the "Claaalfled” column of th" Herald contains much valuable reading. Subscription, $1.00 a Year. LENTS, MULTNOMAH CO., OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 7, BANK MOVES f RIDAY INI 0 Nt W QUAR If RS Hack ward, turn backward, oh, Time, In your flight; Give lie a girl whose skirt is not tight: The Multnomah Htate Bank will | Give us a girl whose charms, many or tew, change Its location Friday. Cashier 1 Are not espoeed by too much "Peek* Rostad and Assistant Hloyd are as busy a* boo;" as a drowning man these days, strug­ Give us a girl, no matter what age, gling against fate, (orl une, accidents and Who won't use the streets as a nrgiect, to grasp every opportunity to vaudeville stage; pull their freight Into their new landing Give us a girl not too sharply in at the corner of Main street and car view; line. They say they will lie doing bush Press her In skirts the sun can't nets at the new stand Haturday It it has shine through.—K. A. II. to be done from a satchel. The alaive little effusion was re­ The new location is worth seeing. It is «ell fltt»<* up with an excellent our- ceived by Mrs. Clapp ol Kern Park, from a couple of aged spinsters in lit of counters, desks, seats, railing and the East. It is applicable to certain other fl stores. There will lie separate Portland conditions. "rajee" fer each official. There will tie little danger of any of the liank people breaking out and taking people's money a« nv from them hereafter. Each fell 'W will tie kept in an iron cage until the doors are locked, and full pro­ tect on is guaranteed to the public. Really it will lie worth seeing. The J. B. Hchaeferof Linton, visited Lents new vaults will he of interest to all of Tuesday. Mr. Hchaefer is a candidate the tank's patrons. The new improve­ ments mark a decided step in advance for County Commissioner. He has for Lenta. | lived in Oregon many years and has i carried all the honors that his home town can give him, having been Poet- I master and Mayor of Linton and Bchool ' Clerk. During Ids term as mayor Linton J baa made a wonderful development. It lies taken on electric lights, gas, a water Prof. 1. K Alderman, city Huperin* system, supplied with Bull Run water, tendent of Schools was the principal a tine sewer system, a great deal of speaker at the last meeting of Evening strret improvement, and extensive road Star («range. May 2. Ilia subject, "The mprovementa which are borne by the Citizen's part in Public Education" was | properly owners of Linton. Mr. Schaefer a ger of handkerchiefs. The follow­ ing little effusion from a Nebraska bachelor ought to find a willing mark: To the Ruths Ian Sunday School Cta«s of the Meth-xlist Episcopal Church of j Lents, Oregou: Since your regnest is nut unfair. LINCOLN REPUBLICAN CLUB To aid mar -kind in way so rare, WILL HOLD MEETING And since all known both young and old. The needs of those who have a cold The third meeting of the Lincoln This thing I send in I o;x-s 'twill Republican Club will Its held Gils even­ bless. ing at I.- nts, an I al the school house. Home poor man who like myself The Club will continue the meetings With n>me to in-ke with careful each Monday and Thursday evening stitchea until after primary election. Every­ For him. this thing, h* o t--n wishes, body ia invited to attend, irrespective of Will thank you ladies, nor think it party. task, To |>ay for this ihe price yon ask. Mt. Scott Commended —C. W. Mantor. To the Elit< rot Mt. Hcott Herald- Before leaving your neighborhood. 1 Gilbert's ('rowing people were given wish to pay my compliments to its residents. During inv stay here, which their first touch of the campaign S.dur- Messrs. Fisher, Mc­ consistixl of five we-‘ke, I have found day evening. the most friendly and sociable people I Donald. Higgs, DeNeffe, and Darnall, have met anywhere In my travels candidates for representative, and G m . and I have been twice around t lie globe. Stapleton, can lidwte fur Cite lit Judge, The Minister of the Christian Church, each told the people how they ought to R. Tibbs Maxey, is an exceptionally vote and gave some information on the tine type of manhood, well educated questions moat discussed during this and philanthropic in the discharge of campaign. The meeting was unusually hia a‘.cred duties as a minister of the well attended, according to the way gos;>el. In my evangelistic effort for political toeeti’ g* ar bei g attended hia congregation and in communication ttie-e dais, ami was successful from all with the |>eople there were rnanv words points. of praise for hia attention to the sick II A. White of «aginaw Heights, left and suffering wtdeh he was able to re­ Wedmtday evening for lalifornian lieve, being a gixxl chiropractor. II I. F rl points» Our Representative Timber Under this head we intend to run a little news each week concerning the men who would represent us at the State Capitol next winter. This completes the list of material we have in reference to candidates. Several did not respond in answer to our re­ quest and we leave it to them as to the opportunity. Mrs Ixira C. Little was born, reared and educated in Minnesota. School teacher, factory operative, compositor, book-keeper, editor, writer and lecturer on lieallh topics, now a teacher of health culture. In Yonkers, N. Y., in 1896, onlyfhild le, groceries, hardware, confec­ G. A. R. committee will decorate the tionary, and other things too numerous soldiers graves between 7 and 9 o'clock to mention have been taken by the a. m. We would be pleased to have all thieve* and it was only a few weeks who wish to decorate graves to meet with us at that time. The various ago when thev were rounded up and organizations will form as follows: given a severe grilling before the Lenta school and Woodmere school will I Juvenile Court, and placed on parole. form on Main street, the head of the Several days ago they were arrested for column resting at the intersection of taking a horse and witbin the week Gilbert avenue. The G. A. R. Circle, they have been charged with taking a the Sons of Veterans and their large amount of tobacco from a Creston Auxiliary, the Spanish War Veterans store. On being taken before Judge and the Grand Army of the Republic Galena, Jackson, tbe leader, was re­ will form in front of Oddfellow’s ball manded to the reform school and the and be ready to march by 9 a. in. other boys were takeo on parole. The line of march will be south on After a bearing in court yesterday Main street to Johnson Creek where a Judge Gatens sentence«! Jackson, who few words will be spoken by Rev. is known among his companions as Moore, and flowers will be strewn on “King,” to the reform school and de­ the waters in memory of the fallen cided to give the other boys another heroes of the navy. A salute will be ' chance. fired by the 8:1” had developeil bad habits and The Herald regrets to announce the will not «Jo, if elected to the Legislature, semi-annuully , Iwtter school laws; and for death of Mrs. W. L Lightner, wile of tin- re i«on that no on- can foretell was accustomed to long «iisappations gixxl road«, such its will tend toward what conditions may arise or what pro- and severe recoveries. Countv Commissioner L'ghtner, who actual industrial development. hlema may be presented for determin­ di»-»i of dropev at thr«*e o’clock Friday. R. W. Gill 1« the only fa-iuer running . ation. The most that can la* expected She «as buried Saturday morning at is that he tie energMic, honest, and for the l> gislatnre in Multnomah Oouuty. ennacientiona M unt Calvary Cemetery, the funeral and do all within his Hi* ballot number is 71 and his name [ power to ca'ry out the will of t’-e people. b- ing at St Ignatius Church. Mr. t-rvsha’n schools will he administered Liglitn r's many friends in and near should not I* <-onfu«enng«-st son dress. rvpr» sentalive from Multnomah County of tax«*«, without reba’e. penalty or inter»««t. I also favor a co«-stitntional of C>as. Cleveland of Gresham was on the Progressive party ticket, ia a well amendm-nt authorising th«- Governor to known club women, w ho has been for veto individual items >>f a general appro­ married last Wednesday to Miss Grace Lents Grange Meets Saturday many years iiientitled Ixith east and priation hill, tlmrebv pr -venting the E. Knher, of Portland. Lents Grange will bold ita regular perniciou« practice of injecting into such west with the Suffrage and tern;«, ranee monthly meeting Saturday. There will work, and fa a student of politics -ci«*n- e hills, item« of ext«enditnre which would Farmer* all over the county and in lie work in the first and secind degrees. not pa«s muster on their own merits. and economics I alsr favor a con«ti'utional amend- Clackamas «ml Washington are preparing A goal program is being planned. All She lias been elected to many iui-, in nt providing for a $1500 tax exemi-tion to patronite the new Yamhill St. members are urgeil to be present as port ant offices as follows: President of i This would encourage the wage earners Market All cla-*»** of produce is being matters of interest will be pr««senled. an.I small horn«* builders, who an* the the Vermont Equal 8 itlrsge Asma-iation pillars upon which capital and industry solicited, ganlners ami farmers are and also the State Suffrage Association d-p-nd I being ttrgeil to plant in variety and for THE YEAGER HOLDS LEAD of Washingion W. C. I. C. Serve-lone j continuous supply. The fine run of films being shown at term as chairman “I tin- Sehool-I’-o tr. ■ i Ll-*vd Batea says: I am a candidate Vancouver. Wa h. Three jear*a« presi­ for the r»‘pubiican nomination for The Parent-Teachers’ Club will hold tlx* Yeager this week and the exivllant dent of the Mute Wi> ii .i n’« 1‘ m - s C’ub repres ntative for Multnomah County. ' its regular meeting Friday May 16 in ! program it has planned niiead gives of Oregon ami three year« a« president I am twenty-eight year« old. was horn the assembly hall of th«* win ol tto'im* at assurance of the best tliere is going for and raised in Portland and clncated of Tile Coterie, a s-x't .1 nd literary club heie and in the east. Since my return | 2:45. It is an important meeting a.« it is this popular play house for the coining of I* rtlaiul it the last city < lection ! from Amherst College I have been time for election of officers. Evervone w«*ek. Wednesday evening wax marked wa* nominated a« c iuncil-man- it-largc 1 interested in Geo. W. Bates A Co. ' intere*'««i should lx* present. On June with a fine attendant*«* and it went away on the Progressive ticket, and when the Bankers, the I'nion Laundry, and am I 4th th«* clnb plans to hold motber’s baby well pl«*a«»-