Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, June 04, 1914, Image 2

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    New University Opens;
Wilson and Daniels Speak NEWS NOTES OF
Big Generating Plant
Springfield In anticipation of the down to the furnaces themselves. The
■early o|>eaation of the Booth-Kelly old s|s«uts tapered, ami were found un­
satisfactory, in that the fuel frequent­
i Lumber company’s mill, requiring the ly choked.
furnishing of a large amount of elec­
An auxiliary pump has been in­
trical energy, the Oregon Power com­ stalled for a boiler feed, as a guard
pany is making extensive improve­ against delay if the regular pump
ments to its Springfield plant.
“We are taking every precaution
A fuel bin, 50 by 70 feet and more
than 40 feet high, has just been com- to prevent a delay In our service,"
! pleteii east of the power house, and the said W. L. McCulloch, chief engineer
I conveyor systems are in place. One in charge of the steam plants of the
“We are
long trough leads from the Booth-Kelly Oregon Power company.
! null, across the millrace, to the top of placing duplicate machinery in many
I the main bin. Through the length of instances, just to provide for emerg­
this bin, in a tunnel especially con­ encies.
“Another plan we have adopted in
structed, another system of chains
j hauls the sawdust and planer shavings the interests of efficiency of operation
! to an elevator for lifting to the auxil- is that of shifting men from one plant
Storstad Tears Great Hole in Side of Canadian . iary bin from which the furnaces are to another, so that they may la-come
thoroughly familiar with each of the
automatically fed.
Vessel—Explosion Adds to Horror In
All of this machinery has been re- plants that at Springfield, at Albany,
J ceived and the chains are in place. and at Dallas. We want all the em­
Foggy Stream—Rescuers on Scene
Each unit will be driven by its own ployes of the conqiany to la? able to
shift from one plant to another with­
electric motor.
In 20 Minutes, But Too Late.
Within the pow»r house, the dutch out difficulty, should occasion arise.”
In pursuance of this policy, C. L.
I ovens of the furnaces are being over­
hauled and given new linings of fire Brower, chief engineer of the Dallas
brick. New spouts are being installed plant, was in Springfield the first of
to lead from the main supply of fuel. the week.
Rimouski, Quebec — Sinking in 90 liner Alsatian, which was lying at the
feet of water within 15 minutes after
passengers were transferred in auto­
being rammed amidships in the upper mobiles and other vehicles to the
reaches of the St. Lawrence river Chateau Frontenac. A staff of doc­
early Friday, the Canadian Pacific tors and nurses took charge of the in­
liner Empress of Ireland carried down jured.
Managing towns is a new profession thus copying a system that has proved
with her more than 900 of her passen­
Action of Collier Costs
’ just beginning to open for young men, efficient in Germany. In Germany, a
gers and crew. Of the 1387 persons
Lives of Many Passengers according to "Choosing a Calling,” a city manager who has shown special
on board only 433 are known to have
ability at the head of the government
Quebec—The story of a tremendous booklet just issued by the University of a small city may reasonably expect
been saved, making the probable death
list 954.
explosion on board the Empress of Ire­ of, Oregon at Eugene for high school a call to the executive chiar of a larg­
Looming up through the river mists land after she was hit by the Storstad students, in Oregon, La Grande and er municipality, and if he has the
as the Empress of Ireland was lying
one or two other cities of good size qualities he will be promoted from city
to, waiting for the fog to lift or day was told by Philip Lawler, a steerage I have placed the administration of town to city with increasing remuneration,
to break, the Danish collier Storstad passenger from Brantford. Ont. Law­ business in the hands of a business both in money and in honor.
crashed bow on into the side of the big ler was on his way to England with manager, and their example seems
Not only is the city manager him­
Canadian liner, striking her about his wife and son.
likely to be followed widely in the self a trained man, but he wishes to
midway of her length and ripping her
“People were simply shot out of the state. An anient advocate of this employ trained men in municipal posi­
side open clear to the stern.
new mode of running towns is Profes- tions. He cannot succeed if he expects
The crash occurred not far from the ship into the sea by the explosion.” I sor Don C. Sowers, the municipal ex­ political heelers to do high-class work.
shore off Father Point, 150 miles from Mr. Lawlor said. ‘‘I was pushed over­ pert secured by the state university
A glance into the future reveals a
Quebec, which the Empress of Ireland board with my wife and boy. The boy from the New York bureau of muni­ calling here which the young man of
left the night before, bound for Liver­ could swim, so I tried to take care of cipal research, whose business it is to the present day has still a chance to
pool, and 10 miles from this point on
give free counsel to Oregon communi- enter on the ground floor and which
the St. Lawrence. In reality, there­ my wife, but she slipped from my I ties in administrative
matters, will lead to positions of dignity and
fore, although the liner was heading grasp and sank.”
honor. ”
i "Choosing a Calling" says:
for the sea and the collier coming in
Dr. Johnston, chief medical officer
Courses of training suggested for
"Within the last few years hundreds
from it, the disaster was not one of on the Empress, said that had not the of American cities have altered their city managerships are economics, po­
the ocean, but of the river.
Unlike Storstad backed out so soon from the charters and placed their corporate in­ litical science, sociology, history, com­
the Titanic’s victims, the Empress of Empress, a large number of the pas­ terests in the hands of city managers. merce, English and journalism.
Ireland's lost their lives within sight sengers would have been saved. He
of shore in land-locked waters.
said that when the collier pulled her­
Boys’ Short Course in
Immediately the ship’s crew re­ self free the sea surged into the hole Concrete Vault Io Be
Agriculture June 15 to 30
covered from the shock of the collision she had torn in the side of the Em­
Opened in 2914 Maybe
and it was seen the liner had received press and the liner quickly sank
In connection with the regular sum­
Eugene—If a little building of solid
a vital blow, a wireless "S. O. S.”
“Virtually every leading officer of
call was sounded.
the Salvation Army in Canada is- concrete lasts through ten centuries, mer session of the Oregon Agricultur­
The hurried prayer of the sea was gone,” said K. A. McIntyre, of Tor­ future generations will have permis­ al College, a two weeks’ short course
picked up by the government mail ten­ onto, who was saved.
“Out of our sion 1000 years hence to open a vault in Agriculture will be given for boys
der Lady Evelyn here and the govern­ Salvation party of 150 on board, prob­ in the new Hope Abbey mausoleam, of the Seventh. Eighth, and High
ment pilot boat Eureka at Father ably less than 20 were rescued.
I which stands virtually completed in
Point. Both sped to the rescue, arriv­
“I was on the upper deck and there­ the Masonic cemetery in Eugene, and School grades. A s[>ecial illustrated
ing 20 minutes after the collision. fore had a better chance to get to obtain documents of the present-day circular of 16 pages has been issued
So deep was the wound of the Em­ safety than those in the lower berths. I hermetically sealed within.
and mailed to all county school super­
press, however, and so fast the inrush The water came in through the port­
"To be opened in 2914,” is to be intendents and to city and village su­
of water, that long before either of holes of the lower decks before the deeply engraved upon the marble face perintendents and principals. Copies
the rescue boats could reach the scene passengers there realized their dan­ ! of one of the columbarium niches may be secured of them or of the di­
the liner had gone down.
■ which honeycomb the streuture, com­ rector of the summer school, Prof. E.
Only floating wreckage and a few
“I was aroused from sleep by the pleted at a cost of $40,000. The urn D. Ressler, Corvallis, Oregon.
lifeboats and rafts from the steamer, impact and awakened the others in my j containing the records will be seale
The circular contains a description
buoying up less than a third of those cabin.
of the instruction to be given, full in­
who had set sail on her, were to be
“I grabbed a life preserver”and
formation in regard to R. R. rates,
found. The rest had sunk with the went out to the deck. On deck there Queen and Maids of Honor Tour. cost of board and room, supplies and
liner, had been crushed to death in the were no life belts and quite a number
Portland—Queen Thelma, queen of clothing to be brought by boys, meth­
Storstad's impact with her, or had of people were standing about appar­
by virtue of her victory in od of application for enrollment, etc.
been forced from exhaustion and ex­ ently unable to determine what to do.
voting contest, and her 11 There are also pictures of the boys of
posure in the ice-chilled Northern wa­ I gave my belt to a woman of our
ranked with her as the 12 last year's course in class, laboratory,
ters to loose their hold on bits of party. I tied the belt on her myself.”
maidens in the race, field, swimming pool, on hikes and at
wreckage that had supported them and
with entertain­ games. Thirty-five boys, representing
had drowned.
and night since over a dozen counties, attended the
Only a few persons were picked up
their elevation to royal eminence, first session. Accommodations for one
by the Storstad, which was badly
More Reported found j They
have started on their triumphant hundred boys are provided thia year.
crippled herself by the collision, and
Four to five hours each day, includ­
during which they will make
these were brought here by the collier,
ing Saturday, are devoted to study and
together with those saved by the Eu­ lieved to be the remains of the balloon
the remainder of the time to play,
reka and the Lady Evelyn.
in which Professor Salamon A. Andree 1 and where they will be entertained in with Wednesday and Saturday after­
Twenty-two of the rescued died ascended from Dane’s Island, near
sing the praises of Oregon and the noons free. A general leader, assisted
from injury or exposure. The others,
rose festival.
At each city Queen by three to five senior or graduate col­
most of whom had jumped into the
a choice Portland lege boys, will keep careful oversight
boats or plunged into the water scant­
of the trip and a of the boys day and night, both to
ily clad, were supplied freely with been found in a forest in Eastern Si­
keep them from getting into mischief
such clothing as the town had, and beria, according to a telegram re­ gift to the hostess city.
and to see that each boy gets his share
later those who were able to travel ceived at the Swedish foreign office
of all the work and fun.
The boys
were placed on beard a train and start­ from Yakutz. Investigation of the re­
Polk to Exhibit at Fair.
will be organized into groups, accord­
ed for Quebec.
Buena Vista — Preparations are un- ing to age and development, for both
ported discovery has been -ordered by
j der way by the farmers and livestock the instruction and play. Each group
the government.
The Arctic explorer was accom­ breeders of Southern Polk county to will have one of these leaders who will
Quebec and Levis Give
panied by two scientists, and after make a big exhibit of products at the be a sort of big brother.
Aid to .396 Survivors they left Dane’s Island no report was Panama Pacific Exposition in 1915. Any boy in Oregon is eligible, but
' The breeders of goats, sheep, horses, not more than one will be accepted
Quebec—A full equipment of am­ received from the party.
Although traces of Andree’s balloon i cattle and hogs expect to have their from one district or ward school in the
bulances supplied by the city of Que­
bec, by the town of Levis, on the op­ have been reported at various places, I stock well represented. Growers of towns so long as there are applicants
posite side of the river, and the army and while even the body of the famous 1 hops, prunes and grain say they will from schools not represented. All ap­
medical service corps, was awaiting at Swedish Arctic explorer was said to 1 collect samples and send them to San plicants must be approved by the coun­
Levis when the special survivors’ have been discovered on the coast of Francisco in a gigantic lot from Polk ty or town superintendent, both as to
train arrived here.
The passengers Labrador, nothing has ever been es­ county. The committee for the county, character and ability to profit by the
were immediately transferred to the tablished definitely as to what actually recently appointed at a Salem meet­ course. No tobacco users will be ac­
ferry steamer, which had been wait­ happened to the expedition or what ing, is active in the Fair preparation cepted.
Boys, teachers, parents or others
ing to facilitate the transfer to Que­ became of the balloon.
, who may be interested should secure a
Jarkson County Plans Exhibit.
copy of this circular.
It was a pitiful sight when the Huerta Would Relinquish Power.
Ashland — Instead of entering a
ferry steamer Polaris docked on the
Vera Cruz—Reports reached here
Gillnetten Will Appeal.
Quebec side and the 396 men and Thursday through private sources that Rogue River Valley general display at
women saved from the Empress of Ire­
Astoria—A mass meeting of gillnet-
land trooped falteringly down the President Huerta has committed him­ county will have a specific exhibit em­ ters was held at the Fishermen’s Union
gangway. Few of them possessed a self to turn over the government to a bracing agriculture and horticulture,
complete outfit of clothes, the major­ commission composed of members of lumbering and mining. Work has be­ hall to discuss the recent order issued
ity wearing only shirts, trousers and the various factions in the republic. gun in a horticultural way, especially by Colonel McKinstry, of the United
States Engineers, prohibiting gillnet-
He is also said to have agreed to relin­
in the line of processed fruits. This ters from drifting in the channel close
Heads were bared as the injured
specialty is under the supervision of to the mouth of the river. Secretary
were brought ashore. The second and such a commission might . •«. ct.
The report further says that Huer­ H. O. Frohbach, of this city, the Coun­ Ixirentsen reported that he interview­
third-class passengers and the crew
s determination has already been ty court having appropriated a sum for ed Colonel McKinstry and was told he
were made comfortable on the Allan
communicated to the Mexican delega­ the purpose. Strawberries and cherries could not change the order, which came
tes and probably direct to J|.«_* Wash­ are being handled in this manner, and from Washington. The gillnetters will
Only Two Children Saved.
other fruits will be handled in season. not resist the order, but will appeal
ington government.
Quebec — Only two children are
to the secretary of war, with affidavits
known to have been saved from the
from steamer masters and pilots.
Full Inquiry Demanded.
State Reserves Right.
wreck of the Empress of Ireland. A
Ix/ndon — The London morning pa­
Salem — That persons desiring to
thrilling rescue was one of these —little pers, in commenting editorially on the i mine river beds in the state must ap­
I m Grande Hens Prolific.
8-year-old Gracie Hanagan, daughter disaster, call for a thorough investiga­ ply to the state land board is the
La Grande—One hundred eggs from
of the leader of the Salvation Army tion as to whether the bulk-heads were opinion rendered by Attorney General four hens in one month, with one con­
band. Her father and mother were closed, and if so, how it was that the Crawford, at the instance of W. C. tributing two eggs the last day, is the
drowned. Gracie was not told of her most modern system of water-tight Hodges, of Ix>s Angeles.
While the performance of four Silver Campines
loss. Asked how she was saved Gracie compartments failed to keep the ship mining laws provide that any citizen owned by C. A. Nichols, of this city.
replied: ‘‘Oh, I saved myself.” She from sinking.
may take up as a claim any unappro­ The eggs are so fertile that an average
was entirely unconcerned, apparently
The claim for the Empress of Ire­ priated part of the public domain, they of 95 per cent of chicks have been
not realizing what she had been land will be the heaviest sustained by do not apply to river beds, which are hatched. These are the first Campines
through. She had clung to a piece of the Lloyds underwriters since the sink­ owned by the state and are not a part in this section of the Grand Ronde
drift until picked up.
ing of the Titanic.
of the public domain.
954 Lost When Empress of Ireland Is
Rammed By Collier at Mouth of
St. Lawrence River.
Managing of Towns Is
Recognized Profession
Washington, D. C.- Preaident Wil­
ton and two i^embers of his cabinet,
Secretaries Bryan and Daniels, parti­
cipated Thursday in the formal open­
ing of the American university, the
Natoinal Methodist Episcopal school
located on the Potomac heights over­
looking the nation’s capital.
Bishop Earl Cranston, of Washing­
ton, presided nt the ceremonies, [held
on the university campus and attended
by thousands of educators and church­
men from all ;«arts of the United
States. The late President McKinley
and Colonel Roosevelt laid corner­
stones of buildings for the university,
which was projected 26 yearn ago by
Bishop Hurst.
“Scholarship, it seems to mo,” said
President Wilson in his address, “is
the mastery, the exact mastery, and
comprehension of great bodies of
knowledge, and the comprehension is
more difficult than the mastery. It
is much easier to acquire than it is to
interpret, and yet all knowledge is
dead which is not interpreted. The
vision of the scholar is worth OHM «•>
the world than his industry
“It is knowledge, pn>|>erly interpre-
tated, seen with a vision of insight,
that is uniting the world, the spirits
of the world.”
The President old an anecdote of
Charles Lamb, who said he was never
able to hate any man he knew.
"There are races whom we dispisc, ”
he added, “and it generally turns out
that we despise them liceause we
do not know them.
We have not
found the same common footing of hu­
manity with which to touch and deal
with them.”
Secretary Daniels described the
navy as a great university and empha­
size«! the fact that patriotism an«i re­
ligion have always gone han<l in hand.
He insiste«! that religion and education
must also l>e united.
"Only thia week,” he said, “a dis­
tinguished preacher in New York de­
clare«! that 'our universities are con­
trolled by capital and do not h«*««l the
call of struggling humanity.’ Your
university, fortunate in its environ­
ment and fortunate in its scope, can­
not fail to hear the call to serve hu­
manity. It will hear the clear call
that Wesley heard at Oxford arxl put
all learning and science under contri­
bution for the ofiening of doors of
help and opportunity to struggling
men and women.”
Bible Study in Schools
Asked by Presbyterians
Chicago A resolution favoring th«*
study of the Bible in the public sclxsils
and urging churches to petitoin state
legislatures for the passage of the nec­
essary laws to bring about the desire«!
reform was adopted by the general as­
sembly of the Presbyterian church of
the United States of America.
Another resolution, urging the es­
tablishment of a permanent tribunal
of arbitration at The Hague, with a
view of abloishing future wars be­
tween nations, was a«lopted.
The assemblage exchanged fraternal
greetings with the Protestant Episco­
pal church of the diocese in Chicago,
in session here.
The use of grape juice, or “non­
alcoholic wine,” in the sacrament of the
Lord’s Supper was recommended in a
supplemental re[iort from the commit­
tee on temperance and the report was
adopted by the assembly.
The reorganization of th«- Is/ard of
home missions was accomplished when
the report of the standing committee
was ailopted. It provides for an in­
crease from 24 to 30 members, that
the headquarters should remain in New
York and that the work of the lioard
shall be divided into four or more de­
partments, tentatively listed as the
executive or administrative depart­
ment, the department of church exten­
sion, with headquarters in the West;
the department of immigration and
social service and department of
Synods and presbyteries are to have
supervision of home missions in their
own territory.
Elk Herd Is Nuisance.
Seattle, Wash. — State Game Warden
L. H. Darwin haH asked the United
States government to take back the
herd of Montana elk liberated near
Startup, Snohomish county, the ani­
mals having become a nuisance lie­
cause of their depredations on farms.
The Federal authorities will ship the
Startup herd to Oregon if the beasts
can be corralled. It was supposed that
the animals would browse in the moun­
tains, but instead they have come
down to the river bottoms, seeming to
know that they were proctected by
“Eugenics” Mo 'e Opposed.
Baltimore- The American Medico-
Psychological association, at its annual
convention, refused to go on record as
favoring hygienic marriage laws. The
resolution adpoted by the conucil of
the association recommending the en­
actment of laws requiring a clean bill
of health and evidence of a normal
mind before issuance of a marriage li­
cense was tabled by a large majority.
Resolutions recommending the segre­
gation of the feeble-minedd, imlieciles
and the establishment of separate in­
stitutions for their care, were adopted.
Depot at Detroit Hurns.
Detroit—Forty-seven persons were
overcome by smoke from a fire which
threatened to destroy the Fort-street
Union station. The condition of some
of them was said to be serious. A doz­
en foreigners, locked in a basement
room, had a narrow escape from suffo­
cation. The loss saw $200,000.
Resumo of World’s Important
Events Told in Brief.
A Baltimore doctor says those who
would restrict marriages are growing
New rulers for Mexico an* being
considered by the mediators at Niagara
A Tacoma woman judge gives those
wliu just “drift” into town. 10 days
on the rock pile.
Carranza has little faith In success
of the "A. It. C." mediators in session
at Niagara Falla, Ont.
Huerta seems in high spirits ami is
loudly cheered when he drives through
streets of Mexico City.
President Wilson declares business
depression is psychological, anti insists
that his trust policy goes on.
Washington authorities say the land­
ing of arms at Puerto Mexico for
Huerta was a great surprise.
Wholesale execution of Federal offi­
cers an«! women capture«! In the battle
of Paredon, Coahuila, is rc|>orted.
A pistol shot fired in a melee at An­
napolis military college has provnl
fatal to William R. Bowles, a student.
Central Lalsir council in session at
Seattle, voted in favor of the admis­
sion of Japanese in all unions affiliated
with the American Federation.
Fire Friday destroy»«! the home of
J. W. McCormtna-h. a wealthy ranch
er near Pendleton, Ore.
Mrs. Mc-
(ormmacb rescued her 7-ycar-ol«! daug-
tcr, who was ill in lied.
Mrs. Joseph R. Know land, wife of
Representative Knowlaixi, of Alameda.
Cal., who is a candidate for the Unit««!
States senate, announces that she will
stump the state with her husband.
It Is unethical for a lawyer to make
a statement for publication in a news-
pa|>er concerning a case in which he is
engage«! or to give out his plan of pro­
cedure, according to the view of dele­
gates to the annual meeting of the
Illinois Statu Bar association, who
adopt«-«! a resolution prohibiting such
The the«»ry of Dr. Samuel Picrrc-
|«ont Langley, who proclaim«*«! to the
world that In* hail solved the problem
of the air several years before heavier-
than-air machines hail been success­
fully navigated, was vindicated at
Hammon«bi|iort, N. Y., Saturday, when
Glenn Curtiss, the aviator, went aloft
in "lumgby’s folly.”
Buckingham Palace, London. w*as
invaded by militant suffragettes and
many windows were broken.
Two games of baseball were playe«l
by th«* inmates of the Kansas state
penitentiary with outsi«le teams for
the first time.
Castings were start«*«! for a 100-inch
reflecting telescope, the largest in the
world, to lie install««! at the Mount
Wilson observatory at Pasadena, Cal.
The mirror of speculum metal was suc­
cessfully cast in France after four
others had been discarded tiecause of
Track prices: Club, 856/
86c [>er bushel; bluestem, 886/89c;
fort)-fold, STe; red Russian, M5c; val­
ley, 86c.
Millfeed Bran. $23.506/24 per ton;
shorts, $26.500i27; middlings, $326/
Hay — No. 1 Eastern ()reg«in tim­
othy, $15(</16 per ton; mixed timothy,
$136/14; valley grain hay, $126/13;
alfalfa, $126/ 13.
Barley — Feed, $206/21 per ton;
brewing, $2L50(«/22; rolled, $23.50 /
No. 1 white milling, $226/
22.50 per ton.
Corn Whole, $35 ton; cracked, $36.
Vegetables Cucumbers, $1.25 per
box; eggplant, 15c jier |s>un«l; |/ep-
pers, 206/25c per pound; radishes, 15
6/17jc per dozen; head lettuce, $2
per crate; artichokes, 756/85c per
dozen; celery. $3.50 per crate; toma­
toes, $4.256/4.50.
Green fruit — Apples, $1.50(1/2.75
per box; strawberries, 756/90c crate;
cherries, 66/ 10c |/er pound; gooseber­
ries, 2(it 5c; apricots, $1.256/1.50 per
box; can talon |/es, $4.506/5 per crate,
Onii/ns — Bermuda, $2 6/ 2.25 per
crate; red, $36/3.25 per sack.
Potatoes -Oregon, 90c(«/$l per cwt.;
sweet potatoes, $4.506/5 per cwt.
Fresh yregon ranch, cas<*
count, 20)6/21c;
cnndlid, 226/23c
per dozen.
Poultry Hens 16|c; broilers 25(«/
26c; turkeys, live, 206/22c; dressed,
choice, 256/26c; ducks, 12c; geese,
106/ 12c.
Butter Creamery prints, extra 27Je
per pound; cubes 22j6/24c.
Pork— Fancy, 10jc [>er pound.
Veal Fancy, 1 lc per |>ound.
Hops 1913 crop, prime and choice,
146/15c; 1914 contracts 146/15c.
Wool Valley 186/20c; Eastern Ore­
gon, 166/ 19|c; mohair, 1914 clip, 27J
6/28|c per pound.
Cattle - Prime steers, $7.756/7.85;
choice, $7.25 6/ 7.50; medium, $7 (m
7.25; choice cows, $6.506/7; medium,
$66/6.25; heifers, $66/7; light, $7.50
ii/8.15; heavy. $6.506/7.15; bulls.$466
6.25; stags, $5.506/7.
Hogs - Light, $7.506/7.90; heavy,
Sheep Wethers, $4.256/4.85; ewes,
$3.256/4.50; yearling lambs, $4.50665;
spring lambs, $5.506/6.