Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, April 23, 1914, Image 1

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Ih» "Classified" column of th« Harald
contain* much valuable reading.
ML ^rott Wralò O
Subscription, $1.00 a Year.
Alleged Economies In Conduct of
Commissioners Offices are Shown
to be Wrong.
High Salaried
Bosses Make Big Hauls.
day evening to have the news spread
APRIL 23, 1914.
la-nta |>eople was surprised last Tues­
It ha* been stated at various time*
during the winter and spring that the
record* of the county oourt would show
remarkable ecouomie* in the manage­
ment ol county affair*.
•hown how very
It ha* been
materially lea*
county waa paying tor taxa* thia year
around town that Kay burn A Hon* had
sold their huaineM to Katxky Bros. The
sale was ina<le with the understanding
that lit« linn quit buaineaa at once. The
Stock will tie disfKMed of by Katzky’s,
an<l the Rayburn* will enter mm« otlier
field of activity. Tlw firm has done a
flne buaineaa for several year* and after
such atrenuou* busineaa activity and
mu-ceas tiiey are in a position to take a
"lay off" for a while, and aaMr. Rayburn
says, he intrmia to loaf around town aa
long as he pl«-«««*
have been kept within narrower bound*.
True, county taxes thi* year ar* not
quite eo high thl* year aa laet, but the
■um total ol county taxa* and state
The Giant* again added another vic­
taxea ia conaiderahly higher, and know­
ing that thia would be true it appear* tory to their belt* Hunday when they
to a good many people that the tax took the last t nioa Meat Co. down the
Many fast
tbia year might have been kept down line with a ecore of 5 to 2.
about $50U,(On by going a little Hower and sensational play* were pulled off
on road Improvement* until the burden along with the flne work of both
of etale tax had t>een lifted.
Why un­ pitchers, The feature* of the game wa*
dertake *o much , at one timef
Why I the excellent work of both out field*,
not dispose of th« at ate burden and then j They pulled off *ome of the faateet
go after the new county improvment*? work ever seen <>n the l-ents grounds.
Cye Webb was there in hi* usal form
The Columbia highway i* not a neeeee-
ity though It will be a valuable addition sticking in the benders in big league
to the county** wealth and attraction*. ' form. Ed Wise pitched a nice game
A comparison ol figure* recently but the Giant* were a little too strong
Htrike out* by Webb 0, by
published by the county auditor dia- lor him
cloeee several intereetinv thing*, relative ¡Wise 8. Hits off Wise 7, off Webb, 8.
Errors by Meat Co. 4, by Giants 4.
tn the county lartn.
Next Hunday the Giant* play the fast
First ft month* of 1912, gro-
eerie* and supplie* ............... $25,116.77 Overlooks. The Overlooks are a fast
Second 0 month* of 1912,
bunch and they are coming out to get
groceries and supplie*............ 19,206.04 the Giants scalps. So a good fast game
Total for year 1912...........
$44,324.81 is assured.
First 6 month* of 1913, Im-
Lineup, Union Meat Co:
provemet* . ...........................
$1,700.00 third base; Jipay, right field; Hoyt,
First 8 month*, groceries
first base; Emricb, catcher; Nelson,
and supplies..........................- 23,371.7® second base; Hharkey, short stop; .Mil­
Total for flrat 8 months,
ton, center Held ; Wise, pitcher; Power*,
1913 ....................................... - $25,071.76 left field.
Lent* Giants: Gulliford,
Second ft month* of 1913,
right field; Mascot, short stop; W.
Improvement*... ....................
1,700 00 Webb, center field ; Jamieon, third base;
Second 8 month* of 1913
Berry, Ifft field; Wank, second base;
groceries and supplie* ........ 31,971 37 A. Ro'»"4, first base; B. Boland, catch­
Total for second 8 month«,
er; E. V. ebb, pitcher.
1913 ........................
-------------- ------------------
Total for veer 1913 ........... $58,743.12
In the Oregonian of April 19, 1914,
Mr. Holman set* up the claim of saving
more than $4,O>i between June and
December of la*t year.
Sow a very
The second meeting of the Lincoln
brief examination of the table will die Republican Club will be held this even­
clone that the total expenditure* of the ing at Lenta, and at the school house.
county farm for 1912 wa* $44,324 Hl and The Club will continue the meetings
for 1913 it waa $88,743.12.
That i* a each Monday and Thursday evening
monthly average ol $3,993.73 in 1912 and until after primary election.
$4,895.20 in 1913, and an average in­ body is invited to attend, irrespective of
crease per month of $1201.53.
It will party.
be objected that a part of thi* increaae
waa due to improvement*. The month­
Lents Fuel Co. Expand
ly average lor improvement* wa*
The l^nts Fuel Co. ha* been making
$2*3 33. Take that from the $1201.53
and you alilll have $918.31 in excess some improvemets this last week. The
monthly over last year in the mainten­ company has l>een using a rented tarn
up to this time and now they have
ance of the (arm alone.
We have a county surveyor in thi* built their own and it is worth seeing.
county and he i* paid (or doing the The floo-a are solid concrete, laid to
county road work. Under Mr. Holman’s drain into a convenient cee* pool and
"economic" plan the county surveyor thq place can be washed and scrubbed
ha* l>een relieved ol hi* job and especial out dally. The stalls are double floored
set of surveyor* have been maintained and they have water | iped Into the
It will be so bandy that
lor month* at flgnrea that are really in­ run way.
teresting in comparison with the up­ "Bill" ia thinking of moving into one
keep of the regular surveyor’* office of the stalls himself. The mo v will
take care of a couple of loads of hay and
Take for inetance the past (our a convenient grain box will complete
the arrangement.
month* :
To say the owner* are pleased with
1914, 8. C. Lancaster and crew.
Columbia River County and -raw their new building is putting it mildly.
Surveyor* Bill ha* been sitting up nights telling
$ 187 50 the "boys" all about it, and he ha* a
January............. $ 1,718.78
200.115 right to say anything he want* to »ay
February.......... 2,879 50
226 10
March................ 3,058 04
The barn is p* in ted red.
April ................ 3,931.74
$ 898.H5
Total................. $11.380.0ft
Thirteen carload* of household goods,
Mr. Lancaster i* supposed to draw representing the belongings of fifteen
$15 per day, as consulting engineer. In families, have been received at Bend
January he drew $390; Feburary, 430; within the past few weeks. Six car-
March, 449.95; April, eo far, 40ft 45.
loada were received in February, and
Kansas Society Will Meet
The regular monthly meeting of the
Kansas Society of Oregon will meet at
Aliskey hall, 3rd and Morriaon, Friday
Al) member* and former
Kansan* are invited to attend
“Curfew Must Rinf”
The city council recently passed a
new curfew ordinance and children
under 18 years of age, must be off the
street by 9 p. m., nnles* accompanied
by parent*. The police department I*
instructed to inforce the ordinance and
it ia probable eome of the young ele­
ment will have a chance to test the
strong arm of a policeman.
I according to present indications April
will break ail records. The newcomers
are all families in good circumstances,
with complete outfits of fanning
implements and supplies. One farmer
brought his own well drilling outfit,
! and among their other possessions is
some of the beat stock seen in Central
| Oregon.
Plan* for corn show* to be held next
Fall and Winter are now being made
by official* of the O. W. II. & N. Ry.
at the same time the seed corn is being
distributed among the farmers of the
state. Cash prises from $5 to $25 will
be offered, the entries to vary from
the best single ear of corn to the
product of the best acre, with boy
growers given special inducements to
Mr. Fish of Haginaw Heights, who compete. It is stated by those in
suffered a broken ankle, ia in the (rood charge of the project that this year’s
Samaritan Hospital again. The accident acreage will be ten time* that of last
happened at the 8. P. Yards.
For the convenience of local citizens
the right to issue burning permit* hai
been given to Frank Rayburn. Chief of
the Lent* Volunteer Fire Department.
The new ordinance, No. 24014, that
cover* this makes it unlawful for any
person to light or kindle a bonfire, for
the purpose of consuming waste material
in the open air within the City of Port­
land either on Public Streets, Public
ground, or private property without
, first obtaining a written permit The
| penalty aa declared by thia ordinance
for any violation of same is punishme nt
bv a fine not exceeding $500, or by
imprisonment not more than 90 days,
or by both such fine and imprisonment.
than teat, but it ha* not been ahown al­
to how varv materially It might (till
Vol. 12.
It doesn't always pay to be Kmart. At
leaxt so two of tlie lx-nt> lx>yn learned
I last Thursday evening. Chad Allie and
—Kessler in New York Evemoo Sun.
Our Representative Timber
Under this head we intend to run a little news each
week concerning the men who would represent us at
the State Capitol next winter.
legislature candidates to
of himself, in the Cuban war; served in
some­ the Phillipinee, returning to Portland
column. in 1899. He studied law at th* Uni­
thing ol tbemselve* in this
Few of them have reeponded.
They versity school, wa* admitted in 19(4*;
•eem to think the Invitation has a waa elected to the legislature the same
string to it. We want it distinctly un­ year, being chairman of the committee
derstood that the invitation anticipated on printing. In June 19u9 he was ap­
no further obligation from the candi­ pointed Register of the U. 8. Land
date, and that it wa* extended for his Office at Lakeview, returning to Port-
own benefit and that of the public. ' land July laet.
Other* wil; follow next week.
He favors consolidation of board*,
The candidates have told their own and tax reduction : fewer laws, quarter-
, ly tax payment, corrective laws for
; state criminals, economically supervised
R. M. Burley, Candidate for Re­ per manent highways, easy payment
publican nomination for State Repre­ for state lands,
sentative, is 29 year* old. Wa* born in
the State of North Dacota and received
F. M. DeNeffe was oom in Iowa,
hi* education at the uuiveraitv of that lived on a farm in Washicgton, gradu­
state. Spent four years in the state ated from the Spokane high school in
auditor's office ami school land depart­ 1901 and came to Portland that year.
ment of the said state. Came to Port­ He graduated from Ann Arbor Law
land five vears ago. Attorney, snd for school in 1906, return»! to Oregon,
four years President of the Multnomah settling at Eugene, bnt moved to Port­
Abstract Company. Pay* taxes in six land in 1909. He was chief clerk of the
different counties in Oregon.
Senate Railroad Committee, 1907, and
in 1909 chief clerk of the Senate Judi­
Robert C. Wright, Republican Candi­ ciary Committee of the Oregon Legisla­
He is a tax payer in several
date for Repreeeiative,
Multnomah ture.
County. In Oregon since 1888, prac­ counties, incuding Multnomah.
ticed law in Portland 24 year*. Always approve* of lower taxee, semi-annual
a student of public affairs and seek* payment, fewer but better laws, aboli­
legislative experience as a student. tion of useless commissions, economy in
Never a candidate before.
Programe. appropriations, a sane business like
Fix responsibility on some one for legislative session.
correct drafting of law*. Straighten
out the tax law* and cut off taxes
Ja-. W. Beveridge a self-made nun.
wherever possible.
Is for the few Native of California.
needed laws only, without mistakes or Oregon (or over 30 years.
Born on a
joker*. Wants to »top the making of farm and educated in a printing office
more laws and give ousine** a breathing and night school: loet both mother and
spell without more legislative dictation. father before he was 9 years of age;
Is married and paid about $120 taxes commenced his trade in H. 8. Crocker
in 1914. He is a prominent member of A Co's printing office at 9; worked 10
Evening Star Grange.
hour* a day; sttended night school from
7 till 9:30; delivered newspapers -from
Conrad P. Olson, Candidate for re­ 10 till 12:30 p m. in order to earn
election to the Legislature; I* a success­ enough money to keep himself and to
ful attorney; born in Wisconsin, edu­ help support and educate two sisters.
cated at Btevens Point Normal and At 19 was foreman of one of the largest
Is now a
University of Wisconsin through hi* printing offices in Oregon.
own effort*; Ex Principal of Schools. member and Vice President of Bushong
Waa connected with the Wisconsin State A Co. A member of the legislature in
Civil Service Commission and observed 1907. Platform: Efficient government,
honestly and economically administered.
the work of two Legislature* there.
Was an active and efficient worker in Semi-annual payment of taxee without
the last Legislature and stands on hi* penalty or interact. Collection of taxes
record there. Secured the passage of by one county officer instead of by three
Reasonable re-
several remedial laws and was the first officer* as at present.
man to enter the race pledged for lower batch# full payment of taxee before
taxes ami less law*, which hl* experi­ April 1st. Suppression of the pernicious
ence in the legislature will enable him system of log-rolling in the Legislature.
to secure. Married, and ha* a family Full publicity to all proposed legislative
Permanent registra­
and Isa home owner; pays taxes in appropriations.
tion of voter* to save cost of constant
four counties in this state.
re-registration. Abolition of useless
O. W. Orton, attorney at 925 Yeon and wasteful commissions.
John Smith ;>r<x-eeded to show the town
tiiey could do a* they pleased and say
any old thing they chose, and tiiey chose
to -ay some tiling* that were not
gentlemanly. Tom Cowing overheard
ttiem and after getting a tieaping measure
of abuse for advising them to keep quiet,
he iiad tliem arrested and taken before
the local justice. The result* wa* that
the boy* are out on parole, having
promised to be decent when on the
street* after thi*.
A. Fan no, with hi* wife and
an Immigrant of 1845. The wife
and mother died and was buried at
Oregon City. The following year, 1846,
Mr. Fanno looked over the country,
■ and selected hi* claim. It was very
easy to select good claim* in those day*,
for Uncle Sam had a lot of available
land waiting for some one to ‘‘claim"
I it. Then, as now, no one man had ¡a
monopoly of success. The law of
compensation runs through nature
everywhere, but in those pioneer days
it called forth ail possible energy and
I endurance.
This man, one of the builders of
' "Oregon Homes", was willing to accept
the “bitter with the sweet’’ and make
i the best of his opportunities, and
surroundings. When he moved onto
his 646 acre claim, he built his log cabin
on a gravely bit of plaine of perhaps
two acres. This was now his home and
his only companion was his little five
year old son. At that time there was
heavy timber all about the place which
was the home of wolves, bears and
panthers, they were numerous and
Mr. Fanno was seriously handicaped
the ‘‘boy’’ was too small to be left
alone, and it was unsafe for him to
accumpany his father out in the woods,
when the work of evening had to be
accomplished. The only alternative,
was to place this youngster up in the
cabin loft and lock the door! There
was an immense amount of work to do,
cleaning those scree of their growth of
of immense firs, and then get the soil
into cultivstkm. There were seventeen
seres of genuine "Beaver Dam" land
on the place, the only growth on this
acreage was cat-tail flags. It was a
ventable swamp though and the work
of draining had to be done. In "due
course of time' ’ this task was completed
and later waa developed into one of the
best onion tracts in the state.
Wonderful crops of onions have been
produced yearly and are now known
a* the "Fanno Onion.’’ This wss
I located at a point where, the then,
, newly constructed road from Oregon
City to the Tualatin Plains, crosses a
small stream that is known as "Fanno
Creek’’, which heads near Bertha
I station, flowing into a North westerly
direction, snd empties into the Tualetin.
The Fanno cabin was the only human
' habitation between Oregon City and
the "plains" mentioned, for a distance
of probably twenty miles. Oregon
City in those days was the leading
town of the state. At this time the
road to which reference has been given,
was the only one running between the
Portland mountains and the Chehalen
mountains, a distance of about thirty
i Miles.
building, was Imrn an a farm near
Moline, Mich , Jan. 1874.
Mrs. Ernest Maas of Oregon City
Mis* Carol Hogue returned to Mon­
country school, high school, and went spent last Thursday visiting her former mouth Oregon Inst Sunday. She will
to business college in Chicrgo.
Wa* a teaclier, Mrs. Hogue. Mr*. Mass wa* a graduate from there in June, and then
telegraph operator, teacher, and first I student of Mrs. Hogues when she first will follow her chosen profession of
lieutenant of a company he mustered came to Oregon, in 1888.
No. 17
Organizing a Producers’ Co-operative
Association Under r-<>n$i4eratton.
Also the Establishment of a Can­
nery to be run in Connection.
A small but enthusiastic gathering of
farmer* and businee* men representing
Gresham, Lenta, Pleasant Valley, Gil­
bert, Ruseelville and Troutdale, met at * *
the rooms of the Gresham Commercial
Club last Monday evening for the pur­
pose of taking under consideration the
advisability of organizing a co-operative
producers’ association with a view to
encourage the growing and marketing
of fruits and all kinds of produce ia ear
load lota. A cannery proposition has
also been put up to the people of
Eastern Multnomah and Clackamaa
counties, which it i* proposed to ran in
connection with the producers’ associa­
tion. It ia proposed to ornnize along
iinee similar to tboee under which the
Puyalup and F.agene people have at­
tained such remarkable results.
are told that grower* in theeecommuui-
tie* are making net profit* of from ten
to twenty percent on land valued at
from $500 to $1000 per acre.
Gresham and the country tributary
ha* all the advantages for growing and
marketing produce that these places
posses, and some advantage* which they
do not have.
The (ucceeaful launching of thia en­
terprise will, without a doubt, solve the
question of onr future prosperity; It
mean* that our town* will hav* a big
pay role; it mean* employment for an
army of worker*; it mean* the dividing
up of the large real estate bolding into
email tract* with a home on each tract.
When you can ebow the prospective
purchaser that be can make ten per­
cent and more on his investment you
will have no difficulty in selling $500
acre land. This institution spell* busi-
nee* for everybody, men, women and
children. And the way to make it a
success is for everybody to put their
shoulder to the wheel and push, and if
necessary dig down into your pocket
and put up a few plunks, they will
come baca to you with a substantial in­
Another meeting is called for Monday
evening, April 27. at which this ques­
tion will be discussed m all its phases.
It is to be hoped that every community
from Portland to the Sandy river and
from the Columbia to the C’scksmas
will be represented by a large de legs/
tion of representative men and women.
This i* your opportunity to start some­
thing. Get busy and tell your neigh­
bor* about it.
Don’t forget the date.
Monday evening, April 27, at Greeham
Commeicial Club room*.
Baseball Chatter
The way Berry pulled them off the
boards Sunday made the Ian* think be
had wing*.
8ay did y«u notice the way Al rapped
that old pill on the uoae Sunday.
That boy Wank eure made some nice
play* around second. They all look
alike to him.
The way Cye Webb was putting them
over 8unday make* the fane wonder
what be would really do if lie bad a
real dry ball.
Walter Webb cover* more ground in
center field than a good fast race horse
Captain Mascot was there Bunday in
his usual form, getting about six
chances without an error
Jameeon wa* some busy boy on third
Bunday, but Jamev should worry, it
msy be dry next 8nnday.
Bill Boland caught a nice game be­
hind the bat last 8unday. but say. Bill,
what’s the matter with that old throw­
ing arm?
Bill Gnlliford bsd some nice time
cathing fly balls Sunday, but it* just
like hitting them into a well when they
hit to Bill.
There i* one thing about Lie "ump,"
Mr. White when he gives a decision, that
goes. Nuff said.
Mike will be on the firing line lor the
Gi nt* next Sunday.
Clackamas county will vote on a
$6<« ),000 road bond issue on May 15.
One of th» proposed improvement* le
the 1-enta to Oregon City rood.
Rayburn A Son* hav* opened up an
office on Foster Ro«I, near the Poet
Office, where they will attend to clming
up business affaire.
Thursday the 30th will be comasemo-
rated by member* of the Methodist
church in lent* for being the 7tb anni­
versary of the founding of the church,
and the 5th anniversary of the begin­
ning of the pastorate of Rev. Moore.
Preparations are in program to make it
a genuine Methodist hallelujah affair.