Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, May 28, 1914, Image 1

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    The "Classified" column of th» Herald
contains much valuable reading.
Subscription, $1.00 a Year.
Tite schools of the Mt. Hcolt section
will he viritml next Friday afternoon by
a ilehgation of local veteran* wno will
deliver «iron talk* on war lime matter*
and patriotic «objects. Tiie following
person* have lawn assigned
HouUi Mt. Tabor, Fault Sixty-fifth and
¡»vision street»—A H. Nichols, Joseph
ilowitl, John Jones, William Hutchinson,
John Kocks, James Wray, George Lewis,
If. C. Rigby, Spencer Wiley, A. llelong,
Alfred Niclsila*. H. L. Carl.
Creston Hchool, East Forty eight and
Powell street»—P. W. Traaker, Kotiert
Young, George Kerkemlall, M. C.
Ti>oui|«on, W. C. Henderson, (ieorge
H. Strait, J sine* H. Robb, James -Mev-
ins, I.. J. Orendorff, M J. Hammons,
L. W. Humphries, F. O. Joy.
Woodmere Hchool. East Eightieth and
Hiity-siath avenue, southeast-John
Waited, Thoma* Hlakely. A. W. Powere,
R. 8. Hummell, G. M Pugh, H. Gibler,
L. R. Train, E. W. Huiith, B. B. Turley.
Arleta School, Bixty-fourth street and
Fiftieth avenue Southeast—Joseph Hepp,
M. Kendall, Oscar Pelton, J. Paulson,
J. T. Hicks, Clifford Lewie, E. Gifford,
It. Freiburghousr, J. J. Hirshimer,
William Carpenter, J- A.- Young. L.
E Beach, I., A. Bowman, Albert Breed­
love, S. D Cale. J. Drlaui, W. J. Terry,
H. W. McLain, Emory Porady, Newcomb
Drisko, Corporal Arbuckle,G. A. \ anier.
Dents School, Gilbert avenue and
Main street—II. H. Fargo, C. C. Wiley.
J. P. Anderson, Jacob Brown, N. Coon-
radt, Frank Hhickrott, II. Parnail, Levi
Line tiger. E. Vanachoick, Henry Farr,
J amen Fall.
The local ladies of' the G. A. R. are
preparing for a new charity. They have
secured the service* of a very efficient
troup known a* the “Sunbonnet Girls,
¡who are touring the coast and wbo have
been per*uaded to dispense charity at
laoU, Haturday the 6tb
June. The
•girl*" are entirely harmless a* a look
at their advance advertisement» will
•bow, bnt Ilka »11 attractive young
women have to be chaperoned with
great care.
Several of the Circle
mother* have assumed the responsibil­
ity of looking after their safety and
social entertainment. This will lie a
rare chance lor the mi*Cellane >us
assortment of bachelor* who decorate
the so lai affairs of Lanta, and if some
of them do not “meet their fate“ it will
be due to their own negligence, a* the
“girl*" are willing. Everyone is goiug
to *ee them.
The Most Talked of Men in America Today
On Hunday, Mav 31st the Hunday
Hchool of the 1-ents Friends Church will
celebrate Children’s Dav. This should
really fall upon the second Hunday In
June, but owing to the Oregon Yearly
Meeting of Friends being in session
from the ¡0 to the 10th of Jnne it has
lieon found necessary to hold Children’s
Day two weeks earlier. Hunday Hchool
will convene as usual at 9:46 A. M. and
the program, consisting of songs, reci­
tations, exercises and special pieces by
tbe children, will commence at 10A. M.
There will be no preaching service, as
the Children’s exercises will take up
that hour as well a* the Hunday school
Friends Church on Main street, half
block south of ths Htreet car line, at
10:00 A. M. Sunday May 31.
The local camp of the Hons of Veterans
have changed the date of their meeting
to the evening* of the second and fourth
Wednesdays of each month.
Tbe camp will join in the decoration
exercise* on Haturday, tbe 30th. All
those participating will meet at Odd­
fellows Hall at nine o'clock and all
those who with to join in the march
will be supplied with rifles.
Senior Vice Division Commander, W.
W. McDowell has issued the following
stirring call and all are urged to give it
“Every son and grandson of a Veteran
should be loyal to their parent on this
•acred day and there is no better way
to show it than to march with them on
Decoration Ihsy, for none of us know
how soon our fathers will be called to
join the Great Army who have joined
their comrades on the other side of
Jordan for their last roll call. We owe
this and more to those brave boys who
left home, mother, sweetheart and
liberty to fight lor our country and
make it |»oeaible for the grand old flag
to still float over tbe "Land of tbe Free
and the Home of tbe Brave.’”
Photo oopyrlgbt. Itti, by American Press Association
Viola Kline, the five year old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Kline of Eight avenue,
Lenta, die<l at their home May 27, 1914.
The cause of her death was Bronchial-
Hhe was their only
daughter, her twin sister dying when
quite small. Viola, or “Sister’’ as site
was usually called, told l»er fallier when
she first took sick, that she was going
to live ju*t three months, then she was
going to Heaven to I* with her little
•ister. If she had lived six hour*
longer it would have lieen just three
mouths to the day.
Kite war a very dear little girl and will
lie greatly missed by her |>aren»» and
little brother, to which we all extend
our heartfelt sympathy.
But “Sister’’ is gone. No more that
^roi<** will greet onr eoming feet.
She’s gone to dwell in a happier home
Where Saints in Heaven meet.
Then let's weep no more, for her
Mr. Himes, assistant Hecretary of the
Troubles here on earth are o'er.
Oiegon Historical Hocietv, will lectnie
For she has gained the Hi a'enly Shore
on Oregon history at the Lent* Hi h«*ol
To lie with God forever more.
Thursday evening Mr Himes has b en
a resilient of Oregon since childhood
and is familiar wi'h every detail ol
MARKET MASTER Oregon History. He is* most inters tiro
speaker. The lecture will be illustrated
The selection of R. W. Gill for Market by over one hundred slides. The price
master of the new Yamhill Market of admission is 5 and 10 cents, and th»-
should meet with general approval. procee I* ar* to tie n«ed f >r G »rd-ri
Mr. Gill is a farmer. He stands well Contest premium« and Camp fir* Gi»
with farmers ami city acquaintance» CMiniiiM. Kverv te>ly co ne and h»-'|
and will b< found a conservative man for pack the auditorium.
the job. Hie many frie ds throughout
Toe re »liar moothlv >»u*i»i»■•• n»,-e'I v
the connty will appreciate this
of the Y P A was held at the home ol
recognition of his worth
II. H. Fargo an Orator of note has
been assigned as chairman by the
school commit e to address the teachers
^n<l pupils ol the public schools of l.*nt*
on Friday of this week. Parent» and
friends invited.
Tile young folk" gathered with ei
thil«i»»m and fid»*l the h> U«e '<• or. i
Ift-rash r- l»»-ii, s *•■»«..
tl.e meeting
was thrown <q»-n to a
genuine good rim*
There were *'»in
fifty people present and everyone enj ,yed
them* Ives most heartily.
No. 22
Saturday, May 30, Annual Event
Old Soldiers to Hold Occasion Falls. Wisconsin in 1856. In 1801,
September, the Mb, be enlisted as a
private in Co. G, 10th Wisconsin
Volunteer Infantry for three years. He
The members of tbe local G. A. R. wa* wounded at the battle of Perryville,
and Circle, Hon* of Veterans, and their Kentucky, October 8, 1862 and was dis­
friends will join Satmday forenoon in charged February 19, 1864 lor total
disability. In 1864, September 2, he
the annual - decorative ceremonies.
enlisted in Co. G., 6th Wisconsin
\ Members of these organisation* will Volunteer Infantry for one year, and
meet at the Oddfellow* Hall, Lenta, at served till Lee surrendered, then got
9 a. m., and formihg column will march another discharge as sergeant of that
to Johnson Creek where some cere­ Company for ¿inability tbe 23 of May,
monies will be held. After this they 1866 at Richmond, Va.
j will return to Uie hall and have exercise*.
He was a charter member of John A.
The members of the local port are Eaton Poet, No. 213, Department of
very loyal to their members and more Wig., (J. A. R. and in 1906 came to
i than the usual feeling of fraternity pre­ Portland. In 1906 or 7, joined George
vails. The Herald has foand this in- Wright Post No. 1, and later Reuben
| tercet so great tliat it was deemed of in- Wilson Post. No. 38, Dept., of Ore. He
1 tenet to secure sketches of as many of is also a member of Hhilob Circle No. 17
the members as possible. Some of tliem L. G. A. R.
Comrade Hummel livee at Lenta. He
are publislied this week. Others will
I follow in the next issue. These sketches is one of tbe happiest of the “old boy*'*
are brief, and merely tell of war time and is always welcomed by the mem­
experiences of "the boys,” liut they dis­ bers of the Poet.
close many points of historical connec­
tion that should prove of interest to
Joeepb Brown enlisted February 0,
every reader of the Herald.
1864 in Co , I, of Michigan. Joined toe
army of Tennesse about May, 1864, and
John Huntington enlisted December
9, 1861. He left the State, March 20, was in tbe battles of Resaca, Buzzard’s
1862. He was at St. Louis till April 1. Roost, Kenesaw, Niceojack Creek, At­
Was in the battle of Sbilou April 6 and lanta and also in tbe one at Lovejoy
7; seige of Corinth; battle of Iuka, Station. After tbe capture of Atlanta,
Sep temper 19; Corinth, October 4 and
followed Hood north and was in the
5; expedition to Holy Springe. Re­
turned to Memphis, left there March battle of Nashville and Franklin. Wa*
20, 1863 for Vicksburg. Was in the discharged at Nashville and returned
seige of Vicksburg and tbe battles lead­ home in September 1866.
Copy righi by A morirán Proa» A*»»«*«
Vol. 12.
ing up to it. He did petrol duty in
Vicksburg for several months. Was in
tbe Meridian expedition to tbe interior
of Mississippi, also the Monroe expidi-
tion into Louisiana. Re-enlisted and
came home in March 1864. Returned
to Cairo, HL, in the last of April.
Shipped to Clifton, Tenn, Marched
from Clifton via Huntsville, Ala , and
Rome, Georgia, to Altoona. Was In the
battles of Big Shanty, Kenesaw Mt.,
Nico Jack Creek, Decatur, Leggets
Hill, and the battle of Atlanta. Taken
prisoner that day. Was in Anderson­
ville. Exchanged September 25 1864.
Was on the march to tbe sea. 8sw
Savanah, Beaufort, Pocotalege, Fayette­
ville, Columbia, Cheran, Goldsboro, and
Ra'eigh, N. C. Marched to Richmond
an<l Washington.
Shipped to Louis­
ville, Ky. Discharged July 19, 1865.
Arrived at Osage, Iowa, where be en­
listed, August 1, 1865, having served
I three years and eight months.
The roeter of hie regiment shows an
interesting record. There was a total
enrollment of 1441; the killed numbered
101; wounded numbered 311; died of
disease, 220; discharged for wouuds and
other causes, 224; captured, 271; trans-
ferred, 29; buried in national eenie
teries, 141.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Boatwright, to­
gether with about thirty-five friends
celebrated the 26lh anniversary of their
wedding, at their home on Gilbert roed,
Monday evening, May 17th. Tbe house
was decorated with beautiful flowers,
roses everywhere.
The bride was
gowned in white and wore a veil. Her
liouquet was white and pink rosebuds.
Mrs. C. A. Daniels played "The |
! Welding March,” by Mendelssohn, and
the bridal couple marched through
several rooms and finally t ok their
places under an arch of flowers, wheie
the ceremony was preformed by the
Rev. Myra Hmith of the Friend’»
Church. Little Virginia Daniels was
flower girl ahd proceeded the couple by
dropping rose jietals in their path. She
also carried the ring in the heart ol a
tnagnificeut white rose. Alter the cere­
mony wa* performed a congratulatory
hour was s|>ent ami then refreshment*
were served. The host and hostess
were presented with many beautiful
and useful silver pieces. A most < e-
lightful evening was spent and many
were the kind wishes extended to Mr
ami Mrs. Boatwright for a long slid
happy life.
Lawrence Rossel was born in Lan-
easier, England, September 9, 1844. He
came to the United States in 1856. En
listed on the 28tb day of April, 1861,
and went in to camp at Freeport, III ,
May 11, 1861, and was assigned Co. F,
15 Illinois Volunteer Infantry and
muster«*! in to United States for three
years, May 24, 1861. In June he went
to St. Charles, Mo., and to Mexico, Mo
In August to St. Louis, Mo., then to
Springfield to reinforce Lyons at Wilson
Creek. In September he was at Tipton,
Mr»., with Muligan at Lexington, Mo.,
then to Fort Donaldson, Tenn., Feb­
ruary 16th. and from there to Pittsburg
landing, and on the 5th and 6th of
of April in the battle of Sbilo, where he
receive*I two wonnde in tbe right corner
of the left eye, and was supposed to
have been killwi as he lay nn<x>nsci<ms
for sometime at the battle of Inks,
Tenn. On tlie 20th of December, 1862,
be was taken prisoner. Paroled March
11, 1863, and re-entered service. He
was engage«! in the Vicksburg campaign
and went with Banks to Red River in'64.
In the taking of Fort DeRnssia on Red
river in a hand to hand skirmish at
Rodney Church he lost a finger. He
was in at least twenty-five skirmishes
and small battles.
Was dterliarge.1
March 2?, 1866 at Vicksburg, Mi»-*.
Went to New Orleans and •» second
mate in gulf steamer took part in tbe
tskin.* of Fort Moulton and Spanish
Fort. He was the fir«t nnion man to
step ashore at the surrender of Mobile,
Alabama, in April 1865. Was wounded
six tinaa. one that was thought to he
This Library baa one of the largest
The past winter and spring have lieen
especially severe on many p«xir peopl- collect: *»>» of On-g- n material in the
living in the Mt. 8cott section, du* t N-»rthwe«t. It in--Indi s most of the
important explorations, histories, files
the sesreity of work. This Is particu­
of Oregon documents and law». »11 tbe
larly true where familiag were large or Portland directories excvjA 1863. many
where sickness invaded the home» One I’. B. documenta bearing on the state,
of the most serious of tlieee c*se» lisa and many Oregon imprints.
come to notice near Grays Crossing. A I 'The Library is anxious to fill out its
family composed of nine children, collections and asks tlie co-operation of
father and mother, have been depend­ resident« of the city and state who may
ent on the work of a sixteen year old have sb red old books or files of old
boy for several months, the boy work­ papers and magazines in their attic*,
ing for a dollar a day. The loy ba» Most <>f t he "material wanted has little or
given his entire wages to the family and no inooey value anti i* only important
is now sadly in want of clothing. The for such a collection as this. Following
father has been sick.
The entie i* a list oi work» mort d< sired :
family Is deeply in need an<l assistance
I Transactions of organixilions such
will lie welcome. They are not in'king as church-s, fraternal ortlers 2. Old
a direct public ap|H*<l, but friends are state an-l city documenta 3 Old OrevQU
l»-f it» lie <ls m > <1 papers 4 Books and
looking af’ei their inter*-*!-».
Rndolp 8. Hummel was born on the
l-Huiplilct-» printed in Oregon, especially
or f<Hid w II • * welt--me
auto» rsph copies 5
IS63 Portland 26th day of December, 1837, in Hwitaar*
TV*-r 62 will bring wessni >
din ciorv II. R»-nortfl <>f corporations, land. He came to America in tbe
etc. 7 Diaries ami journals of pioneers. spring of 1851, settling at Black River
James P. Anderson enlisted in Co. E.
4tb Kentucky Infantry (mounted) a* a
recruit in March 1864. He went im­
mediately to the front. Was in tbe At­
lanta Campaign with the cavalry under
General McCook After tbe battle in
front of Atlanta on tbe 22d of July
when General Mcpbereon wa* killed,
he went on the Stoneman raid. Was
taken pri-oner at Newman.Georgia, and
went to Andersonville, wa* a prisoner
«even months. Was paroled tbe last
day ol February, 1866, and rejoined the
regiment at Macon City, Georgia. He
was discharged in August, 1866. He
saw lots of service before the enlistment
as a home guard. Was in bis first
fight at Mt. Sterling, Ky., 1862, where
be was born and raised. Joined the
chase of John Morgan when be was
raiding in Kentucky.
Since tbe war he lived in Indiana
six years, Nebraska, seventeen years,
Oklahoma, twenty-two years and at
Lents four years. He is a member of
Reuben Wilson Post and takes an ac­
tive interest in its work.
W. J. Darnell was born in Illinois in
1838. He enlisted in Co. K., 106 Illinois
Volunteer Infantry, August 14, 1862,
• nd went South tbe last of September,
first to Columbus, Kentucky, then to
Jackson and Boliver, Tennessee. He
was in the same brigade as the sixty-
first, Illinois and Twelfth Michigan.
The first duty wa* guard duty on the
Ohio and Memphis railroad, till
Forest’s raid, and be helped to chase
him going to Hutuboldt, Trenton, Diree-
burg and back to Boliver
In May
1863, he went to Vicksburg, Miss.
June Oth they moved up the Yazoo to
Satarsha, and met Johnson in a two
days’ fight, falling back to Haines
Bluff, thence out to Black River, and
hack to Vicksburg On July 30 they
wtntto Helena, Ark., then to Little
Rock In the spring of '64 bis regi­
ment went to Benton, Salina, Camden,
ami back to Little Rock, thence down
White River to Clarendon. June 23
they started on quarter rations for a
two day’s trip but were required to ex­
tend it to seven days, with hard march­
ing in mod and water, and heat, result­
ing in permanent disability, and re­
turning to Little Rock. From there
'hey went to Pine Bluff«, Ark., where
he was mus'ereii out, July 12, 1866
Since ths war he has lived on a farm,
mo-t of tbe time in Eastern Kansas,
coining to Lenta a year ago.
C C Wiley was born at Monroe, Maae.
Oct., 8, 1810. He *n listed, May 186),
and was promoted corperal Oct.. 1862.
He was with his rvgim nt continuously,
except two day* on eiek leave untiil
wounded in the thigh at Spottsylvania,
May 10 1864. He saw ail the battles in
the Peninsular Cauqiaigu, being in Mc-
Clelna's division of the Army, and was
at Anteitan and Gettysburg; Wildern«*«,
4p ittaylvnnia.
He wi« in the hospital at Wash D. C.
■ (Continued on Page Four)