on ths state officers*
books are antiquated,.
Alaska «xxd leasing bill, six hours' part to retain as much of the old road
The Progressive party state com­ general deb. »•; bill to sneourags pros as was practicable and keep the high-
mittee of New York, will make a plea pectiag, mining and ’re.-'ment of ra- wav through St. Helena if the court
to Roosevelt to run for governor.
I dium-beoring ores in |xiM>c land* ami consented to a straightening of the
Indictments have been found against secure rdequat* supply for government, road between Scappoose and Warren,
plumbers of Des Moines, la., charging and other hospitals, four hours; ex’e.t- .
With what seemed to be a practical
them with conspiracy for monopoly.
* s'O"
’* * ’o “
20 veers of * the period within ami satisfactory settlement still un-
wli'Yh ;eftie’s on racleMS'teu projae’»
A double wedding of sisters finds |
; mey re'mburse ’he government for
them assigned
to the - wrung
, ,,^r
u .
z- I l-t-vir r.-vi.-m,«-««Ml
— v-< N.
’WO bojrs;
aceordmg to record* ia San Mate««. CaL
aeve,<TO,e..t of
Resume of World’s Important
Events Told in Brief.
"Mother" Jones was barred by
Canadian immigration officials, from
boarding a steamer at Seattle that
would take her to the strike scene in
that country.
Missouri. Kansas and Oklahoma re­
port heat wave; Ohio severe hail
storms that damaged crops, while six
persons are injured in Pennsylvania by
Hundred Drown In Terrific
New Brunswick Storm
Baker — That there will be no wool
sales days in Baker thi* year ia the
j opinion of woolmen of thia vicinity,
who say that the greater part of the
wool in the Baker distqct ha* already
been bought from the grower* and at
prices approximately 3 cent* higher
than theme paid last year.
Growers have been paid from 16 to
17 cent* for fine wool, while last year
the ruling price wa* frvfn 13 to 14
The clip in thi* section is about nor­
mal. but the world clip thi* year ha*
been small, and on that account the
price* are higher.
Price* on coarse wool thi* year are
about 2 cent* higher than those for
fine wool. Ordinarily, the differential
ha* been as high a* 5 cents, but on ac-
count of a great deal of crow-breeding
for mutton lambs in the last year or so
i the supply all over the country of
S’, J oh. i. N. B. — More than 100
lives were lost in the s’orm which
swept ’be Bsv of Cbuleur on Thursday
a.xl Friday of last week, according to
repor’s received here.
The s’orm
caused the greatest .¡umber of fa’»!»-
’ies ir> ’he '.ns’ory of ’he Nor'h Shore,
Acxou.'ts brought in bv fishing ves-
A disastrous storm has »wept over
sels which lived ’hrwuy,h ’he s’orm
Western and Southern Japan. Several
show that the wind blew wi’h ’errific
hundred boats have beer, wrecked and
force. Captain S. muel Beck, of the
hundreds of persons are believed to
schooner Warren, es’;m.«’i.ig the force
have been drowned.
The steamer I of the blast at 150 mi’es ar hour at
Disposing of Hood River
Mongolia rescued many seamen. Al*'
i rimes. The ve.vels known to be lost.
hundred bt^ftses in Nagasaki have been
Strawberry Crop Difficult
I whith their view», are:
blown down.
Cdptair Al he’s. sxhoo.ier a:xl crew t
Hood River—The problem of dispos­
"The man of mystery.” who has; of five.
ing of the year’s strawberry crop at
been known only as "j. CL R.” by
Rubin «-ompanv schooner with all I
prices profitable to the grower is one
officials of the Oak Park Infirmary and I harda.
Scbw er. riding *1 srxbor. 15 'miles of th* «"«•» difficult Aer faced by the
by hospital attaches at Rochester. I
Sl-inpegen. all .he crew being North Pacific Fruit Distributor», ac­
Minn., from which he escaped, was
identified in Chicago as Earl W. Iles. wept off her decks,
cording to H. F. Davidson, president
a mining engineer, who has been miss- i S«.boo. er lost off Nor’h Cspe. Prince
of the central selling agency.
ing since 1906.
I Edwrru 1*1. ,-d, with »11 her crew.
“The crop has matured 10 day» ear­
Throe ves;e!s !<»t off Miscou Point. I
lier than usual,” »aid Mr. Da'vid»on.
A terrific thunder Worm broke over , tbe;r crews' bodies picked up.
Arlington National Cemetery while
Vettel de'Toyrd »4 fti’nt Canoe. ' "The first of the local berries came in
President Wilson was a«kiressing a w-’h . o o. e saved.
M»nv other competition with the fruit of Cali-
a aw* ava
»««V unveiling : «eboo.-ers
— e.- w —
w *»•
•*—’*• a, • from
« ’•■Mi I ; fornia and now the beme* from Mi*-
grvat ‘ crowd gathered
for the
and boats
are «as
_ Isouri
and other Eastern points are
of the monument erected there to the the Careque*. St. S'm< oe and Shipper-
Confederate dead.
an fleet*.
From Psspedisc, Qu*., filling the market* of the Dakota*.
(Wnej word ’hat 30 boats have been Nebraska. Iowa and Minnesota. The
King Edward and Queen Mary held
wi’h crews. Five of these boats Utah crop is at its height ard the cr~~
court at Buckingham Palace and in have bee picked up near Shippegan. around Seattle is moving. The latter
spite of all precautions a suffragette The bod es of eigb* Caraquet fishermen crop for several seasons has been hurt
gained access to their presence and were recovered.
by rainy weather, but it is good thi*
caused an interrupt
to the present*-
year. Despite these conditions, al-
tion*. As she i was passing the king Middle Wffs/ Sufficing
though the figure is a little less than
the suffragette dropped on her knees i
Ifz... anticipated, the distributors are get-
trom Ftnt Hect Ware ting* fair price as •m;*r^ with
and shouted:
“Your Majesty, for I
God's sake, do not use force."
Chicago—Intense [heat th»’ caused j former seasons.
_ suffering in densely [x'pulated dis’ricts
"The crates of th.» year contain 24
pint boxes, whereas in former
_ part of the country be’ween the Mis- years they were composed of 24-quart
' boxes, slightly short.
We figure the
Wheat—Track prices: Club. S5c . sour: valley a«xi the AHeghe.iv moun-
actual value of thi* year'* crate at,
bluestem. 87wSSc;
forty-fold. s6c
Chic, go's ’empem’ure rose from 92 about 70 per cent of that of last year.
red Russian. Me; valley. 85e.
| to 96 decree«.
Three deaths and a The crates contain about 60 per cent
Millfeed - Bran. $23.50*t24 per ten
¡score of pros’tv» ions were rejxirted of the quantity of last year's crates,
shorts. $23.5*- :27; middling», $32><tS&
( here. It w»s ’be third day of »be first twit the coat of handling is a little
•_ Civtce timothy.
$lCn:17 I hot wave of 1914. The official ’emper-, heavier for th« grower.
mixed timothv, $~>’5; grain bay,
»'ure on ’be s’reet w»s 98 degrees.
“About six
are being
$’.b tlb; alfalfa. $11M 12.50.
i one 'degree less then ’he June 1913 «hipped out daily
The White Salmon
Barley — Feed. $20 m 21 per ICT,, record, while»'bumidi’y record of 60 crop, which is 10 day» earlier, is
brewing. $21.50»:22; rolled. $23-50«: ■ -aa-a to --------- , a«------- .
Tljt. dropping off rapidly."
Mr. Davidson say* that the apple
.. , ,.
. ..
weather autbor’ics i.idicated that the I
Oau - No. 1 white, mii.-ng, $22 ;
we WM pT<r aud I market hag gone to «rr.ash in the East.
22-ci per ton.
that slightly lower temper. tures will I
torn—No. 1 wh.te milling. $22«. ! nrev<il
Long Fire Season Feared.
22.50 per ton.
I ''
Eugene — With the »now off the
C*>m—Whole. $35; cracked. 36 ton.
Vegetable*—Cucumbers, $1.25 per
¿Ar« n m* Iftcon-t.
mountain* a month earlier than usual
box; eggplant. 15c per pound; pep-
Chicago—Mme.’i.’e Schumann and the woods dry. a long, dangerous
radishes. 15*»17ic Hei. k KOred a ,«w »riumph Wedix»- fire season i* anticipated by the gov­
|er doier. head lettuce. $1.75 per ¿»E- I’w» ant on’be operetie «Uge, ernment forestry officials in charge of
crate; artichokes. 65ei75c per dozen: 1
with rvvsl’y . s rn rud e.Ke. She the Cascade reserve, covering a mil­
cvlery. $3.50 m 4 per crate; spinach. Sc w*’ a decree of divorxe from her hus- lion acre* in Linn. Lane and Douglas
per pouiAt. tomatoes. $2.25-14.25 per ba.xi. W lli.-m R.>pp. Jr.
It wss a counties. Step* are being taken t®!
crate; horseradish. 10M12jc pound, «weeping victory. There was no hot open the protectio- work early. Al­
rhubarb. SfetSe
cabbage. ! debate in a swel’eri.ig juryroozn. though all the guards and rangers will
t«>:3e per pound, cabbage,
as-.arag-as. fl*: 1.15 per doren; Judge Sullivsn. »fter ’wo le.iythy coi.- not be' stationed before July 1. prac­
peas. 5. :7c per pound; beans. 7«n 10c; fere.wes. i<v*trocted the jury to return tically all lookout* in the mountains
a verdict favoring the diva in every will be connected up with phone* and
com. 4iwr5'»c per doten.
issue. One of these wa* «otnplete vio- trail* by June 15.
Onions Red. $2.75* r 3 per sack.
Green Fruit — Apples. Sl.SOat2.75 dicstter on the «barges which her hue-
box; strawberries. S1.10 m 1.25 crate, bend made by insinuation.
cherries. 4< j 10 c per pound; gooseber­
ries. 3j-:5c per pound, apricots. S1.25
“Dry*” Bin in Four Puriin.
box; cantaloupes. $2.25a:275 crate., Idaho — The county central
Eggs—Fresh Oregon ranch, case
committee* of four political parties
count. 20i*t21c; candled. 22*: 23
Poultry — Hens, 15c broilers. 23»: met »nd «elected delegates to the «tate
25c. turkeys, live, 20w21c; dressed, platform convention which meet* June
choice. 25a: 26 c ;
12»tl2(c; 30. Prohibition wa* the iaaue in nam­
ing the delegate* and each party »ent
geese. lOtgllc.
Butter — Creamery prints, extra. a “dry" delegation to the platform
convert tea. Thi*. it is said, makes it
27(c per pound; cubes. 22j 24c.
cartain that a dry plank will be (wart­
Pork —Fancy. lOktlfifc per pound.
ed in ’he platform of all political par­
Veal — Fancy. KMltyc per pound.
Hope- - 1913 crop, prime and choice. ties th** fall. The chief figh’s were
staged in the Democratic and Republi­
14»il6e: 1914 contracts. 14x 15e.
Prohibition forces
Wool — Valley, 20 m 23( c ; Eastern can ecsnmitt-e*.
Oregon. 16«a2v»e; wtoaair. 1»14 ctipv t jp the Drawer»’;c axretiag
27*»2nc per pound.
Cattle — Prime steers. $7.75»;9;’
choice. $7.25 M 7.50: medium. $" :
7.25; choice cows. $6.50:7; medium.
$6- 6 25; heifers. $6.50 m 7.25; calves.
$7«9; bull*. $4 :6.25; »tags. $5 54
Hogs Light. $7.5Cw»?.9O; beavv.
$6 50*16.90.
Sheep W ethers. $4.20*14 75; ewes,
yearling lambs. $4.50
«5; Spring lamb*. $5.50*1«.
Damage in Ix>s Angeles cv-unty re­
sulting from the overflow of »term
waters during the floods of last winter
approximated $10.000.000, according
to a report filed with the board of su­
pervisors by a specially appointed
board of engineers of flood control.
Washington, D. C. In view of the
fact that President Wilson will not de­
mand action by congrea* on the bill*
eonflrmed by the state highway com- included in the “conservation pro­
mioesion the whole matter a* to the gram, " liecauae he fear» that by *o
letting of the contract ami undertaking doing he might impede the program of
of the construction 1« hekl in abeyance. the anti-trust bills. Western senators
The county court is unable to - deter­ ami representative* are satisfied that
mine whether tlie policy of the »tat* conservation legislation will ba post­
cummiaaion is on* of objecting to th* poned until the next session.
com promised location or of further de-________
mere fact ____
that President Wilson be Determination ol Dictator Ukelg
liberation to arrive at th* real effect | |iPVM the five conservation bill* might
to Force Hostilities Between
of it.
to pass will not lw enough to get them
I nited States and Mexico.
With practically $200,000 out of 1 through. The President must ln*i«t
$260,000 allowance on the main road > on action or there will bo none,
alreatiy contracted for on the north |
Apparently it ia the belief of the
half, it seems impossible to the county \ |’re*idenl that if the house passes the
Washington, D. C. (Later) General
court U< open much new road through conaervatlon bill*, the senate will take Huerta'» onler Tuesday *u*|>emling the
higli-priced lands around St. Helens tht.m up in preference to the trust bills order to blockade Tampico against the
with the remaining $60,000.
| atMj .idetrack the legislation which the delivery of ammunition by the steam­
The evniprumi»« apparently agree«! l>r,..t<ient regard* as of first imjsir- er Antilla to the constitutionalist* di*-
upon gave a straight away route from tance. The Prceident overlooks the |H<lied apprehension over a new crisis
Scappoose to Warren, making a cross- I fact that the senate can always find
between the United States ami the
ing necessary just above
Warren. . an excuse when it want* one, to *ide- Huerta government, which had threat-
As crossings are considered dangerous > trac|i any legislation,
en«xl mediation of Mexican affairs.
features by the commission, the county 1
The five bill« to which President
Although th* Washington officials
court has discovered ami proeure.1 Wil»on give* hi* personal indorsement, express**! satisfa«*tion over Huerta's
right to a private underground cross anj jn the order nam«l, are the radium •ction. It was persistently Mgg**t«*l
ing at this place that can be used for hill, the Alaska coal laml leasing bill, caitside of official circles that the
all purposes as if construct«*! for the the water power bill, the bill provid- blockade had iieen suspended only con-
highway'• p*rtieulai*U»e.
lhg for |CMMing coal, oil and gas lamia
: ditionally as n result of conferences
j in the »tates, and the 20-year reelama- I between the South American media­
| tion bill.
Thi* is almost the direct
tors ami the Mexican aiul American
reverse of the order in which Western delegates at Niagara Falls, ami that
i senators and representative* would the Antilia's cargo of arms might not
like to see these bill* <x»n*idered, ami b* deliver*»! at Tainpiro at this time.
i the measure in which the President is It was said the Antilla might be di-
■ most interested is the one with which verteil in her cotirse through an agree­
coarse wool ha* been increased and J the West is least concerned.
Regard­ ment with officials of the Ward line,
that of fine wool leawnod. The price* ing the radium bill, there is no gener­ her owners, an American corporation.
are more nearly equal for the variou* al sentiment among Westerners.
Reprvsenlative* of the <x*n*tituti«^ti
grade* of wool.
Th* conservation program outlined alist* in Washington were inclined to
A few sale« a* high a* 20 cent* for by the Preeident takes no account of the belief that the ammunition would
coarse wool have been reported, but a bill to ami-mi the homestead law in a be lamlcd at Tampico, but divulge«! no
the ruling price ia from 1S| to 19| way to relieve settler* of the burden
direct information upon which to base
centa, whereas last year it wa* from of the cultivation clause, nor docs
such an opinion.
17( to 18 cent*.
, that program include a bill, strongly
Wool shipment* have been started urge«! by Secretary I-anv. proposing
Washington, D. C. A new crisis in
by the buyer», who have already to give local etNitrol of laml ami other the Mexican situation faced the Wash­
cleaned thi* territory.
High price*
matters in Alaska to a ington government , Sunday night. Il
locally, with clip up to or possibly a tee*| governing board,
was a situation fraught with perils for
shade above normal, grower* assert.
It i* agreed by Weetcrn men in con- mediation and with ptsuiibilitie* that
will do much for the industry in this gn.M that the moat urgent nee-1 i* might precipitate war between the
section. The condition ia much better for an amendment to the h«mc»tca«i United States and Mexico.
than usual, locally, despite the tariff law. and next to that i* the ne«xi for
General Huerta brought about the
granting a longer term to settler* in crisis by ordering guntxiats to block­
Had the tariff remained on. wool- government
irrigation project* in ade the port of Tampico and to seize a
grower» believe this year would have which to meet their obligation* and at cargo of ammunition en route there
stood forth a* the banner year for the the «arre time provide for graduated for rebel* aboard the Antill*. from
Eastern Oregon wool industry, while, payment*.
There i* just a* much New York, flying the Cuban flag.
a* it i*. it i* well above the normal.
demand for th* enactment of a work­ Huerta has notified the powers of his
able water power bill which will re- intention to blockade th* port ami that
I lease the waler power »ites now stag­ he proposes to seize the cargo consign-
Union Stock Show Rest
nant because of the lack of a workable <*l to the iwlligerents against his sov­
Ever Held On Coast governmental
ereignity as contraband of war.
The Alaska railntad bill, which be­
Union — The final event* of the
The pur|>osc of the United States to
Union Livestock show were held here ‘‘,une • *aw Hrf* *c*sion, will not pro- suppress the attempt to blockade and
du ce the result* expected unie«* the prevent interference with the Antilla
with * bigger and better show than
resource* of Alaska are thrown open to was indicate«! when Secretary Daniel*
ever. The principal feature was the legitimate development.
issued an official statement announcing
All thia desirable legislation could that while no new orders hail been giv­
work of the high-jumping equine.
owned by J. D. Farrell, preaident of be passed by congre».«. and most of it en Admiral Badger, there had i*’cn no
could be passed promptly λ the Prvsi- change in the policy of the govern­
the O.-W. R. & N. company.
dent would say the word and bring to ment in reference to the desire that
remarkable thoroughbred cleared the
bear the same sort of pressure he ap­ the port of Tampico shall lie open to
bar* at six feet, being ri«iden by W.
plied to get action on other adminis­ all iximmert*. The statement follows:
S. Elliott, also of the O.-W R. A N.
tration measures.
"No word whatever has been re­
The parade was of more magnitude
ceived as to whether warships of other
than ever before, and 350 were enter­
Militant Suffragettes Enter nations have been notified of the block-
ed for contesta in all das*e*.
It i*
impossible to estimate fully the value
London Catholic Churches ; ade at Tampi<^>, or what their altitude
j would be toward such a blockiul*.
of the exhibit but the values ranged
!x>ndon — Suffragette*, for the first I There has been no change in the policy
from $500 to $5000.
time. Sunday invaded Catholic church­ I of the government in reference to it*
The surprise wa* in the class im-
provement in the last three years. es and created scenes by attempting to : desire that the jx>rt of Tampico shall
harangue the congregation*. Wursihp be open to all «ximmerr*.'1
Many exhibitor* who had made marked
was disturbed in both Westcminister
As to whether "all c«,mmerc*,” in
improvement in their own stock were
cathedral and the Church of the Ora­ this instance, includes contraband of
surprised to find that their former
tory. Hrompton.
I war, no official of the government will
competitors had been equally *uee***-
Father Bernard Vaughn had just discuss. As far as ia known, the only
ful. Not only registered and imported
taken his place in the pulpit in West­ orders relating to Tampico that have
horses were seen in competition, but
minister cathedral at the evening serv­ been issued went to Admiral Badger
many valuable marts were exhibited.
ice when a woman, well-dress«»! and on May 18 in the form of a message
The sweepstakes prize for heavy
*, rushed up informing him that while it was not
draft team wa* awarded to a span
t the
km afmtxa
*te|* tnfri
into fiMWn*r
another pulpit, ami. believe«! that Huerta gunboat* would
ni>rv-s own«1 by
waving her arms, shouted: “In the return to Tampico.
S. L. Brook*, of Imbler.
presence of the blessed sacrament 1
Carlyle, judge of th* stock, said it wa*
protest against the forcible feeding of Paris Hats Arc Off .4«
the finest exhibition of horse* that he
had seen at any time on the Coast.
Colonel Roosevelt Passes
The congregation, »hocked by the
The tvg of war on horseback be­
woman'« action, rose from their seat*.
Paris Colonel Roosevelt called on
tween four Umatilla Indians and an
Murmurs of protest at the sacrilege President Poincare Sunday at the Pal­
equal number of Union cowboy»
1 ran thrvugh the edifice.
One of the ace of the Elysee and remained with
won by the Umatilla*.
' women worshiper* tried to persuade him an hour, conversing in French.
Ben Corbett won the Rom ran race
' the suffragette to descend from the The Colonel took occasion to thank th*
of half a mile in 85 second*.
pulpit, but she remained, waving her President for the courtesies extended.
arm* and yelling incoherently until
The presidential jialace presented a
Sheep and Cattle Men
the vergers forcibly pulled her down busy scene when the Colonel arrived in
Renew Old-lime Wan the step* and turned her over to the an automobile with Amabasador Her­
She declined to give her rick.
Baker Revival of the old wan be­ name.
cinematograph operator»
tween cattlemen and sheepmen ia indi-
A ______
band of _________
militant* _______
the were on the scene and took pictures of
rated by
information received by ml<iday mass in the Church of the Ora-
the Colonel as he passed in and out.
David Lee, of depredation* supposedly tnry by chanting : "God save Emma- while Mime people in the crowd who
by owners of cattle, among hi* sheep |ine Parkhurst and all other noble knew the presence uf th* former presi­
oo’the government range on Dixie prisoner*; open the eyes of thi* church dent of the United States raised their
------ *■ west
----- * of
*' Durkee.
and of the priest* to put an end to the hats as he |>ass«*l and Col«»nel Roose­
Shooting was heard by the herders, torture; in the name of the blessed velt acknowledged the greetings.
and on examination it was feund that Joan of Arc. hear them in their hour
The Colonel enjoy«*! a long automo­
20 sheep had been killed or wounded of need."
bile drive through the Champs Ely»***
by the shot*. Last week a similar at­
an«l Rois do Bologne, visiting among
tack wa* made.
No sheep were
Cat Keep* Death Vigil.
other places the polo ground.
He also
killed, but »everal were injured.
Ix» Angele* — Mournful wail* of a spent Mime time at a popular amuse­
Mr. Lee ha* offered a reward of $500 | eat kept a whole neighborhiHxf* awake ment resort in the environs of Paris,
for the capture and conviction of the
and went to the Ixtuvr* to see Da
culprit*. He said that these attack* f°T • week, Finally a two-room shack
Vinci's “Muna Lisa,” which was re­
are the first far'some time, although
cently returned after having been
in the early day» they were common.
a week. On hi* breast lay a black cat, stolen.
Would Close Tampico to Prevent
Landing of Munitions.
; Most All Wool Is Bought
Prices Unusually Good
power o.i »be pobl’c l.uxls, four hours;
«re.'tion o' a «omnvrsion ’o ecd’fy »nd
suggest rme.xhne..'* to ’be gauer.d
laws, four hour*.
These bill* wojld heve right of wav
| j over
every* hiog io ’he bouse except
appropriated b'lls aixi corfere.ue re­
pur’s. »ixl u.xier ’be retohi’io.i ’he
house would meet at 11 o'clock each
morning, sad during general deba’e
bold night sessions.
The crater of Mount Lassen, in Cali-
fornia is rapidity growing in sixe ami
is emitting steam of smoky hue and
volcanic ash.
' I
Homestead Legislation
Is Doomed to Delay
9450.000 Left for Road*.
£» V*k to rrf, *7
__ .
. —
. —__ . had been an athlete at the I niwrsity
Medford--According toGmr-ty Clerk
CaliorniB ' j^ter h,
, ,rav.
Gardner the coat of the Pacific High- el!ng agent for the Southern Pacific,
way construction in Jackson county to For the last four year» he lived in
dat* is $59.000.
Thi* include« the the »hack, striving to rare himself of
There he rea«! al-
cost of th* concrete surfaced highway th* li«p»or habit,
from Central Point three miles toward most incewsautly.
Medford and exeavattea for the high-
way over th* Siskyow mountiar..«.
Depatie* Guard John D.
Of this amount about $10,000 foe j Tarrytown, N. Y.—To guard against
the engineering expenses and machin- molestation of John D. Rtx-kefeller
err will be refanded by the state mak an<j hi* eon at Pocantico Hilt*, thought
ing a total net coat at the present to be poasible. due to strike develop
tuna about (jo.lAKt leavir< $45u.000* in Colorado. 16 deputi*« from
avaitehte from the sate of road botxi*. th* Whit* Plain* county jail were
placed on the Rockefeller estate. These
Seaside Pacing Street*.
deputies will be paid by th* county.
Seaside—Street paving and *ewai
laying ar* on in full blast her* now. j
reck Hurts 00.
The contractors are under boud to com
Zecarne. France — Sixty
plete their week on the
orineipal were injured, several probably m«w
street* before the middl* ol June. *o , tally, by the *xpl<wten of a balloon at
that the Summer business will no* be a fair here.
The ball«x>n had just
interfered with.
Concrete rideeralk* *tarG» to ria* when a gu*t of wiixl
are to b* laid throughout the city this New it against a tree, tearing the
| enevtep*. The gas exploded.
Istst Race Is I nearthed.
Berkeley, Cal. Mute evidence of a
race that live»! ami died before white
men came to California has )>een found
beaid* Strawberry creek, on the Uni­
versity of California campus, in the
skeletons of four Indians, one a w«'man,
iHiritxl |>erhs|» centuries ago. Th* dis-
cov*ry of th* first body was nuale by
workmen excavating for an addition to
th«’ faculty club. The Ixxlie* were dis-
‘ro’-i-ml m Strawberry
reck, which
anthro|xdogists of the university have
found Io have Iwen a burial pale* for
th* prehistoric \V**t*rn race*.
Child < rtu»e« A\^J<i**«w«.
Kansas I'It y Rov Hranmin. 14 years
old. la dead, ami Harry llenneeay. «,
sen.Hisly lniur**l. as the result òf an
explosion when BraiiM’ii in play threw
a heavy »ton* which lamled in an
al>amloii*d hox of dynamit* cap* con­
taining more than lite primers.
known to th* boy*, sticks of dynamit«»
wer* lying all around lh*m.