Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, March 19, 1914, Image 8

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    Arthur, ami of Mr. and Mr«, bam
Hayward, is reported ar seriously ill.
Tremont, Kem Park and Arteta
Mr. II. J. Parkinson, altera long and
An auto truck engaged on the «treet xerious illneas i» on thè road lo ruoovagy
tilth avenue is having concrete side­
All okurab, >u<-l»ly. |wr»»nal «mt lo» »l n«ws
work waa badly damaged by tire one aud was a viaitor in Arleta this week. not publlahnl for pmm, tr««, «uiic«i <>t «a-
walk* laid.
tvrtallimriils. eoixluctel tor protlt. publtahsd
day thia week.
......... .
Cha*. Rmitingh. was taken to th*
hoepital Mondar with pneumonia.
A large crowd b.umded the hard
Last Friday noon tire engine No. 31 ! time dance at Hie Uoo-lnw re Hall last
wa« «ent to 55th and 74lh avenue on a Tuesday eveaing. that was given by ll>e
C E El«ly ha« begun work for th* (alee alarm.
Women of Woodcraft.
Brazil Top factory of 2nd and Tavlor.
•latte minltuun. at to w<>r<l».
IU»IIU »ud card of thaak», ■•«>>' ral»
lldiig rat»« quoted on rsquvsl
- ■' '
Mrs J. E. Hawkins of Ninth Ave.
has been ill the past week.
Mr. Hoffman of 60th avenue and 72d
Charles Rutting proprietor of the
Gray« t'rowing volunteer« ii«tte«l
is getting the roof on a new resi- Ariete sheet Metal work« who was about 44i> ou their social of last week.
A. J. Oder, grocer at both avenue and
taken to the hospital laet Monday Buffer­
62nJ street has been taken to the hoe- 'dence for himself.
pital for an operation.
ing with pueumonia ia re|xirted improv­
I ent* now least« of a new phol.igraph
Mr. R. C. Frace of laurel w.xxl ia ing.
gallery, operated by Fred W. Kry. a
veteran in the busine«».
A regi»tration rally under the auspice* building a new five room modern
of th* Civic league will be held at th* bungalow on 80th street, to nth of 45th
Arlela school garden« ta beginning to
Arleta school
evening, •venue.
lake a déduit* form. The ground ie be­
Walter Raker, now located at 8t.
March 25. A number of »peakers will
ing put intoah*|ie, eeede have arrived John«, la the proud parent of an heir
be present, each of whom will be limited
The Kein Park Christian church is and prospects ar* good for a tine garden born within the paat week.
to ten miaute« in which to explain the preparing for a aerie* of meeting«, hav­ dieplay.
principles tor which they stand. Card* ing the apecial assistance of Rev. H. L.
Lao Fay of Ainsworth, Neb., is viali»
will be n **«il and all tho** who have Ford of Auatralia.
Mr. Fay In all
W. W. Smith will build a new garage I ing Mrs. M. J. Boland
not registered will be told exactly how
and house one an I a half miles west of probability will locate her*.
to do so.
The Wilbergtip-
The Epworth League took a hike to , Clackamas station.
The Lent« »chool garden lia* keu
Mt. Tabor on on» evening thia week, pegard Co., is furnishing the materials.
about 40 going, returning to eat lunch
plowed up and «ubdivided and will be
at Mice Mabel Smith*».
Wednesday evening, March lltb, Ben assigne«! to pupil« sh«>rtly.|
Hur Lodge No, 9 had an open meeting
and over 260 peoplF attended. Refresh­
Mrs. A. F. Herahner aaaiated Mrs.
Mr. Avon Preseintine 1* building a
ments were terved ami every one had a McKoy in cutting out the uniforma for
new modern eight room house and
the Girla Camp Fire club Tuesday af­
large barn on Foster road and 74th good time.
street 8. E.
Montgomery ami Fifth St
Chaa. F. Parker of «521, Foe ter road
I-enta Dramatic Club will meet at the
8t. eaya buaineaa ia picking up and real
Arleta Woodmen
«•tate ia commencing to change hamis. laia theatre Sunday morning at 10
Patrick's day by giving a "Hard
Time Dance.'* They must bar* needed New people are coming into the Mt. o'clock according to Manager M. J.
the money for the announcement« were beoti district at the rate of 50 per week.
printed on strawboard scrap«.
A fine
The People of Ninth Ave are making
time is reported.
Thursday, March 12tb, Mr. and Mrs.
C. W. Hunt left here for their old home conaiderable improvement on sidewalks.
Mr. Hunt wa* It would be nice if everybody could do
II you want your Furniture made like in LaCrosse, Wis.
new. call Tabor 9».
All work guar­ partner of Ros* A Hunt, real «state likewise.
anteed. Work called for and delivered, dealers at Laurelw<md.
no extra charge.
Tremont Furniture
Quite a number of l*>nt* people
Phone Mata 9
Hospital, 5827 72 St. 8. E. Tabor 920.1
Tbs home ol J. A. Davis of 4137, 72ud attended the regular meeting of the Re-
street waa completely destroyed by tire hekah lxxlge at Arleta last Saturday
The place evening.
at 10:30 Monday evening,
Mr. Davis wa*
waa insured for tlOOO.
j at borne alone when the fire started.
Gilbert Crossing folk* are trying to
J. P. Finley & Son
Funeral Directors
Main Office
Chas. F. Parker
Phone East
Real Estate—Notary Public
6521 Foster Road,
Arleta, Oiegon
Hawthore Ave. and'East 11th. St.
Mrs. Larch
62nd St and Foatek Road
Piano Solo
Mias Hilda Turpi*
Instrumental Duet
Miss Turpi* and
Mr. Wilkinson.................. ... .........
"That Rascal Pal",Character« I Ml««««
Edna Hlrything Hilda Turpi», M«««er«
Chas. Wil«on, Wllford Hollingworth
and Stanford Moore ..............................
Violin Holo
Mrs. Madge Watson
Holo......... Wallace Hlevlbing with Male
Qnartett a*r*>nipaniment . .....................
Reading, »elected,.
Ml«« Ethel Paul
8. do, "Don't You Mind th« Borrows"
Ml«« El«ie Greening.................. ...........
Violin Solo........ Mr«. Madge Watson
"Darkle** Cradle Song".
Quartett, Misses How«, Kllce, (¡«thing,
and Blevlhlug....... ...............................
Reading, selected, • • Mis* Nellie Horner
"Muffs, or The Husband's Mistake....
Mixed Quartett.
•FOR HAl.K" ami "WANT’
in rlaaaltled column 1 cent p
for Brat Inaerlioni Q cent au**«-
Watch the column tor tisrgain«.
WANTEDR<»ii;icrs for «eve
(urnialMMl roomt. Enquire KM
hall Slrw'l
W\NTH» I g.»d r. liable
woman to solicit subncipiitMM.
at lierai«! otH« <
T o engage 'At
Iront I « nt» to I*11 k I h .|. ■ .u m j
near Bherwnod--Write (or full '
E. E Rodger», RI* I.
wood Ore.
WANTED— Hoys mav be ha
sometimes girls.
Ths older < ii
» I m
¡ordinary wages and others
schooled and care«I for in return lor
»light services rendered. For particu­
lar« addrvM W. T. Gardner. »U|>erin-
temient Boy» ami Girl« Aid Hueietv ol
Don't think becauae you registered
(fregón, Portland. Ore.
a year ago that that la enough. The I
new law waa declared unconstitutional,
fry again.
FOR BALK-Good young horse
quire al Herald office
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Creager moved
F<fR SAI F I o. • od «Infs fog­
from Stith St and 42nd Ave. laat week horn rooster. Inquire at Herald offi.w.
to the comer of McKenzie and Main
FOR SALE—Newspapers few wrap­
Sts. in the Saginaw Height« Addition.
ping or kindling
Mt Scott Put. Co.
FUR KALE—tine 9 year old'horse, 1
The after noon and evening service* spring wagon, 2 pair of haras«»»».
were well attended at Bennett chapel. quire at Herald office.
J. Stanford Moor* filling hi* father*
LUMBER—At our new mill IS» miles
Pulpit in the evening.
south«*»' of Kelso. We deliver I urn her.
Jonsrnd Bros
Grandma Forsyth.» friends are pleased 1 F<>R KALE— Silver Cam pine
to we her out again, after having been • Roosters. F. B Golden, 4 mile south
confined to the house for the past eight of lzrais, R. D. Bos fiOfi.
FoR HALE-- A Htandard organ in
good condition. Price 44«.
Inquire at.
Herald office.
Miss Dorothy Waugh was absent from :
its leghorn
school duties Wednesday.
Mrs. Ethel ¡ FOR KALk>
White Pekin duck egg» tor set
Dixon supplied her place.
Otto Kataky, Lenta. Tabor 2*23.
— ■
FOR SAIJC —Furniture, Carpel. m A»“'
E. E. Rodger» and wife, of Slierwood, Ga* platee and oven, ctw-ap. Mr«. HsmP-
* '
Oregon, formerly of Fourth Ave. Lrnta. lamie.
spent a few hours in Lents Sunday. Mr.
Rotter« has a large luip farm four mile* HARNFHb. Call at Grange
South of Sherwood, just a short distance - Kataky Brae.
from river transportation. He luul a
Buff l-egborn males tor breeding,
grMMf crop of hofM laet year and ia pre- |
use Cawkins hall to it* limit, Another paring to liandlr
Buff, white sod brown
liandle •
a much larger crop this
tin* »rise stock.
leghorn setting egg*.
HO22, <A Ave.,
Mr«. Tilly of 5610, 68th avenue, oc- benefit supper there last Saturday eve­ tall.
8. E. Tabor 3426.
eupviug a bouse owned by Mrs. Matite- ning.
l-etter bawds, envelopes, cards, bill
•on, wa* burned out Saturday evening.
Couch»«. Cushion«, maitresse« m*<i*
heads, auction notice» and poster*,
The loss wa* complete, with »mall in­
Rapairing don*
Tr*mont dodger«, announcement«, etc, al Mt.
Dr. <>gebury haa moved into new to ord*r.
apartment» in the Lent-Campbell build­ Furnitur« Hospital. 5827 7*2 St. H. K. I Hcott Pah, Co., office, 1-ent*
ing. and ia fitted up with all the latent Tabor 920.
FOR SALE—Thoroughbred Whit*
Plymouth Rock Egg* for ha'clung.
Fire in the tasement of the public frill« and convenience*.
Err setting o( 15. A. Schuman, lenta,
library on 670 street, Kern Park,
orne Phone 3014.
Saturday evening, March 14th about
The home of P. E. Errecaon, 119
FOR HALE—Pure Bred Hhode Island
1 7 o’clock caused excitement. Hot ashes Seventn avenue wa* damaged by a
Red Egg« tor hatching, |i 00 jwr »et tin g
in a wooden box caused the fire.
No chimney fire on Monday of this week.
of IS. Mrs. Frank Mnurflns IQ mile aast
of Italie. Home Phone 46S1
damage was done.
The fire «pread to th* roof anti for a
time indication* were that th* tire
F<iR BALE— A store with modern
would be «etiou«.
living rooms, including guoil wood
A trip around the world ia picture«
range. Good bnsinees property on Mt.
will be given March 28 at the Arteta
Bcott carline, corner 9th and Nelson
Don’t wait till after the primary elec­
. schoel by Dorsey Smith. This will be
■treet, also horae, barn cm and buggy
cheap for cash. Phone Tabor 444«.
supplemented by music.
Mr. Smitn tion to register. It i* really more im­
ha* personally conducted trip* around portant to vot* at th* primary than at
the world and has a very fine collection the general election. If good people
All Goods andJWork
1 of pictures. This is free to the public are nominated there will be no trouble
FOR RENT—Htor« Room.
First Class
but children must be accompanied by about getting good people elected
of Mt. Scott Pub. Co.
their parent*.
Foster Ro»<l
Ft’R RENT:—4 Room M<»b-m house,
Call and see our stock of uncalled , Near Port Office,
Sani», chicken house, garden, on Center
Tremont Furniture Has- j
t and 6th Ave. Enquire H«-rald office
The reception at the school house Fri­
day night laat, in honor of Professor* pital. 58'27 72 St. 8. E. Tabor 920.
Ball and Newbill was one of the ev-nt*
of the year. There wa« a fine crowd, a
W« buy aii'l w-ll second ham I furniture
and stoves. Alvoni’» Furniture Btore
good program, refreshments and inter­
ill Main 04.
esting inspection pt the new manual
training department.
Wild flowers
Homestead land in 100 and 320 acre
iota. Inquire Tabor 263
Call for
adorn the Arleta library every day.
J. F. Heyting.
is tin- barn or other out
Daily Oregonian, Herald, McCall,*
Over 400 men were in line at ths city
building constructed with
.Magazine and Sunset. *11 (or th*
ball Monday morning to take ths physi­
our lumber. Every board
regular price (|6.00) of th* Oregonian.
cal examination for patrolman. The
will lie found thoroughly
taken at the Herald office.
men were examined at the rate of forty
sound and fnlly seasoned.
each hour, and each one wm given a
41.89 pays for the Herald one year and
Watches, Jewelry
Branch Office
«'arten Building
Kern Park
Spring Building
Pbone Tabor 1280
We have the Ume, Brick, Cement. Pla«ter,
Gravel or Sand, all good a- the best at prices to suit
And Don’t Forget Us
when in need of Feed, Wood or Coal.
and Quality for all purpose*
Kern Park Feed & Fuel Company
6905 Foster Road
A Smile
of Satisfaction
will come if you buy your interior finishing
lumber from us. We furnish soft yellow fir
Repair Work
Friday morning, March 20
the athletic examination will be held at
Multnomah Helds.
Saturday morning
an oral teet will be held at the Walker
•chool on Fourth and 8 Inion street«, j
A large nunil>erof young men met at
the Arleta school Wednesday evening,
.March 4, 1914. and <*rgabiz*d an Ath­
letic Association. Twenty-eight mein
bers were secured a* charter member*.
This association will put forth an effort
to interest the boys in all kind« of ath­
letic work. The following officer« were
| elected: Byron Brock, chairman ; David
Brown, pre-ident; Byron Lieuallen,
| secretary and trraenrer.
of the kina that suits.
Let us Show You Our Stock of
Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash. Doors, Moul­
dings, Paper, Roofing and Builders Hardware
Lowest Prices consistent with
worth while qualities
The Square Deal Dominates all Our
Business Transactions
Wilberg-Oppegard Inv. Co
Lumbc-r Yard
Real Estate Office
6924 Foster Road
Broadway Building
Phone Taber 619
Phone Main 6199
Ixivett buys and sells seoon-i han.l
| good«. 206 Main St.
The voting contest for the most pop-
ular young lady in the Arleta and Kern
Park district», which has been running
at the Princes Theatre for several weeks.
I closed last Tuesday night. The winners
were: First, Miss Sarah Buell, second
I Miss Glive Roland. Third Miss Iva Spen-
cer. The first prize was a handsome
combination gold watch and bracelet,
«•eond prize a beautiful rhinestone
bracelet, third prize a fine Manicure
set. The prizea were awarded Wednes­
day evening. Tlo- Webfoot Atheistic
Club tendered each of the winners a
Is-autiful bouquet of carnations.
U*e economy, have yonr old furnitnre
made better than new at Tremont Fur­
niture Hospital, 5827 72 St 8. E. Ta’*>r
Let me paper and cloth your house
right, no tacks used.
Lovett'«, 106
Main Street.
It cut» with leas waste and
stands all kinds of weather.
Give us your next order.
Í The Copeland Lumber Company
Phone Tabor 1371
Foster Road and Campbell Sts. I^enu Station, Portland, Oregon
Here is your chance to get Seeds and Planta for your garden
It ia now time to plant Gladoliufl and Dahlia bulbs
Buy at The Lents Seed and Floral Store
and watch your garden grow
Will have a nice aMortment of Bedding Plants for hang­
ing baskets and porch boxes
Mata 34., Lenta
Phewe Taber 2139
three tine aluminum sauce pans—
I worth
Call or write us your
1 order. The Herald.
Prest-O-Llte Service
1 11 VV
Find Out What Best Means in
Storage |Battery
Bakery Goods
We Carry a Stock of FORD
Hundreds are enjoying the result of our baking. You
can and should enjoy it, too! Make one test and find out
how delicioun our bread, cake* and pie« really are.
3 large loaves fresh bread 10c
Scott Bakery
Foster Road Near P O.
Parts and Accessories
Day and Night Service
Third Ave. »nd Foater Road