ML ^rntt Hrralù Subscription 1.00 a Year STATE FLtCTION CONSUMING TOPIG — LENTS, MULTNOMAH CO., OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 14, TRIBUTE TO AL­ TON S. ADDITON i ARMS ANO THE MAN. As announce«! before, Alton H. Add!* Local and State Candidates End too, only son of O. R. Additon and Mrs. Campaign in a Whirl of Excite­ I.uclle F. Additon of lente, died at bls home in Berkeley, California, April 29. ment, Speech-making, Endorse­ ments and Promises. Whatever msy bo the attitude of the people generally throughout the stole relative to candidates for tbs higher officers, and they say things are tome, thlnge have been lively enough In Port­ land the pact seek, from the candidatee stand-point. With about fifteen Candi­ da lee for governor, five for Attorney General and elx for lhe Supreme Coart, there has been little idle time either for the office hunters or the patient public during the week. But added to this has been tbe scurrying of tbs many leaasr candidates, legislators, judges, sheriffs, commissioners, sod even lhe coronore have helped to make things lively. To say who has lhe lead in all this melee Is ont of the question. But it is safe to bet that quite a number are courting disappointment. Among the Republican candidates Carter and Withycoinbe are showing great strength. Johns and Crawford are highly opto- mistic, while Dimick asserts that he will carry Multnomah County by a good plurality. Geer and Brownell and Moeier have not been so much In evidence but tbeee are experienced politicians and no one knows what trick they will turn to close a su-ceeslul race. Outside ol Multnomah many of the leading candidatee are hardly known. Oregon Is some state and to cover all of It in a campaign would be utterly impossible. In this regard Dr. Withy- combo has the advantage. For years be has lieen in close touch in all parte of ths state and he probably can call more men by name than any of the other candidates. R®t Dr. Hmllh and Judge .. .. e get- ting more of the public ear of late. Tbe Oregonian's and Journal's little conten­ tion has serve»! to locus attention on those two men. Tbev are both good men and they should stand high at the winning. The endorsement of a number of candidatee by clubs and other societies has tends«! to center the sttention of the public on certsin individuals. Mo t of these Indorsement* have come with out solicitation and they »• ill cut con­ siderable inlluence on the final count. The struggle for the two commissioner vacancies is a serious one. Holbrook and Hart, by reason of their position an«i acquaintance in the country have a strong advantage. Kreuder lias a good lacking in the Granges, Schaeffer will bold the vote in lower Multnomah, and Driscoll and Holte will split off a bunch of voles from all of them. Ml. Scott people are interesteil in the candidacy of J. J. Johnson for Attorney »eneral. Born and raised here John­ son has a lot of friends and lodge asso­ ciates who arc making every effort to pnl him first. He euould get an undi­ vided vote throughout south-east Port­ land. Grants’ blunders while citv at­ torney, in regard to annexed territory will lose him votes, oven il Johnson wee not so popular. lie at one time lived In Portland, He was born in Maaaachusetie, was edu­ cated at Corvallis and in an eastern mining college and has engaged in min- log engineering, in which profeeeion be had attained a national reputation. His death was due to heart failure. Ilia mother, Mrs. O. R. Additon, at* tends«! hie funeral, but the father being ill was unable to go. Mre. Additon la well known all over Oregon, and espec­ ially in Portland and at l^ente, her home, and she and Mr. Aildlton will have a generous sympathy from a hoot of friends and acquaintances. Alton was not th«4r only son. He was their only child. MILLARD AVENUE S. S. CONFERENCE On Monday evening, May 4. about thirty officers, teachers, anartment superintendent was preaent. The in- tereet shown in three conferences is very great, thus accounting for tbe splendid atlemlance. Tbe first part of lhe evening was spent in listening to, ami diecuaeing tbe splendid reports from the Blate Bunday Bchool Convention at Albany, given by I Jennette Pound and Bernice Paisley, two of the delegates sent by the Sunder Hchool to that convention. Mrs. Emily C. Simmons, the other delegate, will give her report at lhe next conference W. B Ewing, the seventeen year old As soon as the last article belonging on Monday evening June l,at the home of Mrs. J. F. Mcl-oney, 4418, 76th 8t.. eno of Frank and Mary A. Ewing of to the Multnomah State Bank was well 8. E. Mentone Park. diei Sunday evening. moved a delegation of carpenters and The remainder of tbe evening was He liad tieen ill for nearly a month. plumbers were busy making changes. epent in diecueeing questions of general - * physicians waited on him but . The partitions were removed and a 8 ,«JXI interest to lbs school, xnc committee The on Junior Choir reported a choir or* t lie re seemed to be difficulty in diagnosing complete overhauling given. ganiaeti and having made tbe first ap­ his cane. Some thought he suffered Pharmacy equippment was increased pearance in public, a very creditable from Typhoid. Others thought perhaps with a to».» soda fountain and two one. Mr. J. A. Booster, chorister, ami he was suffering from Ila- after effect« of ' prescription cases that compare favor­ Mre. J. F. Valentine, orgauiet, were a street car accident lie lia«l several ably with any in the city. With double authorised to act in conjunction with months ago. A postmortem was held the room the Lents Pharmacy will ex­ the committee in charge of the choir in securing suitable music for tbe children. and the general view seems to be that pect to double its capacity for business Plans were developed for tbe he die«! from crrebro-spinal meningitis. and thus an institution that began with Children's Day exercises, and a Bunday He was unconscious for some time a small outlay baa woo its way to sue- School picnic on the Estacada car line. before his death. Tiie funeral will lie cess in the face of competition. An invitation was extende«i to th* Multnomah County Bunday School held the last of tbe wwk at Kenworthy's Association to hold the July Sunday Undertaking Rooms, in Lents. Mr. Chapman Bchool Institute for District No. Nine in and Mrs. Ewing have tbe spmpathy of Henry Chapman, one of Itente oldest the Millard Avenue Presbyterian numerous friends in tiieir bereavement. and best known citizens was called to Church. rest Wednesday afternoon at 4:30. He Refreshments were served ami Mre. had been ill for some time and his Vandals Destroy Roses Williams was recognixeai by all ae a death was expected. The immediate very hospitable hosteee. Those present One oi the finest lawns in the entire cause was heart failure. were: Rev. W. H. Amoe, Mr. and Mt. Scott section i* that of E. Klotz Henry Chapman was born in Iowa Mr*. J. H. Jone*. Mr. and Mr*. J. A. April 16, 1849. He was married to his Boater, Mr and Mre. M E Williams, near 1-ents Junction. He ha« decorated wife, Mary Chapman, at Carlisle, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Valentine, Mr. and hie lawn with numerous fine rose* and in 1870. He leaves three eons, Charlie, Within the Arthur D. and Robert; and three Mr*. R. N. Stearns, Mr, and Mre. otbsr ornamental Hower* Wilton Bbaw, Mrs. J. F. McLoney, E. past week persons have entered hie daughters, Mrs. Geo. Wise, Minnie, C. Bimmone, J. H. Zehrung, Wm. Lope: yard, torn off lhe fiowere ami seriously and Bell, all living in or near 1-ents. J. D. Moore, W. T. Stout, F. E Crmn. The Chapmans came to Oregon 36 years Bernice Paielry, Jennette Found, Eerie r duct of circumstances and his own ef­ M------------------------------------------------ • Neil M. Robertaou and Theo Zehr ng. trespassing of that nature is a risky forts. His early education was some­ Mrs. J. H. Metzger spent last week what limited, but experience had given at Corvallis visiting tier son. Floyd. thing for any one to do and it will re­ him a large store of information and Mouday evening the Foresters of suit in expensive information if con- The senior class of the Gresham high judgment. He was a secret service school will present tlicir play. “'The America hel«i their regular weekly 1 tinned. man during the latter part of the Civil Kingdom of Heart’s Content,” next meeting ami i mated five new members into the principles of Forestry Thow War. He took a considerable part in Friiiay evening. Don’t forget Portland Rose ►’«•stivai local politics in this county for several Max Davies, of Newport, visited in who took work were; Paul lent. Roy Wheeler, Sargant GethL g. Gresham and vecinity last week. Chts. «lutes June W to 12 im-ltisive. The only years being a staunch Republican. He change of importance in the progrum served as director of Lents schools and Christenson and Alphonse Gaston, Mr. and Mrs. German have gone to Newport to spend the summer. After tiie ination was over the new ba* been tlie complete elimination of other public positions. Rex Orvgouua and the enlanftution of u the funeral will be held Saturday J. C. Peterson and family aie moving brotliers were escorte«! to lhe dinning to their la rm near Salem. hall wliere a good old fa*hioned mulligan "Queen of Ruuarie” who will lie the afternoon at tne Evangelical Church sole reigning monarch during Fcsiival «nd interment will be in .Multnomah K. A Miller »nd family are moving was served. Mr. O. I). Forte and a Into the Peterson reehlence East of committee from the L. V. F. D. were w«s k. The election of Her Majesty and cemetery, lhe family will have the town. also |«resent at the banquet. All the h«»r maids of honor is now on and ilie sympathy of numerous friends who Mrs Harry Lust«*w on tile C « trt II • !«■• two purposes: it destroys the Some mighty good money.—8. T. in ground«, and tint in addition to,- « -rri • | wer * him thnmgh a window bruising and rabbits anil keeps the table in meat. Northwest Farmstead. cutting him. 0i«,re '» ill he exhibits of small fruit«. EIGHTY-SIXTH BIRTH­ DAY CELEBRATED On Friday evening, May 8th, the G. A. R. Circle and tome of tbe members of Reubin Wilson Poet gave Comrade Drake a surprise on hie eighty-sixth birthday, at his home on tbe corner of i Third and Marie. To say he was sur- | prised is putting it very mildly. There were two tone, six grand­ children, and six great-grand-children present. The «.rening was spent in playing games, telling stories and sing­ ing “oiige. Comrade Hummel favored them with a German song. They also sang one of the latest songs which made a great hit. The eong was en* titled, "Go Teli Aunt Rodey Her Old Gray Goose is Dead.” Comrade Drake received present* from Comrade Hummel, Comrade An­ derson, Mr. and Mrs. Herman, Miss Cleo Briggs, Mre. Nora Briggs, and Rodney E. Drake, Omaha, Neb., $5; Miles N. Drake, |5; Fred Beckwith, Pa., 11; Mary Beckwith, Pa., $2; Cornelius 8. Drake, 92; Jenny Singers, |1; J. R. 8wartout, 11, and Nannie McIntyre 50 cento. Every one went there to have a good time and they had it. After partaking of a fine lunch ¡.bey ail bid Mr. Drake good night and wished him many more birthdays. Comrade Drake’s mind is as clear as a school boy’s and he walks off very fast, and to all appearances he will live a good many years. GRANGE HAS W. B. EWING SUC­ LENTS PHARMACY 6000 SESSION CUMBS TO DISEASE MAKES IMPROVEMENT Lenta Grange met Saturday and at­ tended to considerable business. Be­ sides initiating seven candidates, several resolutions found favor. W. A. Carter’s initiative bill favoring a constitutional amendment limiting commissions and appropriattooe, was endorsed and a large number of signatures was secured for it. The program was in charge of Mre. Darnall. It included the following numbers: 8ong, Golden Harvest; Music. Lents 8chool Orchestra; Abuses of the Coroner's office, Wilson Benefield; Vi din Solo, Little Pearl Staples; Aboli­ tion of the Senate, Mr. Barzee; Public Market, Ray Gill; Public Market, H. A. Darnall; Recitation, Myrtle Brock; Saxapbone Solo, Carpenter Staples; R-citation 'What it Costs,’’ Roy Cun­ ningham; Five minute talks by E. E. Southard, Everett Logan, and W. A. Wilson; Song, Mr. Isaac Staples. Amctpg the visitors were Prof, and Mrs. Ball and Mr. and Mrs. Greene of Evening Star, and Mr. and Mrs. Dufur of the Woodlawn grange. Giants Victorious Again The Lenta giants defeated tkie St. Mary’s team by a score of 5 to3 Sunday. It was an interesting game from start to flnisn. Tiie Batters for St. Mary’s were Herbig and Barr; for the Giants, Webb and Boland. Webb allowed six hits and struck out 12, while Herbig allowed 6 hits ami struck out 4. Errors for the giants 5; for the St. Mary’s 4. Next Sunday the Giants play the Weona’s and a very fast game is expected. G. A. R. Circle Busy The Ladies of the G. A. R. Circle will hold their regular meeting Saturday night. The exercises will be in the nature of memorial service and arrange­ ments will I m made for decoration day The first meeting in June, the6th, will be a social event and everybody will he invited. A I/ iTiembers are urged to be present at the evening meeting, May 16. Grand Public Parade, o! Consumers and Producers; Civic Organizations, Bands, Floats, Automobiles, Loaded Tracks and Produce Wagons, 10 A. IL Plana have been practically completed for tiie monstrous parade of consumers and producers, civic organizations, granger* and other farmers, at 10 ociock Matnrdry morning The cotnmiwnoners haw now passe« I a law relative to the Market management and before this is issued will have a market master appointed. According to the ordinance the market master is chosen by and is under the direction of a committee of three recommended by the producer's aneided to erect a building at the Panama-Pacific Expo­ sition. The lumber mills of the eounty have agr»-ed to furnish all ne«Nied woolen material the railroads will transport it to California free of charge ami theCounty | Court ami the citiaens are expected to provide the nec-eseary fumia. about |15, ' 000 to pay for «xilkecting ami installing ' the exhibit Next Sumlay evening the Epworth I Ijeague invitee one ami all to attend the Winthrop W. Davis and Mine 8vlvina Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Epworth M Fletcher, recently residente of our I League which we will celebrate here in The ijeague will have part of the city were married Sunday, the church May 10. at the bride’e borne on North charge of b««th of tiie evening services, Main street l-eata, by Rev. W. Boyd and we re<|neet that every one come and Moore, pastor of the M. E Church. 1 help us celebrate this occasion. The These worthy young people will make new officers tor the ensuring year will be installed at thia time. Please re- their home among us. member to be present. Kern Park Christain Church 69 8 . and M A vs. 8 R. Bi Me Bchool 10 s. m. Preaching Service II a. m and8:<0 p. m.- Christain •Endeavor 6:30 p. m. Junior C. E. 11 a. m Mid­ week Irayer Meeting Thursday 7:90 p. m. Midweek B Me class Thursday 8:15 p m. Bnndav, May 17. Morning subject, “Fulfilling the I aw of Christ." Evening subject, "Love’s Rules of Action. R. Tihiw Maxev, Miniator. Stop! Look! Listen! A debate nnd«*r the auspices of the Mt. Scott Christian Endeavor Onion will be held at the Lents Frien«te church Tne. May 19th. 8 P. M. Subject, some phases of the temperance question. Sjiecial music, s fine time is assureal. Every holy is going so wake up and come along. Rememlier the date May 19th. and put your hat on. No ■ tiarge for admission.