Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, April 16, 1914, Image 1

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    Ihe "Claaalfled" column of the Herald
contains much valuable reading.
Subscription, $1.00 a Year.
Al tbe last meeting ot Evening Klar
Sunday's Game Brings Grief to Ken- Giange, a motion favoring nation wide
“Slmey” Bad Prophet, prohibition was carried. This Grange
Gets Eyes Opened. Game, 9 to 3, took the aland in favor of free tolls for
to Lents.
in a vary esciting game Hunday the
Giants defeated the Kenton Giants 9 to
3. The diamond was very wet or a
much better game would have listen
played. Tbe Lenta troys had It their
way, all except the first inning, when
Mascot's error filled Ihe bases with no­
body out. But Mike proceeded to get
bu y and struck oat the next three
men. lie hail every thing hie own way
then until the fourth when tbe baaee
were again filled on a hit and Mascot’s
error. Then Hornhe »cored on Wat­
son's error to the plate.
The Kenton
tribe never earned a score and the
lent» boys only earned 6, the other 3
tie I ng on errors. Kenton Giant»' crack
pitcher, Morris, was knocked out of the
box in tbe sixth inning, and Johnson
replaced him. Johnson allowed three
hit», Morri» allowed 7, and Boland al­
lowed 5. Strike outa by Morri» 6, by
Johnson 1 ; by Boland 14.
Errors by
Lente Giantf 3, by Kenton Giant» 2.
Next Hunday the Giants plav the
Brooklyn Grays. The Grays are a very
IVe all know liecause they
last team.
were out here last year ami gave the
boys a very (»st game
Manager Forte Is having the »rounds
gone over this week, so the diamond
will be in fine shape for next Bunday's
game. Every l*a»e ball Ian should see
this game. Come one. Come all.
Line up for Bunday's game: Kenton
Giants : Earley, catcher , Heinler, third
bass; Horn be, short stop; Shipley, first
base, Nelson, second liase; Morris,
pitcher; Vesper, right field; Balky,
left field; Wiley, center field; Johnson,
pitcher. I-«i>ts Giants Gulliford, right
field; Maecot, short stop; Webb, center
field; Berry, left field; A. Boland, first
base; Wank, second l«se , Watson, third
l«se , Jameson, third liase; B. Boland,
catcher; M. Boland, pitcher.
Baseball Chatter
Bill GalliGird sure is hitting the old
pill on ths nose this year. McCredie
will soon I* after him.
coast wise vessels and the Secretary was
to notify toe
Henators in Washington of such action.
There ware no Initations at ths morning
session and the time was well spent
under Good and Welfare ot the Order.
The Htate Lecturer, H. A. Darnell,
told of his recent visit to Beattie with
other Portland men in the interest of
the Portland Public Markets.
He said
that tbe markets there were good
things, both lor ths producer and also
for the consumer, and urged tbe start­
ing and patronizing of one in Portland
on Yambill street from Third to Sixth
Representatives of ths Albina Public
Market were also present and said that
one would I m * started in that part of the
city on April 16, and urged the farmers
present to Ire on hand with whatever
they had to sell, as there would be pur­
chasers present, to buy all that was of-
' fered.
The charter was draped iu memory of
Brother A. J. Garnet, who recently
passed away after » lingering illness,
and a brief tribute was was read by tbe
worthy Master Johnson.
The following program then was ren-
; tiered, conducted by H. F. Ball, the
lecturer: A «ong, and an encore, was
given by tbe small children of the Hoff­
man school under the directions of their
teachers, tbe Misses Hart and Smith,
and was much eojoyed.
All enjoyed
their childish voice«.
Miss Izirna
Ganong rendered some very acceptable
I solos, and Miss Marie Meyers gave
some fine readings. Piano duets were
rendered by the Misses Elaine and
Eloise Clouse. Prof. I. A. Mel led y of
Jefferson high school gave a very enter­
taining and instructive talk on "Bees,
their Habits and Divisions of l^bor,"
and I think most ot the audience kno v
more aliont bees now than before bis
talk was given.
Mrs. Henrietta W.
Calvin, dean of Homs Economies of the
O. A. V. told about “Food Habits" in a
very instructive and pleasing manner.
Hhe gave good advice which it would he
well for all to heed.
Heveral visitors were present, some
from Washington.
The way Bill Boland eats them out of
the dirt behind the bat, be will soon lie
playing short for the Beavers.
Maecot, who was appointed captain
The Lincoln Republican Club lias
for the Giants, pulls off some fast stuff
arranged a series of meetings in differ­
around short; look out Forte, yon had
ent parts of the county. The program
tietter raise his salary.
will begin at 8t. Johns city hall Mon­
day evening. From then until the pri­
Walter Webb sure has his eye on the mary rallies willl be held in various
old pill this year. He is Ixtting alwut parts of the city, especially in the
branch library centers several times a
I week. Speakers have not as yet been
Mike Boland was in some tight holes selected for any of these meetings.
Hunday. But Mike should worry; he Meetings of interest to Mt. Scott and
lent» people are listed as follows:
just strikes them out.
Lents School—Monday, April
Berry is sure covering some ground in Tbur-day, April 23; Monday, April
left field.
Nothing goes by that big Thursday, April 30; Monday, May, 4:
Thursday, May 7; Monday, May 11:
Thursday, May 14.
The way Emory Webb it shooting in
the benders this year keeps the "nmpe"
busy calling them.
A. Boland is sure playing some game
at first, he reaches 9 foot 6 inches from
the bag anyway.
Wank is the fastest second baseman
the lent» fanshave seen in a long while.
Hie "timpe,” the Hon. Lent sure um­
pired a nice game Sunday.
Lester Moll has moved into his new
home on Foster road.
Our Representative Timber
Under this head we intend to run a little news each
week concerning the men who would represent us at
the State Capitol next winter.
It is definitely stated that the
Oregonian's “picked” bunch were really
picked by Mr. Pipher, l)an Malarky,
John Ijigan, Jav Bo.ernian, and David
Drum. The so-called 100 really did
not request the "Oregonian’s candi­
dates" to rnn. On the other hand hav­
ing chosen the bunch, the five gentle­
men above named proceeded to secure
endoisements. It is denied in many
' instances that endorsers knew they
were to be published as indorsing all
"the Oregonian’s twelve," but rather,
man) of them gave%«sent to individuals
in the numtwr.
There was some talk of an organiza-
I lion among the twentv-five men who
are running regularly, but most of the
candidates consider that would lie un­
necessary. Others favored a reduction
of tbe number by some mutually a g re e
able plan of elimination.
Tbe big
majority however, so far as have been
interviewed, favor leaving it to the
voters to do the eliminating. They
feel that the public is competent to
make its own selection, and if it pre­
fers to cbooae some of the Oregonian’s
"assembly picked,” it should be its
So far the Mate girls have not made I
Mrs. Spinner of 56 St. died last
Friday under very sail circirnstaneee.
She *1» at home alone with her two
year old grandson, and the death
evidently occurred during the night for
both were dressed io their night clothes.
Tiie boys parents went to the house on
Saturday evening but getting no reply
to their advances concluiied that mother
Spinner was-away from home.
On returning Sunday morning the
child replied to the knocking and its
parents were first led to think something
was wrong. The windows were forced
open and the grand mother was found
<iead and the child chilled till it was
blue. It was carried to a neighbors
house and gradually warmed up. It
was fonnd that Mrs. Spinner died of
apoplexy. The funeral was heki at
2:30 Tuesday. Her daughter lives at
45th and Holgate.
| Runs Without a Republican Opponent
The finishing touches are being put ;
For State Treasurer
a demand for recognition in tbe race on the new and commodious Yeager '
for queen of the Roee Show this year. theatre, the seats are all in. tbe elegant
And there is no reasou for this.
Lente indirect lights are complete, wiring is
fonnd anvwhere.
Mr. Hyde, Father-inlaw of our re-
spec ted agent, Mr. Campbell, at the
Junction, died last Thursday Morning
at his daughters home. Mr. Hyde had
been in ill health for a year past suffer­
ing from disease of the liver and brain.
He was highly respected in ihe home
community and paased away in peaceful
Mr. Hurlburt, who has been City En­
gineer, but was legislated out of of-i H. E. Lewis, iiolnun, Mrs. Hawk,
flee when the commission charter was ,
Addresses Grangers: Ornamental
adopted, was asked Friday to enter
Trees And Shrubs For Homes,
the race, and after a conference Fri­
Main Topic.
day forenoon and again Saturd y aft- ’
emoon, when he received assurance of
certain support, he agreed to be a can­
Saturday waa an interesting day for
lente Grange. The forenoon was taken
Although bom in Iowa in 1860, Hurl- i
np in initiating eeven in the third and
hurt came to Oregon with hie parents
fourth degree. After a fine dinner pre­
when 10 years old, and haa resided
pared by the grange dinner committee a
here since. He received his education
very interesting lecture hour waa held.
in the local schools, and became a sur­
Mr. Rnfua Holman, County Com-
veyor on railroad work when he waa
rnisaioner was present and told of the
18. In 1886 he was City Surveyor of
good works done by the county board.
East Portland, and from 1886 to 1891
Mr. H. E. Lewis of the Russelville
he was County Surveyor, at which time
grange, and President of the Multnamah
he resigned to become City Engineer
Fair Association, was present and gave
for the consolidate Portland, East
a very practical talk on "Ornamental
Portland and Albina. It was while
Trees and Shrubs for our Homes.” He
County Surveyor that he made a re­
laid special streas upon the beautiful
port on the feasibility of a pipeline trees and shrubs growing
wild and
from Bull Run to Portland, and this
showed how easily they could tie trana-
report was adopted by the Legislature.
planted to our lawns and how bean tifnl
For a number of years, from 1896
they are.
to 1907, he was surveying for the Gov­
He told how eastern people were
ernment, and in 1907 he was District
willing to pay a good sum for our wild
Engineer, being made City Engineer
trees and shrnbe. Among these men­
in 1911, holding this position until the
tioned, were the Oregon grape, cedar,
commission charter was adopted. He
pines, hemlocks, springes, dogwood,
was a candidate for Commissioner un­
flowering currant, and many others.
der the new charter, being defeated
He also told how to take care of your
by a small margin.
roses and how to provide ones self with
"Strict law enforcement, efficiency,
cuttings. Mrs. Egbert presented an
economy," is the slogan of Hurlburt.
original poem entitled “Lente Grange"
His platform says:
which waa very interesting. Mrs. Hawks
"If nominated and elected, I will
representing the Rose Festival, waa
construe my oath of office to mean a
present and asked that this grange send
complete ar.d effective enforcement
a representative to the Rose Festival
of the law. I will have no interest to
business meeting held last Monday
serve but the public interest I will
night. Messrs. Hotchkiss, Benefield
give the protection of my office to all
Damall was the
persons and sll classes alike. I will
conduct my office with regard to econ­
Vpon the suggestion made by Mr.
omy. I will at all times serve all offi­
Holman, a committee from the grange
cial papers with promptness. I will
was appointed consisting of Mr. Miller,
give all prisoners in my custody hu­
Mrs. Katxky and Mrs. Smith, to visit
mane treatment and wholsome food. ”
tlie County Farm, located near Trout-
dale, on next Thursday. Mrs. Smith
told "How Arbor Day Originated” and
of the -»a*nral fos**2e ftf the
world. Numerous solos, both instru­
mental and vocal, and suitable Arbor
Day recitations completed the program.
Visitors were present from Silver lake
Grange of Washington. Mr. ami Mrs.
Hanson of Milwaukee grange and Mr.
and Mrs. H. E. Lewis of Russelville.
Of the regular Republican candidate*,
C. Olson, G A. Hal), R. C. Wright,
W. T. Hume, Loyd Bates, R. M.
Burley, Jas. G. Richardson, A. W.
Orton, H. C. Kornegav, F. M. DeNeffe,
W. A. Leet, B. E. Youmans, and F. 8.
Fisher are lawyers. Jas. W. Beveridge,
H. A. Damall, anti Southard, printers.
R. W. Gill is a farmer.
L. B. Banlie
is a junk dealer.
has just as fine looking girls as can be done, over a hundred and fifty dollars
Ami just as good worth of the beet scenery has been
Ironght of the Pacific Coast Scenery
’t take much to
Court Lents Foresters of America
Company and is ready for use, and jnet
: visited the Mt. Hood Court of Portland I get your name in the pot either, girls
a little touching up here and there is
Wednesday, Brothers Goggins* Peterson, There are 22 girls now in the race. Get
all there is left to be done, and then
j Peck and Olinski were among those some of your friends to nominate you.
' who visited the Portland court. After 1 Then the people of the town will vote 1-ents will have one of the very beet
show places in all of Portland. One of
the Court adjourned the visitors were ! for queen. The twehe girls getting tbe
| entertained at supper and a splendid highest votes will be the queen and her tbe special features of the new honse is
its ventilation. Fans and vents will
J time was had by all^lie local men. retinue, the one getting the largest
make it possible to give a complete
I Brother Peterson gave a short talk on num er of voles to be queen.
change of air in three minutes. That
I Foresting. Bhort speeches were also
Getting in tbe retinue will mean a is just half the time of any other house
Deck, Goggins, lot. The qneen and her retinue will be
[ made by
iu the city.
Oelinski. Court Lents and Court Mt. > given free tripe to Salt latke, I.oe
The lanterns >•> be used are bran
Hood will play a game of Base Ball for I Angles, San Francisco, Sacramento,
new, latest models -ud they will save
a purse in the near future, both lodge's Seattle, and Tacoma, all expenses paid.
yonreyes trom much of the dangerous'
have good teams and a good game is ex- But they must be go<xl entertainers,
caused by p6or machines and
1 pected.
must know how to meet people, and bad seating.
i must be good advertiser for the Rose
Tbe opening show will be held Satur­
| M. 8. Haren replied this week to Festival. That looks easy and it would
day night. A special program will be
L. Weinberg who has been writing the be easv for dozens of girls in the Mt. provided, several vaudeville stunts will
"News" that lente lias no fin* protection, Scott section. All it takes to get into be shown and a big run of igh grade
that every thing burns etc. Mr. Wein­ the bunch is to have yonr names pre­ reels. Most everyone in Lents is going
' berg doesn't seem to have a very sented to the Roee Festival Contest
All the shops and attractions in town
appreciative view of the good work done Manager and then go to hustling tor will have to close for this special occa
by the Lents Volunteer», considering ' votes. It costs you uothing and you sion. Having seen this they will want
the disadvantages they work under. get a chance at the finest time in vour to go there again whenever they expect
If water was a little more convienent life.
to get their money’s worth.
the Volunteers would every time. Hazen
Just call up Main 2800 and ask for
gives Mr. Weinberg something tn think ’ tbe c ntest manager and he will tell
you tbe rest.
The Lents base ball team wishes to
thank the public for their generous
support at the tienrflt show held in the
Isis theatre Wednesday night, April
15. A record attendance waa present.
We wish also to thank the management
of tbe Isis for their efforts in our be­
half. The mate quartett composed of
Messrs. E. Crocker, Chas. Thomas, H.
E. Wilson, and Jas. Baker rendered
some ot the liest harmony ever heard
in lent». The regular show alone was
worth much more than the price of ad­
mission. The Giant» are trying hard
to win a pennant this season, an<l the
public’s presence, both at the lieneflt
and in the grand stand, goes a long
ways to make a success of our efforts. ♦
Mrs. I/in Gates of 266 Foster road
will leave thia week to join her hualmnd
in Vancouver B. C. where he will go in
to business.
—Harding in Brooklyn Eagle.
Little Ralph Littlefield, the uine year
old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Little­
field o( Campbell street. died Wednes­
day evening of dropsv.
The little
fellow has been sick over two years,
hut was only s< rions a lew dsvs prior
to his death. The family have ti e
Sympathy of their many friends in their
Dolson's Dairy, now located on the
Pottage Farm two miles east of Lente
will hold a sale about the middle of
May for the purpose of disposing of a
snrp'us of st ck, tools,
and varions
forms of apparatus that has been ac­
cumulating from time to tinie.
Funeral Notices
Henry Hankins, of Portland, former­
ly of Roseburg, and at one time a resi­
dent of Woodmere, died at 248 Front
street, the 5th of this month. He waa
a brother-in-law of Mrs. Hnakins of
Woodmere. He was taken to Ranier,
Ore , for burial, Kenworthy having
charge of the case.
of this is practically new, and some of
it is furniture oael in the milk depot
maintained by
last summer.
Mr. Doleon in
It will be a fine oppor­
tunity for some to secure some good
dairy stock or to provide themselves
with articles handy about a dairy. Mr
A. M. Lull died April 9ch, at the
Bolson is r.ot going out of the business, home of hie son at 6910 51st Ave 8. E.
but finds he has need for a smaller lot Mr. Lull was Hl years of age.
of material for his present location. monia was the direct cause of hie death.
He was buried Saturday afternoon from
Mrs. C. A. Daniela, received a great the Friend’s Church, Lente, where the
many complements for the choir of the funeral was held, Rev. Cobnrn conduct­
Burial was at tbo
M. E. Church, for the splendid manner ing the services.
in which they rendered the Cantata, Multnomah cemetery.
“The Resurrection Hope," Easter Sun­
day evening at the M E. Church.
Mary L. Knopf, 67 years of age, was
They have been requested to repeat buried Tneedav at 2:30 from Ken­
the Cantata at Kenton and also at worthy’s Chapel, Lents, having died at
the family residence at 7015 SOth Ave.
8. E. She formerly lived at Wapinitia,
The directors ot the county fair are
Wednesday wiil be remembered for and had numerous friends at that place.
getting hu«v early this year^ They met being the date of one of the heaviest Rev Baker officiated at the funeral.
last week anti decided on a new stocs falls of hail in years, at Lenta.
barn 40x80, a new poultry building, and harm was done, tbo Bros. Tobin, Coff­
A. Galachio, having sold hie home on
a new building of some sort to conduct man McCullonn and a few of the other Gilbert avenue to W. H. Wood, has
the eugenic department in. The grounds retired gentry were severely bruised on moved into the Alplanalp home near the
will be l-eautifled and the permanent the shoulders and head by falling hail Junction.
Mr. Wood is preparing to
shrubbery will be pnt ont.
build a new residence on his purchase.