Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, April 30, 1914, Image 1

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    11 m 'XlMsIftod’’ column of Ihatlarald
tontaina much valúatela raeding.
Subscription, $1.00 a Year.
APRIL 30, 19i<
The Harmony Chora» Society gave ite
season at the 1-anta
Quarterly Payments Possible U Suit­ aecond recital of the
able Blank Forms
are Used. Baptiat Church on
Assessor Should Issue State­ laat week. Almoat
society took part
ments Early.
1-enta people were »
sixty member, oi
rendering the
cantata, “David, the Hhepherd Boy.**
wrought up over the qneation ol la* re­ training of the
duction, why not conaldar aomething Hoberg Tripp.
The part
MRS. W. f. MlttlNS
of Abigail
right at home. One of the largeat ax- waa eung by Mre Tripp in her usual
|M>naee connected with alate and county pleaaing way. Mr. C. C. Hargrove Bang
administration ie that of tax collection.
Davld'e part, Mr. Erneet Town, that of
While that Ie email relative to the total
Mr. H. L. Towne that of Hamuel,
amount of money handled, etill it look«
large when we coneider the nutuiar of Mr. Geo. T. Howard that of Jonathan,
people engaged In the |buaineee of tax and Mra. H. L. Towne, that of Michal.
collecting. In Multnomah county thia The attendant, of the queen were Miaa
year the tax collection department dur­
Jeeaie Maulbetach, Mra. Erneet Towne
ing the month of January employed 17
and Mre. Blanche H. Hurlburt, who
men. Paring February, 1« men, and
during March and April M men were •aug in trioe. Meatra. A. R. Hlimmon,
employed, at aalariee that averaged 0. 0» Tripp, and Philip Oehler too, the
part, of the three men of war.
about fWA per month.
During the latter part of April thia Hhepberde were represented by Meaara.
expense might have been aubatantially (’ C. Tripp, Philip Oehler, J. M. Nel-
reduced. There la never anything to do eon and Herman Maulbetach.
around the de|>artment til) nine or half Florence Garaide played the accompani-
peat, in the morning, and the work ia mentaand Mr,. W. R. Burke of Greeham
done by four or five.
But during th» rendered a harp »election.
Th« audience of over three hundred
peat month the collection, fell off very
materially and thoee employed had a (bowed ite appreciation by frequent
anap of It, even tho eome of them were applause.
The next recital will be given at the
dropped. Now it ie alleged that there
wax any unneceeeary waste,
under Forliee Preabyterian Church.
the preeent system, but it ie believed
the preeent eyitam a at iault.
In tho
Arleta Odd fellows Celebrate
fl rat place the taxpayer's lime ie of
Tlie member, of Arleta Lodge 21«,
come importance.
During the rueh
I. O. O F. held a uiemoral celebration
eeae-in of tax paying it ie no uncommon
Bunday evening in honor of tlie Ulth.
thing for a taxpayer to bo detained an anniversary of the founding of tlie order.
hour getting a clerk and another hour
Lente Oddfellow, and Rebekaha, and
getting hie étalement prepared, even the Mountain View Rebekah lodge of
—Rogar, in New Ysrfc Herald.
wheo there are no dieputod pointe. Arleta joined on invitation and the
The matter of making the payment la delegation prooeeiied from the hall to
only of a moment’e attention. Bu» the U m - Christian church where Rev. Ford
delay in getting a bearing and the time of Silverton delivered the address. All
consumed in looking up the item, may expmwed pleasure in tlie affair and the
take boura of time and that time ia aa hope that it would I m * repeated in the
Under this head we intend to run a little news each
valuable to the taxpayer aa it ia to the future.
About a hundred and fifty '
connty, perhaps even more so. Thin m«-iid>er« attemle-4
week concerning the men who would represent us at
Mr. La-Son of
time i, con,»»' *. ..bly a.tended, d'n to Arleta hxige acted aa Master of Cere- '
the State Capitol next winter.
the fact that the clerka are more or leea monies.
in each other', way and the (train due
Forreet 8. Fiaber, candidate for Re­ tion of Bills and a second for the pas­
to hurried effort, to complete étalement,
publican nomination.for Representative, I sage of Bill,.
actually cauaea a loae of time and lead,
Hi, slogan ia, “A Democrat who will
Olivia Gating, aged MS month,, waa born in Aatona, Oregon 37 year,
to error, that would net arine> were the
carryout Democratic principles. Princi­
clerk allowed to collect hi, data more daughter of Mr. and Mra. Gustave ago, and ha, lived within the atate dur- |
ple, first. Party last.
Gating ol 61«, Eaet M 8». 8. E. ing the entire time since, except while
freely and under leaa (train.
Juel now there ie conalderable talk of
away at school. Waa educated iu the
E. E. Southard, Republican candidate
a four payment plan for taxe,. If auch rraidence at 10 a. m. on Saturday, the
the Legislature from Mnltnomah
a plan ia adopted there muat be a 2.5th, Rev. Guataveeon officiating. The
change in the ayatem of collection. body wm laid in Multnomah cemetery. tended Stanford University in California county, was born in Alleyan county,
and law a- hool in tbe mat.
Haa been
There muat be eome provialon made to
Mich., removed to Nebraska in 1873,
practiciug law in the city of Portland
eave lime and make the record of pay­
Harold, the infant Kin of Mr. and
for the paet nine year,. Ia marritri and was educated in the public ecbool, of
ment aure. To provide for thia the Mra. H. W. Kanne of Ml. Rcott, died
haa two children. Ia a tax payer with­ that state, and spent some time at tbe
following plan ie propose»! :
Tuesday the 2Hth. aged 2 month,. Her
in the etate, paying taxes aggregating Western Normal College at Shenandoah.
First, when the assessor haa com­ vice, were held Wednesday at 2 p. m.
over 126 ii for the year 1913.
pleted hie lev lea and duly recorded, let at the
Thia school
was afterward
My opinion ia that, considering tbe
him proceed to make out a duplicate Conklin officating, and interment was
Lincoln, Neb.
sparse population of the atate, the next
tax etatement to each taxpayer or made at Mt. Scott Park cemetery.
session of tbe legislature abould not Mr. Southard taught school in Nebraska
property bolder in the county which he
burden tbe people with large appropria­ a little, then learned the printing busi­
represent, and mail one copy of it to
the property owner not leaa than ten mente that did not ,how the change, tion, resulting in increase iu taxes, but ness and became editor of the Greeley
day a before the date ol the fl ret pay­ and the work of altering »tatémente to on tbe contrary tbe legislature should Leader, Greeley, Neb. Twelve year,
meet, and, a,ide from amending the tax ago he came to Oregon, and has lived in
ment. Thia ie mailed out for the con­ meet theae objectione would exceed the
venience of the taxpayer. If there are advantage, gained by having atatementa law to make the Mine just and equit­ Portland about 10 years, most of that
any objectionable item, in the étale­ issued to every property owner. Thi, able, appropriation, should be made time at bi, preeent address, 721 E. 4Otb
only for thoee department, ot atate street. He is a workingman—a lino­
ment be ehould appear at the aaaeeaor'e objection ia fully offeet by the fact that
office and have hie objectione adjuated auch objection, ariae anyway and if which are absolutely necessary, but ap­ type operator—and works at his trade
before the date of payment. The mak­ they are not adjusted until the day the propriations should not be made for a everv day in the Journal composing
great many commissions, boards, etc., room. He pays about »45 a year taxes
ing of the atatemeut ahead of date of laxe, are paid they interfere with the
tbe existence of which ia not warranted on his little home and other property.
payment will eave the tax payer'a time,
by the present development of tbe state. He baa a family consisting of a wife and
it will ensure more careful compilation who have no complainte to make.
I am of the opinion that it would be two boys.
He 1, a member of the
ol statement,. It will also reduce the Again, the ten day, allowed lietween
number of employeea to be retained time of iseue of etatement, and tbe date liest for the legislature to meet, or­ Typographical Union and is indorsed
ganise, transact it, busine«, and ad* by tbe Oregon State Federation of
during th, term of collection. Aa a ot payment would provide ample time
I journ without enacting a large number luxbor. He ia also a Woodman and a
matter of fact, in,lead of 56, ten at tho for all auch objection, of unnoted
Still of new laws or making more than K. of P., as well a, always taking an
outride could easily attend to all realty change, to be corrected.
for necessary appropriations for operating active interest in improvements and
matter, that might arise. There would
the state machinery until such time as betterments of a public nature.
be need of a caehier, and a few the recorder of deed, to furnish the
shall improve and the ad­
He favors a revision of tbe school
assistants to check up credit, and cor­ Mseaeor a notation of al) tranafer,
vance of the state shall warrant further laws; reduction of taxes as far as pos­
rect error,. The taxpayer would go made during the year in time to have
sible; consolidation or elimination of
with the exact change and all that the tranfer, duly entered liefore the expenditures.
useless boards; $1500 tax exemption;
would lie neceaeary would be the appli­ •tatamente are ever iaened.
Alva L. McDonald, I emocratlc candi­ fewer and better laws; use of prisoners
If ,uch a plan aa thia were adopted
cation of a rubber etamp to the credit
for tbe legislature. He reside, at and unemployed, in cases of emergency,
column of the etatement, designating
would be immaterial ao far aa extra 6V.'<4 Davis street and haa offices io the on road work; the “Oregon system,'*
the payment and date.
anti-machine, and a square deal to all,
And collectione Stock Exchange Building.
The atatementa. aa aaid before would work ia coneidered.
Mr. McDonald waa born in Kansas, especially the “little fellow.’*
be made out in duplicate, bearingdupli­ might eaeily be divided into four in-
Hi, slogan is, “Fewer and better
was educated in Iowa, taught school for
cate numbera, and th, etatement pre- atallmenta.
Another important euggeation haa a number of years, then served aa re­ laws; a square deal.’*
aented by the taxpayer would bear a
number of coupona, bearing a like been made in thia connection ie that porter on several eaateru newspapers.
David E. Iofgren, Republican candi­
uumber, and noting the amount of pay­ the atatementa be sent out aa eoon aa Tiring of thia, he followed the sea for
ment and date, which would be re­ the aaaeraor haa extended hie tax roll years, but settle,I in Portland in date for Joint Repr tentative to tbe
moved aa payment, were made. Aa the and before tbe board of equaliaalion 190K. He ia in the publishing business, State Legislature tor the 17tb District,
eaahier made receipt he would remove a meele, thua giving the tax payer an op­ being editor and owner of the “Angora comprising the counties of Mnltnomah
coupon and place it on file.
Aa the portunity to become acquainted with Journal,** a paper devoted to Augora and Clackamas.
He stands for strict economy, equit­
clerka fourni time during the day, early their apportionment in lime to reek ad- goat, and mohair growing.
Mr. McDonald ia a Democrat, and an­ able taxation, sane road legislation, less
in the morning, or after the day', rueh, juilment liefore thi, board.
these coupon, would tie taken from the the present ayatem few people present nounce, the fact on all hie cards, main­ new laws and commissions, Reform of
fllaa and entered on the duplicate étale­ their claim, to the board, moat of the taining that the principles of Woodrow the preeent systems of school elections
ment,, now In charge of the collector,. poaaibie correction, being diacovered Wilson and the principles of democracy, som to give all parties interested a
The conpon, would then |>aa« on with only long after that board haa meet and if applied in the administration of State I fair chance to have a word to say in the
schools, and for an im­
affair,, would result in a more equable tnanageujfnt
with the day', payment, to the Tree,- disposed of it, business.
Then it ia proposed that thi, system ami economical management of our provement of the school systems so as
nrer a, a mean, of checking the day*,
to teach our boy, and girls how to make
shall be applied nniformly through ut State government.
their own living by useful trades and
Now there ha, only been one objec­
tion railed ,o far a, ia known to thia each connty has Ite own plan of collec­ tion of our Portland water-front, a re­ vocations.
Reform of Judical Proceedure so m to
plan and that waa that the frequency of tion, Ite own blank forme and a unitor n lies I of our existing tax laws, and if
real et late Iran,ter and the eoasaquent ayatem for all the etate over would be a elected, will advocate two session, of afford a speedy and adequate remedy in
the Legislature, one for the introduc­ all cate, for the average man and
objection, that would ariae from alate- big atep in advance.
Our Representative Timber
No. 18
<- k *!
evening to learn of tb». »widee
Friday evening of
Juat now whan Iba entire state la The cborua numbera allowed
Vol. 12.
Mre. W. E. Gogginr a l lor
two year, proprietor of
. ■ ■»
Millinery. Mra. Goggir i waa
of severe headache» and she ■
accustomed to take c-rtai
Feeling the affliction apyr»>x,
, ,n ;>e
forenoon she took aom, n
•»- by
noon she was Mleep.
noon it wm noticed tha'
conscious. Effort, war
her and three physic^
who worked uneuccest'n
Death en­
sued at 6 JO.
Mra. Goggins wm thirty yaar»^ of age.
Hhe waa born in NebrMkt. Mhe leaves
two children of a prevF»ns marriage,
her mother of Newnort, a -ister Mrs.
Helliwell of Montaviila. a sister in
Arizona, and a brother at McMmville.
The funeral will be -onde -te»i Friday
at 10:30 A. M. from Kewwortny’a. Tbe
ladiesoi the Rebekah lodge, of which
Mra. Goggins wm a member, will
conduct tbe ceremonies.
The loas of Mra. Goggins was one of
the saddest in the history o' Lenia.
Mra. Goggins wm a woman frequently
misunderstood. People who knew her
best ascribe to her the beet of motives,
honest, true to her friends, and genuine
in her business and social relations.
She will be missed by her friends and
acquaintances of Lente and Arleta.
and Made Qothint, Embroideries,
Woodwork, Bread, Cakes, aad
Pies Attract Attention.
Winners Numerous.
Last Friday wm a big day in Lanta’
educational centre.
planned to
have tbe annual indoor products exhibit
and tbe results exceeded all expectations.
Tbs entire Assembly room
with ths products of the pupils, most
of which wm made at the school.
Tbe first thing to greet tbe eye on
entering tbe auditorium wm the display
of cookery. There were aamples of
bread, cakes, cookies and pies iW
abundance, and of tbe highest quality
Bread juat m good m “mother used to
make’’ wm in abundance. Little Mies
Charlotte Werner sat at a table of her
own preparing in which all tbe bread,
cakes, pies and cookies were of her own
band work. There wm white and brown
bread and two kinds of cake, and all
this from a girl of twelve. Tbe after­
noon wm an “open session for tbe
children.” The City Superintendent,
Mr. Aiderman, Asst. S’upt. Grout and
several other school officeals came out.
A line of parents filed in and around
the exhibit room
Probably fifteen hundred people in­
spected the show. Pointe were awarded
on the Bread Contest and tbe score for
the winners stood m follows:
11 years and over. Charlotte Werner,
Mary Killian, 794; Ro* Knetey,
724- Under 11 years. Winn if red
Smith, «4; William Reynolds, 794,
Connie Parker, 73.
The third meeting of the Lincoln
Republican Club will be held thia even­
ing at Lente, and at tbe school house.
The Club will continue the meetings
each Monday and Thursday evening
years. Ruth Reynolds, 95;
until after primary election.
body ia invited to attend, irreapective of Hayden Hyatt, 934; Ellen Anderson,
924. Under 11 years. Ellie Lusted,
92; Esther Mitchel,914; Connie Parker,
The Salem Cherry Fair will be held
early in duty, aecor-diig to a recent
decision of the Salem Commerciel ¡Club.
Exact dates will be selected later. A
new public market buil<ling is being
Greeham is prospecting for a new
erected in Salem and has beep offered Cannery project that seems to look good.
to the committee as a location for the
fair. It ie possible the scope of the
Sam Hill, so called road builder ie
fair will be extended this season by the holding free picture shows in various
addition of other agricultural products. [«arts of the county, the real purpose of
Plans are being made to erect the
mammoth flagpole donated to the
Panama-Pacific Exposition during the
latter part of the month when the Rose
Festival Queen and her maids visit
Sar. Francisco. The pole is of Douglas
fir 246 feet long, 54 feet at the butt
and weighs 93,000 pounds.
Frank Merwald and Miss Elisabeth
Sauer, were married Sunday at the
borne of Miss Sauer’s sister, Mrs. Manz,
at three o’clock. Rev. Schildknecht otfl-
cating. A big dinner wm served to
numerous visiting friends and a general
good time wm enjoyed by all. Mr.
Mirwald ia employed with John Manz,
in tbe tailoring business.
which is to promote the candidacy of
Mr. Holman for Commissioner.
Mr. Etnil Kardell, formerly of Gresham
tbe storekeeper at Manzanita Beach,
has been appointed PoetmMter for the
new postoffiice which hae been retablished
A. F. Miller, of Sellwood has been
elected president of the Bank ot Greeham.
of which he has recently h«*come a heavy
stock holder.
The Seiwood Bee is the most prosper­
ous suburban paper in the County. Ite
managers are preparing to enlarge their
A heavy auto truck carrying a load of
Geo. H. Blain ia building a large resi­ building material and six men, dropped
dence near Bell station.
through Sandy Bridge Saturday, due to
tlie d«>cayed wood structure. One man
woman based on justice and common
Buffered a broken arm. Tbe others
suffered bruises and a good ducking.
The truck and meu fell 35 feet to tbe
I wm born and educated in Wis­ water.
consin, finishing at Madison University.
I have been in the drug business in
Mrs. Eva I. Holsman, has been choeen
this city for the last 24 years, having
to administer tbe school at Fairview
previously been a railroad agent. I
next year.
sold my store on Tenth and Stark
street about a year ago and spent the
Pleasant Home schools will occupy
time since in resting, feeling that I had
fairly earned it. Am now managing four teachers next year, and they have
the Joyce Pharmacy at 45th and Bel­ been chosen.
mont, although my property ia still in
Sooth Portland where I conducted my
store for so many years and where I
■till live. I am TreMurer of the State
Drug Association. I wa, solicited by
tbe taxpayers and merchants with
whom I had done businesa, to try for
the nomination and finally consented.
B F. Jones.
N. W. Kuns, of Albany paid tbe
Herald a visit Tuesday Morning.
The Young Peoples Alliance ot tbe
Evangelical church, held their monthly
business and social meeting, Friday
evening, at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs.
N. G. Hedin. Ona of tbe intersating
event, of the evening wm a Bible verse
contest. Isaac Gingrich who repeated
nearly two hundred verses from the
Bible was given a very old two cent
piece, and Orville Darling, who also
ranked high received ao old three cant
piece. There were about fifty young
people present and every one spent a
moat enjoyable evening. Strangers are
heartily welcomed at any or all of these
meetings. We would be eapecialiy glad
to have you with us Nuoday evenings
at 7:00 o’clock.
E. H. Deery, candidate (or the Legis­
lature on the Republican ticket has been
a resilient of this county for the pMt
twenty-two years. Started driving de­
livery wagon in "M2”
For the pMt
fifteen years owner of tbe meat market
at 462 Jefferson. Owns hie own home,
is married and I im four children; paid
two-hundred and ten dollars taxes this
year. Favors semi-annual or quarterly
payment of taxes without penalty on
deferred payments; will apply the same
test to the affairs of tbe state m to his
own business. Invites investigation of
Dr. J m . Whitcomb, Republican can­
Word, on ballot: “I«ees didate for Governor, paid Lenta a visit
taxes; fewer laws; more com mon sense.” iMt Tuesday morning.