Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, April 23, 1914, Image 7

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    Flttcherlam at the Zoo.
A little Boston Mlrl. who had fre-
qunntly been admonished by her par*
onto us to the evils resulting from
vf »II kiwi» waiitad. Writ« for vur
hurried mastication of foods, was, on
a recent visit to Now York, taken by
an uncle to the xoo In the Bronx.
Among the beus's that particularly
claimed her attention were the cutnola.
Him watclmd th»m long and earnestly
ns they munched huge bunches of
gruss, and then turned to her uncle.
"Uncle," suld she, "what a treat It
"‘¡ hh 'A hk J or grit
l,ur«l»i>d. Oratfua would ba for father and mother and
Professor Fletcher to see those camels
chewing ull day!"—Harper's Monthly.
... -
und Dairy Produce
Pearson-Page Co. S"
lUrtivht, Mild anil o«rhanv«wl.
mm mills, str. Nr»i»l for Klo*-fe I 1st sn«l Pt « us.
IIIE J. E. MARTIN CO., im 1st Nt.. P«Uand. Or.
Is a condition everyone would like to
boast of. It may lie that all you need
is two or three Wright’s Indian Vege­
H'aain. Qaaollna. Hotatlns an.I Ixwtflnv i.nalnaa. table Pills just before going to bed.
i.ha ui. M>>tur. or Light;«« I'lanla. < x.ixr.1» Mta-
ara. llvrrlrha. Ihdlara. )*iu»t>. Saw., Ktr.
Trial box free. 372 Pearl St., N. Y.
If the answer is "NO” then be
persuaded to try a bottle of
V. '11
Is the appetite
Is the digestion
Is the liver active
and bowels
K fistiti
i U Ma. htaar. < a., ia Id M , Karllaad, Or.
Stomach Bitters
An Unfortunate Name.
"I am aorry I named my fitti» girt
Venns. **
"After the Venus de Milo, I sup­
"Yes. and she baa broken ber arm
three times."
Putnam Fadeless Dyes color
more goods than others.
Got Away With It.
“How's this?” demanded hfa wife.
"You were talking about jackpots and
flushes in your sleep last night.’*
I tried a gamb­
ling case in court that day," explained
the resourceful
Vo. C«. 6»« An««’» /oot-roM rurr.
Write Allen H. Olm«tod,X— Roy, N. Y., lore
fr.-e «.nipla ol AlU-n'a Foot-Ea-e. It rur.a
■w. ating. h it «wollen, aching leet. It makes
new or tight ahoe> eany. A certain cure (or
or n». irnpow ng na 1» ur..| bunloru. AH drug-
ji.ti «ell It. 2ic. Bou't accept any »ubetitute.
Heard on the Wharf.
There are 16 varieties of maple trees
E ■
"So you're going over on the steam­
in the United States, most of them
er. Aren't you afraid you'll bo sea
I being eastern species^_______________
"Not a bit!
You see I'vo swung Thinning Sugar Beets, Which Owing to the Closeness of the Young Plants,
all of these functions promptly.
Must Be Done by Hand.
around on the strup.i of crowded trol
ley cure every day for years, so I'u>
(Prepared by the United States Depart- bine with the Injurious acids that de­
used to a rough voyage."
These true photographs
«■( Ml«,
lar 41r*«’t.
ment of Agriculture.)
velop In the soil and thereby render
show the benefit of 7t
TH< CUtTta LABORATORY. Battala«. CUI'aralA
lbs. actual reduction of
It Is generally conceded that the them neutral. Ordinarily an applica­
Diatom per
superfluous fat by a safe
Hot Air.
In all It, forms among ail sees of horse, beat soils for the production of sugar tion of from 500 to 2,000 pounds of
home «elf treatment that
and dog., currd and oilier» l.i tl.osumo st» beets are the sandy loams and the waste lime per acre will correct the
"My wife made It hot for me this
is eaaily followed. Many
bl« tirevsnt d from hnrlrg thawtl-rs-« with clay loams. However, any good aoll. acidity and otherwise improve the soil. morning."
others—men and. women
Spohn's JiutemjK-r Cure.
F.n ry butt!
“How was that?”
ri.arsntie-l. Ovc-MtyjQO Ix.ttl-n su'd la»t
—have lost from 25 to 100
Poultry as Food.
"1 insisted on her getting up
«■ ar. f.'.ri and *1 00. G< <>d dragr •<•, or factory sugar beets, provided climatic
Instant relief and positive rurr
lbs. and have acknow­
>> mi t«> man tfsctnrers.
Acent. wanted. conditions are favorable, states Farm­
within two wee^s. Send Si for full
Although not as many varieties of
ledged great improvement in health, appearance,
Write for free book. Hr«>hn Med. Co., Spec,
details of home treatment to
ers' Bulletin 558 of the department of poultry are in common use in the I
comfort, etc. A book haa been published on
kmlagiuus DI ms ><* s , Uo.hen, Ind.
Free to Onr Headers
obesity; how to reduce weighL This will De sent
agriculture. In general, more depends United States as in Europe, and al­
I*. <>. Box 7N6. Spokane, Wash.
Write Murine Eye Kernel/ Co., Chicago, for with a proof treatment sample and a large cot
though eggs form perhaps the most! 48-page
illustrated E^e Bo* k Free. Write »11
The new president of the New Ila
about Your Eye Trouble and they will advisa lection of convincing tes­
ven railway system, speaking of so soil than upon Its strict classification. Important part of the total poultry a.
Proper Application of the Murine timonial, In plain wrap­
Select the field for sugar beets with Industry in the United States, enough
dallsm recently and Its conflict with
Eye Kernedlea in Your Special Cane. Your per, FREE, by Dr. H. C.
The Seven Ages of Modern Man.
the Innate disposition of man to ho reference to the quality of the sur­ birds are raised and sold for their Druggist will tell you that Murine Kell.*ves Bradford. 20 East 22d St.,
"First age -Sees the earth.
come acquisitive, quoted "somebody or face and subsoil, conditions of drain­ flesh to make poultry an important Bore Eyee, Strengthens W'rak Eyes. Doesn’t •01 B New York City.
"Second age-"Wants It.
other," according to the Los Angeles age and the fitness to follow the pre­ i item In the list of foods, says the de- ? Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, and sella fur 50c. This information that
"Third age-— Hustles to get IL
Try It in Your Eyes and in Baby’s Eyes fur
Times, as having furnished the fo! ceding crops. Plow thoroughly and partment of agriculture.
can be obtained without
Chickens' Scaly Eyelid» and Granulation.
"Fourth age—Decides to tie satis
lowing revision of the "Seven Ager deeply In the fall If possible. Make are, of course, far the most common j
charge la likely to prove
fled with only about half of It.
of Man";
It is stated that throughout Sweden delightful news to many
"Fifth age—Becomes still more mod
the seed bed firm below as well as of the kinds of poultry. Nezt come
there are 500,000 total abstainers, or over-stout men and women who have become dis­
■ I '
Berlin baa a store where the pic­ near the surface. Plant in the spring turkeys; then ducks and geese, fol­ about 10 per cent of the population.
couraged at previous atleinpta to reduce weight.
"Sixth age—Now content to possess
tures of women who wlr.h to become
a six by two strip of It.
brides are displayed.
"Seventh age—<Jeta the strip."
to Insure a good stand, and do not ants and quail being least common ot
plant too deep. Hold tho moisture in all.
MAKES ECZEMA VANISH contact with the seed by use of the In raising birds for the market spe­
I look about 6 boxes of Dodds K Id
press wheel and rollers. Cultivate as cial fattening has not heretofore been
nay Fills for Heart Trouble from Resinol Stops Itching and Burning In
practiced In this country with any­
which I had suffered for 6 years, I
thing like the same frequency as in
bad dixxy spells. my eyes puffed,
Europe; but American breeders are
my breath was
There Is Immediate relief for skins
gradually coming to It more and more,
short and 1 had Itching, burning and disfigured by
especially on the large poultry farms
chills and back ecsema, ringworm, or other torment
which are springing up in many places.
ache I took the Ing skin trouble, in a warm bath with
The extreme methods used so much
pills about a year Resinol Soap and a simple application
In France are not, however, consid­
ago and have had of Resinol Ointment. The soothing
ered advantageous by moet American
no return of the healing Resinol balsams sink right
palpitations. Am Into the skin, stop Itching Instantly,
Live poultry Is very commonly mar­
now 63 years old. and soon clear away all truce of erup­
keted, especially In, the southern
able to do lots of tion, even In severe and stubborn
manual labor, am cases where other treatments have
states, where it is the custom to kill
well and hearty and weigh about 2uo hnd no effect. After that, the regular
a short time before cooking, but, con­
pounds. I feel very grateful that I use of Resinol Soap is usually enough
sidering the country ns a whole, it
found Dodds Kidney Pills and you may to keep the skin clear and healthy.
is doubtless true that the dressed
publish this letter if you wish I am
Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap
; birds are marketed more than the
serving my third term ns Probate have been prescribed by doctors for
j'live, and the buyer must depend
Judge of Gray Co.
Yours truly.
the past nlne'een years, and sold by
mainly on the appearance of the skin
PHILIP MILLER. Cimarron. Kan.
all druggists.—Adv.
and fleBh to tell him how fresh the
Don’t Wait Till Tou’re AH Bunged Up. Use S. S. S. Now.
Correspond with Judge Miller about
If you will go Into any first class store balanced health as the nutritive proper­
bird is, and whether it has been prop­
this wonderful remedy.
E ..
A shipping, engineering and ma­
Dodds Kidney Pills. 60c per box nt
erly dry-plucked or plunged into boil­ and get a bottle of 8. 8. 8. you are on ties ot the grains, meats, sugars, and tat»
h ■
the way to getting rid of Catarrh. But of foods.
Any local Irritating influence
your dealer or Dodds Medicine Co, chinery exhibition will be held at
ing water to make the plucking eas­ don’t let anyone work off that old trick in
the blood U rejected by the tissue cell»
Buffalo, N. Y. Write for Household Olympia, I-on don, lu the autumn of
ier. In most cases, also, the age must Of something "Just as good."
and eliminated by reason of the stimula­
Hints, also music of Natlonni Anthem 1914, which bids fair to rival In In­
I be determined by the pliability ot the
8. S. 8. is taken into the .blood just as ting influence of S. S. S.
(English and German words) snd re­ terest and utility any exhibition of
You will soon realize its wonderful In­
breastbone or, in duck and goose, of naturally as the most nourishing food. It
cipes for dainty dishes. All 3 sent free. nautical machinery and appliances
spreads its influence over every organ in fluence by the absence of headache, a de­
ever held In the united kingdom.
the body, comes through all the veins and cided clearing of the air passages, a
The methods of cooking poultry are arteries, enables all mucous surfaces to steadily Improved nasal condition, and a
One-Horse Two-Row Walking Cultiva­
tor, With Attachment for Distribut­ in general the same as those for other exchange inflammatory acids and other sense of bodily relief that proves howf
completely catarrh often infests the en­
kinds of meaL The tougher the bird Irritating substances for arterial elements tire
ing Fertilizer.
the more cooking will be needed to that effectually cleanse the system and
You will find S. S. S. on sale at all dru*
thus put an end to all catarrhal pollution.
make it tender and easily digested, 6. 8. 8. cleans out the stomach of mucous stores. It is a remarkable remedy for
soon as the rows can be seen, but
and the larger It is the more heat will accumulations, enables only pure, blood- any and all blood affections, such as
do not throw the dirt over the beets.
rash, lupus, tetter, psoriasis^
be required to cook it thoroughly. making materials to enter the Intestines, eczema,
bolls, and all other diseased conditions of
Block and thin the beets just as soon
As regards composition poultry does
the blood.
For special advice on any
enter the circulation, and tn less than an
aa they are large enough to handle.
not differ as much as is commonly hour Is at work throughout the body In blood disease write to The Swift Speclfla
Space with reference to the strength
Co., 202 Swift Bldg.. Atlanta, Ga.
supposed from meat of other domestic the process of purification.
Do not trifle with substitutes. Imltaa
and moisture-bolding capacity of the
animals used for food.
Tho medicinal components of S. S. S. tions or any of the horde of “Just as
kinds and specimens, of course, vary are relatively Just as essential to wer­ enod*’ Cnnnfnrfr <♦«• of
Rotate with other crops to Improve
In the relative amounts of protein and
the soil condition and to eliminate
fat contained, and there are certain
As indicating the educational work
In order that policemen may take
pests. Keep plenty of live stock to
flavors in poultry which differ from of the Y. W. C. A. there are 42,000 girls shelter from snow and rain the city
utilize the beet tope and other feed
those in other meats. But these dif­ and women enrolled in 171 cities in of Brussels is erecting large zinc um­
and supply stable* manure. In har­
brellas about street lamp posts.
ferences are so small that they are day or evening classes.
vesting the beets see that they are
practically negligible in ordinary dieL
all gathered, properly topped, and as
Nor is there as much difference In
free as possible from dirt. Cover the
as le often stated.
beets as soon as topped to prevent
the average, poultry Is somewhat more
evaporation, and utilize beet tops,
pulp and lime with a view to improv-
Ing soil conditions.
The by-products of the beet Held
and sugar mill that are of particular
Is it possible there is a woman in this country who con­ importance to the farmer are the beet
tinues to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege­ tops, the pulp and the waste lime. If
table Compound a trial after all the evidence that is con­ properly handled, the beets form a
valuable asset for the beet grower,
tinually being published, which proves beyond contradic­ and
In considering the value of a beet
tion that this grand old medicine has relieved more suffer­ crop they should be reckoned at their
ing among women than any otheronc medicine in the world? real worth as a stock food. Many
sell their tops at a cash price
We have published in the newspapers of the United States farmers
ranging from $2.60 to $6 per acre, in
more genuine testimonial letters than have ever been pub­ which case the grower is the loser
lished in the interest of any other medicine for women— for the reason that the tope are of
value to him as a stock food,
and every year we publish many new testimonials, all gen­ greater
and If he allows the tops to leave his
uine and true. Here are three never before published:
farm he loses their manurial value,
consisting of a large part of mineral
From Mrs. S. T. Richmond, Providence, R. I.
plant food taken up by beets in the
process of growth, and also their
P rovidence , IL I.—•“ For the benefit of women who suffer as I have
humus value, which results from re-
done I wish to state what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
turning the tope to the soil In the
has done for me. I <li<l some heavy lifting and the doctor said it
form of stable or barnyard manure.
caused a displacement. I have always been weak and I overworked
Piling and Topping Sugar Beets.
The moat economical way to handle
after my baby was liom and inflammation set in, then nervous nroe-
tratioiL from which 1 did not recover until I had taken Lydia E. Pink­
tho tope Is to gather them Into piles easily digested than beef and mutton,
ham's Vegetable Compound. The Compound is my Itest friend and
soon after they wilt and before but only very slightly. The difference
when 1 hear of a woman with troubles like mine I try to induce her
they becomo thoroughly dry. In this in digestibility between the various
to take your medicine.”—Mrs. 8. T. II iqmxond ,
Waldo Street,
condition they can be gathered with kinds of poultry probably depends on
ITuvidence, It. 1
much less loss than would be the case the amount of fat contained, the fatter
If they were left scattered over the sorts being least easily digested. Ten­
A Minister’s Wife Writes:
ground until dried. After they have derness of fiber may have something
C loquet , M inn . — “I have suffered very much with irregularities,
cured in th" piles they should be to do with both *ase and thorough­
Gin and inflammation, but your wonderful medicine, Lydia E. Jenk­
hauled to the feed yard, where they ness of digestion, and, If so, young
in's V egetable Comixiund, has made mo well and i can recommend
should be fed In properly constructed birds are more easily digested than
the same to all that are troubled with these complaints.”—Mrs. J an -
racks to avoid waste.
old, and the less-used muscles of tha
Nil A kerman , c / o Hev. K. A kerman , Cloquet, Minnesota.
Beet pulp is an excellent stock food. chicken, such as the breast, more so
This by-product is the refuse that re­ than the much-used tissues of the legs.
From Mrs. J. D. Murdoch, Quincy, Mass.
mains after the beets have been
Similarly, white-fleshed birds may
sliced and the sugar extracted. As be more . easily digested than dark-
S outh Q uincy , M ass .—‘•Tho doctor said that I had orgnnic trouble
a stock food it may be used either as fleshed, because the fibers of their
and ho doctored me for a long time and I did not get any relief. I
green pulp, that Is, just as it comes flesh are less closely set: but this is
saw Lydia E. Ilnkham’s Vegetable Compound ad­
vertised and I tried it and found relief before I had
from the mill, or it may be dried.
not fully proved. Indeed, very little
Waste lime Is a by-product of the Is positively known on this subject,
finished the first liottle. I oontinued taking it all
sugar mill, which under certain con­ and that little seems to Indicate that
through middle life and am now a Btrong, healthy
woman and earn my own living.”--Mrs. J an « D.
ditions Is of considerable value to the the differences in thoroughness of di­
M urdoch , 26 Gordon St, South Quincy, Mass.
farmer for correcting the acid condi­ gestion are very slight, and that cook­
No. 17, Ta
The latest census reports show that
P. N. U.
tion of the soil. It Is well known that ing has much more to do with the
a soil should be neutral or slightly digestibility of the birds than these
(COMF1 DEMTIAL) I.YMM, IASS., for ad vice.
The annual production Is 59,915.851
alkaline In order to produce the beat alight differences In composition and dozens of eggs, with a farm value of
Your letter will be opened, read and answered
results. Lime has the ability to com texture.
by a woman and hold In strict confidence.
Lost 76 Pounds
Whooping Cough
Tackle Catarrh Now
Be Free All Winter
Colds, Stall Pneumonia, Keep Your Noss