Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, May 07, 1914, Image 2

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    Close Estimate of Apple
Crop Is to Re Made
\ Mexicans Ask Surrender,
Rut (let No Consideration
In Oregon Are Predicted
V a
■ •
Vera Cruz, Mexico A considerable
Spokane - To secure an accurate es­
timate of thia year'* apple crop a tree
force of Mexicans attacked the Amer­
census of the four Pacific Northwest­
ican out|H»t<t at the water plant nine
Univeraiy of Oregon. Eugene The ford
ern state*, Washington, Oregon, Idaho
Nitrogen supply in the atmospheric mile* out at 11 o’clock Monday morn­
and Montana, is being made by agents widespread extraction of nitrogen from
of the North Pacific l'iatribulors. the the air by means of electrical currants, belt surrounding the earth la inexhaus­ ing, according to a wire les* message,
tible. "There are 34,000 ton* of ni­ which asked for aid.
co-operative central selling agency
controlled by the growers and having and the use of this nitrogen, in com­ trogen in the atmosphere for every
Supfiorting trisqw were orderoil for­
position with substance* like lime, as acre of land on the earth'* surface,”
headquarters in S|>okane.
It is the first time in the history of the world's principal land restorative, «ays Professor Stafford, "and It i* by ward by train from Vera Cruz to El
General Daniel E. Sickles, Civil war the Northwest fruit industry that such is predicted by Professor O. F. Staf­ use of this that the earth’s pnslucing Tejer, where the water work* are sit­ Kermit Ilan Narrow Escape One
a complete estimate of the crop has ford, head of the de|>artment of chem­ |>ower will l»e kept up.”
veteran, is dead.
Man Goes Mad, Kilin An­
boon made. Adopting the plan fol­ istry in the state university.
So much electrical power I* neces­
The Mexican troop* were in uniform
Abe Ruef has filed a plea for parole lowed in the Yakima valley, the Dis­ tion of nitrogen for fertilising pur­ sary for extraction of Jhis nitrogen,
other Arrows Kill Pop.
from San Quentin penitentiary.
tributors aim to take three censuses poses is already on a commercial basis. anil for its transformation into usable and consisted mostly of infantry, but
Professor Stafford say* decrease in form, that only a few countries can there were some cavalrymen, evidently
Secretary of lutbor Wilaon is urged ' during the season in an effort to secure
as the one man who can do moat to­ reliable and approximately correct in- productivity ia aa perilous to the ade­ hope to become great nitrogen-ex- belonging to the regular establish­
Para, Brazil
Colonel Theodore
ward« settling tho Colorado lalxir war. formation as to probable tonnage in quacy of the world’* food supply as tracting center*. One such country is ment.
Roosevelt in an interview with tho
lu .
_ I the various district». It has been es- the increase of population. Ultimate Norway, where the proves* is now be­
While no fear I* felt by the army Associated Press on board the »learner
Many trained tighter* who haie seen Umat-d th>t
exhaustion of the artificial fertilizers, ing used in several splendidly equip|>ed
service in provux»« war* aro
‘ «''•t- ,250i000 on ac.-ount of the lack of re- such as the Chilean nitrates, will leave plants. Another such country is Ore­ authorities in Vera Crux that the Mex­ Dunstan, on which he had just arrived
ing hoping to lie »ent to the front in (mble
o„ lhe cn>p the carlv the future densely populated planet in
gon, which I* amply endowed with ican troop* will make a serious attack, from Munos, gave many interenting
|ast «««aon being chiefly guess- danger of famine if the soil is permit­ waterpower sufficient to put it beyond it Is realized that considerable incon­ detail* of hi* ?exploring trip through
A Mexican woman is under arrest in work and 56 per cent higher than the ted to become depicted. "Moat of the competition from most of the world’s venience scam will be caused unless the wild* of Brazil. He *aid:
“The expedition ha* proved a signal
available agricultural land ha* been geographical divisions in cheap manu­ something ia done to open the roads
Vera Cruz, charged with having killed actual crop.
succes*. It was undertaken originally
a number of American marines while
Every grower in the branches affili- taken up now,” says Professor Staf- facture of nitrogen fertilizer*.
into districts where garden and dairy
for the American Museum of Natural
»erving as a “sniper.”
ated with subcentrab of the Diatrib-
products come from.
A special sesaion c. —— —- --------
"During our trip George K. Cherry
legislature is considering measures to
and Leo Miller, the naturalist*, col­
rendered their position at the water
back up Governor Ammons in his po­
lected more than 2160 bird* and mam­
ers will not be taken as final, but in­
works at El Tejer within 10 minute*,“ mal* him ! a few reptile*, batrachlan* and
sition in the strike troubles.
spectors will visit every district ai d
but failed to fulfill their throat.
fish, chiefly from the region* not hith­
General Velasco, who was driven, work on the basis of acreage and aver-
As Major Russell had received or­
traversed by any collector, and
out of Torreon by the rebel forces^ j age ¡n former years, and actual condi-
Oregon City — Speculator* who hold attract as settlers the hardy agricul­ ders not to assume the offensive, he
now threatens to start a revolution of tions on stated areas, . These men will large bodies of land in Oregon at pro­ tural races of Northern Europe, people and his men were watching the Mexi­ many presenting specimens hitherto
unknown to science.
his own against the Huerta regime.
be experts anti by a double system of
hibitive prices were «cored by R. A. who will get out and cultivate the soil. cans with much intereat.
"The most important part of our
John F. Jelke, millionaire manufac- estimating fairly approximate figures
Suddenly a Mexican lieutenant and a
“Have we not already I mean we
trip was geographical. In the explor­
tuner of oleomargarine, was sentenced > can be secured
_ a
of the city exploited the farmer too non-comminaioned officer bearing
ation of an unknown river we have ;>ut
In this connection 1 might white flag advanced and presented a on the map a river nearly 1000 mile*
to two year* in the penitentiary and the Yakima Valley Fruit Growers’ as­ of'the state in a talk before the Live much?
Wires, an adjunct of the Oregon City- say that establishment of a system of
$10,006 fine for violating Federal rev­
long, the existence of which I* not
two earloads of its entire tonnage and, Commercial club, at the regular rural credits is of the utmost import­ er within 10 minute*.
enue laws.
hint«! at on published map«. The up­
in another season, within 20 carloads. weekly noon luncheon,
Major Russell's reply wai:
Mr. Booth's ance.”
per |>art of it* course was unknown to
Carranza refuses to agree to an arm-
__ _ year
_ __ ’ _ s _
_ crop _
speech was non-political. It was de­
Mr. Booth digressed to speak of the
anylssly except the wild Indian* alung
istice with Huerta s forces, and South to be a full normal yield, according voted largely to urging upon his hear­
importance of the lumber industry to any of the time your commataling offi­ it* bank*, while the lower part was
American mediator« exclude the rebel to General Manager J. H. Robbins, of ers the necessity of agricultural de­
the state, referring to the fact that cer has stipulated.”
known to a few rutdier men only. Tho
cause from their consideration of Mex- : the North paeifie
Distributors, velopment in Oregon.
Major Russell then made prejiara-
the forests of the South and Middle
river take* ite rise in the high upland*
ican affairs.
aij(is that weather conditions have
“Agricultural development in Ore­ West are practically gone, leaving the
Senator Lane attacked contributions been ideal for an excellent quality of gon is of primary importance,” he Pacific Coast state* of Oregon. Wash­ time sending a message to headquar­ of the western part of the state of
Matto Grosso, just north of the I3lh
from Rockefeller to aid agicultural de- fruit.
said. "We need first agricultural pop­ ington and Idaho the last source of ter* in Vera Cruz that his out [lost was
parallel of south latitude.
ulation. City population and manu­ supply. He predicted that in 20 year*
"Wo embarked In latitude 12 de­
"wrung from the blood and team of Motor Hearse Is H elcomed
Rack at headquarter* Brigadier Gen­
facturing will come later as a direct from now the cut would be ten times
gree* I minute south ami longitude 80
women and children shot down in the
what it was in 1912, bringing into the eral Funston and hi* staff were con­ degree* 15 minute* west.
When Auto Rreaks Down result.
Colorado mining strike.”
“The Panama Canal has turned all state annually in outside money an scientiously working out the details of
"The river ran with many doubling*
Spokane - Fifteen miles aero«« coun­ eyes toward the Pacific Coast.
I be­ amount equal to or greater than the the new government which General
The standardization of all Federal j try in a hearse was the unique trip
and twisting* almost due north into
Funston has been instructed to estab­
lieve we should use every endeavor to national debt.
buildings is being urged on congress.
the river Madeira, where it* entrance
taken recently by a party of Spokane
was at alxiut 5 degree* 30 minute*
Huerta has xgreed to a truce with i women and children after their auto-
Union Stock Show Plans
Eight Against Rentals for
the United State« pending negotia- mobile had broken down near Cheney,
terworks station at El Tejer brought
■ Wash. While the stranded wayfarers
Most Extensive Ever
Developing Water Power about a quick change from thi* work to "We were 60 days in canoe*. In
latitude 7 degree* south we passed the
Colorado coal mine owners refuse to |
at t^irubalk>‘
Union —With the stock show only
Portland — A
fight that of active army duty.
rapid* ami reach«! tho ateamer,
Within a few minutes headquarter*
consider proposals for arbitration of
came along wi.’i
automobile about a month ahead. Union is making against any effort on the part of East­ had notified Major John H. Russell when we were but 36 hour* from Ma­
strike troubles.
This was one time the man preparations to hold the annual event ern conservationists to penalize by that reinforcements were on the way nson.
on a vast scale. Racers and harness rental« or royalties the development
Colonel Rooeevelt wires that
t)f furR
,ralj, was welcome.
“In latitude 10 degrees 58 minute*
, v he has ....
Mrs. Wil-
to aid him, and in little more than an
placed on the map of Brazil the new Ham pitrnan and daughter and Mrs. horses are being brought to the city to of the power resources of the West, is hour, instead of the 240 marines com­ south we struck the mouth of a big
river which his party has discovered. ; Frank Chapman and daughter gaily become accustomed to the track and to be made under the leadership of the posing the command of Major Russell affluent flowing from the right, and in
William Vincent
Astor, richest j climbed into the hearse, leaving Mr. many heavy draft animals are entered Oregon Hydro-Electric commission, at the outpost of El Tejer, there were latitude 9 degree* 49 minute* south we
for the prizes. -A band of Umatilla« which met at the chamber of com­
camo to the mouth of another big afflu­
young man in America, was married . Pitman and Mr. Chapman to tinker
will participate in the events.
Indian merce to outline plans for the year's in position to support him more than ent flowing from tho left.
to his childhood playmate, Helen Dins- with the machine,
“The Duvida river In point of vol­
tains within the hearse the wayfarers wild-horse racing and riding will add work.
more Huntington.
much to the attractions.
John Thom­
The commission authorized a pro­ Vera Cruz wo in readiness.
ume I* like the Rhone, the Ellie or the
proceeded to enjoy the trip to Spokane.
Captian J. H. Griffiths. U. S. A., The big black vehicle rolled through as, a leader of the tribe and one of the test against any tendency on the part
Hudson, but I* too much broken up by
accused of embezzling $8,000 of gov­ country anil village, while spectators heroes of the Pendleton Roundup, will of the Federal government to charge Mang Scout Ralloons to
rapid* to lie navigable except in the
i»e here.
ernment funds at Seattle, has been ar­
any substantial royalty or rental on
lower part*. In about 7 degree* 30
looked aghast at the smiling faces of
Precede Iione Festival Race minute*
rested in San Francisco.
the development of Western power re­
Houth latitude it join* another
women and children that peeped out at
lien’a Work In Completed
sources, and Professor F. G. Young, of
Portland, Or.—For two weeks pre­ river practically the same size, flow­
Portland officers have arrested two them from the confines of the hearse.
the University of Oregon. John Mc­ ceding the opening of the next annual ing from the right.
With Hot Water Rotties Court
men who confess to having blown four When the hearse reached the suburb*
and W. D. B. Dodson were ap­ Rose Festival, pilot balloons will bo
"From alxiut 11 degree* 48 minute*
safes in that city since the first of the
Salem—Mrs. W. H. Cross, of this pointed on a committee to prepare a sent into the sky each day for the pur­ to 10 degrees 48 minutes, south lati­
year, obtaining about 53100.
pose of testing and studying the air tude, the course of the Duvida is al­
I persons emerge and get alxiard a city, has proved that necessity is not resolution embodying this idea.
The resolution will be sent to all currents so as to add keener interest most an unbroken serie* of rapid*,
only the mother of invention, but that
Waitresses in 20 Chicago restau- street car.
it may be the mother of chickens. Western delegations in congress and to the novel distance race during the there being no clear day's run without
rants are out on strike to compel the I
1 ■
She had a setting of eggs from a fine to organizations of the cities of the National Balloon Meet which will lie rapids. Thi* was the hard part of our
owners to sign union agreements to American Condemned
variety of chickens.
So happy was West urging them to resist such a one of the star feature* of the ap­ journey.
toys™'*™ than 18 per Week ,Or-M
to Death Is Released she
in their possession that she all but move.
proaching celebration.
"We were during aix week* at
Another committee was also author-
A committee of Mexican refugees
Mexico C ity Dr. Edward Ryan, the counted the chicks before they were ized to investigate the legal phases of pilots will have charge of these great steady lalxir »logging our way, on an
than a
at Galveston. Texas, has been appoint- I American who had been recently con­ hatched. She was equally downcast, a plan for the development of electri­ gas bags and an even half dozen en­ average making not more
ed to go to Washington to inform the demned to die at Zacatecas, arrived naturally, when the hen, after 12 days cal projects for the service of rural tries have been received with fully as couple of mile* a day. The last part
authorities that Americans at Tampico i here \\ednseday night.
His where- of careful “setting,” deserted the communities. It was suggested by Dr. many more applications on file, rep­ of this time we were living on half
resenting the best talent of the Aero rations.
were not adequately protected and that •lout* were uncertain until then. Dr. nest,
Mrs. Cross found the eggs before J. F. Watt, of Hood River, that dis­ club of America under whose auspices
“Two »cts of rapid» were at the bot­
someone blundered in the matter.
Ryan waa taken from the train by a
tom of canyons, where the river clove
strong guard of soldiers which accom- they became chilled and breathlessly tricts could be created for this purpose the event will be conducted.
The balloon meet will be the first it« way through mountain chains.
• : ar.ied him. and conducted to the na- placed them in a box behind the stove just as they are now created for the
her living
room. * Then she g»v**
pon- purpose of developing irrigation proj­ ever held in this part of the country
“Of the »even canoe* with which we
, ! ; |'.
ional ¡'ll¡at
« .
Ill had
.IMiI been expected in
----- 1 to reach here several day* ago, and ,|cred« quickly, for she was determined ect*.
and will be a purely scientific one, the st artel, five were lost in the rapid*.
cash prizes of 1.3,000 to go to the pilots One of our men was drowned ami two
chickens, and the prob­
Wheat Track prices:
Club, 96c; the delav in his arrival caused some | n<>^
demonstrating the keenest know bilge other*, including Kermit, narrowly
i 'cm wa8 solved. The hot-water bottle Monmouth Normal Open*
bluestem. 95c; forty-fold. 91c; red anxietv.
Summer Term June 22 of *ir condition* and th« most skillful escaped death by drowning.
At the national palace it was stated 'vas requisitioned as a substitute for
Russian. 89c; valley. 90c.
Monmouth The largest attendance '"‘thod* of meeting and mastering
“Under the »train one man went
Barley Feed. $20.50*121 | per ton; , that Dr. Ryan would be handed over the recreant hen. It was filled with
' to the care of the Brazilian minister, tepid water and placed over the eggs. in its history and an interest in thy them.
mad. He finally murdered one of hi*
brewing. $22; rolled. $24*125.
By the middle of May the vanguard comrades and then fled into the wild-
Oata—No. 1 white milling. $23*i who is looking after the interests of Then Mrs. ( ros.* conferred with her modern methods for construction, un-
j the United States, and who later would family physician. Dr. J. O. \ an paralleled in years, are the prospects of the professional sky racers will be­ ernes*.
23.50 per ton.
regarding the. for the 1914 Summer session of the gin arriving here to prepare for the
“We saw no Indians, but twice
Corn - Whole. $34; cracked. $35 ton. nut him aloarti a train bound for the |
, which the water should be kept. She Oregon normal school, announced this preliminary test*.
heard them. While Colonel Rondon,
Hay No. 1 Eastern Oregon timothy. United States.
I followed instructions to the letter, week by President J. H. Ackerman.
These bag* will be of enormou« size, the chief of the Brazilian mission, was
$16*117; mixed hay timothy. $14*i
with the result that six chickens were The Summer term will open on June identical in every way with those com­ out alone hunting, hi* dog wa* kill«!
15: vallev grain hav, $12.50*114; al­
Villa Leads Grand March.
hatched from the original setting of 22 and close July 31.
peting in the international contests by arrows.
falfa. $12.113,50.
The dog’s death probably
Millfeed Bran. $24*124.50 per ton; I Torreon, via El Paso—General Fran­ I 13.
held each year under Aero Club juris­ saved Colonel Rondon's life.”
abort*, $26.5O*i 27; middlings. $32*r
the requirements of four classes of diction. The average capacity of the
, given a reception by the troop* drawn Halibut Company formed
students—those who have had experi­ competing balloons will be in excess , President Goes to Circus
Vegetables Peppers. 30c per pound; UP at l^e station^ Ater a brief in­
to Work New Industry ence in teaching and who wish to en­ of 80,000 cubic feet.
radishes. 17|c per dozen; artichokes. spection. General Villa proceeded to
Like Ordinary Citizen
—An enthusiastic gathering large the professional or academic
55*i65c per dozen; celery $3.75*1'4.25 attend the marriage of his chief of
Guards Surrender 42 Guns.
Washington. I>. C. President Wil­
crate; spinach. 5c per pound; horse­ staff. Colonel Manuel Madinabeytia. ; of Newport residents was held in the to teach in the schools that follow the
Trinidad, Colo.—Forty-two gun*, the son throw aside the care* of office
hall here and stock w as
was followed by a ban- i Oddfellows'
radish. 8*i 10c; rhubarb, ljc; aspara- I The
state course of study, those who wish first to be given up by either party to Thursday night and went to the circus.
gus. $1*11.25 cabbage. 2*;2|c; peas. quet and hall attended by the officers. ; subscribed^ in the Newport Ice & I ish special methods in grades from the
Armes! with * bag of peanut* for
company, being —
promoted by
the Colorado labor war since the arri­
- L. C.
6|*r6|c per pound; beans. 12|c; tur­ I General Villa led the dancing.______________________
j Briggs and M. Maiden, of Portland. first to the eighth, inclusive, and those val of the Federal troops, are in the the elephant*, the President forgot the
___ troops
of the
stationed here is
nips. new. $1.50 carrots. $1; parsnips. ¡health
___ “__;__
2../ are | prepared and Th* new corporation will have a cap­
headquarters of Captain C. C. Smith Mexican question and the administra-
! excellent
and ; they
$1; beets. $1.
with a view to graduation from the
Walsenburg. The surrender of the j tion's legislative program while he
Green Fruit—Apples, $1*12.56 per
Oregon Normal School, leading to a
was the result of an agreement laughed nt the antics of clowns and
box; strawberries. Oregon, $2.50*1,3
land. Thomas Leese, owner and pres- state certificate without examination between Captain Smith and B. J. Mat­ marveled at acrobatic stunts.
He en­
per crate.
Emphasis will be placed upon the
i ident of the Western State bank. New­
teson. genera! manager of the Colo­ joyed it all so much that he stayed for
Tiro Pead In Texas Cyclone.
Potatoes -Orcgvn. 75c pel­ hundred ;
special methods courses by members of
rado Fuel A Iron company. Mr. Mat­ the "grand concert" at the finish.
buying prices, 50«.i60e ât shipping
Mount Pleasant. Tex. — Two persons port, was chairman.
the training school faculty.
His party occupied a special box,
teson agreed that the guards should
points; sweet potatoes, $2. 7S*i 3 per were killed at Maud. Tex., by a cy-1
give up their guns if the Federal which they reached after passing with
crate: new California. 5* '! • £ TH - pr pound. clone and half the houses in the town j
Inion, Or., '‘Ritter Cold."
Summit Roads Repaired.
troop« would take charge of the mines the rest of the crowd through the an-
Fresh Oregon ranch. case were destroyed, according to informa-
Union—Bitter cold weather pre­
—"Goods Roads” day WBA and assure the property’s protection.
imal tent.
count. 19*i26c per dozen: candled. 20c. [ tion received here. The cyclone also ! vailed here for several days last week
observed here Saturday by the farm­
Poultry—Hens. 17*rl7jcper pound: i did severe damage at Red Water and
Senate Shies at John D.
Shamir Hits Mine; Sinks*
broilers 30c; turkey.«, live. 19*i 20c: near Pittsburg, Tex., injuring 14 per­ and a severe freeze did some damage ers, all of whom turned out with im­
to a promising fruit crop in and plements and did a good day's work.
dressed. choice, 26"! 27c; ducks. 15*i sons in the three towns.
Washington. I). C.- The senate put
Mexico City—A dispatch said to
17c; geese. 10*tl2c.
At Maud. Mrs. Pearl White and her around Union. Apple*, peaches, plums
The main road from Summit through have come from Manzanillo, on the into the agricultural appropriation bill
Rutter—Creamery prints, extra, 25c child were killed; at Red Water six and pears suffered most. Fruitgrower* to Kings valley is in need of much Pacific Coast, announces that the Mex­
a provision that none of the funds pro­
per pound; cubes. 22c.
persons were injured, aid near Pitts- j are divided in their estimate* of the work to make it serviceable during ican steamship Luella was sunk in the
for farm demonstration and cot­
burg four prsons were hurt, one prob- j
Pork — Fancy, lOpillc per pound.
the winter months. There is no gravel harlior by the explosion of a mine
ton boll weevil work should l>e used
The weather is still severe for the or rock in this section and Me resi­
ably fatally.
Veal ’Fancy. 12fnl2)cper pound.
which had been planted for the United in connection with contribution* by the
season. So far the cherry crop appear* dents propose planking for five or six
Hop« -1912 crop, prime and choice.
States protected cruiser Raleigh. No general education l«>ard or other like
President Works In lent.
15*i 16c per pound; 1914 contracts,
loss of life is mentioned. The steamer associations.
The general education
Much cream and farm product* are belonged to the Pacific Railway com­
Washington, D. C.- The nation's
board was endowed with $42,000,000
Wool — Valley, ls«<r20c; Eastern business. Mexican imbroglio and all. a q'larter of an inch formed in some shipped from here and a gnod main pany.
by John D. Rockefeller and in recent
Oregon. 14"il9c; mohair. 1914 clip.
road is getting to be a necessity.
years has contributed $250.000 yearly
'.f2.000.000 Cornerstone
day when President Wilson left the
™ * —
__.. u
to help pay government employes en­
Cattle Prime steers. $7.75« i.25; stuffy executive office* for the cool, Power Plant Propel ty Itemize.
Corvallis f iam to Economize.
San Francisco—The cornerstone of gaged in farm demonstrations and boll
choice, $7.7"< t 7.25, medium, 97 m 7.25; shade of a tent spread in the White
La Grande—Every foot of power and
Corvallis—The council ia consider- the $2.000,006 California counties weevil work in the South.
choice cows. $6.500 T; m«iium. $6oi House grounds.
Representative Os­ current wire, every pole ard cross- ing the installation of a municipal pav­ building was laid at the exposition
6.25; heifers, $6*i7.25; light calves. car Underwood, majority leader of the arm. and in fact every part of the ing plant. Petitions for 54.000 yards grounds Thursday afternoon,
It is
2‘tO Captires Crucified.
$8*16.50; heavy, $6*r7.5O; bulls, $6<i house, was the first visitor to the open property of the Eastern Oregon Light of paving to be laid during the sum­ the gift of the 58 counties of
Durazzo, Albania Two hundred and
6.25; stag*. $6*r7.50.
air office.
A Power company's plant in this city mer have been presented to the coun­ state.
fifty Mohammedan Albania.«, captured
Hog* Light, $**>8.55; heavy. $7*r
is being itemized. This data is being cil. Figures presented to the council
by the Epirote invader* at Hormova,
Mitchel’s Assailant Sentenced.
collected to be placed before the Inter­ by a paving expert from Seattle were
A ria for Harris Killed.
were crucified in the Orthodox church
Sheep — Lambs, wool, $6*16.50;
New York-Michael C. Mahor.ey, state commerce commission at the to the effect that the difference be­
Akron, O.-H. P. Harris, an
_ avia­ at Kodra, according to information re­
lamb*, sheared. $5.75*16; wethers, who on April 17 shot st Mayor Mitchel hearing to be held this summer. This tween the cost of contract paving and __ ___________ _ __
tor, was killed by a fall of 600 feet
wool. $5.75*t 6;
wethers. sheared. and wounded Corporati»« C
investigation -------
was -------
ordered by the Com- , municipal paving of the amount of hero Sunday, when his aeroplane rob ceive.! by the Albanian government.
The Epirotes are said to have set fire
rial i I 1 — - -4 t. »
- - - W" - 'll a_
a • «
— - ■
$5.25*i5.5O; ewes, wool, 11.75*15; Frank L. Polk, ru sentenced to Mat- mereiai chib, which contenda that the ex^aw-
par ng pet turned for in Corvallis will lapsed. He ia survived by 'a widow
to the church afterward* and allowed
ewes, shi are»’. $4 25*14.50.
teawan asylum.
J company is charging high rate«.
be sufficient to build 2} paving plante, who live* in California.
| the bodies to burn.
Resume of World's Important
Events Told in Brief.
Party Spends Sixty hays Canoe­
ing Down Hiver.
Land Speculators Scored
in Oregon City Speech