Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, April 23, 1914, Image 5

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WM. AllfNlWItlT t|GOM-
E. A. Herder of Eugene ha« the
"Francis” pool room on Millard Ave.
Seventy-second street is having a 24
inch pipe line laid a. far south a.
Millard avenue.
Th« Oswego mother who allowed her
roade. I6-y«ar-old daughter to go to Kan«aa
Turner A Ritter, our «liingle men and City on a shopping trip unattended 1«
•m-ceeoor« to Frank Rhode«, made a surprised that the girl disaappeared,
vieit tn their famlliee at Boring laet write« William Allen White in the
Hat unlay, returning to their work Emporia fiazette, and continue«:
on which text ws desire to submit a
Homo hen« have taken poeeeeeion ol a few remarks upon the subject of
church (««einent here, whore they are mothers. The mother business ie one
I brooding. They ought to raía« «oui« of the meet over-adverti«ed lines in tbe
! good chicken«, and in all probability world. Whenever a eob-squadder de­
( «ome ol theoe chicken« will enter the sire« to turn oo the faucet of our tears,
he begins tremulous talk aliout mother«
the «acredeet thing« alive. Good
There i« a gtxxi deal printed lately
are «acred; «o are
I about **Uo-to-church Bunday. ” doing
father«. But when yon consider how
to church 1« all right if people are «in-
I cere and do not go to «how off flne many mean, ornery, good-for-nothing,
clotoee or to get a chance to deceive doles« people there are in tbe wurld—
don't forget this big Important fact:
their fellow men in a huaineao deal by
Home fool woman iu the mother bu«i
pretended piety. There 1« a wide dif­
ne««, neglecting her real dnty, is re­
Christianity and
sponsible lor all this nieannees more
Churchlanity. "True religion and un­
than any other one thing. A man may
de Hied liefore the Father la a comfort
put tbe devil in hi« children.
But in
to thoee in affliction."
uine cases out of ten the mother can
Rev. J. H. Boyd, eon and daughter,
breed it out, or train it out, or live it
and «nine friend« from Portland cyme
out if she will work on the job.
A lot
niiCover the trailoneday laet week from
of women get an idea that they can
Bull Run and remained at the Boyd
rest on the glory of merely being
■ummer home on Proepect avenue, re­
mothers. A lot ot mothers think that
turning home Haturday.
just because poets have had a lot to «ay
The railroad land equattere met at
about the «acredneea of motherhood
the home of F. Koernecker on Eaaler
that there is nothing else to do.
Hunday aud paaeed reeolution« to eend
fool people usually are the result of fool
to the State Orange an to Congreei for
mothers. Charity workers in every
prompt action in the caae of the for­
town know of ecores of instance« where
feited land grant which ehould have
men earn fairly good wage«, and where
reverted to the people long ago.
tbe women by their «hlftleasness, Iasi-
thia vast tract ie lying idle doing no­
ties* and meannee« have put tbe family
body any good and the etate ie deriving
in poverty and want. They can't cook;
no taxee from It, while hundred« of
and they know nothing of taking carp of
people are houeeleee and homelee«.
children J they live out of sack« and
Mull eending railroad attorney« to Con-
can«; they gad the streets by day, and
greea and to the Ix-gialature.
go to picture sbows at night; they can’t
U. V. Thoma« of Bull Run waa in
sew, and they won’t clean up the
town lately circulating a petition for
chddren. They haven’t the character
aboliabing the «late aenate and for pro­
to make the children mind, and they
portional repreeeutation.
He eaya it
are too thriftlese and idle minded to
will require 12U00«igoaturee to gel these
keep tbe house much better than a pig­
matter« before the public but at tbe
sty. A mother i« “the holiest thing
rate people are signing up there will be
alive'* only when she i« the embodi­
no trouble about it. Mr. Thomas—be­
ment of intelligent, consecrated love.
ing a man of independent mean«—de­
When she i« merely a brood animal,
vote« hia time to tbe common good, be­
when she ia either a «lattern—if she is
ing an ardent Bocialiat. He «aya of the
poor, or a gadabout and a bridge fiend '
15 candidate« lor Governor now, there if «he is rich, «he deserves no more I
i« only one worthy or decent man and
credit tor tieing a mother then she does ;
that 1« U'Ren. The rest are, or have
for having warts on a high instep. Tbe
lieen whiakey attorney«, with the ex­
gush aiout motherhood being so holy a
ception of Wilbycomb, Director of
function has fortressed a lot of fool
Agriculture at Corvalli«, whose own
female« in their folly. And the blessed
farm at Hillaboro looks like a ship
time is coming when the soft pedals are ,
going to be taken off motherhood and 1
Work will begin on tbe roads in this
put on womanhood plus horse sense.
District this week, and the road« surely
The Gazette ie in favor of strict law1
need the work. Plank will be laid in
which will prevent men with com- {
all the bad places as the dirt road« in
municable diseases from marrying and ■
this country, however much they are
breeding lust and vice into other |
worked, are worse than nothing in a
generations. But along with that law l
wet time
should be a companion law whicn will
prevent issuing a marriage licenee'to a
woman who can't cook, can’t keep
bouse, can’t clean up children’s dirty
noses and necks «nd can’t pass a decent
The local tistierman are very busy examination on the feeding and care of
getting their boat« and gear ready for infants. When women know something
salmon Ashing. The season opens May about what they are going into, as
1 and closes August 26.
married women—whether they are rich
W. H. Reed spent several days in or poor—there will be more in tbe
Portland last week.
•acredness ot motherhood than the
Tbe Misses Pullen of Park Rose at­ poets have ever sung about.
tended the Grange entertainment and civilization has taken women from the '
dance Saturday evening. They were home; it has put them in stores and 1
guests of Mrs. Clara Smith. Sunday. offices and shops and factories. Home i
Frank Jones has lieen suffering from science now must lie learned outside'
a very painful hand and whan the the home. But it must lie learned and 1
the sooner the law cracks down on fool t
physician turned the Xray on it, be girls who go into matrimony caked in
discovered that two fingers were out of ignorance and breed fool children who
raise hell in the world, the better will |
And further .
Mr. Dakin of RiMMter Rock died Fri­ this sad oul world be.
deponent sayeth not.
day at the home of hie daughter, Mrs.
P. O. De Moe» and was taken to Hood
River Saturday for burial.
Rev. Adame, etate evangelist for the
Christain church, preached at the
Phone Mz
church Monday evening.
April «bower« make muddy
C«r. Main and Foater'Koad
Wood and Coal
Slab Wood
a Specialty
Onler* Drlivert'd Promptly
Diseases ol Women and Children
a Specialty
Pacific Tal*<>r 3211
Hotuc Local 2111
Talior 5267
Main 430, Home A 455K
Dunning & McEntee
Seventh and Ankeny Streets
Alvord Undertaking Company
Lents and Kern Park
G. E. GREENLEAF, Manager
Res. 4510 70th Rt. 8. E. Oor. 45th Ave
Funeral Directors and Embalmers
Calls answered day or night in any part
of the city. Quick Anto Service, Fine
Equipment, Lady AHsistant.
Night Phone B iliw
l»«y Phone Tabor W.2
Day Phone l<ent» XVII
Shiloh Circle No. 10. ledlvs of O. A K. meet»
1st and Sd H«tur<i«y evening» In I.O. O. F.
hall. Lent». Lillah Maffei. Pre»., Carrie
Ingles, Rcc'y.
Check Your April Cough
Thawing frost and April rains chill
yon to the very marrow, yon catch
cold—Head and lungs «tnffed—Yon are
feverish—Cough continually and feel
miserable—Yon need Dr. King’s New
Discovery. It roothes inflamed and
irritated throat and lungs, stops cough,
your head clears up, fever leaves, and
yon feel flne. Mr. J. T. Davis, of Stick­
ney Corner, Me., "Was cured of a
dreadful cough after doctor’« treatment
and all other remedies failed. Relief or
money back.
Pleasant—Children like
it. Get a bottle to-day. 60c. ami $1.00,
at your Druggist.
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve for all Bores.
Clear* Complexion
Rtmorit Skin Blemishes
Why go through life embarrassed and
disfigured with pimples, ernptions,
blackheads, red rough skin, or suffering
the tortures of Eczema, itch, tetter,
salt rheum. Just ask your Druggist
for Dr. Hobson’s Ecaema Ointment.
Follow the simple suggestions and your
skin worries are over. Mild, soothing,
Excellent for babies and
delicate, tender skin. Stope chapping.
Always help«. Relief or money back.
50c. at your Druggist.
At The Churches
German Evangelical Reformed Church
Tremont, Kem Park and Arteta
Mr«. Olga Schmidt-Berger of Detroit,
Mich., is visiting-"her mother, Mrs.
Scnmidt, ol Foster road and Grays
Crossing. She will I* here several
Tbe Webfoot Athletics
met the
Berkley All-Stars last Sunday and
didn’t give them a thing while the
Webfoot fellows carried off one a piece
and three for tbe trouble.
Beware of Ointments for
Catarrh that Contain Mercury
as mercury will surely destroy the sense
of smell and completely derange the
whole system when entering It through
ths mucous surfaces. Such nrtlcles should
never be used ex< ept o;. prescriptions
from reputable physlclanx. as the damage
they will do Is ten fold to the good you
can possibly derive from them. Hall's
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J
Cheney A Co., Toledo, O., contains no
mercury, and Is taken Internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous sur­
faces of the system. In buying Hall's
Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genu­
ine. It Is taken internally and made In
Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Tes­
timonials free.
Bold by Druggists. Price 7Bc per bottle.
Take Hall's Fam hr Pills for constipation.
Daily Mails
Mail« at the I-ents poatoflice arrive
and depart as follows :
8:20 A.M.
6:00 A. M.
12 45P. M.
12:40P. M.
5:!» P. M.
8:10 P. M.
Montgomery’and Fifth St
Arleta Baptist Church
Bible School next Hunday morning at
9:45. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30
p. m. B. Y P. U. meeting at 6:15 p. m.
Prayer Meeting Thursday evening at
Everybody welcome to any atd
all of these services.
Millard Avenue Presbyterian Church
Sunday Services 10XX) a. m. Sabbath
School. 1100 a. m. morning worship,
j 6:45 p. m. Y P. 8. C. E. 7 :30 Evening
worship. Thursday, 7midweek ser­
vice, 8:00 p. m. cbior practice.
Rev. Wm. H. Amo«, Pastor.
St Peter's Catholic Church
Sundays: Low Maa« at 8 a. m. High
Maae at 10:30 a. m. Sunday School at
8:30 a. m. Week days : Maaa at 8 a. m.
I Choir Rehearsal, Sunday 12 M.
Seventh Day Adventist Church
Saturday Sabbath school, 10 a. m.
Saturday preaching. 11 a. m. Wednes­
day prayer meeting, 7:30 p. m. Bun­
day preaching, 7:45 p. m.
Subject : “The Closing Scenes in the
Conflic of the Ages.” A study of pres­
ent day conditions showing tbe rela­
tion of such conditions to tbe church.
All are welcome to attend these meet­
Experienced Woman
ia Attendance
Main Office
Phone Main 9
Chas. F. Parker
Real Estate—Notary Public
Phone East
Houses, Lots and Acreage
for Sale or Trade
Theme for 11 A. M. “What tbe gospel
is, What it does for us, And what we
i should do with it.” Theme 7 :30 P. M.
I “The four sins that crucified Christ.”
8. 8. 9:45 A. M , Y. P. A. 9:30 P. M
Preaching at Mt. Scott, Happy Valley
3 P. M. Good music and a cordial
welcome await all who come. P. Conklin,
6521 Foster Road, ~‘Arleta, Oiegon
Hawthorn Ave. and East 11th. St.
62nd St and Foster Road
Mrs. Lerch
Let us supply your needs in
Lents M. E. Church
Preaching 11 A. M. and reception of
members. Subject:' Tbe reward of a
wise decision Preaching at Bennett
Chapel M. E. Church 3 P. M.
Evangelistic Service in the evening and
the Mens chorus will sing. Sunday
School and Bible class 9G5 A. M.
Epworth League 7 P. M. “Gotochurch
services will be continued until further
notice. W. Boyd Moore, pastor.
Branch Office
We charge nothiug for the prompt
courteous treatment you receive at
this store.
Carters Building
We are glad to serve you any time
of day or night
Spring Building
Phone Tabor 1280
__________ We have the Lime, Brick. Cement, Plaster,
^^^^^^n'iviT^rJ^ncL^njK'iod as the beet at prices to/uit
when in nee-1 of Feed, Wood ’or ¡Coal.“Grades
and Quality for all purposes
Kem Park Feed & Fuel Company
6905 Foster Road
A Smile
of Satisfacton
will come if you buy your interior ¡finishing
lumber from us.
Lents Baptist Church
Lord's Day. Apr 26. Bible School,
9:45 P. M. Morning worship, 11 A. M.
Theme: “Demae the Deserter." Elmo
Heights Sunday School. 2:30 P. M.
Young People’s meeting. 7 P. M. Eve­
ning worship, 8 P.M. Theme: “Religion
for Display.’’ Good music. A friendly
Welcome. J. M. Nelson, pastor.
Paints, Oil Kalsomine and
•end order to JONHRUD BROS. Boring RD 2
Funeral Directors
69 St. and 46 Av«. S. E Bibl« School
10 a. m. Preaching Service 11 a. m.
and 7 J) p. m. Christain Endeavor
6:30 p.m. Junior O. E. 11 g. m. Mid­
week .Prayer Meeting Thursday 7:30
Midweek Bible class Thursday
8:15 p. m.
Lents Evangelical Church
RM ill 1 1-4 miles southeast ot Kelso
large »lock ot Dimension Lumber on hand
Hough and Dressed lumber for all purposes
J. P. Finley & Son
Tbe Arlete VJ^JC^THL^willmeet^a
week”from Friday, May 1. An essay
bylthe-members of the Upion. Sub­
ject ^‘Benefit of Prohibition for tbe
Laboring men. The place of meeting
if Mrs. Mary Fiahburn's, 4620, 71»t St.
8. E. Time of meeting 2:30 p. m.
"I was under a great strain nursing a
relative through three month's sick­
ness” writes Mrs. J. C. Van De Sande,
of Kirkland, III., and “Electric Bitters
kept me from breaking down.
I will
never be without it.” Do yon feel tired
and worn out?
No appetite and food
won't digest? It isn’t the spring
You need Electric Bitters.
Start a month’« treatment to-day;
nothing lietter for stomach, liver and
kidneys. The great spring tonic.
lief or money back. 60c. and $1.00, at
your Druggist.
Kem Park Christain Church
Tbe Kappa Sigma Pi of the Millard
Arthur Schmidt has secured a place
with tbe Portland Fire Department and avenue church held an open meeting
is stationed at 42d and Montgomery. Monday, April 13, and invited tbe
Buds of Promise. Mr. Pounder gave a
very interesting talk after which game«
Douglas Hewitt of 4210, 65tb St. 8. E.
were played and refreshments served.
is making some improvement« on hi«
Friday evening, April 17 at 9:30 p. m.
fire b'oke out at 6703, 60th avenue,
H. F. Pfeiffer, formerly of the Mt.
comer of 67th street, in a one and a
Scott News 1« building a new house at half story structure, unoccupied but
2904, 51st street S. E.
furnished. F. F. Plenkner, the owner,
lives at 606 ‘>9th Ave. Tbe damage
New walks are now being laid on 50 was about $500, partly covered by in­
and 51 avenues near Firland and from surance. Engine Co 31. and tbe Tre-
72 to 74 on 5fAb. Also between 43 and moot Volunteers made a good showing
SOth avenue« on 72 street.
Strengthens Weak and Tired Women
A new Christian Science church has
8. School 10 A. M. German School
been organized at Myrtle Park.
It 1« Saturday 10 A. M. Y. P. S. Wednesday
tbe fifth church of this denomination 8 P. M. Bunday worship 11 A. M.
*“ th' *“*• Jm McKenzie 1« first
T. H. Nchilaknecht. Pastor,5 Ave lent«
K<*der- Mr* J»n«* *COD<1-
<in wtu 176
We furnish soft yellow fir
of the kina that suits.
Let us Show You Our Stock of
Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Moul­
dings, Paper, Roofing and Builders Hardware
Lowest Prices consistent with
worth while qualities
The Square Deal Dominates all Our
Business^ Transactions
Wilberg-Oppegard InvJ?Co.
Lumber Yard
Real Estate Office
6924 Foster Road
Phone Taber 619
Broadway Building
Phone Main 6199
and saved the
entire building
The Easter cantata, “Darknen and
Dawn,” rendered by the choir of the
| Laurelwood M. E. Church on April 19
was well attended. Tbe soloist were:
Miss Helen Butzloff. leading soprano,
Miss Gladys 8auloer, and Mrs. Murray
as Mee so eopranoes, Mr. Mollit, tenor,
| and Mr. Gillis, baritone. Tbe church
was crowded and the service was ap-
i preciated by all present
A “Piano” For $10
Deposit: balance on easy pay­
Let your “Christmas
present” be a permanent one.
Let us prove to you a saving of
$25 to $100 on any piano you wish
to buy. Our system of selling
insures satisfaction. Free tuning
and inspection for one year. We
offer you a good piano for $195
(others would charge you $300).
Special offer for this week: First
class player piano for $455
(regular price $600). No sensa­
tional (circus) advertising; we
are out of the “high-rent dis­
trict”; no “buncomb piano
checks” nor “trading?wstamps.”
We positively give you ¡more
value at a less price than is possi­
ble to obtain elsewhere. Send us
the names of three or^ more
friends or neighbors who miarht
be interested in a piano, player
piano or Victrola, and we will
send you and them a beautiful
monthly art calendar forj 1914.
A visit will be of mutual advant­
We will be pleased to
demonstrate the “Christmas
player” action, which I can be
easily installed in any piano,land
makesany piano a “playor piano”
or anybody a pianist.
“auto” is at your service. Open
Soule Bros. ¡Piano
Company. .‘188 Morrison street,
near Tenth.—Adv.