T Millinery Goes Our Shoe Sale tlaSo ntnlmun. ol W words Announce- menu and cunt ol thank*, aaae rale Adret- listas rale* quoted on reqUMI Every Article at Cost INCLUDING Mrs. Sarah Coon of Fifth Av«, is visiting relative« and friends in Carleton. A. A. Muck of HL Johns was in lente a few hours Thursday morning. Mrs. Heyting is quite ill at her home with peritonitis. Mr. Darnall visited friends in Gresham aw hila on Monday evsning. Also Make Old Hats Like New. Reblocking, Dyeing, and Trimming Done. Mrs. Martha Powell, ye editor's aunt, of Pittsburg, Ore., has been visiting ber 1-ents relations this week. 8. J. landon and his daughters Alta and Zella were Gresham visitors Monday. Open Evenings. Fay Rayburn and J. A. Bundy returned Wednesday from Molbeur to. wiiere they each secured homesteads. Shoe Repairing Quality Tailoring Don't overlook that Sam Hill is con­ ducting his picture show now days for the promotion of certain political aspirants. Modem Shoe Repair Factory The graduating class of the I-ents school has placed four memorial pic­ tures in the building. Main Street, Lents Oregon, New Spring Styles and Latest Patterns George Abner, in the employ of Mr Hubler of Gilbert, had a fainting spell and fell back on a rock, breaking his shoulder. Dr. Fswcett set the arm AUCTION SALE At my place, Lenox Ave., 1 block east of Gilbert Schoolhouse Mrs. M. Rodgers of North Hains has been visiting friends in Lenta since Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Look of Faxon Park left this week for their new home south­ east or Gresham. Lents, Ore., Saturday May 9 Ray Bender of old Sunnyside is re­ port«! very low with dropsy of the heart. At 11 o'clock A. M. Ben Hromwell, of East Foster Road is the fatlier of a daughter born last 25-Head of Livestock-25 2 team» of Geldings and Han 6 Jenwy Yearling Heifers weight. 26<«' and 2700 pounds 4 Young Jersey Milch Cows. 1 Registered Jerrey Bull. 1 Berkshire Brood Sow. 1 Mitehell Spring, Top Wagon 12 Milk Cans, 10 and 3 gallons. 1 Reed Cooler and tank complete 1, 3 gai. Jumbo Ice Cream Frwser 1 specially Built Refrigerator. Some Beef Cows. One 12 foot Counter. 1 Heavy Milburn Wagon, 3-inch 2 fiive Gallon Chums. 1 Refrigerator, capacity SOO lbs. ed glass front, capacitySOO lbs. Take Estacada, Boring, Gresham or Bull Run Cars, get off ' »wner. The Junior Pbilathea Class of the Arleta Baptist Sunday School held their third monthly business meeting at the home of Evelyn Davenport. April 7. A large number of girls were present and many interesting questions dis­ cussed. A hike and a marsbmellow roast are now being planned. When the business meeting was over, games were p ayed and refreshments served, after which the meeting adjourned. The next meeting will he held at the home of Moreita Howard, 662M, 37 Ave. B. B> Visitors are welcome. Home Cleaning; Time Brighten Up Time WE HAVE THE AGENCY FOR THE Sherwin-Williams Paints, Var­ nishes, Stains, etc. Notice Of Disolution The partnership heretofore exiting under the Arm name and style of The I«ents Plumbing Company has been dis- • •Ived. Mr. M. N. oatere, ■ lodgers, annonncemenla, etc, at Mt. Hcott Pub. Co., office, ÌA>nla. FOR SALE—Thorough bred Whit« Plymouth Rock Eggs for hatching, *1.(0 per selling of IA. A. Schuman, lenta. Home Phone »14. FOR SALE—Pure Bred Itlinds Island Red Eggs for hatching, 41 Ol) per setting of 15. Mrs. Frank Hnnftins I 4 mile east of lents. Home Phone 4621. GARAGE for rent. '1641. Tabor FOR RENT—Store Room. of Mt. Scott Pub. Co. inquire FOR RKNT :—4 Room Motions hou**, yards, chicken house, garlen, on (enter St. and 6lh Ave. Enquire Heraldoflan. SWISS EMBROIDEin Mrs. R. Keil, Main St, Lents, Oregon Agent for Tunner-Honwfirt M Company Manufacturer ami Importer, West Hotiokcn, N. J. > LOUT ANII rol'ND I.OHT— White Nanny goat. Box il, lents. Re want Write to LOST:—Two lente Volunteer Fire Department badge» on Main Strret of lienta. Finder pieaac return to Chief Nice collection of new samples at reasonable prices. Obtainable to buy, wild or Improved farms, ranch ami city property or re­ move incumbrance therefrom Special privileges and reasonable terms. For proposition, address Finance llept., 1627 Busch Bldg., »alias. Tains. School Girls get your Graduating Dresses Ordered Now oooooooono i 8 S BUILT TO LAST lumber is the liarn or other out building cmmtructed Every board our lumber. will hr with found thoroughly sound and fnlly seaaon«l •LM) pays for the Herald one year and three fine aluminum sauce pane­ worth |3(K). Call or write ua your order. The Herald. ---------------------- — Card of Thanks stands nil kinds of weather. We desire to express our thanks for the sympathy and kindness of our friends and acquaintances during the sicknetw and death of our twy, Ralph. Respectfully,Mr. and Mrs. M. 8. Little- Held. Give us your next onier. 0 ! Dsily Oregonian, Herald, McCall,a Magati ne and Sunset, all for tbs regular price O)) of the Oregonian, if taken at the Herald office. It cuts with less waste and The Copeland Lumber Company Phone Tabor 1371 Foster Road and Campbail Sts. lents Station, Port1 and, Oregon Hulteen & Hamerlynch LOOK! LOOK! Here is your chance to get Seeds and Plants for your garden It is now time to plant Gladolius and Dahlia bulbs Buy at The Lents Seed and Floral Store Do It Now While the Weather is Good MAI.K F<>H HKNT Ice Cream, Sodas and Sott Drinks at Our Fountain I»r. Geo. Pardey and wife of Blairs­ town. Ia, spent last Sunday with Mm. I Hogue. Dr. Pardey and Sire. Hogue were schoolmates at the McPh«-rw»n Normal College, of Republican City, Nebr. a quarter of a century ago. Spring Timéis Painting Time The best time of the year to paint inside or out, is the Spring, no dust, gnats, or flys, etc. WHEN YOU WANT LIGHT GROCERIES. BAKING GOODS. CONFECTIONERY, CI­ GARS, FRUITS, VEGETABLES, ETC. The Tremont Fire Department is preparing to give on«- «grand big unparalled Fourth of July Celebration this year. The Woodmere ban»- Hall team have been victorious twice this week. I>efeat- ing Woodstock nine Monday evening, and winning the laurels from the lents team Tues, evening. W. S. Wood, Lents, Oregon Remember the Name-BORNA Mrs. S. C. Bryant and little grandson, ' Ikinnahi Ellis have gone to Falls City. Oregon to siwnd a month in visiting relatives and friends. Auctioneer. Vancouver. Wash. Repairing Main Street Gilberts Crossing talent will turn out . a snappy little play Saturday evening, "Si Slocum's Country Store. ’ lent» people are to be treated to an art show this week. one of the teachers having secured the loan of a valuable collection. Terms Cash, or Will Take Bankable Notes Sale Rain or Shine, Free Lunch at Noon Pressing JOHN MANZ I Friday. at Ramapo Station, go one block North. C M. Dolson. Cleaning Bnrton Hyatt of Grand Rapids, Mich., is visiting bis sister, Mrs. Farnham. k WANTED—Boys mar tie bail and sometime* girla. The older unse at ordinary wages ami others to lie schooled and carisi for In return (or slight *«rvices rendered. For particu­ lars ai ■ tf FOR HALE—Good young huras. quire at Harald office. Phone Tabor 4141 Mrs. W. E. QOQGINS E. G. Deuker is building a new bouse on the Foster road east of Bucklsy avenue. WANTED:—To engage 'Al families from I a ’ ii I s to pick hope on my (arm near Sherwood- - Write for full infor­ mation E. E. Rogers, Itli 2. Sher- wood Ore. rou Always Welcome, Call In Archie leonard, one of the candidates for sheriff was circulating campaign documents in l.eut» Monday. HALF PRICE W. E. Goggins, Prop. Every Hat Trimmed by Exper­ ienced Milliner, “no apprentice’’ F. A. Farnhaiu and two youngest children left for Michigan last Friday. Childrens School Shoes WANTKIl WANTED—A good reliable man or woman to solicit »utwiplion». Enquire nt Herald office. Ladies, Boys and Girls Hats, Velvets, Ribbons, Flowers and etc. Mrs. Applegate is building a new house at fitli Ave. ami Foster Road. Mens’, Ladies, and Misses Shoes •FOR HALE" and "WANT’ readers in clasaltlad column, 1 cent |>er word for drat Insertion; cent suleequentlv. Watch the column tor liargalns. If there Is any one lu lente that wants washing dons phone Talior 1010. C. 8. Bradford ami wife are parents of a on born last Friday. Continues e CLASSIFIED and watch your garden grow Horseshoeing Wood Work, Carriage, Wagon and Auto Repairing e, LENTS Fnrter Road a