Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, June 11, 1914, Image 1

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TI m "Claaslftod" column of Iba Herald
contain* much valúatelo reading.
Subscription, $1.00 a Year.
Wall not just that way.
But along
CommitUees Appointed to Solicit i last week a fellow named Mummy left
Donations, Secure Grounds, Speak­ a watch for repairs at one of Lento’
Jewelers. When hs cams to pay tor
ers, Plan Parade, Entage Band.
It he offered 2-cent postage stamps.
Monday evening wa» the occasion for The stamps were taken and the transfer
meeting in behalf of Cite was reported to postmaster Hpring, and
movement to put on a good Fourth of be notified the Postal inspector*.
Celebration at lanta thia year. tective» were put on ths case and the
Heveral meetings have been held and a result was Mummey'e arrest.
He reported to Detective* Coleman
committee on finance had been appointed
which had aecured promise* lor appro*
priations amounting to nearly a hundred
dollar*. With thia amount in view it
wm not deemed adviaeable to give tlie
undertaking up ami the attitude of Ute
gathering waa ileeidely optimtolM. A
report wa» heard relative to music ami
it wag deciiled to accept liie offer of the
Mail (terrier's band, a twenty-four piecr
band lliat would tie ready to saaiat u* by
II o'clock on Die Fourth.
A committee waa appointed to complete
the arrangements with the hand »nd
ensure ita service. The committee on
finance waa enlarged to five, including
Bohni, Kenworthy. Hager, ami Holway.
The committer on ground* consisting of
Darnsll, Forte, and While were in-
wtmeted to interview < 'ommiaaiotier
lirewater and get liie use of the i’lay-
grouud Park, and to look after other
matters pertaimug to tlie ground»,
seating, concession», etc. For program,
Holway, Forte, and Hogue were named
and tlie publicity committee named in­
cluded Geiaier, Simonsen. and Cowing.
Il was considered wise to iry and have
a parade and for this purpose the entire
Volunteer Fire Department wen-aseigned
a part in the proceeding». Just what
they will stir up remain» to be seen,
(nit of one tiling it is safe to venture,
there will be some parade
The purpose is to get out a lot of
pouters ami strew the country with ail
sort« of advertising and
material. There ought to be at least
flve tlwHieand people present al a
celebration in lsMita and no doubt there
will he if all 11» plan» are carried out.
Among the amusement features of the
day will be music by one of liie best
bands in the city, an address by some
prominent citlaen of liie »tale, one of the
lieet picnic dinner* ever net down to in
or out of Oregon, more music, races of
all sorts for tl»e long ami the short, liie
thich ami the thin, the young and the
old, liie women and tlie men. Just
what tlie line up will ba, will be duly
announced. There will lie a big ball
game at tlie l«a!l park, more races, and
then something else.
planning some features for tlie children.
Tliere will be a flag drill, a number of
folk dances, races for the children, and
numerous amusement features. Then
tlie apparatus on the grounds will lie
open for all the children that come.
The committee on grounds is practically
ready to report now.
Brewster has indicated his intention to
grsnt tlie use of the grounds for a cele­
bration and for such concession* a* may
la* necessary for the comfort and
pleasure of the people.
Iu«te tn October the Manufacturers
Association of Oregon and the i,an<l
Product* Show company will hold a
great joint exhibit in the Portland
Armory and a temporary building to tie
erected near by. The object of the
show is to gather a vast quantity of
product* of Oregon »oil to lie shown
first in Portland and afterward the l>e*t
of the material to be in-tailed al San
Francisco during the exposition next
year. The prixes offered for land pro­
duct* will «mount to alxnit *4,0 »).
and Know that he ba I robbed a number
ol place* in Newberg, and bail broken
Into the residence of R. H. Morris, flfll
secured jewelry, a gun and violin. Hs
is said to have admitted robbing H.
W. Havright at the Dayton Hotel of flve
guns and a suitcase.
Mummey I* »aid
to have admitted be stole a launch at
Newberg, from which place be fled as
far as the locks at Oregon City, where
Il was abandoned.
As the next regular meeting day of
Evening Star Grange comes on July 4,
It was vo'ed at the meeting of June fl,
to have a grange picnic at the hall
ground* on that •lay. All grangers are
invited and they may invite their
friends, bringing with them a well
Oiled basket.
H. E. Davis, .Master of (irewham
Grange told of the effort being made to
«tart a co-operative cannery at, or near
Gresham, and asked for belpaud assiat-
ance of farmers of this grange.
R. W. Gill, marketmaster, told ol the
success of the public market and aaked
all to patronise it.
The following lengthy program was
and greatly
Piano eoloe were given by Miss Helen
Smith ami Nellie Handers.
A beauti­
ful wand drill was given by fourteen
pupils of the Creston school. A resiling
in two parte wee given by Miss .Mildred
Hoone. Prof. A. I. Mellendy of Jefler-
eon, who two months ego spoke on the
"Habits of Bees," at the special request
of many who beard him, spoke on the
"Care of Bees.” Prof. George Morris,
a noted Phrenologist, gave a very in­
structive talk on phrenology, and closed
by giving ■ public examination of the
heads of several present.
On Saturday evening, June fltb, Hbilo
Circle gave a way up entertainment. A
recitation was given by Miss Melvin,
Bong by Comrade Anderson, and a song
by flve young ladle».
And a novel
drill by the circle. Their costume was
something new for tide place. They
were all dreseed in white and wore
-baker sunhonnels with the crown in
iront with veillug over it so they could
see through it.
With false I ces on
thiir black hair they looked ss though
they were maicbing backward. The
only way you could detect they were
not was by watching their feet
style ol drill was tine.
The Circle is
entitled to great credit for their enter
The silk quill which numbers had
been sold on, was drawn by Mrs. Myra
U. S. Army Signal Corps Men
Operating Outside of Vera Cruz
Na 24
There to occasion for some of the
eitixens of Lenta to practice tbe i Free Text Book Aa Issue of Tre­
primitive sport of throwing. There are
mendous Importance. Directors
people around here who cannot hit tbe
to be Chosen.
side of a barn, and there are others who
can. Under ordinary conditions a
Tbe regular annual election of school
person of reasonable practice ought to
will be held next Monday
bit a small, shaggy, white, frasxled out
cur, even if it to on tbe run. A proper afternoon from one till six P. M. Forty
estimate of the
speed, on* ptace* have been eboeen in tbe City
acquaintance with one’s power* of pro­ for election purpose*.
Tbe one at
pulsion and a aMthematical calculation Lente being held in a storeroom on tbe
of tbe curves necessary to th* compu­ East side of Main Street, Sooth of th*
tation of th* distance to be traveled by car track. At Arleta tbe election will
tbe dog and tbe angle to be taken by l be held in a building belonging to
stone so that the two will meet in a W. H. Gillis. At Fiftieth and Powell
position to place tbe stone neatly behind Valley, in Fowle’s Grocery.
tbe dog’s forw-sboulder and jest infront
Besides the choice of a member of the
of bto short ribs, it was our esteemed board there will be * vote cast in regard
fellow dtiarn, Mr. E. P. Tobin, found to free school text books. This is a
himself to be deficient in when be was question that will involve tbe expendi­
I attacked by a vicious terrier last Monday ture of several hundred thousand dollar*
i evening.
by the tax payers of tbe city. Not only
Not being armed with a gatling gun must the public schools be supplied
he undertook to protect himself with a with free looks, but under tbe law the
good sixed pebble. Tbe terrier proved district will also have to provide free
the better mathematician, oat-traveled book* for all the private schools of the
tbe pebble, which striking tbo ground, town and that will also run close to a
ricochetted into Katxky Bro«., plate hundred thousand dollars, according to
glass window». Katxky thought it was an estimate made by members of tbe
an invasion of tbe Mexicans and sent board. Aside from the disposition of
one of bto lady clerks under flag of most people to let private schools bear
truce to reconnoitre. Tbe battle was their own burdens, tbe matter of ex­
over. Tbe attacking party wa» inspect­ pense* will be of sufficient importance
ing the ruins and desolation wrought at this time to develop a strong vote
by bi* erring judgement, and as a opposed to tbe free text book idea.
result a council of war waa held and
Tbe candidates for election thto year
damage* were assessed to tbe attacking are H. B. Miller; Dr. Allen Welch
party, contrawise to tbe general custom, Smith; and Dr. L. Victoria Hampton.
where tbe defeated pay* the bill.
Moral: Tobin ie rigging a long wire
in hi* back yard where be will practice
throwing at a moving target, manipu­
lated at varying speeds. He estimates
that six weeks practice will enable him
to caleatate tbe parabolic curve traveled
When Chas. F. Parker of »1621 Foster
by a stone chasing a toy dog. That
said that lie had an acerage tract at
may be all right when tbe dog moves
in a straight line, but whew it 1» alive Cliffs, Wash., that he would trade for a
Photo» copyright. Iti«, by A-msrlcan Preea AaaoctaUon.
and moves in eccentric Mas *r angle* horse, buggy and harness, R. K. Neal
H 1C United State» army signal corpa tn Mexico baa been <Mng notable tbe difficulty of bitting «tbe mark will said he would supply the horse and
work for General Funston'» army. It ba* kept continual watete require special practice.
other incidental«. As it was a rainy
over the uperstlou* of th» » *tt»r«d federa) fore«* and tranumltted In
day when the trade was completed and
formation by heliograph, by flald tetopbon** and by '■wigwagging"
wttb flag* The llluatrattun* show aom* of the army signal mea operating
the deed turned over, Parker waited un­
With the flag*
til next morning to go for the horse.
When he went he took a friend with
him and when they reached Neal's they
Where do you live? Lente.
But found a brown horse hitched to a buggy.
Parker supposed that was hie rig.
Lente is some town. Finding a man in
Neal said, "no, tliere is your rig over
Lente is like looking for Jim Smith in under the tree," pointing to a brown
Portland. Several people have come to sawhorse, a baby boggy and an old set
I^nts looking for relatives and after of harness. Parker said no, and forth­
wearing oat their shoe* and their with proceeded to recover his acerage of
patience have given up in despair. We Washington mtsl.
Tbe first court de­
The case
need the rational street plan of the Mt cided it had no jurisdiction.
Scott district extended this way and is up to the circuit court now. Neal has
then we need oar properties numbered the "horse and buggy" and tbe deed to
by the block. We will get it if we go the land.
Parker says its a swindle.
after it and we will not get it if we keep Neal says Parker don’t know a joke.
Wounded Heroes Brought Home
From War For Medical Attention
Tremont Volunteer Firemen have di­
vided on their Fourth of July celebra­
June twenty-third is the last dav of
school. According to ancient custom
this ought to 1« the busiest day of the
entire school year but according to tbe
Portland plan about all there is doing
on that day is to come to the school
house and get tbe ‘tendings and take
away a few books. This will be varied
this year, an effort will be made by the
Parent-Teacher Club and the play­
ground management to make the d.«y
memorable a* a picnic occasion. Sever­
al features will be worked up and every
parent in the district will be urged to
he present. Quite a little program will
be worked up and every one will be
priviledged to have all the fun they
James Hutchinson Sleeps
An Eastern Advertiser got Lents acquaintances of James Hutili-
wen“ sadly surprised Wednesday
funny and displayed as follows: | iiison
morning to learn that he hid la-en
tion, ami committees have been appoint­
ed to handle the various lines of prepara­
Geo. A. Morrison will head tbe com­
mittee on finances; Geo. Pratt, dances;
Frank landeman, refreshments; C. G.
Levring, conceesione; L Roma), amuse­
ments. A big line of game« will be pro­
vided. They offer to pay all expenses
for some young couple who will partici­
pate in a public marriage, and make
them a present be» idee.
Any couple
contemplating such a thing might profit
by seeing Roeeall. matrimonial pro­
Bed Men Will Organize
called to his long rest. Mr. Hutchinson
LEXANDER tlie Great drank
had bean feeble for some time and
beer ami conquered the world
while his condition waa well known it
before he war 32.
Perhaps lie waa not thought that he was dangerous.
could have done it sooner if he He was 75 years of age. He was born
had not drunk beer, hut you'd
in Ohio, and has Iws n a resilient of
lietter take no chances.
Oregon for many years, living near
Elgin, Union County, and in Multnomah
County for the past three years.
Some of the Dry element did He leaves a wife and married daughter,
some thinking and came back jr^e remains wen' sent l»y Kenworthy,
| to Joseph Wallows County, Thursday
Phot.» copyright. Illi, by Amanean I Tvs* Association
morning, when* the funeral will he held.
HE hospital ship Solace haa afnve<l In the United States from Mexi<*
Ur. Iluicliinaon was well known about
with the bodies of dead and woundni American men from Vera Urn.
lexander the Gerat died
He waa a member of the Odd­
ami with refugees The total death list from the capture of Ver
tn a drunken debauch at the
fellows Lodge and Grand Army.
Crux ba* now reached nineteen
I’he Illustration shows a scene In on
age of 33. You'd lietter take no
of the hospital wards of tbs Solac* snd also one uf the wounded sailors
On June 4 more than 1,000, (MY) pound* I'srried down tbe gangplank of ths shin
Anti-Saloon League of New
of wool was sold at Hhaniko al prices
Geo. Dilley Goes to Fort Stevens
Lents Grange
r ngmg from IH*4 to ¡&>cents tier pound
The annual practice of Oregon Militia
Lenta Grange will meet Saturday
The wiOlws* practically all taken hv
It is probable that the fellow live hu* era one of whom bought 4l*> 00O snd Military > mui <I s is to liegin at Fort morning and meet the third and fourth
with the beer regretted his pounds. The largest individual rale Stevens Friday evening. Geo. Dilley degrees. The usual entertainment
was of 77,000 pounds at DO4 cent*.
will b in attendane».
! hour will follow in the afternoon
historical erudition.
Auto Turns Turtle *
On the evening of the eight lust, an
Auto load of young people met with
serious trouble at Powell Valley and
S2nd Street In turning tlie corner the
tire exploded, the machine cramped and
turned completely over, catching the
flve occupants under it. The wind
shield and wood work was wrecked.
The two girls, on their way home from
IJncoln high school, were badly bruised.
One of them had several bad gashes
about her face. The boys were severely j
shaken up. Vem Irish found them and
hu-ried them to the office of Dr Fawcett
where it took consiilerable sewing to put
them in shape.
By mistake last week's write up of the
R-*d Men wan credited to the Eagles.
Just how this happened is one of the
unexplainable mistakes of the printing
But the new organisation has
been given an extension of thirty days
until tlie charter is dosed
Those who
are interested should see Cha*. F.
Parker, 8521 Foster road.
A special
rate of $5.(M) has l>e«*n offered for organ­
Tlie Red Men lead the Ros
Carnival parade this year. There to a
nice crowd of men in line tor the new
lodge and others are urged co join in
making this one of tlie leading lodges of
the city.
Helen ML Taylor Passes
Mr. J. D. Hampton of Skaniokowa
Washington, call' d on relatives in Ijente
Tisxlay evening and made a short visit
| with Editor Damall, whom lie knew
fourteen years ago as a country teacher
1 in that vicinity.
Helen M Taylor, wife of C. L, Taylor
of 126. 9th Avenue, dte<i Haturday, June
( 6th, »ge I R2 years, six months, 29 days.
She had been a resident of Oregon for
1H years. Tbe remain» were taken to
the Crematorium at Helwood, June fltb.