Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, May 21, 1914, Image 1

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    Subscription, $1.00 a Year.
with more than a mile of
and 12 inch
mains. The head of the water bureau
meeting Monday decided that the mains
should la* laid immediately in an attempt
Yamhill to do away with water shortage* tills
market on Haturday morning was tally summer. While there has been some
«• succeeaful a« was anticipated,
In question as to whether Lents is raaliy a
fact there were more buyers on I hand part of Portland, City Attorney la-
than could be supplied.
Many went
Kouche line ad vised city officials to treat
away uneupplied and some went away
as a part of the city. On this
Price« were not what
som« had expect«! but as this was tbe advice officials of tire waler bureau
first day of the market and there was deluded that it would be all right to
considerable excitement and eagerness place the mains through tire district.
at>out buying it la thought that any un­
reasonable tendency to boost prices will
rectify themeelvee in the future.
would ba utterly im|>oeeible to meet all
theee objections at once
Those things
will require time and a careful study of
conditions to understand that limita­
Rev. Peter Conklin, pastor of l^-nta
tions can lie put on the producers and It Evangelical church, was appointed to
is probable that the simple conditions tlie pastorate of tlie First Evangelical
of trade will assist to settle many vex­ church of Tacoma Wash., at tlie annual
ing questions. Generally the traffic Oregon conference of the Evangidieal
was carried on quietly and there was aMMx iation, which closed at tlie Tacoma
little cause for complaint. One dealer church Hun-lay night. Tlie conference,
in eggs made himself conspicuous by which alnoincluded western Washington,
doing some loud talking but he will not was attended By 23 ministers and
do it many times. Any attempt to ap laymen, and was preside-1 over
ply the street salesmen method of draw­ Bishop William Horu ol Cleveland.
Rev. T. R. Hornschuch, pastor of
ing a crowd to his location will tie re­
Tacoma church, wa* assigned to
Tbe producers were on band early pastorate of U m - lent* church.
but not much earlier than the con­
sumers who commenced to come as
early as six o'clock and the day’s sales
were more than half over by nine
o'clock. This simply proves the sup­
position to be true that 'e Portland a
city market will practically complete
its sales by noon, except in vary special
Tbe big parade was not all that was
expected. There was not enough of tbe
farmer element to it. Heveral attempts
were mad-- to engage the farmers inter­
est tn tbe parade but those who had
something to sell could not see how
they could endanger the sale of their
goods by waiting till Un o'clock, march­
ing al) over town, and then offering
them for sale, wilted or dusty.
who hod nothing to sell generally
stayed at home. This was wrong.
lengthy division in tbe parade, com­
posed of farmers and gardner« would
have shown a spirit of sympathy ami
an interest that would have done credit
to the farm and grange portion of the
population of tbe country that would
Alton Sidney Additon. I>ecea«ed
not have been forgot ten.
It is not to be forgotten either that
Surprise Party
Milwaukee Grange had a part in the
A very pleasant surprise party was
parade, as did Bethany and Leedy of
Washington County.
Cedar Mills, I given W. M York on hie fiftieth birth-
really the product of Leedy Grange, I -lay when members of Mt. Scott Chap-
lurnisbed the only creditable Host in j ter O. E. 8. and friends walked in and
the entire parade.
It was a well ar­ gave him a card shower Friday even­
ranged wagon iiearing about fifty girls, ing, May 1ft. The evening was spent in
each carrying a little penant typifying i music and a social time.
The following were present: Mr. and
some product of the community.
they had just about everything. Every Mrs. P. A Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs.
grange in three counties should have j Fred Kat«ky, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
had a part in this parade.
The grange | Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. York,
should have lieen the most strongly in­ | Mr and Mrs. W. O Ash, Mr and Mrs.
terested of all the organhations in tbe i F. R. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
state and it showed very little apprecia­ Sweet, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wood,
tion of its opportunity to attain one of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Scbueler; Mr. and
its aims. Perhaps it will be a better Mr«. J. B Small, Mr. an-l Mrs. 8 J.
friend of the market eat-blis.ied than of Allen; Mr. and Mrs J. C. Hankin;
Dr an-l Mrs. O A. Ilese; Mr». Maud
the market proposed
R. W. Gill, C. I) Minton and Mr. , E Connell; Mrs. Nellie Katsky; Mrs.
Atchison have l>e«u appointed market i E. 1. Selle; Mrs. Margrette Kelly:
managers and Mr. Minton has accepted ; Mrs. R. E. Olson; Mrs. Robert Mc­
Mr«. Emma Kraft; Miss
tbe position of market master tem­ Cormick
The market will lie open Vivian Poplin; Mias Francis Poplin;
every day in the week till noon, and all Mias Thelma Kennedy; Miss Dana
day on Saturdays.
Tl ere are no Small; Mias Mabel Sweet; Mi*» Doro­
chargee for apace and there is every thy He««: Miss Kathryn Scheuler; Mr
rwtaon why tbe producers should meet E. L. York; Mr. James Small, Jr.
the consumers here with products and James York, Richard Hess, Fred York:
prices that would l-e of mutual ad- Joseph York ; George York and Thomas
vantage to both.
Birthday Surprise
Mias Lona Crandall
of Seventh
Avenue was the victim Monday even­
ing of a tilrthilay surprise which proved
to be a moat delightful event. Tho sur­
A shortage ol hose on the tart of the
prise came when twenty three friends
entered ready for tne birthday celebra­ Tremont Volunteer Fire Department
tion A inerry evening was passed in Company was responsible Tuesday
games ami music. Ihdnty refreshments night of the destruction of Dr. Lingers
were served by the hostess and at a late ♦ax»i residence at seventy-fourth street
|)our tbe guest- departed after wishing and sixty-first avenue S. E.
Through some oversight, the Kern
Miss Crandall many happy returns.
Among those present were Mabel I Park station was not rtnlifi-tl an-l the
Nelson, Ruth Howe, Florence Gething, i Volunteers had to tight the ttaoos
Adele Elia, Hilda Tnrple, Mrs. Boyd ' alone. They ha just enough h •»- to
Moore. Lillian Greenwell, Ruth Russell, I rnn one stream of water. If tbev could
Meta Angell, Hortens • Ingd's, I aura have reacned the fire with another line,
Wilbanks. Ixina Crsn tail, Roy Green­ I they say they could have checked the
well, Ke- neth Wilson, H hart Bleytli- Wsse in it« e-r y stages.
Th» Vnlnn rars 'e*erve great credit
ing. Fay Smith, Roy Kerr, Floyd
William*, Chas. Wllsofi, Wilfurd Hol- for tlie work they -li-l, a* was show n by
ling wroth, Renee Wilkinson, Edwin a n-ar-by neig’-t-or of Dr Li- g- r’s, who
Norene, Ralph Hpearrow and Levis after the fire, served them win- h--t
e ffee an-l san Iw cln-s
Wi k inson.
■ •
Tbe annual meeting of tbe Oregon
I State Grange couvened at Monmouth
May 19. The delegation was some­
what smaller than common. Tho af­
ternoon session was given over to tbe
State locturer and tbe Woman's Work
Committee and to a talk on taxation by
E. E. Blanchard of Granta Pa«o.
Tbe Grange waa banunetted by tbe
citizens of Monanoutb on the State Nor­
mal grounds. Following this, addrssses
were given by P H. Johnson, Mayor of
Monmouth, J. H. Ackerman, of the
State Normal and P. O. Powell of tbe
County Grange. State Master, C. E.
Spence, Lecturer. H. A. Darnall and
Paet State Lecturer, Mrs. Clara Waldo
replied to theee addresses.
Following this the Normal musical
students rendered a program
operate under the direction of Miss
Mary Homan.
Wednesday forenoon was devoted to
introduction of
Grange visited tbe Norma) during
Cbapel exercises. President Keur of the
Agricultural College waa introduced and
gave a talk concerning tbe course of
study, and entrance requirements.
Tbe afternoon of Wednesday was
largely taken up with election of
officers, re-ulting in the election of C.
E. Spence. Master; C. D. Hoffman,
Overseer; Mrs. M. E. Bond, Lecturer;
Mrs. Mary Howard, Secretary; M. P.
Young, Steward; Charlie Have, Assist­
ant Ste vard ; C. H. Walker, Chaplain;
H. Herschberger, Treasurer.
tlie present small mains are to lie replaced
Producers’ and Consumers’ Market
Opens Favorably and the Entire
Output ol the Fanners Taken up
Lone Before the Hours ol Closing.
Vol. 12.
.. .
l-ente is to receive Kull Kun water and
The opening of
—Perter in Brooklyn Citiaan.
Tbe Epworth league celebrated their
With Webb twirling
hie beat, the
Archer-Wiggins Weonaa 8 to 2 on the
No. 21
Summary of
Many Surprises.
Several “Ran”
Others “Won.”
combe Nominated Governor.
axri blk
National Committeeman— R. E. Wil­
liams, Polk County.
United States Senator—R. A. Booth,
of Lane County.
Congress man. Fir»t District—W. C.
Hawley, Marion County.
Coogreosman. Second District—N. J
! Sinnott, of Wasco County.
Congressman, Third
1 McArthur.
District—C. N.
Governor—James Witbycombe.
State Treasurer—T. B. Kay, Marion
Justice of Supreme Court—Thomas A.
McBride, Henry J. Bean, L. A. Harris
and probably Chariea L. McNary.
Attorney-General—George Brown, of
Dongias County.
Superintendent ol Public Instruction
—J. A. Churchill, Baker County.
State Engineer—John M. Lewis. Mar­
ion County.
Labor Commissioner—O.
Multnomah County.
Railroad Commissioner—Frank
Miller, Linn County.
Superintendent of Water Division No.
1—James T. Chin nock,
Circuit Judge, Department A—C. IT.
State Senator, Thirteenth District—
James D. Abbot.
State Senator, Joint, Fourteenth Dis­
trict—George McBride.
Repreeentative, Seventeenth District,
local lot last Sunday,
This makes Joint—C. M. Hurlburt.
Sunday Scott
The Arleta Parent-
seven straight for the home team and
Representative«— Ben fMling, Dr. A.
evening. A large audience waa in at- Teacher Association held its annual
place« them foremost in the ranks of C. Smith, 8. B. Cobb, John Gill, O. W.
tandauca and much internet mani­ election of officora during the DBSt
ue cuiienaer» t - tM c ha-s id one h in of
a--------- “ M-iaton. Lonia U—a- »
fested. Prwsi-lent R. J. Wilkinson waa week resulting for President. Mias Ada
tbe city and state. ■
V. LittiefieM, Plowden Stott, D. C.
master of eereuioniee. The retiring Mclaughin;
Burden and Jorgenson started for the Lewis, Lloyd Wentworth, Cmrad P.
?hbmet gave a review of the past veers Hendricks; recording s cretary, Mrs.
visitors, but after Burden’s
most Olson.
work, each department showing excel­ McCann ; corresponding secretary, Miss
County Commissioners—Philo Hol­
Louise Jones, treasurer, Mrs. Will
lent work.
and same driven to all corners of tbe brook, Rufus C. Holman.
Powell. It was voted to make tbe “ap­
After the reports the following pro­
preciation” dinner an annual event. It lot, Dick Morris of tbe Kenton Giants
Sheriff—T. M. Hurlburt.
gram was given: Valaaiictory, Edwin will be remem tiered that the one held was rushed to tbe rescue and held the
Clerk—John B. Coffey.
Norene; Salutatory, Mise Ruth Russel; this tear at which school and city heavy hitting Forte squad scoreless tbe
County Treasurer—John M. Lewis.
Webb succeeded in
last two frames.
Solo, Miss Hilda Turple; Responsive. officials, representatives of the press and
fanniug seven Weonas while the beet
County Auditor—Ham Martin.
The Epworth league's Social Creed; others were guests, was a great success. burden could do was three. Morris i
County Surveyor—R. C. Bonser
The announcement that Arleta is to
The Church and the Cite, Wilford
struck out two. Manager Forte is pro­
Coroner—F. H. Dammaecb.
have a playground was greeted with
Hollingworth; Tbe Chruch and the much applause. Tbe Arleta garden is viding a good class of ball, in fact as
District Court, Department No. 1—J.
good as some of the minor leagues, and W. Bell.
Country, Charles Wilson; Hymn, “The twice as large as that ol any school in
has the best team in tbe history of
District Court, Depart oneot No. 3—J.
Fight I« On”; The league and Efficien­ the city and Professor N’ewbill and the
Lente and should receive the support of H. Jones.
cy, Kenneth Wilson; Song, “Take Time mothers of the community are planning
District Court, Department No. 3—
to Be Holy”; The League aud Evan­ to can a large quantity of vegetables to every fan in town.
A good game u looked for Sunday. Arthur C. Dayton.
gelism, Miss Turple; The male chorus be used for the school lunches next
gave a selection. The Pastor conducted veer. The children are extremely busy
the installation service which was un with their g rden work and the care of KANSAS SOCIETY
their chickens.
usually impressive.
WILL MEET MAY Esteriv, Mukuvinah.
United States Senaro. -G. E. Cbam-
The officers for the ensuing veer are:
The Woodmere Parent-Tracber asso­
berlain, Multnomah.
President, Edwin Norene; First Vice ciation has elected the following of­
Tlie regular monthly meeting of the
President, Miss Lulu Martin; Second ficers: President, Mrs. Decreval; vice
Kansas Society will be held on Tuesday known.
Vice President, Miss Feins Blything; president. Julia Spooner; secretary,
evening. May 28, at Manchester Hall,
Congressman, Second District—Un-
Third Vice President, Mis» Ijitira Wil­ Mrs. Anna Thomas; treasurer, Mrs. M.
Fifth and Oak, west side of the street.
banks; Fourth Vice President, Miss B H-vgue.
The society has heretofore met in various
Congressman, Third District—A. F.
Fay Smith; Secretary, R. J. Wilkinson;
la-nts Parent-Teacher club held its
small hall« around the town and will
Treasurer, Charles Wilson; Organist. annual meeting Friday and chose Mrs.
be able to invite a more generous number
Governor—C. J. Smith.
Otto Katxkv, president; Mrs. Gesell,
Miss Florence Gething.
of it* friends. The Tuesday evening
Justice of Supreme Court—William
We prophecy for this society a suc­ vice president; recording secratarv,
session will be unusually interesting as
Galloway, of Mariou; W. M. Ramsay.
cessful year’s work.
Dorothy Waugh; corresponding secre­
a considerable program is planned, and
tary. Mrs. Mibel Smith; treasurer,
the "social hour” will be longer than
Attorney-GeDera)—John A. Jeffrey,
Mrs. E. A. Hershner. This returns
All members and former
ML Scott Mental Culture Club
Mrs. Katxkv to a position which she
Kansans are invited to attend.
The Mt. Scott Mental Cu tnte Club
Circuit Judge—John Van Zante.
formerly tided so creditably
The club
met Thursday afternoon with Mr«. G.
Representative«—T. O. Hsgoe, A. K.
is in good vondi'ion and the new term
M Burlington with an attendance <-t
Higgs, A’va L. Mclionaki, Cora C.
will have some interesting problems to
2u member». R. R. Howard -a- ’he develop.
Tai hot.
speaker of the afternoon, He gave an
Sheriff—Tom Word.
exhaustive addr<ss,
County Clerk—J. B. Coffey,
touched on the laws ■ f the United
Conntv Surveyor—James M. Myers.
Lor the benefit of thoee who tu-gk-ebd
States in tlie making; gave t ie opinions
Sunday evening, May 24th, Daniel A
CommiMioner — Benjamin
of the different parlies ou the present to attend to registration b-fore the Puling, < itisenship Secretary of the Brick.
tariff law»; mentiored the Panama books were closed May first, the books National l'nited Society of Christian
Coronor— Nellie C. Hughes.
cu-al, the recent developments in were again opn«-d on Wednesday and Endeavor, will speak at the Evangelical
Di«’rict Judge, Tlepartment 3—8. D.
Alaska, the labor trouble» in Colorado they will remain open till Sept, ninth Church to a union meeting <>f ti e tarns Parker.
and other sul-jects of nation wide in­ Tla-n they will la- cloned till Sept 24, Young People’s Societies, between 7 and
Constable—Andy Weinberger.
At the close of the address then opened till Oct 15th , when the 8 o’clock p m.
rnooaxssiVK TU lrr
Following the Young
la»t loyal voter will have had his chance
delicious refresbiu-nts were *ervwd.
People's Meeting, Mr.
P--ling will
National C'>mmitteewsaw—H. W. Coe.
This was tlie last regular meeting of and xhould e-inaider himself out if not preach pt the same church.
United States Senator—William Han­
the club for the season. In two WrekS duly registered. But then there will
Dan Poling is a speaker of national ley.
the club will give a ‘‘twenty vears ago” a chain e for swearing in of voters on reuntativn and is considered the bent
Congressman. Third District—A. I.
social al the home of Mis Woolworth. eh-cti il day.
orator of hi* age in America, In coin,- Moulton.
The guests will dress an act :«• they
menting on I is address in Funnel Hall,
Governor—F. M. Gill.
diil 20 years ago, ami refreshment« «tn h
Church Societies Unite
Boston, the Associated Press compared
State Treasurer-P. tee Paget.
as they liked 20 years ago will tie served,
<> 'I >v 13 l>, <lelee«tes
the five him to Wendell Philips.
Supreme Court Justice«—T. A. Mc­
the gi>e«ls sitting on the floor.
Protestant Church Young People’s So-
The United Young People’» Societies 1 Bride, others in doubt
colira of l ent« met and organised an of lente are to be commended on hav
Attorney General—W. P. Lord.
Mias Violet Cavana took her LIU h
Labor Commissioner—Canfield Mac-
in tie known as the L'nited ing secure-1 such an able and widely
grade boys Wednesday aftern on to v e Yonn l*i"l ie's Societies of lente.
A known speaker for lente. They wish ; Donald,
I hev
O. R. A N. Car Shop« in \ trin <
••■nat- ni>--n was adopted and officers to announce that the
Circuit Judge—C. I’. Gantenbein.
were conducted through the shop« by elected. President, J. S. Fox, Friend's Church will only sett CO ) people to
C-ounty Commissioners—T. A. Swee­
Mr Graham. After a thorough tr>p Church; Vice President. Geo, Green­ that those wishing to lie sure of a seat ney and I.. M. Lepper.
through the shops they were taken well, Baptist Church; Secretary, Edwin may come early.
County Clerk—John B. Coffey.
al>oard, tha Engine of the Shasta Norme, Methodist Church; Tree urer,
There will be special music by the
Constable—D. L. Wiggins.
Limited and were shown how it was C. .1
Cu ii-> i ivn . Advent Church; M. E. Church m de quartett and the
Other nominations on Progressive
started ami stopped The class report Putili--iiy Manager, C. W. Clark, Evan- Evangelical Choir. All are invited to ticket trill not be known until tbs offi-
a very in> teres ting afternoon.
heal Church.
I cial canvass.
This has been a busy week for Mt.
twenty-fifth anniveraary last