Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, April 09, 1914, Image 1

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    The "Classified" column of the Herald
contains much valuable reading.
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Subscription, $1.00 a Year.
APRIL 9, 1914
Registration Closes
The new fine theatre alsiut to open
the corner of Main Ht. and car line
Says it is in City Till Some one Proves
i has been naimxl. It is «lecided that tiie >
name shall commemorate the builder,
Tuesday. Arleta, Sellwood, and Mrs. Veager The finishing touches
Other Subrubs Might be Effected. are n«iw lieing s«ide<L Tiie wtxslwork
has lieen stained and varnished. A very I
According to an opinion rendered by comfortable stage has lieen built and
two go«»! wailing rooms will provide
City Attorney LaRoche on Monday in
comfortably for performer*.
response to a request for an opinion
The ceilings are high and tin* ven­
asked by Commissioner Bigelow be has tilation will lie first class. Tiie dimen­
published a statement a* follows, which sions of the rooms are each that all kinds .
was published In Tuesday's Oregonian: of people will tie satisfied. Persona
preferring "way back" seats will find
When ths Hints Huprsms Court re­
plenty ol them, This feature in itself
cently band*«l down a decision, dec! ar- will commend it to every lover of the
Ing that tbs annexation ol the Mount picture aiiow. You won’t need to sit
Zion and Sylvan districts to Portland jammed up against tiie curtain tier«-.
was illegal because the people of Port­
The audience rrxim will «vat nearly l
land did not vote upon the question, It 700 people an«i the seats will tie high j
was fears I that ths decision would open grade new seats Most ol the M-at* are |
up the way for a contest on all territory here now atxl the work of installing
annexed .Ince )1»>3, as It all has been tlietn will commence at once H. L.
annexed in a manner similar to that ' Irish has the theatre leased. He in­
employee! In the Sylvan and Mount tends to lead in bringing gisei things to
Zion case.. This annexed territory in­ j 14-nis. lie thinks tiie people of Lents
volved the Hellwood district, all the
entitled to the higlieet grade of j—-
territory on the East Hide, east of East shows and his listing will lie independent
Forty-second street, ami a large part ol and choice. The town will welcome
the Peuin.ula. It also eflecle«l Lento, ' something better than they have been
which became a part of the city last Heretofore receiving
Mr. LaRoche »ays the election n
Celilo Canal Nearing Completion
The Gilbert W. H. played the Troy
which Hylvan ami Mount Zion were,
Portland, Ore., Apr. 7. 1914 (HpeciaJ) laundry team Bunday on their grounds
brought into the city was not properly
conducted, a* proper notice of the elec- —Of great interest ami importance to at Gilbert Sunday afternoon and won
tion was not given residents of the dis- 1 th«- entire Columbia Basin is tlx- pre- the game by a score of 8 to 3.
Gilbert's got In its work on rune. It
trict. In the 1-ents case, the decision I «fiction made recently by Major J J.
made more than double the losses of
eaye, there was legal notice and he be­
Morrow, engineer in charge of this the Washers anil then captured the
lieves the law was complied with suf­
that river steamer* would tie score. Gilberts lost, 2 by strike-outs,
ficiently to make the annexation legal.
He recommends, however, that it be ’ jMUisexI through tiie Celilo Canal la-fore 2 by wild pitching, 2 by wild throws
a part of the city until the courts throw the first of nrxt January. The past and 1 muff. The Washers muffed 2,
month of March *as notable in that missed 2, and threw 3 wild.
it out.
more actual progress was made on the
oTHKIl luemuT* MoT mvoi-vgn
In the district* other than Lente, Mr. «-anal than in any other single month. NEW INSTITUTION FOR
From rn«l to en«l the great ditch is
LaRoche say* he believe* there is alieo-
lutely no question about tbs annexation the scene of ceaalera and effective
being valid, even though there might activity. Locks are lieing constructed,
l4*nls ha* a large numlier of mothers
have been irregularities in the elections gales installed, tiie laittom of the canal
or the proceedure before or after elec­ is lieing floored with steel bar* over . who find it necessary to go sway from
tions. He says there has been a great which is poured thousands of tons of I home to work. Some of them work in
«leal of money expended in improve­ concrete, the sloping »ides are being Lanta, Other* go t«» distant part* of the
ments in tbs districts and they have riprapia-d in one plac« with reinforced j city, if there are several children in
been considers«! a part of the city •o concrete, in another with rubble masonry I the family they mnst la* left at home.
long that there wouhi be no way of and in still another with great blocks If there art* older brother* and sisters
of lava rock, according to the character they may be kept from school to care
of cutting them loose now.
for tiie babies. To relieve this condition
of the hacking material.
In hi* opinion Mr. 1-aRoche »ay* :
it is proposed to start a «lay nursery in
"The Hupr-me Court of Oregon, in the
recent case of Cooke vs. City of Port­ little I>and of men is at work boring la-nt*. Several lathes have Iteen making
land, announced the principle of law hol«-s into the rocky walls of the gorge, I a stiuly of the question ami it i* probable
that, in proceeding* for the snnexstion carefully examining the material brought that something will lie done before long.
of territory to the Citv of Portland, this up by th«- drills ami carefully recording
city must observe not only all the re­ their observation*. These men an- Millard Avenue Church Entertained
quirement« of it* charter, but also the tiie pioneers sent out by the states of
On Monday evening April W. the
state law on the subject of annexation Washington anti ()n-gon to determine
monthly worker’s conference of
of territory. In attempting to annex the feaaability of construction a gn-at
Avenue Presbyterian Sunday
the Hylvan district, th« city of Portiaml
did not observe anyof the requirements the purpose of installing the most School was held at the home of Mr. and
of the state law and was otherwise re« powerful hy«iro-electric plant west of Mrs. J. H. Zehrung at 7105, 48 Ave. S. E.
miss, in consequence of which the at Niagara Falls. Tiie river is only alsiut The first part of the evening was s|>ent
tempte«l annexation was declared to I m * 200 feet wide at the hea«i of the rapitis, in rehearsing special music and arrange
but the depth nearly equals the width. the program of the Easter services of
the Sunday School which will lie held
the church at 7:30 Sunday evening.
"In the annexation of the Lente ter­
Sunday’s Ball Game
Every one welcome. The officers and
ritory our information is that the state
The Giant« defeated the Columbia
law was complied with in part only, Hardware team Sunday in one of the teachers then discussed items of general
but the courts, not withstanding tiie de- fastest gainer ever seen on the l^ents interwit to the school. Report* from
facts in the procedure in the lente an­ grounds, the sco e being 2 to 1. Webb, several teachers were then made and
nexation, may declare Lent* to lie a for the Giants pitched a tine game, got discussed at length.
These reports showed a steady increase
legal part of the city of Portland, and 14 strike cuts and allowed 5 hit-.
the average fiercvntage of attendance
we would advise you that in the opinion Highronomis Cor the Columbia Hard
of tide department it would be wiser to ware, pitched a great game, getting 7 as well as in the enrollment of the
treat lent» as a part of the city of Port­ strike outs ami allowed 3 hits. Bat­ school. The remainder of the evening
land until the courts have formally de­ teries for Hardware, Highronomis and was spent in conducting an open
clared the proceeding* of the annexa­ Bailer; for Giants, Webb and B. Boland. parliament wherein various subjects
were discussed, among the temperance
tion void.
Next Sunday the Giants play the
"We are pleased to announce that, in Kenton Giants and a very fast game is question had a prominent place. With
but a couple exceptions the entire force
our opinion, no que*tion* regarding the assured.
of officers and teachers wa- present.
legality of the annexation of any parts
Refreshments were served and after
of this city can be successfully raised.”
lants teachers these days are very
On the strength of this opinion it is busy. School garden work is a very singing a rousing temperance song the
expect««! the city will continue to col­ important item this week. The ground conference adjourned to meet at th* home
lect licenses, taxes ami to perform other is in excellent shape, and the pupils are of Mr. ami Mrs. William* at 5521, IWH» .
duties in the district as in the past few very much Interested. Aside from the on Monday evening May 4th.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J.
garden work, the teachers are very busy A. Boater, Mr. and Mrs J H. Jones,
in committee work, helping to arrange Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Zehrung, Mr. and
Lents Grange
the new course of study for the Port­ Mrs. J. F. Valentine. Mr. and Mrs.
I-ents Grarfge meet* in *11 dsy session land schools. The following teachers Ellton Shaw, Mrs. J. F. McLoney, Mrs
Saturday, April 11. The forenoon will were chosen nt the meeting of the J. D. Moore, Mrs. M. E. Williams, Mrs.
| be occnpieil in giving th* thlr«i and teachers at Lincoln high school to help H. M. Zehrung. Mrs. Bernice ('one,
R fourth degree*.
The Lecturer, Mrs with this work : Prof. Hershner, Frances Elsie Strang, Frances Jones, Essie
I Darnall, has prepared the following pro- Smith, Violet Cavana, Carrie Hunt, Strang, Queenie Swanson. Mildred Zeh-
Koxanna Schroyer, Lizzie Animus, rung and Eleanor Jean Shaw. Mr Yost,
£ gram for the -fternoon session
Bong, By Grange: Recitation, Ethel Nell Nroran, Essie Shinn, Stella Smith Roy N. Stearns, Rollin Moon*. , Neil
■ Wise; Bong Elsie Bright; Recitation, and Maud K. Darnall.
Robertson, Rev. W. H. Amos, Theo,
Winnifre«! Hmith; Exercise, Famous
Zehrung, Edgar Zehruug, Harold ''haw
■ Trees, 5 girls; Violin Bolo, Milton
and I’aiilus Shaw.
Seventh Day Adventist Church
Katzky; Cultivation of Tree* for Home
Saturday Sabbath school, 10 a. m.
Grounds, H E. Lewi*.
S«turday preaching. 11 a. m. Wednes-
The Indies Aid Society of the M E.
day prayer meeting, 7:30 p. m. Sun- church will hold a "White Sale" Tues-
Hu bject : I
day preaching, 7:45 p. m.
The SeaLngof 1440O0 people which will j cay, April 14, in the basement of the
Friday evening April 10th. the be taken alive from this esrth when church. There will lie an open window
of all kinds of fancy articles. And
Primary Dept, of the Arleta Baptist Christ comes.
handkerchiefs from every state w ill be
Church is to give a very interesting pro­
Mr*. Eliza Pease, left for Chicago. on sale. Booths to represent different
The department is very much in need Bunday, where she will make her future countries, where yon can get a good
of a piano und they are taking this home with her «laughter, Mrs. Shaner. lunch at a reasonable price. Uoine and
method of raising the money. Come and Her sister, Mrs. Fanny Ballou of bring your friends to the Lanrelwood
iclp the children and enjoy a pleasant Chicago, who ha* passed several week* Methodist church, Tuesday all day ami
evening, April 14.
here, accompanied her.
The Albina Business Men’s Associa­
tion composed of the leading business Yamhill Street From Third to Fifth
men at Albina, (a district adjacent to
to be Trial Market More Space
William* avenue and Russell street) are
Temporary Cover
going to open a public market, April
Will be Provided.
28th. They have set Wedneedav* and
Saturdays as market day», and tbe
hour* from 8 a. m. till 11 a. m. Tern- ¡ As predicted last week the City Com­
porarily at least it will be a street
missioners have decided to allow the
market, but Mayor Albee assures them i
that before tbe rainy season* this fall a use of Yamhill street from Third to
shelter will be provided.
. Fifth and more if necessary, for a Pro­
It is tbe general opinion among ducer’s and Consumers Market.
Thia was in response to a meeting of
people wbo are acqoainte«i with the
advantage* of a public market, that be­ the Executive Committee of the associa­
fore thia market baa been running long tion which met last Thursday afternoon
tbe people of Portland will be willing to at the city hall and considered plana
vote bonds for a permanent public for the market and after deliberations
met with the commissioners at four
Tbe opening of this market, will be a o’clock to present the plans. The Com­
demonstration to tbe people of Port missioners beard the plans with great
land. We have every reason to beleive interest and asked many questions con­
that other markets will follow as in cerning the manner of conducting the
Loe Angeles where they have twelve market and the probability of support.
The committee convinced the commis­
public market:.
sioners that they had considered all
those matters and th»t they would en­
Cantata at M. E. Church
deavor to interest the women’s organisa­
The choir of the M. E. Church under tions of the town in the marketing
It was explained that
the direction of Mrs. C. A. Daniele, question.
have prepared a Cantata entitled "The arrangements had been made to bring a
Resurrection Hope,” by Carrie B prominent woman from Seattle to Port­
Adame, which will be given Easter land to meet the women and explain
Bunday evening, at the M. E. Cbnrch, the value of the market to all the house­
This is no theory framed up in some Sixth avenue. This cantata is com­ wives of that city, and thus prepare the
city guj’s office. Here is something posed of six choruses, two duetts, three city of Portland for the coming market.
The main question advanced by the
that actually happened. That is, here mixed quartette, and a number of solos
was whether the location
is how one mercliant put his out-of-
Sopranos: Mesdames Frost, Herd, favored would offer facilities for the
town competitor on the run.
Moore, Daniele, and Mieses Ruth Howe, market, whether it was wide enough,
It happened in a country town in
Hilda Turpie. Contraltos: Mesdamee whether teams could be bandied in the
Ohio. Two carloads of goods—staple
and Sandberg. MiseeeEdna Bly th­ space afforded, and whether the pro­
necessities of life—were standing on
Florence Gething. Tenors: ducers would patronize it.
the side track. They had been shipped
The question of whether the producers
Messrs Wilson, Burgett, Anderson,
in from Dayton to fill a demand, .sup­
will patronize the market is really the
plied by an outside salesman who had
Faith, Hollingsworth, Gething, Wilken- largest question of all. Unless a fair
hapfened to be in town with the proper
showing can be made for the first three
and George Hollingsworth.
bunco to "get away with the orders,”— son
months the market would likely be a
and that, too. at prices a shade higher
failure, and the very thing all the
(plus the freight) than the local mer­
farmers have been wanting would be
chants’ quotations on the same articles
I want to help those who are in- farther away than ever.
delivered at the customer’s door. This terested in flowers. The amateur who
To make possible the moet opportune
struck me as rather amazing and I is ignorant of even the common names
time to begin a market it was advised
thereupon investigate«! the cause of tlie of flowers is seriously handicapped. Not
that the opening be made about the
unfortunate situation.
acquainted with their common names, middle of .May. The fruit season should
Dropping into the leading grocery bow is it possible to understand the
be well along then, the season being
»tore of the town, I inquired why, they habits and needs of certain plants?
somewhat advanced this year, and all
didn’t stop tliis intrusion into their We are confronted with difficult botani­
other farm vegetable products pretty
trade. ‘ How are you going to stop it,” cal names of plants but we recognize
well matured. Young p>nltry should
growled the "I m » b .” "Advertise!" I the fact that we no longer speak Latin
be ready to market by that time, and
retorted. “Advertise?” replied the gro­ or Greek, but English, so it has been no
almost every farm eould turn off some­
cer, "why I’m one of the best customers little work to translate the names of
our local (taper has. 1 think I've had flowers into common English. So when
The commissioners took the matter
something in every week for nigh on we mean "Columbine” we will not call
under advisement ami gave the com­
twenty years, but I don’t see as I them "Aquiligias" (the Latin name) mittee an answer on Monday. Accord­
realize any difference. My name is nor "Snapdragons” " AntirrLinum”
ing to the plan as we now understand,
known anywliere within trading distance
Any one who has ever been interested one side of the street will be used for a
of here anyhow.” Then I lit into him, in floriculture has had the opportunity
market from the wagons and the other
"Now, my friend, that is just it. Your to easily learn all that is sufficient from
will be supplied with tables about six
name is known well enough. But how the numerous seed catalogues so gener­
feet long, upon which the farmers may
about your goods? Yon know there is ously offered to all who wish them. Too
place their produce. They will prob­
advertising and then there is advertising. many make the mistake of buying seeds
ably arrange some sort of temporary
One kind spreads your name all over or plants before they understand just
covers for the tables. It is probable
everything until your gvxxls are hidden what they want, and what their soil
that this market will be open from
liehind your name. There is no use- will beet produce. It is moet satisfac­
early morning till noon on five days of
of your paying the local paper for telling tory to eelect those flowers that are
the week, and on Saturdays all day.
the people waat your name is. What easily grown and constant bloomers.
It is now the farmers and gardners
you want to do is to stimulate an By a careful selection you can have a
duty to get in readiness for the open­
interest in your goods. Put out a brilliant show all season.
ing of this marxet. Persona intending
T«eader’ every week Make the price
Another important point, do not to offer their products on the market
«!L one particular commodity so attractive make the mistake of crowding too
will probably be required to prove they
that it will draw customers into your many flowers into the yard. A few
produce the articles offered for sale,
store. Once in. they will see something varieties well cared for, are a continual
and they will likely be required to pay
else they need, won’t they?
source of delight, not only to the ownere, a small daily market fee. In neither
"Feature your ‘Leader’ in the local but think of the pleasure a tastefully
case will these requirements be un-
paper in a different setting. Be sure kept yard gives to those who pass by.
now. Make it different. You know,
Lents is noted for its numerous and
people never think of looking for your beautiful babies, those dea> little buds
old Ad, and they couldn’t find it if they of humanity, we meet them on any ot Heard at the Registration Counter
Affable clerk to stylish lady: How old
did. It is obscured by its uniformity our streets in charge of their happy,
and utterly buried in a crowded mas* of proud mothers. Now we wish to hear are you? Fifty years old. Where were
other matter of identical type and general that Lents is noted for its numerous yon born? In Virginia. What are
appearance. And then what's the use. and beautiful flower gardens and well your politics? I am a Southern Demo­
The people already know your name kept lawns.—Mr*. Mattie Boone Roes. crat. Ah, said the affable clerk, I need
not have asked yon that question as you
Therefore, just for a trial of six weeks,
are from Virginia, although I suppose
buy four times the space. I .eave a
there are some Republicans in Virginia.
good vacant margin around yourself
made in last week'* Oh Yes, there are some there but they
just for accentutation. that is, just to
make 'em see you. And above all paper relative to "Shorty Campbell and are all niggas. Pass on to the next
things, give prominence to the article I anotner young man seems have been station please —J. Huntington.
and the special price. Make it appeal unwarranted. Information that seemed
to the shopper’s frenzy for bargains, reliable was incomplete, and we are
Robert Evans, corner 82 street
and they will come with a rush. Never pleased to say the boy* were held Powell Valley road, suffered an accident
mind your name. They won't miss your «•ntirely blamelw in the matter with last Friday, April 3, at Gresham. He
store. Here’s why: This same special which their name* were connected.—Ed. was riding a motorcycle which skidded
leader’ will monopolise your whole
on the wet road, throwing him violent­
front window. They can’t get by with­
That the wheat farmer* ol Eastern ly to the Maccadam pavement, fractur­
out noticing that your store looks dif­ Oregon do not spend all their coin in ing his left shoulder and cutting hie
the purchase if more land to grow more face severely. He wan brought to his
"Next week focus your forces on wheat is indicated by figure* supplied by home in the night and Dr. Fawcett was
some other special leader, and so on for the automobile dealers in that section. called, who set the broke« shoulder and
six weeks.
Within the past six weeks buzz-wagons bound up his wounds. The skidding
Sequel: He did just as I told him. to the value 188,000 have been furnished was due to an automobile that
Other merchant* did likewise.
to Umatilla County alone and the other carelessly run into the motorcycle.
Consequence: Not another «-arload wlieal counties have taken nearly as
of foreign goo«ls ha* l>een shipped into many. The wheat growers with large
A Truth center has been started at
that town since! "Niifsaid.”
acreage find the automobile a necessity Grays Crossing, second door from
and they purchase them as a regular Blackburn’s store. Any one who is in­
The Ijtdiea Aid Society of Bennett part of their business equipment
terested in the study of Practical
Chattel have arranged with the Ix-nt*
Christianity and Divine Healing are
Methodist Choir to repeat their Faster
The revival meeting being held at welcome. Claes meeting Tuesday ami
Cantata on Friday, April 17, at Chaikins the Friend's church is meeting with Friday 8 p. m. Children’s class Batur-
Hall, Hilbert Station.
line *ucce*s.
days 11 a. m.
May 1
Registration Office Open
Saturday till 9 P. M.
Women should not use Hus
band initials when registering