COLLIER GAVE End of Colorado Strike In Not Yet in Sight Union Not Viewed as Trust in Clayton Rill Denver—Definite settlement of the Washington, D. C. Trail« unions | strike in the Colorado coal fields, and farmers’ unions would be l«igallzeen rescued anti 961 hail »hall be construed to forbid, the exist* of ammunition on Mexican soil. Figures by James Dalrymple, state perisinsl, Captain Henry George Ken­ : ence or operations” of lalx»r unions or It is estimated that the Bavaria put dall, of the liner, was telling his story ! farmers’ co-operative associations or ashore 1,800,000 rounds of ammuni­ coal mine inspector, show there were of the disaster al an inquiry coiMlucte«! * to forbid or restrain members of such tion. The cargo was destined for employed in the coal mines of Colorado . organization» from "carrying out the Vera Cruz, but was diverted to Puerto for the first throe months of 1914 an by (’«»roner Pinault here. Captain Kendall in substanc«- «In­ ' legktimato objects thereof.” Mexico. The steamer reached here average of 10,149 miners, as compare«! Supplemental to this provision the Sunday. i'I are« I that he had taken all jsiasible The captain could not pro­ with 14,035 for the same period in ; house adopted an amendment preeosition. It was con- gineer of the Brotherhood of Locomo­ silence and on the arm of each was structed along mission architectural tive Engineers, who, with W. S. Car­ Salem, Or.—In letters sent to the crepe in memory of the strikers killed ter, president of the Brotherhood of secretaries of state throughout the in the Colorado mining struggle. lines. Carrying out the mission idea still Locomotive Firemen, has heade«! a Sinclair arrived here Sunday and in further, three small belfry towers, committee of employes in th«» negotia­ country, Ralph Watson, corporation announcing the plan said that “some­ commissioner, urges the necessity of each containing a chime bell, were tions, said that 30 days woulii be re- thing must be done to keep the Colo­ on the front end of the building. As quir<*«l to take the strike vote and that drafting a uniform “Blue Sky Law. ” rado situation before the public.” the walls fell, the tumbling chimes in the meantime no new proposals He suggests that a convention of com­ The police ignored the demonstra­ missioners having duties similar to his tolled as they dropped to the ground. would be submitted. lie held for the purpose of drafting and tion. discussing the proposed measure. “I Men Hie to Save Girin. Lahor Men Ank Clemency. Munition Vesneln Are Held. understand that some 32 states have Philadelphia — Three young men Washintgon, D. C.—A delegation enacted blue sky laws,” he says in his Vera Cruz—The Hamburg-American jumped from a leaking rowl>oat sink­ of labor representatives, headed by letter, “anti that similar bills are to be steamer Ypiranga was still at her dock ing in the Delaware river late Sunday Representatives Gorman and Sabbath, presented in many additional states. Monday, the collector of customs hav­ and were drowned. Their four com­ of Illinois, have presented to President Such legislation, should be uniform.” ing refused to accept the bond for the vessel and the Bavaria because it was panions, rescued by a motorlxwd after Wilson a petition signed by 1,000,000, drawn on Sunday. The Ypiranga asking executive Mercy to Criminate Hit. their own craft had capsized, said that laboring men, The the trio, none of whom could swim, clemency for Thomas M. Ryan, ex- Chicago—Society is too ready to in­ probably will sail for Havana. took to the water, hoping the lightened president of the Structural Ironwork- tervene in behalf of the criminals, ac- fines levied by Collector Stickney on boat could reach shore. Raymond Tin­ res, and 29 others convicted in the cordinng to John B. Winslow, former the vessels amount to more than 1,- ney was the first to jump. His fiancee, dynamite conspiracy. E. N. Zoline, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of 000,000 pesos. Consul Canada was ex­ Sarah German, was one of the girls of Chicago, attorney for the convicted Wisconsin, in an address to the Illi­ pecting the arrival from the capital of rescued. The others who jumped with men, presented the case to the Presi­ nois Bar association. “The unwritten the Filipino boy of the battleship Flor­ Tinney were John Mouchoch and John dent, who listened carefully, but did law, or sentimental nonsense, is invok­ ida, having received assurances from not say whether he would interfere Murphy. ed to prevent adequate punishment,” Huerta that the boy had been released. he said. “Our present system oper­ Ship On High Sean Hunted. hunnton Hare Rebel Peno. Radium Curve One Man. ates to defeat justice, and mercy to Washington, D. C. Captain Wil­ Vera Cruz—Brigadier General Funs­ the criminal is cruelty to the state.” Baltimore—It was announced here liam S. Sims, commanding the torpedo ton began plans to prevent an attempt that radium had effected a complete Shoot King'n Horne Plot. flotilla, returning north from Vera to place in circulation here 300,000 cure of cancer of the throat, for which Crux, has been ordered by the Navy peso« in constitutionalist banknotes. London — The Daily Express says A. L. Glass, a railroad official of department to search for the missing It is conceded generally by business that the police have been notified of a Gainsville, Fla., came here for treat­ Hteamer F. J. Luckenbach. The nine men that the constitutionalist printed plot to shoot Brakespear, King ment two months ago. Last January destroyers and the tenders Birmingham money will lie refused, but, should it George’s entry in the Derby, which is Mr. Glass experienced an irritation of and Dixie will form in an extended get into circulation, it would seriously to be run at Epsom Downs The Daily the throat which gradually grew line about 70 miles long as they pro­ disturb the ratio of exchange, which Express adds that at a meeting of mil­ worse. After an unsuccessful opera­ ceed northward to search for the miss­ at the present time is about $2.75 itant suffragettes, success to the plot tion the trouble was pronounced to be Mexican for $1. ing ship. was drunk in champagne. an incurable case of cancer. Skipper of Empress Shouted in Vain for Full Speed. Ammunition and Wire Landed for President Huerta. ADES Is built Just under the od thick grass mats, and spread them Persian gulf, and keeps its wa­ about the burning deck, beneath the ters hot, Arabs will tell you. scorching canvas awning. Heat apo­ To prove their claim they plexy kills men quickly on such days point to the luminous, phos­ of suffering; onezllves each day in phorescent balls which lazily float fear be of ­ the heat. Our dizzy heads and neath the waters at night, and Bay they dry skins warned us of danger as we are fragments of the everlasting walked with shaky steps about the flames. boat, seeking some spot sheltered from Maskat, the picturesque pirates’ re­ the soul-destroying sun. At 6 p. m. the treat on the rocky Oman coast. Is glass still showed 11-8, but we felt called the hottest place in the world some slight relief. Tales cf Marine Monsters. The sailors say a man who has spent The morning of the third day from a summer in this blistering cove may walk barefoot into Hades—and feel a Maskat we anchored tn the delta of chill. It was 124 degrees Fahrenheit the Shat-el-Arab, or River of the Arabi in the shade of our awnings when we This is the name _ given to the Tigris dropp«sd anchor In Maskat harbor, five ' and Euphrates rivers, after they unite days out of Bombay. Lord Curzon, who ■ on their way to the gulf. A few miles visited Maskat, said: “In the heats be ' upstream lay the Persian town of Mo Braving dangers from tween June and August the ordinary ■ hammereh. thermometer bursts; those graded sharks, stingrays and other pests to high enough have placed the solar ra­ white men swimming In the gulf, we diation at 189 Fahrenheit The rain-! bathed long and luxuriously in the fall is only three and one-half inches, | cooler waters of the great stream and this all comes within a period cf . which comes all the way from Armenia. two or three weeks.” Marine monsters of many sorts swim A new American consul to Maskat I in the hot Persian gulf, and the lur.d got in the same day I did, writes Fred-1 talcs Arabs tell of them would fill an erick Simpich in the Los Angeles! Atlantic City reporter with honest Times. In the silent, quivering heat j envy. One writer says: "Our dhow of noonday the old muzzle-loading guns ' passed through shoals of giant garfis.i, of the sultan's fortress, perched high dozens of which, attracted by our lan­ on the red rocks aboye the baking tern, leaped aboard. They had long, town, crashed forth a salute. The pointed noses and one of our party Stars and Stripes, in honor of the new was nearly blinded, the point just miss­ consul, appeared for an instant above ing his eye." At Mohammereh I quit the Kola— the picturesque old fort, built by the adventurous Portuguese when they joyfully. Redolent of horses, reeking with filth, rats and roaches, she went held this boiling inlet ages ago. her way. On the mudbank of the Aspect Is Uncanny. Gibraltar looks tame beside the Shat-el-Arab. 50 miles below the Turk­ wild, scowling cliffs of Maskat Sharp, ish river town of Bassorah. I found splintered rocks rise hundreds of feet myself, facing a day s quarantine in high, straight up from the hot sea. the Persian station at Mohamtnereh. From the north a narrow bay opens Back of me. on either bank of the into this mass of peaks and crags, at Karun—which comes down from the whose feet clings Maskat. The whole Persian hills at this point and flows aspect of the place is unctanny and into the Shat-el-Arab—lay the flat, weird—like Dore’s pictures of Dante's mud-hut town of Mohammereh itself, a “Inferno.” Not a trace of vegetation monotonous, sun-baked village blown exists. Food is largely brought from to fragments by British guns in their war on Persia a generation ago. Near India. Near the beach stands the sultan’s by, halfbidden in the changing mud, a pretentious structure for this banks, I observed an old wreck. Later part of the world. A huge lion from the I learned her history; she was the Arabian desert is kept In an iron cage famous old Fox, once a blockade run­ near the entrance to the palace. When ner in the American Civil war. But Lord Curzon was in Maskat he saw a how she got to Mohammereh. 15,000 woman, who was accused of murder, miles away by sea. I do not know. confined in a similar cage very near the lion. ASHES TO FILL OLD MINES In the narrow, crowded bazaar, every Arab 1 met carried a long curved City of Scrantcn, Pa., Believes It Has knife, and a firearm of some pattern. Plan That Will Accomplish Their rifles were often inlaid with sil­ Two Purposes. ver. and had the stocks wrapped with deerskin. Slavery was abolished—offi­ Scranton, Pa., has struck upon a cially—by treaty with the British some I plan which it is believed will solve years ago, but so many blacks had I two of the most difficult problems that been previously brought tn that they have faced the city for years. Sev­ have left their impress on the people eral abandoned mine workings have of Maskat, with whom they have caved in recently near the city, mixed. The Maskat Arabs appear causing damage to property and en­ much darker than those farther north. dangering the safety of persons living Scores of thick-lipped, woolly-headed near them. It is the intention of the blacks from Abyssinia and Zanzibar officials to fill the old workings with were mingled with the market throng: ashes collected tn the city, thereby many of these were slaves belonging making the surface about the city to wealthy Arabs. The bazaar trade safe and solving the ash-disposal prob­ itself, which seemed to consist largely lem at the same time. of guns and ammunition, besides of In a paper read at a conference In course the usual articles of cloth, city hall J. G. Hayes, director of pub­ skins and food, is in the hands of Hin­ lic works of Scranton, deviated for a du t riders. Guns of every description moment from the subject under dis­ were for sale, and It is from this traf­ cusslon to tell of the new plans, ile fic that the sultan derives much of his said: “To eliminate entirely the pos­ income. Camel caravans take the guns sihllities of surface disturbances ant inland from Maskat, and carry them subsidences in Scranton many plans around by land to Koweit, and even have been tried and all have failed. across to Baluchistan. All the tribes Commissioners have been appointed of the Interior of Arabia secure arms and attempts made to have the mine through this source, which they after­ laws changed so as to hold the mining ward use against one another, the companies responsible for damage to Turks or the English In Baluchistan, the surface, but without success. At as the case may be. the present time, however, we are Maskat is above all a city of song contemplating the flushing of 75,000 and dance, of good times and high life tons of ashes, which our city collects —as Arabs know it. In all Arabia, it annually. Into the old mine workings, Is said, no maids are so fair as those under hydraulic pressure. By thia of Maskat Here, too, flourish the method the etty will be beautified ex- black arts and superstitious sorceries teriorally and rendered safer interior- which are openly avowed and prac­ ally. If our plan is a success, in the tised. “Baled-ee-Soharah" the natives near future we will have the surface call Oman, which mean» “The I-and of Scranton as safe as any city In of th«»»Enchanters." The water front the country." is alive with weird yarns of fancy magic and occult mysteries. Half the Of Course Not. fiction of the Arabian Nights could "1 can't find my wrench, bawlM have been lined bodily from any of the the plumber. same sort of stories which are told "You waste a good deal of timq and retold tn the coffee shops of Mas- looking for your tools,” criticised the kat any night, when the blazing sun la bookkeeper of the establishment. set "Ncrv, I always know where to find From Maskat north the heat by day my pen." aboard the Kola became more Intense, "Well, a fellow can't stick bls monk­ reaching 126. Sailors slopped sea water ey wrench behind his e*r " H