CLASSIFIED LOCAL AND PERSONAL Closing Out SALE All ,-hurch, society. personal and local news not published tor proti. tree, notices of sn Mrtalnmeuta, conducimi lor prortt, published at a J»e mlnlmun. ot ao wools. Announce- , incuts and cant ot thanks, same rate Ad ver- , Using rates quoted on request. Misses Shoes at........ $1.76 Martha Washington House Shoes at ........................ $2J5 Men’s Dress Shoes at $2.76 Men’s 14-in. top Boots at $6.00 Men’s House Slippers at W \N IT H 15c to S5.oo Modem Shoe Repair Factory Main Street, Lents Oregon, Quitting The Millinery Business I woia4 Mrs. W. FC. Goggin« LEADING MARKET A COMPLETE LINE OF Salted Meats, Smoked Meats, Lard, Sausage, Butter, Cheese, Eggs and Pickled Goods. FOR SALE Newspapers for wrap­ ping or kindling Mt. »rott Pub. Co. LUMBER—At our new mill |tq miles southeast of Kelao. We deliver lumber. Jnnsrud Broa (. Agent for Turner-Boraraett a Company Manufacturer and Importer, Weal Hoboken, N. I. FliR HALE—A few setting» of Cam­ pine eggs «2 N) for IS. L mile south |j*nts station on Johnson Creek. Route 2 Boz 3*3. F. B Golden. School Girls get your Graduating Dresses Ordered Now Bufi Leghorn males (or breading, prize stock. Buff, white ami brown leghorn setting eggs, "022, >*> Ave. i H. E. Tabor 3438. Globe Lawn Fence FOR SALE—Pure Bred Rhode Island Red Eggs for hatching, fl 00 |>er setting of IS. Mrs. Frank Snudine Imile east of l»*nts Home Phone 4421 The “Tillawanda Camp-fire Girl»“ of Ijenle had their pictures in Sunday s Journal. Thia is a new organization I the object of which in to furnish outdoor i exercise for girl». 0 Discount On Any New Suit, Ladies or Gent's Usual Quality and Make No Stamps. You Get the Disconnt JOHN MANZ, Main St. Lents CLEANING PRESSING Repairing We Lead—others have, to follow rather than close the doors 3 of the largest loaves of hot broad for 10c The entertainment of the Woodmere school was a success in every way. The children showed careful training on the part of the teachers who have labored to faithfully to make the school a su?- ceae in every way. Hundreds of thousands are enjoying the result of our baking, give us a trial and be convinced. Brugger’s Bakery The Old Time Lents Baker, Formerly the Mt. Scott Bakery The regular meeting of the Lents P. T. C. held Tuesday, April 14. instead of Friday. A good speaker will Is- secur­ ed and all are requested to tie present a» matters of importance will be discussed Remember the i*osition, address Finance Dept., 1527 Busch Bldg , Dallas, Texas. is the l*ani or other out building constructed our lumber. will lie found Mr. Hyde, father-in-law of Mr. Campbell, our lespected agent at the Junction, lies in a very precarious con­ dition. He suffered a stroke of apoplexy I and little hopes are entertained for his recovery. W. F. R. Smith and E. R. Colgan of | Oregon Citv and Portland, have bought the Cleland blacksmith shop at Third avenue and Foster road and will con­ tinue to operate it. Both men are ex- 1 perienced blacksmiths. Mr. Geo. Bums, while riding down Buckley Ave. Ia»t evening on his motor- ■ y. i*- at th<- rat*-of .*»}wtriile“ per hour, fell from the machine. Mr. Frank 1 Burns from Montavilla, who was on liehind was serionaiy injured, Geo. Burn- wa» not hurt much. TI m - cause of the accident wa» that in going so fast the tin- expanded from the heat and blew out the air plug. -» R. SMITH has taken the Shoe Repair­ ing Dpt., of Nygaards store. io future let a Shoemaker do your repairing. Inquire Homestead land in 100 and 320 acre lots. Inquire Tabor ?> «3. Call for J. F. Heyting. BUILT TO LAST LUMBER .UHI. FOR RENT— ti Room Modern House, 111, 4th avenue. For terms call or write U. H Howland, 287, East Morri­ son street, Portland. We have all heights and styles of Lawn Fence, Gates, and farm fence. Our prices will surprise you. Come and see the complete line we carry ! Tat>or KiR RENT:—4 Room Modern liouar, yard», chicken hotiw, gur len, on Center St. ami fidi Are. Enquire Herald oAw. Gates $1.75 and up 9 # fl 9 9 fl fl rent. FOR RENT—Store Room. of Mt. Scott Pub. Co. Daily Oregonian, Herald, McCall,» Magazine and Sunset, all for the regular price (ffi.00) of the Oregonian, if taken at the Herald office. with Every tioard thoroughly sound and fully m-amined. fl.Ml pay» for the Herald one year ami three fine aluminum sauce pane­ worth *3.00. Cal) or write us your order. The Herald. it cuts with lea» waste and stands all kinds of weather. Give us your next oriler. fl fl fl The Copeland Lumber Company Automobile Phone Tabor 1371 Ice Cream, Sodas and Sott Drinks at Our Fountain In Oregon’s Most Reliable Association GARAGE for A son was born to Mrs. Carkin at th» residence ot her father, Dr. Fawcett, on n Friday, April 3. Mrs. Carkin is spend­ ing the winter here witn her father, and will shortly leave for her home at | Prince George where her husband is in the dry good» business. WHEN YOU WANT LIGHT GROCERIES, BAKING GOODS. CONFECTIONERY, CI­ GARS, FRUITS, VEGETABLES, ETC. INSURE NOW K< »H HKN1 E. J. 8. McAllister and E. E. Weid- . meyer, notorous in the Criminal Court annals for immoral practice», are said to be making their homes in Saginaw ! Height». — Mr. T. J. Krender'» little daughter met with a painfni accident thia week. In some manner two of her fingers were caught in the knivee of the lawn mower ami the end» nearij severed. Dr. Hee» attended the little girl. Mies Alice Foster, one of our Lent's girls was married to Mr. Loyd Hulburt of Albany. They were married April 2. We extend congratulations to the young couple. Thev will reside on a farm near Albany. letter heads, envelope», card», bill bead», auction notices ami (Misters, dodgers, announcement«, etc, at Mt. Hcott Pub. Co., office, Ijsnts. FOR SALE—Thorough brad White Plymouth Ris k Egg. for hatching, 11.(1) [H-r setting of 1 ft. A. Schuiuan, lenti Home Phone 2>>14 The “Helping Hand" class of the ' Methodist Sunday School will have a candy sale at the Grays Crossing Drug store Saturday afternoon of this week. Fresh Farm Produce Bought and Sold In­ FOR HALE—Pure bred white leg­ horn rooster. Inquire at Herald office. Mrs. R. Keil, Main St., Lents, Oregon Mr. Cleland, having »old hi» black- smithing business, will locate on a farm some place in the state, Lenta thereby losing a valuable citizen. Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton and Veal MAl.K FOR HALE— Good young horse. quire at Herald office Nice collection of new samples at reasonable prices. Eggiman Bros. ____________ rOH SWISS EMBROIDERY Mr. Huxley, near the Junction, is re­ covering Ironia severe illness whieh has confined him to hi» home for several • week». ..I Enquire WANTED Hoy» nur I»- had «nd I miniati me» girla. The older ohm at ! ordinar* wage« ami others to I mi 1 schooled and cared for in return for '-light service« rendered. For particu­ lars address W. T. Gardner, su|ierin- I tondent Boys and Girls Aid Hoeietv of ! Oregon. Portland. Ore. tl CALL IN AND INVESTIGATE. i ........ an WANTED —To engage 20 famille» ’ from I slit« to pick Imp« on my farm near Hherw*««! —Write for full Infor- in ali* >n E. E. Roger», Rl> 2. Sher- All make-over work done. Re-blocking and dye­ ing old Hats Mr». James Bush, nee Cynthia Thoma», is »pending the week viaiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Thomas. I• WANTED:—A thorn)* cotnpotanl woman of u* open her home for a Day Niirm*ry Pilone T«l»>r 2275. N<>( any carried ovet Mtock front kieat year but a real Frank Wiley of Seeond Ave. supports a line new Buick Automobile these day» Mr. William Fugue and family, have moved from Fifth avenue to Woodmere •talion. \ g*»»l woman to solicit siibaripliona. at Herald office Mn* Richard Hohefeld, one of the He nid readere, will make an extended trip Üirough the East and South. We Also do First Class Shoe Repairing W.’E. Goggins, Prop. H h I h from Ul ’-TO-DATE SALE Stanford Moore left Saturday morn- > ing for Willamina to take charge of the Willamina Methodist church. 76c WANTED ¡--Roomer» tor several g*n»d furnislied rooms Enquire KG Camp­ li-Il Street. All my stock of goods at Coat, including A. Johanson i» building a new house at 7th Ave. near the M. E. Church. ' Mr. Swenson of Alaaka street was operated upon last Thursday and is re­ ported recovering. Men’s Nap-a-tan Shoes at $3.50 WANTKO -N0I A Real Money Saving Sale-. """"" W. A. Hall is »(lending a lew week» at Vu ion, Oregon. hi» old home. Men’s, Ladies and Childrens Shoes at greatly reduced prices Ladies dress Shoes as $2.75 Ladies patent leather Shoes at........................................... $2.76 Sale FI RFC Sale Edward Smith has returned from an I an extended visit in California. George Disbrow and son visited at the Hogue» on Monday ot this week. '•FOR HALE" and “WANT’ reader« in classified column, I cent |>er word I m ti• -t in-* * i i ’i>. k l ent »ob Watch the column for f*argaln». Foster Road ami Campiteli Sta. Ix-nt» Station, Portland, Oregon X LOOK! LOOK! Here is your chance to get Seeds and Plants for your garden It is now time to plant Gladolius and Dahlia bulbs Prest-O-Lite Service Buy at The Lents Seed and Floral Store VULCANIZING and watch your garden grow Will have a nice assortment of Bedding Plants for hang­ ing baskets and porch boxes GIVE YOUR ORDERS FOR EASTER LILLIES Phone Tabor 2139 Main St., >• » Lenta Find Out What Best Means in Bakery Goods Hundreds are enjoying the result of our baking. You can and should enjoy it, too! Make one test and find out how delicious our bread, cakes and pies really are. 3 large loaves fresh bread 10c LARGEST LOAF IN THE CITY Mt. Scott Bakery IT IS NOT TRUE THAI Wl> HAVE CHANGED NAMES Foster Road Near P O. JOHN WACHOWITZ, Prop. Storage*|Battery Recharging t We Carry a Stock'of.FORD Parts and Accessories Day and Night Service LENTS GARAGE Third Ave. ami Foster Road