Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, March 26, 1914, Image 1

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    Voters Must Register
at the Court House
Subscription, $1.00 a Year.
Portland Committee on It’s Inspection of Seattle’s Public Markets
Seattle Market Inspection Trip Re­
veals Many Interesting Points.
Seattle Great City Maturai Sur­
According to a
last |
No. 13
City Attorney La Roche Looks Up­ Short
Meeting Explains Several
on Supreme Court Ruling as Apply­
Points. Unreasonable Cost of
ing and Complications are Expect­
Road Construction Due to Char­
ed il Such is the Case.
acter of Road, Not to Quality.
roundings Surprise.
/Vol. 12.
Today’s Oregonian says: "Lento, a
About twenty-five people attended a
, suburb in the southeastern part of the I road meeting held Tuesday evening in
Beattie Thursday evening lor the pur­
pose ot seeing that city's market ays
tom at first hand. Arriving in the city
at «even a. ro., in company with Eugene
Brookings, wo went at once to the Pike
Htreot Farmer’s Market, expecting to
eee the marketing well in progress. But
conditions at Boattie reverse the order
customary in moot cities having mar­
kets. Many of the market dealers come ;
from the Islands, 25 miles away and de- i
pend on boata lor transportation. Koine •
of them come from the east, across Lake |
about 10,000 inhabitants the waiting room of Oddfellows ball.
probably no longer to a part of Portlacd. There were plenty of people there
The decision of tbe State Supreme favorable to good road«, but there
‘ Court Tuesday that the annexation of seemed to he wanting even one friend
certain precincts in tbe Sylvan and Mt. ' for tbe system that seems to be in
Scort districts waa invalid also applied jlavor. Unfortunately*»» one from the
to Lent», in the opinion of W. P.
j county court was present to defend or
I^Rocbe, city attorney.
The court held in the Sylvan and Mt. explain tneir attitude on tbe road ques­
Scott eases that tbe annexation could be tion. Their whole policy on road work
effected only through an amendment of I was punctured, from tbe appointment
, tbe city charter. The chai ter can be
of Mr. Yeon to the adoption of road
amended only by a favorable vote of tbe
people. The^ people" didnT vm T od thZ
People wbo were
Washington and are likewise dependent
upon ferryboat». Hence it baa grown
in driving over roads explained pointed­
! question at all.
to be a custom tor the real "Farmer's
Lanta was annexed in tbe same way. i ly why several forme of building
Market" to be at ito beet abont mid-
The old city council passed ordinances materials would not be satisfactory.
afternoon each day. and the heat day of
admitting the district as a part of the | Asphalt, bithulitic, and Warrenite all
the week is generally Hatnrday when
| city. Tbe people of Lenta voted on the came in for severe criticism. It was
attend nee of salesmen sometimes runs
i question, but tbe people of Portland pointed out that ad these forms were
to 300 white the patrons (or a «ingle,
did not.
unsatisfactory because they do not give
Haturday are frequently reckoned at
wear, because they are hard on
reading the newspaper reports' said horses, because they cost too much, and
Tbe Pike street market w«> foundad
Mr. La Roche last night, ‘leads me to not tbe leaet of all it was pointed out,
about five years ago. . It is located at
‘ the opinion that if the Sylvan and Mt. they offered a chance for graft. There
the bluff end of Pike «trevi and on a
I Scott districts are not legally annexed, were royalties on seme of these forme
tract ol useless slope, A high concrete
Lents was not legally annexed either.
amounting to HO cents a square yard.
torrac* was built ami balanced on top
“I have not read a certified copy of Just why the people should be required
of this ia a vantlievsr, steel frame, shed
i the court's decision. That may cause to pay HO cents a square yard over and
backed up with a cement plastered
‘ me to change my opinion."
above the legitimate cost of a construc­
wall, ths front being open and looking
If Lents is not a part of tbe City of tion material simply for the privilege ot
much like the passenger sheds at the
Portland a lot of complications—legal, using it will require some very politic
Portland Union Depot.
political, industrial and financial—will explanation. Particularly tbe Warrenite
Ths Pike street market is divided in­
pavement which has been adop nl, it is
to four parte, of which the "Sanitary
The people of Lento are paying Port­ said, came in for criticism. Tli» pave­
market," Goodwin Bro’s, market" and
land city taxes. Also they are getting ment will get so slick in cool weather
the "Corner market" are practically all
Portland fire and police protection, that a horse cannot stand up on it.
private markets, divided into stalls In
they are supposed to be getting the var- it is a little wet the same is true. It
which the space is rented to fruit, j
i ioue other benefits that people living in will not stand up in hot weather, the
meat, grocery, and similar dealers at
the city proper are entitled to get. As surface pulling off and leaving it full ot
10 ceute per square (out per month, or
a result of this decision it is probable pits that develop into chuck boles in a
HO cents per front foot for those that lie
j that the portion of their taxes assessed | few months. Particularly the wear of
on the streets, and tbe "Farmers mar­
-ity will be rebated.
automobiles s herd on the Warrenite
ket," which extends about 400 feet
of Lents—in the event that the as tbe auto tires pull tbe surface off of
weetward from Pike street, fronting , From left: I -EMgwoe Brooking», Portlaad; Inspector Day, Inspector Wtaabip,
reads them out of the city—de- it in every short hot spell.
Goodwin s market and extending along
■pwctnrs are assigning tickets to farmers. 2 —Scene along the curb.
I cl are that tliey will ask the people of Warrenite costs about $30,000 a mile for
and under the steel shed before de­
i Portland to vote and let them in.
a sixteen foot road, according to figures
scribed. The West Lake market is ea«t man<1 and character of product, and net Washington, through numerous parks,
on Pike street probably ten blocks. It
from a dollar to two hundred dollars, and beck over tbe hill to the city, and
stretches of it has been laid and where
occupies a solid square, two stories, and
all these objection« are now apparent.
is essentially a jobber's or dealer's mar­ meats bringing the most. At the close we will say that tbe sCenic beauty sur-
At leaet a third of the cost ia pure
ket. Along the west side are stands for of the day al) remainder* are collected I rounding Seattle 1« not secondary to
graft, and just so much waste for the
twenty-six farmer salesmen, the dealers and taken away, end while it may ap­ Portland or any other city we ever Saw.
Located at Seventh avenue and Nel­
enunty or municipality that uses it.
desiring their presence, as the vegetables pear the nest dav it will all be disposed Indeed along the hill on the return we
son streets, Lents has its first produc­
Ha seam and concrete roads are con­
tbe farmer's handle are an attraction of in good fresh condition within three
Fire was the instrument of damage at
were in eight of a long range of »now­ ing manufactory, managed by Williams
most satisfactory by those that
for the market.
days, along with other adder! stock.
capped Cascades,
Mt. Baker, and and (fatemen. Lents will have one of the | the Mt. Scott Park Cemetery Sunday have to use them, speaking of examplee
Tbe system that has grown up in
Generally tfie people are highly
largest broom factories on the coast. night abont 12 o’clock. Just what was
management of these markets is an ex­ pleased with their Farmer'« market. Ranier, beautiful bake Washington oti They have just completed a large two > the cause of the fire is unknown. An now down in this county. Tbe Haasam
tremely interesting one. The "Farmer’s I they say It helps to regulate price«. tbe east, aad the Sound and tbe ma­ story building and tbe latest broom | explosion was heard and immediately on Grand avenue has shown a tendency
to out wear any asphalt or bithulitic
Markets" were the only ones that con People come for ten mile« to buy their jestic Olympiac« on the west. It has to
manufacturing equipment will be re­ fire followed. Persons in Lents saw the
It is easier on
earned the committee. To get on the vegetables. They get fresh vegetables, be seen to be fully appreciated, pn ceived within a week or ten days.
fire and gave the alarm. The volun­ pavement in the city.
for the
Farmer's market a person must be a ' just as good or better than elsewhere, at Friday, after an investigation with Mr.
Tbe sewing machine will be a 1914 teers reached the scene alniont as soon
bonl fide farmer or renter, and he must i the same price or better, and at a prob­ Stevens, under whose care the market« Lipe-Wafrath, with a capacity of 00' as the Park managers did, anil they heaviest hauling and at tbe same time
are placed, that gentleman took u« (or
retains a roughness that enable the
produce his deed or lease to prove it as able discount of a fourth to a half.
dozen per day. Automatic tieing and found the building beyond help.
a first essential. Five-hundred-eeventy-
The city has airant 1)2500 invested in a forty mile ride over some of King's sorting machines will be used and corn
The building was the one used as horse to bold on without slipping.
Concrete ia even better than Haasam,
two farmers are on the list represented. tbe Parmer's market.
The upkeep County’s splendid hard surface roads. tn.nsfered on cars and continuous con-1 barn and garage. Two automobiles
and it is cheaper. It offers a cement
Having done so be is given a metal, costs about $300 par month for market And they are indeed fine. Out of it all, veyors.
were housed in it; all the tents, tools,
binder clear to tbe base below, requires
numbered teg, corresponding to his master, Inspector, Janitor and inci i coming to have a better understanding
The Portland Broom Co., at Lents' wagons, and machinery and lumber in
"term description" number. Whenever dentals." Thor-- are 194 «tall» at Pike of what has made Beattie so worthy a have just received one of the largest or- - the garage. And it was practically all less work in laying it. and will out last
be desire« to go on the market he pre­ i market, and they intend to add 25 more, coropatator of Oregon'» metropolis, we ders for brooms ever placed in Port­ lost. It may be possible to eave some all the forms, and at the same time is
sents his tag and draws a space number, and mav provide for 250.
Last year cannot bnt admire it and commend its land. This Company has been in parts of the autos. Tlie autos included said to be more economical even at first
paying 10 cento, and entitling him to a these stalls were issued to 33992 tickets, natural lieauty, physical advantages operation only three months, but they the fine large Columbia, used for carry­ cost.'
Nothing was said of brick.
In those
five foot frontage for that on tbe follov­ bringing in 552».20 in rentals. The and worthy citizenship to a more have had unusual sncceas in selling ing large parties from tlie station to the
ing day. It it should occur that he (ails market inspector says tbe rentals «bould generous appreciation and fellowship their product. Few lactories turn out i-emetery. It was an expensive machine, places where good quality brick have
been placed on tbe roads it has given
to use his «pace, or is done with it lie- be slightly higher and more janitor rer- from Oregon people.
such a well finished quality of brooms as aboutWi year old. Tbe other machine
Mat satisfaction of all. It offers a
fore tbe close of the day, the last one in vioe provided.
th* Portland Broom Co, and this was was also a good one but somewhat older.
good surface for tbe horse. It io not so
the row is priviledged to move up to it
Farmers seem pretty well p'eased.
quickly recognized by one of the largest
rough as to be objectionable to auto­
if he so desires.
They commend the market officer« and
wholesale firms on the coast, they hav­ bring about $3.000. The total loss will
mobiles. and it will last indefinitely. It
Jhe farmers begin to arrive shortly all declare it has been a great benefit.
ing agreed to take the entire output probably be $4,.500. with a bare chance
beats them all and will not coat any
after »lx in the morning and continue ' The hotel« do not patronise tbe mar­
consisting of parlor, janitor, warehouse, of some insurance. No reason can I m *
than tbe others.
to come until afternoon. Tbe Italian« kets much. They usually buy in cave
smelter, toy, whisk and other special given for the fire.
Plane are being arranged for another
and Japanese display their vegetable« lots and expect free deliveries. The
Evers town ha« its bad spots. Just grades of bropms.
meeting within the week and if poeaible
along tbe outer edge ot the sidewalk markets do not eupply that. Then now Arleta is holding an ante-mortem
Payne Keith Released
some of the commissioner» or the road
from Pike street westward. The Ameri­ their patrons generally prefer foreign , over some of her ulcers. Shoestring
Payne Keith, held for complicity in supervisor will be secured to make some
can farmers and farm women usually fruits. Then, too, they say the com- I lake is ready to breed its annual crop of
Anderson case of January 17, was explanations.
show their stuff nnder the steel shed misvion merchants patronise them oc­ | tadpoles and mosquitoes. But then the
released last Friday.
There was no
and face the western end of the lino of casionally, while the farmers never do. frogs that breed in this nopul-r water
had any
foreign market farmers'
They say that in general tbe farmer resort must have something to eat and
Tbe American farmers bring almost wants commlaaion merchant’s price«, if the moeqnitore are all killed off there
A jiaragraph in a recent city daily «aid be identified him. But the court
ail sort» of term products, frnite,' eggs, while be is not at the exienne for ren­ will he no mere spring melodies from
how tbe professor at Woodmere held that tne identification was not
dressed poultry, heel, veal, pork or tals of these merchants and hence the frog families that decorate its hanks
restaurant keeper have been satisfactory. C. 8. Prather, charged
vegetable«, flowers orpursery stock. No should sail cheaper, while on the whole
But there is another »pot, they say,
over feeding tbe children. with being a partner with Keith was
one is allowed to present for sale any­ tbe farmer’s products are not up to that is getting even more publicity just
Tbe Ladies of Lente interested in the
daily is in wrong. There also shown to be wrongly accused. He
thing, he has not produced. The foreign grade, or at least are not graded.
nOw than Shoestring lake. That is the
Parent-Teacher's Club are preparing to
farmers prerent garden produce almost
It is conceded that the market offers old gravel pit on 67 street.
make a “clean-up" campaign on the
exclusively, including potatoes, beets, an opportunity, too,4for the farmer to every one—well not quite so bad—but a small groc<*ry. It ha« been the custom Beaverton at the time.
first day of April. It is proposed to do
carrots, cabbage, radishes, "greens" dispose of inferior grades at reduced lot of people have undertaken to assist of a considerable number of children to
all of your spring yard and street clean­
Lents Widow in Need.
and related stuff.
' x ,
prices and hence offers him an outlet in tilling this unsightly hole with un­ go over there at noon and huv crackers,
ing on that day, or at toast to start it.
Thu offerings on ths days we made that the commission man does not af­ desirable property, tin can«, old shoes, cheese, cookies and other junk.
Kight lien- in Lenta a widow, who Along with that flower planting will be
the inepectipn were very reasonable, i ford.
broken down beds, mattresses, stoves, I seventy-five of them could crowd into with her two girls and one tray, all urged. Every body ought to have some
Rix and eight bunches ot radishes, | In connection with thia we wish to dead cats, dog«, chicken», snd an oc­ ' the room which was poor I v lighted and minors, are living in poverty stricken flowers and now is tbe time to do tbe
The professor
abont six in a bunch, were 5 cents; a command the market authoritiev, the casional coW or horse.
None, of tfie woraely
plate of carrots, or heeto, or turnips 5 mayor, health department and ssnita- ! citissns of ths town have found their I claims that such lunches, under such
The widow has made application for
Along with the "cleanup” t he r e will
cento; a pound of green«, fl cents; two tion department for their generous as- I Way assisted by kind neighbor», to this I conditions were bad for the children. a {tension which will probably be granted be a fine opportunity to "swat tbe
or three bunches, ssvsn each, of onions, ■(stance, and particularly the "Times'' I publi- morgue ae yet, but everything is He save the child-en shou d bring their bnt there is immediate need for a few flies." Indeed this should not be a
home cooked,
5 cento; cauliflower, small head 5 for the courtesies extended.
U'e had possible. In fact it is a hell nf a place. i dinners to «chool,
piece« of furniture. The humble little secondary matter.
A fly “swatted’’
| hygienic, ami eat them in their rooms
cento; eggs 22 H to 25 cents; Indian' the pleasure of meeting Mayor Gill and
Now a few sensitive people are be­
home has but one trad and there is also now will be worth a thousand '«watted"
Runner dnek eggs, 2.5 cents; goose a* d . Mr. Stevens of the sanitation depart­ ginning to suggest a less public resting , in an orderly manner. Children who a shortage of chairs, bciding and neces­ two months hence.
Elies now are
turkey eggs, 25 cent«, each; pork, 15 to ment ; Col. Blether, of the Times and • place for invaluable properties or funeral eat unrestrained, hnrry their lunch, do sary cooking utensils.
worth 35 cents a-piece
Iy you don’t
It is reported to the' no* ent it all, are dirorderlv, and
20 cents per pound; butter, 85 cento; Mr Joe Bto'h-n Jr., and Mr. McClure accomodations
Anyone having any of these things b-dievejt ask some of the.doctore. They
If ^iven an
two dosen egg«, 45 cento; spinach, 5 of
■ the editorial force. The Colonel'» city officials an<l will probably have , -levelop impolite habits.
: allowance of time before which they which they will contribute to this farr- use flies for making blisters. They all
cents a pound. ,
machine was placed at our disposal for some system adopted to reduce ito I I may leave their room«, will be orderlv,' ily may communicate with the Associa­ use them, eicept these Osteopaths and
The days sale« vary according to de-' a ride over the boulevards, along Lake popalanty as a public cemetery. ,
eat more leisurely and digest it better. ted Charities, Main 717 or A-1517.
Chiro’s. It is all profit with them.